Monday, September 25, 2006


UP FRONT News September 22, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."

The GLOOMBERG ADMINISTRATION With the possible exceptions of San Diego, Providence, R.I, Camden, N.J. and Tulia, Texas and some other cities which have established records for really bad government, New York City is one of the worst. Mayor Michael Bloomberg is parading around, getting himself photographed with for example with Nazi Kurt Waldheim's friend Arnold Schwarzenegger, flirting with America, hoping to be president. Mr. Bloomberg, who is in fact a master of the coverup and backroom deal, who has an anti-human rights record as mayor, and who has, regardless of his earlier years, almost no understanding of what it is not to be filthy rich, is smilingly trying to be all things to all people but is in fact almost nothing to most of us.

Bloomberg's election in the first place is a testament to backroom politics and his willingness to sell out to racists and fascists. Former Democrat Bloomberg knew full well that if he ran in a Democratic primary for mayor he would have lots of formidable opponents and would probably lose. (The notion of Bloomberg in a debate with for example U.S. Congressman Anthony D. Weiner or City Councilman Charles Barron conjures up image of a debate featuring Enron's Kenneth Lay vs. Martin Luther King. No contest.) And so he became a Republican, joining the party of Reagan/Bush/Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld, et. al., a party which one time Republican Abraham Lincoln would have nothing to do with today. In 2001, facing a candidate even as deeply ethically flawed as Democrat Mark Green, Bloomberg knew he could not win on the Republican line alone. And so he entered the political brothel run by Lenora Fulani, the racist Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.-disciple and very, very, very close associate of the sex-with-your-patient ghoul of a "psychotherapist", cult leader "Dr." Fred Newman. At the time Fulani was the dictator of the Independence Party of New York, a so-called "third party" she set up when she was essentially banished from Ross Perot's Reform Party, to which she had come when the LaRouche/Newman-created "left" neo-fascist entity known as the New Alliance Party went belly up. Fulani gave the Independence Party ballot line to Blooomberg and that put him over the top, enabling him to purchase the mayoralty.

Fulani, Newman and their neo-fascist clique, which run "arts" front groups such as the All Stars Project and the Castillo Cultural Center, got a lot of money in exchange thanks to Michael Bloomberg - not to speak of many other politicos, some of whom were in fact sucked in by Fulani's populist rhetoric. It took the ethically challenged Bloomberg a long time to react to the fact that the Jew-hating Fulani has denounced Jews en masse as the "murderers of people of color." His belated comment that her unretracted emulation of Adolf Hitler was "despicable" is like saying that the Tibet Genocide-perpetrating government of Communist China is committing "human rights violations." Euphemisms.

None of this has stopped Bloomberg from recently orchestrating a gift of a major tax break by the city's Industrial Development Agency to the All Stars Project despite pro- test from, among NYC Comptroller William C. Thompson, Jr.; NYS Comptroller Alan G. Hevesi, and the Borough Presidents of Manhattan, the Bronx, and Queens. Mayor Bloomberg has been made fully aware of the fact, by me, that Fulani is an agent of Lyndon LaRouche, a Hitler-admiring megalomaniac and convicted felon (mail and credit card fraud) who, even as an embittered octogenarian, actively works to rule America and thereby the world. No doubt the most knowledgable expert on LaRouche is the investigative reporter and historian Dennis King, the author of "The New American Fascism", a biography of LaRouche. I fully agree with Mr. King's characterization of the racist LaRouche as "the most dangerous man in America." LaRouche is indeed, as characteized by Mr. King, a nazi without a swastika. Mr. King is at

Among the political facts that fundamentally distinguish fascists, such as Hitler, La Rouche, Fulani, Newman, and for that matter the Queens-based psychopath Geof- frey Blank, from "conservatives" is that "conservatives" openly denounce and stay away from the left. Fascists, however, split the left by infiltrating it ("5th Column") and outlefting it. Adolf Hitler wreaked havoc by campaigning as a "socialist", denouncing capitalism, and of course threatening and ultimately murdering all opposition. Lyndon LaRouche, who has been known to collaborate with the CIA (outing leftists), Reagan and Cheney/Bush, is, with the Bush Administration's disastrous invasion of Iraq, parading as a "left" radical and proponent of "peace." At the same time LaRouche, who lives in a Hitler-style fortress-estate called Ibikus Farm in Loudon County, Va.,(a short helicopter ride to the White House in the event of a fascist coup d'etat), supports the racist totalitarian governments of for example Communist China and Islamist Iran.

Domestically, LaRouche, via his surrogates Fulani and Co., using the Hitler-conceived "5th Column", infiltrates for example the "left" Green Party, using sleaze like thugs Gerald Kann, Paul Zulkowitz, and Green Party of New York State autocrat Howie Hawkins, the tough guy Fulani-pal from Syracuse. And, just like fascists everywhere, they use intimidation and political violence against others, particularly against those, like me, from the progressive small "d" democratic (and capital "D" Democratic Party) left. Indeed, LaRouche's cancerous influence pervades politics in New York as it has now been established that so called "peace" candidate, the soundly defeated Jonathan Tasini has LaRouche links. And that means that LaRouche has gotten a foothold into at least the Howard Dean wing of the Democratic Party because, among Tasini's main collaborators in political threats and criminality against me has been Tracey Denton, a political hack working for Democracy for New York City, the local branch of Howard Dean's political action group, Democracy for America.

And now back to Bloomberg. Among the acts of neo-fascist violence against me was a Geoffrey Blank-aided and abetted assault on me that took place on April 7, 2005,
perpetrated by a former restaurant employee named Wan Yun. The assault caused an injury that required over three hours of surgery and has caused hearing impairment. City-operated Bellevue Medical Center completely fouled up my post-operative care and Manhattan District Attorney completely fouled up the "prosecution" of Wan Yun, not to speak of Morgenthau's under-prosecution of the serial criminal and de facto terrorist (Zarqawi-supporting and Blank-financing Freedom Socialist Party) Blank. Bloomberg, who is in receipt from me of numerous e-mails and a fax, is playing hard to get. With the assistance of an honest member of the NYPD, who deals with poli- tics, Bloomberg had me seen some weeks ago by his aide, Katie Hart. Ms. Hart swept everything under the rug. And so has Deputy Mayor Dennis Walcott. They all know about the abuses I have experienced as the hands of several City agencies and they all know about the LaRouche/Fulani/Blank angle.

