Saturday, October 25, 2008


UP FRONT News October 24, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."


By Tom Weiss

If I were a real estate developer desirous of building luxury housing and accelerating the gentrification of working class neighborhoods such as Stapleton, S.I., with the accompanying "if necessary" displacement of poor people and small businesses and I was registered to vote in Staten Island, I'd probably vote for the Democratic Party machine congressional candidate, City Councilman Michael McMahon.

If I were someone hostile to the concept of self-determination for African-American neighborhoods, including those, such as Bedford-Stuyvesant, which seek to honor community heroes such as the controversial black nationalist Sonny Abubadika Carson, I'd vote for the Carson-denouncing Michael McMahon.

If I were someone who cared not a whit about the over half century of a racist Chinese Communist-perpetrated Genocide in Tibet and chose not to support the Councilman Tony Avella-introduced NYC Coucil resolution #1299, which cited the Tibet Genocide and called for the removal of the 2008 Olympic games from Beijing, I would vote for Mr. McMahon.

If I generally ignored African-American communities such as Stapleton except at election time, and then parachuted into black churches Hillary Clinton-style at politically fortuitous moments, I'd vote for Mr. McMahon.

If I received major campaign donations from the over-development and gentrification-profiting construction industry and its associated labor moguls, I'd vote for Mr. McMahon.

If thought it was right for a Councilman to deny his services to a constituent because that constituent (me) criticized his political boss City Council Speaker Christine Quinn ("The Marie Antoinette of City Hall") I'd vote for Michael McMahon.

If I chose to ignore the incontrovertible reality of a politically incestuous relationship between this politician and the "racist" (I am quoting a well-known African-American political activist from Staten Island, who is a Sonny Carson supporter, with whom I agree on the Carson and Staten Island Advance issues) clique that slants and censors the news at a multi-billionaire (Donald Newhouse)-owned Advance, properly described as "controlled" by civil rights leader Rev. Demetrius Carolina of the First Central Baptist Church, I would vote for Michael McMahon.

Michael McMahon, like many of his colleagues at City Hall (considering the abject quality of governance there, I think the term limits should be perhaps 3 minutes) is what I call a Limited Liability Councilman, who seeks to become a Limited Liability Congressman, in both cases a de facto "LLC."

A LLC, or limited liability company, is a profit-making entity that under politician-created laws, gets various tax breaks and, according to Wikipedia, protects owners, known as members, from "some liability for acts and debts" of the LLC. From this definition voters can get some idea of the political biology of the financial crisis, caused by the corporate mega-rich and greedy, and the bailout which rewards them.

Mike McMahon is, as suggested above, guilty of a host of what can fairly be described in political and religious terms as "sins." Most if not all of those sins derive from his apparent and willfull ignorance of one of Jesus' most political teachings, succinctly reported in Timothy I chapter 6, verse 10, no doubt one of the most misquoted lines in the Bible. It is not the money that is "a root of all sorts of evil." It is the "love of money" that is to blame.

It is McMahon favorite Hillary Clinton (McMahon has had to have Obama pretty much politically jammed down his Republicrat throat) whose pathological love of money and power that keeps her silent about the Genocide in Tibet. After all she makes huge money selling her narcissistic books in the slave state known as Communist China.

It is McMahon favorite Quinn who spouts populism at tenants rights meetings and takes oodles of campaign contributions from the landlord lobby.

And the majority of term limit-favoring New Yorkers should not be fooled for one minute by McMahon's outward show of pseudo-independence from the Bloomberg term limits extension coup d'etat by voting "no" on Bloomberg's bill, which attempts to make New York the only city to be governed by a monarchy. McMahon has learned his Hillary Clinton legislative tactics well. The chronically pro-Iraq War militarist Clinton, as she recognized that the country was anti-War, in order to curry favor with progressives, would repeatedly vote against pro-War bills that she knew would pass anyway. Michael McMahon did not get the endorsement of the increasingly Guilianiesque Bloomberg for nothing. McMahon is a major soldier in what I refer to as the Quinnberg Administration, which has been a disaster for poor and working class people.

