Friday, May 27, 2016


UP FRONT News        May 13, 2016
"The paper that won't be bought and can't be sold."
Published by Tom Weiss
Andrew Mazzone - Media Representative and Economics Advisor  
Frank De Luca - Public Relations Consultant
Allen Smith - Economics Reporter and Internet Advisor
  The views expressed in UP FRONT News are those of the publisher or of the contributing writer and do not necessarily represent the views of staff.

    In Hillary Clinton's trademark bullying style - which I've experienced quite directly and via her thuggish surrogates, particularly those connected to the Mob-linked corrupt Democratic machine Staten Island of for example Hillary pal NYS State Senator Diane Savino and her criminal Chief of Staff identified Mafioso Robert Cataldo - she is trying to both sweet talk and simultaneously intimidate Bernie Sanders into surrendering the Democratic Party nomination to her. Today's NY Times reports that a group of anonymous purported Bernie supporters is urging him to drop out of the race after the June 7 California primary - even if he wins it. Fortunately Sanders's spokesperson Michael Briggs reiterated that Bernie is campaigning to win the nomination and that he will be a candidate at the Democratic Party Convention in Philadelphia.
   The question nonetheless arises as to what Bernie Sanders decides to do candidacy-wise, if the Hillary machine succeeds in purchasing and/or intimidating enough superdelegates to give her the nomination.
   Not entirely ironically, presumptive Republican Party nominee Donald Trump, who remains at odds with the Party bosses and moneymen (e.g. the Koch Brothers), has suggested that Democratic Party rebel Bernie Sanders run as an independent. Trump assumes, correctly, that a "third party" candidacy by Sanders would draw many votes from Hillary. Sanders would most certainly draw a great many votes from Hillary. But The Donald should be careful what he wishes for. Current polls show that Sanders does better against Trump than does Hillary.
  The only other potential area of agreement between Sanders and Trump is on the issue of Communist China's economic and trade war against the U.S.
  Only Bernie Sanders, however, has, at my urging, announced his support for "self-determination for the Tibetan people."
   In 2000 the then ultra-"left" extremist-infiltrated Green Party hoodwinked the independent Ralph Nader to run for president on the Green Party line. As far as I am aware, only UP FRONT News reported that much of the infiltration into the Greens was done by double agents who learned their craft from the king of infiltration and intimidation, the ultra-left/ultra-right-ultra-left convicted felon and racist fascist Lyndon H. LaRouche, and carried out by LaRouche-educated crypto-fascists such as the anti-Semitic Jew, psychotherapist cult leader "Dr." Fred Newman; his protégé, the African-American anti-Semite Lenora Fulani; and their cultists including Paul ("Zool") Zulkowitz, Jerry ("Can't") Kann, Cathy Sadell, George Tatevosyan et. al. They took over the very important NYC Nader for President "meet-up", repeatedly threatened me, and managed to convince a relatively a small number of left-oriented people in a few swing states, in particular Florida, to vote for Ralph Nader rather than the Democratic ticket of Al Gore/Joseph Lieberman. Those few votes tipped Florida's electoral vote to the Republican George W. Bush/ Dick Cheney ticket and enabled the Republicans to steal that election.
  What millions of Americans still do not understand is that was the crypto-fascist pseudo-"left" LaRouche/ Newman/Fulani/Zulkowitz, et. al. intent. The idea was, while rhetorically bashing both the Democrats and Republicans, to swing the election to the Republicans. Why? Under a Republican Administration there would be major economic attacks on the poor and marginal middle class, generating and exacerbating the conditions that breed mass anger, the fuel that feeds populist fascism. Case example: post-World War I defeated and economically devastated Germany where the masses of the impoverished were drawn to the "revolutionary" populist National "Socialist" demagoguery of Adolf Hitler.
 For more on the American fuehrer-wannabe Lyndon LaRouche visit UP FRONT News online at and also the works of investigative reporter Dennis King, who wrote "The New American Fascism", a thorough biography of LaRouche.
  The quite well-known Green Party (and WBAI-FM) activist and UP FRONT News reader Mitchel Cohen has told me of his hopefully successful efforts at separating "the Newmanites" from the Green Party. Some Newmanites, such as Kann/Sadell/Tatevosyan, are reportedly gone. Mitch Cohen, however, reserved judgment on a couple of other (erstwhile/) cryptos in the Greens, including police collaborator, anti-Free Tibet/pro-Communist China "poet" Pete Dolack, and self-advertised "peace" activist Zulkowitz. All of these phonies have been connected with the pseudo-ultra-"left" LaRouche-ite demagogue and conspiracy theorist Geoffrey ("The Jewzi") Blank.