The Mayor is, despite periodically assuaging his billionniare guilt (all billionnaires are guilty of at the very least economic imperialisrm in my book) with his philanthropy and, a man who does not care about most other people. Certainly, based on his decision to invite the Republicans to hold their convention here in 2004 and his very oppressive handling of the anti-RNC demonstrations, Bloomberg has shown his insenstivity to New Yorkers and his marginal understanding of of the Bill of Rights.

Making NYC's government even worse is the fact that, if Bloomberg leaves office before January 1, 2010, the paranoid Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum (Bloomberg's own personal Dick Cheney) becomes Mayor. Through a family member of mine, I've been ac-quainted with Betsy Gotbaum since 1979. Ms. Gotbaum is guilty of covering up staff abuse of homeless people in drop-in centers - e.g. Peter's Place in Manhattan and Project Hospitality in Staten Island, and shelters. She is also guilty of withholding from the public the fact of her marital ties to the CIA. If she wants to marry spies she can do so but she cannot withhold such facts from the public. Betsy Gotbaum is also guilty of criminal harassment against me for trying to have me arrested at her office as I was waiting for my scheduled appointment with her Chief of Staff. And she is also guilty of defamation of character when publically referred to me as a "stalker." She is something of paradox all by herself as she combines an unhealthy predilection for secrecy with periodic publicity stunts. She want to be mayor. God forbid!

And, as far as the City Council is concerned, it is headed by Christine Quinn, who
became Speaker by means of classic backroom wheeling and dealing in what are now probably smokeless rooms. No one asked the people of the City of New York our opinion. Ms. Quinn, aside from (after a self-serving pro-Tibet resolution for which she stole credit from another colleague and from me since I did all the lobbying on it) has refused to answer my January 30, 2006 letter to her about the very domestically relevant matter of Council action to get the 2008 Olympics out of Beijing, and, failing that, calling for a boycott by the U.S. team. Like Hillary Clinton, Rupert Murdoch, and George Bush, et. al., Christine Quinn tolerates Genocide in Tibet. Ms. Quinn also folded like a house of cards on the Yankee Stadium ripoff whereby many tax dollars will subsidize George Steinbrenner's need to make even more money from the luxury boxes in a totally unnecessary new Yankee Stadium for which two South Bronx parks are being destroyed. Only Charles Barron voted "no." Christine Quinn wants to be Mayor. God forbid!

Billionnaire Bloomberg, who, his $1/year salary as Mayor and his philanthropic handouts notwithstanding, is not gettting any poorer. Under his corrupt Administration (Bloomberg, who has consistently been among those penny-pinching the beleaguered Agency for Children's Services, of course blames others for the death of Nixmary Brown, a citizen and client of the City of New York) the poverty comes to the rest of us.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006


UP FRONT News September 18, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”
(This article also appears on

The states of Florida and Ohio have already distinguished themselves as places where elections are stolen. Well, taking into account how at least some things are handled at the New York City Board of Elections, this City might soon find itself bring unfavorably compared with certain governments in Mexico.

Based on my telephoned and e-mailed description to the New York State Board of
Elections of the mismanagement at the NYCBOE taking place under Executive Director John R. Ravitz, the NYSBOE has advised me how to file a formal complaint, which will be done soon .

Shortly after I declared my candidacy as a Democrat for the U.S. Senate in New York in 2005, I registered with the United States Federal Elections Commission. Other than for routine matters, my first contact with them occurred several months ago when I called the FEC in Washington to report politically motivated criminal harassments against me by people associated with the Lenora Fulani-controlled Green Party of New York and by associates of (now soundly crushed in the Democratic Primary) “candidate” Jonathan Tasini. I was told how to submit formal complaints to the FEC and was also advised to submit complaints to local and state election authorities. As far as law enforcement is concerned, I have submitted complaints to the NYPD, New York County District Attorney Robert Morgenthau, New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer and, since politically motivated violations of my civil rights are involved, to the FBI. The FBI complaint was made with the explicit approval of the NYPD.

My first effort at submitting my complaint to Mr. Ravitz by e-mail went nowhere because his computer system is programmed to reject e-mails that contain bad words. Since one of the people harassing me had used a very common used four letter word
that, even with its sexual significance, is probably known to the Pope, the word was included as a quote in the e-mail. When the e-mail was returned with an explanation that suggested that the NYCBOE cannot handle such language, I brought the complaint down to Mr. Ravitz’ office at 32 Broadway and personally handed it to his secretary, Vickie.

When a bureaucrat or elected official or corporate executive wants to cover up wrongdoing, his or her usual practice is to ignore written complaints. Despite a number of telephone calls from me to both him and to the Staten Island (where I live) Borough Office of the NYCBOE, there was no response whatsoever. It became necessary for me to call Frederic I. Umane, a Commissioner of the NYCBOE with an accessible telephone number. Umane did Ravitz’job for him and, stating that the NYCBOE does not have the resources to investigate such complaints, advised me to contact the District Attorney, which I have done. Mr. Umane’s assurance that they allegedly overworked Ravtiz would soon e-mail me was not borne out.

Things with Mr. Ravitz got decidedly worse after the publication on August 21 of a front page article in the Staten Island Advance about my Democratic write-in candidacy for the Senate. The article, a basically solid piece by the Advance’s political editor, Tom Wrobleski, headlined “With the stroke of a pencil, vote for anyone”, focused much attention on the write-in aspect of my campaign. Unlike many write-ins, I am a very serious candidate, who believes that the incumbent is essentially a Republicrat who has sold out the entire country by supporting the Iraq War and has sold out in particular the poor by, for example, her refusal to endorse the Bringing America Home Act and has sold out progressives by taking money from right wing media predator Rupert Murdoch. It took some time for The Advance to take me seriously but Mr. Wrobleski did a solid public service by not only reporting some of the reasons for my opposition to Clinton but also describing the realities and some details of write-in voting.

