Sunday, December 25, 2005


UP FRONT News February 4, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

It was not some religious whim that has won the late Catholic leftist/pacifist Dorothy Day considera- tion for sainthood by the Vatican. Although Ms. Day, the founder of the world-wide Catholic Worker movement, is very famous, there are still millions who claim they have never have hear of her. Ms. Day, who was born in Brooklyn and lived her last days in Staten Island, and her itinerant French priest Peter Maurin, created what has become a universe of social service and advocacy centers for the poor. Among the most well known are St. Joseph House and Maryhouse, located in the Manhattan’s East Village. And it is at those locations, which operate soup kitchens and residences, where a nest of violence, drug trafficking, and, it appears, racism are festering, in a setting where tolerance is the governing principle but where in fact anarchy sometimes rules.

Paul Frazierfest (spelling uncertain because this corrupt Catholic Worker shirker doesn’t like to give his last name) is an egg-shaped CW person who on occasion has the responsibility of supervising the soup kitchen at St. Joseph House at 36 East 1st Street. Unless the authority-averse Catholic Worker staff take action soon, the continued deceitfulness, occasional resort to physical aggression and general negli- gence and incompetence of the recurrently robotic Paul F. (to distinguish him for several Pope Pauls, with whom Paul F. apparently confuses himself), will convert a humanitarian institution into a crack emporium.

Paul F. presumably will profess to be unaware that there are a number of individuals who use the soup kitchen not only to eat but also to conduct drug trafficking business. The term “product”, not hard to overhear there, is not a reference to shampoo or canned peas. It means crack cocaine, which, quite evidently is what some of those who come to the kitchen both use and traffic. I have come to the soup kitchen recurrently over a number of years and am well acquainted with some very solid and dedicated Catholic Worker workers, principal among them Roger O’Neil, who is both a contemporary of and a spiritual descendant of Dorothy Day. When he is supervising the kitchen, things usually go smoothly. When Paul F. is in charge, the Gaza Strip or Fallujah might be safer.

On February 2 I was to meet an occasional soup kitchen client who is homeless and whom, as a social worker and journalist, I am trying to assist. When I arrived, at around 11:05 A.M., I asked the stone-faced Paul, who was in charge on that day, to contact Mr. O’Neil upstairs in the building, who also knows the homeless person, to advise Mr. O’Neil of my presence and ask that he come downstairs. Paul, who seems to never fail to provide the least help possible, went out to the concrete backyard and presumably called out to Mr. O’Neil upstairs. And then Paul F. returned to the kitchen, saying nothing. When I asked him what had happened (Paul generally calls O’Neil a couple of floors up, in a voice so faint that O’Neil could never hear it), he responded, “I’ll get him” - and then did and said nothing. After a minute or so I asked, “When?” Paul said, “When the soup line ends.” At the time it was about 11:20, about 10 minutes before the kitchen, which opens at 10:00 AM, closed and there was no line. Although the homeless lady did not show up for our appointment, I decided to wait until at least the 11:30 closing time when presumably I would be able to see Mr. O’Neil. I finished my soup and busied myself reading and clipping the New York Times.

As I was doing that a tall dreadlocked man came over to me and, for several minutes, spoke loudly and quite incoherently in my direction, making no attempt to sit down have some food. I said nothing. Paul F., who was maybe three feet away, did nothing. At one point, the visitor, apparently high on drugs, made a reference to my clipping the paper called me a name suggesting that I engage in incest with my mother. I got up and went over to Paul F. and asked him to ask the man to stop speaking to me. Paul did not move. I repeated my request. At that point Paul, moving in my direction, and sticking his finger in my face, said that he was putting me out of the kitchen. I reminded him that I had asked him to direct his attention to an aggressor. He repeated his order to me, threatening to call the police. Upon my reply that he should feel free to call the cops, he changed his mind. Meanwhile, the apparent crackhead, sensing protection from Paul F., became more verbally abusive towards me and was soon joined by another dreadlocked partner in crime, who dashed over and made a series of explicit physical threats against me. Paul responded like the jellyfish he is and had to be rescued by Mr. O’Neil, who had evidently heard the increasing commotion and had come downstairs.

Mr. O’Neil, who is in his seventies, but very Irish, placed himself between the aggressors and me and soon imposed order. A few minutes later, while Mr. O’Neil and I were in front of St. Joseph House, talking about the homeless person - an intelligent, attractive, and nice-but-lost lady, a native of Nebraska who, by way of Chicago, over the years, has wound up chronically homeless and abused in New York City and who appears to be well on the road to a very bad end. Without so much as an “excuse me”, Paul F. opened the door to issue an order to O’Neil, who is his superior in every conceivable way, stating that I am not welcome at the soup kitchen. Mr. O’Neil merely smiled and we went on with our conversation.

