Wednesday, October 26, 2005


UP FRONT News October 28, 2005
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

Perhaps, now that Fernando Ferrer and I have met briefly a couple of times and now that he has access to UP FRONT News, he is getting the message, which is that for him to bend over backwards for the right wing Hillary Clinton-John Kerry wing of his political party in his effort to overtake Bloomberg, pretty much assures the Democratic Mayoral candidate a resounding defeat. Quite aside from the fact that Bloomberg has essentially purchased the center-right constituency in New York, it is abrasively apparent that Hillary Clinton and her husband are busy not in any way politically challenging Bloomberg, while doing their absolute minimum as registered Democrats to help Ferrer.

Considering the chronology of personal and e-mail contacts between Mr. Ferrer and me, it is evident that it was not until he read the recent UP FRONT News story headlined “Cindy Sheehan Blasts Hillary the Hawk”, which is precisely what the now internationally known peace activist did in a strong speech she delivered in Brooklyn a few days ago, that Ferrer spoke up clearly about the War that Hillary supports every bit as fervently as her president, George W. Bush. Whether or not Ferrer has the backbone to speak up for the Bringing America Home Act, a major piece of legislation that meaningfully addresses the affordable housing/homelessness crisis in America – and which Clinton is trying to kill (not surprising in light of her close ties to Donald Trump, Rupert Murdoch and other imperialists) – remains to be seen.

“Freddy” Ferrer has also seen a steady stream of black clergy succumbing to the soft core Republican billionaire beguiling siren song of Bloomberg. It is to be hoped, even as receives some support at rallies from Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, that he reaches out to ministers like the Rev. Dr. Timothy P. Mitchell, the greatly respected and enormously influential pastor of the Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church in Flushing, Queens (a church of which I am a baptized member.) Rev. Mitchell has made it crystal clear to me that he is opposed to Bloomberg’s re-election. And I suspect that Rev. Dr. Herbert
Daughtry, to whose House of the Lord Church in Brooklyn I also belong, (and whose name is occasionally mentioned in what may be libelous ways by some folks opposing his participation in the “Community Benefits Agreement” signed with developer Forest City Ratner for the Atlantic Yards* project centered, at least in the media, around a stadium for the New Jersey to Brooklyn Nets) a minister who has always put human rights before property “rights”, feels similarly.

Another far less “mainstream” person could also be factor that Ferrer might consider. In the recent Democratic primary for mayor, Christopher Brodeur, a professional writer and thorn-in-the-side, polled a surprising 17,000 votes and states proudly that he out- polled Upper-East-Side-rich-guy-trying-to-sound-proletarian Gifford Miller in the Bronx. Mr. Brodeur, whose campaign was based on the not at all outrageous platform centerpiece proclaiming that politically-motivated lying should be a crime, has told me that, although he hardly regards Mr. Ferrer as God’s answer, he perceives Mayor Bloom-
berg as totally unacceptable. Mr. Brodeur has expressed to me an interest in communicating with the Ferrer campaign on certain issues. Brodeur is, at least for now, running as a write-in candidate. Ferrer needs every vote he can get – even if a few of them are casts by anarchists. An UP FRONT News endorsement is pending.
*While I am supportive of those aspects of the Atlantic Yards community benefit Agreement that provide a significant number of what are said to be “affordable” apartments, I remain innately suspicious of mega-developers, many of whom I see as major contributors to homelessness. Additionally, I think that, for sports-related reasons, this project may become a loser. And that is because the Nets, who, even when they have had highly competitive teams, have always had trouble drawing in very nearby New Jersey. And when the Nets were athletically only marginally competitive, which, over the years, has been often, they play to a sea of empty seats. And, given the economics of profes-
sional basketball, the usual way of attempting to ward off defeat on the court is by throwing obscene amounts of money at athletes, many of whom are far more deeply motivated by material wealth than by more creative athletic pursuits.
* * * * * * *

Monday, October 24, 2005


UP FRONT News October 24, 2005
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


In a very passionate, sermon-like speech before a very full house at the October 22 Brooklyn Parents for peace fair at the Brooklyn YMCA, peace activist Cindy Sheehan, Minced no words about either George W. Bush or about Hillary Clinton, - the two principle players in what I call the Blinton Administration. Essentially accusing the Acting President of leading the forces of darkness, in his prosecution of the War in Iraq, not to speak of his cp-responsibility for mass hurricane related deaths, Ms. Sheehan warned that, should the public begin to regard the Democrats like Hillary Clinton as anti-war and for-the-people allies, we will be “screwed.”

Ms. Sheehan spoke of her meeting with Ms. Clinton, who, according to the activist, within a short time after their talk, re-affirmed her support for the Iraq War. Ms. Sheehan, did (at least prior to receiving directly from me a batch of UP FRONT News stories about Hillary Clinton’s war on the homeless and on the Bill of Rights – not to speak of her husband’s direct complicity in the New Orleans levee disaster) mention initially that she could consider supporting a Clinton presidential candidacy were the Senator to immediately call for a withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. (Ms. Sheehan has been welcomed to both UP FRONT News and Tom Weiss Democrat for U.S. Senate blogs.)

Ms. Sheehan, - who, since I first spoke briefly with her directly last September 18 and 19, is fully aware, that I am the peace candidate for the U.S. Senate in New York State – did respond to my question of her during the post-speech Q&A. Prefacing my question to her with a very brief plea that she not run for the Senate in New York, I asked her if there might be circumstances in which she would consider running for public office. While she voiced that view that, at least for now, she feels she can be more effective “from the outside”, she didn’t say “no.” As far as I am concerned, while Ms. Sheehan in no way denies her political inexperience, should no meaningful presidential challenge within the Democratic Party (Sheehan is a Democrat) soon emerge from the current Party heavies (my thoughts go to, in particular, John Edwards, despite his earlier voting record or someone in the Paul Wellstone tradition), Ms. Sheehan will be seen as a potential candidate. Perhaps, on a less elevated level, as a candidate for major office in California, from her new residential base in Berkeley.

Considering the Halloween-like roster of past and current presidential hopefuls – who include Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice and Lenora Fulani – the women’s movement is in danger of evolving into a public relations nightmare. Jane Fonda, reportedly (at least until she gets UP FRONT News) an apparently deluded supporter of Hillary Clinton – where are you when we really need you?

Sunday, October 23, 2005


UP FRONT News September 29, 2005
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


While the Blinton (Bush/Clinton) Administration, now in its fourth term, throws away many hundreds of billions of dollars in Iraq, and plenty more in the form of insider contracts to Halliburton, ET. Al. to repair that the Blintons have destroyed the south, there is an almost complete blackout on the existence of a major piece of legislation – that will cost some money, but nothing like “IraqGulfCoast” – that could bring homelessness in this country to an end. The Bringing America Home Act (BAHA) was introduced in July, 2003 by U.S. Representative Julia Carson (D. - Indiana) and bears H.R. # 2879. It is a large bill the enactment of which would establish housing as a “basic human right.” Its provisions include substantial and continuing funding for the Section 8 program through which low income people receive rent subsidies, an essential to survive in heavily gentrified cities like New York, where the word “affordable” takes on surreal interpretations.