Some weeks ago, making certain to keep his political parachute hidden, Michael McMahon paid a visit to Rev. Carolina's First Central Baptist Church, of which I am a member. I stifled to urge to roll my eyes as McMahon, opting not to express his views on Sonny Carson, politically flirted about the old days with one of the leading church gospel vocalists.

Fortunately many churchmembers do not rely for their news on the Staten Island Advance, which has to be the most censored paper in New York. Political Editor Tom Wrobleski, who continues to suppress oodles of stories about my campaign, about negligence and corruption in the lily-white Staten Island political establishment and who protected the very belatedly disgraced Vito Fossella for decades and who told my Communications Director Frank De Luca that he doesn't care what I have to say about the racist genocide in Tibet, really should be working for a Chinese Communist newspaper, although the commute to his Stapleton home might be tough. Wrobleski is certainly a candidate for the Pulitzer Prize for Censorship - maybe even a Nobel.

UP FRONT News has a great many readers around New York and beyond. Although I am certain that Michael Bloomberg enjoys the generally obsequeous coverage he gets in a paper increasingly widely known as the Staten Island Retreat, the Advance is not a political or cultural factor north of the Whitehall Ferry terminal. My impression is that the Advance - which I am told is experiencing a circulation drop - is read mainly for its crime and local sports coverage - and for its advertising. Also corporate executives should like it.

Among the places in Staten Island where UP FRONT News is well known is in arts and cultural circles ("The Cup" and "Martini Red" in Stapleton, Everything Goes Bookstore Cafe in Tompkinsville, et. al.) and in some religious places such as the First Central Baptist Church in Stapleton and Temple Emanu-El in Port Richmond and hopefully at the College of Staten Island. I've got lots of readers in the NYC City Council, much to McMahon's and Quinn's chagrin.

Mike McMahon, like Hillary Clinton and John McCain, is known for bending the rules and sometimes playing dirty. A few weeks ago, one of his aides, Bill Tate, literally forced his way between me and a reporter with whom I was talking at a "Million Fathers" school opening day event and told her not to talk to me. McMahon is also in the habit of handing out money to low income people, including at least one rather gullible member of First Central Baptist Church, to hand out his campaign literature in off-limits supermarket parking lots. Had the volunteer victim been arrested as he told me he feared, would McMahon have gotten him out of jail?

Like Emperor Bloomberg, Councilman McMahon bestows political gifts, including a couple of spots on the Bloomberg-compliant Staten Island Community Board 1, to FCBC members. In fact one member last April at a so-called "peace" event that I helped arrange in the FCBC parking lot went somewhat ballistic at me in his Bloomberg defense when I asked a polite question about speaker invitations. On the rare occasions when I have been rude to someone, I make it a practice to apologize. It's all a part of the Judeo-Christian teachings about atonement and repentance. I have yet to receive an apology from CB1 guy and churchmember Larry Beslow, who apparently operates under a different standard.

Bloomberg and McMahon are well aware of the political influence of Rev. Carolina, although the pastor does not live in New York. I suppose that is why, quite a number of months ago, Mayor Bloomberg "dined" (I don't know about the "wine" part, as this was dinner on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, not a wedding at Cana) Rev. Carolina at his East 79th St mansion. (Rumors that the mayor's residence is Section 8 housing are false!) I understand that the Mayor-King has promised to visit the church.

Michael McMahon had his several minutes of political speaking as a candidate time at the church. I look forward to my time.

In any case, vote for human rights and vote for me.
* * * * * * *


UP FRONT News October 25, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."

By Tom Weiss

The still identity-anonymous Thunderbird's suggestion that the NPSC has "nothing to say" is irrelevant since, as a loosely defined group with no formal membership, the NPSC doesn't generally take positions, although list-serve participants such as Roman Shusterman and myself, among others, do take positions.

As far as I am able to recall, the last time the NPSC as a group took a position happened a couple of years ago when at a meeting ("faciliated" by then NPSC activist Joe Carranza) the group voted to endorse me as a candidate for the U.S. Senate against Hillary Clinton.

It was at that meeting that the crypto-fascist (and apparent LaRouche-linked "government agent") Geoffrey Blank, tried to nullify the vote.

