Saturday, July 26, 2008


UP FRONT News July 23, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."


By Tom Weiss

As many thousands of people (including the many readers of UP FRONT News) are aware, on April 7, 2005 at a now closed deli-restaurant, the 61 Cafeteria, at the northeast corner of 5th Avenue and 13th Street in Manhattan, I was assaulted by a man named Wan Yun, the night manager of that establishment. Mr. Yun is a linebacker-physiqued Korean man with a striking resemblance to "Oddjob", the major hitman in the James Bond film "Goldfinger." "Oddjob" did his lethal decapitation work by flinging his razor-brimmed fedora at Goldfinger's enemies. Wan Yun attempted to end things for me by hitting me over the head for quite some time with a glass bottle of soda.

Wan Yun was - and presumably remains - at least an acquaintance of the violent and psy- chopathic nominally Jewish anti-Semite, serial criminal and neo-fascist Geoffrey Blank, a resident of Rockaway Park, Queens. Blank has refused to discuss his role as, at the very least, an ideological surrogate for the convicted felon, racist and megalomaniac Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. LaRouche, now a resident of Loudoun County (Leesburg), Va, was often front page news in the late 20th century for his erratic political extremism, characterized by dramatic shifts from the ultra-left to the ultra-right - and, as has been the case for the Bush years - back to the ultra-left. His trial and conviction in Boston on federal mail and credit card fraud charges was front page news in The New York Times and elsewhere. LaRouche did about seven years of a longer sentence at penitentiaries in Massachusetts in more remote Rochester, Minnesota. LaRouche, often ignored by the censored mainstream media (e.g. the multi-billionaire Donald Newhouse-owned Staten Island Advance, probably the most politically censored daily paper in New York), is, despite his advanced age, in fact very active, focusing his energies on manipulating his way into total power by infiltrating the left, e.g. the Green Party, the Ralph Nader campaigns, the peace movement (especially Cindy Sheehan), the so-called "9/11 Truth" group based at St. Mark's in-the-Bowery Church in Manhattan, "World Can't Wait", the liberal wing of the Democratic Party and the civil rights movement.

Among the more prominent LaRouche surrogates here and nationally is the African-American racist Lenora Fulani, Ms. Fulani for years, in collaboration with her LaRouche-educated mentor, the cult leader/psychotherapist "Dr." Fred Newman, has been parading as a black nationalist, parasiting her way into progressive, "independent" and "third party" movements
in New York and nationally. Fulani won't talk about her ties to the nazi LaRouche but she has given herself away on multiple occasions with her virulent anti-Semitic comments such as the one in which she claimed that the Jews, en masse, are responsible for "the murders of people of color." Aside from the fact (that the racist Fulani ignores) that the Jews are "people of color", she indicts an entire race for the crimes of some. That is what is known as racism. Adolf Hitler proceeded from the same beliefs. And so does LaRouche, perhaps one of the few political activists with a history of simultaneous collaboration with the KKK and the anti-Malcolm X wing of the Nation of Islam. Much of that information is to be found in the very unauthorized biography of LaRoche, titled "The New American Fascism" by the investigative reporter Dennis King.

There is much about the LaRouche/Fulani tie in UP FRONT News and in the work of Mr. King, whom I have met.

Like the double-talking Hillary Clinton, however, Lenora Fulani is rhetorically slick and has managed - at least with the mainstream media (which LaRouche has long infiltrated at the highest levels) - to conceal her ties to fascism. That has enabled her to sing the siren song of "independent" and third party politics, attach herself for a time to people like Ross Perot and Patrick Buchanan, and then create the Independence Party of New York, with her as dictator. It has also enabled her to cozy up to Michael Bloomberg, who entered into a classic Faustian deal with the devil when he accepted her endorsement for mayor. It was the votes that then Republican Bloomberg got on the Fulani-run Independence Party ballot line that enabled him to defeat Democrat Mark Green in a very close election in 2001. Bloomberg again accepted Fulani's IPNY endorsement in 2005. In exchange the Bloomberg-controlled NYC Industrial Development Agency has awarded tax breaks to Fulani's front organization, the All-Stars Project.

Fulani's populist rhetorical skills enabled her, using surrogates such as self-described peace activist Paul ("Zool") Zulkowitz and another Green Party activist named Gerald Kann (twice the Green Party candidate for the New York City Council in Long Island City/Astoria, Queens), to literally take over the pivotal NYC Ralph Nader meetups. In fact the LaRouche strategy in the Nader campaigns has been to factionalize the left by outlefting progressives. That ultimately helps reactionaries, which is exactly what the Nader vote in Florida did in 2000. Nader (although currently electorally separated from the Greens, but not from the LaRouchite Jerry Kann) is trying to do it again this year. That political strategy was first used by Mussolini and Hitler. It is always useful to remember that Hitler did not campaign as a "conservative"; he campaigned as a "socialist."

Indeed, when I started asking questions in the Nader meetups, the response was threats and a witnessed physical assault upon me involving Kann and his thug "Green" pal George Tatevosyan, to prevent my attending a Nader Manhattan news conference the can- didate had invited me to.

Among those consistently making threats against me, which became worse when I decided to run for the U.S. Senate against Republicrat Hillary Clinton as a Democratic write-in candidate, was the demagogue Geoffrey Blank. Blank had tried to hijack a leaderless free speech group known as the No Police State Coalition which for several years had been holding speakputs in Union Square in Manhattan. Blank would grab hold of the bullhorn, spout leftist defiance against George Bush, slip in a few anti-Jewish slurs (I call Blank the "Jewzi" or Jewish nazi) and preach about "free speech." He would then turn around and explicitly threaten dissenters, usually me, if I wanted to speak. Supporting Blank were for the most part his obsequeous younger brother Jason and a de facto Stalinist/Maoist and blatant terrorism apologist with a completely totalitarian mentality named Joel Meyers.

Blank declared himself the "president" of the NPSC (a group with no officers at all) and then ran the group meetings at the 61 Cafeteria much as Stalin ran his meetings. He threatened and harassed me there on multiple occasions and received some retaliation from me - including much exposure in UP FRONT News, especially since he was occasionally the beneficiary of some puff journalism by papers like the tightly controlled "Villager" and at heavily infiltrated and in fact censored WBAI. On one occasion Blank took the bowl of soup I was having at a meeting and moved it to a remote table. I returned and dumped it in his lap to his consternation and to the apparent delight of the NPSC people there.

One night I got to the 61 Cafeteria late on a very rainy night. The meeting had ended. Wan Yun attempted to force me to take the food I had purchased outside. I refused, an argument ensued, he became psychotic and assaulted me with the bottle.

I later underwent over three hours of surgery, mostly on and in my left ear, in the Bellevue Hospital Center ER. While the surgery may have gone well, Bellevue's ineptitude and criminal negligence (an administrator name "Infante") led to my being denied post-operative care for several years. New York City probably owes me a great deal of money.

Wan Yun was arrested a few days after the attack after I prodded the initially lethargic 6th precinct. A few days later I was contacted by Assistant District Attorney Matthew Jackson. We met and after I provided a detailed description of the assualt he told me that Wan Yun would be fully prosecuted, perhaps for a felony, and that I would be the principal witness for the prosection. Jackson had me sign medical release forms authorizing him to obtain the medical information from Bellevue as well as the NYS Crime Victims Board documents. (I am CVB case #498400.)

I then told Mr. Jackson that I had information connecting the criminal extremist Geoffrey Blank to the assault. Jackson's verbatim reply was, "I don't need that." When I asked him how he could not need information the content of which he did not know, he abruptly terminated the meeting.

From that point on Jackson (who at one point insisted that all our communications be by phone, and thereby off the written record) became essentially inacessible to me. I had to go over his head and, in connection with a proposed meeting, he set a condition which could have resulted in my arrest, a condition that my attorney at the time, Jacob J. Goodman, (who has since passed away), found unacceptable.

There was no further contact with Mr. Jackson and calls and e-mails to New York County D.A. Robert Morgenthau and other higher-ups went unanswered. After I was very belatedly restored as a Bellevue outpatient, I learned that ADA Jackson had never sent the medical release forms I had signed to Bellevue. Matthew Jackson should be fired and then disbarred and the doddering Morgenthau should retire.

Among those who have helped me has been NYPD Sgt. Al Fiore, who years ago protected me from an arrest that the paranoid NYC Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum tried to perpetrate against me at her office when I had a scheduled appointment with her Chief of Staff to discuss staff abuse of homeless people in drop-in centers and shelters. Gotbaum, who has adultery and CIA-related political skeletons in her closet, is nervous about me because, via a member of my family, I have been personally acquainted with her since 1979.

Indeed Sgt. Fiore, who works with the Intelligence Division of the NYPD and is very interested in politically motivated crimes - and is therefore very interested in Lyndon LaRouche, Geoffrey Blank, Paul Zulkowitz, Gerald Kann, George Tatevosyan, et. al. - arranged a meeting for me with an aide to Mayor Michael Bloomberg named Katie Hart. The meeting took place at City Hall and Sgt. Fiore was present. The best thing one can say about Katie Hart is that she is very pretty. She should however be working for the NYC Department of Sanitation because all she did was to try to sweep everything under the rug.

Sgt. Fiore, however, made it clear to Ms. Hart that he is staying on the case.

And it was Sgt. Fiore who later told me that an NYPD computer showed that the case against Wan Yun (Docket# 2005 NY 047906) had been "sealed and closed." He later informed me the decision had been rendered by NYS Supreme Court Judge Ellen Gesmer.

By this time my septuagenarian lawyer, Mr. Goodman, was already in deteriorating health but providing some help and advice including about a complex appellate step that can be taken to unseal the case. I spoke also with a political friend, the prominent civil rights attorney Norman Siegel. Siegel had become familiar with my combat with the fascist Blank when he witnessed a loud confrontation between Blank and me at a November 12, 2005 "peace and justice" festival in Tappen Park in my home community of Stapleton, Staten Island to which Blank had been invited as a speaker by self-described S.I. peace "anarchist", the very hotheaded Mike May. In fact in his talk at the rally Mr. Siegel openly defended my free speech rights, rights which Blank had tried to abrogate with his LaRouche-style violence. (That is another story, "covered" after a fashion by a reporter named Deborah Young, completely blown by the Staten Island Advance.)

I followed Mr. Siegel's advice and continued to press for answers from Morgenthau. No response.

Because the problems involved apparent negligence by the government (Morgenthau, and the NYC Health & Hospitals Corporation, which operates Bellevue) my lawyer, Mr. Goodman, stating that legal action would be premature, urged me to obtain assistance from my elected officials.

