Sunday, March 30, 2008


UP FRONT News March 18, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."

By Tom Weiss
As a direct consequence of my advocacy, New York City Councilman - and mayoral candidate - Tony Avella (D.-Queens), acting carefully and yet decisively, has introduced Council Resolution #1299, which cites the genocidal Chinese Communist occupation of Tibet and calls for the removal of the 2008 Olympic Games from Beijing. Aware that despite any legislative actions, the Chinese might go on with their Games, Resolution #1299 calls upon all U.S. corporations "to withdraw sponsorship or support" of the Beijing Olympics.

Mr. Avella's decision was necessitated by the fact that the major party establishment, which includes Hillary Clinton soldier the corporate-compliant New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, has for years ignored my efforts at generating such a resolution.
In fact in 2001 after I succeeded in convincing then City Councilwoman Kathryn Freed to introduce a Free Tibet resolution, Ms. Quinn opportunistically leapfrogged in on the issue and took credit for sponsoring Resolution #802, which denounced Communist China for its actions in Tibet.

Resolution #802 passed unanimously - and had no impact whatsoever. Why? Because it made no mention of the only aspect of the Tibet occupation issue that matters to the materialistic Chinese Communist regime, i.e. the corporate cash magnet of the Olympics.

And so on numerous occasions I asked Ms. Quinn to introduce a second Tibet resolution, this one calling for the removal of the 2008 Olympics from China. Indeed, after Ms. Quinn, in a classic Democratic machine-style back room deal involving "outer borough" party bosses, became Speaker, I sent her an e-mail via her Chief of Staff Chuck Meara on January 30, 2006, urging her to introduce such a resolution. Ms. Quinn has made the mistake that former Newsday columnist Kenneth Gross wrote about in his March 19, 1981 "Queens Diary" article on me headlined "Remember Tom Weiss? He's Back." With reference to my activities in blowing the whistle on a Koch Administration coverup of budget cut-caused patient deaths at City-operated Queens Hospital Center, Mr. Gross wrote, "So you ignore Weiss at your peril." Ms. Quinn, by ignoring me and of course the Tibetans, has in effect become a participant in the media and political coverup of the Genocide in Tibet.

As thousands of UP FRONT News readers are aware, Bill and Hillary Clinton are up to their corporate eyeballs in that coverup, since at least 1992, which is when, after Bill Clinton was elected but before his inauguration, I got the information to his secretary Betty M. Currie by phone and by fax. The Clinton Administration (Bill Clinton, Warren Christopher, George Stephanopoulos, et. al.) responded by having me arrested at the U.S. Capitol and by trying to shut me up in other ways, such as by threats generated by U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton.
Those threats have come by telephone (via her investigator "Mr. Zimmerman") and via at least one threatening and defamatory e-mail about me on September 5, 2003 at 4:14 PM to my brother Jim.

When Clinton flunky Quinn tried to bury the Olympic Games issue (the Olympics are monetarily very dear to the Chinese Communist regime and by definition to the sports- connected corporate establishment) I approached City Councilman Tony Avella, an independent-minded Democrat who has stood up to the autocratic Quinn is issues including tenants rights, over-development, unwarranted salary increases for City Councilmembers, and animal rights.

When, in response to my communications, Mr. Avella made it clear that he was ready to act on the Olympic Games issue, at his request, I arranged a meeting with the Board of Directors of the U.S. Tibet Committee, a relatively small but very influential advocacy group that had already endorsed my get-the-Olympics-out-of-China proposal.

We met and over a period of several weeks jointly put together the language of the resolution.
Despite some hassles I have experienced from one self-proclaimed Tibet activist named Lhadon Tethong, whose autocratic style is not unlike those of Hillary Clinton and Christine Quinn, I arranged for Mr. Avella to speak at the free Tibet rally in Union Square on March 10.

March 10 is the anniversary of a 1959 monk-led uprising in the Tibetan capitol of Lhasa that was put down Tiananmen Square-style by the Chinese Communists. The Chinese did the same thing again in 1989. It is estimated that over 70,000 Tibetans were murdered in these protests.
On a massively larger scale, the Dalai Lama, whom I have met on a few occasions, and some of whose friends are friends of mine, has said that over 1 million Tibetans have died as a direct result of an occupation that began when Mao, in his attempt to emulate the imperialism of Adolf Hitler, invaded Tibet in 1950.

The occupation by the light-complexioned Chinese over the dark-complexioned ethnically and culturally distinct Tibetans is as racist as nazism. Mao was in fact a populism-spouting racist who is said by some historians to be responsible for more deaths than Hitler and Stalin combined. Mao and his successors have given the world the murderous Khmer Rouge (Cambodia) and Shining Path (Peru) as well as other "movements" that spout liberation but practice mass murder. No wonder Mao got along so well with Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger.

The fact is that the U.S. government and the media are directly complicit in the coverup of the Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet. Why? For the love of the money to be made in the greatest hedge fund in history, the "People's Republic of China."

While there are any media people with some knowledge of the Tibet Genocide, no politi-cians are more guilty of knowingly participating in the coverup than Bill and Hillary Clinton a well as Christine Quinn. I am hopeful, especially as revolutionary ferment spreads in occupied Tibet and elsewhere spreads and as China's genocide-abetting policies in places like Darfur become more apparent, that Barack Obama will speak out. Indeed, on June 26, 2007 I discussed the Tibet isse for a few minutes directly with his wife Michelle when we met at a Harlem campaign event.

As far as I am aware the only presidential candidate who is on record, at least with UP FRONT News, in calling for self-determination for Tibet is former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who is receiving an e-mailed copy of this article.

As far as the media is concerned, many reporters and editors I've spoken to and who read UP FRONT News are aware of the Tibet genocide issue. Among the few who have written about my work on this issue is poet/novelist journalist Ellen Aug-Lytle, who did a very good article in March 1993 in the (no longer published) Downtown Magazine. Years ago when I first ran for the U.S. Senate with Tibet as a main issue the Gannett-owned Binghamton Press & Sun Bulletin did a good story on my candidacy that appeared on May 25, 1993.

And when I ran as a Democratic write-in candidate against Hillary Clinton, the Staten Island Advance belatedly and very, very reluctantly ran an article by the Republican-slanted and not at all surprsingly Republicrat Hillary-leaning political editor Tom Wrobleski, a guy who does not always get his facts straight. Wrobleski in fact made mention of my claims regarding Hillary Clinton's silence on the Tibet Genocide. (For more on my campaign visit The quite heavily censored - and, as one respected community leader puts it, "controlled" - Advance, apparently thinks it is good journalism to mention a genocide coverup involving a presidential candidate and then not follow it up. That is why The Staten Island Advance is earning its reputation as "The Staten Island Retreat."

As I have written in in UP FRONT News, the Genocide in Tibet is also a black issue. Among the prominent African-Americans who have begun to speak out about Tibet is the very popular civil rights leader (and UP FRONT News reader) Rev. Demetrius Carolina, Pastor of the First Central Baptist Church in Staten Island, of which I am a member.

Resolution #1299 is to be considered by the City Council Committee on Cultural Affairs, Libraries & International Intergroup Relations, chaired by Councilman Dominic Recchia (D.- Brooklyn). I've already talked on a couple of occasions with Mr. Recchia, who is aware that Tibet will be a campaign issue for him since he is an announced candidate for the U.S. Congress in a district that includes parts of Brooklyn and all of Staten Island.

Perhaps Christine Quinn, who has been described by Mr. Avella as a "dictator" and something of a "prima donna", (I fully agree, as I see her as the Marie Antoinette of New York politics), will try to present obstacles. After all, Bill and Hillary Clinton make a lot of money in China and may voice some modest concerns about "human rights" in China but also support the Olympics because of the capitalistic sanctity of "U.S.-China" relations. That was the same argument used by the international robber barons who collaborated with Adolf Hitler, who hosted the Nazi Olympics in Berlin in 1936.
Never again? We'll see.

China out of Tibet! 2008 Olympics out of China! Pass Resolution #1299.
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UP FRONT News March 28, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."

By Tom Weiss

As expected, in light of mayor Michael Blooomberg's politenesses to Barack Obama, those seeking to push the Democratic Party back to its Republicrat Hillary Clinton (right) wing, are starting to talk up an Obama/Bloomberg ticket. That is no doubt why the deviously opportunistic and ambitious Bloomberg is now making nicer to Obama than to the imploding Clinton. Indeed, should the carpetbagging faux New Yorker Clinton hijack the Democratic presidential nomination, actual new Yorker Bloomberg's chances to be a running mate evaporate since geographical balance is axiomatic in presidential campaigns.