Later that day I called Catholic Worker veteran Jane Sammon, who, while she sometimes jumps to conclusions about people she doesn’t know, listened carefully to my account about someone she may think she knows but evidently does not. She agreed that it would be best if I put my complaint about Pope Paul F. in writing.

Venues that provide services to street people - e.g. drop-in centers, shelters, soup kitchens (I know I’ve experienced them all) - are notorious havens for criminal activity, much of which involves the crack market. Among the worst is a drop-in center (i.e. a homeless shelter where people sleep in chairs rather than beds) known as “Peter’s Place”, known among the widening circle of UP FRONT News readers as “Auschwitz Lite”, because of the abuse homeless people there experience at hands of certain corrupt and sadistic staff members. Staff abuse of the homeless, by the way, is an issue that has been covered up by
a number of people in the Bloomberg Administration, including outgoing Department of Homeless Ser- vices Commissioner Linda Gibbs and Public Advocate Betsy (CIA) Gotbaum. The newly elected City Council Speaker Christine Quinn knows about the abuse at Peter’s Place in the heart of her Chelsea District and has done next to nothing, no doubt because of the potent political connections (e.g. Ed Koch) of lawyer, poverty-profiteer Arnold S. Cohen, whose Partnership for the Homeless runs Peter’s Place.

Drug activity at social services venues cannot take place without “protection.” At Peter’s Place, such protections are provided by staff thugs like Desmond Ames (who also helps himself to clothing donated ror the homeless) and racists like Vincent Richardson. And at the Catholic Worker St. Joseph House, the crackheads and dealers are protected by sleazoids like Pope Paul F. And, aside from protecting criminals, he is guilty of several acts of harassment against me and so qualifies as at least a petty criminal him- elf. Paul F., an inciter of violence, is also a hypocrite who can occasionally be seen participating in CW “peace” vigils in Union Square. He is a nightmare contaminating Dorothy Day’s Dream.

Apparently imitating Pope Paul F.’s corrupt handling of matters, is an explosive character named Joe Wells, who appears to think that he is a Chinese border guard and that Maryhouse is Occupied Tibet. On February 3, I stopped in at Maryhouse, shortly before one of CW’s Friday evening open-to-the-public discussion events, this one on Quakerism. I was chatting with “Fitz”, a CW veteran acquaintance of mine, waiting for Ms. Sammon, to give her my letter about Pope Paul F., when Wells burst in, and ordered me to move my belongings using a tone that strongly resembled that used by Nazis in addressing Jews. When I didn’t move fast enough for him, he began flinging one of my bags around. I told him to keep his hands off my stuff and he responded by making a few derogatory comments about homeless folks, such as I have been, and then called me “white trash.” He the repeated that comment, accompanying it with several explicit physical threats. At that point, CW staffer Joanne Kennedy came in and Wells instantly quieted down. As I left, I told her what had happened and, for a few moments, she behaved in a very corporate way, expressing misplaced concern about the volume of my voice and ignoring the aggression that had just occurred. As Jane Sammon arrived, I left, handing her a copy of my letter about Paul a.k.a. the “papal bull.” I suggested to her that leaving a racist like Joe Wells, to use his words, “in charge” (shades of Alexander Haig), without supervision, is like inviting Adolf Hitler to a bar mitzvah. The Quaker guest, wearing one of those broad-brimmed black hats sported by Gary Cooper in “Friendly Persuasion” and by Bob Dylan on one of his album covers, just smiled.
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UP FRONT News December 23, 2005
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

U.S. Congressman – and second place finisher in the democratic Primary for Mayor – Anthony D. Weiner, (D.-Bklyn.-Queens) said it best. According to a right wing columnist in the right wing New York Post, Mr. Weiner said that “the TWU fights for ‘every New Yorker’” The Congressman, who is not shy about letting it be known that he expects to succeed Bloomberg as Mayor of New York City on January 1, 2010, in refer- ring to TWU members also said, “These people are middle class. I don’t believe you solve the problems of health care by taking middle class people and whacking them.” I am certain that his use of the term “whacking” was not borrowed from “The Sopranos”but is rather a reference to the Pataki/Bloomberg/MTA position that regards the members of this uppity labor union as rebellious slaves.