The fact is that the ethnically diverse North Shore of Staten Island is run by a lily-white clique of machine Democrats, including City Councilman (and candidate for the U.S. Congress) Michael McMahon, State Assemblyman Matthew Titone, and State Senator Diane Savino. All three are officers in a Democratic Party machine run by Hillary Clinton, who does not like me, and who has indeed generated two explicit threats against me, one by phone (via her investigator "Mr. Zimmerman") and one via a defamatory and intimidating September 5, 2003 e-mail from Clinton U.S. Senate staffer Yajaira Yepez to my taciturn brother Jim in upstate New York. Mrs. Clinton does not like me because I have exposed her and her husband's direct involvement in the coverup of the Communist Chinese Genocide in Tibet.

The other major figure in the Democratic Party machine that runs the North Shore of Staten Island is NYC City Council Speaker Christine Quinn who, to use a prominent civil rights leader's characterization, is truly "two-faced."

Michael McMahon and gay rights-prominent Christine Quinn, politically (not biologically) speaking, comprise the equivalent of a same sex marriage. Among their offspring is the openly gay Titone, a totally negligent hack, who for months did not even answer my calls and e-mails requesting an appointment. He is one of the people who is the subject of my official communications with Melissa Ryan, the Executive Director of the NYS Legislative
Ethics Commission. (By the way I am in favor of full gay rights. But just as past military experience in and of itself is no indication of a qualification for the presidency, being gay in and of itself is no guarantee of competenece and honesty in elective office. Titone and Quinn are living proof of that axiom.

Among the people who have been helpful to me in these matters has been my pastor, the civil rights leader Rev. Demetrius Carolina of the First Central Baptist Church in Stapleton, of which I am a member. He knows the whole story of Matthew Titone's games.

Melissa Ryan is also learning about the operation run by Diane Savino, whose Chief of Staff, Robert Cataldo, is a seriously anger management-challenged wacko who some years ago, when I had a scheduled appointment with him in connection with an emergency situation when I was homeless, exploded in a profanity-laced tantrum and explicitly threatened me in Savino's office on the second floor at 36 Richmond Terrace. Savino has done nothing about Crazy Cataldo and in fact joined her Democratic Party machine pal Gotbaum in making defamatory comments about me published in the Staten Island Advance on August 27, 2005. And as far as her occasional appearances at the largely African-American First Central Baptist Church and its Family Life Center are concerned, only one quotation from a church leader is necessary: "She only comes around when she needs something."

In December, 2006 I met Councilman McMahon at a Christine Quinn-organized community meeting at Seaview Hospital in Staten Island. During a Q&A the real estate developer com- pliant Quinn (who has received oodles of campaign cash from the predatory mega-developers who are largely responsible for the affordable housing crisis in New York) totally evaded
the development/gentrification-related question I asked her. Quinn is also very nervous about me because she has helped Hillary Clinton continue the Tibet Genocide coverup, particularily in relation to City Council action (e.g. Councilman Tony Avella's UP FRONT News - proposed Resolution #1299) opposing the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The full story, also buried by the Advance, is in UP FRONT News.

During a break at the Seaview meeting I approached McMahon and briefly told him of my need for assistance with some serious constituent matters. He shook my hand, smiled, said, "Sure" and advised me to contact his office. When my calls to McMahon staffer JoAnne Carbone generated no response, I sent him an e-mail on December 12, 2006. My e-mail provided the necessary specifics regarding the attack, the mishandling of the Wan Yun prosecution by Robert Morgenthau and very serious problems with Bellevue. Because withheld political information generates distrust, in my e-mail I made mention of my past dealings with some of his colleagues, including Ms. Gotbaum and Ms. Quinn.

The next day I received McMahon's e-mailed reply, which should be required reading in a suggested political science course presumably called "Arrogance 101." Referring to my report that Ms. Quinn had been unresponsive to my communications regarding my proposal for a City Council resolution citing Tibet and opposing the 2008 Beijing Olympics, he wrote that it is a "waste of time" for the City Council to deal with "international affairs." That comment demonstrates both McMahon's ignorance of the Council, his hypocrisy, and his de facto hostility to human rights. (He certainly does not care a whit about my human rights either.) In fact, in 2001 the Council unanimously passed Resolution #802, proposed by me and introduced by Quinn and former City Councilmember Kathryn Freed, which denounced Communist China for its actions in Tibet. Resolution #802, however, made no mention of the Olympic Games issue, which is why I had urged Quinn, directly and via a January 30, 2006 e-mail to her via her Chief of Staff Chuck Meara, to introduce another resolution. In fact Quinn ignored me - always a political mistake. ("So you ignore Weiss at your peril." Columnist Kenneth Gross, Newsday Queens edition March 19, 1981.)

McMahon also ignores the fact that the Council, presumably with his participation, has passed a resolution condemning China for its role in aiding and abetting the Genocide in Darfur. It is my understanding that the unreconstructed Republicrat McMahon supported an early pro-Iraq War resolution in the Council.

McMahon's e-mail to me declares that he was "offended" by an UP FRONT News article in which I criticize Quinn for her non-action on the Tibet/China Olympics issue.

In any event, ignoring my attorney's urging, McMahon refused to assist me and directed me to consult a civil rights attorney. My subsequent telephone conversation with his Chief of Staff Kenny Mitchell yielded little except the reality that any acceptable manners that Mitchell may have are reserved for public occasions and perhaps meeting with real estate developers. Mitchell hopes to inherit the City Council seat being vacated by McMahon. As far as I am concerned, if City Council candidate Rev. Tony Baker, pastor of the St. Phillips Baptist Church, is really ready to act to stop the gentrification of the North Shore (which as per the plans put forth by the Downtown Staten Island Council) is in danger of a Lower Manhattan-style "Soho-ization" involving St. George, Tompkinsville, Stapleton, and Clifton, he will get my support. Like his boss McMahon, Mitchell has no chance at an UP FRONT News endorsement. And activist Debi Rose would do well to discontinue her split the African - American vote City Council campaign that can only help Kenny Mitchell and perhaps instead challenge a real loser like Matthew Titone.

Staten Island has been ill served not only by the self-serving, corrupt, lily-white Democratic Party machine on the North Shore, but congressional district-wide (all of S.I. and parts of Brooklyn) by the nearly deposed Republican Vito Fossella. McMahon presumably began to salivate about the congressional seat very shortly after the May 1 DUI arrest of Fossella as the Congressman (in fact Big Dick Cheney's man in New York) endangered the lives of others by driving while bombed on his way to his lover's house in Virginia. It is doubtful, even if Fossella had been sober at the time, that his thoughts would have been with his blissfully ignorant wife and their three kids back home in Staten Island.

It was after "family values" promoter Fossella's adultery became public that the Republicans decided that Fossella had to go. Of the two announced Democratic candidates, strongly anti-War Steve Harrison (who had run against Fossella in 2006), and City Councilman Dominic Recchia, both from Brooklyn, Recchia threw in the towel (as being caught in Quinn's slush fund beneficence didn't help).

McMahon, essentially a Reagan Democrat, also known as a Republicrat, was not about to set his opportunistic ambitions aside and let a progressive Democrat such as Steve Harrison replace Fossella - who, at least ideologically, in many ways resembles McMahon.

I have by the way discussed McMahon's serious negligence vis a vis me with UP FRONT News reader Steve Harrison and, at his request, I am providing him with a copy of the Weiss/McMahon correspondence.

Michael McMahon has cowtowed to the warmakers and also to racial imperialists with his Christine Quinn-led blatant racial gamesmanship in voting down a City Council bill introduced by Councilman Al Vann (D.-Bklyn.) to change the name of a few blocks of a Brooklyn street to honor black nationalist Sonny Carson.

Mike McMahon is also guilty of failing to do his job, which is to represent all his constituents.

There is no way I will vote for Mike McMahon.
* * * * * * *


UP FRONT News July 15, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."


By Tom Weiss

Curtis Sliwa has certainly stood up to the reactionary Republican whiner Phil Gramm and to the mob. Mr. Sliwa has in the past also served as a rhetorical alternative to the profit-driven "leftist" lawyer Ron Kuby who as far as I am able to tell has based his career largely by trying to help really guilty people get off scot-free.

Sliwa, who for a few hours floated his name as a possible Republican candidate for the U.S. Congress' 13th Congressional District (Staten Island and part of Brooklyn) to replace the fallen Vito ("Cheato") Fossella, however is unable to stand up to what may be the worst and most politically censored paper in New York, the multi-billionaire Donald Newhouse-owned Staten Island Advance. Sliwa has been engaged in a mutual adoration society with the Advance's political editor Tom ("Wrongleski") Wrobleksi, a master at the political coverup and at what is known as "yellow" journalism.

It was Tom Wrobleski who for months suppressed the news of my Democratic write-in candidacy for the U.S. Senate against Hillary Clinton and then ended up by getting scooped on that story by Dan Janison at Newsday. Wrobleski got scooped when on August 26, 2005 in NYC Newsday Janison properly reported my rebuttal to the seriously paranoid NYC Public Advocate Betsy ("CIA") Gotbaum's televised "stalker" reference to me while Wrobleski's error-filled pro Gotbaum-slanted article appeared in the Advance on August 27.

Wrobleski has also covered up the story directly connecting Hillary and Bill Clinton to the coverup of the Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet. Wrobleski's style of censored and slanted journalism is strongly suggestive of the approach to journalism utilized by frauds like the outwardly FDR "Democratic" political extremist Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., who, via the New York-based racist Lenora Fulani, has links to the Independence Party of New York, which is very active in Staten Island. Wrobleski, who sometimes reports on the IPNY, has mentioned not a word about the LaRouche link.

The Staten Island Advance and Wrobleski for years did puff journalism on the corruption- tainted Vito Fossella for years and only started jumping on Fossella's freshly dug political grave after the congressman got busted for DUI as he was at the wheel, bombed, on the way to his lover's house.

Wrobleski and the Advance continue to suppress the facts about corruption and violations of oaths of office by several Staten Island politicians, including Assemblyman Matthew Titone and State Senator Diane Savino, the latter being a politician who apparently continues to employ a violent man named Robert Cataldo as her Chief of Staff. Savino has earned her reputation with at least one important African-American religious and civil rights leader in Staten Island as a politician who "only comes around when she needs something."

The Staten Island Advance earns its reputation as the establishment-protecting Staten Island Retreat. One officer of the Staten Island African-American Political Association has told me that the Advance is "the most racist paper in New York." Tom Wrobleski would certainly be to an important degree responsible for that even if he sometimes goes throuigh the motions of giving a few centimeters of space to black activists such as Kelvin Alexander and Debi Rose.