Mr. Wrobleski wrote, “Even with instruction from poll workers, write-in voters can still make mistakes in the voting booth, like spelling the candidate’s name incorrectly." He quoted Staten Island Borough James Molinaro as stating, “Get just one letter wrong, and the vote doesn’t get credited to you.” Since I am registered to vote as “Thomas F. Weiss” but also known as “Tom Weiss” I needed clarification. I first contacted the Staten Island NYCBOE office and, only after a number of calls, received an e-mail from Sheila Del Giornio, the Chief Clerk there, referring me to the NYCBOE Legal Counsel, but giving me only his telephone number at 32 Broadway. The first time I called the office of Counsel Steven Richman, the telephone was answered by a guy identifying himself as an intern, who interrupted me about four times, each time telling me it made “no difference” how my name was entered. Since, however, the technicalities were brought up by a seasoned political reporter and a borough president, I was not prepared to accept the off-hand response of someone with awful telephone manners who obviously didn’t really care. My later e-mail to Richman, containing as an attachment a copy of Ms. Del Giorno’s e-mail to me, was returned because the NYCBOE e-mail would not accept an attachment (and this one didn’t even have any bad words in it.)

I telephoned Mr. Umane, this time at his law office at the work number he had given me. Mr. Umane got me the answer, which is that either name is okay.Umane, however, did not like the fact that I had criticized Ravitz and included in his e-mail to me a defense of Ravitz that politically resembled George W. Bush’s defense of former FEMA Director Michael Brown, the Republican hack who apparently was under the impression that New Orleans is located in Afghanistan.

On Election Day I voted at a polling site in for the 10th Election District in the 61st Assembly District in Staten Island. When voting for a write-in, inside the voting booth, the voter is to push and hold a button at the top which is supposed to release a small sliding door revealing a space in which the voters enters the candidate’s name in writing. The door did not open. I ended up talking to one of the poll watchers there, who referred me to the coordinator there. He went over, checked the machine and confirmed that it was not working. He then advised me to complete an affidavit (the equivalent of a paper ballot) and the identifying information on a red-lined NYCBOE envelope and to return both to the poll watchers. I did so and the lady asked me why I had filled out the envelope. I said that the coordinator had told me to, at which point she re-referred me to him. His response was to become enraged and to throw me out of the building. As I left I told him words to the effect that it is not intelligent to be abusive to a voter, especially one who is both a candidate and a journalist.

A couple of days after the Primary election (which from my perspective is nothing more than a warm-up for the general election on November 7), one my campaign volunteers, named Theodore, told me about his experience at a polling place on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. As suggested in the Advance article, he approached a poll worker to state that he was going to vote for a write-in. She told him that he could not do that in a prima- ry but only in a general election. That is approximately 100% wrong. Fortunately, my friend does not take uninformed crap from people and went to a supervisor and got to vote for me.

I later learned from another of my campaign volunteers who works as a poll watching coordinator that he had attended the NYCBOE training for poll workers and that there was only minimal mention made about write-in voting.

Based on a reasonable estimate derived from the those who not only told me that they intended to vote for me but would also publicize my media under-reported campaign and encourage others to vote for me, it is quite possible that several hundred people may have at least tried, any number of whom may have given up in the face of NYCBOE obstruction and/or misinformation.

We are now entering into the main phase of this campaign. I expect a great many more votes in the general election than in the primary especially since Mrs. Clinton properly disposed of the phony and pathetic Tasini, who, if nothing else, was a media-duping distraction.

Michael Sessions in November, 2005, after having been disrespected and ignored by the political establishment in the college town of Hillsdale, Michigan, ran for Mayor a write-in. He won by two votes. I am dealing with Hillary Clinton, New York City and State, and the NYCBOE. Good luck to me!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

How Michael Bloomberg is Helping the Fascists - Tax Breaks for Fulani, Newman and LaRouche

UP FRONT News September 14, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


Joshua Sirefman, as the Chairman of the New York City Industrial Development Agency (IDA) and Interim President of the New York City Economic Development Council (EDC) , and as Chief of Staff to Deputy Mayor Dan Doctoroff, is one of the most powerful people in the world. The closeness of this Wesleyan University and University of Michigan graduate to the multibillionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg is turning out to be a very bad deal for just about everyone.

The IDA, as reported in some of the daily media, recently approved tax assistance for a $12.75 million bond-financing project for an “arts” group run by a couple of racist neo-
fascists. The so-called “All Stars Project” on West 42nd Street in Manhattan is run by the nefarious duo of Jew-hater Lenora Fulani and the sex-between-therapist-and-patient- practicing quite ghoulish cult leader self-hating Jew, “Dr.” Fred Newman. What the es- tablished media (including conspicuously New York Times reporter Sewell Chan) missed is the fact that Fulani and Newman are disciples of the Hitler-admirer megalomaniac and convicted felon from Leesburg, Virginia, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Indeed, after reading Sewell’ s missing-the-main-point story, I called him and left a very polite and informa- tive message on his voice mail. He didn’t respond. Later in the evening, when I reached him, Chan - a reporter with an apparent anger-management problem - reacted with all the poise of perhaps Paris Hilton discovering that one of cute autobiographical videos was missing. He was defensive, rude and arrogant, perhaps understandable since UP FRONT News has “scooped” The New York Times.

The “left” spouting neo-fascists, Fulani and Newman are among those (who include locals such as Green Party members Paul Zulkowitz and Gerald Kann) doing the work
of the Leesburg-Virginia based LaRouche, a serial criminal and intellectual thug who
did major time in several federal penitentiaries for credit card and mail fraud. The New Hampshire born and Massachusetts-raised misfit lived in New York City while known as “Lyn Marcus” a “Marxist”-oriented professor at City College. While at CCNY he got together with a fellow psychopath on the faculty named Fred Newman. LaRouche, a
resgistered Democrat who, while praising Franklin Delano Roosevelt, has been known to do business the both the KKK and white-hating Black Muslims who also hated Malcolm X and Martin Luther King. LaRouche has run for president almost as many times as the
legendary loser Harold Stassen. LaRouche is a classic fascist who continues to apply Hitler’s “split the left” strategy and tactics in his pursuit of total power. For the last few years, he has been spouting “anti-Bush” and “anti-War” rhetoric. His “left” supporters (open and secret, the latter having deeply infiltrated the Green party, particularly in New York) advocate “socialism”, just like the National Socialist Hitler did. And, again just as Hitler did, and Fulani has written about, LaRouche and his local fascists apply the “in- side-outside” or “two-roads” strategy involving the simultaneous use of legal (e.g. run-
ning for office, preaching “free speech”) and illegal (violence, threats, stealing, lying and cheating) means to grab power.

