Monday, November 28, 2005


Guest Editorial:
By Roman Shusterman

You may have noticed an email circulating around the 9/11 truth list about Geoffrey Blank the “leader” of NPSC speaking and making a presentation in the name of NPSC on Sunday December 4th at 7pm. A few of us (NPSC members) are taking exception to Geoffrey’s portrayal of himself as the leader of NPSC. In fact if I recall correctly there was a meeting of the NPSC in which the overwhelming majority of the membership decided that Geoffrey was no longer a member of the group mainly due to the fact that he started selling T-shirts and printing fliers asking for contributions all in the name of the NPSC while in reality he never consulted with anyone from the NPSC aside from his brother Jason Blank and Joel Myers. He has taken money from people in the name of a cause which he in fact no longer believes.

Geoffrey has on numerous occasions said to members of the NPSC that they are not allowed to speak if they are going to criticize him in any way and even if they associate with people who are critical of him at this point. There are also plenty of other grievances which people have with Geoffrey. He has referred to female activists in the NPSC in sexually derogatory ways and has even degraded them in front of others by insulting them openly or behind their backs. He has clearly expressed male chauvinism in his relations with females. Geoffrey has also threatened violence against people several times and has expressed no regret whatsoever for his actions. He has encouraged violence against senior citizens on several occasions. I was personally threatened directly and indirectly by Geoffrey several times.

Geoffrey Blank is not a Marxist or a progressive of any sort as he may claim. He has much more in common with Fascism

I do not want to make this an ideological issue but I feel that it is necessary in this case because this is a person who claims to be something that he is not. Geoffrey is not an atheist; he is a mystical person who according to his close friends practices paganism and black magic. Marxists are traditionally atheists while fascists are usually very mystical and dabble in the occult. Geoffrey believes that technology is the root of all evil especially communications technology such as the internet. Marxists believe that technology is progress and is the way of the future. Geoffrey believes that the sexual revolution and pornography is a sickness which must be eradicated. Communists on the other hand were in the forefront of the sexual revolution in all its forms because they believe that it will lead to a communal family as opposed to a nuclear one.

I know that these views are held by the Blank brothers because of my previous conversations with them and with people who have known them for many years. The Blanks will not deny their views if they are questioned about them but they are trying to portray themselves as leftists while in fact they are more like Nazis. They believe that censorship is a good thing; they openly admitted to me that they thought China was doing a good job by censoring religious and pornographic material on the internet. They also have openly come out and tried to intimidate people and discourage new people from speaking out if they were critical of them.

We want to let St. Marks Church know that the Blank brothers do not represent the NPSC, which is why I Roman Shusterman, Mike Fillipone, Tom Weiss, Dennis Griggs and others have decided to protest or to express our disapproval of this event at St. Marks Church. Email father Julio Torres at or fax 212-674-4179 to let the church know of your disapproval of their permission for this scam artist to hold his event at their respectable venue.

Check the No Police State Coalition’s online discussion group for further information and news on other related topics and events:

Death to Fascism!

Saturday, November 26, 2005


UP FRONT News October 14, 2005
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


Having lived and worked for years in Queens – not to speak of having graduated from Queens College - I’ve got some roots there, although I’ve lived in all five boroughs. Queens is also the New York City home base for Newsday, the daily that, in certain ways, may be the City’s most independent mainstream newspaper. Newsday, back in 1978 and in subsequent years, demonstrated its readiness to go after the whole story when the pa- per helped to break up a major government and media cover-up of budget cut-caused patient deaths at City operated Queens Hospital Center. The paper was one of several that had gotten the story from me, in my capacity as a social worker/whistleblower at QHC. Newsday, in its Queens edition of March 1, 1978, put me on its front page and did the first of a series of stories of how the corporate municipal complex tried to shut me up.

All this about Queens sets a context for UP FRONT News coverage of what is clearly emerging as a neo-fascist network consisting of at least three people who live in that bor- rough.

Jerry Kann is a “left” crypto-fascist who has, until now, successfully disguised him- self as a populism-spouting member of the Green Party. Kann deals with folks, such as myself, who dare to question his political approach, with violence and by calling the police. I had the distinct displeasure of first meeting Kann in May, 2003 at the former Manhattan Green Party headquarters on East 1st Street. Kann literally spied on my work, which involved my writing, with Green Party official approval, a letter to Ralph Nader urging him to consider entering several Democratic presidential primaries. Our next en- counter took place some weeks later when I attended a Green Party and, from the table conspicuously marked “free stuff”, took a book authored by Ralph Nader. Shortly after I left the event, in the street a couple of blocks away, I was set upon by two fellows one of whom was Kann, who became apoplectic and accused me of stealing the book. I reminded him of the “free stuff” sign, gave him the book, and urged him to take some tranquilizers.

The heaviest confrontation with Kann took place in April, 2004 when he collaborat-ed with Queens neo-fascist George Tatevosyan, the latter of whom physically assaulted me as I arrived at a Ralph Nader news conference in Manhattan to which I had been specifically invited in writing by Mr. Nader’s press secretary, Kevin Zeese.

My most recent encounter with this piece of political excrement took place on October 1st at an affordable housing rally about 200 feet west of Michael Bloomberg’s 79th Street townhouse. Jerry Kann is under the impression that the voters who live in his As- toria/Long Island City neighborhood will be hoodwinked by his “left” rhetoric and elect him to the City Council, as he soils the good name of the Green Party by running on its ballot line. And so he came to the rally insisting that he be allowed to speak, despite the fact that the rally organizers had determined that no candidates for elective office would be speaking. Once again, Jerry Kann’s behavior suggested that he had left his tranquiliz- ers back home in Queens, as he yelled a rally organizer Larry Wood, who, to Kann’s steadily rising hysteria, would not be intimidated.

Jerry Kann is a practitioner of the sometimes “left” fascist politics of the de facto net- work of Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.; “Dr.” Fred Newman, a truly psycho psychotherapist; and the unadulterated racist Lenora Fulani. According to the camouflage tactics of LaRouche and Co., the way to power is by blending to use of “left”, pro-labor, anti-corpo- rate rhetoric in the democratic process, while utilizing violence and other forms of civil rights deprivation against those who dissent. The most famous theoreticians of this kind of end-justifies-the-means politics are Machiavelli and Hitler. Hitler put it to good use when he ran for public office in Germany with his message being a denunciation of the capitalists. He ran as a “socialist”, a National Socialist, abbreviated in German as “Nazi.” And so, thanks in part to Jerry Kann, the Green Party now has to contend with a meta- phorical swastika in its midst.

The fellow who, in collusion with Jerry Kann, assaulted me is George Tatevosyan. This fascist is connected, via New York State Independence Party activist Cathy Sadell (who, according to a source is Tatevosyan’s wife – my condolences to both), to Lenora Fulani, who fully justifies the label of “blazi” (i.e. black nazi) that I’ve given her in UP FRONT News. I first met Tatevosyan during the soon to become moribund Nader for President campaign in 2004 at an Upper East Side Bar that was serving as the venue for a Nader “meet-up.” Sadell was busy trying to get me thrown out of the meeting because I had brought up the fact that The Forward, a respected Jewish weekly newspaper, had reported a “flirtation” between Nader and Fulani. Tatevosyan could be witnessed sitting in the rear muttering profanities. I next met him at a meeting of activists organized by a Nader for President staffer. At the meeting Tatevosyan stated to the group, pointing at me, that I had set fire to the Nader for President 2000 N.Y.C campaign headquarters on Houston Street. Tatevosyan’s version of the Reichstag Fire. Here again the tactics of Adolf Hitler emerge as Tatevosyan utilized the Big Lie in his claim of arson. And, as mentioned in the segment on Jerry Kann, it was George Tatevosyan who assaulted me as I arrived, with a written invitation, at Mr. Nader’s April, 2004 Manhattan news conference. Evidently, Tatevosyan was so psychotic at the time that he did not notice that his actions were wit- nessed by two activists who were checking out the Nader campaign. And one of them took some pictures.