In fact the similarities between the egomaniacal Bloomberg and Blank are becoming more apparent by the day. Blank's "term limit", like that of his role model Saddam Hussein, is over.

Roman is correct in his references to Councilman Tony Avella and me. Mr. Avella (D- Queens) is a very long-shot candidate for mayor. Like myself, Mr. Avella is marginalized by the establishment media. In fact if it were not for the increasingly widely read UP FRONT News, few people in for example Staten Island would even know Avella is a candidate. That is because S.I. is victimized by the Staten Island Advance, which has to be the most censored paper in New York and, according to at least one very well known African-American activist in S.I., "the most racist paper in New York."

The Democratic mayoral primary will have Mr. Avella, U.S. Congressman Anthony Weiner, and NYC Controller William Thompson as candidates. Bloomberg flunkie City Council Speaker Christine, Quinn (who had planned to run for mayor) will instead run for a third term in the Council. Ms. Quinn is one of the most machiavellian people since Machiavelli. If someone defeats her, that will be a good thing for New York and America.

In the Democratic primary in 2005 I supported Mr. Weiner, who finished a surprisingly strong second to Fernando Ferrer. I endorsed Weiner in UP FRONT News. In fact, as I recall the only county Weiner won in the primary was Richmond County, otherwise known as Staten Island. UP FRONT News swings votes.

If the primary were today I would vote for Avella, who is the strongest human rights (e.g. tenants, taxpayers, Tibetans) advocate running.

I don't know much about the politics of William Thompson.

Anthony Weiner, who is a protege of the Charles Schumer political empire, is a superb debater. In a debate situation I think he would make Bloomberg look as bad as I have made Geoffrey Blank look.

Bloomberg's henchpeople include the pseudo-left, e.g. the LaRouche-linked racist Lenora Fulani. Bloomberg would never have been elected in 2001 were it not for this crypto-fascist princess, who, in her capacity at the time as dictator of the so-called Independence Party of New York, gave the IPNY ballot line to Bloomberg, which enabled Bloomberg to squeak by Democrat Mark Green. Fulani endorsed Bloomberg again in 2005, thereby helping him defeat Ferrer. Bloomberg repaid her with tax breaks for her front organization, the All Stars

Bloomberg also was helped by he Fulani-infiltrated Green Party of New York, which ran Tony Gronowicz for mayor simply to siphon votes away from the Democrats, replay opf the Nader strategy which helped elect Cheney/Bush in 2000. A key figure in that maneuver was noneother then Gerald Kann of the Green Party, who is known for his involvement in a physical assault upon me in 2004 perpetrated by his LaRouche/Fulani partner George Tatevosyan. As long as the Green Party has people like Gerald Kann in it's organization it has no political credibility whatsoever. These are among the reasons why it would be a mistake for anyone to vote for either Ralph Nader or Cynthia McKinney for President this year. A vote for Nader or McKinney is a vote for John McCain. A vote for Barack Obama is a vote for Barack Obama.

In any event, as far as term limits are concerned, the New York City government is making the government of Iraq look honest and competent by comparison. I'd suggest a term limit of three minutes.
* * * * * * *

Thursday, October 16, 2008


UP FRONT News October 14, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."


By Tom Weiss

A few weeks ago at a meeting of SiColab, a Staten Island grass roots arts advocacy organi- zation, a filmmaker strongly criticized the Staten Island Advance for ignoring her calls for coverage and for the skimpy coverage of grass roots issues. Little did she know that she was making contact with the tip of an iceberg of censorship and slanted reporting at the Staten Island Advance.

Also present at the meeting was Ben Johnson, the music editor of the Advance's weekly entertainment magazine called "Awe." I could understand some defensiveness on his part as he acknowledged the lady's polite but very firm criticisms and then suggested that complaints should be directed to the Advance's Editor Brian Laline. Mr. Johnson needn't have bothered as it seems that directing a complaint about reporting or non-reporting to Mr. Laline is the equivalent of directing a complaint against Dick Cheney to George W. Bush.

The reality is that the Staten Island Advance, owned by the multibillionaire media mogul Donald Newhouse, is a corporate mouthpiece that regularly practices censorship, most clearly in its political coverage. The villain in the piece is a dour and dishonest man named Tom Wrobleski, who is the Political Editor of the Advance.