Among the most offensive, although still only marginally known, but increasingly notorious, local practitioners of LaRouche-style fascism is the psychopath Geoffrey Blank, who used Union Square “speakouts” by a free speech group known as the No Police State Coalition as his Baghdad, threatening and physically attacking those (such as me) who differed with him. Blank, who has refused to discuss any possible direct La
Rouche links, by the way is not only being (under)prosecuted by Manhattan District
Attorney Robert Morgenthau for some relatively minor crimes he committed in Union Square, he is also directly linked to a group leftishly calling itself the Freedom Socialist Party, which is under international investigation for links to terrorism in Iraq. The FSP’s spokesperson, a Blankie named Stephen Durham, is on record as condoning the late Musab al-Zarqawi’s hostage beheadings. The nominally Jewish Blank is known to hurl anti-Jewish slurs around and is a supporter (as is LaRouche) of the terrorist, totalitarian, and genocidal governments of Communist China, Iran, North Korea and the Saddam Hussein regime. Blank likes Hezbollah and Hamas.

All of the above apply to Lenora Fulani and Fred Newman. And Michael Bloomberg , who over a period of months has been in receipt of numerous communications from me by fax and e-mail, knows all about it. So do the NYPD, the FBI, Robert Morgenthau and Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, among others. It is also known to the steadily increasing number of UP FRONT News readers and those following my Democratic write-in campaign for the U.S. Senate, in which I have been physically attacked by the neo-fascists

Mayor Bloomberg, in giving a tax break to the fascists, is raising opportunism to in this case an “art” form. When he first ran for Mayor as a Republican in a Democratic town, he needed to get another ballot line to win. He got that line from the Independence Party, then a dictatorship run by Fulani. Fulani’s outrageous Jew hatred, made known to mil- lions with her unretracted comment about Jews en masse being the “murderers” of “people of color”, cost her the Independence Party throne and got her some very belated
criticism from Bloomberg. It was the Independence line that got Bloomberg over the top in 2001 in a close election barely two months after 9/11.

The Industrial Development Agency, like its sibling Economic Development Corporation, is run by Bloomberg, essentially on behalf of corporate America, the
behemoth that is a testament to profit-and power-seeking greed at any cost. The cost is born by the soldiers in Iraq and by the poor at home, among others.

And now the IDA, over strong opposition from people like Manhattan Borough Presi- dent Scott Stringer and other elected officials, is giving a major tax break to a bunch of fascists, who helped out the mayor politically.

Other than myself, perhaps the most knowledgeable person about the LaRouche/Fulani/ Newman conspiracy (this is no theory) is investigative journalist Dennis King, author of a very unauthorized biography of LaRouche appropriately titled The New American Fas- cism about “nazis without swastikas” - some of whom, by the way, are in charge of things in the so-called “9/11 Truth” group ensconced at St. Mark’s in the Bowery Church in Manhattan. Mr. King is at A former member of the cult once known as the “International Workers Party” has a good web-site at is also instructive as are some writings by investigative reporters including Chip Berlet and Doug Ireland.

Michael Bloomberg, aka Bush-lite, is having his name bandied about for the presidency.
At that rate we are likely to have the aging LaRouche as Secretary of Defense, Lenora Fulani as Chairlady of the Civil Rights Commission, and Newman as Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. And Geoffrey Blank could be ambassador to Hezbollah,.with Dick Cheney as permanent Vice-President-in-charge.

* * * * * * *

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


UP FRONT News September 4, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."


As various candidates have, learned, sometimes to their dismay (former City Councilmember Kathryn Freed, former Congressman John Murphy, and the "left" neo-fascist Green Party Council wannabe Queens, Gerald Kann), UP FRONT News disendorsements can have an impact on voters. Other candidates receiving endorsements (e.g. Public Advocate candidate Norman Siegel in 2001, former Staten Island City Councilmember Mary Codd) have done better than expected in elections.

Tom Weiss (that's me, the publisher) for the U.S. Senate. Although Hillary Clinton qualifies as the second best candidate, the fact remains that she is a militarist (her views on Iraq being a case in point. She is also super rich and tied to the super rich. She enjoys the backing of some of the most predatory real estate developers in existence, like Donald Trump. Indeed, in certain ways, legislatively she functions as something of an "apprentice." There is no way that she can call herself a progressive or even a centrist if she is willing to accept the support of right wing media mogul Rupert Murdoch. She is a de facto apologist for genocide by her cozy relationship with the government of Communist China, which is guilty of genocide in Tibet and massive atrocities against its Chinese citizens. Her so-called "opponent" on the ballot, Jonathan Tasini, has shown himself in the space of a few months to be a person of no integrity whatsoever and also having marginal command of the issues. He is guilty of promoting politically motivated criminal harassments against me and of consorting with LaRouche/Fulani neo-fascist like the absolutely repulsive "Democrat" in Green clothing Ted Auerbach. Tasini's sucking-up-to-the-neo-fascist "left" idea to impeach Bush would bring about a Cheney presidency and his inability to find a critical word for Iran/Syria/Hezbollah reeks for itself. This guy makes Hillary look good and me look great. I am a write-in candidate in both the Democratic primary and the general election. Write in the name, "Thomas F. Weiss."