Since I live in Staten Island, and am able to walk across the water via the ferry, which, under the Department of Transportation, was not struck, I was only inconvenienced to the degree that it became necessary for me to walk from the terminal to my home, rather than take the bus. But, in any case, my support, during and after the strike goes to the Union. I have to confess some bias because, as a past member of several unions, Local 1199, Dis trict Council 37, and District Council 1707, in all of which I served as an elected delegate or shop steward, in all cases sitting on contract negotiating committees, I am notoriously anti-management.

It is amazing how the citizenry consistently overlooks the ubiquitous reality that man- agement is composed of totally overpaid corporate types (Peter Kalikow of the MTA, being one of the worst), who consider themselves to be the political descendants of King George III when it comes to spending tax dollars on themselves. Several conductors salaries and pension contributions could easily be fit into the amount of money the MTA spent on prettying up its offices. Peter Kalikow is the supercilious public servant who, some months ago, before an audience of his wealthy peers at The Tavern on the Green, suggested that homeless people stuck out in the cold should urinate on themselves, just like one of his forebears did back in pogrom time in Europe. And TWU President Roger Toussaint said it very well when he reminded the world that Mayor Michael Bloomberg, with with his Bushie-buddy Pataki, spent much time denouncing the workers, is a billion- aire.

In 1977, because of totally specious claims that there was not enough money to hire suf-ficient nursing staff to adequately care for patients at City-operated Queens Hospital Cen- ter, a bunch of patients died as a direct result of the genocidal cuts that were imposed. I was a social worker and an elected member of the Queens Hospital Center Community Advisory Board at the time and paid a heavy price (firing, jail, psychiatric abuse) for blowing the whistle on a cover-up that included Mayor Ed Koch. Rev. Dr. Timothy P. Mitchell, Pastor of the Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church in Flushing, Queens, who was a close friend and associate of Martin Luther King, (and of whose church I am a bap-
tized member) was probably the first civil rights leader to use the word “genocide” in connection with budget cuts that kill.

Following some months of suppression and news censorship, after both the New York State Department of Health and then N.Y.S. Assemblyman Charles E. Schumer (who, at the time, chaired the Assembly Committee on Oversight & Investigations) backed up my allegations of murder by budget cut, much of the media came through. On TV, Channel 11 PIX News did a solid piece with me and most of the dailies covered the story with Newsday in its Queens Edition, doing the best job of all, giving the story, and me, front page coverage on March 1, 1978, with lots of follow-ups.

The notion of a billionaire Republican Mayor, with a Republican governor, steeped in favoritism and corruption, telling the TWU that the money to finance a fair contract is not there is the stuff of Saturday Night Live.

And, when it comes to “penalties”, all we have to do is remember some memorable pardons, e.g. the one extended to the criminal president Richard M. Nixon and the ones extended by the de facto criminal President Bill Clinton to Denise Rich and all his other rich friends.
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Saturday, December 24, 2005


UP FRONT NEWS January 8, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor, Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

While the name and music of Johnny Cash is of course well known throughout much of the world, Marty Stuart, Cash’s former lead guitarist (and former son-in-law) remains almost unknown in many places, most conspicuously in and around New York City. That lack of knowledge of one of the world’s most accomplished and original musicians is being successfully overcome in UP FRONT News, in which pages I’ve written often about Mr. Stuart.

Since he all-too-rarely performs in the N.Y.C. area, I’ve only seen him once in live performance, in March of 1993 when he gave a memorable (to me, at least) concert at the Westbury Music Fair on Long Island. On that night, since Mr. Stuart, after taking the stage with his band, waited for some moments to make contact with his audience, I used the opportunity to approach him directly on the no-barriers stage to see “hello” and give him an article I had written about him. He took it, placed it in his pocket, and said “thank you.” The next two or so hours were great, with my recollection the strongest about his rendition of the haunted and haunting rock and roll ballad, “The Veil.”

Stuart’s literally brought rock and roll electricity to the poetry and music of Johnny Cash. He’s been singing with his own bands, including the Rock and Roll Cowboys and the Fabulous Superlatives, for several years.I am one of those who believes that, aside from his formidable talents as a singer and songwriter, he is one of the great string players of all time. His current albums are the all-gospel Souls’ Chapel and, apparently getting quite political, “Badlands” about the Lakota Native American uprisings in South Dakota.

Marty Stuart is booked to perform at B.B. King’s on Sunday, January 22, 2006 at 7:30 P.M. along with Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder.
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UP FRONT News December 31, 2005
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

There’s been a lot of attention given to a “threat” allegedly made by New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer against a supporter of one of the avaricious CEO’s that Mr. Spitzer is beleaguering. What follows is the story of the very real threat against me, generated personally by U.S. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, a threat which had the apparently intended affect of keeping me homeless and penniless.