I first met Mr. Wrobleski in as I recall March of 2005, a few weeks after I had decided to run for the U.S. Senate against the very corporate Republicrat Hillary Clinton, who, among her many other negligences, is directly involved in the political and media coverup of the Genocide in Tibet. Mr. Wrobleski and I met for over an hour in his Borough Hall office. I answered all of his questions, provided him with the identities and contact information for sources about me and gave him a pile of news clippings about me from various newspapers and magazines over the years. When, at the interview, I asked him about coverage, he said, "let's see how your campaign goes." He asked me to stay in touch with him by telephone and e-mail. I did.

As I have said and written previously. If there were an Olympic gold medal for not answering messages and e-mails, Tom Wrobleski would be an easy winner.

All of that changed during a televised campaign debate in August, 2005 involving candidates for the office of NYC Public Advocate. One of those candidates was the incumbent Betsy Gotbaum, a person with whom, via a family member of mine, I've been personally acquainted since 1979. Betsy Gotbaum is a symbol of what is bad and corrupt about politics, particularly when ruled by rich and greedy people like her. My first experience with Betsy Gotbaum as Public Advocate occurred a number of years ago when I had an appointment with her then Chief of Staff Scott Coccaro to discuss staff abuse of homeless people in shelters and drop-in centers. Ms. Gotbaum responded by trying to have me arrested in her office. Fortunately the intelligence police officer assigned to the task proved to be far more intelligent and stable than Ms. Gotbaum handled the situation appropriately and, after asking me the right questions, merely advised me to return home and leave Gotbaum alone for awhile.

Ms. Gotbaum's anxieties about me relate directly to the fact that I'm a free lance investigative journalist and that she has a closetful of political skeletons including (at least) marital links to the Central Intelligence Agency and some adultery.

Under any circumstances, any reasonably competent psychiatrist evaluating Betsy Gotbaum should have no difficulty in including "paranoid" in his or her diagnostic assessment.

Because of Ms. Gotbaum's apparent unwillingness to do something about the rampant staff abuse of homeless people in shelters and drop-in centers, I decided to support civil rights lawyer Norman Siegel for Public Advocate. One day Mr. Siegel told me that he had received a Gotbaum complaint that I had been "stalking" her. In fact, as I told Mr. Siegel, I've never stalked anyone and but I have been present as a journalist at some events at which Gotbaum has appeared. Mr. Siegel and I had a chuckle about all that.

And so during the aforementioned 2005 debate, the very secretive Gotbaum was asked to reveal the contents of her Public Advocate appointment schedule. Perhaps with the Tom Weiss appointment in mind, she refused, stating that she was being stalked by a homeless individual. Thanks to what may be the one of the greediest landlords around, the very politically con- nected loftlord, Forest Hills, Queens resident Thomas Berger ("The Greed Merchant of Tribeca"), I was homeless for a time.

Upon reading the "stalker" comment in several newspapers I contacted the Daily News and very soon met with reporter Celeste Katz. Her story, which accurately reported my side of the Gotbaum "stalker" delusion, appeared in the Daily News on August 27, 2005. My side was also covered in a New York Times story on the same date by Jonathan Hicks.

Breaking that story, however was Dan Janison, then the City Hall reporter for Newsday. In his essentially accurate story on the Gotbaum fantasy and the Weiss rebuttal which appeared in NYC Newsday on August 26, he also reported my U.S. Senate candidacy.

It was at that point that Tom Wrobleski, who had written not one word about my Senate candidacy, contacted me asking me for an "exclusive." We did a telephone interview. His story, which appeared with a front page lead on August 27, was error-riddled and openly slanted in favor of Gotbaum (who, by the way, later and very secretively, apologized to me). He even gave State Senator Diane Savino, whose Chief of staff Robert Cataldo, almost physically attacked me in her office several years ago when I was there for a homelessness-related scheduled appointment, the opportunity to make a blatantly defamatory comment about me in print and gave the same opportunity to Keith Parascandola, a Chief of Staff who demonstrates why the New York State Legislature has been properly rated as "the worst in the country."