And when it comes to racism only time will tell if the Advance will report on a de facto citadel of anti-Semitism at 60 Bay Street in Staten Island cleverly disguised as Workforce1, an agency run by a Texas-based corporation called Arbor Education & training in contract with the City of New York which is supposed to help people find jobs. Perhaps the Staten Island Advance would like to check out the activities of a violent and racist client there named Allen Dawson and his friend the racist Olga Gordon, both protected by a very large sadist named Anthony McCarthy, the security guard there employed th Sottile Company. And all three have been protected by Workforce1 Director Robin Johnson, an Arbor employed administator from Chicago who is so dishonest and incompetent that she probably should be working for FEMA. That matter is under government investigation.

And, by the way, Curtis Sliwa has still not answered my May 16, 2008 e-mail to him about Wrobleski. I've sent him a followup.
* * * * * * *


UP FRONT News July 11, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."


By Tom Weiss

The New York Times has broken an important tenants rights story in today's front page article by David Kocieniewski on the fact that U.S. Congressman has four rent stabilized apartments at the Olinick Organization-owned Lenox Terrace in Harlem. Mr. Kocieniewski also reports that "Vantage Properties, a company established by Olinick's former chief operating officer, has attracted billions in private equity financing by promising investors that it can aggressively convert tens of thousands of rent-stabilized apartments, many in Harlem." Rangel's response during a telephone interview was to say "'Why should I help you embarass me?" and then "abruptly hanging up."

It is however a measure of Mike ("The Knife") McKee's entrenched status as a tenant spokesperson (he is now the dictator of the Tenants Political Action Committee, having in the past led the New York State Tenants and Neighbors Coalition, which, in the effort to kill the much needed Flynn-Dearie Rent Protection Act years ago, split off from the New York Metropolitan Council on Housing) that Mr. Kocieniewski contacted him for a comment. McKee, who, according to the article, "was not aware of Mr. Rangel's situation", said, "Whether it's an elected official or not, no one should have four apartments, especially when one is being used as an office." Rangel uses one of the offices as a campaign HQ.

McKee is of course correct. What else could he say? He couldn't really admit that he is one of the people most responsible for that fact that tenants are "protected" by a rent stabilization law that has more holes than some of the best imported Swiss Cheese. And it is apparent that Olinick, Vantage Properties, like the Bush-connected Carlyle Group, et. al., are targeting rent protected tenants, fully aware of the weaknesses of the existing laws.

As far as I am concerned, no matter how many times Mike McKee is quoted in the mainstream and the so-called "alternative" media (a testament to nothing more than his entrenchment, sort of like a tapeworm, in the tenants movement) he does not represent the true interests of those of us who rent our homes. In fact with the "leadership" of politically connected people like Christine Quinn pal McKee, tenants' position has incrementally weakened substantially over the years thanks to loophole-abetted over-development and gentrification.

What is needed is a perhaps UNYTE (Union of New York Tenants)-style group, free of Mike McKee, that is ready to politically organize to get true tenant advocates elected to the mayoralty, to the State Legislature and to the City Council. Four or eight years under a mayor Quinn bode ill for tenants and would make Mike McKee and the developers quite happy.

Such a group would also need to be ready to do some serious lobbying at City Hall and in Albany. It's the only way to get rid of the loopholes. Depending on the courts can lead to for example "owner occupancy" eviction orders (e.g. in favor of avaricious landlord Alistair Ekonomakis at 47 East 3rd Street in Manhattan) and fat fees for the lawyers on both sides.

The Rangel story could develop into a major scandal. Rangel has been one of the main movers is the now battered Clinton juggernaut. Another figure in that juggernaut has been Christine Quinn. Maybe she will have "no comment" on Rangel.

In any event, if Mr. Rangel can be induced to vacate three of those apartments, and if Olnick agrees to maintain the rent structure at "stabilized" levels, maybe some non-politician real working class people can move in. According to The Times story, among Rangel's properties is a villa in the Dominican Republic worth between $250,000 and $500,000. And so, under any circumstances, Mrs. Clinton and Ms. Quinn should not harbor any concerns that Mr. Rangel will wind up in a homeless shelter.

Rangel by the way is still the Chairman of the super-powerful House Ways and Means Committee which has much to say about the distribution of the national wealth. He certainly has his ways and, considering his properties, the means.
* * * * * * *


UP FRONT News June 13, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."


By Tom Weiss

The New York Yankees are demanding $400 million more in tax dollars to complete a new Stadium that should never have been built in the first place. The only reason for the new Stadium is the fact that the iconic existing ball park has no luxury boxes for the corporate predators who want to lord it over New Yorkers and want to watch Alex Rodriguez strike out in the clutch in executive suite-style comfort.

The new Stadium has already resulted in the destruction of two City parks. It will cause a tsunami of traffic congestion, over-development and gentrification in the economically fragile South Bronx.

If the Yankees want another $400 million, they can get it from the likes of the womanizing Alex Rodriguez, whose $30 million "annual" salary for a very part-time job can easily contribute. Perhaps Roger Clemens, who "earned" about $17 million to pitch very badly in his last egotistical season in pinstripes (for a guy who could wind up in prison stripes with Barry Bonds and a few other baseball chemists) can help out. And so can Andy Pettitte and the mega-muscled baseball chemist Jason Giambi.

And Michael Bloomberg should be able to make up the difference by just taking his hands out of our pockets and fishing some cash out of his own pockets.
* * * * * * *


UP FRONT News June 6, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."


By Tom Weiss

On February 16, 2008 at a well-attended Town Hall on Black America at the First Central Baptist Church in Staten Island, I met briefly and quite privately with my State Senator Diane Savino.

I had already been in contact with her office regarding arranging a meeting with her to discuss a number of very, very serious constituent matters, involving serious violations of my human rights. She was already aware that my State Assemblyman Matthew had been unhelpful and that, in fact, in certain ways he had made things worse. She was aware that Mr. Titone and his (now former?) Chief of Staff Keith Parascandola had ignored for months my repeated requests for a meeting and tha he has even stonewalled my pastor, Rev. Demetrius Carolina of the aforementioned FCBC, as well as the NYPD, as represented by the very dedicated and competent Sgt. Al Fiore, who understands politics and politicians. Titone had also played delaying games with my advisor, Steven Gradman, a professor of political science at Touro College and a very knowledgeable and experienced progressive activist and Democrat.

Ms. Savino, in a brief conversation at the rear of the main chapel and again in the reception area of FCBC on February 16 made it explicitly clear that she will meet with me and that all I needed to do was to contact her scheduler to arrange an appointment.

Quite apparently Diane Savino - borrowing a page from her hopefully politically deposed
role model Hillary Clinton - lied.

The following excuses were offered in response to a long series of phone calls and e-mails from me. First there were some staff changes because her scheduler was pregnant. Then there was another scheduler change. Then there was the budget. I received a good deal of verbalized abuse from various staffers at the Albnay office, which she had directed me specifically to contact.
Her Staten Island district office is run Benito Mussolini-style by her Chief of Staff, the ap- parently recurrently violent - and perhaps psychotic - Robert Cataldo.

You see, a number of years ago when I was homeless and had my hotel rent money stolen, as a Social Security recipient, I was in need of an expedited Social Security check, which according to the law can be issued in emergency situations. A request must be made by a representaitve (e.g. a religious leader, an elected official) to the Commissioner of the U.S. Social Security Administration (not to a local or regional official) who has offices in Baltimore and Washington, D.C.

On previous occasions I was able to receive urgently needed expedited checks with the help of Rev. Timothy P. Mitchell, the (now retired) Pastor of the Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church in Flushing Queens (of which I have been a member for many years) and on a subsequent occasion (via a high-level connection) U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton.

On this most recent occasion Sen. Clinton, by now fully aware of my work on blowing the whistle on the U.S. coverup of the Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet (a coverup directly involving Bill Clinton and top level officials of his administration), refused to assist me. In fact she responded to inquiries from me and from my brother Jim in upstate New York with explicit threats against me - one by telephone to me and one by a September 5, 2003 e-mail to my brother (who doesn't want to talk about it).

My Assemblyman at the time, John Lavelle, assigned the matter to his Chief of Staff, the aforementioned Parascandola, who, after much delaying, faxed a letter to the SSA Commis- sioner and then refused to follow it up, instead referring me to (Big Dick) Cheney's man in New York, U.S. Congressman Vito Fossella, who completely mishandled the entire thing.

I therefore went to Diane Savino, met briefly with staffer Tanya Jones-Sullivan, who gave me an appointment with Mr. Cataldo, although still leaving me just about penniless.

When I arrived for my appointment at 36 Richmond Terrace, a short distance from the ferry, only Mr. Cataldo was in the office.

As soon as he saw me, he burst out of his chair from behind his desk and essentially went berserk. In a perhaps two minute profanity-laced tirade littered with the f-word, Cataldo ad- vanced in a distinctly menacing manner towards me and, almost foaming at the mouth, ordered me to leave the office or he would have me arrested.

The next day I called Savino, who happened to pick up the phone. She told me "don't worry about Cataldo" and the proceeded to leave me cashless by accessing a local Social Security official (whose name she refused to disclose to me) who predictably advised her that (s)he could do nothing. Savino refused to access the SSA Commissioner's office.

As far as I am concerned, that incident alone is sufficient reason for Ms. Savino to be removed from office. As far as Cataldo is concerned, despite some initial resistance at the recurrently crime-tolerant 120th precinct, with some high level help, I was able to make certain that Robert Cataldo has a criminal record.

Whether or not this ordinarily smooth-talking arrogant and corrupt Chief of Staff is being helped psychiatrically I do not know.

It is clear however that Diane Savino - along with her other mounting political deficits (she was one of the most vocal supporters of her sister in deceit Hillary Clinton, even as certainly most of the many African-Americans, and me, in her district supported Barack Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination) is a very poor judge of character as she continues to my knowledge to employ the seriously psychologically impaired Cataldo as her Chief of Staff.

Some weeks ago, accompanied by my not very physically imposing friend Peter Schultheis as a de facto bodyguard, having been stonewalled by Savino's Albany office as regards the appointment she had promiosed me on February 16, I stopped in at 36 Richmond Terrace.
Greeting me with uncharacteristic humility was Cataldo, deep in 5 o'clock shadow.

To make a long story short he asked me to provide the agenda for my meeting with his boss. I did.

It involves, among other violations of my rights, the fact that the New York County District Attorney, the apparently marginally functional Robert Morgenthau (who seems, largely because of machine power and voter apathy, to have been in office since the Book of Numbers), willfully mishandled case docket # 2005 NY 047906, the prosecution of Wan Yun, an "Oddjob" - resembling (remember the James Bond classic "Goldfinger?") who violently assaulted me on April 7, 2005. The unindicted co-conspirator in the assault (although he was not present at the time, important in consideration of the reality that, as far as history is aware, Adolf Hitler was not physically present at any of the murders he is responsible for) was and is Wan Yun acquaintance Geoffrey Blank.