Perhaps the most widely despised of the three fascists from Queens is Rockaway Park resident, purported life guard, the egomaniacal Geoffrey (“Jaws”) Blank, also known in this newspaper as the “Jewzi”, or Jewish nazi. Blank emerged on the public scene a couple of years ago when he embarked on a de facto hijacking of a group known as the No Police State Coalition, a loosely organized network of activists who have over the years held speakouts at Union Square Park in Manhattan. Blank, one of the few people who can with some success blend the writings of Karl Marx and Adolf Hitler, soon began literally pushing other No Police State Coalition activists aside and monopolizing the bullhorn. Not at all surprisingly, since Blank feels he is above the law, he got himself arrested a bunch of times for using a sound device without a permit. He is now awaiting a criminal trial scheduled to begin on November 28, and is charged with, aside from the permit violations, resisting arrest and inciting to riot. Personally, I think incitement to nausea might be a more appropriate charge.

The confrontation between Blank and me began last March at a No Police State Coali- tion meeting at the 61 Cafeteria, a deli-restaurant in Greenwich Village, when, to Blank’s apparent dismay, the group voted to endorse my candidacy for the Democratic nomina- tion for the U.S. Senate seat now held by Hillary Clinton. Blank responded by getting up out of his chair, literally puffing out his chest Mussolini-style, and calling me a “wing nut.” Inasmuch as a number of NPSC members had implied to me that trying to debate with Geoffrey might be comparable to sitting down to dinner with Idi Amin, I simply said, “Better a left wing nut than a right wing nut.” At the next speakout, Blank approached me and told me that, if I attempted to speak, he would “bash” me in the head.

During the coming weeks at NPSC meetings at the restaurant Blank could be witnessed urging in particular one 61 Cafeteria employee - a surly character who physically resem- bles a hybrid comprised of Mike Tyson and “Oddjob” the menacing character in a James Bond film (I believe it was “Goldfinger”) who killed people by slicing them up with his razor-brimmed hat - to harass me and throw me out. Blank on one occasion put his hands on my plate of food, a maneuver the resulted in his having to wipe himself off with what in his case should have been a bib. Matters became much more serious in April when I arrived at the restaurant late, after everyone had left and was assaulted by the surly one. The assault took the form of my being tackled from behind and hit over the head for sev- eral minutes by the lunatic employee, who used a glass soda bottle as his weapon. The in- jury, which appears to have left me partially hearing impaired, required over three hours of surgery at Bellevue. It took some nudging from me but the NYPD after a couple of weeks arrested Wan Yun, who is now awaiting trial.

Also awaiting trial is serial offender Geoffrey Blank, who is piling up criminal com- plaints against him.

These three bottom feeders of course are acquainted with each other and, ideologically, are of course acquainted with their de facto mentors in the art of lying and political vio-lence, Adolf Hitler and Lyndon LaRouche. Conspiracy theory? No. Conspiracy. Yes.

Some years ago, the citizens of Queens were shocked to learn of the existence of a Ku Ku Klux Klan group in the borough. It looks like some garbage remains to be picked up.

Friday, November 25, 2005


UP FRONT News May 13, 2005
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


No matter how geographically distant it is, over there in Asia, the occupied nation of Tibet has, for centuries, been a powerful magnet for millions of human beings seeking spiritual education and political , economic, and psychological liberation from the forces of oppression and greed. Tibet, the land once known as “Shangri-La”, was the ultimate goal for Heinrich Harrer, an Austrian soldier adventurer, who chronicled his experiences in overcoming natural, military, political, and economic obstacles, in seeking His Holiness, The Dalai Lama, in “Seven Years in Tibet”, but who is not quite yet a household word although his person was played by Brad Pitt, in the movie of the same name. That movie, by the way, could not possibly be made in Chinese Communist Occupied Tibet, unless the film’s actors, producers, directors, cinematographers, grips, gaffers, hangers-on, and anyone else associated with the film were prepared to find themselves in Communist prisons for possibly very long periods of time, quite probably without the benefit of trials. And so, as I learned from a Tibetan-American activist, who had a small part in the film, it was shot near Cordoba, Argentina, an Andean setting.

The mysteries of Tibet are also the subject of “Kundun”, a film directed by Martin Scorcese, which focuses on the Dalai Lama. And, of course, millions, perhaps for a few moments at a time, think about Tibet, when Buddhist-sympathetic actor Richard Gere, speaks up about the oppression of the Tibetans by their Chinese conquerors. Mr. Gere, whose sympathies are no doubt sincere, however, has a habit of sort of hitting-and-running and rendering himself inaccessible to many – such as myself – who, while not part of the Hollywood scene and the often gentrified world of Tibet interest – who are fighting to get China the Hell out of Tibet. It took several weeks of sometimes testy negotiations between me and his New York City representative, several years ago, to obtain from him an endorsement of a fundraiser, starring world renowned Tibetan-American flutist Nawang Khechog, and the Dharma Bums, a currently Woodstock, N.Y.-based rock and roll band led by the quite legendary top-hatted rocker Phil Void, I produced for the Tibetan refugee project operated by the New York Association for New Americans (NYANA), the refugee resettlement organization I was working for at the time. It seems that Mr. Gere’s tendency is only to respond in a timely and direct fashion to requests for Free Tibet support if such requests come from such Hollywood-celebrity-level people such as renowned Tibetologist and Columbia University professor Robert Thurmann, Uma’s daddy. Uma’s concerns, at least as they are revealed in the media (she is a favorite sound and picture-bite subject of the New York Post, characterized in UFN – and, verbally, in many, many other places – as the world’s worst newspaper) seem to be with matters less spiritual and political than Tibet. Interestingly, in April, 2004 when several Tibetans were conducting a prolonged water-only hunger strike in front of the U.N., the initial press report (and that’s using the word “report” in an almost surreal way), came from N.Y. “Toast” writer Rupert Murdoch-shill Steve Dunleavy, who only showed up because Mr. Gere made a brief visit to the hunger strikers. Dunleavy was accompanied by a Post paparazzo, whose photo of a white-scarved Gere, took up about 2/3 of the story’s space. The paper, while identifying the “Buddhist” sex symbol in its caption, made not a syllable of mention of the Tibetan man standing right behind Gere. That man is Kunga Thinley, the elected President of the N.Y.-N.J. Tibetan Youth Council, the largest regional Tibetan advocacy organization in the U.S. There is also something called the Students for a Free Tibet, whose marginal effectiveness is largely due to the very dubious leadership of a woman – some of whose actions have actually been helpful to the Communist Chinese – with the interesting name of “Laden” (sp?). And media-wise, despite the fact that three Tibetans had been living on water only for several weeks, no one from the New York Times showed up until one day after I made a rather desperate phone call to a top level Times international editor at the paper’s Asia desk. That gentleman, who had previously tried without success to get some UP FRONT News material past Times de facto censors, made the necessary call(s) to the metropolitan desk and a story, headlined “Tibetan on Hunger Strike Hospitalized after Collapsing”, appeared in the Metro Section of the paper on May 1, 2004.

In 1949, Mao Zedong (then known as Mao-tse-Tung), celebrated his victory over the Chinese Nationalist government in a bloody civil war, by invading China’s pacifist neighbor, Tibet. To say the least, this was enormous genocidal chutzpah, inasmuch as historical documents show that the nation of Tibet, fundamentally ethnically, racially, and linguistically distinct from its modern-day conqueror, existed long before China. It was an invasion that took years to accomplish its goal, which was, and remains, to destroy the genealogically Jesus-related black people of Tibet. The reason it took so long because the Chinese were not terrific at getting through the Himalayas and may have had some difficulties subduing a huge, mountainous, sparsely populated land of people who relied on God rather than guns to survive and grow. This, of course, did not bother a genocidal lunatic like Mao, whose record of mass murder far exceeds those of Hitler and Stalin combined. There are, for example, credible reports that Mao knowingly starved 20 million of his own people by withholding Western donated wheat from his famine-ridden people, in order to effect a rise in international wheat market prices. Mao also traditionally solved the famine problems that he was largely responsible for creating (there are no reports of Mao ever missing a meal) by starting wars. War is an effective way of rousing psychotic nationalist fervor (Hitler, Stalin, Bush, Cheney, also have demonstrated gifts in that area) and eliminating millions of people whom you don’t want to feed. Mao gave us the Korean War, utilizing his psychotic Korean dictator Kim Il Sung. And today, Mao’s Genocidal, western-suited robots are using Kim’s lunatic of a son to terrorize the world with nuclear (or, as Bush would say, “nucular”), blackmail. There is, by the way, a long history of pedophilia carried out by all of these dictators. Check out the reports of the nymphets in the swimming pool by Mao’s villa.