The bill also establishes a National Affordable Housing Trust Fund, to preserve and increase the supply of housing for the non-rich. It provides meaningful funding for in particular populations e.g. veterans and AIDS victims, who have high rates of homelessness. (The Blinton Administration, for all its pseudo-patriotism, treats our soldiers like dirt.) The bill, which has a slowly increasing list of co-sponsors now numbering 55, the co-sponsors include, as a recent addition, U.S. Congressman Anthony D. Weiner, who some months ago during his mayoral campaign, told me that he was unfamiliar with the bill.

I suggested that he check it out and, hopefully, endorse it. Thank you Mr. Weiner, the very strong second place finisher in the recent Democratic primary for Mayor. In what may well be perceived as ominous legislation in homeless-cleansed locations like Chappaqua N.Y. and Crawford, Texas, the Bringing America Home Act would deter local communities from criminalizing homelessness. It mandates quality health care for the poor.The Bill, no doubt not in spit, but rather because, of its considerable merit, remains essentially media uncovered, except, of course, for UP FRONT News. The reality it that, despite the trickle of U.S. Congress people signing on as co-sponsors, the legislation has, at this point Ground zero chance passage.

Two of the people to blame are the central characters in the Blinton Administration, Acting president George W. Bush and acting U.S. senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. Bush is of course in bed with primarily the oil magnates and arms profiteers, all of whom understand that more money for the homeless means less money for them. Hillary “The Pillory” Clinton, while hardly immune to the seductive charms of the petroleum for profit crowd, become more profoundly aroused by the likes of Donald Trump and the Corcoran Group, two institutions whose lust for real estate profits constitutes the #1 cause of homelessness in New York City.And that presumably explains why, according to a very knowledgeable congressional source, Senator Clinton rejected a request that she co-sponsor the Bringing America Home Act in the Senate. At this time the Bringing America Home Act has no Republican sponsors and no Senate sponsor of any party.

This article, along with accompanying calls, e-mails, etc. will go to, among others, U.S. Senators Olympia Snowe (sp?) and Susan Collins, both Republicans from Maine, a state which, like the borough of Staten Island, where I live, has a history of generating some Republicans who actually make up their own minds. Former Senator Margaret Chase Smith from Maine was a case in point, U.S. Congressman Peter King (R.-L.I.), Chris Smith (R.-N.J., a “conservative” with a strong human rights outlook, at least based on his interest in Tibet), and Christopher Shays (R.-Conn., who has been critical of his president on housing in the past.) All of the Bringing America Home Act’s considerable arrays of enemies, however, are not from without. (I believe that anyone who perceives either George Bush or Hillary Clinton as an ally of homeless and ill-housed is, at least on that issue, delusional.) There is in fact the equivalent of a “Fifth Column” in the affordable housing/homeless advocacy community. (The Fifth Column” was a tactic involving the use of Marxist rhetoric by fascists during the Spanish Civil War to infiltrate the left and help Francisco Franco murder democracy in Spain and become dictator of that land.)

A contemporary “Fifth Column” consists of a number of people who endear themselves to housing activists and clients by the use of militant tenant’s rights/poor people’s/populist rhetoric.One of the most duplicitous and skillful at using this right-wing stratagem has, over the years, been Mike (The Knife”) McKee. Mckee, through his New York State Tenants and Neighbors Coalition, created a major split some decades ago in the tenant movement, which only abetted him in his efforts to murder the recurrently-introduced –into-the N.Y.S.-legislature Flynn-Dearie Rent Protection Act. That bill was anathema to the real estate lobby because its central provision would have required landlords to “open their books” to justify rent increase demands. He used landlords’ crock claim that the “open the books” requirement was “too cumbersome.”McKee is, in fact, a cause of “rent-flation”, no matter how militant he sounds. He is among those responsible for, the wave of gentrification that swept through, for example, the once working class neighborhood of Tribeca.

Another “Fifth Column” McKee-type is Lynn Lewis, the self-appointed tribune for the homeless who, some years ago, literally hijacked a somewhat troubled homeless self help group known as Picture the Homeless, sweet-talked a foundation into paying the salaries of herself and a few of her flunkies (Sam “The Serpent” Miller, and Tyletha “The Mouth” Samuels), and set up shop in an office in East Harlem.I spent several months with the group that would be more properly named “Fracture the Homeless” and watched Lynn Lewis, using the vocabulary of democracy, run meetings like Lenora Fulani. I also watched - and via e-mail confirmed – how Lynn Lewis now only participated in a cover-up of staff abuse against the homeless in drop-in centers but also attempted to sabotage the Bringing America Home Act. I’m not much of a fan of clichés, but Lynn Lewis adds fresh meaning to the idea that “With friends like these, we don’t need enemies.”

George Bush, Hillary Clinton, Lenora Fulani and Lynn Lewis notwithstanding, the Bringing America Home Act, has, in a rather under-the-radar way, been endorsed by numerous organizations and people, including this newspaper. It deserves to become law.I’ve spoken directly with two of its congressional sponsors, Congressman Weiner and his House colleague the very pro-tenant Jerrold Nadler (D.-Manhattan/Brooklyn.) and with democratic Mayoral candidate Fernando Ferrer about making the Bringing America Home Act a campaign issue. After all, they have nothing to lose- except Mile Bloomberg.

Visit: to learn more about the Bringing America Home Act, and to find out how you can help.


UP FRONT News July 17, 2005
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold”


Community activists Rebecca Moore, of the Lower East Side, and Sandra Stevens, who lives in the Phipps Houses on East 26th Street in the Gramercy section of Manhattan, prior to making contact with UP FRONT News, were presumably unaware of each others’ existence, let alone the fact that they, as do many, many other New Yorkers, have much in common.

Ms. Moore is a musician (a songwriter-singer whom I’ve seen in performance and who brings to mind an under-the radar superstar gospel rocker and balladeer from Kansas City, MO. Named Iris DeMent) who founded the Ludlow Orchard Community Organization (L.O.C.O.) to bring people together to face up to a couple of real estate developers who are reportedly trying to profiteer by destroying the character of in particular Orchard Street, one of New York City’s legendary thoroughfares. According to Ms. Moore, many of the very low rise old buildings on Orchard Street, famous over two millenniums for clothing bargains, have been razed in order to make room for high rise luxury hotels and condominiums. Ms. Moore told me that the developers are in such a rush to pull a Jets Stadium in Chelsea-type maneuver that the construction on one of these imperialistic skyscrapers goes into late nights and did not stop for Easter Sunday. (The resurrected Jesus would love this story.)