Yvette Clarke for Congress, in the 11th congressional district in Brooklyn. U.S. Congressman Anthony D. Weiner (D.-Queens/Bklyn.), (who I believe made a mojor political statement with implications for New York City when he decided to endorse Ms. Clarke), said it best at the Labor Day West Indian Parade by repeating through the bullhorn, "Bush won't know what hit him!" when Ms. Clarke is elected. Yvette Clarke, as a City Councilmember, has compiled a progressive record on most issues of concern to non-rich New Yorkers. I've spoken with her about issues on several occasions and have found her to be forthright and accessible, unlike some others on the Council.

None of Ms. Clarke's opponents could be characterized as reactionary. But City Councilmember David Yassky, whose most recent geographic relocation seems to have been motivated by political ambition, is better off continuing in the City Council. State Senator Carl Andrews, who agrees with me tha thte impeachment priority should be focused on Dick Cheney, is, however also a supporter of an unrestrained Atlantic Yards project that, regardless, of its merits as regards providing some "afforddable" housing, is understandably viewed by many in the Brooklyn communities primarily affected as a bill in a China shop. And Chris Owens, in collaborating with the Green Party, the Lenora Fulani Lyndon LaRouche-controlled nature of which he knows about (thanks to me), thereby ranks as unqualified for higher office. I hope that Yvette Clarke wins.

Charles Barron for Congress in the 10th congressional district in Brooklyn. Veteran community organizer and Blank Panther City Councilmember Barron is a no-nonsense tenants rights, anti-overdevelopment and gentrification-oriented public servant. While I think he has made political mistakes (inviting past anti-colonial fighter but now paranoid dictator Robert Mugabe to the Council, doing some business with Communist China-subservient groups such as the International Action Center and the Workers World Party), I know of no politician who is perfect. I respect Charles Barron, ( with whom I worked back in the 1990's to stop a Pataki plan to enrich eco-developers who wanted to put a pollution-spewing incinerator into East New York) for being the only Councilmember not to vote to enthrone Christine Quinn as Speaker, a position she attained via a series of backroom deals in what are now non-smoke-filled rooms. He also was the one "no" vote on the Yankee Stadium giveaway to George Steinbrenner and his rich friends, some of whom will occupy luxury boxes where McCombs Dam Park once stood. If this unnecessary project is completed, look for a tsunami of overdevelopment, traffic and gentrification in the South Bronx. And a Black Panther in the U.S. Congress should be, at the very least, therapeutic.


Saturday, September 02, 2006


September 1, 2006
(This article also appears on the Tom Weiss (Democrat) for U.S. Senate blog at

Adolf Hitler came to power by blending the rhetoric of populist “socialism” with carefully orchestrated intimidation, violence and attacks on the Jews. He campaigned as a de facto leftist, denouncing the capitalists and big landowners known as “Junkers.” He won millions of adherents among the economically disenfranchised Germans paying the Ver- sailles Treaty-dictated price for the German militarists’ loss of World War I. The Nazis organized rent strikes with the Communists in the slums of Berlin. While murdering and beating the craps out of Jews and others who dissented, they preached “peace.”

Hitler’s most formidable contemporary disciple is Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. a registered Democrat, several times losing candidate for president, and convicted felon who lives in an armed fortress known as Ibikus Farm in Loudon County, Virginia, a short helicopter ride from the White House this megalomaniac plans to occupy by whatever means necessary. A former resident of New York City, and one time a “Marxist” member of the faculty at City College, this New Hampshire born and Massachusetts raised major misfit, is correctly described by investigative journalist and historian Dennis King as “the most dangerous man in America.” See,,,And check out such investigative reporters as Chip Berlet and Doug Ireland. LaRouche is a worshiper of things German and has sworn to eliminate all forms of music other than German classical. Richard Wagner is fine. Duke Ellington, Woody Guthrie, Johnny Cash, Marty Stuart, Lightnin’ Hopkins, the Beatles, and Elvis do not have a chance. As I recall when I visited LaRouche’s hometown of Leesburg, Virginia, his elegant classical music boutique was (is?) known as The Beethoven Shop. (The “Ode to Joy” would become the the “Ode to Oy.”)

While at City College, LaRouche met up with another political lunatic named Fred Newman, who now parades around quite menacingly as a “psychotherapist” and presi- ident of the neo-fascist front organization called the Castillo Cultural Center. Together they created the pseudo-“left” New Alliance Party whose classic split-the-left-by-out- lefting-the-left tactics led directly to the advance of the right with the election of reaction- aries like Ed Koch and George Pataki. “Dr.” Newman, a rather blatant advocate of sex between therapist and patient and a somewhat more camouflaged advocate of pedophilia, is the political ghoul who brought us the African-American Jew hater Lenora Fulani.Fulani, one of the most consummate political prostitutes and chameleons of all time,(including Delilah, Salome, and other biblical evildoers) for years quite successfully presented herself as a populist black nationalist. She has, over the decades, hoodwinked, Among other leaders, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Ross Perot, Patrick Buchanan, Ralph Nader, Charles E. Schumer, Michael Bloomberg, and many thousands of (perhaps temporarily) politically lost souls, embittered by the duplicity of the major parties. Her Hitlerian slips however have been showing. After years of inviting a broad ideological range (from left Nader to homophobically and anti-Semitically right Buchanan) of political leaders into her busy political boudoir, she managed to set herself up as the dictator of the Independence Party of New York. In that capacity, she gave us the Bloomberg mayoralty, as Bloomberg filled the role of her political “john” by running on the Independence Party line as well as the Republican, putting him barely over the top in 2001.

It was only after she refused to retract her claim that Jews en masse are the “murderers of people of color” that she was finally dumped by the nauseated Board of Directors of the Independence Party.

Chameleon-tapeworm that the LaRouche/Newman creation Fulani is, she has for years been collaborating closely with some of the pseudo-leftists who infect the Green party, particularly in New York. Using henchmen like the recurrently psychotic and death- threat making Paul (“Zool”) Zulkowitz, and political thugs like Gerald Kann and George Tatevosyan of Queens, she made Ralph Nader into another one of her “johns”, luring him into his misbegotten presidential campaigns with the siren song of “independent” and “third party” candidacies. Any candidacies by true left progressives such as myself were to be stopped at any cost. The Greens and their lemmings like the terrorism-connected psychopath Zulkowitz pal Geoffrey Blank have consistently used violence and lies against me, particularly in connection with my rapidly gathering support Democratic write-in candidacy for the U.S. Senate, challenging the Republicrat Hillary Clinton.