  Several Greens, including Mitch Cohen, have told me of their support for Bernie for president. At my suggestion Green Party member (and UP FRONT News staffer) economist Allen Smith changed his Party enrollment from Green to Democrat, enabling him to vote in the April 19 Democratic Primary in New York.
 The presumptive Green Party candidate for president is Jill Stein. Ms. Stein did not respond to my email asking her if, in the event Hillary became the Democratic Party nominee, she would drop out and endorse Bernie and thereby presumably enable him to run on the Green Party line in November.
  And if there is a dissident anti-Trump Republican (Marco Rubio?) ready to run independently American will certainly have a choice.
  From the human rights and integrity standpoint, the best option is for voters in the remaining primary states, including Kentucky, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Oregon, New Jersey and California, to vote for Bernie and for the superdelegates at the Democratic convention to understand that, while the integrity-challenged Hillary could lose to the integrity-challenged Trump, Bernie, singularly qualified to take on the billionaires, will beat the loudest billionaire of them all. 

Monday, May 09, 2016


UP FRONT News        May 9, 2016
"The paper that won't be bought and can't be sold."
Published by Tom Weiss
Andrew Mazzone - Media Representative and Economics Advisor  
Frank De Luca - Public Relations Consultant
Allen Smith - Economics Reporter and Internet Advisor
  The views expressed in UP FRONT News are those of the publisher or of the contributing writer and do not necessarily represent the views of staff.
 Some weeks ago after several primaries, won easily by Donald Trump for the Republicans and "won" very uneasily by Republicrat Hillary Clinton for the Democrats, voters were asked to rate the (at the time) five remaining candidates for the presidency, Democrats Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders and Republicans Donald Trump, John Kasich and Ted Cruz, as to the least trustworthy. The candidate with the highest percentage of "least trustworthy" responses was Hillary Clinton. In second place was Donald Trump. The candidate with the least number of "least trustworthy" responses was Bernie Sanders.
 Polls are never 100% accurate; at the same time, they are rarely very wrong. And so America is faced with the possibility of a "choice" between two people who lie a lot.  and we consider ourselves a politically advanced "democracy." (DeMOCKracy?)
 There is no question that, his "democratic socialism" notwithstanding, Bernie Sanders' emergence into a very "electable" presidential candidate has a lot to do with the fact that, no matter how far Hillary opportunistically and rhetorically "left" tilts, a majority of the voters, Democratic and Republican, do not trust her.
  I am one of them.
  Her decision to secretly privatize many of her State Department emails, including those relating to the "didn't have to happen" Benghazi disaster, only to have her account penetrated by a Romanian hacker, reveals how sneaky Hillary Clinton is. That is now an FBI matter.
  Of course when it comes to sneakiness and lying, Bill Clinton challenges such Republicans as George W. Bush and Big Dick Cheney for the Liars Gold Medal.
  As a steadily increasing number of voters, including the also steadily increasing numbers of UP FRONT News readers, are learning, Bill and Hillary Clinton's secrecy, dishonesty and willingness to resort to crime have been used against me as part of their direct involvement in something much bigger human rights wise than Bill's philandering and Hillary's email shenanigans. It involves Genocide!
  Since 1992 first Bill and then Bill & Hillary have been involved in covering up the ongoing Chinese Communist racist genocide against the people and nation of formerly independent Tibet. Given the fact that the mainstream and so-called "alternative" media reporting on China-occupied Tibet is rare and less than thorough (there was little reporting anywhere on condition inside the Nazi concentration camps, in one of history's most horrendous coverups) the best and most consistent reporting is to be found in UP FRONT News online at The worst "reporting" is in the multibillionaire Donald Newhouse-owned Staten Island Advance, ironically based in New York City, certainly the "media capital of the world."
 Thanks in part to the history of political news suppression and corruption protection that characterizes political "journalism" at the S.I. Advance, New York City's "forgotten borough" is also the city's most corrupt borough. It is also the borough where the dictatorially controlled Tammany Hall-style Democratic Party machine is tied to the Hillary machine and does not tolerate dissidents - such as me.