The Social Security law has an all too obscure provision whereby, in the event of extenuating circumstances, a Social Security beneficiary, such as myself, can receive an expedited check. An expedited check is one that is delivered prior to the normal due date, which in my case is the second Wednesday of every month. In 2001, I ran into a serious emergency which left me without money. I learned that an expedited check can only be authorized by the office of the Commissioner of the U.S. Social Security Administration, not by a regional or local official, provided some documentation from a representative for the beneficiary is sent to the Commissioner. My, minister, Rev. Dr. Timothy P. Mitchell, Pastor of the Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church, in Flushing Queens, at my request, faxed an urgent letter to the Commissioner at the time and, within a couple of days, I received an expedited check.

Another emergency developed a few years later – emergencies being more acute when one is homeless. At the time, I was actively lobbying legislators to introduce and pass resolutions in support of a Free Tibet. Among the legislators I contacted was New York State Assemblyman Adam Clayton Powell IV, (D.-East Harlem). My main contact was with Mr. Powell’s Chief of Staff Daniel Serrano. Mr. Serrano took a great interest in the Tibet matter and soon arranged for a letter to me confirming the Assemblyman’s support for such a resolution.

Mr. Serrano was particularly fascinated by my account of, among other matters, my arrest in the reception area of the hearing room of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations at U.S. Capital on January 19, 1993, the day before newly elected President Bill Clinton’s first inauguration. I had come to Washington, with an official invitation, to testify against Clinton’s nomination of Warren Christopher as Secretary of State. I was to testify against him because he had buried a wealth of evidence I had gotten to him by fax about the nazi-style Genocide being perpetrated by Communist China in Occupied Tibet. The material had also been copied and given to Clinton and George Stephanopoulos by Clinton secretary Betty M. Currie, who also ran Mr. Clinton’s “Transition” office in Little Rock. I had talked to Ms. Currie at some length over the phone, and, at her request, faxed a great deal of material about the Genocide to her to give to Clinton, Christopher, and Stephanopoulos. I have a copy of Ms. Currie’s faxed acknowledgement to me. I also have acknowledgement faxes from several other Clinton staffers. Clinton, Christopher, and Stephanopoulos (I had also spoken at length to Stephanopoulos’ secretary “Amanda” at the time) were evidently not thrilled over the idea of my blowing the whistle on the American corporate involvement in the Genocide in Tibet. And so they arranged to have me arrested when I arrived for the hearing. They claimed that I had “threatened” a Committee staffer. With the full support of my legal aide attorney, I rejected a Clinton Administration offer to accept responsibility for my arrest and went to trial. It took a jury in Washington D.C. about two hours to acquit me, as the Capital Police testimony was so obviously perjured that only a jury in which all members were Hillary Clinton or Mao Zedong would have decided otherwise.

Mr. Serrano also asked me many questions about my own situation. I told him of my very precarious financial and homeless situation and of my need for an expedited check. (I did not want, for a number of reasons, to make another request of Rev. Mitchell at the time.) Mr. Serrano immediately offered his help, explaining that his wife Yahaira Yepez, works for Senator Hillary Clinton. Within perhaps an hour, Mr. Serrano had e-mailed a letter to Ms. Yepez and, within a very few days, following a fax, marked “urgent” to Social Security from Ms. Yepez, I got a check.

Some months later, while I was still homeless and, in order to avoid further staff abuse at a drop-in center known as Peter’s Place (a.k.a. in UP FRONT News as “Auschwitz Lite”) I was staying at the Hotel Richmond, a sleazy, but rationally priced, hotel in Staten Island, I faced another financial emergency because I was robbed of my rent money. I tried to contact Ms. Yepez, who worked in Clinton’s Manhattan office on 3rd Avenue. Numerous phone calls yielded no response. Letters to Ms. Clinton were not accepted at her Manhattan office. I called her Washington office. My second or third call was answered by a man who identified himself as “Mr. Zimmerman, investigator for the Democratic Party”, and who said to me, verbatim, “Mrs. Clinton has asked me to take all your calls.” Most of the next fifteen minutes or so were taken up by Mr. Zimmerman, referring to a computer data base, reading my political history back to me. He took care to mention my arrest in 1977 at Queens Hospital Center, where I was undergoing major human rights violations because of my efforts to blow the whistle on a major cover-up of budget cut-caused patient deaths at that City-operated facility. That cover-up, by the way involved Mayor Ed Koch. It was apparent that Mr. Zimmerman did not get his information from, for example, Newsday, which, in its then Queens edition, gave me front page coverage. (The story was also covered in the New York Times, the Daily News, WPIX, Channel 11 News, and much other media.) Directed by Hillary Clinton, he could only have gotten all that data from law enforcement, i.e. the FBI.) That last thing that Mr. Zimmerman said to me – a statement I regard as a threat – was, “You better not call here again.”