And so, starting in 1949 Mao proceeded on an Adolf Hitler-style campaign to destroy the people and nation of Tibet. He did so by, aside from a Wehrmacht-style military invasion, massive use of torture, occasional machine-gun mass executions (such as took place in 1959 when the Tibetans, led, of course, by the monks, rose up in defiance of their de facto fascist overlords), and various types of very, very hard-core ethnic cleansing. His Holiness, The Dalai Lama, with whom I’ve spoken directly on a few brief occasions, has said many times that the Chinese Communist invasion and occupation has cost the lives of at least 1 million Tibetans. In a nation of 6 million that has a very low population-growth rate (not surprising for a country that is located in a somewhat forbidding Himalayan region and has no doubt the highest proportion of monk and nun celibates in the world) that means the Chinese have murdered one out of six Tibetans. That is a Genocide of cataclysmic proportions. And that is why I call it the Himalayan Holocaust.

This Holocaust continues, now into its second half-century, because of the actions and non-actions of people like Bill and Hillary Clinton, both of whom have, courtesy of UP FRONT News, received the details of the Genocide, with explicit descriptions of Nazi-style atrocities of a sexual (electric wires inserted into private parts), nature, those activities being a part of an arsenal of fascist sadism that Hitler and his bunch would have envied. President Clinton and his wannabe-president wife do not want to upset China too much for one reason. That reason, as Tibetan-American activist Sonam Zoksang, succinctly put it to me in his absolutely beautiful Greenwich Village shop “Vision of Tibet”, is “money.” Mrs. Clinton is presumably selling enormous numbers of her Rupert Murdoch-published ego book in China. And her husband’s presidency is notable for, among other political atrocities, his paraphrased declaration, after allowing the Rwanda Genocide to proceed without a Little Rock whimper of protest, “Oops, sorry!” After all, he had other concerns, such as having possibly to come up with laundry money to pay Monica’s dress cleaning expenses. His entire administration, led by Genocide apologists and/or deniers such as Warren Christopher and George Stephanopoulos, was a human rights disaster. It is no surprise at all that Clinton gets along so well with folks like Bob Dole and serial Bushes. And is no surprise that Hillary Clinton is, at least politically, fellating folks like Newt Gingrich and Donald Trump.

Needless to say, the Bush-Cheney-Rove-Bolton bunch, while less subtle (Slick Willie, was, after all, slick), are no better. Rumsfeld consorting with Chinese Communist military officials conjures up images of Joseph Stalin and Hitler’s U.S.S.R. “Non-Aggression Pact” foreign minister von Ribbentropp (one of the Nazis, by the way, who did get noosed after the Nuremburg Trials).

The Clinton-Clinton-Bush-Cheney, et. al. gang are beneath contempt. They are in violation of significant numbers of the Ten Commandments, not to speak of Jesus’ New Testament (Timothy I, Chapter 6, verse 10) warning about the relationship between the “love of money” and evil.

This Biblical stuff becomes particularly relevant in the case of Tibet because, as has been exclusively reported journalistically in UP FRONT News, there is written evidence of Jesus having, during his 18 year absence from The Bible, lived in Tibet. Indeed, Christian writer Elizabeth Clare Prophet, in her book “The Lost Years of Jesus” (Summit University Press, 1988), tracks the eastern travels of Jesus, then known in the east as “Issa.” I believe, by the way, there is reason to suggest that Jesus took at least one other trip during the “Missing Years”, this one to the west, winding up in Spain. He quite possibly passed through what is now the Cordoba/Granada region, which became the world’s religious melting pot where Jews (e.g. Maimonides), Christians, and Muslims thrived in each others’ company. I’ve been to Cordoba, an amazing Spanish city with spectacular churches, ancient synagogues, and La Mezquita, one of the world’s largest mosques. And, if you like the night-life like I do, you can experience the purest flaming flamenco at 3:00 A.M. in a club right near the mosque. Jesus’ travels may well have taken Him north to Compostela, the city where St. James is buried.

One of the great unsolved mysteries of this world is how a Dalai Lama becomes a Dalai Lama. The selection process is shrouded in secrecy with the details only known to a handful of Tibetan rabbi-priests/Lamas.” It is my belief that the human God-line, beginning with Adam, passing, via a long series of “begats”, through King David and on through Joseph, husband of Mary, to Jesus, who brought it to Tibet (and, I believe, Spain.) The Dalai Lamas are the modern descendants of the immaculate conception (intentionally small-cased here, to distinguish it from what I believe has become an essentially Catholic fictionalization of the birth of Jesus, not to speak of His cruxification, “death”, and resurrection all of which, I believe, are explicable. If, for example, we accept the idea that Jesus, by virtue of His rather unusual heredity, had an extraordinary life force, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that, perhaps, comatose, or even somewhat “brain-dead”, on the cross, He survived, especially in that cool rock protected tomb. After all, the Bible states, not that Jesus died, but rather that He “gave up the ghost.”

And, I am quite convinced that many of the answers to these rather important questions will be revealed by – and only by – the people we know as the Tibetans (and quite possibly some Spaniards). And all this also explains why the Satanic forces at work in China and the U.S in particular, most clearly embodied by those who govern us whether from government buildings or from the suites of the multi-national corporations, are by machine gun or by silence, trying to murder Tibet.

In 2001, New York City Councilmember Christine Quinn, (D.-Manh.) introduced Resolution #802 into the Council. That resolution, which was passed unanimously, declared that the Chinese Communist government is “currently committing systematic human rights violations in Tibet, including death in detention, torture, disappearances, arbitrary arrests, detention without public trial, denial of free speech and free press, coerced sterilizations and abortions, suppression of Tibetan Buddhism, and widespread racism and discrimination against the Tibetan people.” The Resolution called for the immediate start of negotiations between China and the exile government of the Dalai Lama, to settle all problems between the two nations. One major matter left unmentioned in the resolution, which could easily be added in a new resolution. Which this newspaper respectfully insists be introduced at all levels of government right away, is a demand that the U.S. Olympic Committee and the International Olympic Committee rescind the decision made several years ago to conduct the 2008 Summer Games in Genocide city, Beijing. And, as at least U.S. Congressman Anthony D. Weiner (D.-Bklyn.-Queens) has agreed, Queens is a much better place to start those Games.

China out of Tibet! 2008 Olympics out of China!


UP FRONT News October 3, 2005
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


The Green Party in this country is made up, for the most part, of Americans who are convinced that the Republican and Democratic parties are fundamentally compromised by corporate power, in, that being the case, are engaged in a systematic, often bipartisan pillaging of our national wealth, closely related to efforts to control the financial and na- tural resources of other countries. Seen here, the most visible representatives of what Ralph Nader called dupooly are Acting President George W. Bush and Acting wannabe
President and current U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton. They, along with spouses and allies, lead the de facto Blinton Administration has been in power for over 12 years.

The Green Party, however, while mounting credible electoral campaigns in, for example, California (coming close to winning the mayoralty in San Francisco) and upstate New York (winning the mayoralty in New Paltz), has also allowed itself to become a nesting ground for the kind of folks that owe their tactics – and quite possibly their ideological allegiance – to the king of “left” fascism, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Perhaps the most ob- obnoxious and noxious of these de facto Marx spouting neo-fascists is City Council can- candidate Gerald Kann. This purveyor of violence and lies, whose maneuvers I’ve ex- perienced for over a year, is banking on the unlikely scenario that the voters of the Astoria/Long island city area of Queens will not recognize the phony in their district.