In a neighborhood already sated with noise generated nightclubs, Ms. Moore speaks almost tearfully about the worsening air quality and other pollutions that are forcing her to consider leaving a home and community that she loves.

Sandra Stevens is a wheelchair-bound retired nurse who is one of many modest incomed tenants at Phipps houses who is facing profit motive displacement from her home of many years. According to her, New York University is a part of a real estate development juggernaut that seeks to convert Phipps Houses into dormitory housing. She claims that tenants have been warned that they face rent increases of, in some cases, several hundred percent. She has organized a tenants group that has committed itself to working with elected officials and other community groups to tell N.Y.U., in effect, “No way!” Among the groups that have begun to act in support of both of these groups are the United Homeless Organization (for which I am the community outreach/government relations/media representative) and the No Police State Coalition, a network of activists that hosts public issue speakouts on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday afternoons between 4:00 and 7:00 PM at the southern end of Union Square Park in Manhattan.

One factor that is potentially to the tenants’ advantage is the fact that this is a mayoral election year. Although I feel that there are aspects of his campaign that leave much to be desired in terms of following up on important issues, I believe that Anthony D. Weiner, a U.S. Congressman representing parts of Brooklyn and Queens, is the mayoral candidate most willing and able to take on the developers. Weiner took the lead on at least two confrontations involving corporate economic imperialism against local neighborhoods. It was Weiner who, when Jets owner and Bushie Robert (“Woody”) Johnson and Mayor Bloomberg tried to ram a football stadium down the throats of folks living in Chelsea, said, “No way.” He correctly said that a football-Olympic stadium was indeed feasible – in Queens. Mr. Weiner also earned the displeasure of Rupert Murdoch’s off the map right wing New York Post when he played a major leading role in stopping the attempted invasion of Queens by Wal-Mart’s. Weiner caused seizures in the corporate world by suggesting that a company’s “values” should play a role in community acceptance. Wal-Mart’s values include treating non-executive employees like chattel, not to speak of imposing sexist standards of employment and promotion. It is not at all surprising that Wal-Mart’s is being pursued most energetically to open facilities in “Communist” China, the genocide and slave labor capital of the solar system.

I have spoken with Mr. Weiner directly on a number of issues and in the last few days have spoken by phone with his top aides. Mr. Weiner knows about Rebecca Moore and L.O.C.O. and about Sandra Stevens, who, as noted earlier, does her locomotion in a wheelchair. If Anthony Weiner is serious about making a real challenge for the mayoralty – he trails badly in the polls, because, I believe, his message is not getting out – it’s time that he get himself down to the Lower East Side and hang out some at, for example, Tompkins Square Park, Orchard Street, and the becoming legendary art collective on Rivington Street known as ABC No Rio. I believe that he will find, for example, Rebecca Moore – and UP FRONT News – to be most convincing.


UP FRONT News September 20, 2005
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham


She fooled Ralph Nader. She fooled Al Sharpton. She fooled Jesse Jackson. She fooled Michael Bloomberg. She fooled Patrick Buchanan. She fooled Paul Zulkowitz. She fooled Charles Schumer. She tried to fool Rev. Herbert Daughtry. She tried to fool Rev. Timothy Mitchell. She tried to fool city Councilman Charles Barron. And she`s tried to fool millions of people into thinking that she is a black revolutionary and now a neo-fascist.

But she didn`t fool investigative reporters Dennis King (author of “Lyndhon LaRouche and the New American Fascism” and the website and she didn’t fool me.

For several decades the racist Lenora Fulani, spawned by the LaRouche/Dr. Fred Newman-created New Alliance Party, has been, by using the rhetoric of the Marxist “left”, blended with black nationalism, convincing thousands of disaffected Americans that she is some kind of populist revolutionary of color. The protégé of self-hating racist Jew psycho-psychotherapist Newman, Fulani has played a major neo-fascist role in causing dissension among progressive forces in the U.S., through the skillful application of the Adolph Hitler-conceived and Lyndon LaRouche-americanized strategies involving lying, and appealing to the deep seated racism among some Americans, of all colors.

I, for one, have been writing exposes about LaRouche, Newman, Fulani, et. Al. for years. My brief experience with the then nascent New Alliance Party in 1979, when it first emerged in N.Y.C., convinced me that this City had become home to a real-life Fifth Column. The Fifth Column was a concept brought to life by Hitler and first applied successfully in the Spanish Civil War, where some of Francisco Franco’s fascists infiltrated the “left” by camouflaging themselves as communists, anarchists, and socialists. They helped to create suspicion among allies, dividing the anti-Franco forces, and, with plenty of help from the Luftwaffe and Mussolini, helped Franco become dictator of Spain.

The Fifth Column is one aspect of a political theory put forth by Hitler and fully endorsed by Lenora Fulani, who even wrote an essay about it. That theory, to be used by all fascists attempting to take power, is known as the “Two Roads” or “Inside-Outside” Theory. According to its teachings, fascist power seekers are use two simultaneous sets of tactics, or “Roads.” One, the “Inside” route, involves the use of democratic institutions such as freedom of speech, press, elections, etc. The “Outside” route involves the use of violence and any other extra-legal means necessary to obtain power. Fulani`s essay sings its praises. Its corollary involves the use of camouflage, most particularily via the use of “left”, populist rhetoric. Many people reamin unaware of the fact that when Hitler started running his mouth in the streets of German cities, he railed against the conservative big landowners known as the Junkers, and against big business and for labor. He called himself a “socialist”, a National Socialist (or, in abbreviated German form, a Nazi). Check out Lyndon LaRouche`s literature and Fulani`s rap. Chassic “left” fascism.

Fascists, however, do make mistakes. Hitler, among his other ego-maniacal blunders, felt he could conquer Western Europe and The Russian winter at the same time. Fulani evidently has been under the illusion that she could label Jews en masse as the murderers of people of color and get away with it, and that she could do so by associating with a handful of self-hating Jews, of whom the ghoulish Newman (check the photos in a recent issue of The Village Voice accompanying a story by reporter Tom Robbins) is the most well known. (Another self-hating Jew spouting the LaRouche/Newman/Fulani line is Geoffrey Blank, the rapidly being exposed wing-nut from Rockaway, Queens who historically demonstrates that it is possible to be both Jewish and a Nazi, or “Jewzi”.)

When too many people, including lots of UP FRONT News readers, began to understand that The New Alliance Party, was a dead end, Fulani, in classic political prostitute fashion, tried to climb into the electoral bed provided by Reform Party founder Ross Perot. It took some time before Perot and others recognized the nazi in their midst, at which time, Fulani, using her New York, base got the N.Y.S. Independence Party off the ground. Her populist appeal to many people totally turned off by the Republicans and Democrats, succeeded in politically seducing a bunch of prominent folks, perhaps the most gullible of whom has been Ralph Nader. Mr. Nader essentially stood by silently while neo-fascist infiltrators from the Independence Party (e.g. Cathy Stewart, Cathy Sadell) and similar types with ties to the Green Party (Gerald Kann, George Tatevosyan, Massada Disenhouse) essentially hijacked the Nader movement in N.Y.C., and, in so doing helped us get eight years of George W. Bush and diminish Nader as a progressive political force in this country. Typical of neo-fascist, Kann and Tatevosyan, like Geoffrey Blank, the lower level hit men of neo-fascism in N.Y.C., used violence against me.