Barack Obama also needs to understand that the Bloomberg hand that he has been shaking has some construction accident blood on it. The once Teflon-coated Bloomberg is being exposed (certainly in UP FRONT News and to a lesser degree in some other media) as guilty of handing New York City over to a gang of rapacious real estate developers who, even if some of them occasionally visit houses of worship, consistently ignore the Biblical axiom that it is the love of money that is at the root of evil. Under the Bloomberg regime, in open collision with tenants-rights spouting but developer friendly New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, there has been a tsunami of luxury housing and high-end commercial development coupled with massive gentrification of working class neighborhoods not only in the boisterously resisting Lower East Side of Manhattan but throughout the five boroughs. Bloomberg's Department of Buildings operates with the efficiency and the integrity of a blend of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and FEMA.

Billionaire Bloomberg, who hides behind a "common man" veneer by occasionally taking the subway for a few stops between limousine rides between his East 79th Street mansion (presumably so luxurious that for him to actually live in Gracie Mansion would be like accepting Section 8 and City Hall. He also cozies up to guilt-ridden liberal with his philan-thropic efforts. As far as I am concerned, his philanthropy, like that of most mega-billion-aires, should be considered a form of reparations. It is impossible to get that rich without benefiting from rich people-created laws that legitimize stealing. Another word for that is corporate welfare, a reality that has benefited Halliburton and Donald Trump alike, to the detriment of millions of Americans - not to speak of Iraqis and Tibetans, among others. In case anyone is interested many of the real estate predators whom the Quinnberg regime's policies help out are connected to "Communist" China. That is why, even allowing for Bloomberg's handshaking politeness to the Dalai Lama of Tibet some time ago (Bloomberg gave His Holiness the key to the City, although the Dalai Lama remains locked out of his own country) the Mayor, like Hillary Clinton, presumably will remain silent about City Councilman and mayoral candidate Tony Avella's City Council Resolution #1299. That resolution, introduced after Hillary Clinton soldier Quinn shot down my efforts in that regard, cites the Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet and calls for the removal of the 2008 Olympic Games from China.

Michael Bloomberg, who had the incredibly bad taste to invite the NYC-hating Cheney/Bush gang to have their Republican National Convention here in 2004 and then converted some of the Hudson River piers into a mini-Guantanamo for protesters, is a Republican in "independent" clothing.

As, speaking of so-called "independents", that brings me to probably the worst of the make-a-deal-with-the-Devil Bloomberg's political allies, the virulent anti-Jewish racist cult leader Lenora Fulani, a de facto surrogate for the widely discredited by still very politically hyper-active megalomaniac Hitler emulator, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. There is a great deal more on the Fulani/LaRouche at And for much information on Fulani/La-Rouche, the Green Party and Ralph Nader, read UP FRONT News.

In fact, had it not been for Bloomberg's cutting a Faustian deal with the devil in accepting the ballot line in 2001 of the then Fulani-controlled Independence Party of New York, he would not have been elected. And Bloomberg knows how to return favors as, via the Bloomberg-controlled Industrial Development Agency, he has awarded tax breaks to Fulani's front organization known as the All Stars Project.

Fulani's immediate mentor is the LaRouche poltically educated cultist and "psychotheraist" "Dr." Fred Newman, a ghoulish character and founder of the "social therapy" cult in which sex between patient and therapist (especially if the "therapist" is Newman) is just fine. As far as I am aware, newman's "arts"-oriented front organization, The Castillo Center, has also gotten some major tax breaks. getting that money back from Fulani and newman will help ease the City's budget problems.

Lenora Fulani, some of whose anti-Semitic utterances make Rev. Jeremiah Wright appear like a Zionist by comparison, is a consummate camouflage artist. She has tried, with varying degrees of success, to (at least politically) seduce people including Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Patrick Buchanan. She has succeeded to a significant degree with Bloom-berg and Nader.
If Barack Obama gets politically seduced by Michael Bloomberg, Lenora Fulani makes it a potential political menage a trois. And that could even make John McCain look good.
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UP FRONT News March 25, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."

By Tom Weiss

In a recent issue of Metro, Lower East Side activist Rebecca Moore, citing instances of life threatening construction incidents in her development-dominated neighborhood, states, "And yet, the projects are allowed to continue." Ms. Moore, a musician activist with whom I am acquainted, and the founder of the Ludlow Orchard Community Organization, is approximately 100% correct.

What the Metro article does not mention is the fact that the tsunami of luxury housing over- development and gentrification which has reached a fever pitch under Billionaire Bloomberg, is a logical consequence of the fact that much of the (s)elected political establishment is in the pockets of the real estate lobby every bit as much (albeit perhaps somewhat less graphically) than Eliot Spitzer was in the arms of some high-priced ladies of the night.

Millions of New Yorkers have for decades been hoodwinked by a succession of occasionally tenants rights-spouting politicians who have been selling us out much as people like George Bush, Big Dick Cheney and Hillary Clinton have been selling us out corporation- wise for years.

Michael Bloomberg, flaunting his credentials as both an ex-Republican and as a philanthropist (certainly more politically acceptable than a philanderer, a bipartisan phenomenon affecting governors and presidents alike), was for a time actually being talked about as a "Stop Obama" presidential possibility. Bloomberg as president could be tempted to try to obtain a variance in order to turn the White House into a condominium.

As far as I am concerned Michael Bloomberg - who owes his purchased election in 2001 to a Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. racist surrogate named Lenora Fulani (formerly thec dictator of the Independence Party of New York which put him over the top in the very close 2001 race), and who gets fawning coverage by papers like the politically censored and almost uniquely obsequeous Staten Island Advance - has crane accident, etc, blood on his hands.

The level of developer-connected defacto murder is as far as I can tell worse under the development-obsessed Bloomberg regime, than even under similar landlord-friendly mayors like Ed Koch and Rudolph Giuliani. Bloomberg has worsened the homelessness crisis, the solution for which, in his eyes, is crumbs of "affordable housing" and degrading and client abusing shelters and drop-in centers. Indeed, there is little question that, generically speaking, most very rich people are ethically unqualifed to hold elective office. No one can tell me of any billionaire who has not violated the "Thous Shalt Not Steal" Commandment many times.

Among the "liberal" politicians, most of whom are Democrats (not democrats), most guilty of selling out the people is Bloomberg pal New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, the Marie Antoinette of New York politics. Quinn's credo: Let them eat granola - or perhaps something less tasty.

Christine Quinn rode to power in her liberal neighborhood of Chelsea as a gay rights and tenants rights activist. Since she is gay, she has been pretty consistent on gay rights issues. (And although I am not gay, I am for full gay rights.) From the standpoint of tenants rights, however, Quinn, who like her political role model Hillary Clinton, gladly accepts tons of campaign contribution cash from the real estate lobby, is a disaster.

In a tenant heavy city Ms. Quinn has become very gifted, through her opportunistic rhetoric and her publicity stunts, at parasiting herself into the good graces of tenants. A good example of that took place recently in connection with the enactment of Intro 627-A, a bill introduced by City Councilman Daniel Garodnick (D.-Manh.), which gives tenants some new weapons with which to resist landlord harassment. After a landlord-friendly bill offered by a couple of Quinn allies was shot down by tenant protests, Quinn backed Mr. Garodnick's bill, which passed the City Council, even with some serious weaknesses, such as in the laughably inadequate fine schedule for landlords found guilty of harassment. Under the existing system, which may have to be corrected by state legislation, a landlord, who by heat deprivation, is responsible for a an electrical heater-caused baby death, can be fined a maximum of $5,000. That is what I call "Blackwater Justice."

At the press conference attended by many tenants announcing the enactment of the bill, it was Quinn who hogged the publicity while Mr. Garodnick listened obediently.

Among the people that the developer-loyal Quinn has complimented most effusively is Mike ("The Knife") McKee, a self-appointed and (still?) deeply entrenched tenants rights "leader."
There is a great deal about the reportedly right wing (Manhattan Institute)-linked fifth colum-nist McKee in my newspaper UP FRONT News at There is also a list-serve discussion forum at

As far as I am concerned, in another story that has been covered up by the established media (which includes both mainstream and "alternative"), McKee may be politically responsible for as many evictions as many landlords. As is clearly described in UP FRONT News, it was Mike McKee who, working in rather blatant collusion with the real estate lobby, repeatedly submarined the oft-introduced Flynn-Dearie Rent Protection Act. Flynn-Dearie, probably the best tenant protection bill ever introduced in New York, contained a provision requiring any landlord of a residentially occupied building seeking a rent increase to prove need by opening his or her books for auditing by the state. It is an axiom that, like arms manufacturers, landlords cook their books. McKee, siding with the real estate lobby, declared the "open the books" provision "too cumbersome" and the bill, introduced with bipartisan backing repeatedly in Albany, was repeatedly legislatively buried in the 1970's and 1980's. I have talked to several legislators, such as Assemblymembers Brian Kavanagh and Linda Rosenthat, both Manhattan Democrats, about introducing a much needed an updated version of Flynn Dearie. I hope the idea gets the support of my State Senator, the very influential Diane Savino.