As soon as I announced my candidacy in February, 2005 Blank came after me very physically. I had already been physically assaulted by George Tatevosyan openly collaborating with the repulsive ass from Astoria Gerald Kann. Zulkowitz, who almost got Cindy Sheehan arrested on September 19, 2005 in Union Square Park by inviting her to speak at his so-called “Camp Casey” but not obtaining the required NYPD sound device permit, tried to lure his so-called pal Nader into becoming a carpetbagger and running as a Green - against me, not Hillary. A few e-mails from me to Mr. Nader, whom I have met and talked with directly several times over the years, ended that. Zulkowitz reacted to my exposing him in the pages of UP FRONT News by announcing his planned suicide in Nassau County and getting himself psychiatrically committed very involuntarily. Upon his apparently premature release he told a friend that he planned to shoot me with a Magnum 357 in his possession. And Zulkowitz and pals wonder why they are persons of interest to the NYPD and the FBI.

Then LaRouche and his surrogates convinced the Brooklyn-based petit capitalist Sander Hicks to run for the Senate as a Green - again against me. Sander Hicks is the narcissist who made a lot of money off the work of a dead man named J.L. Hatfield, who wrote “Fortunate Son”, the book that, among other revelations, broke the story about the coke-snorting college student named George W. Bush. Bush’s people got wind of the fact that St. Martin’s Press was going to publish Hatfield’s book, made some threats and St. Martin’s folded like City Council Speaker Christine Quinn folded to George Steinbrenner in the Yankee Stadium deal. Hicks and his “Soft Skull Press” published the book as a paperback and it did very well. Hatfield, a man who, as the Bush people knew and used to the hilt, was a man with a criminal record, having been convicted of involvement in a murder years back, was ultimately found dead in a heartland America motel. Suicide, it is said. (They also say the same thing about Vincent Foster, the lawyer and very close Clinton associate who was found with a bullet in his head in as I recall the woods in Maryland. Hicks made some more money by making a film documentary, “Horns & Halos”, about the whole thing in which Hicks plays the role of camera magnet.

Hicks, not a man known for his integrity or his judgment, got dumped by the Greens when it became known that he had paid $5,000 of his ill-gotten gains to the Republicans in order to gain entry to a fundraiser at which Big Dick Cheney was speaking so that he could ask Cheney something about the 9/11 “inside job.’ As it turned out during Hicks’ few seconds with Cheney, the Vice President took better aim than he did in targeting a quail.

The Greens, a party that at least in New York functions in ways very similar to the way the Communist Party of the United States did in Stalin’s days, annointed as its Senate “candidate” its de facto boss, the outwardly tough guy Fulani ally from Syracuse, Howie Hawkins, who until then had been the Green candidate for a local (Syracuse area) congressional seat.

Perhaps the most pathetic of all the LaRouche-orchestrated stalking horses is the “Democrat” Jonathan Tasini. Tasini, from Washington Heights, entered the Senate race several months after my February, 2005 announcement. Like LaRouche, Zulkowitz, Blank, Kann, et. al., he tried to exploit the broadening and deepening popular opposition to the Iraq War. And like LaRouche, he used threats and intimidation against me. The series of criminal harassments perpetrated by Tasini in fairly open cahoots with a corrupt political hack named Tracey Denton out of the pretty much lily-white Howard Dean operation here became so persistent and threatening that it became necessary for me to contact the Federal Elections Commission, with which I am registered as a candidate. I followed the quite explicit FEC instructions and filed complaints with that agency and the local and state election authorities. And, as per the FEC’s instructions, I have made formal complaints against Tasini and the Greens, et. al. to law enforcement. Since the crimes against me are politically motivated violations of my civil rights, law enforcement means the NYPD, New York County District Attorney Robert Morgenthau and the FBI (in New York City and Washington). I can tell you that the FBI guy I spoke to and have sent a detailed e-mail to got very interested when I mentioned Lyndon LaRouche, who did quite a few years in federal penitentiaries in Massachusetts and in Rochester, Minn. And Geoffrey Blank’s close political and financial ties to the now being internationally investigated for ties to Zarqawi-connected terrorism Freedom Socialist Party make that that evil creep from Queens a person of interest. And I have every reason to believe that a surly abusive registered Democrat and Tasini supporter and Blank/Zulkowitz Green associate named Ted Auerbach from the East Village will start to get the law enforcement attention he deserves.

Fascism, generally labeled as a movement of the extreme “right”, does not make headway by advocating for big business, war and landlords. It makes headway by adopting the embroidery and the language of the left and always trying to “out left” true progressives. Like tapeworms, they leech onto prominent people like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Ralph Nader, et. al. They split the left, thereby enhancing the political power of the right. There is no question that, as run by the neo-fascist Greens, the last two Nader presidential campaigns helped Cheney/Bush. Under a right-wing regimes, such as Cheney/Bush, so- cial condition deteriorate. Poverty, homelessness and violence thrive. The super-rich steal from everyone else. Not entirely unlike Post World war I Germany. People get angry, political fodder for fascism.

And Lyndon LaRouche, the racist who believes that he was born to rule the world, and who attended the 2005 White House Correspondents’ Association dinner, which you don’t get into if Cheney/Bush say no, is ready to restore order – with the help of, among others, the Greens.

* * * * * * *

Friday, September 01, 2006

On the Post Cold War Realignment of Political Forces

UP FRONT News September 2, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”
Any articles written by individuals other then the publisher do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s views.

On the Post Cold War Realignment of Political Forces on the World Stage.
The Anti-fascist Role Played by the No Police State Coalition (NPSC) and UP FRONT News (UFN) in the U.S.
Anti-Communism or “Left” Fascism (“9/11 Truth” sect/ Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. cult), either way we're dead.