Fulani, who stands accused of abusing children in a Los Angeles-based youth program under her control, could not and would not retract her slander against the Jews. And so, in a long over-due action, the Independence Party finally threw Fulani and her clique of the Party’s Board of Directors.

The next stop, for all of the fascist conspirators – from LaRouche, in his fortified estate known as Ibikus Farm in Loudon County, Virginia, through the racist liar Lenora Fulani, down to the dregs of Geoffrey Blank in the reportedly very strange apartment he shares with his arrested-development poster child younger brother Jason in Rockaway park – may well be in prison. After all, whether a Jewzi, like Blank, or a Blazi like Fulani, a nazi is a nazi is a nazi.

Saturday, October 22, 2005


UP FRONT News October 28, 2005
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittngham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

Brenda Stokely and I became acquainted in 1989 when she and I were both employed as social workers at the New York Association for New Americans (widely known as NYANA, a Jewish philanthropy-supported “non-profit” agency with the U.S. State Department-authorized task for the New York City resettlement of Jewish refugees from the then disintegrating Soviet Union and Tibetans managing to escape Genocide in their Chinese Communist-occupied “land of the snows.”

Ms. Stokely and I maintained a fairly amicable relationship for a few weeks. (She and I shared an interest in unionism, a very live issue at corporate NYANA.) The cordiality ended one day when the two of us went to lunch at a Japanese restaurant in Greenwich Village (where NYANA was located then; it subsequently moved further downtown to what is now the Ground Zero area). We were talking about politics when I said something uncomplimentary about Lenora Fulani, whose racism and Lyndon LaRouche, Jr.-style fascism I had written and spoken openly about. Ms. Stokely never said a civil word to me again. Indeed, from that point on, it became a war.

Ms. Stokely was not pleased that I was elected and re-elected as a shop steward in Dis- trict Council 1707, adopting a position that all efforts should be made in labor-manage- ment negotiations to assure a major pay raise for the lowest paid workers in an agency whose attitude towards labor might be similar to Dick Cheney’s views on pacifists. In- deed, Stokely, collaborating with a totally corrupt Union official named Flo Stern, arranged to have me temporarily removed as a shop steward in a maneuver that a top Dis- trict Council 1707 official described as a “lynching.” Brenda’s tenure as Lady Hoffa at NYANA didn’t last long as, at the next shop steward election, I was re-elected and she finished a very dead last. Stokely pretty much confined herself to recurrently collaborat- ing with management and occasionally shrieking at me at staff meetings, to the often eye-rolling amazement of other staff to whom she became anathema.

One day, after both Stokely and I had been working at NYANA for several years, a Russian refugee lady came up to me in the hallway, having no doubt heard my name as a source of help, sobbing, and spilling out a complaint about her social worker, Brenda Stokely. The Russian lady claimed that, in the privacy of Ms. Stokely’s small office, which provided privacy, the social worker had spent several minutes berating the family for its Jewishness, made uncomplimentary comments about their body hygiene and told them to go back to Russia. In the coming weeks, I heard similar stories from others, both clients and other staff, including translators, who sat in on almost every social work/client contact. There was no way, knowing Brenda Stokely’s propensity for shrieking tantrums in public, that I was going to approach my “colleague” directly. And so, stating that I had not personally witnessed any of the client incidents, I felt it necessary to request that the administration, then led by a total bureaucrat named Mark Handelman, look into the matter. From an administration that, in order not to ruffle State Department and Chinese Communist feathers, chastised me for using the word “Genocide” in UP FRONT News (a well known media source at NYANA), and which took a dim view of my pro-labor activism, I expected little. My expectations were fulfilled, as a high level adminisrator, unwilling to put anything into writing, would only confirm that there had been a serious problem and that it had been discussed with Ms. Stokely. The very diligent
Jewish clients, having had their share of racists in Russia and other places, reportedly having become aware of the racist at NYANA, reportedly tried to maneuver matters from the distance of the USSR in the weeks and months prior to their departure for the U.S. and NYANA so as not to wind up on Brenda Stokely’s case load.

Brenda Stokely seems to have a way of turning up at some meetings organized by City Councilmember Charles Barron and also those connected with the apparently still Farrakhan-led Million More March organization. To me and other readers of UP FRONT News, the negative irony of Brenda Stokely appearing and speaking at a City Council press conference honoring the iconic non-racist Rosa Parks is apparent. Ms. Parks, who passed away earlier this week, is not even in her grave yet and, in consideration of Brenda Stokeley, is already, at least metaphysically, spinning in it.

Friday, October 21, 2005


UP FRONT News August 30, 2005
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


I first met Betsy Gotbaum in 1979, when we both attended the funeral of my maternal aunt, Dolly Perutz, a prominent and respected painter and sculptor, who lived in Great Neck and whose work was often shown at Manhattan galleries. Until Ms. Gotbaum and I met, I had been unaware that she had been a very close friend of Dolly’s daughter, my cousin, Kathy.

Betsy Gotbaum`s path intersected with mine again in the late summer of pre-9/11 2001 when I attended a campaign forum in Greenwich Village featuring all the Democratic candidates for New York City Public Advocate. Candidate Gotbaum, during the forum, responded to my UP FRONT News reporter`s question about what she would do to stop staff-perpetrated abuse of homeless people in shelters and drop-in centers, (a staple in soft-core concentration camps like the Partnership for the Homeless-operated cash cow drop-in center known as Peter`s Place) by publically asking me if I would accompany her on some inspection visits. I said, “Sure!” (It never happened.)

At the end of the forum, I approached Ms. Gotbaum privately and, within moments of my re-introduction, she remembered our meeting at the funeral 22 years earlier. “Oh, you’re Tom”! Etc., etc…..And you can call me any time,” she said, giving me a bunch of phone numbers for her. I subsequently called her twice at her then office as CEO of the Museum of Natural History. On both occasions, the phone was answered by a very, very, very rude receptionist. A few weeks later, while I was doing some volunteer work for Norman Siegel, the well-known civil rights attorney, who was her most formidable opponent, Mr. Siegel motioned to me to speak with him privately. Siegel told me in a whisper that he had received a call from the Gotbaum campaign advising him that Ms. Gotbaum had complained that I was “stalking” her. I provided him with a summary of the family-related history and of the two phone calls, So much for the allegation of “stalking.” Despite the low blow, and because of it, I wrote a strong UP FRONT News editorial endorsing Siegel. While the endorsement – which exposed the real estate developer-connected shortcomings of another candidate, Kathy Freed – probably helped him get into a run-off, Gotbaum, benefiting from tons of money, beat Siegel in the run-off.