In any event, Hillary Clinton – later aided and abetted by her political flunkies in Staten Island, State Assemblyman John Lavelle and State Senator Diane Savino (whose Chief of Staff Richard Cataldo almost became violent when I visited her office on Richmond Terrace – left me homeless and penniless. And so did Big Dick Cheney’s favorite NYC politician, Congressman Vito Fossella. Fortunately, Pastor Mitchell, my cousin, author Kathy Perutz, and other friends came through for me.

As far as I am concerned, Hillary Clinton, in so many ways, from attaching political considerations to the provision of mandated constituent services, to her condoning of war crimes, both by her husband and by her de facto ally George W. Bush, to her de facto war against the poor and the homeless, has violated her oath of office. And, because she is in the business of making threats against at least this constituent, law enforcement must be notified.

Monday, December 12, 2005


UP FRONT News September 17, 2005
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


Hillary Clinton, the Jilted Jezebel of American politics, is self-servingly (albeit correctly) criticizing the Bush administration, whose hand-maiden she has been from the moment she purchased the United States Senate seat from the State of New York, for its handling of the Katrina Hurricane mega-catastrophe. That’s like complaining that a clothier named Hitler didn’t fit her husband correctly for a yarmulke.

The fact is that for decades a series of U.S. presidents were fully aware that New Orleans, one of a number of cities with a majority black population, was also the only major U.S. city surviving below sea level. They knew that the less-than-reliable levees protecting the city from an inevitable hurricane or earthquake-generated tsunami, needed to be, at the very least, reinforced a matter that would involve some millions of dollars in appropriations. Bill Clinton, aided and abetted by his warlike, militaristic, anti-poor wife and the Serial Bushes, decided to take their chances with the lives of the people in and around New Orleans, and instead spend the money on things like Iraq, and, of course, on themselves and their for the most part very rich and connected friends.

I call that both Genocide, because of its inherent racism, and Econocide, because it involves mass murder based on economic class.

No amount of spin control, from a media that now includes a Hillary Clinton/Rupert Murdoch Non-Aggression Pact (start reading the New York Observer, along with your New York Newsday, for some often illuminating mainstream news coverage), can negate the reality that the Clintons and the Bushes fiddled while New Orleans tried to keep from drowning – and, as it turns out, burning.

Many folks on the fratricidal network known as “the left” have been calling for the impeachment of the man I refer to as the Acting President George W. Bush (the only man in history to evidently lose twice and serve two terms as President) on the basis of his war on Iraq. My view is that such a strategy was a waste of time, being doomed to defeat by virtue of the reality that, when it comes to Iraq, the Republicans in Congress, without at least some of whom an impeachment is nothing more than an abstraction, are in lock-step (or, in consideration of, once again, of now “left” mega-fascist Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr., goosestep, his anti-war rhetoric notwithstanding) with BushCheneyRoveHalliburton.

It’s perceived differently, however, even for some Republicans when our presidents are involved in killing our own people, in their homes. Except perhaps in places like Halliburton and Enron, in the private sector, top officials guilty of such a level of cronyism, mismanagement, and pound-foolishness combined with Nero-like extravagance directly leading to mass death would be canned in a hurry.

But perhaps, we can at least start with George Bush and, yes, Hillary Clinton – who, as will be shown in this newspaper, has violated her Constitutional oath as Senator quite a number of times. George W. Bush and Hillary Rodham Clinton deserve to be fired – just like FEMA imposter Michael Brown.

Bill Clinton, during his 1992 presidential campaign, said about the President George Bush I and Vice President Dan Quayle, “It’s time for them to go!”

The same can be said for George W. Bush and Hillary Clinton – the Blinton Administration

Sunday, December 11, 2005


UP FRONT News September 24, 2005
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


Paul Zulkowitz, known to many in the “left” activist world as “Zool”, is, after many years of energetic, influential activity, in, for example, the Ralph Nader for President campaigns and, currently, the Cindy Sheehan campaign, in the newspapers. While I happen to support many of the “platforms” of both campaigns, I can also recognize “left” neo-fascist infiltration for what it is. Quite apparently, Paul Zulkowitz does not.

