UP FRONT News May 14, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."
By Tom Weiss
While numerous other African-American leaders - including Al Sharpton, State Senator Bill Perkins and Barack Obama (all of whom have been made very directly knowledgeable by me about the racist genocide against the "black people of Tibet") - continue to remain silent, Staten Island's most vocal civil rights activist, Rev. Demetrius Carolina, pastor of the First Central Baptist Church in Stapleton, has spoken out loud and clear.
In the context of a number of discussions with me (I am a member of his his steadily in- creasing in size largely African-American church) UP FRONT News reader Rev. Carolina at his May 11 Mother's Day service, accused the Chinese Communists of perpetrating "Genocide" in Tibet and specifically stated that the Red regime is guilty of "murder." Rev. Carolina and I agree that the racist genocide against the dark-complexioned Tibetans by the light-complexioned Chinese is in certain ways comparable to the Old Testament slavery imposed on the Jews by the Egyptians.
Rev. Carolina thus helps break the ongoing political and media coverup of what may be the longest running genocide in the world today. That coverup is widespread and includes most directly the power and profit-obsessed Bill and Hillary Clinton (and, until he speaks out, Barack Obama) as well as the entire decaying Cheney/Bush Administration. On a media level, while, as far as I am aware, no mainstream media has reported the fact of the genocide (reporting on anti-China demonstrations is not the same as reporting the fact of a genocide), aside from the absolutely awful and China-obsequeous NBC News ("Today's" Matt Lauer being perhaps the worst apologist on behalf of the Beijing Olympics to be broadcast by his employer) the most guilty media outlet is the abject and, as Rev. Carolina correctly puts it, "controlled" Staten Island Advance, owned by the aging media plutocrat multibillionaire Donald Newhouse.
The Staten Island Advance is without question the most politically censored and slanted newspaper in New York. Indeed, not too long ago, after Mr. Newhouse predictably failed to respond to several of my e-mails that went directly to him, I talked with him on the phone. I now know what it must be like to actually talk to someone like Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Although I have never met Donald Newhouse face to face, he presents over the phone as a soulless robot.
That explains why the political editor at the Advance is Tom Wrobleski, a guy who should really be working directly for the media-influential fascist LaRouche. Wrobkleski is the guy who sat on the story of my Democratic write-in candidacy against Hillary Clinton (visit for months until he got scooped by Dan Janison at Newsday. That happened when, in a media splash arising when the paranoid NYC Public Advocate Betsy ("CIA") Gotbaum (with whom I've been personally acquainted via a member of my family) defamed me on television, Mr. Janison accurately reported my side of the story (NYC Newsday August 26, 2005), also informing readers of the fact of my U.S. Senate candidacy. Wroblelski, hurriedly calling my UP FRONT News associate Willard Whittingham for an "exclusive", got his error-riddled pro-Gotbaum story out on August 27. Indeed, far more accurate accounts of the Gotbaum vs. Weiss dispute appeared in the Daily News (Celeste Katz) and The New York Times (Jonathan Hicks) on August 27.
Advance editor Dan Balsamini's assurances to me that the numerous and willful errors in Wrobleski's story would be corrected went unfulfilled. Deputy Editor Stevie Lacy-Pendleton, after asking me to write a letter to the editor, refused to publish even one of the two I sent and refused to give a reason. The Staten Island Advance would make Tom Paine and Patrick Henry throw up.
Wrobleski immediately resumed his pattern of not responding to my calls and e-mails and so I wrote a story about him referring to him as a censor named "Wrongleski." That got Balsamini quite upset and he apparently directed Wrobleski to write an article about my campaign. Wrobleski's article appeared on the front page of the Advance on August 21, 2006.
Wrobleski, who should have been paid by the corrupt and human rights-hostile Hillary Clinton, devoted about 85% of his article to the mechanics of running as a write-in candidate and about 5% to my very heavy issues against the Republicrat narcissist Clinton. In fact, as he did in his really bad piece on the Gotbaum vs. Weiss matter, he mentioned my allegation about Mrs. Clinton's involvement in the coverup of the Genocide in Tibet. And that makes Tom Wrobleski and the Staten Island Advance guilty of perfunctorily reporting a genocide and not following the story up. Lovely! That is precisely how the western media allowed Hitler to get away with his Holocaust.
Only this time it is what I call the Himalayan Holocaust.
Wrobleski, Balsamini and day editor Marjorie Hack not only know the facts of the Tibet Genocide and the very direct Clinton involvement in the coverup (I and a few others have copies of the smoking gun fax to me from Bill Clinton secretary Betty M. Currie). They are also covering up the facts of the LaRouche involvement in New York and Staten Island politics (via a so-called "peace" group here) and the fact of major negligence and corruption by in particular State Assemblyman Matthew Titone ("the worst state legislator in 'the worst state legislature in the country'").
Among the newspapers, aside from UP FRONT News, that have not covered up the Genocide in Tibet is The Knight News, the Queens College student newspaper. Reporter Herman Araya has done two solid stories, focusing on my activities (reasonable since I am a Queens College graduate). Mr. Araya's most recent story also focuses on the Tom Weiss-initiated NYC Council Resolution #1299, introduced by Councilman (and mayoral candidate) Tony Avella (D.-Queens), which cites the Tibet Genocide and calls for the removal of the 2008 Olympic Games from China.
The highly paid Wrobleski, reportedly a favorite of recurrent right-winger Curtis Sliwa, could learn a lot about journalistic integrity from Herman Araya.
And the political and "civil rights" establishments can learn a lot from Rev. Demetrius Carolina.