Gerald Kann, nominally a member of the Green Party, worked hand in sleazy hand with neo-fascist anti-Semite Lenora Fulani in the N.Y.S. Independence Party’s hijacking of the New York City Ralph Nader campaign. Using violence against me – when, with Kann present and aiding and abetting, his thug buddy George Tatevosyan, also from Queens, assaulted me as I, waving a written invitation to the conference from Nader’s press secretary Kevin Zeese, arrived for a Nader news conference in Manhattan last January. Kann was involved in sabotaging a proposal generated in a N.Y. Times op-ed piece by a Nader supporter that recommending an electoral strategy that would have simultaneously increased Nader’s popular vote in 2004 without in any way jeopardizing John Kerry’s electoral vote totals to prevent a repeat of the Nader/Gore/Bush fiasco of 2,000. Kann accomplished this by, as I was presenting the proposal to the Nader New York City meet-up, calling 911 and asking the NYPD to arrest me. The NYPD showed up but no cop would be stupid enough to buy Gerald Kann’s tale.

Kann also managed to make a sort of Stalinist ass out of himself at a recent affordable housing rally a few feet from Mayor Bloomberg’s non-Section 8 dwelling on East 79th Street. The rally organizers, principally the New York Metropolitan Council on Housing, stipulated that no candidates would be addressing the rally. As I arrived there was the Green Party mayoral candidate loudly trying to convince organizer Larry Wood to let him speak. Mr. Wood, to his credit, stood firm. Right there was Gerald Kann, who, after the matter had been settled – no candidates! – railed at Wood, who handled the matter with admirable restraint.

Gerald Kann – whom I’ve dubbed in this newspaper as a “Kann-cer from within”, is a regular at “left” events in New York City, spouting his pseudo-Marxist drivel. When Ralph Nader came to New York well after his very feeble showing in the 2004 race, Gerald Kann was on the big stage at the Ethical Culture society as one of the introducers. Mr. Kann, like the toppling statue of Saddam Hussein, suffered a hopefully irreparable blow to his inflated ego when, as part of my question to Mr. Nader about his having depended on the racist Fulani during his presidential campaigns, Kann had to experience being exposed in public as the “left” neo-fascist that he is – before a nervously smiling Nader. Had this taken place in a dark alley, Kann would have assaulted me. Since it took place in front of a sizeable audience, and in front of Mr. Nadir, Kann could do little more than make a quickly stifled move at me from his seat on stage, and spend the rest of the evening muttering.

Any election in which Gerald Kann is a candidate should eliminate any ambivalence about “the lesser of two evils.” At least in the City Council races, Gerald Kann is the greater of any evil. UP FRONT News endorses the Democrat.

Monday, November 14, 2005


Deborah Young, Reporter, Nov. 14, 2005
Staten Island Advance

Ms. Young:

I read your November 13, 2005 apparently highly censored - but, in any event grossly uninformed and uninformative "story" on the so-called "peace" demonstration, that took place in Stapleton, S.I. the previous day. It appears that some of the copy had been written previous to the event, but you evidently did not take the time to speak with your editor James Yates about the fact that, as I had informed him in some detail, event organizer Mike May had arranged for the appearance of neo-fascist Geoffrey blank at this event. Your story also mentioned as participants several organizations, such as Pax Christi, and the Catholic Worker, two legitimate peace organizations that quite apparently pulled out of the event as soon as they learned from me that a neo-fascist had been scheduled to speak and that the entire event was in fact an intrusion by the "left" neo-fascists of the Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr./Lenora Fulani/Fred Newman school of racism and hate disguised as Marxist populism.

It is interesting that you quote Ellen Jaedicke, a Staten Islander I know all too well. I am not among the many activists - and presumably others - who have allowed skin deep attractiveness to fool me into any longer giving this Dennis Kucinich cheerleader any credibility whatsoever. The Advance may want to assign a solid reporter to check into Jaedicke and her (still?) political associate Charlene Barker, who essentially turned the local "Friends of Kucinich" group into an autocracy run by a LaRouche sound-alike, with Jaedicke smilingly goose-stepping to Barker's orders.

The main story, however, is Geoffrey (a.k.a. "The Jewzi Blank", and "Jaws"), Blank, who received rather superficial, but nonetheless somewhat revealing coverage in The New York Times on February 22, 2005, when reporter Sabrina Savernise, wrote a somewhat satirical piece on Blank's absurd and self destructive behavior before a criminal court judge who let Geoffrey off easily sentence-wise after convicting him of contempt of court. Geoffrey now seeks to convince others that the reason he is facing up to four well-deserved years behind bars is because his right to free speech has been infringed up. As I've suggested previously, truth-wise that assertion by Blank is comparable in forthrightness with Adolf Hitler's claim that Poland attacked Germany on September, 1, 1939. Should you wish to read my UP FRONT News blog, you will see a considerable amount of history on a (human?) being who literally terrorized his way into a piece of now finally disintegrating power through his hijacking of a free speech group known as the No Police State Coalition, which has for several years held public speakouts three times a week in Union Square in Manhattan. Geoffrey Blank, who claims to lead the group, had absolutely no role in its creation and has been thoroughly rejected by just about every NPSC participant. You might wish to access NPSC activists such as Roman Shusterman, Dennis Griggs, Joe Carranza, Jason Kapoor, and a bunch of others, all of whom have come to despise Geoffrey Blank, a Hitler and LaRouche style paranoid sociopath, who in fact represents the antithesis of the free speech he professes to advocate. Blank is, at least in my mind, and probably the minds of plenty of folks in law enforcement, a suspect or at least a "person of interest" as to his involvement in an aiding-and-abetting capacity in the April 7, 2005 assault upon me at the deli-restaurant where he used to conduct meetings much as Josef Goebbels might have run things at the Volkischer Beobachter. Only Goebbels was much smarter, had better taste in women - and was, to be sure, a better speaker than the monotonous, nauseating Blank. Blank has been involved in a persistent pattern of threats and actual use of physical violence against those who do not do his sick bidding. In a perverse way is is not sexually discriminatory as he has been known to direct his violence against at least one woman (who may, by the way, be as demented as he is).

Like LaRouche, Fulani, Newman and a host of other "left" neo-fascists, Blank has been parasiting himself onto various progressive political initiatives: "peace", Katrina, ending the Bush years, etc., etc. Like LaRouche, Blank, however, has been almost totally silent on the right-winging Hillary (a.k.a."The Pillary" and "The Hawk") Clinton, against whom, as your paper very well knows, I am running against in next year's Democratic primary. (Ask your Advance colleague Tom Wrobleski, who has known about this for months and suppressed the news, despite his having no other choice than to write about the confrontation between the paranoid and homeless "stalker" obsessed Public Advocate Betsy "CIA" Gotbaum and me, in his error-filled story on August 27, 2005.)

Indeed, it was at a No Police State Coalition meeting earlier this year that, after the group voted to endorse me for the Senate, that Geoffrey Blank began his campaign to intimidate me. His techniques worked for awhile - with some others, but not with me. At this point, the negative aura of phony S.I. "peace" activist Mike May and neo-fascist terrorist wannabe Blank, seems to have had a silencing affect on The Advance.

Saturday, November 12, 2005


UP FRONT News November 25, 2005
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

UP FRONT News, as an investigative newspaper, often covers – or, better, uncovers – negative people, i.e. those who place their needs over the rights of others. Many of them are in the turbulent moral arena of politics. Among those in this narcissistic grouping are Hillary Clinton (and, of course, her husband); George W. Bush; Big Dick Cheney, Osama bin Laden; Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin; Geoffrey Blank; Adolf Hitler; Arnold Schwarzenegger; Donald Trump; Thomas Berger (my former landlord); Lenora Fulani; Jerry Kann; Fred Newman; and, of course, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

Their crimes and human rights violations, of course, differ in severity. “Left” neo-fascist Geoffrey Blank, for example, has not, to my knowledge, killed any person, although he has committed multiple murders of the truth. I’d hate to experience Blank, however, were he to have any political power, or, if he were to be in the possession of a firearm – or even a boxcutter. And while, to my knowledge, Hillary Clinton has not personally assaulted any homeless people, her behavior has endangered the lives of many homeless people, who, for quite some time, included me. (Ms. Clinton is facing the like- lihood of legal action against her by me for what I believe to be her criminal violations of her oath of office, certainly with respect to her constituent responsibilities. I have the paperwork which will show that, last winter, while I was homeless, Hillary Clinton endangered my life.)