My effort to induce some action from Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum on investigating abuse of homeless people ended abruptly after I got an scheduled appointment with Gotbaum`s Chief of Staff Scott Coccaro. After Coccaro kept me waiting in the reception area for about an hour, I was greeted by two N.Y.P.D. detectives, who told me that Coccaro had summoned them because I had allegedly made a “threat” against Linda Gibbs, the Commissioner of the N.Y.C. Department of Homeless Services. While I most certainly never made any kind of threat against the insecure Gibbs, I did criticize her energetically in UP FRONT News. Gibbs has, among other transgressions, ignored evidence of widespread, sometimes life-threatening abuse of homeless people in shelters and drop-in centers. She is, in my opinion, one of Michael Bloomberg`s worst appointments. While I didn`t much care for Rudolph Giuliani, I give him credit for his appointment of the competent and compassionate Staten Islander Marty Oestreicher (sp?) as D.H.S. Commissioner. The detectives interviewed me for awhile and soon concluded that I was no threat at all, but suggested that I stay away from Betsy Gotbaum`s office for awhile. I most certainly did.

At around that time, during a long lunch I had with my cousin Kathy, she revealed that Betsy Gotbaum had abruptly cut off what had been a 40 year friendship, dating back to their respective childhoods as kids of the very well off in private school. I hypothesized that there must have been a relationship between Ms. Gotbaum`s disrespect to Kathy and the Public Advocate’s paranoia with respect to me. Perhaps it was at that moment that my cousin revealed to me that Betsy had been previously (before Victor, the former labor boss) married to a C.I.A. agent. (That marriage, by the way, reportedly went down the tubes as the frisky Betsy got into an adulterous affair, some of whose trysts were conducted at the Perutz family mansion in Great Neck.) Although I confess that I was somewhat stunned to learn that the Public Advocate had been married to a spy, my view is that she can marry anyone she wants. She cannot, however, withhold that kind of potentially highly compromising relationship from the public.

Since then, I’ve seen Betsy Gotbaum twice. The first time was at the December 16, 2004 public hearing on the Jets Stadium matter held at the Jacob K. Javit Center. Each of us had come to testify – against the Stadium. I went over to say “hello” and was instantly set upon by a secret service type who told me that I could not speak with her. I remind Ed the over-eager bodyguard that I happen to be acquainted with the lady and told him to leave me alone. He skulked off. The second time I saw Betsy was about two weeks ago as I was walking north on Allen Street on Manhattan`s Lower East Side, when I passed a Betsy Gotbaum news conference. As I passed, I suggested, loudly enough for the gathering to hear, that the reporters present might want to ask Ms. Gotbaum about her undisclosed C.I.A. tie. I went on my way and was soon overtaken by two folks who turned out to be from the N.Y.P.D. unit that provides protection for Ms. Gotbaum. Officer Curran immediately indicated her awareness of me and said that, as part of the same unit that had interviewed me at Betsy Gotbaum`s office, she had long ago concluded that I was no threat at all.

And so, when I read the Daily news on the day after a televised debate among several Public Advocate candidates in the Democratic primary, which included a report that Ms. Gotbaum had, in rationalizing her refusal to make her appointments history public, cited her feeling threatened by a homeless “stalker.” Not too long after my call to the News, I was sitting in the Raccoon Lodge, a tavern on Warren Street with a great juke box, a few blocks from City Hall, sipping a ginger ale, being interviewed by a Daily News reporter. The News actually got “scooped” mainstream-wise, by Newsday, which published its story on Gotbaum vs. Weiss on August 26. There have also been stories in the Staten Island Advance (which, presumably mistakenly, reported that I had said that Victor Gotbaum was the C.I.A. guy, and also neglected to put quotation marks around allegations such as “stalker”, “harassed”, and “irrational”, all terms used by public officials who feel – and I emphasize the word “feel” – threatened by me and The New York Times.

This is in my perhaps not entirely humble opinion, a potentially large story because it involves, among other realities, major cover-up behavior by a powerful elected official, who is next in line to become mayor if the incumbent becomes incapacitated or dies in office. And, in light of various inclusions in the news stories, it has heavy implications for another major corrupt elected official, named Hillary Clinton.

The stories properly identified me as an activist-journalist –publisher of UP FRONT News, who, among other activities, is running in the 2006 Democratic primary against de facto right winger Hillary Clinton and who has accused her of, among other very bad things, being involved in the cover-up of the Chinese Communist Genocide in Occupied Tibet.

I thank Betsy Gotbaum for, with malice aforethought, helping me get this much needed publicity – and now I feel she should resign.


UP FRONT News June 9, 2005
Published by Tom Weiss

Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


Continuing one of the most intense camouflage acts since the birth of neo-fascist “leftist” Lyndon LaRouche, carpet bagging U.S. Senator Hillary (“The Pillory”) Clinton recently sought to once again portray herself as a progressive by criticizing the Bush Administration on a couple of relatively safe liberal issues, i.e. Bush’s federal court nominees – some of whom are a bit to the right of Francisco Franco – and his environmental policies, many of which essentially steal from God and give to the corporations. (In my view, Bush/Cheney/Rove, if given the chance, would privatize the air.)

The Pillory of course made no mention of the fact that, when she is not running her mouth in front of some liberal women’s’ group, she is engaging in political sex with, among others, Donald Trump, and the Red Fascist government of Communist China, which continues its now over one half century Genocide in Occupied Tibet. Sen. Clinton has known for at least one year – and probably, in light of her reported marriage to George W. Bush’s predecessor – much longer, that the sadists who rule China are in the practice of continuing the Mao Zedong policies of racist oppression, mass murder, hard core ethnic cleansing, destruction of the environment, ET. Al. in Tibet, a nation which, as steadily increasing numbers of UP FRONT News readers are finding out, got its unique pacifism from a long ago resident named Jesus.

Clinton’s main concern with practices in China has to do with that government’s monetary and censorship policies, which might have the affect of cutting into her profits, a development which would challenge her insatiable lust for money. Her ultra-crass materialism was clearly demonstrated some months ago when she expressed her annoyance at the Communist authorities when their censors made some adjustments in her ego-tripping book about how wonderful she is.

The Pillory was, some time ago, according to a very inside the government source, given the opportunity to act as a Senate sponsor of the now almost – but not quite – moribund Bringing America Home Act, originally introduced into the House of Representatives in 2003 by Congress member Julia Carson, (D.-Indiana). When I asked the congressional aide responsible for the bill’s legislative man about an approach to Clinton, he told me of her rebuff and editorialized as follows, “Some people talk but do not act.” The Bringing America Home Act, which aside from enemies like Clinton has to deal with the treacherous maneuvers of a LaRouche/Fulani-style “left” infiltrator named Lynn Lewis, the dictator of a sham group known as Picture the Homeless, is perhaps the most important piece of housing legislation since the enactment of the Section 8 program, which provides subsidies for the low income tenant.