The behavior of a Zulkowitz associate identifying himself as “Totay”at “Camp Casey, NYC”, the pro-Sheehan encampment at Union Square in Manhattan, the site of a near riot at her appearance there on September 19, has convinced increasing number of Sheehan supporters that the New York City encampment that bears her name is contaminated. There is a political scam going on, and it, at least on its surface, involves “Camp Casey” fixture, “Totay.” And since “Totay” reports to “Zool”, it is reasonable to ask, “Which side are these guys on?” Indeed one well known activist from the No Police State Coalition (the free speech group started by, among a few others, Dennis Griggs and not at all by “left” neo-fascist Geoffrey Blank) that runs “speakouts” at Union Square three times weekly, voices certainty that Zool set up the arrest that he experienced moments after Ms. Sheehan completed her talk in Union Square.

A couple of increasingly tense conversations I have had with “Totay”, during “Zool’s” frequent prolonged absences, have revealed that some folks knew about the imminent arrest(s) that took place at “Camp Casey” – I was arrested at the same spot several hours later, at just about the time the 13th Precinct of the NYPD was releasing Zulkowitz – be- forehand. In the days preceding Sheehan’s scheduled September 19 Union Square stop, again with “Zool” not around, I asked Casey regular Eric Rassi about the status of the permit approvals (Parks Dep’t. for Park space and NYPD for the use of a sound device, that Zulkowitz had told me he has applied for. I never got a straight answer. (The very articulate Rassi’s evasivenss is so well-honed that he would have been an appropriate press secretary for, say, Richard Nixon or, perhaps, for Lyndon H. LaRouche, the racist mega-fascist whose literature Rassi distributes at Camp Casey.)

The day after the Sheehan appearance and the two arrests I asked Totay, sitting in what he apparently regards as his Camp Casey throne, about the existence of permit for the September 19 event. He said that there were permits. I ascertained from him that there was both a Parks Department and a NYPD permit. He acknowledged that the permits were in his possession at “Camp Casey.” Expressing surprise at the existence of docu- ments that would have rendered impossible any arrests (show a cop valid permits and he or she will not arrest you for public speaking), I asked Totay to show me copies. He refused, stating repeatedly “Don’t you worry about that.” To my inquiry as to whether Paul Zulkowitz was aware of the permits prior to his arrests. The response, as “Totay’s” generally genial outward expression turned malevolent, was, again,“Don’t you worry about that.” I voiced the view, with him claiming to be in possession of permits that had been issued prior to the Sheehan appearance, that one and perhaps two people had been used as “sacrificial lambs” and unnecessarily arrested. And that is when “Totay” spilled the beans. He said to me, forcefully, “We wanted these arrests!” Although Totay would not repeat that confession to others, at least in my presence, he did refuse the requests of several other Sheehan supporters to see the permits.

It appears that some of the more articulate people are also the most evasive. Paul Zul- kowitz is among the best. During a witnessed conversation with me a day after my con- frontation with Totay, Zool, seated beneath the George Washington statue that formed part of the backdrop for Ms. Sheehan, went into great detail about a possible rifling of his bag while he was in custody, but simply ignored my questions and comments about To- tay. Zool was the slipperiest of eels when I reached him in Washington D.C. on his cell phone on September 24. (Before departing for D.C. to enjoy some celebrity status among the anti-War demonstrators in the capital, Zool had announced that there would be a sup- port rally at Camp Casey NYC at 2;00 P.M. on September 24. He told me that he had applied for the permits.)

Totay, who has been accused of theft at Camp Casey by several activists there, has played the same game with me and others as to whether permit approvals have been given for the September 24 rally. The Parks Department, with which I have successfully accomplished the permit approval process previously for a homeless organization, and I exchange messages and e-mails. The Parks Department, stating that lawyers were in- volved, was unable to confirm that any permits had been approved, in effect referring me back to “Camp Casey.” And Totay has refused to reveal the answer, thus setting up the possibility of planned arrests. (Totay watches the arrests from the security of his throne.)
My belief is that Totay is a “left” infiltrator of the Geoffrey Blank neo-fascist type.

The Hitler-wannabe LaRouche has for decades been camouflaging himself as anything from a FDR New Deal Democrat to a black revolution-supporting-proletarian-grass- roots-leader and, via racist ideological surrogates like Lenora Fulani and the self-hating Jew Fred Newman, and a host of lower level lemmings like Blank and Green Party im- posters like the violence-prone Queens City Council candidate Gerald Kann and George Tatevosyan, been contaminating progressive intitiatives. With Paul Zulkowitz continually
suggesting, in a myriad of ways, “Don’t worry about that!” in response to my effort to stop a Fulani take-over of the Ralph Nader for president “meet-up” in NYC, Fulani and her clique of neo-fascist collaborators in the N.Y.S. Independence Party, sabotaged everything, while Ralph Nader demonstrated that even someone who takes on the corpor- ations can get suckered by a group of “left” neo-fascists.