Among the people most responsible for the massive luxurization of once working class loft districts such as Soho and Tribeca (in both of which neighborhoods I used to live as a very landlord belaguered loft tenant) is McKee ally Chuck ("Ol' Loophole") Delaney. It was McKee and Delaney who is 1980 managed to slip into what became the Loft Law a provision allowing loftlords (such as my landlord Delaney and Ed Koch Pal Thomas Berger, aka in UP FRONT News as "The Greed Merchant of Tribeca") to pass along their "legalizations" costs in the form of rent increases. When I found out about it and went up to albany on my own to stop that giveaway, McKee and Delaney working with a severely mentally ill staffer in the office if then assemblyman Paul Viggiano, had me arrested. I am not making this stuff up.

There is no question in my mind that the infiltration-skilled McKee has worked to undermine the progress of in particular the still alive Union of New York Tenants (UNYTE).

Rebecca Moore is certain ways represents the concerns of many of her neighbors in the development playground known as the Lower East Side. Indeed, my perception is that East Houston Street with its nouveau high rises is starting to look like one of those corporate thoroughfares in White Plains or Long Island.

The Lower East Side, where there are many anti-gentrification and anti bar-proliferation activists, needs to do more to link up with activists elsewhere, particularly in the outer boroughs.

Without question the most "outer" borough, although the 22 minute trip to Manhattan is free, is Staten Island, where I live. There is also no question that the primarily working class community of Stapleton, in which I live, is in the crosshairs of the avaricious developers who subsidize people like Christine Quinn and those who do her bidding in City Hall. The Homeport, a very short distqnce from my home in a very downscale neighborhood, is a likely arena for combat as Bloomberg has invited bids from developers in his attempt to Manhattanize Staten Island. Among the most aggressive Staten Island developers seeking to transform Bay Street into an updated East Houston Street is Casandra.

It is also a fact, as activist minister Rev. Demetrius Carolina (of whose First Central Baptist Chuich in Stapleton I am a member and Social Action Coordinator), has said, that the ethnically quite diverse while heavily African-American North Shore of Staten Island has no African-American elected officials. Like Rebecca Moore, Rev. Carolina is also approximately 100% correct. The North Shore is run by a largely Democratic white establishment, which (e.g. in the case of for example my State Asemblyman Quinn pal Matthew Titone) does not always represents the constituents.

At least two well-known African-American leaders, Rev. Tony Baker and activist Debi Rose, are interested in the City Council seat being vacated by term-limited Quinn pal City Councilman Michael McMahon. If Rev. Baker and Ms. Rose face each other in a Democratic primary, there is a real chance that the white domination of an African-American constituency could continue as a de facto colonial extension of Quinn's power extending across the Bay. As far as I am concerned, should Matthew Titone (who has been known, like Quinn, sometimes talkstenants rights) for some reason decide to run for re-election, he could be beaten by an independent-minded Democrat who really represents the community.

I have spoken some with Ms. Rose, who has assured me that affordable housing and over- development are major issues as far as she is concerned. As far as I am able to tell from experiencing Rev. Baker, a frequent guest at Rev. Carolina's church, he is ready to take on any real estate-influenced Democratic Party machine.

The developer vs. community battle in Staten Island is underway. As "conservative" as Staten Island is said to be, this borough is known for its very potent environmental movement, and for in years past having several times elected to the City Council Mary Codd, one of the most progressive and independent legislators in New York history.

Among the encouraging political realities that could help to bring communiites such as the Lower East Side and Stapleton (among many others in all the boroughs) together is the increasingly visible mayoral candidacy of City Councilmember Tony Avella (D.-Queens). Tony Avella is for tenants rights, the rights of Tibetans and other oppressed people, animal rights and he has shown himself to be against greed. He is the opposite of Christine Quinn.

Some months ago Mr. Avella was near 0% in the polls. More recently, thanks in part to coverage in UP FRONT News, his poll numbers have increased to 4%.

As far as I am able to tell Tony Avella is not only a Democrat but also a democrat.
Remember the Boston Red Sox!
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UP FRONT News March 11, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."


By Tom Weiss, Publisher

Every year on March 10, in commemoration of a 1959 monk-led uprising in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa, which was suppressed by the Communist Chinese military Tiananmen Square-style with 70,000 Tibetans dead, Tibetans around the world demonstrate.

Yesterday's demonstration in Union Square, now completely liberated from in particular Communist China apologists like Geoffrey Blank and neo-Stalinist Joel Meyers, was the best one yet. The high point of the afternoon was a brief and eloquent speech by New York City Councilman Tony Avella (D.-Queens), who is also a candidate for mayor, in which he announced his City Council resolution citing the Tibet occupation and calling for the removal of the 2008 Olympic Games from China.

As thousands of Tibetans - including the Dalai Lama - and many other people are aware from UP FRONT News, the effort to generate such a resolution was started by me, actually some years ago. Without going into all the detail, in 2001, after prolonged lobbying by me with the City Council, Christine Quinn took the credit for introducing Resolution #802 which, using some of my language, denounced China for its actions in Tibet. The resolution passed unanimously - and had absolutely no effect, other than to enable Ms. Quin to congratulate herself. The problem was that the Resolution 802 made no mention of the Olympic Games issue.

The reality is that "Communist" China, which is actually a full-fledged corporate totalitarian fascist state, and the U.S. corporate establishment profiting heavily in China, couldn't care less about moral denunciations. All they care about is money. And that's where the cash cow of the Olympics comes in.

For several years in various ways I approached Ms. Quinn and urged her to introduce a second resolution, this one citing the Tibet occupation and calling for the removal of the 2008 Olympics from China. My last effort was in the form of a January 30, 2006 e-mail to by Quinn, by this time Speaker of the City Council via her Chief of Staff Chuck Meara. Ms. Quinn never replied and she never will.

Why? Because Christine Quinn, as I have written and said on many occasions, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hillary Clinton, who makes some of her ill-gotten gains in China. In fact Bill and Hillary Clinton have been quite fully aware of the Chinese Communist genocide in Tibet since at least 1992 when, after Bill was elected but before he took office, I got all the facts to him via his secretary Betty M. Currie. I still have her fax.

The Clinton people responded by having me arrested at the U.S. Capitol on January 19, 1993, the day before Bill's first inauguration although I had a written invitation to appear at the U.S. Senate Commitee on Foreign Relations hearing on the nomination of Warren Christopher, one of the people who had deep-sixed my Tibet documents, as Secretary of State.

Last year I first met Councilman Avella at a City Council hearing on something called Intro. 458, a Quinn backed ripoff whereby the Council could substantially raise its own salaries and those of a bunch of already overpaid Bloomberg aides. I came to the hearing to testify against this outrageous theft of taxpayer money to feed Quinn's greed. Mr. Avella, although not a member of the committee holding the hearing, also came to testify against the bill (which of course passed).

Not too long after that, seeing that Mr. Avella is not afraid to take on the Quinn machine, I asked him about introducing a bill citing the Tibet occupation and calling for the removal of the 2008 Olympics from China. He soon agreed, at which time I set up a meeting with the Board of Directors of the U.S. Tibet Committee, with which I had met and which endorsed my proposal as regards a City Council resolution.

The USTC and I worked closely with Mr. Avella in putting together the language as Mr. Avella made it clear that he will fight for passage of his resolution even in the face of possible opposition from Christine Quinn, whom Avella correctly describes as both a "dictator" and, citing her pattern of showing up very late at City Council meetings to delay things she doesn't like, a "prima donna."

Mr. Avella's resolution is to be formally introduced at a City Council meeting on March 12.
It will need a lot of support from the Tibetan and non-Tibetan public because the corporate establishment, for which China is a profiteering playground, will resist any attempt to get the Olympics out of China, perhaps citing the sanctity of "U.S.-China relations." They said the same thing in 1936 when corporate-backed Adolf Hitler hosted the Nazi Olympics in Berlin in 1936. Never again? We'll see.

Until today the only newspaper to report on Mr. Avella's effort has been UP FRONT News.
Among the papers most guilty of suppressing the news on this issue, not to speak of many others, is the establishment-obsequeous Staten Island Advance, known among the steadily increasing numbers of UP FRONT News readers at the Staten Island Retreat.