It would, for one thing, save Section 8 from recurrent bankruptcy by providing a solid funding stream; it would decriminalize certain activities that reactionary police departments use to harass the homeless; it would create a national housing trust fund; it would provide major funding for housing deprived populations including veterans and AIDS victims, among other provisions. The bill has about 40 House co-sponsors, all from what I somewhat whimsically refer to as the Trotskyite wing of the Democratic Party, and not one Republican and not one U.S. Senator. Ms. Clinton, who prefers to toady up to the likes of “The Donald” and the developers of the Corcoran Group, qualifies as a de facto cause of homelessness.

When it comes to war in Iraq that conflict is more appropriately labeled the Bush/Clinton War. Even when, during the last rig job known as a presidential election campaign, John Kerry began timidly voicing some reservations about Bush’s Bloodlust, Sen. Clinton backed Bush all the way. This phony has blithely repeatedly authorized billions of dollars in funding for the War and can’t get it together to support real legislation to help the homeless.

And when it comes to the oppressive, civil liberties-hostile Patriot Act, Ms. Clinton jumped into the Bush bed again.

And, as far as providing constituent services are concerned, take it from me, an American citizen of New York State, who has experience with this totalitarian personality. As soon as she found out that it was this publisher of UP FRONT News who had been hassling her wandering husband about the Genocide in Tibet, to the point where, quite apparently on the direct orders of Warren Christopher, I was arrested at the Christopher for Secretary of State Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hearing room on the day before Clinton’s inauguration, she abruptly terminated her assistance to me with an emergency Social Security problem and, obviously using the FBI, had me investigated. The investigator, one “Mr. Zimmerman”, told me that “Ms. Clinton has asked me to take all your calls”, wound up his telephone interrogation of me with the warning. “You better not call here again.”

The re-election of this fascistic Eva Peron wannabe could well lead to a Pillory Presidency.

It could almost make you consider Lenora Fulani.


UP FRONT News September 29, 2005
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”
My trip into more than a decade of recurrent homelessness was started by a man named Thomas Berger, a resident of Forest Hills, Queens, who claims to be an Orthodox Jew, but who, particularly during business hours, treats The Ten Commandments and the teachings of the Talmud as toilet paper. Berger, a very politically connected (Koch) loft lord, after 25 years of trying everything – rent gauging, a 5 ½ year denial of heat and water, violence, the courts, perjury – to get me out of my home, a fifth floor loft at 190-A Duane Street in what is now Tribeca, he succeeded. With the help of a total Jezebel of a tenant named Alice Wexler, a high level member of a “Buddhist” religious cult that sought to expand its possessions, who testified for Mr. Berger at one of the longest Landlord and Tenant Court trials on record, and a corrupt, reportedly gender-biased judge named Marilyn Shafer, Berger got me evicted in July, 1993 for my having allowed someone to play a flute at a poetry reading at my home. Thomas Berger, one of the greediest people since Cain, defied his Rabbi, my Rabbi, and several letters from legislators including U.S. Congressman Jerrold Nadler, who urged him not to execute the eviction and did do it – all in the name of money.
Thomas Berger, by the way, is a man of sinister, but undeniable, power; he is the founder of the Association of Commercial Property Owners (ACPO), the loft lord wing of New York City’s real estate industry. He believes that any sort of rent protection for tenants is Bolshevism. He believes that landlords are victims of oppression.
His office is at 73 Warren Street, a short distance from both City Hall and from 190-Duane. He has a son named Robert who does much of his dirty work for him who lives on the top floor of another one of his buildings, at the corner of Reade and Greenwich Streets and who can easily be mistaken for a rodent that the city is fighting a stalemated battle with. During the next few years I had the dubious fortune of living for several years in a building run by the mob and in a series of furnished rooms that were essentially unfit for human habitation.
I wound up in places like Peter’s Place, a drop-in center (a euphemism for shelter where clients sleep in chairs rather then beds), where the abuse of the homeless by staff was so pervasive that I have dubbed the facility, run as a cash cow on tax dollars by a corrupt “non-profit” poverty pimping organization known as the Partnership for the Homeless, “Auschwitz Lite.” Although, as far as I am aware, there are no gas chambers or crematoria there, the racism and violations of human rights there justify the title I have given the place. I also did time in, among other places, the Hotel Richmond, in Staten Island, which seems to be essentially a money laundering operation owned by a character named Kanti Patel, who also runs the Ajanta Travel Agency on Lexington Avenue. While the rooms are generally, but not always, clean and reasonably priced, and certainly provide greater privacy than the barracks-like Peter’s place, the facility is basically a cash cow house of prostitution and drug abuse. The security is such that Osama bin Laden could walk in and, without difficulty, if he had the cash, rent a room.
The Hotel Richmond is a few hundred feet south of project Hospitality; another drop-in center where a de facto terrorist on payroll named “Maurice” supervises various forms of criminal activity. Maurice also has a sadistic notion of what “chillin” means. He was in the practice, on days when the outdoor temperature was, say, 10 degrees Fahrenheit, to force clients, often without outer clothing, to stand outside for prolonged periods of time while he supervised floor cleaning. These are among the activities that have over the years been covered up by people including Linda Gibbs, the N.Y.C. Commissioner of the Department of Homeless Services, Public Advocate Betsy (“CIA”) Gotbaum, State Senator Diane Savino and the State Assemblyman John Lavelle, both Democrats who claim to represent districts in Staten Island.
In 2003, experiencing a financial emergency because of a Social Security error in check delivery, I sought to get what is known as an expedited check from the Social Security Administration. Under a little known clause of the law, with documentation justifying the release of an expedited check being submitted to the Commissioner of the U.S. Social Security Administration, the Commissioner can authorize the release of an expedited check.
A letter from my minister, Rev. Dr. Timothy P. Mitchell, pastor of the Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church in Flushing, Queens to the then commissioner, quickly got me my check. On a later occasion, an amergency left me penniless and, with the assistance of a staffer in the office of N.Y.S. Assemblyman Adam Clayton Powell IV (with whom I had been talking about Free Tibet resolutions), whose wife Yajaira Yapez was (and presumably still is) employed by U.S. Senator Hillary Rodman Clinton, I got an expedited check, followed up by two totally unsolicited friendly letters, signed by Sen. Clinton, offering further assistance should I need it. I did need it; a number of months later, after I was robbed of my hotel rent money. I contacted Sen. Clinton. No response. I tried again. No response. After several more unanswered messages, my final call went to Washington and was answered by a man identifying himself as “Mr. Zimmerman, investigator for the Democratic Party.”
Mr. Zimmerman opened by stating that, “Mrs. Clinton has asked me to take all your calls.” He proceeded to interrogate me and, after a long pause during which I was kept on hold, referring to a computer-generated date base, read me back my political history going back to 1977 when I was involved in breaking up a cover-up of budget cut-caused patient deaths at City-operated Queens Hospital Center. The last thing he said was, “You better not call here again.” It seems that Assemblyman Powell’s man, chief of Staff Daniel Perrano via his wife, had made Senator Clinton aware of my activities in unsuccessfully trying to get Mrs. And Mr. Clinton to do something about the Genocide in Tibet. And so Hillary went to the FBI. That’s why I call it the Matriot Act. My subsequent efforts to get the assistance of State Assemblyman John Lavelle and State Senator Diane Savino came to nothing.
Both legislators were aware that any correspondence relating to an expedited check must go to the Social Security Administration Commissioner in Washington, not to a local or regional official. They opted to write to the local people instead and received predictable rejections. Lavelle`s office, was staffed by an almost total know-nothing named Dorothy Crimmins (who did not know who Linda Gibbs, the Commissioner of the N.Y.C. Department of Homeless services, was, and who had absolutely no knowledge as to how to deal with the Social Security Administration.) Ms. Crimmins supervisor, Lavelle chief of staff Keith Pascandarola didn’t know much more than Crimmins. And so, you can imagine the knowledge base of John Lavelle himself. Savino`s office is run in fascist-like fashion by a guy sure(ly)-named Cataldo, who is sorely in need of an intense regimen of an inpatient anger management program. This character responded to my request for emergency help with the Social Security matter by ordering me from his tax payer-financed office under threat of calling the police. (When I subsequently spoke to Savino personally over the phone, she said, “don’t worry about Cataldo”, and then proceeded to mishandle the Social Security matter anyway.) Lavelle and Savino are Democrats.
These two hacks may, at least to a degree, explain why Staten Island has so many Republicans. Getting no help from my Democratic Party elected representatives (I was a “resident” of Staten Island at the time), I called the N.Y.C. office of State Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno and spoke with staffer Judy Stupp, whom I have found, over the years, despite the fact that out party affiliations are different, to be responsive and helpful with matters brought to her attention. I described the problem and she suggested that I contact U.S. congressman Vito Fossela. Although I am quite certain that Ms. Stupp made her referral in good faith, she needn`t have bothered. Despite being made fully aware of the fact that a request for an expedited check must go directly to the Social Security Commissioner in Washington, Fossella staffer Rosemary Licciardello contacted, and had me speak to, a regional official in Brooklyn.
His rejection of the request was a foregone conclusion. And then she said that there was nothing more that the Congressman could do. Oh yes there is. He could, for one thing, resign, for not having done the job that he swore on a Bible he would do. And for being Dick Cheney’s man in New York.
Although I intend, at least for the time being, to remain a registered Democrat – the Party of, among others, progressive folks like Congressman Jerrold Nadler, Anthony Weiner, and John Conyers – my experience with duopoly in Staten Island suggests that third party politics may be relevant after all (and, to be sure, after neo-fascist Lenora Fulani).Vito Fossella, Diane Savino, and John Lavelle really ought to resign. And as far as Hillary Clinton is concerned, considering her aiding and abetting of war crimes, both international and domestic, not to speak of her involvement, along with her sometimes wandering spouse, in the cover-up of the Genocide in Tibet, since, far from resigning, she is contemplating becoming the first Empress of the United States, impeachment would seem to be the most ethical option.