The “left” fascists are, of course, hyperactive in the peace movement, even more so because of the Sheehan factor. From my perspective the most persistent “left” fascistic component of the peace movement is known by a number of names, A.N.S.W.E.R. being the most recognizeable. A.N.S.W.E.R. is in fact a spawning of the International Ac- Action Center, at 39 West 14th Street, Rm. 206, in Manhattan. And the I.A.C. is an at least ideological affiliate of the Maoist Workers World Party, a group which gets its messages from the Genocidal regime in Beijing. (The Communist Chinese have over ½ century have been perpetrating Genocide in Occupied Tibet. To get some visual idea of what the Chinese Communist regimes have been doing in Tibet, stop by one of the Falun Gong depictions on N.Y.C streets.)

Another essentially Maoist front group is the “Troops Out Now Coalition.” The well known anti-War coalition known as Peace and Justice, for a period of time, disconnected itself from A.N.S.W.E.R.-related activities. During the run-up to the War in Iraq, when much of the world was trying to keep a leash on the war- salivating George W. Bush, by insisting that the “weapons of mass destruction” inspections continue to a defi- nite conclusion, “A.N.S.W.E.R.”, whose sympathies for poor Saddam Hussein were obvi- ous, gave the psychotic and manipulative Iraqi dictator de facto political support in the U.S. I believe that that resulting fractious political situation within the peace movement was music to the ears of Bush’s people, easing his way to War. As a matter of fact, the entire Workers World, I.A.C., et. al. network, the heart of de facto U.S. “left” fascism, which is startingly similar to Stalinism, provides public relations for dictators in various lands. And, based on one somewhat physical experience I had with them at their office, they react violently to “Free Tibet “ T-shirts.

In consideration of their history and in consideration of the Sheehan’s political magnetism, LaRouche, and those doing his work, who include “Totay”, are once again acting as the parasites that they are.

And, as for Paul Zulkowitz, he is bringing to mind a certain British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, who, in Munich, Germany in 1938, submitted to the threats of another guy, named Adolf Hitler, who also rose to power using the rhetoric of the fascism of the “left”, and gave the nation of Czechoslovakia to the German dictator. And then, heaving a sigh of relief as he returned to London, the Prime Minister, (very soon to be replaced by the considerably more assertive with fascist Winston Churchill), declared that there was “peace in our time.” Zool”, with his wishy-washy way of dealing with today’s fascists, is becoming the Neville Chamberlain of New York City.
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Saturday, December 10, 2005


UP FRONT News June 14, 2005
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

Although such reports are largely anecdotal, it is a generally accepted historical reality that there were Jewish people who, under he illusion that their skins would not wind up as Ilse Koch’s lampshades, collaborated with Adolf Hitler. Most, of course, died at his hands. (As far as I am aware, the only Jew whom the Nazi dictator actively worked to keep alive was the doctor who took care of his mother whose death during Hitler’s childhood served as one of the evidently unresolvable traumas that helped generate insanity. Young Adolf was left at the hands of his quite psychopathic father Alois, a frustrated civil servant who spent much of his adult life sleeping around and getting drunk, and, as a father, apparently derived some sort of satisfaction from beating the crap out of the boy and possibly doing things much worse.)

Geoffrey (“Blankety”) Blank, a.k.a. “Jaws”, is a Jewish small “n” nazi. Blank, who lives and reportedly shares a bed with his younger (but, at least chronologically, adult) brother Jason at 122-20 Ocean Promenade, in Rockaway Park, N.Y. 11694, according to the Queens telephone directory, which lists his phone number as 718-945-5188. Blank, who has been reported as voicing significant anti-Jewish sentiments is a practitioner of the neo-nazi politics of, in particular wannabe American Fuehrer Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., Blazi (that’s black nazi) Lenora Fulani (she who blames Jews en masse for the murder of people of color), and psycho-psychotherapist Fred Newman, the cult-leader and (former)? LaRouche associate who, as a Jewzi (that’s Jewish nazi), has labeled his people as “the stormtroopers of decadent capitalism.” Newman by the way has been reported as openly advocating sex between adults and children and reportedly at times requires his “social therapy” patients to have sex with him. As far as I’m concerned that can only be labeled as bestiality.