Geoffrey Blank was already guilty of a multiplicity of criminal harassments against me, several of them at the No Police State Coalition Union Square speakouts that Blank tried to hijack, while singing the virtues of such role models as Saddam Hussein and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and other tyrants. Geoffrey Blank, promoting the racist ideology of another role model, the convicted federal felon and Germany-worshiping megalomaniac Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., would stand in Union Square preaching "free speech" and sometimed physically attack others (e.g.) me who sought to exercize that right. Blank is said to be born Jewish, but with the possible exception of another LaRouche-ite role model, the psycho-psycho-therpist and cult ("social therapy") leader "Dr." Fred Newman, I have never met a more thoroughly self-hating Jew than Geoffrey Blank. He is a Jewish nazi - or, as noted in a now some what underground-legendary UP FRONT News headline - "Jewzi." (But then, if I were Geoffrey Blank I'd hate myself too.)

After Wan Yun's arrest, done by an initially lethargic 6th precinct, I met with Assistant District Attorney Matthew Jackson. Jackson took a detailed description of an assault that led to over three hours of surgery at Bellevue - and, perhaps because of major post-operative negligence and criminality by a smallish but violent Bellevue Adminstrator named "Infante", has left me hearing impaired. (It is NYS Crime Victims Bureau case # 498400.) He said he planned to prosecute Wan Yun as a felon and that I would be the chief prosecution witness at trial. Jackson had me sign release forms authorizing him to obtain my medidal record and Crime Victims paperwork from Bellevue. (As I have since learned from Bellevue Administration and medical records Jackson never sent the forms.)

And then I offered him evidence connecting Geoffrey Blank to the crime. Jackson's response was, verbatim, "I don't need that." When I asked him how he could not need evidence the content of which he did not know, he abruptly ended the interview.

From that point on I faced a campaign of stonewalling by the DA's office.

Things were made more difficult for me thanks to the paranoia of none other than NYC Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum, a quite secretive and dishonest person with whom, via a family member of mine, I've been personally acquainted since 1979. Ms. Gotbaum, who wants to be mayor (yeesh!), upon becoming fully aware of my work as a free lance investigative reporter, once tried to have me arrested as I was at her office for a scheduled appointment with her Chief of Staff at the time Scott Coccaro to discuss staff abuse of homeless people in drop-in centers and shelters.

The police officer called to arrest me was none other than the aforementioned Sgt. Fiore, who had never met me previously. It took Sgt. Fiore perhaps 15 minutes of interviewing me to realize that Gotbaum's claims that I had made some kind of "threat" against Linda Gibbs, Michael Bloomberg's arrogant and homeless abuse-condoning Commissioner of the Department of Homeless Services (she holds and even higher job with Bloomberg now: yeesh!) were nonsense. Sgt. Fiore told me to go home and leave Betsy Gotbaum alone for awhile.

Ms. Gotbaum's paranoia about investigative reporters like me who know about her may be
explained by the fact that she is linked (at least by one failed marriage) to the CIA. That is a fact that she tried to keep secret until first reported in UP FRONT News. The Times and other mainstream media got to the story later. In fact UP FRONT News consistently gets to stories, e.g. the (Clintons, et. al. direct involvement in the coverup of the Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet and the connection to the Beijing Genocide Olympics) that are suppressed and/or under-reported and/orcensored out of the corporate mainstream (e.g. NBC, Staten Island Advance, Sports Illustrated, New York Times, New York Post) and "alternative" (e.g. Village Voice) media.

And as far as Betsy Gotbaum is concerned, she is now much in the media, not for her publicity stunts in her capacity as the negligent and secretive NYC Public Advocate but in connection with the death at the Phoenix, Ariz. airport of Carol Anne Gotbaum, who was married to Betsy Gotbaum's stepson Noah. A reportedly intoxicated Carol became reportedly out of control while awaiting a connecting flight to a substance abuse treatment facility and was arrested by the Phoenix Police. She died when left alone shackled to a holding cell fixture. The available evidence suggests that she choked when trying to get the chain over her head.

Betsy Gotbaum is suing the Phoenix Police Department. The Phoenix police may well have to explain why an acutely distressed person under arrest was left alone. And Betsy Gotbaum, a profoundly narcissistic individual who lusts after power and money (sort of like Hillary Clinton), may have to explain why Carol Gotbaum was traveling alone thousands of miles away from home.

Because of the Betsy Gotbaum incident vis a vis me and in light of Robert Cataldo's near assault on me as described, my laywer Jacob J. Goodman (who has since passed away), when I received an invitation to meet with ADA Matthew Jackson and his superior William Mahoney, advised me not to go to any meeting with a government official in a government building without a prior written guarantee that I will not be arrested or otherwise harassed. Jackson, in an e-mail to me, refused to provide a guarantee and so there was no meeting.

Ultimately, with much assistance from Sgt. Fiore - and none from Assemblyman Titone - I learned that there had been a "sealed" disposition of the case by a NYS Supreme Court Judge from the Bronx named Ellen Gesmer.

As my lawyer was in increasingly deteriorating health and could only provide minimal help, I consulted hurriedly with for example civil rights attorney Norman Siegel, with whom I am quite well politically acquainted and is among the people who knows how psychologically impaired and dishonest Betsy Gotbaum is. (Gotbaum once contacted Siegel during her 2001 race for Public Advocate and claimed I was "stalking" her. She then made things much, much, much worse by referring to me in that way on television during the 2005 Public Advocate race. And making it still worse was the fact that one of the most dishonest people parading as a reporter, Tom ("Wrongleski") Wrobleski of the Staten Island Advance, wrote a pro-Gotbaum slanted and error-riddled article on August 27, 2005 about the Gotbaum vs. Weiss matter in which Diane Savino defamed me also. There were far more accurate stories on that in NYC Newsday on August 26, 2005 (by Dan Janison) and on August 27 in the Daily News (Celeste Katz) and The New York Times (Jonathan Hicks).

And as far as "stalking" Ms. Gotbaum is concerned, aside from the fact that I have never stalked anyone in my life, the notion of stalking Betsy Gotbaum, as I have written previously, conjures up for me mainly the great country song by Dwight Yoakum, "I Ain't That Lonely Yet."

Also Ms. Gotbaum (who aside from the CIA connection she has tried to hide also has some Great Neck, Long Island adultery in her sleazy past) needs to make public the apology to me that she had an aide telephone secretly to my friend and UP FRONT News associate Arthur Ashe look-alike historian/writer/bartender Willard Whittingham.

Ms. Savino, at my insistence, without meeting with me, wrote a letter to Robert Morgenthau (not to my knowledge followed up) and also one to NYU Medical Center executive Director Dr. Robert Grossman (on another violation of my human rights, by the NYU Dental Clinic that led to a complaint by me to the NYS Department of Health that was later fully "substantiated"). Cataldo then messed up badly by ignoring my insistence that he insist on only written responses from NYU by violating my confidentiality by discussing the matter over the phone with NYU Medical Center Administration, in fact making the situation worse. If Cataldo had done something like that as a social worker, he would probably be fired, brought up on ethics charges, and have his license at least suspended.

But this is the New York State Legislature, where ethics is regarded as most people regard the Bubonic Plague. That is why Assembly Speaker, the reportedly God-fearing Sheldon Silver (D.-Manh.) has, at least as far as I am aware, done nothing about the awful Matthew Titone. It also explains the lack of action by the State Senate Minority Leader Malcolm Smith (D.-Manh.) and the Deputy Minority Leader Jeffrey Klein (D.-Bx.), who have been made fully aware of the Savino/Cataldo problem by me.

Cataldo has since stonewalled Rev. Carolina, Sgt. Fiore and me as regards the explicitly promised meeting with Savino. Robert Cataldo is one reason why the New York State Legislature deserves its rating of "the worst state legislature in the country." And it seems that the worst legislators in "the worst state legislature in the country" may be in the colony known as Staten Island.

Diane Savino, Assemblyman Titone and the really, really arrogant City Councilman and Congressional wannabe Michael McMahon make up the lily-white ruling class of the Demo- cratic Party machine that runs the North Shore like a fiefdom. McMahon's obsequeousness to the imperious City Council Speaker (and Hillary loudmouth) the Slush Fund Queen and mayoral wannabe (more yeesh! ) Christine Quinn was revoltingly evident as Quinn sabotaged Beford- Stuyvesant's wish for part of a neighborhood street to be named after the late black nationalist Sonny Carson. Michael McMahon is also in violation of his constituent responsibilities to me as in December, 2006 he refused to assist me with these matters because, as he put it in one of the most arrogant e-mails (to me) ever paid for by the taxpayers, I had criticized the Flighty Quinn in UP FRONT News. Michael McMahon, a "Democrat" in the Richard Daley/Carmine DeSapio, mold, wants to be the Congressman to replace the Fallen Fossella.

As far as I am concerned, even if he keeps his libido under better control than the perhaps more easily arousable "family values"-promoting (Big Dick) Cheney pal Republican "Cheato" Vito, Michael McMahon is fundamentally unqualified to be a U.S. Congressman and would do well to allow term limits to end his political career.

Savino/Titone/McMahon make up what is an essentially racially segregated feudal "government" in Staten Island that is fundamentally insensitive to the needs of many of the citizens in the very ethnically diverse North Shore of Staten Island.

Apparently more independent of this somewhat Jim Crow-style political arrangement is State Assemblywoman Janele Hyer-Spencer. Indeed, she is clearly in better psychological shape than the arrogant and fear-riddled Titone/Savino/McMahon clique Ms. Hyer-Spencer has helped me out some. Ms. Hyer-Spencer, however, apparently wants to keep that fact secret so as not to anger the machine. At that rate she will never become the congresswoman she told me (before the Fall of Fossella) that she wants to be by winning the 2010 election.

In any case, Diane Savino needs to at least get mental health help for Robert Cataldo (or fire him if he refuses such help) and start telling the truth and send me (and Rev. Carolina, Sgt. Fiore, and Mr. Gradman) an early e-mail with the suggested date and time to meet with me.

Look at what all the lying got for Hillary Clinton.
* * * * * * *

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


UP FRONT News July 8, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."


By Tom Weiss

I was among those who attended the April, 2007 rally in front of the Ekonomakis-owned 47 East 3rd St. in support of the eviction-threatened tenants of that Manhattan building.

As far as I am concerned, the Court of Appeals decision affirming the landlord's right to proceed with an "owner occupancy" eviction, in no way negates the reality that the Alistair and Katherine Ekonomakis are very greedy people. It is also a fact that the Ekonomakises are benefiting not from a bad court decision but rather from the continued existence of one of the many landlord-favoring loopholes in the rent stabilization laws. The law allows landlord's to displace rent protected tenants in the name of "owner occupancy." The courts cannot make law. Only the state legislature can do that.