This article, however, is the first of what I hope will be many that focus on positive people, i.e. those who are, at least in the generic, small “c” sense, christian, who live to make life better for others. Sometimes, they are referred to as angels. Hence the “Angel Angle.”

I’ve written several times in the past about the Rev. Dr. Timothy P. Mitchell, Pastor of the Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church in Flushing, Queens, New York City, the first church I joined a number of years ago. Here I will only say that Rev. Mitchell, a close friend and religious and political associate of Martin Luther King over many years, is not only a Christian but also a christian in the sense of the word described above. He is a role model.

DOROTHY DAY, PETER MAURIN, AND ROGER O’NEIL, who, over the years, have made up the leadership of the Catholic Worker movement, started about 75 years ago by Ms. Day. Dorothy Day, a Brooklyn native, with Mr. Maurin, an itinerant French clergyman, catalyzed a pacifist poor people’s ongoing revolution, which has influenced world history. Ms. Day’s influence on leaders such as Cesar Chavez, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Dr. King are a matter of record. Today, there is an international network of Catholic Worker houses, two of which are located in the East Village in Manhattan. And it is at St. Joseph’s and Mary Houses that the very Irish Roger O’Neil does his non-stop human rights work. The soup kitchen at St. Jo- seph’s at 36 East 1st Street, which operates Tuesday through Friday from 10:00 to 11:30 A.M., serves real, homemade soup, among other foods and services. The Catholic Worker is memorializing the 25th anniversary of Ms. Day’s death, a lady who is being considered for sainthood by Rome and who lived for many of her later years in Staten Island.

MARTY STUART, a musical prodigy who is very famous throughout the U.S., but only marginally known in New York City, which is only now beginning to recognize the positive power embodied in the blending of country music and rock ‘n’ roll. Marty Stuart, who has performed in the N.Y.C. area rarely, served as Johnny Cash’s lead guitarist for many years. What I call the lonesome railroad sound that characterizes much of Cash’s music is Marty Stuart on guitar. Stuart has, for well over a decade, however, been performing with his own bands, including the Rock ‘n’ Roll Cowboys, and now The Fabulous Superlatives. He is a fine singer but what he may be best known for are his
probably by now legendary gifts as a string musician. I am one of those who, in a world that has heard Andres Segovia, Eric Clapton, B.B. King, and Django Reinhart (sp?), be- lieve that Marty Stuart has to be one of the best ever. I call the Philadelphia, Mississippi born Stuart “The Mississippi Mozart.” His current album, “Soul’s Chapel” is all gospel and could warm the heart of an atheist.

REBECCA MOORE, and her blu(e) violin, are not nearly as well known nor as frequently seen in performance or on CD’s as Marty Stuart. She is, however, very gifted, performing a totally original music in which she sings and is accompanied by her- self on the piano or her blue violin and several other string musicians who comprise what becomes a chamber music group playing music that, without being in the least derivative, has the influences of, among others, Franz Schubert, Joan Jett, and Kansas City, Mo. sing- er-songwiter Iris DeMent. Ms. Moore, however, carries on her work not only in musical performance but also as a charismatic and convincing community activist, and founder of the Ludlow Orchard Community Organization, ominously acronymed LOCO, a truly urban grass roots group that is taking on gentrifiers in the form of mega-developers who are out to destroy the Lower East Side, a neighborhood that, over the years, qualifies as the heart of New York City. Who, tell me, doesn’t know about Orchard Street? The hotel moguls and condominiumizers can only expect a lot more from Rebecca Moore.
* * * * * * *

Thursday, November 10, 2005


UP FRONT News November 10, 2005
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


Ellen Jaedicke, a German born Staten Island-based professional massage therapist, with a history in professional dance, is, at least on the surface, the “beauty” in this true story, which involves the effort, using a “peace” festival as a disguise, to bring Lyndon h. LaRouche, Jr./Lenora Fulani/ Fred Newman-style “left” fascism to Staten Island. The two guys are the “beasts”, with Jewish small “n” nazi Geoffrey Blank probably being the worse of the two.

Several weeks ago at The Muddy Cup, a popular coffee house, featuring a wide variety of entertainments (I sometimes read at the weekly poetry opens and occasionally come to karaoke night – to select songs for others to sing) located in Stapleton, S.I., Giovanni Marinelli, a well known academician/activist on the left of the spectrum, told me about an upcoming peace festival in Stapleton. Giovanni is a reader of UP FRONT News and is well aware of my status as the peace candidate for the U.S. Senate, as I am running in next year’s Democratic primary against Hillary the Hawk Clinton, and he evidently quite reasonably felt that I might participate in some way. At my request he gave me the e-mail address of the event organizer, a chap named Michael May. On October 5 I sent Mr. May a friendly e-mail, requesting a response. Not only was there none, but, about two weeks later, when I attended a film showing in Tribeca, at which Giovanni was a moderator, he told me that it was unlikely that May would respond at all. I was not terribly surprised; having once met May at the Muddy Cup and have little problem remembering his aloofness. Giovanni immediately knew something was up, as I related some of my experiences with the left wing of the right wing of the Democratic Party, which is run military-style by Sen. Clinton. I also reminded Giovanni of my intense run-ins with the violence prone “left” neo-fascists, such as, aside from Fulani & Co., Jerry Kann (a neo-fascist infiltrator into the Green Party), thug George Tatevosyan, Charlene Barker, and very often Geoffrey Blank.

The next encounter took place a few days before the Mayoral election when most true progressives were trying to bring about an upset victory for Democrat Fernando Ferrer against Bloomberg and the Bushes. Mike May was busy handing out flyers for his so-called “peace” festival at the S.I. Ferry terminal in St. George. I approached him and politely asked him about responding to my e-mail. May became instantly incensed and, eyes blazing like Satan, accused me of something involving the word “hate.” I responded appropriately, at which time he retreated and muttered something about his time pressures. A few very unfriendly words were exchanged and a police officer came over and urged me to get on the ferry, which I did, but not without suggesting that Mr. May makes me think of terrorism. It was good to get to Manhattan.

Perusing the festival speakers and sponsors list, which contained a number of recognizable names, I immediately focused on “Geoffrey Blank.” Geoffrey Blank is also known as “Jaws” (he is said to work at times as a lifeguard – I’d sooner take my chances with a great white shark) and as “Jewzi”, or Jewish nazi. Geoffrey Blank is now, in the wake of a series of exposes in this newspaper, following a fairly gentle New York Times article last February 22 about his infantile theatrics before a criminal court judge – who, by the way, convicted Blank of contempt, running without the possibility of hiding. Blank is in fact a serial offender and is facing a possible four years behind bars for various offenses, the least serious of which is using a sound device without a permit. If there were an ordinance prohibiting the act of nauseating the public, Geoffrey Blank would face multiple indictments. Blank, who lives with his younger brother and indentured servant Jason in Rockaway Park, Queens, literally attempted to hijack the public speakouts at Union Square, Manhattan, organized by a group known as the No Police State Coalition. Blank used threats of violence and other forms of intimidation to see to it that he might be glorified by the oppressed masses of N.Y.C. Things got particularly heavy with me, since I do not respond well to attempts to silence me. Geoffrey Blank, who has been charged by me on several occasions with criminal harassment, is also being checked out as to his involvement in an aiding and abetting capacity in a vicious assault upon me last April 7 in the deli-restaurant where he used to conduct meetings in the style he learned at the metaphorical lap of Joseph Goebbels.