UP FRONT News August 19, 2005
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


Mr. Chi Haotian, Communist China’s Minister of Defense and Vice-chairman of China’s Central Military Commission, perhaps salivating at the prospect, predicts full-scale war between China and the U.S. With a cursory bow to those who prefer peace, the Communist war-hawk states, “We, as revolutionary humanitarians, do not want deaths. But if history confronts us with a choice of deaths of Chinese and those of Americans, we’d have to pick the latter, as, for us, it is more important to safeguard the lives of the Chinese people and the life of the Party.” He prefaces that with the openly chilling statement that, “It is indeed brutal to kill one or two hundred million Americans. But that is the only path that will secure a Chinese century, a century in which the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leads the world.”

The quotation is from the August 15-21, 2005 edition of “Epoch Times”, a non tabloid weekly newspaper with a heavy human rights orientation and openly supportive of, for example, the Falun Gong people who are being tortured and annihilated by the thug military and police personnel of the Red Fascist “People’s Republic of China”, quite possibly one of the worst governments in recorded history.Since 1948, when the pedophile lunatic Mao Zedong defeated the Chinese nationalist government in a no-holds-barred atrocity-riddled civil war and established Communism, the Chinese governments have probably been directly responsible for more suffering and death around the world then even the U.S. government, which has for centuries, waged war on human rights all over the world. Aside from cold-bloodedly starving perhaps 20 million Chinese by withholding from his own people massive western nations donations of wheat during a Communist policy induced famine in China, Mao initiated the Korean war, using his psychotic follower Kim Il Sung, the dictator of North Korea, as a proxy in order to kill as many people as possible so that they would not have to be fed and in an effort to kill as many of the hated Americans as possible.

Mao’s boys and girls also financed the genocidal Khmer Rouge, whose Maoist government killed well over a million Cambodians, many of them little children.Mao practiced up for all this, and for his successor Deng`s firing squad and tank warfare in Tiananmen Square, by murdering sixth of the pacifist nation of Tibet, which independent nation state, he invaded very, very soon after he took over in China in 1949. In invading and occupying Tibet, and implementing a racist, Nazi-style Genocide, the Maoists have in fact, on a political and spiritual level, tried to re-create the cruxifiction of Jesus Christ.

This is so because, as the readers of UP FRONT News know, there is clear documentary evidence that, during the earthly phase of his life, Jesus lived in Tibet. It is no coincidence that Tibet is the world’s only truly pacifist nation, led by a monk who believes in a secular democracy and considers himself a small “d” democratic socialist. As one might conclude, the Jesus residence in Tibet took place during some of “The Missing Years” not accounted for in the bible. Not covered. Therefore, are the period which might have included Jesus’ adolescence and young adulthood, not to speak of the relationships he had during those years.“The Da Vinci Code” notwithstanding, we know nothing of, for example of Jesus’ wives and/or lovers – assuming he had any. (I think he did.) And, of course, the Bible says nothing about any children Jesus might have fathered. My somewhat educated guess is that at least some of the Dalai Lamas are his direct descendants. The Chinese Communists have, from the days of Mao, sworn to eradicate God from the face of the earth because they want it all. Just like some of the emperors who came before them and just like the Nazis. And the possibly even more unsettling reality is that the super-predatory capitalists that are in charge in the Bush-Clinton government are, regardless of any rhetoric to the contrary, the allies of the “Communists.” Red China is in fact a capitalist horror show of the “Robber Baron” variety, with the gap between rich and poor expanding dramatically and with homelessness, crime, repression, corruption rampant.