By Roman Shusterman

In order for us progressive activists to understand our present political situation, we must have at least a brief understanding of the past movements and coalitions that have brought us to the point where we find ourselves today. When it comes to peace coalitions, and radicals who make their living off of activism and movements, it is important to follow the money. This is not necessarily meant to condemn anyone who accepts contributions from foreign political parties or movements; it is simply something that we can use to understand the alignment of political forces in our own country. To start we first have to look at the American Communist Party and the Communist movement in the U.S. Documented evidence from FBI infiltrators (Operation Solo) shows that the main source of income for the CPUSA from the 1950's until the last recorded transfer in the late 1980`s was the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU). Government data also shows that the CPUSA had a strictly pro-Soviet stance and therefore had refused funding from the Chinese communist party (CCP) on numerous occasions due to the Sino-Soviet split. This split had mainly come about due to the fact that Communism in the Soviet Union was developed to a point where the people were able to enjoy enough benefits from the state to keep them from wanting a nuclear confrontation with the west. The Chinese on the other hand were ready to sacrifice some of their population to a nuclear war based on the idea that if war were to occur due to the fact that there were more people occupying the socialist bloc they would ultimately prevail and then socialism would not have anything hindering its progress. There were of course other arguments that made sense to the Chinese. In any case the Chinese did not trust the Soviets and their socialism and so the Chinese decided to change the course of their revolution while maintaining the infrastructure of the CCP and developed a China that is technologically and militarily progressing while socially is becoming more fascist by the day.

The Soviets were not as militant in their promotion of world socialist revolution. Instead the Soviets tried to influence foreign governments through civil society for the most part. In the U.S. this meant encouraging the CPUSA to run candidates for political office, and have members of the CPUSA become part of the American fabric and way of life. The leader of the CPUSA, Gus Hall at the time took this peaceful Soviet approach to American politics and denounced the Chinese leader Deng for attacking Vietnam and aligning with the U.S. against the S.U. “The Chinese supported the fascist butcher Pinochet in Chile,” Hall said. “China must punish Vietnam, Vietnam must be taught a lesson,” Deng Xiaoping declared." Hall’s expressed view was that “A stand has to be taken; a broad, worldwide movement against the irresponsible, adventurous Chinese aggressors has to be built. The stakes are of the highest.” During Hall's leadership, the CPUSA had taken a clear anti-fascist stand and called for something called “Socialism USA.” I am not making the case for their idea of “Socialism USA”, with which I happen to have some disagreements, (see my essay on Marxist-Leninist Socialism vs. Humanitarian Socialism at I do, however, want to point out the fact that the CPUSA has since Hall's passing, made it clear that it has abandoned Hall's call for Socialism USA. Whereas Hall rightly criticized the fascist tendencies of the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the new leader of the CPUSA, Sam Webb has recently taken up the invitation of the CCP and went with the CPUSA delegation on an official state visit to China. Following Webb's visit, an article appeared in the People's Weekly World ( called “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.” Now all of a sudden the CCP could do no wrong and was on a clear path to Socialism, this of course with the knowledge and reported (UP FRONT News) evidence of concentration camps in China which are full of Falun Gong prisoners, and the Genocide in Tibet. Maybe, if Webb added the word “national” before socialism he would be making a good case.

In my opinion, the leadership of the CPUSA learned one thing from Gus Hall, and that is to follow the money. The difference between Hall and Webb is that Hall was being influenced by rational Soviet leaders who were interested in Soviet-style Communism, which, in my opinion, was superior to anything China has ever had. Webb, on the other hand, is now taking direct orders from the CCP, and because of my knowledge of the CPUSA I can confidently say that their position has become so pro-China since Hall's death that it is reasonable to assume that they are now being directly funded and influenced by the CCP. Nothing else can explain their position and their non-critical support for China.

Fact: Judith Le Blanc, a member of the Central Committee of the CPUSA, is now the national chair of United for Peace and Justice, the largest peace coalition in the U.S.

Due to the experienced political operatives that the CPUSA had in the peace movement throughout the last century, mainly in the disarmament and anti-nuclear weapons/ anti Star-Wars movements, certain members of the CPUSA had, over the years, developed important relationships with these liberal domestic groups and had become respected leaders of the activist community. The CPUSA are not just your average activists; they are ideologically trained cadres dedicated to attaining state power by any means of political manipulation. In the past they made sure the peace movement took the approach that was most beneficial to the position of the Soviet Union. Today, on the surface it may seem that UFPJ is simply a group of liberal activists who want to effect positive change and who seek justice. But if we look closer we will find that UFPJ as well as some high profile members of the Democratic Party (Clintons) seem to be taking positions and leading movements that may be most beneficial to the Chinese. There are of course other activist coalitions such as the International Action Center (IAC) which is heavily influenced by the Workers’ World Party, just as UFPJ has become heavily influenced by the CPUSA. According to a member of the Central Committee of the CPUSA, the Workers’ World Party receives most of it's funding from the Ba'ath Socialist Party in Syria and previously from Saddam Hussein. According to the Russian-American news daily New Russian Word or "Novoye Russkoe Slovo", the IAC is now being investigated for this because it has been leading pro-Hezbollah and pro-Hamas demonstrations.

The Syrian government and the Ba'ath Socialist movement have over recent years become more hospitable to Islam. Although it is important to note that secularism and socialism still prevail in Syria even though the government of President Bashir Assad aids Hezbollah and portrays that group rightly or wrongly as liberators of south Lebanon because of their standing up to the Israelis. Assad is still very cautious and keeps the “Islamo-fascist” ideology of Hezbollah far from Syria. In any case, due to the destruction of the Iraqi Ba'ath Party the IAC is receiving much less funding and has reportedly had to move from their Union, evidently to the WWP offices on West 17th Street in Manhattan. It is clear that, since Saddam's fall, the IAC has become much more impoverished. The CPUSA, on the other hand, is doing very well for itself and has even managed to raise the salaries of its workers. Until recently, about 5 years ago the CPUSA was barely surviving. After CPUSA Chairman Webb’s trip to China everything changed.

The anti-fascist role played by the No Police State Coalition (NPSC) and UP FRONT News (UFN) in the U.S.