I complained to the Advance and was assured they would publish corrections. They lied. I was asked to write a letter to the editor. I wrote two. They refused to publish them and when I asked why, the response was a Tom Wrobleski/Dick Cheney-style silence.

And as far as "stalking" Betsy Gotbaum is concerned, I usually respond to that Gotbaum fantasy by a reference to a fine country song recorded by Dwight Yoakum titled "I Ain't That Lonely Yet."

Following Wrobleski's poorly written article he resumed his journalistic silence about my candidacy for the U.S. Senate. It is apparent that he regarded protecting Hillary Clinton as part of his job. I therefore wrote an article on my U.S. Senate campaign blog accusing the Staten Island Advance of censorship and referring to him as Tom Wrongleski. Not to long after that I had a telephone conversation with Advance editor Dean Balsamini. As we were talking he brought up my article on his computer and exclaimed, "You trashed my reporter." I reminded him that Mr. Wrobleski had been guilty of false reporting and censorship with regard to me and advised him that I felt free to write further critical articles about Wrobleski and the Advance.

It was not too long after that conversation that I received a call from Mr. Wrobleski asking for an interview. The interview was conducted by phone and resulted in a front page article in the Advance appearing on August 21, 2006 under the headline "With the stroke of a pencil vote for anyone." Mr. Wrobleski spent most of the article on the technicalities of write-in voting and very few words on my very serious issues with Hillary Clinton. He did mention that I have accused Mrs. Clinton of ignoring the Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet. And that makes the Staten Island Advance perhaps the only paper anwhere that mentions a genocide and doesn't follow up the story.

Some months ago an Advance reporter named Tevah Platt wrote a story about some civil rights work by Rev. Demetrius Carolina, Pastor of the First Central Baptist Church in Stapleton, of which I am a member. I sent her an e-mail commenting favorably about her article but advising her of the serious censorship problems at the Advance. To my surprise Ms. Platt replied with an e-mail expressing interest in my issues and also claiming that she would never work for a paper that practices censorship. (If she meant it, she will have to start looking for work elsewhere.) She referred me over to several editors, such as Marjorie Hack and they buried everything.

The Staten Island Advance knows full well that I can prove major negligences by Diane Savino, the really bad State Assemblyman Matthew Titone and City Councilman Michael McMahon. They know I have the facts and the paperwork on the Clintons' involvement in the coverup of the genocide in Tibet. They know that I have the facts about domestic fascism in NYC, including Staten Island (via the racist Lenora Fulani and the "Independence Party of New York" - and Fulani's ideological godfather, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.).

And now that I am a write-in candidate for the U.S. Congressman the Staten Island Advance is trying to shut me up again by singling me out for exclusion from the Advance-sponsored debates on October 15 and the 28th. the Advance is even covering up its coverups. (The October 28th debate is co-sponsored by the Staten Island Chamber of Commerce. Hopefully the Chamber of Commerce's President & CEO Linda M. Baran and it's Vice President Patrick Hyland have more respect for the first amendment and for the voters of the 13th congressional district and will see to it that I am included in the October 28th debate).

And so Ben Johnson might be interested to know that Brian Laline, who ignored a mountain of information provided him by me and my Communicatons Director Frank De Luca on the Wrobleski censorship, in a one line note apologized for excluding me from its debates and said that the Advance wants to confine itself to candidates whose names appear on the ballot. What that means that they favor candidates who are backed by political party machines.

One of the stories covered up by the Advance was the political blowout in the NYC City Council some months ago generated when the imperious Council Speaker Christine Quinn ("The Marie Antoinette of City Hall") sabotaged the effort to have several blocks of a street in Bedford-Stuyvesant now named for a slaveowner named Gates renamed in honor of the late and very controversal black nationalist Sonny Abubadika Carson. Among those who most vociferously denounced Carson, thereby disrespecting thousands of African-Americans, was Councilman Michael McMahon. I was in the Council chambers that day and I saw the whole thing.