Today's New York Sun, catching up to UP FRONT News, has a story on Mr. Avella's
appearance in Union Square. Olympics out of China; China out of Tibet!
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UP FRONT News March 12, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."

By Tom Weiss

If lying to the public while on a state payroll, which is perhaps Eliot Spitzer's most serious political transgression, is an impeachable offense, then New York State Assemblyman Matthew Titone should follow Mr. Spitzer's lead and resign.

Much of the history of Assemblman Titone's politically motivated de facto denial of constituent services to me as his constituent and the lies that have accompanied his games appear in several articles in UP FRONT News at On September 1, 2007, after several months of delays by him in response to my frequent telephoned and e-mailed requests for an appoinment to deal with some very serious constituient matters involving a nymber of agencies, I wrote an article headlined "Staten Island Retreat. One Reason Why the New York State Legislature Is 'The Worst in the Country.' The Case of Matthew Titone. Messing with My Human Rights, the NYPD, and a Higher Authority. (Rev.) Carolina Nice."

To make a long story short, I have been in need of assistance from my elected representatives in connection with several very serious matters. One involves apparently politically negligence by the Office of New York County District Attorney Robert Morgenthau in the handling of the prosecution of Wan Yun, the perpetrator of a serious, politically connected physical assault on me that took place on April 7, 2005. As soon as I offered the ADA on the case, Matthew Jackson information connecting the political extremist and neo-fascist multiple offender Geoffrey Blank to the assault, Mr. Jackson refused to accept my information and then wilfully mishandled the case, which was later, without my involvement at all, "sealed and closed" in a deal involving NYS Supreme Court Judge Ellen Gesmer. There is a wealth of information on the psychopathic demagogue Blank in UP FRONT News including some information about links to the mega-fascist and convicted felon Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. that Blank and his little brother Jason have made clear that they do not wish to discuss.

After the attack, in which Blank acquaintance Wan Yun, completely unprovoked, smashed me over the head for several minutes with a full glass bottle of soda, I was taken by ambulance to Bellevue Hospital Center where I had over three hours of surgery, much of it involv- ing my left ear. Very, very unfortunately, a Bellevue staffer referred me to the wrong outpatient clinic for followup. Again to make a long story short, when I sought to straighten out the problem, I ran into a classic NYC Health & Hospitals Corporation bureaucratic nightmare.

My efforts to resolve the matter with a Bellevue administrator named Tomas Colon got nowhere. It became necessary for me to request the assistance of then Bellevue Hospital Center Executive Director Carlos Perez. I was directed by the information desk to the mezzanine. While I was there being assisted by a Perez aide, who was looking through my papers, two people burst into the room. One was a uniformed female security person and the other was a small, thin dark-skinned man wearing an employee badge identifying him as "Mr. Infante." Mr. Infante went nuts. In a tirade of threats and profanities, he approached me in a distinctly menacing way and, putting his hands on me, ordered me to get my stuff and to leave immediately. As I left the building, escorted by Infante and several security people, he told me that if I ever came back to Bellevue I would be arrested.

My subsequent letter to NYC Health & Hospitals Corporation President Alan Aviles, who thinks his NYCHHC e-mail address is his private property, hand-delivered to his office at 125 Worth Street in Manhattan, as well as my other communications, were ignored.

As a result I went without followup care for several years. My stitches were removed in the emergency room at Cabrini Medical Center. As the stonewalling Bellevue and many others are well aware, since the attack I have experienced several prolonged periods of serious hearing loss.

There is also the matter of my being denied dental services at the NYU Dental Clinic because of a blunder by a staffer there named Marilyn Smith. Because, like the NYC Health & Hospitals Corporation, NYU seeks only to cover up for the negligence of some of its employees, I had to make a complaint to the NYS Department of Health. It took the NYSDOH some time to investigate but my complaint (#03-10-50097) has been "substantiated." NYU has continued to stonewall, recurrently making verbal promises to restore me as a patient and then reneging. The matter is known to NYU Hospital CEO Dr. Robert Grossman and NYU President John Sexton, both of whom seem more interested in expanding the NYU empire(s) than in doing the right thing.

There are also some problems for me caused by the bureaucratic "blame the victim" nightmare known as the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles and the New York Public Library, at least one of whose employees, Scott Lambden of the St. George Staten Island branch, is in the habit of protecting neighborhoos drug traffickers who have threatened me there in the lower level where the computers are. Lambden had me banned from the NYPL.

My lawyer, Jacob J. Goodman, who has since passed away, provided some help but made it clear that such matters are best resolved with the assistance of one's elected representatives.
City Councilman Michael McMahon, after first verbally agreeing to assist me, angrily changed his mind in an e-mail to me in which he expressed his anger at me for my having criticized his boss, NYC City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, the Marie Antoinette of City government. The Quinn credo: "Let them eat cake" - or perhaps something less tasty.

I decided not to go to State Senator Diane Savino. Ms. Savino, based on a comment made by her about me that appeared in a slanted article about me in the very establishment protecting and in fact politically censored Staten Island Advance on August 27, 2005, had apparently been influenced by U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton and NYC Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum, both of whom cannot deal with my UP FRONT News exposes of what they are covering up (in Clinton's case, her complete awareness of the Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet, etc., and in Gotbaum's case, her direct at least marital links to the CIA, etc.) My one visit to Ms. Savino's office office for help when I was homeless some years ago did not work out well. In light of he serious problems with Mr. Titone, however, Ms. Savino has offered to help me.

I began contacting Assemblyman Titone in the spring of 2007, shortly after, in a special
(s)election, he was, (s)elected to replace Assemblyman John Lavelle, who died suddenly. Again to make a long story short, there were no responses from Titone or his inept and negligent Chief of Staff Keith Pascandarola, who had also been the Chief of Staff for Mr. Lavelle. Talk about being entrenched.

It took the intervention of Jessica Loeser, a (former) aide to Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, to generate a response from Titone, who still would not agree to meet, a suggestion that, in light of the seriousness and complexity of the issues involved, was not feasible.

And so I approached a political acquaintance, State Assemblywoman Janele Hyer-Spencer, a progressive and relatively independent-minded Democrat who represents the district adjacent to mine. Although she convinced Mr. Titone to sit down with me, according to her he insisted that we meet at the 120th precinct. I said that I am not an inmate and that the answer, essentially, is "no." In order to address the apparently seriously insecure Titone's concerns, I asked Sgt. Al Fiore of the Intelligence Division of the NYPD, who is among the law enforcement people to show considerable interest in terrorists like Geoffrey Blank (not to speak of Lyndon LaRouche, et. al.), to send Mr. Titone an e-mail clearing me security-wise. Titone ignored Sgt. Fiore's letter.

It was only after, at my request, my pastor, Rev. Demetrius Carolina of the large and civil rights-rich First Central Baptist Church, offered to have the meeting at FCBC that Titone agreed. We met on October 11, 2007. Present, aside from me and Rev. Carolina, were Sgt. Fiore and my advisor Prof. Steven Gradman. Because nothing was accomplished in terms of action by Titone, other than his vague verbal assurance of help, it was necessary to arrange another meeting. At the last minute Mr. Pascandarola, citing illness, canceled a November 26, 2007 meeting, thereby inconveniencing Sgt. Fiore who, with a colleague, had driven to FCBC from his Brooklyn office, as well as me. Titone did not have the courtesy to initiate the rescheduling. More Titone delaying tactics followed. At the belatedly scheduled meeting, at FCBC, on February 21, 2008, Titone wasted my time and patience by complaining about my UP FRONT News coverage of him and issuing a veiled threat, suggesting that if I con-tinued to exercize my First Amendment rights and "embarrass" him in UP FRONT News, he might not help me. Aside from the fact that, as Geoffrey Blank among others well know, I do not submit to threats, Titone's threat was empty since he has been of no help at all anyway. There is a second article dated December 1, 2007 headlined "The Book of the Matthews. Neither of Them a Saint. Assemblyman Matthew Titone and Assistant District Attorney Matthew Jackson. Protecting a Two-Bit Terrorist: Geoffrey Blank." Mr. Titone also had the bad taste to suggest that I discontinue my efforts at seeking justice. I'd hate to have this guy as my lawyer.

His once again verbalized promises to write the necessary letters in my behalf are once again empty.

There are reasons why the New York State legislature has been rated "the worst in the country." Matthew Titone and Keith Pascandarola are two of those reasons.