Blank, whose nocturnal commissions vis a vis his younger brother are a matter for speculation, is the sleazebox who, over a period of time, hijacked the Union Square Monday, Thursday, and Saturday afternoon speakouts started under the name of the No Police State Coalition by several legitimate free speech advocates including Manhattan’s Dennis Griggs and Joe Carranza of Queens. Griggs and Carranza, as well as several other activists, including Roman Shusterman of Brooklyn, felt that, in particular, the many unanswered questions about possible very high U.S. government (read, as I and others see it, in particular Big Dick Cheney) in the 9/11 tragedy) warranted free and open discussion, the kind of thing unequivocally permitted under the Bill of Rights. Many other issues were discussed and folks with a wide range of views (e.g. myself as the Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate challenging Hillary “The Pillory” Clinton from the “left”, and, on the other hand, occasional Bush supporters, perhaps accidentally stranded in Manhattan) would be given the opportunity to speak to the public for 5-10 minutes at a time through, when the NYPD allowed it, a megaphone.

Along came Adolf – er, I mean Geoffrey – Blank, fresh from an apparently successful career as a N.Y.C. lifeguard (hence the UP FRONT News nickname “Jaws”) and substitute teacher (a concept that makes the idea of Michael Jackson teaching second graders almost acceptable) – who began giving his LaRouche style “left” rants that would have left even the notoriously long-winded Red Fidel Castro gasping for breath. Blank then proceeded to announce at “meetings” that he ran in a way suggestive of perhaps a Red Guard get-together in Mao’s China in the 1960’s, that anyone who might criticize him would be banned from access to the megaphone – which, by the way, does not belong to him. As a result, certain individuals would find themselves sort of purged from No Police State Coalition status. Blank then announced that members would have to pay dues payable only to him. Most former NPSC people (it was never a membership organization) refer to the money that oozes its way into Geoffrey Blanks pants as a “slush fund.”

Then things started to get much heavier. One evening, at one of the Munich, Germany beer hall-style meetings that Blank would conduct at a dubious deli-restaurant, known as the 61 Cafeteria, on the southeast corner of East 13th Street and 5th Avenue in Manhattan, the first item on the agenda, voted on by the majority of the group, was a presentation by me as to my decision to run against the carpetbagger corporate woman of easy virtue Clinton. Following the presentation, several meeting participants, most vocally Mr. Carranza, moved that the NPSC should endorse me. Blank got up, and puffing his chest out as if he were Loni Anderson, denounced me as a “wing-nut.” Other than my responding that I’d prefer to be a left wing nut rather than a neo-fascist right wing nut, I chose not to get into a debate with a nazi.

Since that time I have been viciously assaulted by Wan Yun, a restaurant employee, one of several there who were recurrently encouraged by Blank to harass me. That assault, which took place on April 7, resulted in my having to undergo three hours of surgery and may well have left me permanently hearing impaired. With some encouragement from me, the NYPD did, after a couple of weeks arrest the perp. The connection with Blank/LaRouche/Fulani/Newman et. Al. are going to give law enforcement authorities – which I am reasonably certain, will include the FBI (LaRouche is a convicted felon having done about 7 years for credit card fraud- federal) – plenty to do. Since that episode, blank has continued to openly threaten to “bash” me in the head if I so much as touch the megaphone to speak. An apparently cheap liquor and/or crack high buddy of his came at me violently at a speakout on June 13. Blank is poling up harassment complaints by the filing cabinet load.

Geoffrey Blank is a psychopath in the Adolf Hitler/Lyndon LaRouche mode. He is so crazy that he thinks he is sane and is under the more serious misconception that people like him. One former NPSC participant, who has witnessed Blank’s threats and imminent nervous breakdown, issued an e-mail, dated March 4, 2005 which reads as follows: “I hear that the odds are 10 to 1, that Geoffrey will not pass the psychiatric evaluation. After having witnessed the NPSC meeting tonight, I would bet the ranch.” After reading that, I called the writer, leaving a message on his voice-mail, stating that I would bet “the whole state of Wyoming”, picking that place because it is Big Dick Cheney’s home state. (Wyoming, which I visited, by the way, is absolutely beautiful.)

Just like Adolf Hitler – who felt it was his right to terrorize his way to power and deeply resented being convicted by a German Weimer Republic Court – Geoffrey is going to go to jail – quite possibly for a long time. I’d suggest Landsberg – the scenic spot where Adolf dictated his “Mein Kampf” to Rudolf Hess. Maybe the prison authorities can provide him a special double-bed so he can stay with his baby brother.

From “Sieg Heil” to “Sieg Hell.”