It would be difficult to believe that surly Mike May - whose unpleasant public demeanor may have contributed to a pile of his leaflets in the trash baskets of the ferry – knows nothing of Geoffrey Blank. Blank has been rather desperately trying to restore what is his reputation as one of the most unpleasant, disagreeable, dishonest, bigoted people on earth. It seems that, among his very, very few remaining allies (outside of his totally servile baby brother), is lawyer Lynne Stewart, recently convicted of using her lawyer-client relationship with the convicted blind sheik/terrorist to communicate a message to his supporters in Egypt that a “cease fire” was over and that it would be okay to start murdering people again. I believe that anyone sharing a stage with a bottom-feeder like Geoffrey Blank, who has hurled anti-Semitic insults at me, and whose brother has said that he does not want to talk about a Blank/LaRouche tie, stains himself or herself.

Scheduled speaker Ellen Jaedicke has made something of a name for herself through her activism for 2000 presidential “peace” candidate and vegan U.S. Congressman Dennis Kucinich, (D. - Ohio). Among her associates is a smooth-voiced autocrat named Charlene Barker, who still won’t say why she threw me out of their “Friends of Kucinich” group. (Interestingly, Jaedicke and Barker were apparently using Kucinich’s name without his authorization, as the Congressman’s Chief of staff told me over the phone in 2004 that the only group authorized to use his name was his congressional campaign committee based in Cleveland.) Barker, (the great progressive who, as far as I am aware, is employed by Ernst & Young, one of the most capitalistically predatory corporations on the planet) once exploded in a rage over the phone when it became necessary for me to ask her to get a message to the elusive and evasive Jaedicke. Jaedicke, who proves that the cliché about beauty and skin depth has validity, let her true colors show through her striking good looks, when, at a meeting in a Soho diner some months ago, she agreed that Barker’s action against me in the Kucinich group was wrong and warranted an open discussion involving the whole group, but refused to bring it up with the imperious Charlene. Metaphorically speaking, that is known as goose-stepping.

Barker’s behavior, which combines the rhetoric of populism and peace with the dissent tolerance level of, say, Joe Stalin, is strongly suggestive of the politics of LaRouche, Fulani, Newman, and of course Blank. When I sent her an e-mail last March 5, asking that she alleviate my concerns over such an association, she refused to respond. And Ellen Jaedicke, who may or may not be one of the “good Germans”, whom I know exist, has remained silent. And so far, in response to my communications to her about the obnoxiously noisy Geoffrey Blank, with whom she may share a stage with neo-fascist Geoffrey Blank (as, for a day, Mike May & Co. try to recreate a Nuremberg rally in Stapleton), Ellen Jaedicke has also remained silent.

Welcome to UP FRONT News.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


UP FRONT News May 28, 2005
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


Most phenomena that are heavily hyped, from the sometimes related standpoints of talent and value, accomplish primarily one goal, which is to become filthy rich. That often represents a conflict, usually buried in cash, yielding results like ball players making $26 million a year, movie stars making $40 million a film and parading around as role models. Alex Rodriguez and Tom Cruise come immediately to mind. So, by the way, do, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton (cash bull and cash cow, respectively). It always conjures up these grotesque images of mega-billionaires, whose egotistical needs make everything less affordable for everyone else, going through America’s ghettoes distributing turkey on Thanksgiving. Major league pro athletes, who as a group are among the world’s principal agents of greed, are big on that kind of stuff. And now that A-Rod has revealed to all of us that he sees a shrink or an equivalent, he might considering discussing with the good therapist, not the child within, but the greed within.

There are, however, a few phenomena that, whether monetarily values in the billions or in pennies, justify their hype. Two of them are the Rolling Stones and the Staten Island Ferry. Both are superb tourist and domestic attractions. Anther one could be Reverend Billy.

I’ve met Reverend Billy and seen him perform three times, and, by attending an all-out pro-bicycle-Critical-Mass Rally (in Union Square) and Concert (in St. Mark’s Church in the East Village), I got to experience a preacher-performer, who, if he means what he says, will not be able to walk on water – but he is likely to be able to cross an unfrozen Hudson River on a bike.

Reverend Billy has a rock and roll minister’s swagger reminiscent of both Elvis Presley and, among clergy, Rev. Dr. Herbert Daughtry (House of the Lord Church, in Brooklyn) and, to be sure, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King. His sermon, interspersed, with “Bike-e-lujah!” and “Amen!”, addressing his full-house St. Mark’s audience as “children”, is backed by possibly the most “diverse” choir ever. (John Rocker – the at-the-time Atlanta Brave ballplayer who somehow wound up on a New Yorker-filled “7” train in Queens and immediately decompensated ethnically-would be horrified.)

But its Reverend Billy’s subject matter that may well explain why he openly concludes that it is necessary in these times to be non-violent and “radical.” Much of his sermon focused on the political and spiritual importance of using bicycles rather than cars, particularly in New York, He referred to the bicycle, with a hint of a smile, as a “sacred object”; baptized an infant named “Liberty”, who is not yet ready to ride her brand new tricycle); and openly supported the “Critical Mass” bike events that are beginning to draw, from Mayor Bloomberg’s anxious perspective, critical masses. Reverend Billy, however, saved his strongest New Testament-like words for the corporate magnates, who, through politics and deals, now use a most willing Religious Right to cause war, hunger, pollution, and oppression in general.

Rev. Billy, who gave a mini-sermon before his church show at a bike activists rally in Union Square, quite apparently believes in going into the “church” reportedly Jesus-style and, at least figuratively, knocking things over, in his war on the acquisitiveness at its most obnoxious perhaps in malls and franchise stores. Through his “Stop Shopping” ministry he has engaged in possible civil disobedience at Starbuck’s, the company that, aside from keeping people in fact sleepless in its native city of Seattle, provided the fuel for the near death of the rationally priced cup of coffee. I hope Reverend Billy uses his somewhat direct personalized approach, such as is the case vis a vis Starbuck’s, with, for example, some of the folks who are both “iconic” and harmful to us in ways similar to Starbuck’s, the Malls, and human-rights unconscious politicians who call themselves “men of The word “charisma” is, of course, a dangerous one. Jesus had it. So did Hitler. Charisma, however, on the side of something positive is a good thing to have on one’s side. The Rolling Stones and Rev. Billy, (who, despite a heartland America accent, sounds like a New Yorker) have it, too.

The pro-concert Rally fused the concerns of the many people who feel strongly about the right of free speech which, like the right to bike, is under an assault by a nervous mayor who, with respect to Central Park – the world’s play-ground – is acting like a prude. I agree approximately 100% with Public Advocate Candidate Norman Siegel, who said, paraphrased, commenting on giving New York Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra a grossly disproportionately large amount of the very inadequate number of evenings allotted, he’s got no problem with Beethoven. But the park is for everyone. Not just classical music lovers. (Siegel was not at all shy about his partiality toward doo-wop.) Mayor Bloomberg seems concerned about gatherings of large groups of people not happy with, among other things, politics and prices, (which, in this town, are associated with the de facto right wing, which includes George Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, and, despite their tolerance for sexual preferences, Michael Bloomberg and George Pataki; and of course U.S. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. (All her words, by the way, about being a target of a “right wing” conspiracy – rhetoric that is just sucked up with very expensive dinners by her fat car and dog billionaire friends in Hollywood – are garbage. Hillary Clinton, as has been portrayed in UP FRONT News, and expressed in various forms by folks everywhere, is a right-wing conspiracy. It’s really difficult for anyone to portray oneself as a progressive while supporting Bush’s War in Iraq, Bush’s (Patriot Act) War on America, politically consorting with Trump and his developer friends while perhaps fatally wounding the perhaps legislatively moribund Bringing America Home Act, the passage of which would help millions of people in need of truly affordable housing.