Eliot Spitzer apparently lied at home and in the State Capitol and so he must leave office.
Matthew Titone lied in a church. He needs to go too.
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UP FRONT News April 15, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

Hu Jin Tao, the current President of Communist China, continues the legacy of what, from the human rights standpoint, may be one of the worst governments in history. And I am including in this comparison governments led by Caligula, Herod, Napoleon, Ivan the Terrible, Mussolini, Franco, Stalin, Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot.

Mao Zedong, who took over in China in 1948, got his career in mass murder energized by immediately invading a pacifist nation, Tibet, which is certainly more ancient than China. He proceeded to set in motion a racist, Nazi-style Genocide being perpetrated by the light-skinned Chinese against the much darker-hued Tibetans. He went after the Tibetans because he hated them for their love of God, as represented by their Dalai Lama, and because he was what I guess you would have to call, a yellow racist. Tibet, in part because of the de facto capitalist backing of the market-obsessed United States of America under awful presidents such as Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, has suffered the deaths of at least 1 million people as a result of the continued Occupation. The continuing use of torture by successive Chinese governments makes what has gone down at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo look mild. They have boiled babies alive, they have shot monks in the back of the head, and they have raped nuns. They have placed electrodes into and onto private parts. And they are running at least one concentration camp.

Epoch Times, a Falun Gong friendly newspaper, recently reported the existence of a full fledged concentration camp located underground as part of the Sujiatun Thrombosis Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine. It is a facility in which, according to the report, organs are removed from live people, who are later killed. The organs are later sold - perhaps sometimes winding up in hip art shows in New York City.

Isn’t it comforting to know that Hu Jin Tao is to meet with George Bush? Isn’t it comforting to know that the Summer Olympic Games if 2008 are scheduled to be played in Beijing? (Remember the 1936 “Hitler Olympics,” die Fuehrer almost having a seizure in the audience as African-American runner Jesse Owens beat the “Aryans)?” Isn’t it refreshing to know that, with the silence of Democrats and Republicans alike, the United States has become the largest economic “john” in history, going to bed with the burgeoning mega-capitalist call girl known as the People’s Republic of China?

With the possible exception of Big Dick Cheney, there is no more human rights-hostile politician in America than Hillary Clinton. Listen to this upstate-downstate story (source N.Y. Times). The Corning Corporation, in the upstate town of the same name, not too far from Elmira, is as much of a symbol of a profits-before-anything Republican corporation as Enron, presumably without the albatross of a Ken Lay. And so, even as Corning maintains some of its respectability by cashing in on air pollution reduction technology, it seeks to expand the market for its fiber optics products to include the world’s #1 de facto, albeit “Red”, fascist state, headed by a government with a history of imperialism easily equaling those perpetrated over the years by for example, Rome, Spain, France (Napoleon), Germany, Japan, Russia and the U.S. And so Hillary Clinton, who, along with her wandering husband, has been made fully aware, (by UP FRONT News, and maybe some others), of China’s Genocide in Tibet, etc., personally asked George Bush to intercede in order to effect a Chinese government decision to relax tariffs on Corning fiber optic pro- ducts. According to the report, Mrs. Clinton, effectively playing the role of “madam”, invited the Chinese ambassador to her office and, politically speaking, committed an unnatural act. Tariffs went down, profits went up, and some jobs were “saved.” (The U.S. economy got some Hitler boosts back in the 1930’s before we learned that you do not do business with fascists). Something else that got a boost was her campaign contribution account, which reads like a who’s who (Hu?) of corporate and right wing America.

Hillary Clinton recently had the tactlessness to mention Jesus in her belated and con-descending comments about immigrants. There is no way that Jesus would endorse this politician, who is against just about everything that He was and is for. And, in the case of Tibet - where, as reported in UP FRONT News, He lived, during the mysterious “missing years.” He would have every reason to take her consorting with the murderers of His people very personally.

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UP FRONT News March 17, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."

By Tom Weiss

New York and the U.S. are the most (real estate) developed places in the universe while the quality of "governance" is on a level of the most corrupt regime in an "underdeveloped" country. The U.S. government murders - among many, many others - its own citizens by basing at least some of its wars on lies, clearly for motives that relate to profits for the few (read for example Dick Cheney and Halliburton).

In New York City, because of our (s)elected leaders, most cleary our billionaire development-obsessed mayor, we are experiencing a tsunami of unneeded luxury housing, gentrification and the disasters that inevitably come from the construction frenzy aroused by the love of money.

Michael Bloomberg, in response to the crane disaster that has taken some more innocent lives, declared that his "heart goes out" to the victims and their families. That is an outrageous claim coming from someone who, except in the strictest anatomical sense, does not appear to have a heart at all, no matter how much "philanthropy" he claims to do.

Michael Bloomberg, in political partnership with City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, her boss the developer friendly cash cow Hillary Clinton and the real estate lobby, et. al., has essentially declared open season on the working people of New York. Thanks to a loopholeriddled set of tenant "protection" laws that allow landlords to hide profits and plead poverty, and pay chump-change fines after killling people and a Buildings Department that consist-tently looks the other way when it comes to construction violations, New York is becoming a very dangeorous and citizen-hostile place to live.

We can only speculate how many disasters might have occurred had Bloomberg managed to get away with his West Side Stadium monstrosity. And while as far as I am aware there have not been any lives lost (yet) in the tax giveaway to the Steinbrenner clan known as the new Yankee Stadium the working class citizens of the Bronx, who have already lost two of their parks, will pay a heavy price traffic and gentrification-wise in "SoBro" so that $30 million/year athlete part-time ball players and full-time narcissists like Alexander Rodriguez can strike out in clutch situations in front of a corporate-based fandom. Lovely. It's looking more like ancient Rome every day.

Because of over-development, gentrification and loophole-encouraged tenant displacement tactics by avaricious landlords, the affordable housing crisis is worsening. The mayor's solution is crumbs of "affordable housing", shelters and drop-in centers which (and I know from experience) have the ambience in some cases of, to use a term from UP FRONT News, "Auschwitz Lite."

This is a city where we warehouse apartments and, worse yet, warehouse people
Michael Bloomberg - aided and abetted by an often obsequeous press (perhaps worst exemplified by the heavily slanted and quite politically censored Staten Island Advance, in my home borough, where citizens seeking real news are increasingly relying on UP FRONT News along other some off-Island mainstream media - has succceeded to a degree in depicting himself as a sort of regular guy. The Staten Island Advance fell all over itself in Bloomberg adulation when he recently took the ferry to visit the new big tropical fish tanks in the St. George ferry terminal.

Regarding Staten Island, as far as I am concerned and as far as some ferry crash victims are concerned, Michael Bloomberg disgraced himself by penny-pinching the victims. Michael Bloomberg is a reverse Robin ("Robbin'?") Hood whose weird political philanthropy involves rewarding the few at the expense of just about everyone else. And he gets away with it by such bread-and circuses style publicity stunt charades as every once in awhile getting on the #4, 5 or 6 train for a few stops from his East 79th Street mansion, which is presumably sufficiently plush that for him to live in Gracie Mansion would be a form of slumming.

Things could actually get worse should Christine Quinn, who consistently backs Bloomberg on any big money matters benefiting Big Real Estate, succeed Bloomberg as mayor as she and Hillary Clinton, among others, plan.

I hope that tenants rights mayoral candidate City Councilman Tony Avella (D.-Queens) can pull a very big upset in 2009.
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UP FRONT News March 27, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."

Last evening I did something I rarely do, which is to miss Rev. Demetrius Carolina's Bible class at his First Central Baptist Church in Staten Island, in order to attend a booksigning by historian,journalist, Harvard professor, and Barack Obama supporter Samantha Power at the Barnes & Noble store in Tribeca, my old neighborhood.

Ms. Power, who writes a great deal about human rights and genocide, was reading from her recently published "Chasing the Flame: Sergio Viera de Mello and the Fight to Save the World", about the work the former U.N. Human Rights Commissioner de Mello, who was murdered in a terrorist bombing in Iraq.

After the introduction by Larry Cox, the Executive Director of Amnesty International USA. Ms. Power, after making a quick reference to "Monstergate" (for those who missed it, her reference was to the media frenzy following her supposedly off-the-record characterization of Hillary Clinton as a "monster" in an interview with "The Scotsman" newspaper), spoke about her work with Mr. de Mello, whose life was quite literally consumed in diplomatic efforts to save the lives of millions of victims of war and related violence in various countries.

In Mr. Mello's very dangerous work, he had to deal very directly with all sorts of mass murderers, such as Slobodan Milosevic. Ms. Power, while her reverence for Mr. de Mello's commitment to human rights and his bravery were evident in her talk, did not do a white-wash job as she made reference to his having been criticized as too accomodating to Milosevic to the point where the Commissioner Sergio Viera de Mello was labeled by some as "Serbio." Indeed, Ms. Power recognized that, in order to negotiate with killers, Mr. de Mello sometimes "left his principles at the door."