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Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."
By Tom Weiss
While numerous other African-American leaders - including Al Sharpton, State Senator Bill Perkins and Barack Obama (all of whom have been made very directly knowledgeable by me about the racist genocide against the "black people of Tibet") - continue to remain silent, Staten Island's most vocal civil rights activist, Rev. Demetrius Carolina, pastor of the First Central Baptist Church in Stapleton, has spoken out loud and clear.
In the context of a number of discussions with me (I am a member of his his steadily in- creasing in size largely African-American church) UP FRONT News reader Rev. Carolina at his May 11 Mother's Day service, accused the Chinese Communists of perpetrating "Genocide" in Tibet and specifically stated that the Red regime is guilty of "murder." Rev. Carolina and I agree that the racist genocide against the dark-complexioned Tibetans by the light-complexioned Chinese is in certain ways comparable to the Old Testament slavery imposed on the Jews by the Egyptians.
Rev. Carolina thus helps break the ongoing political and media coverup of what may be the longest running genocide in the world today. That coverup is widespread and includes most directly the power and profit-obsessed Bill and Hillary Clinton (and, until he speaks out, Barack Obama) as well as the entire decaying Cheney/Bush Administration. On a media level, while, as far as I am aware, no mainstream media has reported the fact of the genocide (reporting on anti-China demonstrations is not the same as reporting the fact of a genocide), aside from the absolutely awful and China-obsequeous NBC News ("Today's" Matt Lauer being perhaps the worst apologist on behalf of the Beijing Olympics to be broadcast by his employer) the most guilty media outlet is the abject and, as Rev. Carolina correctly puts it, "controlled" Staten Island Advance, owned by the aging media plutocrat multibillionaire Donald Newhouse.
The Staten Island Advance is without question the most politically censored and slanted newspaper in New York. Indeed, not too long ago, after Mr. Newhouse predictably failed to respond to several of my e-mails that went directly to him, I talked with him on the phone. I now know what it must be like to actually talk to someone like Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Although I have never met Donald Newhouse face to face, he presents over the phone as a soulless robot.
That explains why the political editor at the Advance is Tom Wrobleski, a guy who should really be working directly for the media-influential fascist LaRouche. Wrobkleski is the guy who sat on the story of my Democratic write-in candidacy against Hillary Clinton (visit for months until he got scooped by Dan Janison at Newsday. That happened when, in a media splash arising when the paranoid NYC Public Advocate Betsy ("CIA") Gotbaum (with whom I've been personally acquainted via a member of my family) defamed me on television, Mr. Janison accurately reported my side of the story (NYC Newsday August 26, 2005), also informing readers of the fact of my U.S. Senate candidacy. Wroblelski, hurriedly calling my UP FRONT News associate Willard Whittingham for an "exclusive", got his error-riddled pro-Gotbaum story out on August 27. Indeed, far more accurate accounts of the Gotbaum vs. Weiss dispute appeared in the Daily News (Celeste Katz) and The New York Times (Jonathan Hicks) on August 27.
Advance editor Dan Balsamini's assurances to me that the numerous and willful errors in Wrobleski's story would be corrected went unfulfilled. Deputy Editor Stevie Lacy-Pendleton, after asking me to write a letter to the editor, refused to publish even one of the two I sent and refused to give a reason. The Staten Island Advance would make Tom Paine and Patrick Henry throw up.
Wrobleski immediately resumed his pattern of not responding to my calls and e-mails and so I wrote a story about him referring to him as a censor named "Wrongleski." That got Balsamini quite upset and he apparently directed Wrobleski to write an article about my campaign. Wrobleski's article appeared on the front page of the Advance on August 21, 2006.
Wrobleski, who should have been paid by the corrupt and human rights-hostile Hillary Clinton, devoted about 85% of his article to the mechanics of running as a write-in candidate and about 5% to my very heavy issues against the Republicrat narcissist Clinton. In fact, as he did in his really bad piece on the Gotbaum vs. Weiss matter, he mentioned my allegation about Mrs. Clinton's involvement in the coverup of the Genocide in Tibet. And that makes Tom Wrobleski and the Staten Island Advance guilty of perfunctorily reporting a genocide and not following the story up. Lovely! That is precisely how the western media allowed Hitler to get away with his Holocaust.
Only this time it is what I call the Himalayan Holocaust.
Wrobleski, Balsamini and day editor Marjorie Hack not only know the facts of the Tibet Genocide and the very direct Clinton involvement in the coverup (I and a few others have copies of the smoking gun fax to me from Bill Clinton secretary Betty M. Currie). They are also covering up the facts of the LaRouche involvement in New York and Staten Island politics (via a so-called "peace" group here) and the fact of major negligence and corruption by in particular State Assemblyman Matthew Titone ("the worst state legislator in 'the worst state legislature in the country'").
Among the newspapers, aside from UP FRONT News, that have not covered up the Genocide in Tibet is The Knight News, the Queens College student newspaper. Reporter Herman Araya has done two solid stories, focusing on my activities (reasonable since I am a Queens College graduate). Mr. Araya's most recent story also focuses on the Tom Weiss-initiated NYC Council Resolution #1299, introduced by Councilman (and mayoral candidate) Tony Avella (D.-Queens), which cites the Tibet Genocide and calls for the removal of the 2008 Olympic Games from China.
The highly paid Wrobleski, reportedly a favorite of recurrent right-winger Curtis Sliwa, could learn a lot about journalistic integrity from Herman Araya.
And the political and "civil rights" establishments can learn a lot from Rev. Demetrius Carolina.
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