One of the most disturbing aspects of the April, 2007 rally was that one of the speakers was self-appointed tenant "leader" Mike McKee. (In fact, the best speech that day was delivered by tenant activist Monte Schapiro, whose landlord on East 5th St. is the avaricious Ben Shaoul.) After his pseudo-populist talk, McKee shifted his baseball cap down over his eyes as he slunk to the rear of the rally to chat with his ally Julie Miles of "Housing Here and Now", after I used my First Amendment rights to expose him in front of all those people.

Other than some major landlord-developer lobbyists and their henchpeople in (s)elected office, such as tenants rights-spouting but real estate developer supporting and racially insensitive (Sonny Carson street name change in Bedford-Stuyvesant) City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, there may be no one who has been more inimical to tenants' interests than the de facto fifth columnist Mike ("The Knife") McKee.

The details of how McKee on multiple occasions helped to defeat what was perhaps the strongest piece of tenants rights legislation ever, known as the Flynn-Dearie Rent Protection Act, appear exclusively in UP FRONT News. In sum, Flynn-Dearie, introduced on multiple occasions late in the 20th century, would have required any landlord seeking a rent increase for any reason to prove need by opening his or her books for auditing by the state. Since the landlords had been cooking their books for several millennia, that provision was anathema to the landlord lobby. The landlords got a valuable ally in Mike McKee who announced his opposition to Flynn-Dearie, declaring the "open the books" requirement "too cumbersome." McKee split off from the Flynn-Dearie-supporting New York Metropolitan Council on Housing to form the New York State Tenants and Neighbors Coalition, thereby ending unity in the tenants movement in New York. In fact, unlike much other tenants rights legislation which dies in the Republican-controlled State Senate, Flynn-Dearie could have passed because its co-sponsor, Sen. John Flynn of Yonkers, was a high ranked Republican. John Dearie was a State Assemblyman from the Bronx. (Indeed I even traveled to Albany and to then Senate Majority Leader Warren Anderson's hometown of Binghamton to try to save Flynn-Dearie.)

McKee later worked with his fellow collaborator in the lofts, Lower Manhattan Loft Tenants dictator Chuck ("Ol' Loophole") Delaney, to delay and weaken loft tenant protection legislation, which explains the massive gentrification in loft districts such as Soho, Noho, Tribeca and DUMBO. In the lofts because of a rent increase pass-along provision inserted into the loft bill by McKee's and Delaney's friends in Albany, it has been possible to raise rents in the loft by 300% or more under rent stabilization.

Having been a victim if major landlord (Thomas Berger) and judicial (Christine Quinn pal Marilyn Shafer) abuse in my former loft home at 190-A Duane St. (where I lived for over 16 years, 5 1/2 of them without heat or water), I am very supportive of the tenants at 47 East 3rd St.

What is needed, however, is most certainly no speeches by frauds like McKee (or for that matter one his supporters in politics, the developer campaign contribution-financed mayoral wannabe Quinn).

We need a united (UNYTED?, i.e. the Union of New York Tenants, still on life support) tenant movement that will lobby for laws without loopholes.

And let infiltrators like Mike McKee go back to the right wing Manhattan Institute where he (no comment from McKee) belongs.
* * * * * * *


UP FRONT News March 29, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


While I support the efforts of the rent stabilized tenants at 47 East 3rd Street in Manhattan facing eviction by a landlord who wants to convert the building into a mansion for his family, I wonder about their legal strategy. An Appellate Court unanimously ruled that there is nothing in the rent stabilization law that requires a landlord seeking to displace tenants to move in his own family to obtain prior approval from the New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal. Unless the judges missed something, the ruling suggests that the DHCR-based strategy was faulty.

What is really faulty are laws that inadequately protect tenants from greedy landlords. And since among the professions, landlords and developers (with some exceptions) have very high rates of greediness, the laws need to be strengthened. It seems that a landlord claiming a very, very extended family can displace a multiple dwelling full of rent stabilized tenants for that clan. As far as I am concerned, a law that permits this kind of thing is an invitation to greed and abuse. At a recent community meeting, an aide to State Senator Tom Duane told me that legislation is being developed. He will need Republican support.

The reality is that existing rent protection laws favor landlords. Landlords are in it for one reason, profit. Profits are made through rent increases, cost cutting, and displacement encouragement. As long as landlords do not have to open their book in order to get rent increases, the system is biased. Cooking the books is a way of life for landlords. I know, having been hounded by a rent gouger, greed merchant and political insider loft-lord named Thomas Berger for 16 years.

For many years late in the last millennium, former State Senator John Flynn (R.-Yonkers) and former State Assemblyman John Dearie (D.-Bx) introduced the Flynn-Dearie Rent Protection Act, which, had it been enacted, would have made opening landlord books into the law. The legislation was repeatedly killed by the combination of the real estate lobby, upstate Republican indifference and sellout artist tenant “advocate” Mike McKee. McKee, a master at blending militant “left” rhetoric and simultaneously helping the landlords, argued that “opening the books” for state auditing was “too cumbersome.” McKee and his sellout pal Chuck Delaney who ran the Lower Manhattan Loft Tenants, also so delayed and weakened a loft bill that the gentrification of neighborhoods like SoHo, NoHo, Tribeca, and DUMBO was accomplished somewhat incrementally.

Delaney was also involved in an important case in which the tenants pursued a dubious legal strategy. Loft tenant Mario Pikus argued that since his landlord, Thomas Berger pal eli Lipkis, did not have a residential Certificate of Occupancy, he did not have to pay rent. That argument suggests that a landlord potentially pauperize himself by investing the necessary money in order to render the building “up to code” for the “C of O.” While Pikus and Delaney railed against the landlord at LMLT meetings, the case went to New York’s highest court, The Court of Appeals, and Pikus wound up moving to California, while Delaney remained in his very, very affordable Pearl Street loft and the lawyers presumably made a lot of money.

In a huge city with so many tenants, it is encouraging that there are activists who are ready to organize independently of people like Mike McKee. Maybe it will finally be possible to enact laws that will truly protect people like those at 47 East 3rd Street.


UP FRONT News March 19, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

It is axiomatic that in any kind of war, economic, political, or military, infiltration is a key part of any strategy. And, when it comes to infiltration in the real estate developer/landord vs. tenants wars, the landlords have for decades been well served by the duplicitous tenants rights “advocate” and “spokesperson” Mike McKee. McKee created the New York State Tenants & Neighbors Coalition years ago to split a NYC tenant movement led, at the time, by the New York Metropolitan Council on Housing. The central issue was, and remains, major: making rent increases contingent upon landlords’ “opening their books.”

Late in the last millennium, the New York State Legislature, with McKee’s help, repeat-
edly arranged for the death of the oft-introduced Flynn-Dearie Rent Protection Act. The bill would have, aside from other provisions, required any landlord of a residential multiple dwelling to prove the need for any rent increase by submitting his or her books for auditing by New York State. The landlord lobby, protecting a constituency in which books are regularly cooked in order to create the illusion of owner indigence, view such a law as Communism. And McKee supported them by promoting the landlord argument that auditing would be “too cumbersome.” Tell that to the IRS.

The Flynn Dearie Rent Protection Act was introduced repeatedly by State Senator John Flynn, (R-Yonkers) and Assemblyman John Dearie (D.-Bronx). The fact that it was sponsored by a veteran Republican meant that, unlike much other “progressive” legisla- tion, which dies in the Senate, Flynn-Dearie could have passed. Mike McKee made certain that Flynn-Dearie would die many legislative deaths. Tenants have therefore been left with a loophole-riddled “rent stabilization” system, which features the Rent Guidelines Board hearings circus at which the tenants correctly accuse the rent increase-demanding landlords of lying about their finances but unable to prove it. Rent-flation, gentrification, displacement and homelessness have been the inevitable results. Mike McKee is one of those most responsible for the displacement of residential loft tenants over the years that has paved the way for the tsunami of gentrification that has luxurized neighborhoods such as Soho, Noho, Tribeca, DUMBO, and Long Island City. Spouting militant anti-landlord rhetoric, while refusing to talk to Republicans, McKee and his pal Chuck Delaney, the dictatorial self-appointed leader of the loft tenants, managed to so delay and weaken a loft tenant protection bill that many lost their homes while rent gouging and “stabilization” in the lofts went hand in hand. Indeed, Delaney worked quite closely with the politically formidable Thomas Berger, the founder and president of the loftlord lobby known as the Association of Commercial Property Owners (ACPO), a buddy of Ed Koch, and my avaricious, crime-connected landlord at the time.

Reliable rumor has it that Mike McKee’s political associations include the right wing think tank known as the Manhattan Institute. On those occasions when I’ve raised the question with him he has looked way and responded with silence.

Mike McKee, who at the very least uses the divisive, autocratic, and sometimes cri-
minal tactics blended with populist rhetoric characteristic of Lyndon LaRouche activists,
is recurrently derided as “pushy”, "obnoxious”, etc. by other tenant activists. In fact, Mike McKee is more dangerous than that. He has sometimes been the fourth person present with the “three men in a room” (Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno, and whomever happens to be governor) deciding legislation when others have been shut out. The fact that he has been warmly complimented by the developer-friendly and autocratic City Council Speaker Christine Quinn is in itself ominous.

McKee does not belong in any true tenants’ rights movement. He is better off at the Manhattan Institute.
* * * * * * *


UP FRONT News July 16, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."


By Tom Weiss

Yesterday I received some mailed propaganda at my home in Stapleton, Staten Island, from State Assemblyman Matthew Titone, perhaps the most negligent and most corrupt of the politicians being protected by Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, one of the principal powerbrokers in what has properly been rated as "the worst state legislature in the country."

Things are for sure not much better in the State Senate where the leadership has been pro- tecting State Senator Diane Savino, (D.-S.I.) whose Chief of Staff, Robert Cataldo has had at least one totally psychotic outburst - in my presence. Some years ago, when I was homeless, I had been robbed of my hotel rent money and was in need of a letter from a local official to the Commissioner of the U.S. Social Security Administration to obtain an expedited S.S. check. Communist China-friendly Hillary Clinton, (who on a previous occasion had assisted me in this way), by then aware of my activism in support of a Free Tibet, had refused to help me. Indeed, Mrs. Clinton accompanied that refusal with a couple of explicit threats against me, one by phone (via her investigator "Mr. Zimmerman") and once by a September 5, 2003 e-mail to my quite easily intimidated brother Jim in upstate New York.

State Assemblyman John Lavelle - whose Chief of Staff was Keith Parascandola, who, following the death of Mr. Lavelle, became Chief of Staff to Titone - had completely mishandled the matter. Cataldo greeted me at my scheduled appointment with him at Savino's district office on the second floor at 36 Richmond Terrace, a short distance from the St. George Ferry Terminal, in an otherwise empty office, by bursting out of his chair, moving towards me in a distinctly threatening and menacing manner and exploding into a profanity and threat-laced tantrum accompanied by a threat to have me arrested if I did not leave at once. I did.