Ms. Power talked about the terrorist bombing that ended de Mello's life, mentioning specifically that he had refused a more protected office because it meant that another staffer might be more exposed to a bombing. She said that the perpetrators were from "Al Qaeda in Iraq."

When it came to the Q&A, I was glad to see that Ms. Power picked the questioners and even allowed for more questions than had been contemplated by the Barnes & Noble staffer. (At some of the Barnes & Noble events, particularly those at the Union Square branch, B&N staff quite overtly some protect speakers from questioners like me. I was glad that at Union Square B&N booksignings Jane Fonda, Tim Russert, and Bill Maher made their own choic-es. The sadly Lenora Fulani/Lyndon LaRouche-linked Ralph Nader handled my presence at his event like Dick Cheney would have.)

I got my hand up first and Ms. Power called on me. Since she had mentioned "Monster- gate", I made known that my "M" word for Hillary Clinton is "Machiavellian." I could see the Barnes & Noble person's discomfort so I immediately went to my question. Citing Ms. Power's deep interest in and prolific writing on genocide, I asked her about her views on the Tibet situation, expressing my view (and certainly that of just about every Tibetan I know) that the Chinese Communists are committing genocide in Tibet.

Ms. Powers, who acknowledged that she has not been to Tibet, said that the Tibet occupation, which has lasted over 50 years, is a "slow bleed." Ms. Power talked for several minutes about the uprisings that are taking place, all connected to the brutal suppression of several monk-led uprisings in Tibet. She said, especially in light of China's desire to look good for its anticipated Beijing Olympics, that the situation is now much more open and represents a real chance for Tibet. Ms. Power expressed support for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's strong criticism of China and support for the Dalai Lama, who (when he is not in the human rights negligent U.S.) talks about "cultural genocide" in Tibet. Ms. Power however added that simple expressions of support, which should come from all governments, are not enough and must lead to policy changes, although she did not specify any.

As far as I could tell, Ms. Power, who took a few minutes to answer my question, supports an end to the Chinese Communist occupation of Tibet, an occupation that, as far as I am concerned, renders China perhaps the worst human rights abuser in the world.

Among those who attended the talk were Ms. Power's father, with whom I chatted for several minutes after her talk as she was signing books. Ms. Power, her father, and some Amnesty International executives were among those receiving copies of UP FRONT News Tibet (and Hillary Clinton)-related articles as well as copies of some media accounts of my Democratic write-in candidacy against Mrs. Clinton for the U.S. Senate and some of my campaign literature.

Although Ms. Power found it politically necessary to apologize for her "monster" comment and to formally resign as a policy advisor to Barack Obama, I made certain in my question to let her know that I had discussed the Tibet issue directly some months ago with Sen. Obama's wife Michelle. I did not get the chance to talk about the fact that NYC Councilman and mayoral candidate Tony Avella (D.-Queens) has introduced the UP FRONT News and U.S. Tibet Committee-generated Resolution #1299, which cites the genocide in Tibet and calls for the removal of the 2008 Olympic Games, into the Council.

And as far as Hillary Clinton is concerned, Ms. Power - who, along with her father, Amnesty
International, the Irish Echo reporter covering the Irish-born Power, et. al., will receive copies of this article - is by now aware that Hillary and Bill Clinton are up to their collective eye-balls, along with the Cheney/Bush gang, in the coverup of the Genocide in Tibet.

As part of Ms. Power's reported "monster reference", she said that Hillary Clinton "is stoop- ing to anything." The "monster" reference is a bit too cinematically science fiction-graphic for my taste, but Ms. Power's suggestion that Mrs. Clinton stoops (presumably to conquer) is approximately 100% correct. There is no need to apologize for telling the truth.
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UP FRONT News March 20, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."

By Tom Weiss

During the Iowa caucuses Democratic campaign, in which voters were given the opportunity, in certain situations, to make second choices, presidential candidates Dennis Kucinich and John Edwards were reported as urging Democrats to pick Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton. While Dennis Kucinich's urgings as regards the potentially pivotal Pennsylvania primary are likely to have marginal impact (no matter what for example his extremist backers such as Charlene Barker may fantasize) John Edwards's preference may make a big difference.

As far as I am aware, most Edwards supporters clearly prefer a Democrat like Barack Obama over a Republicrat such as Hillary Clinton.

Nonetheless, a commentator on the March 16 Chris Matthews show, in Matthews' "tell me something I don't know" section, said that he has it one good sources that John Edwards plans to endorse Hillary Clinton.

Should Edwards ignore the apparent views of many of his supporters, it will expose him as the type of opportunistic and hypocritical politician that I ultimately found him to be based on my very direct experience with him as a long time participant in the NYC Edwards meetups led by progressive activist Steven Gradman, now a quite intense Obama supporter.

Mr. Gradman, a political science professor and veteran of New York City liberal Democratic politics, for years ran the NYC Edwards meetups. For his considerable efforts and expense, however, other than chronic solicitations for more money for Edwards' presidential campaigns, Mr. Gradman got little help from Edwards.

Perhaps Mr. Edwards was less than pleased when Mr. Gradman, who long ago once told me that he didn't think Hillary Clinton was "so bad" (as I have correctly depicted her), decided to openly support my Democratic write-in campaign against Mrs. Clinton for the U.S. Senate and to serve as the volunteer Media Coordinator for my campaign.

Mr. Gradman also worked closely with me in attempting to generate some comments from the outwardly human rights-oriented Edwards with regard to the ongoing Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet and the very related matter of rising opposition to the Beijing Olympics. Despite numerous calls, e-mails etc. and some direct contact between Mr. Edwards and myself, there was nothing but silence from Mr. edwards who thereby joins Hillary Clinton in the coverup of the Genocide in Tibet.

I remain hopeful that Mr. Obama, with whose wife Michelle I have discussed the Tibet issue (at which time I gave her several issues of UP FRONT News and some of my U.S. Senate campaign literature, which exposes Hillary Clinton as a total human rights-hostile unprincipled corporate fraud who makes threats against dissenters like myself in the spirit of another one of my adversaries, the currently "left" mega-fascist and very politically active convicted felon Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.) will speak out about the Chinese Communist oppression of Tibet.

At this point as far as I am aware, the only announced presidential candidate publicly on record, certainly with UP FRONT News, as supporting self-determination for Tibet, is the former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. And while UP FRONT News emphatically endorses Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination, the general election is something else - although John McCain is presumably out of the question.

John Edwards had already seriously ethically compromised himself by his ridiculous decision, while campaigning as an anti-poverty populist, spending $400 to make himself appear even prettier than he already was. My only question is" was his hair stylist named Delilah?" It's possible, because from that point on his previously potentially potent candidacy began to lose strength.

The mansion-residing Edwards plummeted further when it was revealed that he sank a sub-stantial percentage of his huge accumulated wealth into a hedge fund known as the Fortress Group that has been involved in foreclosure activities in New Orleans.

The reality is that John Edwards' campaign had been parasitically compromised from the get-go by virtue of the high-level participation of divided-loyalty political operatives such as Peter Hatch and apparently the quite dangerous Howard Deaniac Tracy Denton. There is also a liberal former Nader guy named Charles Riggs, a high level NBC News employee now said to be an Obama supporter who is a critical cog in the NBC News censorship opera-tion, certainly as regards coverage of the Tibet Genocide coverup and the LaRouche infil-tration into presidential politics (via Lenora Fulani, the Green Party and Ralph Nader). Riggs is on record as making an internet attempt at sabotaging my political relationship with Mr. Edwards. Expect an UP FRONT News article on "Riggs-ing the Elections" at NBC News.

Peter Hatch is closely connected to a left-oriented organization known at the Working Families Party, run pretty much as a Liberal Party-style patronage operation under the iron control of Party boss Dan Cantor. As Steven Gradman can verify, when I ran for the Senate the WFP did not even give me the courtesy of an endorsement interview, although it did manage to see a LaRouche surrogate named Jonathan Tasini and ultimately endorsed Hillary Clinton for the Senate. It is reasonable to suggest that, if Edwards submits to the Clinton's perhaps Guantanamo-emulating arm-twisting, Peter Hatch will play a role.