There were a number of speakers from various groups. Only one “group”, however, managed to get its guy on the speakers list under profoundly false circumstances. The so-called “No Police State Coalition “, was begun some years ago by a few guys, including Manhattan’s Dennis Griggs and Joe Carranza of Queens, as a First-Amendment protecting-network, holding speakouts in Union Square; often focusing on the many unanswered questions about 9/11. Over a period of time, partially witnessed by me, the group was literally hijacked by, in particular, three “left” rapping neo-fascists who, with threats and acts of violence, kept the mike from those (e.g. me) they didn’t like. Geoffrey Blank (a former like guard, and schoolteacher) from Rockaway, Queens and his younger brother Jason, who in fact often acts like the classic little brother) and Eric Rassi, who claims to be a squatter in the east Village, could only grin evasively when I publically compared their nazi-like tactics to those of Lyndon LaRouche and his political bimbo Lenora Fulani. Their possible “aiding and abetting” a vicious assault upon me by an employee of their favorite restaurant for meetings is, in light of the previous threats against criminal harassments against me, is a matter for police investigation. And, since the at least ideological link to nazi LaRouche seems to be a matter of record, in light of LaRouche’s status as a convicted federal felon (credit card fraud, did seven years in federal prisons; this was no Dan Berrigan), maybe the feds will show some interest. (There’s more on LaRouche and an apparent White House link coming up in this newspaper.) The No Police State Coalition has lost many of its original members, either by banishment by – alienation from – Blank and Rassi. One of the hangers-on who, although fully aware of the dictatorial goings-on, cannot utter a word of protest, largely because he is so busy sounding militant, that human rights in his own group escapes his concern – is Ben Maurer. On the one occasion, I requested an opinion from him; I received a response that was part incoherent and part insult. The “No Police State Coalition” (which should, in all honesty, drop the “no” from its name), is a shell-organization, composed of a neo-fascist leadership, which reportedly extorts dues from a few lemmings who stick around, Joel Myers represents the Stalinist wing of NPSC) to be ridiculed by on-lookers at Union Square during their Monday, Thursday, and Saturday speakouts. Comedian-wannabe (the Buddy Hackett of the fascist movement?) Maurer and the laughably misnamed No Police State Coalition at a Free Speech Rally is sort of like having Lenora Fulani at the Bar Mitzvah.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


UP FRONT News July 7, 2005
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

Since I believe that automobiles are a major contributor to the sometimes toxic quality of the air in many major cities, I am a strong supporter of bicycle activism. For years I was a member of the New York Cycle club and, in fact, some years ago wrote a strong editorial in UP FRONT News, under the headline “Wheeling and Dealing”, which, combined with some lobbying, helped re-open the walkways across the George Washington Bridge for bicycle traffic. And, while I am supportive of the efforts of folks like Steve Stollman, whose workspace at 49 Houston Street in Manhattan is a center of organizational energy for bicycle activists, I am becoming pessimistic as to the long term prospects for the “Critical Mass” rides that are drawing both increasing support and hardening opposition from various powers that be.

And, based on my experience at a recent community meeting at the Theatre for a New City, called by Mr. Stollman, I am convinced that hardheads within the critical mass community are heading for disaster. Mr. Stollman, a man who takes full advantage of the rights guaranteed us under the First Amendment, nonetheless, has a distinctly less than small “d” democratic approach to “facilitating” meetings. He quickly established a pattern of allowing a few people to speak recurrently while studious ignoring others – e.g. me – with hands raised to participate. The main point I wanted to make was that the public response to Critical Mass might be less oppositional were the organizers to address the problem of certain bicyclists (Critical Mass participants and, sometimes, non-critical massers such as bicycle delivery people) who endanger pedestrians by careening along sidewalks. I have experienced the displeasure several times of being nearly run over by some cycling narcissist either trying to mase some money or operating under the illusion that cyclists have more rights than pedestrians – or, anyone else, for that matter. Stollman’s response was to ignore my comment as if it had not been made.

A second suggestion I made as regards the importance of enlisting support in, particularly, the New York City Council, was sloughed off by Stollman’s persistently rude aide “Lynn” (who, I believe, has an agenda that has nothing to do with cleaning up our air) with the brilliant comment that the best way to get Council support was by voting for Norman Siegel for Public Advocate in the upcoming Democratic Primary. While I happen to be a supporter of Mr. Siegel’s candidacy (and in fact have broken the story of incumbent Public advocate Betsy Gotbaum’s until now undisclosed marital link to the CIA), urging a Siegel vote as a City Council lobbying technique is an irrelevancy. In a cycling context, it is nothing more than a flat tire.

Several months ago, I observed the start and windup of one of the Critical Mass rides. I was not at all happy to listen to one experienced rider tell me proudly how he had stopped his bicycle under the FDR Drive, thereby causing a traffic tie-up. When I asked him how such a step might affect for example, an emergency vehicle carrying a stroke victim behind him, the narcissist looked at me and sped off on his wheels.

Steve Stollman – who, I believe, needs to do something about his aide (whom, henceforth, since I don’t know her surname, and because of her manipulative behavior, I will refer to as “Lynora”, as in Fulani) – will in the future become more receptive to the notion that, even as New York City can hardly be described a politically bike-friendly, cyclists to not rule the world. Should he continue his evidently arbitrary and sometimes dictatorial approach, Critical Mass may well become Critical Past.

Friday, November 04, 2005


UP FRONT News November 3, 2005
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


The great American small “d” democratic institution of the “open mike” is, despite much activity at, for example, Union Square Park in Manhattan, taking a beating under a mayor, who is, despite his multi-million dollar slick tsunami of glossy advertising, should be called “Closed Mike.” Incumbent Mayor Michael (“Bloomiani”*) Bloomberg, is making New York City a citadel of privilege for the rich and, simultaneously, a netherworld of abuses for just about everyone else. And it would have gotten much worse had Bloomberg succeeded in his efforts at intimidating New Yorkers who wanted no part of his Bush-pal profiteering Jets Stadium predator-advocates.

But this election is not one which the many progressives - understandably alienated from both parties thanks to right wingers like George Bush of the Republicans and Hillary Clinton, reportedly a Democrat – can afford to rationalize their way out of with some so-called “lesser of two evils” or “a plague on both your houses” cliché. This is in fact the good guys, led by Democrat Fernando (“Freddy”) Ferrer against the bad guys led by George W. Bush, Rudolph Giuliani, and Michael Bloomberg.

I have myself experienced, as citizen-constituent, almost total breakdowns at the highest levels of life-sustaining service delivery at the N.Y.C. Health & Hospitals Corporation, the N.Y.C. Department of Human Resources, the N.Y.C. Department of Home- less Services, the New York Public Library, and the Park’s Department. Mayor Bloomberg has been personally aware of the fact, for example, that the N.Y.C. Department of Homeless Services, led by an apparently homeless-aversive administrator named Linda Gibbs, knowingly tolerates systemic abuse of homeless people by staff in shelters and the euphemism known as “drop-in centers”. I know; I was a victim, something that neither Michael Bloomberg nor, for example, Betsy (“CIA”) Gotbaum, care about one whit. The details of a total breakdown in surgical post-operative care at the patronage mill known as Bellevue Medical center will be reported in forthcoming issues of this newspaper. And so will the story of a corrupt librarian in the St. George, S.I. branch of the NYPL that, under his non-aggression pact with crime, has become something of a farmers market for crack heads and dealers from the drop-in center and house of ill repute a few feet south on Central Avenue.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Bloomiani” is a term coined by First Amendment activist Dennis Griggs

Bloomberg’s glib answer to the public is “call 311.” I tried it once; they totally fouled it up. And so, using my investigative journalist skills, I called the Mayor and spoke to, among many others, his senior advisor and Scheduler, Shea Fink. She is capable of being friendly on the phone, until she became aware that I was serious about getting his action on some very, very serious complaints. What I did get from the Mayor, through the Intelligence unit of the NYPD, which has to protect the Mayor, Gotbaum and other politicos with something to hide, was his instruction to me to contact the N.Y.C. Department of Investigation. That office is hereby renamed – at least until a new Mayor is in office – the N.Y.C. Department of Runarounds.” The details, for which I have all the paperwork, are forthcoming.

Mayor Bloomberg, aside from trying to ram mega-development, gentrification, and Bushism down the throats of New Yorkers, has shown a fundamental ignorance about the substance and meaning of the Bill of Rights. The inspector of the 13th precinct of the N.Y.P.D. has told me that he considers it appropriate to deny sound permits, (and then arrest “violators”) to people whose politics he doesn’t like. I’ve been arrested twice. (Poor neo-fascist Geoffrey Blank, has been arrested on a number of occasions, sometimes on sound permit charges but also on charges that resemble those that Hitler might have faced during the Weimar years.) And Bloomberg evidently still thinks it was appropriate to create a detention center for dissidents during last year’s interloping into this city by the Republican National Convention and to make certain that it was filled with, for the most part, patriotic Americans who couldn’t stand Bush/Cheney/Rice/Rove/Libby, etc.