The Communist government probably executes more people – many of them political, some of them Tibetan monks – than any government anywhere.And, after the execution, usually by a bullet to the back of the head – the authorities sell off the vital organs.Aside from George W. Bush, Big Dick (Halliburton) Cheney, the two de facto draft dodgers who are literally bleeding the U.S. dry in Iraq, the Red fascist in China have a lot more help, an important part of it coming from domestic Nazis such as Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.; Fred Newman,; Lenora Fulani; and an increasingly notorious psychopathic wacko of Union Square fame Geoffrey (“Blankety”) Blank. LaRouche has been openly courted by the Chinese Communists. Significantly, LaRouche is also acceptable to George W. Bush, the Loudon County, Va.- based neo-nazi having been a guest, along with, among others Drew Barrymore and Ben Affleck at a White House Correspondence’ Association dinner in 2004, as reported in the New York Times on May 3, 2005.

For those who still unfamiliar with the convicted felon (credit card fraud, federal) Larouche, this is a guy who hates jews, blacks, dark skinned people in general, condiders himself uniquely fit to rule America and the world, and hates rock ‘n’ roll, blues, jazz, “country” and any other music not part of the German classical tradition. And, just as LaRouche`s role model Adolph Hitler did, Larouche succeeds in getting a handful of Jews to work for him. He`s also made significant inroads into the African American community by setting the agenda for the Jew-hating Lenora Fulani.Lyndon LaRouche, like the Chinese Communists- aside from regularly denouncing real resisters (such as the non-violent Tibetans – uses a tactic which involves denouncing what he is. LaRouche denounces American authorities for depriving people of our freedoms under the Bill of Rights. In fact, LaRouche – like his psychopathic followers, including Newman, Fulani, and Blank – allows no freedom of speech in his cultlike political operation, an operation which is as close to a conspiracy as anything in this country. LaRouche`s involvement in criminal activities connected to the international drug trade have been reported on, especially by investigative reporters like Dennis King, the author of “Lyndon LaRouche: The New American Fascism”, who has an amazing website on the true nazi menace that LaRouche is at Not surprisingly, the neo-fascists among us are infiltrating the civil libertarian community of those opposing bag searches on the New York City subways.

While I believe the implementation of a bag search program without specific legislative authorization renders such a program unconstitutional, I for one have no problem in allowing a cop to check my bags. First of all, I`ve got nothing to hide. Second, I don`t want to unnecessarily make a cop angry at me.Angry cops make me nervous. And thirdly, I consider the actions of some lunatic with a bulging backpack or waistline who is convinced he will spend eternity with 72 virgins if he explodes himself and many others as possible are far greater invasion of my civil liberties than a bag check.

While I strongly doubt that Geoffrey Blank – who reportedly goes after anything, regardless of virginal status – is carrying explosives when he travels from his home in rockaway park to Union Square to once again make a total fascist ass out of himself, I believe that his encouragements to others to refuse cops’ bag check requests is in fact aiding and abetting the terrorists among us. As far as I am concerned, Geoffrey Blank, who has rarely shied away from the threat and/or use of violence – certainly against me – is a terrorist. And, significantly, Geoffrey Blank, who is fully knowledgeable about the genocidal practices of the Red Chinese government that employs the psycho-killer Chi Haotian, remains silent about the greatest threat of all. Geoffrey Blank, in the absence of a home-made bomb, is a terrorist.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


UP FRONT News October, 28, 2005
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”
One of the more readily recognized, and increasingly notorious, people spending political time at the southern end of Union Square Park in Manhattan, (the main arena for a long running battle to liberate First Amendment activists from both police harassment, usually from the NYPD’s 13th precinct, and from neo-fascists Geoffrey and Jason Blank)
is a very strange nurse named Judy Cunningham. Indeed, Ms. Cunningham’s true identity is something of a subject in the gossip mill because of her disclosure that she used to be Judy Polarski but that she changed her name because she was afraid that the KKK, which, according to her, had some kind of particular grievance against Polish people, was coming after her.

All this becomes relevant because of Ms. Cunningham’s increasingly bizarre behavior in political situations. Quite recently, Ms. Cunningham, who sort of hovers over various Union Square activists to whom she is transiently attracted, wangled her way into a Fer- rer for Mayor event at York College in Jamaica, Queens. I had gotten an invitation as media to the public event and invited a fellow Union Square activist to attend. Ms. Cun- ningham almost gobbled up the event flier and showed up. Despite the fact that the event was specifically a campaign appearance by, aside from Fernando Ferrer, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and a host of other politicians and community leaders, where even some anarchists might agree it is not appropriate to distribute fliers involving personal griev- ances, Ms. Cunningham plopped herself on the floor in front of the seated guests in the York College auditorium and feverishly began distributing one of her multi-page tracts designed to show the universe that she is a singularly unique and major target for the Central Intelligence Agency. Indeed, the Carbondale, Ill.-raised Cunningham, who reports that she makes a solidly middle class earning from her work as a nurse in Westchester County, has, for the past four years, has been living in her small car because she is absolutely certain that every landlord in the universe will report her to the C.I.A. and have her evicted. I have been in her car twice and can only report that conditions inside conjure up images of post-Katrina New Orleans after the waters have receded.

Since I was in fact an event guest, having been invited by a high level Ferrer campaign official, I quietly and politely asked Ms. Cunningham to please discontinue distributing her fliers, unless a campaign or York College official says okay. At that point – no doubt sensing the CIA circling about her – she yelled out, “security, security!”, evidently in an attempt to have me arrested. I sort of beat her to the punch when, in order to avoid a scene, which would have been problematic, as Ferrer, Jackson, Sharpton, et. al. were just about to enter the room, I approached a York College security official and advised him of the situation. He immediately went over to Ms. Cunningham and, explaining that this was a campaign event, asked her not to hand out more fliers. When she began to whine, he asked her to come with him to a hallway adjacent to the auditorium. I could see her gesticulating in her penguin-like way, and returned to hear the politicians. At the post-rally press conference, a press official, who had witnessed some of Cunningham’s histrionics, thanked me rather profusely for having intervened. And Ms. Cunningham has since been running around begging people to listen to her claim that I tried to get her arrested and turned over to the C.I.A.
Indeed, Mr. Ferrer, not to speak of any public figure in politics, should be thankful for my having provided some protection from an individual, who, with her penguin walk and florid paranoia, is mistakenly laughed off by many. Ms. Cunningham has told me, as well as apparently a number of other people, that she is in possession of firearms, perhaps dating from her days as a nurse in the Viet Nam War military. She becomes very evasive when one asks if she carries any of her weapons. Indeed, with her propensity for produc- ing long rants, all of which contain some unavoidable political realities, mostly about George W. Bush (but, interestingly, avoiding any criticism of the de facto right wing war hawk Hillary Clinton) in combination with a pathological grandiosity-fueled paranoia, she reminds me of several other contemporary figures: Geoffrey Blank, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., and Ted Kaczinski. A “weapon” of crass destruction.