Tracy Denton is nominally a Democrat but behaviorally a LaRouche-ite. In her work for the pathetic Tasini (one of whose top aides is a direct LaRouche-ite named Charles Lenchner, who also managed to work in the Edwards campaign) Denton once tried to have me arrested at the Senate endorsement meeting of Democracy for New York City, the local arm of How-ard Dean's Democracy for America. Denton should be thrown out of the Democratic Party and perhaps sign on with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad if LaRouche turns her away as an embarassment.
Hillary Clinton has shown in her direct threats against me (by phone some years ago through her investigator "Mr. Zimmerman" and via a September 5, 2003 4:14 PM e-mail to my more easily intimidated brother Jim) and her sleazy recurrently racist and sexist corporation-fueled campaign that she will try anything.

John Edwards should not become Hillary Clinton's Eliot Spitzer.
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UP FRONT News March 26, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."


Staten Island Advance reporter Karen O'Shea in a recent quite detailed article describes Assemblyman Matthew Titone's publicity conscious role in fighting a planned residence for the mentally ill in a former convent in the St. George neighborhood of Staten Island. Titone claims that the state and St. Vincent Catholic Medical Center misled him as to the nature of the residents. He claims that he had originally been led to believe that the mentally ill residents would be "stable", but that he has since learned that the client population could include people recently released from prison or former drug addicts. Titone is described as demanding assurances that "nobody with a history of sexual assault will be housed in the facility."

At this point, although I live in nearby Stapleton, I do not know enough about the issue to determine if Titone is simply trying to capitalize on the "Not in my back yard" (NIMBY) syndrome that plagues those seeking to help outcasts survive in places other than the streets.

If, however, communities were empowered to refuse residence to elected officials who slander their constituents, who coverup political criminality, and who do not tell the truth, Matthew Titone would be homeless.

The Staten Island Advance, including editors Marjorie Hack, Dean Balsamini, Stevie Lacy- Pendleton, and Tom Wroblekski, among others, are fully aware of Mr. Titone 's now one year long pattern of negligence and withholding constituent assistance to me. They are aware of the political aspect of all this, inasmuch as at least some in the NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn and Hillary Clinton-controlled lily-white Democratic Party establishment that runs the ethnically diverse heavily African-American Staten Island North Shore are not happy that I ran as a Democratic write-in candidate against the increasingly visibly corrupt Clinton. Visit

They are not happy that I have exposed Mrs. Clinton's direct participation in the political and media coverup of the Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet. (The Advance is involved in that coverup to, thank you Tom Wrobleski and Marjorie Hack.) They are not happy that I have exposed self-described progressives Clinton and Quinn as in fact political agents of the predatory real estate industry that is to an imporant degree responsible for the homelessness crisis, not to speak of murder by high rise construction accident.

The clique that runs the Advance is not happy that, in part because of the much more thorough investigative journalism in my newspaper, UP FRONT News, I have exposed the fact that the Advance slants and censors political news. In addition to Wrobleski's willful refusal to follow up on the fact of Hillary Clinton's involvement in the Tibet Genocide coverup, he has also suppressed information that I have given him connecting the local racist Lenora Fulani, about whom Wrobleski has selectively reported, to the mega-fascist and convicted felon Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Why is this important? Because, among other reasons, through his neo-fascist but "left" spewing surrogates such as Fulani, Paul Zulkowitz, Gerald Kann and the violent Geoffrey Blank, LaRouche, in his literal takeover of at least major parts of the Green Party (and thereby Ralph Nader) and other "left" groups, has had major influence in presidential and local politics.

It is true that Michael Bloomberg, who consistently gets puff piece "coverage" by Advance reporter Sally Goldenberg, would not have been elected mayor in 2001 had he not cut a Faustian deal with the Devil and accepted the Independence Party ballot line support of the virulent anti-Jewish racist Fulani, a demagogue whose immediate mentor is the cult leader "psychotherapist" Dr. Fred Newman, who, years ago, at City College got his political start in fascism with then CCNY faculty colleague LaRouche (then known as "Marxist" professor" Lyn Marcus).

What does all this have to do with Matthew Titone? Much of the story, suppressed by the Advance, appears in UP FRONT News at and at To summarize, on April 7, 2005 I was physically assaulted by LaRouche-ite hitman Geoffrey Blank acquaintance named Wan Yun. The afrorementioned Blank will not talk publicly about his links to Lyndon LaRouche, not to speak of his direct financial and political ties to a group calling itself the Freedom Socialist Party that is reportedly under international investigation for ties to terrorism in Iraq and whose spokeperson, Blank pal Stephen Durham, is on record (New York Post, December 26, 2005) as condoning the late Musab al Zarqawi's hostage beheadings. Blank became notorious for his "radical" harangues in Union Square in Manhattan, where he tried to hijack a leaderless free speech group known as the No Police State Coalition that has run speakouts in Union Square. Blank, a cult-of-personality (e.g. Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao) style full-fledged psychopath, would give narcissistic rants about "free speech" and then proceed to threaten people, particularly myself, who sought to exercize that right. Blank, a nominal Jew, is known for his anti-Semitic slurs and has paraded as a supporter of people like Saddam Hussein, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Hamas, Hezbollah and jihadists the world over. That's why I refer to Blank as a Jewish nazi, or "Jewzi." And, since a terrorist is defined as a person who uses threats and violence for political ends, Geoffrey Blank is a terrorist.

Assault perpetrator Wan Yun was arrested. The Assistant District Attorney on the case Mattew Jackson, after taking my account if the assault and advising me that, becaise of the seriousness of the injury (I underwent over three hours of surgery on and in my left ear at Bellevue Hospital Center), Wan Yun faced felony charges and that at trial I would be the chief witness for the prosecution. Mr. Jackson had me sign medical release forms authoriz- ing him to obtain the reports from Bellevue and from the Crime Victims Compensation Board. When I offered Mr. Jackson information connecting Geoffrey Blank to the attack, he replied, "I don't need that." When I asked Jackson how he could not need information, the content of which he did not know, he ended the interview and from that point in became essentially inaccessible. and, as i have since learned from Bellevue Administration, he never sent the release forms I signed.

As I later learned from a very competent and helpful police officer with the NYPD's Intelli- gence Division, who has taken a great interest in Blank - and of course Fulani/LaRouche, et. al. - that the case was quietly settled before a compliant judge named Ellen Gesmer.

Matters became more complicated when, after the operation, Bellevue staff referred me to the wrong outpatient clinic for followup. When I tried to straighten the matter out, I ran into a classic New York Citu Health & Hospitals Corporation nightmare. (I know about the HHC, having worked at Queens Hospital Center during the 1970's and, at the cost of my job, blown the whistle on a Koch Administration coverup of budget cut-caused patient deaths at QHC.) When I went to the office of the then Bellevue Executive Director Carlos Perez, as one of his aides was trying to assist me, a Bellevue staffer named Mr. Infante burst into the room with an HHC security person, threatened me and ordered me to leave. As Infante, accompanied by security, escorted me from the building, he said to me, "If you ever come back here again you will be arrested." And so I went without followup care for several years, during which I have experienced several prolonged periods of severe hearing loss.

My lawyer, Jacob J. Goodman, who passed away several mothns ago after a long illness, made some inquiries with New York County District Attorney Robert Morgenthau's office and with the HHC, receiving no responses. Mr. Goodman advised me that, since government agencies are involved, I should seek the help of my elected officials.

City Council Michael McMahon, in an angry e-mail to me in December, 2006 refused to assist me, citing my UP FRONT News criticism of his de facto political boss, Christine Quinn. State Senator Diane Savino had been of little assistance some years earlier when I needed her help in connection with a Social Security matter when I was homeless. Ms. Savino had also made what I considered to be a defamatory comment about me in the Advance in that newspaper's seriously slanted and error-riddled article on August 27, 2005(by Wrobleski) after the rather paranoid CIA-linked NYC Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum (whom I know personally) referred to me on television as a "stalker." The August 26 story in NYC Newsday and article in thd Daily news and New York Times on August 27 where much more objective that Wrobleski's Gotbaum-protecting piece. More recently, however, as the problems with Titone have mounted, Ms. Savino, who has promised me a meeting with her, has provided some assistance on another mattet which Titone has been absolutely no help on.

And so I went to the newly (s)elected Titone. I could write a Bible-length accoint of Titone's delaying tactics and his pattern of making promies and then reneging. That is known as ly-ing, an impeachable offense when perpetrated by an elected official. Judgement Day-wise, Titone has really placed himself in serious jeopardy, since some of his lying has taken place inside the First Central Baptist Church in Stapleton. Because of Titone' games, it has been necessary for me to involve the Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, who has been of little help. (Silver has embarassed himself by coming out in support of salary increases for state legislators. Titone is about as qualified for a salary increase as Kinh Herod of perhaps Pontius Pilate.)