And of course, with his egomaniacal Emperor Nero-like fixation about the Jets Olympic Stadium, which would have essentially annihilated an entire community, not to speak of generating waves of gentrification and displacement throughout all five boroughs, Michael Bloomberg showed that, just like Bush, Cheney, and, yes, pseudo-Democrat Hillary Clinton, he just doesn’t care about the non-rich – who in fact still make up a large majority in this town.

While I am, at least as of this date, hoping that Fernando Ferrer will soon announce his support for the critically needed Bringing America Home Act, still on life support in the U.S. Congress, with Bush and Clinton attempting political euthanasia on the bill, there is no question in my mind that Freddy Ferrer is listening to “the people.” During the debates in response to Bloomberg’s monotonous blathering about how wonderful things are in New York, Ferrer, a very proud New Yorker indeed, talks easily about life in the non- Bloomberg/Trump/Halliburton world, and asks the mayor what City he is talking about.

While the Mayor may soon need surgery to handle the uncomfortable symptoms that result from habitual fence-straddling, Freddy Ferrer, helped along by UP FRONT News coverage of Cindy Sheehan’s telling the truth about both George W. Bush and Hillary Clinton, called for a quick pullout of American troops from Iraq.

Despite the recent Bloomberg top-heavy polls, there is mounting optimism in Ferrer 2005 headquarters in Manhattan, where I am a political volunteer, that history can be made with a Boston Red Sox, 2004-type upset. Among the reasons for that optimism is the news that, despite a somewhat depressing slow-moving subway train of black ministers (and Clinton-type Democrats) that have endorsed Bloomberg, the Rev. Dr. Timothy P. Mitchell, the Martin Luther King advisor, associate and friend, who pastors the Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church in Flushing, Queens (of which I am a baptized member), is ready to work to unseat Bloomberg. Rev. Mitchell is both loved (by his friends) and feared (by his enemies) for the same reason, i.e., while he may not always be “correct”, he always tells the truth! Bloomberg will lose all credibility if he tries to challenge Rev. Mitchell in the area of integrity.

And Michael Bloomberg could not get my vote even if he sent me to his version of Abu Ghraib, because he is still willing to accept, even indirectly, the support of the neo-nazi Lenora Fulani. That is a fascist albatross that should – along with the Jets Stadium, the intimidating and corrupt N.Y.C. Department of homeless Services – help Bloomberg to finish a possibly close second.

And, speaking of fascism, the Green Party is reportedly still offering its version of a sacrificial lamb (or other farm animal) in the form of Jerry Kann, who deals with dissenters by calling the police or using more direct resorts to violence. He’s running for the City Council in Queens. If Jerry Kann’s opponent in this election were Dick Cheney, I’d suggest no vote at all. That’s how bad Jerry Kann is.

In Brooklyn, however, Green Party candidate Gloria Mattera, assuming that she can somehow perform an enema on the Green Party and extrude Gerry Kann, not to speak of a number of other “left” fascists who have colored themselves “Green”, would be a wel- come change from duopoly-as-usual in the Borough Presidency of Brooklyn.

And I would hope that Anthony Gronowicz, who continues to perform the role of “independent” Ralph Nader 2000 by, at this point, running for no reason whatsoever except to satisfy the Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr./Fred Newman/Fulani wing of the Green Party, could best help the progressive cause by immediately dropping out or, at least, urging his supporters to vote for Fernando Ferrer.
* * * * * * *

Thursday, November 03, 2005


UP FRONT News October 12, 2005
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


“Left” neo-fascist Geoffrey Blank, becoming increasingly delusional in his belief that masses of oppressed people really like him, is embarking on a fundamentally corrupt public relations campaign, involving a respected church in Manhattan and, apparently, radio station WBAI, to gain sympathy as a defendant in a criminal trial now set to begin on November 28.

Geoffrey Blank, assisted by his younger brother Jason, who doubles as Geoffrey’s indentured servant, is inviting the oppressed masses – many of whom are turning the other way – to a self-glorification rally he is planning to hold on November 12 at the Community Church of New York, at 40 East 35th Street in Manhattan. The Unitarian Church’s Senior Minister, Bruce Southworth has been advised, via e-mail, that his church has become a venue for a de facto Jewish small “n” nazi (to distinguish him from a card carrying “N” Nazi), or, as I’ve labeled Blank in UFN, a “Jewzi.”

Rev. Southworth has been advised of Geoffrey Blank’s steadily expanding criminal history, in which I do not include his multiple arrests for the crime of nauseating the public at Union Square without a sound permit. Rev. Southworth is in possession of factual information about Geoffrey Blank’s resort to threats and violence in his de facto Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.-style neo-fascist assault on the First Amendment. Rev. Southworth may be among the considerable amount of people whom Blank has lied to in his claim to be a spokesperson for freedom of speech. Mr. Blank, who wouldn’t recognize the truth if it sat in his lap, has also consistently lied to any one of the dwindling number of people who still listen to him that he is a founder of an spokesperson for a group known as the No Police State Coalition. That group, incorrectly characterized by some mainstream media as “anarchist”, consists of a network of activists, who, over a period of several years, have held speakouts at the southern end of Union Square Park in Manhattan. Among the activists – many of whom, for very solid reasons, do not accept the official explanations of what happened on September 11, 2001 – who created and have sustained the NPSC, despite the attempted hijacking by Geoffrey Blank, are Dennis Griggs of Manhattan and Joe Carranza of Queens. Mr. Carranza discontinued his involvement after witnessing Geoffrey Blank threaten to “bash” me in the head if I attempted to speak at what had started out as a free speech speakout but became a Geoffrey Blank freakout.

Geoffrey Blank, whose tiresome LaRouche-parroting public “left” rap, who had already alienated many true progressives with his veiled and not-so-veiled attempts at intimidating others, started out on me last March after the NPSC, to his amazement and dismay, voted to endorse my candidacy for the U.S. Senate as a Democrat against Hillary (“The Pillory”) Clinton. At the conclusion of that vote, blank, literally puffing out his chest Benito Mussolini-style got up and denounced me as a “wing nut.” Having concluded from my conversations with others in the group that debating Geoffrey Blank was comparable to discussing the Talmud with Adolf Hitler, I decided not to lower myself and simply said, “Better a left-wing nut than a right-wing nut.”

Blank, who loves to denounce the capitalist press, had nonetheless been emboldened by a February 22, 2005 piece in The New York Times about his pathetic antics while on trial for contempt of court before Criminal Court Judge Anthony Ferrara (Blank was convicted). And so he embarked on a campaign of threats and violence against me. The violence he encouraged exploded in April when Wan Yun, an employee of the 61 Cafeteria, a Greenwich Village deli-restaurant where the NPSC held meetings, whom Blank recurrently encouraged to harass me, assaulted me in the restaurant. The assault, in which Wan Yun, smashed me over the head with a glass soda bottle for several minutes, caused an injury which required over three hours of surgery which appears to have left me permanently hearing impaired. Wan Yun has been arrested and, like Geoffrey Blank, is awaiting trial.

Blank, many of whose actions demonstrate that he – like his de facto mentors Adolf Hitler and Lyndon LaRouche – considers him self above the law, responded to my filing a series of criminal complaints against him by labeling me a government agent. Despite being quite well aware of my views regarding gay rights, he publicly called me a homophobe and then this self-hating Jew, not knowing anything about my views on Palestinian rights, publicly called me “Zionist scum.”

Geoffrey, who evidently considers it normal for a man reportedly in his mid 30`s to share a double bed with his brother, who is reportedly in his early thirties, and who has been accused by at least one female NPSC activist of having punched her, is one of the worst (human?) beings around. He is what he denounces, just like Lyndon LaRouche.

As I suggested in my e-mail to Rev. Southworth, The Community Church of New York has every right to serve as a venue for a Geoffrey Blank Rally. And God has every right to get nauseous.