  Staten Island may be the only jurisdiction anywhere in the U.S. with a state senator, Hillary pal Diane Savino (D.-S.I./Bklyn.), whose Chief of Staff is, at least episodically, a psychotic lunatic and who has been identified by the independent minded Staten Island Democratic Party official Mendy Mirocznik as "a member of the Sicilian mob." It was while I was an announced Democratic write-in candidate for the U.S. Senate in 2005-06 against then incumbent Hillary Clinton that, at my scheduled appointment with Mr. Cataldo on an urgent constituent matter when I was in fact still homeless, Cataldo, in a room that he had already emptied of potential witnesses, went berserk and literally terrorized me for several minutes. (It's documented in NYPD Complaint # 2006-120-8244, fully reported to U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the  FBI.) Inasmuch as Robert Cataldo, anticipating my arrival for my scheduled appointment with him, had made certain that there would be no witnesses I have long suspected the Mob factor. Thank you to Mr. Mirocznik, who is also the outspoken President of the Council of Jewish Organizations of S.I. Other Jewish leaders in Staten Island have made the morally indefensible mistake of remaining silent. They need to revisit the words of Protestant anti-Nazi Martin Niemoller.
 It is very relevant to point out here that among Savino's close pals is Rev. Dr. Tony Baker of the largely African-American St. Philips ("No Apostrophe") Baptist Church in Port Richmond, which I made the innocent mistake of joining in 2014. Rev. Baker - who unlike other clergy such as Rabbi Gerald Sussman of Temple Emanu-el, also I n Port Richmond and the very political Rev. Dr. Demetrius S. Carolina of the largely African-American First Central Baptist Church, who have called for independence for Tibet, has remained stone silent on that issue - subscribes to the Savino/Cataldo school of NFL-style politics, as he physically attacked me at a recent Easter event I attended at his Church. Perhaps that is not surprising in a Church with a deacon, John ("Praise the Lord" - and Pass the Ammunition) McBeth, a charter member of the corrupt Staten Island Democratic Party machine, who, with obvious  political motives, has harassed me on multiple occasions. Sadly the otherwise human rights-sensitive Assistant Pastor Rev. Agnes McBeth (Deacon John's wife) has decided to play the role of obedient soldier in the St. Philips/Savino/Cataldo Democratic Party Machine.
  The folks at St. Philips preach a lot about Jesus but remain stone silent about the massive religious persecutions perpetrated by the Chinese Communists occupying a nation, i.e.Tibet, in which Jesus Himself was a resident about 2000 years ago. See also UP FRONT News article dated March 30, 2013 "Jesus in Tibet (and the Spanish Connection?) Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet: A Recrucifixion" and "The Lost Years of Jesus" by Elizabeth Clare Prophet.)
  President-elect Bill Clinton, imminent Secretary of State Warren Christopher and Clinton Administration Communications Chief George Stephanopoulos were made personally and directly aware by me of the genocidal atrocities committed by the Chinese in Tibet in December, 1992 via my telephone conversations and faxed correspondence with Bill Clinton's secretary Betty M. Currie (better known to the public as the unwilling communications link between Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski) and with Mr. Stephanopoulos's secretary, Amanda. The Clinton/Christopher/Stephanopoulos political loyalty however was, and is, to the mega-corporate Wall Street-entrenched China Lobby, which profits massively from its investments in the fascistic "Communist" slave state known as The People's Republic of China.
  I am certain that Clinton/Christopher/Stephanopoulos can explain why, on January 19, 1993 the day before Bill Clinton's first inauguration, I was arrested in the reception area of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in the U.S. Capitol with my invitation to attend that day's Committee hearing on President-elect Clinton's nomination of Mr. Christopher to be Secretary of State.
  And maybe Hillary Clinton can answer reporters' questions regarding her communications about me with her pal Diane Savino concerning my decision to run against her for the U.S. Senate in 2005-06, reported in both mainstream and "alternative" print and broadcast media, and the information in my campaign literature online at Maybe Hillary Clinton is willing to talk about her decision to place me under surveillance and about her insulting letter about me to my somewhat intimidated brother Jim in upstate New York.
  Or maybe Hillary Clinton will do what she and Bill have been doing for decades and simply lie.
  Senator Bernard Sanders on the other hand, in response to my calls and email to his U.S Senate office, on May 21, 2015 sent me an email announcing his support for "self-determination for the Tibetan people."
  It's Hillary/Communist China/Wall Street/Diane Savino/Robert Cataldo/the Mob vs. Bernie/Tibet/me in this election. The issue is who tells the truth. Against Hillary Clinton now and in November Donald Trump? The choice is easy. Bernie for President!