Some months ago at a Sonny Carson-supporting rally in Brooklyn, a prominent Staten Island African-American activist, responding to my mention of the Staten Island Advance, said firmly, "The Staten Island Advance is the most racist paper in New York." As long as Tom Wrobleski runs things politically there, I cannot disagree.
* * * * * * *

Saturday, October 11, 2008


UP FRONT News October 11, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."

By Tom Weiss and Frank Deluca

U.S. congressional candidate Tom Weiss and his supporters strongly object to an apparent decision as communicated by Staten Island Advance Political Editor Tom Wrobleski to exclude Mr. Weiss from two Advance-sponsored debates on October 15th and October 28th.

A number of people have already expressed their opposition to this censorship and have urged the Advance to include Mr. Weiss in the 13th congressional district debates. Several letters sent to Advance Editor Brian Leline are posted below.

You may fax addtional letters to Mr. Leline at 718-981-5679.
Brian Laline, Editor 10/11/08
Staten Island Advance

Dear Mr. Laline,

I have been acquainted with Tom Weiss for over 4 years. We have participated in and have advocated for many causes together, including freedom of speech and assembly. I am a participant of a weekly free speech event at Union Square, which Tom has greatly contributed to and helped organize in the past few years. Aside from that I am also familiar with Tom’s previous activities, such as his advocacy for patients rights and outreach to the homeless regarding voter rights and education. I feel Tom is possibly the most legitimate candidate in the congressional race in the 13th congressional district, mainly because he has reached out to and has been there for people who needed him most. Tom is definitely not rich but he still finds ways to help and offer the little financial assistance that he can afford to help others less fortunate than him.

From spending time with Tom I have noticed that his helping people is not limited to any one person. If he met someone in need and befriended that person he was always willing to help in any way he could, whether it be with social work and information about government bureaucracies or by offering his own assistance. Tom has been around for a while and knows a lot about the legal system as well as the way our government operates. As a professional social worker he interacted with many people from different countries, as well as with the disadvantaged in our own midst who need the most assistance and compassion. There are no other candidates that have shown as much compassion and have the type of experience necessary to lead and inspire leadership within our communities and the country. Yes, Tom’s approach to politics is unorthodox, however it is this unorthodox approach that is necessary, especially in a “change” election like the one we are going through now. I realize that as an average citizen I have very little influence over the policies of your newspaper, and so I am not going to make any unreasonable demands on my own behalf. However, I am encouraging you to think about the good that can be accomplished by allowing people to know what their choices are in this election. I guarantee you that if your newspaper recognizes Tom and gives him the legitimacy he deserves, the people of S.I. as well as the country will view your paper in a completely different light and will be grateful for your safeguarding of democracy and liberty.

Under any circumstances it is my considered opinion that Tom Weiss is a serious and legitimate candidate for the United States Congress and that he should definitely be included in any Staten Island Advance - sponsered forums or debates among the candidates. I am urging you to include him in the October 15th and October 28th debates.

Thank you for your consideration and your early reply.

Roman Shusterman
Coordinator, No Police State Coalition
c.c. Rev. Demetrius Carolina, First Central Baptist Church, S.I.
Rabbi Gerald Sussman, Temple Emanu-El, S.I.

Mr. Laline,

I am a local musician, who plays at local who has recently been made aware that Mr. Tom Weiss has not been allowed to debate with the other candidates who are runningfor the 13th Congressional District seat. I am appalled that a write in candidate is not allowed to take part in this debate. It simply goes to show that true democracy is in danger in this country. i encourage you to let Mr. Weiss debate. Let the voice of the grass roots be heard! Stop going along with the status quo and being a cog in the media machine that is the right hand of the corporate-ocracy that has infiltrated the countries political system. Despite any personal opinions you may or may not have for Mr. Weiss, his voice should be allowed and encouraged to be heard in any debates for the upcoming debate.


Frank Paul Miello II
Daer Mr. Laline:

I think that Mr. Tom Weiss should be allowed to present his case to be a congessman in Staten Island at the upcoming debates (October 15 and October 28)

Tom is one of the most well-spoken gentleman I know, and I also think that his ideas should be considered.

Besides, to exclude him is a form of censorship.

I look forward to your response by email.

Thank you.


James Mansfield
305 West 28th Street#7G
NYC 10001