Not too long after that I called Savino's Albany office, where she was at her part-time job as a State Senator. She happened to answer the phone. In response to my description of what had happened in her office, Diane Savino said, "Don't worry about Cataldo." She then proceeded to willfully mishandle the Social Security matter by insisting on contacting a regional SSA official (whom she refused to identify) in New York rather than, as required by law, the Commissioner's office in Baltimore and/or Washington, D.C. I ended up almost penniless and had to borrow money from my pastor, Rev. Timothy P. Mitchell in Queens and from my closest friend, UP FRONT News Editorial Advisor Willard Whittingham in the Bronx.

As far as I am aware, not only has Diane Savino explicitly lied to me as regards a promised appointment with her to discuss a number of issues involving major violations of my human rights, as far as I am aware, she still employs the (at least occasional) madman Cataldo at taxpayer expense.

Back to Titone. When my late Attorney Jacob J. Goodman, advised me to access my elected officials in connection New York County District Attorney Robert Morgenthau's mishandling of the prosecution of neo-fascist Geofffey Blank acquaintance Wan Yun's major physical assault on me on April 7, 2005, and the subsequent post-operative negligence at Bellevue Hospital Center, I first approached Titone, who, as per a (s)election process run by the Democratic Party machine, had succeeded Lavelle in the Assembly.

In fact for months Titone refused to respond to numerous phone calls and e-mails from me.
His first response came only after a reluctant and timid intervention by (former) Sheldon Silver aide Jessica Loeser. I had been introduced to Ms. Loeser (whose husband Stu is Mayor Bloomberg's Press Secretary, the proverbial "power marriage) by my friend and advisor Steven Gradman, a Democratic political progressive, who was the Media Coodinator for my Democratic write-in campaign for the U.S. Senate against Republicrat Hillary Clinton.

It took months and the direct internvention by the somewhat machine-independent Assem- blywoman Janele Hyer-Spencer (D.-S.I.), the New York Police Department and my pastor (since I've moved to Staten Island) Demetrius Carolina of the First Central Baptist Church in Stapleton before Titone met with me. And at two meetings, both taking place at Rev. Carolina's church, Titone has done little other than make some veiled threats of non-assistance because, as he put it, I have "embarassed" him in UP FRONT News, read not only through-out Staten Island, the other four boroughs and beyond, but also quite widely by news editors, reporters and politicians in New York, Albany, and Washington.

In response to my Rev. Carolina-supported request for assistance in dealing with the negli- gence at Morgenthau's office, Titone wrote a seriously flawed belated letter to Morgenthau and, as far as I am aware, never followed it up. In response to my request for help in connection with the fact of major health-depriving negligence at Bellevue Hospital Center, where I underwent over three hours of surgery following the attack by the terrorism-linked Geoffrey Blank's pal Wan Yun, Titone also wrote a totally inadequate letter and never followed it up. In response to a number of other serious matters, Titone has done absolutely nothing.

Matthew Titone has the "audacity of a dope" to send me a mailing about his efforts at "Keeping Staten Island kids safe" in connection with some of his legislation aimed at child molesters.

This reminds me of a quotation in a recent New York Post. Overpaid New York Yankee third baseman and womanizer Alex Rodriguez was spotted sort of leering at the rear of a shapely woman walking ahead of him in Midtown Manhattan. (It's caught on camera.) In response to the reporter's question about his prurient interests, Rodriguez said he is leaving it all in the
hands of "the good Lord." Talk about taking the Lord's name in vain!

Matthew Titone, the protector of innocent little children, is the same kind of hypocrite as many of his colleagues in politics - as well as A-Rod.

Matthew Titone is guilty of gross negligence as a state assemblyman, in which capacity it is his job to represent all his constituents, even if they oppose Hillary Clinton. He wants to look good by protecting little children from the criminals. He doesn't seemed to care as much about protecting law-abiding citizen journalists from the likes of Wan Yun, Geoffrey Blank - or for that matter Robert Cataldo.

The best thing for Matthew Titone to do his to follow the example of another phony, U.S. Congressman Vito Fossella, and not run for re-election. As regards replacements, although
for some reason reason civil rights activist Debi Rose continues to insist on pursuing her no chance candidacy of the City Council, for which Rev. Tony Baker of the St. Phillips Baptist Church in Port Richmond seems to be the most most human rights-oriented announced candidate, Ms. Rose would be an immeasurably improvement over the really bad Titone.

No wonder Matthew Titone complains about being "embarassed" in UP FRONT News. He is an embarassment.

As I have said and written Matthew Titone may well be the worst legislator in "the worst state legislature in the country." Even if he is public-relations nice to children.
* * * * * * *


UP FRONT News June 24, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."

By Tom Weiss

This is part of what is likely to be a continuing series focusing on for the most part the politically fraudulent. By that I am referring to people, mostly in politics, who present themselves as human rights advocates but are in fact only in it for themselves.

In light of the conclusion of the most recent immorality play known as the NYC Rent Guidelines Board hearings, which predictably worsened the "rent-flation" crisis, and the consequent and inevitable "tenants rights" grandstanding by the Speaker of the New York City Council Christine Quinn, this article on political frauds focuses on Ms. Quinn, a major component of what I refer to as the Quinnberg Administration.

Among the reporters who serve essenatially as press agents for the Quinnberg Administration is Sally Goldenberg. Ms. Goldenberg until recently was the City Hall reporter for the
Staten Island Advance, perhaps the most politically censored daily paper in New York. The Advance, whose lead censor is political editor Tom ("Wrongleski") Wrobleski, is owned by media mogul Donald Newhouse, one of the 100 richest men in America and a guy who seems to regard the First Amendment as perhaps an attachment to the Communist Manifesto. I've talked by telephone with the Conde-Nast-connected Newhouse; the guy is a robot and it is no surprise that his Staten Island paper is widely known as the Staten Island Retreat because of its habitual suppressing of stories that can change the system. The Advance has been protecting a entrenched clique of (mostly Democratic) politicians on the North Shore for years and only began to uncover the corrupt Republican Vito Fossella after Dick Cheney's favorite Congressman from New York City got busted for DUI on the way to his lover's house.

Sally Goldenberg, presumably for more mogul money, is now working for Rupert Murdoch's New York Post. In her story on the recent Rent Guidelines Board hearing, Goldenberg asserted that Quinn "fiercely" spoke of for tenants rights. Yeesh!

It is a fact that the very, very, very, very developer-friendly Quinn has made something of a rhetorical career out of spouting anti-landlord militance at tenants rallies and meetings. In this she is joined by her ally, the self-purported tenants rights spokesperson Mike ("The Knife") McKee.

During the years of the Quinnberg Administration, New Yorkers have been assaulted, and sometime killed (e.g. crane accidents), by what has become a tsunami of development of what New York City least needs, luxury housing. Bloomberg and Quinn have essentially told the most rapacious real estate developers and their corporate allies (e.g. in the sports world, such as George Steinbrenner and the Quinn-supported mega tax giveaway known as the new Yankee Stadium), "The City is yours, build and the rich will come. We have shelters and drop-in centers for the poor and the displaced working middle class can go to New Jersey." Bloomberg and Quinn are giving the most economically and culturally diverse city in the world away to the developers and turned our town over to the people who constitute the true "Gangs of New York."

In order to be at least somewhat politically correct in a city where there are large numbers of tenants who vote, Quinn and her "same hex" marriage partner Bloomberg offer small per-centages of what is euphemistically called "affordable" housing.

At the same time, tottering and lethal cranes help to erect obscene and unneeded high rises while acres of apartments are warehoused. The MTA moguls get free EZ passes so they don't have to ride the subways as they consider the next totally unjustifiable fare increase. And Queen wannabe Quinn presides over a slush fund operation that would do another Queen, Marie Antoinette, proud.

Working class neighborhoods such as the Lower East Side/Chinatown in Manhattan and Stapleton (where I live) in Staten Island have the developers literally salivating as they finance the campaign funds of people like Christine Quinn. The Lower East Side has experienced an onslaught of luxury housing and hotelization with the accompanying commercial gentrification that has led to bar proliferation. That greed-motivated phenomenon has generated protests led by people like LES community activists Rebecca Moore and Susan Howard, among others. Indeed the musician Moore, with whom I am personally acquainted, recently led a protest (covered briefly in The New York Times and the New York Post) in front of the grotesquely upscale Varvatos boutique that replaced the ousted CBGB's night club. Also a rather conspicuous beneficiary of the mass gentrification in Lower Manhattan has been the Bowery Poetry Club run by poetry-profiteer Bob Holman who, along with his Green Party publicity stuntman Sander Hicks ("Vox Pop"), is one of the voices of cover charge socialism in New York.

The tenants "movement" in NYC is in big trouble since it in fact remains hostage to operators like the aforementioned McKee, who is largely responsible for the Rent Guidelines Board giveaways to the landlords in the first place. An effort started over one year ago to generate a true New York-wide tenants organization called the Union of New York Tenants (UNYTE)
remains on life support because of internal divisions not to speak of McKee-generated infil- trations. Unfortunately one of the more effective and key UNYTE organizers, Monte Schapiro, a tenant in a building on East 5th Street owned by the profiteering Ben Shaoul, has apparently been struck silent as regards UNYTE.

The existing euphemism known as rent stabilization is a loophole-riddled safety net of sorts. It is better than nothing. Indeed, if the laissez faire "libertarians" had their way and removed statutory rent protections entirely, one would have to house the homeless in stadiums, perhaps in the manner employed by Chilean ex-dictator Augusto Pinochet, who kept political dissidents in a soccer stadium in Santiago.

The fact remains however that under rent stabilization the landlords are getting away with economic murder. At the Rent Guidlines Board the landlords predictably make rent increase demands so exhorbitant they know they won't get, fully aware that they will be allowed to pick tenant pockets incrementally anyway. My former landlord, the very politically connected (Ed Koch, et. al.) Thomas Berger (founder of the loftlord lobbying group called the Association of Commercial Property Owners), cooked his books at for example 190-A Duane Street in Tribeca (where I Iived as a loft tenant for 16 years) so effectively he should have been a chef.
Cooking the books and concealing profits is a way of life in the landlord-developer community. "Rent stabilization" lets them get away with it.

As readers of UP FRONT News are aware, on multiple occasion late in the 20th century two state legislators State Senator John Flynn (R.-Yonkers) and Assemblyman John Dearie (D.- Bx.) introduced the Flynn-Dearie Rent Protection Act. Flynn-Dearie would have required any landlord or landlady seeking a rent increase for any reason to prove need by opening his or her books for auditing by the state. Flynn-Dearie was backed by a number of tenants organizations, most importantly the large New York Metropolitan Council on Housing, led in those days by leftists such as Esther Rand and Jane Benedict.