After the collapse of the USSR the U.S. briefly under Clinton pursued pro-China policies and, no matter what Clinton had done, there was not much protest against him coming from the left. Mainly, this is because, after the collapse of the USSR, China became the dominant power and influence on the American left through its proxy, the CPUSA, which was already under Webb's leadership during the Clinton years in the 90's. This alliance with China continues until today, Vice President Dick Cheney, on a recent visit to China, told critics that China is the type of country that our government can do business with and build relations with. The main change in the U.S. under the Bush Administration was the engineering of the current crisis with Islamic fundamentalism. This is not to say that Islamic fundamentalism as an ideology is not dangerous; it has always been very dangerous and it has always been something that the U.S. has taken advantage of, in most cases to undermine socialist governments such as in Yugoslavia most recently, and in Afghanistan during the 70's.

There is good reason to believe that U.S. agents of the FBI or CIA were informed of the attacks planned for 9/11. There is also good reason to believe that members of the Bush Administration who are closely linked with the military-industrial complex wanted new wars where they could test new weapons and make a lot of money. Now that the USSR would no longer be a possible threat, U.S. imperialist interests dictated policy which aimed to seize control of an oil-rich region in order to dominate that region into the foreseeable future where many analysts see China developing into an imperialist rival. This was what was mainly taken into consideration in the planning stages of the Iraq and Afghan war. Puppet governments are now in place in both Iraq and Afghanistan. At home, the Patriot Act was passed, allowing the president to bypass the Constitution and use wiretapping, secret prisons and whatever else he feels necessary to spy on terrorists. Bush and Cheney, however, have spied on their political opposition and opponents in the peace and progressive movements. This is what was behind the labeling of the NPSC as a violent anarchist group by Ted Koeppel on the nationally broadcast “Nightline.” Nationally broadcast radio shows such as Rush Limbaugh and Shawn Hannity have compared people who believe that, as I do, that neo-fascist elements of the Bush Administration (Cheney) engineered the 9/11 attacks, to terrorists and have said that people who believe that theory are just as bad as the terrorists. It is clear to me that the ruling class in our country has a goal, whichl is to crack down on any independent, progressive civil opposition. They have not done it yet because they are not sure if the American people as a whole will accept that type of crackdown at this point.

Anti-Communism or “Left Fascism” (“9/11 Truth” sect/ Lyndon LaRouche, Jr. cult), either way we're dead

The recent influence of the NPSC and UP FRONT News can not be underestimated. Thanks to the internet we have been able to get our message across to some very important political figures in major political parties and movements. We are building an independent united democratic socialist front against fascism of all sorts, whether it is in the guise of left rhetoric or more clearly aligned with right wing forces such as in the Bush Administration. It is true that some activists involved in the NPSC, mainly affiliated with Geoffrey Blank have decided to adopt an ideology more in tune with what the IAC espouses. Blank has on numerous occasions stated that if he were the leader of the country he would create at least a welfare state such as existed under Saddam Hussein and then pursue the type of police state measures that the Bush Administration is using. In essence, Blank is saying that the police state is not wrong per se but that it cannot work in a laissez-fare capitalist system. Blank is only one example of this type of reasoning. A significant component of the left supports this type of reasoning; they are hostile to the ideas of democracy and free speech. The CPUSA and UFPJ refer to these groups as the “extreme left.” It is important to note that UFPJ as a coalition tries to maintain a more American character and is more hospitable to democracy. Make no mistake about it, however; they are influenced by the CPUSA, which is potentially more dangerous then the extreme left IAC because of the fact that so many Americans are suckered into the belief that they are democratic and independent. In fact, the CPUSA does support a police state and to think that they are above “left” fascism is to make a big mistake. Blank is among the worst of the “left” fascists because he admits to believing in censorship. Blank has openly spoken out against the freedoms of the internet. Although to be fair, an official of the CPUSA has also stated that the internet provides too many freedoms; he has openly supported Chinese censorship of the internet. Blank believes that people should not have access to modern technology at all er unless they are working for him. Blank's alliance with the Freedom Socialist Party,
Which has reported connections with Al Qaeda, may explain some of Blank's views regarding censorship and his anti-technology stances.

The “9/11 Truth” sect has invited at least one person from the LaRouche cult, the author Webster Tarpley, to speak at its meetings. The leadership of the “9/11 Truth” sect, for the most part, aside from maybe one or two people in their NYC branch, sides with the anti-communist approach. In the conversations I have had with several leaders of the “9/11 Truth” group I have found that there is a belief that a hidden conspiracy exists and it is being orchestrated by the Rothschilds and other wealthy elite families in the U.S. When I brought up the ideas of Marx, one of the “9/11 Truth” members pointed out that Marx had wealthy contributors connected with some of these families. My response was that dismissing Marx's ideas on the basis that he was given financial assistance by some elites is akin to saying that stem cell research is useless because some of the elites are funding it. The anti-communists are opposed to progressive movements on the basis that they will bring about unpredictable changes. For example, many people are opposed to cloning because of the unpredictable changes to the nuclear family it might bring. Never mind the fact that the ideas and scientific discoveries mentioned above bring wealth and benefits to the masses. The anti-communists oppose it because they are opposed to the idea of a government intervention because of their inability to recognize that humanity needs humanitarian governments and states in order to implement the great ideals that so many progressive activists have espoused and implemented over the years. The reason that the left in the U.S. has not had much success is because the masses of people, whether consciously or not, sense the fact that the left's opposition movements and leaders take the “left” fascist or anti-communist approach. This opposition has made the Bush Administration look reasonable to some extent. However, it now looks like, sooner or later, segments of the “left “fascists are bound for power simply for the reason that people are so dissatisfied with the status quo that they are almost ready to accept anything else. We must not allow Bush to be impeached and convicted, which would lead to a Cheney presidency, which could be linked to the very dangerous openly fascist LaRouche cult. What we have to do is to continue to build a generic no police state movement that opposes fascism whether it comes in the guise of left rhetoric or in the form of blatant anti-communism.

Sources: "Basics" by Gus Hall, International Publishers
"Islamic revival in Syria lead by Woman", NY Times 8/29/06
"Operation SOLO" By John Barron

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