Since Flynn-Dearie was co-sponsored by a veteran Republican, the tenant-sensitive John Flynn, it could have passed and become law. Among the people who killed Flynn-Dearie was the nefarious right wing (Manhattan Institute?) plant Mike McKee. McKee lined up with the landlord lobby and denounced the "open the books" provision as "too cumbersome." Flynn-Dearie as a result died multiple deaths in Albany. McKee then went on to do what he always does and denounced Republicans.

In fact, I did my best to save Flynn-Dearie by, among other travels, visiting my past hometown of Binghamton and leaving some mail at the Riverside Drive (that's Binghamton, not Manhattan) home of then Republican State Senate Majority Leader Warren Anderson, with whom I exchanged correspondence in Albany. Indeed my efforts were the subject of a story in the Binghamton Press & Sun Bulletin (by Mike Gormley, later with the Albany-Times Union and now at the Albany bureau of the Associated Press). Sen. Anderson was no tenants rights advocate but it was McKee and his landlord-connected "liberal" Democrats who killed Flynn-Dearie and who have given us the Swiss Cheese law called rent stabilization, which even allows for "owner occupancy" evictions, as the beleaguered tenants of 47 East 3rd Street in Manhattan have found out.

Christine Quinn and Mike McKee, consistently avoiding the key question of opening the landlord books, yammer about the fact that, as far as rent protection legislation is concerned, the laws are made in Albany and we don't have "home rule." That begs the issue. In fact, I am not at all certain that placing rent protection legislation under the control of a slush fund-baptized City Council very much under Quinnberg control, would constitute an improvement.

Christine Quinn gets tons of campaign cash from the developer lobby. If she were to endorse the "open the books" principle central to Flynn-Dearie, that cash flow would dry up. Quinn wants to be the mayor of New York City, which, from a tenants rights perspective, would be an unmitigated disaster. The only beneficiaries would be the developers and fifth columnists like McKee, who would probably get a very well-paid job in a Queen Quinn Administration.

At this point, while Christine Quinn's chances of getting my vote are about as good as John McCain's, I am not certain whom I will endorse.

I am, however, glad the the anti-gentrification, pro-tenant and pro-Free Tibet City Councilman Tony Avella is running for mayor.
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UP FRONT News December, 24, 2005
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

I first met Mike McKee in the late 1970’s or early 80’s on a train going up to Albany, with a group from the Lower Manhattan Loft Tenants, (LMLT), that group led by Chuck Delaney. I was a loft tenant on the 5th floor of 190-A Duane Street, in Tribeca, under siege by my landlord, Thomas Berger, who, although he does not, to public knowledge, dabble in slums, belongs on everyone’s “worst landlords” list. I was active in the effort to get the politicians to enact rent protection legislation to stop the displacement of residential loft tenants. I had recently learned that Mr. Berger, of Forest Hills, Queens, who, over a period of several years, used every possible means, including major violence, and including no heat or any water for 5 ½ years, to displace me, was the founder and president of the Association of Commercial Property Owners, (ACPO), the loftlord wing of the real estate industry. He and his real estate lobbyist friend Lester Schulklapper, were very active on the other side in Albany and at City hall. Berger was – and presumably still is – at least a personal acquaintance of Ed Koch, who became one of the kings of budget cuts and of gentrification.

I managed to get onto the LMLT Steering Committee. My tenure there did not last long. It soon became apparent that, in particular, the unearthly-looking Delaney was using radical anti-landlord rhetoric to in fact delay and weaken protections for tenants. He did so by, while stifling dissent at LMLT meetings, refusing to speak with Republican legislators, a suicidal tactic since the Republican controlled the New York State Senate, whose approval by majority vote, was needed to pass any loft tenant protection legislation. Delaney, depended on professional leftists such as Councilmember Miriam Friedlander (whose response to dissent in her office was to throw the constituent out) and real-estate-beholden-but-tenants-rights-rapping legislators like State Senator Manfred Ohrenstein, who, together as Democrats, did not even have the power in Albany to pass a law in favor of virtue, let alone to legislation to protect working class, limited income artists and writers living in lofts from displacement.

So Delaney was very unhappy when, while he was railing against the Republicans but refusing to talk with them, I went to the Republican State Senate Majority Warren Anderson of Binghamton, a town I know well, and his downstate colleague from Staten Island, John Marchi, the two most powerful guys in the State Senate. Those visits, along with a somewhat confrontational letter I wrote to Mayor Koch, which yielded a grudging letter from him to me confirming in writing his support for loft tenants rights legislation in Albany, helped to revive a bill that was dying. I reminded the Republicans that it would hardly make New York City and State look good if some of our best and hardest working artists were out protesting all over the place because of imminent homelessness. The Republicans evidently agreed and stopped opposing rent protections for loft tenants.

Delaney’s next move came when, while I was in Albany on my own, I learned from the lawyer who supervised the drafting of the bill in the State Assembly, that a major legal problem had emerged and the bill could not move ahead and has to be redrafted. I im- mediatelty so informed Delaney, who, aided and abetted by Friedland, et. al., continued to support the stillborn bill, creating a one year delay in the enactment of loft tenant pro- tection legislation. Lots of people, with no protection against rent gougers, who proliferated in places like Soho, Noho, Tribeca, and what is now DUMBO, were evicted during that year.

Through all of this, Delaney, collaborating closely with Mike McKee and McKee’s New York State Tenants & Neighborhood Coalition (which Delaney, without consulting the LMLT membership, associated to loft organization to) propagandized ad nauseum for an “artist” named Mario Pikus who was being persistently threatened with eviction from his loft on Walker Street by his loftlord, Thomas Berger colleague-in-greed Eli Lipkis. Delaney and the succession of slippery lawyers who represented the marginally artistically talented Pikus over the years, took his case to the Court of Appeals, New York State’s highest court, on the totally backward strategy that a rent strike is justified if the owner has not gotten a “C of O”, a residential Certificate of Occupancy. Except that, in many cases, owners could not get certificates because of substantial code violations in spaces that, in many cases, had been rendered habitable, if not legal, by the tenants. Not even the most altruistic landlord is going to play economic Russian Roulette by investing into code compliance repairs if he cannot get even a reasonable rent. Sure enough, Pikus lost in the courts and, in something of a boost to the NYC art world, moved to Los Angeles.

Delaney, who, when he learned of a knife-wielding attack upon me by two of Thomas Berger’s “contractors” on the roof of 190A Duane Street, expressed open support for the landlord, with Mike McKee, also made a false complaint against me, via an always-on-edge state legislative aide who was on so much psychiatric medication that she was, at times, marginally functional, which resulted in my being arrested in the Legislative Office Building in Albany. That took place on the day of the final vote for a Loft Bill which, thanks to Delaney and Mike McKee, contained a cost pass-along loophole that would allow for rent “stabilization” in the qualifying lofts flexible enough to permit blatant rent gouging, of which people like Thomas Berger were expert practitioners.

It is, however, when it comes to the history of the most urgently still needed, even in resurrected form, Flynn-Dearie Rent Protection Act that Mike McKee’s true anti-tenant loyalties became very, very clear. During the 1970’s and 1980’s, when, in particular under Ed Koch, gentrification was causing homelessness, State Senator John Flynn (R.-Yonkers) and Assemblyman John Dearie (D.-Bx.) recurrently introduced a bill which, if enacted, would have required any landlord of a multiple dwelling who wished to raise the rent for any reason to open his or her books to state inspectors in order to determine if an increase was justified. The notion of the real estate industry opening its books is the equivalent of asking Dick Cheney to videotape for public consumption his meetings with oil and military executives. The real estate industry said, “No way!” And so did Mike McKee! Interestingly, McKee and his real estate allies used the same argument, i.e. that requiring landlords to open their books would be “too cumbersome.” McKee’s New York State Tenants & Neighborhood Coalition split the tenant movement, then headed by the Flynn-Dearie- supporting New York Metropolitan Council on Housing, and Flynn-Dearie went down, time after time. And, had it not been for McKee, it is conceivable, because John Flynn was a conservative Republican, with good upstate ties, that Flynn Dearie could have become law, especially since the governor, Hugh Carey, was a New York City Democrat. The multiple deaths of Flynn-Dearie “open the books” protections have left millions of tenants under the dubious protections of rent “stabilization.” It has enabled countless landlords to rent gouge and otherwise harass tenants and to create homelessness. Indeed, New York has the embarrassing distinction of being a city where you can be paying $1,900/mo. for a small rent “stabilized” apartment.

And thanks to Chuck Delaney, (a photographer who, last I heard, still lives at a miraculously reasonable rent in a small loft building on Pearl Street near Ground Zero, , which was the site of the highly publicized murder of another tenant, with, while the landlord has been a person of interest, no perpetrator yet found), rents in the lofts are in the stratosphere of gentrification.

Mike McKee is still seen at affordable housing meetings and is still at times paraded about as a tenants rights “spokesperson.” My suggestion is that Mike McKee, a reported spawning of a right wing think tank known as The Manhattan Institute, look for another assignment. How about “The Apprentice?”
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UP FRONT News July 5, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."

By Tom Weiss

In 2000 and briefly in 2004, because of my dissatisfaction with Democratic presidential candidates Al Gore and John Kerry, for a time I supported Ralph Nader. Indeed his campaign people should recall my efforts, in coordination with his campaign manager, at getting him some attention during the 2000 baseball playoffs. Because of some contacts I had in the Bronx with some New York Yankee staffers, as UP FRONT News Editorial Advisor and Yankee Stadium neighborhood Bronxite Willard Whittingham can verify, I explored the possibility of the baseball-savvy Nader attending a playoff or World Series game at Yankee Stadium and perhaps commenting on the state of the game on national television.

The Yankees were interested and so was Major League baseball, which has its headquarters on Park Avenue in Manhattan. Ultimately, although the idea got explicit encouragement from Nader's campaign director, the whole thing went under because of the academic corporate types (David Peel would label them "yuppies") who ran the rather elitist Green Party campaign operation out of Washington D.C. (in an office physically separate from Nader campaign HQ) didn't like me and didn't like my idea.

My idea to get Nader to the World Series (in the only New York Yankee/New York Met "Subway Series" in history), would probably have generated possibly large numbers of votes for Mr. Nader. Why? A national interview, with a politically knowledgeable sportscaster such as Tim McCarver, would have given Nader the opportunity to really connect with America (something that was and is beyond the capacity of the thoroughly gentrified and, much worse, neo-fascist-infiltrated Green Party). Nader grew up in Winsted, Conn., played baseball, and, in his presumably pre-anti-corporation years, was a Yankee fan. He occasionally commuted to games at Yankee Stadium. I would have used my media contacts to encourage perhaps McCarver to ask Nader about the corporatization of baseball.

After I got a go-ahead from the Yankees (for a seat at least for an American League Playoff Game at the Stadium) and from Major League baseball, which handles special seating for the World Series, I tried to work out the details with the Nader people. (Somewhere in my archives I have some fax exchanges.) The Greens however preferred to have Nader campaign in large amphitheatre rallies - a bad strategy because celebrity (Michael Moore, Susan Sarandon at the time)-sprinkled mega-rallies for big fundraising bucks do not translate into votes.

I took a trip to the two Nader campaign offices in Washington and got a handwritten note from a big shot Green stating that they were not interested in having Nader attend the World Series. That decision helped their candidate win the the paltry but critical 3% vote which gave the election to Cheney/Bush and forever diminished Nader's political credibility.

I did manage, with a journalist friend of mine, to get into one of the playoff games for free.

The Greens also reacted very negatively to my efforts at bringing Nader together with disaf- fected Democrat Rev. Al Sharpton, although Sharpton did come up with a "too little, too late" endorsement of Nader at the National Action Network HQ. I remember that rally well, as, joining Nader and Al Sharpton on the dais, were Dr. Cornel West and Patti Smith.

During the Q&A, I asked Nader about Tibet and he responded with a denunciation of Com-munist China as Rev. Sharpton nodded in agreement. (As far as I am aware, Sharpton has since remained silent on the racist Genocide in Tibet.)

The most interesting exchange occurred when erstwhile Sharpton ally Lenora Fulani (careful certainly not to even hint at her ideological solidarity with the mega-fascist Lyndon H. La-Rouche, Jr.) asked Mr. Nader if they could work together in a "coalition." (In fact the term "coalition" when used by a crypto-fascist such as Fulani, means "occupation.") Mr. Nader, after offering a very perfunctory acknowledgement of Ms. Fulani's record as an African-American activist, said to her, "no deals."

Since that time, however, Ralph Nader has emerged as in fact a "left" stalking horse for Fulani's political godfather, the aging but still very active and dangerous LaRouche. (For more on the history of the de facto megalomaniac, very politically connected domestic fascist and convicted felon LaRouche visit the websites of in particular investigative reporter Dennis King and read UP FRONT News. Mr. King, whom I have met, regards LaRouche as "the most dangerous man in America" and I agree.)

LaRouche, who presents himself publicly as an advocate of the presidencies of FDR, is notorious for his dramatic ideological shifts from the ultra-left (e.g. Maoists, Trotskyites) to the far out and racist right (e.g. the KKK). In recent years LaRouche, as always using well camouflaged "left"-spouting surrogates, e.g. Fulani, has been busily fifth-columning his way into liberal and left groups, most particularly the Greens but also "World Can't Wait", the International Action Center and the St. Mark's in-the-Bowery Church-based "9/11 Truth" group, et. al.

The infiltration became readilly apparent most obviously duriung the 2004 Nader for Presi-dent campaign which, particuarly in pivotal New York, depended heavily on "meetups." The New York meetup was run as a total dicatorship by a Fulaniite Green named Cathy Sadell. Her love partner George Tatevosyan when needed provided the neo-fascist lies and muscle. Tatevosyan once physically assaulted me to prevent my attending an April, 2004 Nader press conference in Manhattan to which the candidate had invited me. Involved as a co-conspirator was Tatevosyan's Green Party pal and evident close Nader associate Gerald ("Jerry") Kann. The incident was witnessed by activists Roman Shusterman and Richie Degen. Kann is a violent crypto-fascist who on two occasions tried to hoodwink the good citizens of the Astoria/Long Island City communities of Queens into electing him to the New York City Council. The first time around, running against an uninspired Democrat, where Republicans are not a factor, Kann got a reported 20% of the vote. The second time around, after the neighborhood got its first distribution of UP FRONT News about Jerry ("Can't") Kann, his totals dropped dramatically.

Among Gerald Kann's political associates is veteran Green Party wacko Paul ("Zool") Zul- kowitz. Fulaniite Zulkowitz, who along with Fulani, orchestrated the assault on me, made certain that things would go smoothly in the autocratically run Nader meetups. Zulkowitz, an infiltrationist fixture in the peace movement, particularly with the extraordinarily politically gullible Cindy Sheehan, has openly boasted about his close personal relationships with "Ralph and Patti." "Ralph has been like a father to me!", he once prated at a Nader event in front of Patti Smith and a few hundred other people at Ethical Culture, where I later "outed" Kann as a crypro-fascist right in front of the nervously grinning Nader. (As far as I am aware, Mr. Nader and Ms. Smith, who, to her possible discomfort, has received UP FRONT News directly from me face-to-face and via the internet), remain friends. Ms. Smith, however, is fully aware that Ralph Nader consorts with neo-fascists.)

Zulkowitz received a long overdue mountain of negative coverage in UP FRONT News for his cynical political game in 2005 known as "Camp Casey" (the name being parasited from Cindy Sheehan, whose son Casey was killed in Iraq) in Union Square. Camp Casey became little more than a propaganda outpost for LaRouche-ites and various extremists including some people who think that Hamas and Hezbollah have the correct attitude towards Israel. Zulkowitz put a recurrently violent and often inebriated street guy who called himself "Totay" in charge of Camp Casey.

Totay converted Camp Casey into a de facto shelter for himself and his girlfriend, regularly helping himself to the donation jar.

The whole thing wound up in a near riot on September 19, 2005 when Zulkowitz had Ms. Sheehan there as a guest speaker. Zulkowitz, however, willfully withheld from Ms. Sheehan and everyone else the fact that he had not obtained the required police permit and thereby staged his own arrest at the rally. Zulkowitz' "forget the sound device permit" tactic was the contribution of none other than another ally, Geoffrey Blank, the self-appointed "president" of the No Police State Coalition, a leaderless free speech group that had been holding Union Square speakouts In Union Square. Blank in fact, spouting "free speech", had used threats and violence (mostly, a la Tatevosyan/Kann, against me) to try to hijack the NPSC speakouts regularly, doing quite convincing impersonations of at least two of his role models, Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein. Geofffey Blank emerged as one of the very few (at least nominally) Jewish jihadists around.

I don't know to what degreee Zulkowitz' position in the Greens has plummeted in the wake of the UP FRONT News exposes or following Zulkowitz' response to my stories, a response that became an UP FRONT News story in itself and shows that this Nader pal, like a number of others, is a violent psychopath. Zulkowitz let it be known that my UP FRONT News criticisms of him and Blank were so hurtful that he had decided to commit suicide by jumping off a certain bridge in Nassau County. To make a long story shorter, the police soon showed up at his door and gave him a choice between incarceration and involuntary commitment to a psychiatric facility. In an apparent moment of lucidity, "Zool" chose the hospital.

It was on the day that he was reportedly discharged that a mutual acquaintance told me that Paul Zulkowitz had told him that he was going to shoot me with his Magnum 357. At the time I was at a peace rally near what used to be the Plaza Hotel at the time and I went straight to the cops, just like I have done every time fascists such as Geoffrey Blank have criminally harassed me. (Blank has not yet to my knowledge been questioned about his involvement in an April 7, 2005 major physical assault on me by an acquaintance of his named Wan Yun.)

All of these people are connected to the local racist Lenora Fulani and her mentor "Dr." Fred Newman. Their ideological godfather is LaRouche. (Read Dennis King.)

Last November 28 I saw Jerry Kann at a Baruch College speech by presidential candidate former Democratic U.S. Representative Cynthia McKinney. After I politely exposed him at the event, he made a fool out of himself during the Q&A by asking Ms. McKinney about assuring fairness at the Green Party nominating convention. It appears that Nader and many
Greens are parting ways. Ms. McKinney replied by suggesting that fairness was up to the Greens.

Union Square speakout activist Eric Rassi attended a recent Nader event in a modest-sized room at establishment left-friendly Cooper Union - the establishment left doing its part to keep Cooper Union solvent. Introducing Nader at the event was Gerald Kann.

In January, 2007 at a Nader booksigning event at the Union Square Barnes & Noble (two of Nader's Brownshirts, Tatevosyan and his beloved Sadell, were present as was Kann), I tried to ask Nader about any continuing ties to Fulani/LaRouche. Nader's face darkened, he grumbled to me "So you're still on that [Fulani/LaRouche]", and stalked off.

As far as I am concerned, anyone who knowingly consorts with fascists is unqualified for the presidency.

Internet information shows that Jerry Kann is a Green Party official based in Queens.

Cynthia McKinney has reportedly left the Democratic Party and joined the Greens. She has apparrently decided, following some friendly face-to-face exchanges between us, not to answer any of my e-mails.

The Green Party in New York is not a democracy. Aside from people like the violent George Tatevosyan, Paul Zulkowitz and Kann, the New York Greens are run by Howie Hawkins of Syracuse. I recall one conversation in particular some years ago with an on-her-way-out-of- the-Green-Party lady from Queens. She spoke about Hawkins, whom she described as a "Stalinist." I've experienced Hawkins up close. He is a regular speaker at those cover charge establishment left events at Cooper Union. One time when, during the Q&A at a plenary, I spontaneously asked him a question about ties to Fulani/LaRouche with a stare that makes Cheney's malevolent gaze appear gentle by comparison.

Hawkins was one of the "split-the-left" mouthpieces that the Greens and LaRouche-ites put up against me (not against Hillary Clinton) when I ran against her for the U.S. Senate as a Democratic write-in candidate in 2006. And, like Hillary Cliton and LaRouche-ite Democratic Party "candidate" Jonathan Tasini, Hawkins refused to debate me.

Cynthia McKinney is an African-American, who, during out perhaps ten minute conversation before her speech, urged me to ask her about the almost lily-white makeup of the Green Party. During the Q&A, in response to my question, she urged the Greens to do something about that.

I well recall the Republcan National Convention in 2000 when that almost lily-white political party placed a number of blacks and hispanics in prominent dais positions.

Green Party infiltrators like Fulani have a history of collaborating with Republicans. Fulani, then dictator of the Independence Party of New York, in 2001 gave Republican mayoral candidate Michael Bloomberg the IPNY ballot line, thereby enabling him to win a very close election. She did it again in 2005. Bloomberg has since rewarded her and Fred Newman with tax breaks for their front organizations, the All Stars Project (Fulani) and the Castillo Center (for the Arts) run by Newman, who in his spare time, operates the sex-with-your-therapist "social therapy" cult.

Maybe the Green Party convention will ethnically emulate the image-conscious Republican Party.

In joining the Greens, a political party that has de facto criminal crypto-fascists among its members and in seeking that party's nomination, Cynthia McKinney has rendered herself unqualfied to be president.

Fight greed and fascism in America. Vote for Tom Weiss as a write-in candidate for president.
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