Titone's colleague, Assemblywoman Janele Hyer-Spencer, with whom I am acquainted and with whom I have met, has been of some assistance. Ultimately it became necessary for me to ask the assistance of my pastor, the respected civil rights leader Rev. Demetrius Carolina of the First Central Baptist Church.

Outside of myself there is no better source regarding Titone's chicanery on this matter than Rev. Carolina, at whose church there have been two largely unproductive meetings with Titone, also attended by my advisor political science professor Steven Gradman and NYPD Sgt. Al Fiore.

Matthew Titone, who apparently considers himself something of an authority on "mental ill- ness", recently did something very sneaky in an attempt to drive a wedge between Rev. Carolina and myself. In light of the fact the Rev. Carolina has supported me in this matter all along, and in light of the fact that, as Titone knows, Rev. Carolina has appointed me the Social Action Coordinator of the First Central Baptist Church, Titone's maneuver, straight out of the Hillary Clinton book of dirty tricks, was a very bad and stupid move.

As I understand it, Matthew Titone said something false about my mental health to Rev. Carolina. Rev. Carolina is widely known not only as a powerfully eloquent minister and civil rights leader in the Martin Luther King tradition, but for his very good political judgement.
I have no reason to believe that Rev. Carolina was trying to mollify me when he said that in his judgemnt I am not only "intelligent" but "perfectly sane."

As far as Matthew Titone's mental health is concerned, I feel that as a professional social worker with much experience in the mental health field I am in a position to comment. Based on about one year of observation, there is little doubt that Matthew Titone is a very insecure individual who appears to have a lot to hide. Whether, for example he has some kind of link to LaRouche - whom Titone in fact protects - I do not know at this point. He certainly protects both Hillary Clinton and Christine Quinn who collectively have closetful of political skeletons. (Regarding LaRouche, et. al., I have the same perception about Tom Wrobleksi, knowing that LaRouche has for years been infiltrating the mainstream and "alternative" media.)

There is no question, however, that Matthew Titone is not an honest man. We have enough phonies in (s)elective office. My feeling is that he should resign from the Assembly. Under any circumstances, however, for him to run for re-election would be a disrespect to all Staten Islanders, even those who don't want "mentally ill" people living in their backyard.
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UP FRONT News March 28, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."

I have on a number of occasions had some words with a "preacher" (I don't know if he is ordained) on the Staten Island Ferry who sometimes stands a few centimeters from me and others, loudly demanding that I accept Jesus as my savior. I usually inform him of the fact that I already have - as can be verified by a number of real ministers, churchgoers and others who know me.

I have always asked him to please give me some space and to please speak more softly (making no references to Theodore Roosevelt's "big stick"). This particular preacher's photograph appears in today's Staten Island Advance on page 10 with a good article by reporter Maura Yates, who attended last evening's meeting of the Staten Island Ferry Riders Committee that took place last evening at the Staten Island Museum in St. George.

It was a well attended and quite boisterous meeting as many people complained about the preacher who, at least in my experience, has consistently ignored polite requests that he lower his voice. On several occasions it was necessary for me to remind him that, based on biblical accounts, Jesus was (perhaps with the exception of the time He walked in on the moneylenders and real estate developers in the temple) never rude. In the face of the "preachers" rather anti-Christian and anti-christian egotism, I have sometime loudly reminded him that, with his approach, he is having an effect precisely the opposite of his presumed intentions. I've publicly told him that New York Bay is not in fact the Sea of Galilee and that with his rudenss he is "creating a boatload of atheists." On occasion, especially when my comment gets open support from other ferry riders, he tones things down. Sometimes her makes the mistake of persisting.
To my amazement, given the history of some political problems between the rather tightly "controlled" Staten Island Advance and myself, I was surprised when, at the end of the meeting, Advance reporter Maura Yates approached me (and a friend Peter Schultheis, whose view is different from mine), for comments. I was even more surprised to find my comment about the preacher's contribution to the spread of atheism in today's article.

The meeting was skillfully chaired by Committee Chairwoman Anne Marie Selzer, who gave Community Affairs Officer Clinton Hawthorne from the NYPD's 120th precinct some time to make a presentation and answer questions. As far as I am concerned, Officer Hawthorne, who also has problems with his manners (he called on me and then interrupted me as I was asking him a question that apparently made him uncomfortable and called on someone else) confused the issue considerably. On the one hand, he said that people had every right to complain to the police since the preacher often created what is known as a "nuisance." Then, PO Hawthorne, apparently mistaking himself for civil rights authority attorney Norman Siegel, started talking in general terms about "freedom of speech."

In the face of the boat "preacher's" rudenesses I have at time complained to ferry staff and been referred to the police who are on the boat. Different police have handled it diffently although there are written rules prohibitng "nuisance" behavior, which Ms. Selzer read at the meeting. Some officers have directed the preacher to tone down, a step that has consistently worked as apparently he does not want to save fellow inmates) and other police have ignored complaints. It was when I asked PO Hawthorne about the inconsistency in police response, in a situation where there are written rules, that the officer did his Dick Cheney impersonation.

There were other complaints as regards inadequate ferry schedules. My view is that if the City of New York stops giving tax abatements to real estate developers to build what we least need, i.e. luxury housing, and if Chistine Quinn and the City Council stops raising its already substantial salaries as they did in passing the outrageous Intro 458, over the objections of primarily good government City Councilman and mayoral candidate Tony Avella (D.- Queens), we can get every half-hour Ferry service during "off hours" 24/7.

And as far as the "preacher" is concerned, he needs to read up some more on Jesus.
E-mail -
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Saturday, March 08, 2008


UP FRONT News March 8, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."

I first met Lhadon (pronounced "Laden" as in bin Laden) Tethong several years ago when, as a long time Free Tibet activist, I was introduced to her as she was sitting among Tibetans on a bench on Central Park West at around 106th Street on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, where in the park Tibetans were celebrating the Dalai Lama's birthday (which, like that of George W. Bush, falls on July 6).

Ms. Lhadon, identified as the leader of the Students for a Free Tibet (SFT), one of several Tibet advocacy groups, was distinctly cool. For sure, like thousands of Tibetans, she knew about me because of my very public advocacy for a free Tibet and an end to the genocidal occupation of Tibey by Communist China, an occupation in which the U.S. government and the U.S. media, is complicit. UP FRONT News has lots of readers in the Tibetan community.

Indeed, many Tibetans have known about my involvement in this issue from my days as a social worker at the refugee resettlement organization the New York Association for New Americans (NYANA) from 1989 until 1993. Some of my visibility came as a result of a successful fundraising performing arts event I produced in the form of a concert at NYU fea- turing among others the world famous Tibetan flutist and didgeridoo player Nawang Khechog and the Dalai lama's favorite rock 'n' roll band, The Dharma Bums.

I made a few subsequent efforts at reaching Ms. Tethong, none of which generated a response.
I would cross paths with Ms. Tethong at the annual March 10 free Tibet demonstrations held in commemoration of the March 10, 1959 monk-led uprising in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa that was suppressed Tiananmen Square style by the Chinese Communists with 70,000 Tibetans murdered. Those rallies have for years been tightly controlled by the very controlling Tethong, who has tried to make certain that I do not get to speak at any of these events. in fact, however, several years ago, having arranged for a rally endorsement by my Congressman at the time, Jerrold Nadler, since he was unable to attend, he had me read his remarks, which I supplemented with some well received comments of my own. Helping me in the politics of the speaking arrangments was free Tibet activist Namgyal Khorko.

Despite the annual rallies, which inevitably feature celebrity speakers like Buddhism authority Dr. Robert Thurmann (father of actress Uma Thurmann), at which much anti-China rhetoric is to be heard, there has been little progress if any in liberating Tibet. Indeed the Dalai Lama has voiced his view that Tibet is in danger of at least cultural obliteration by the Communist Chinese.

For several years it has been my view that the only way to affect Chinese and U.S. policies with respect to ending the occupation is by going after the money, which means getting the cash cow known as the 2008 Olympic Games out of China.

The fact is that much of the U.S. political and media establishment, regardless of any hypo- critical "human rights" rhetoric, is unwilling to interfere with its megacapitalistic profiteering in the slave state/hedge fund known as Communist China by pushing to get the Olympics out of Beijing. Among the politicians who have been made fully aware by me and UP FRONT News that China is perpetrating genocide in Tibet are Bill and Hillary Clinton and their political underlings, most conspicuously New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn.

Indeed, after I lobbied for years to get a City Council resolution supporting Tibet, Ms. Quinn
took the credit for introducing Resolution #802, which, using some of my language, denounced China for its actions in Tibet. The resolution, which passed unanimously, however had no impact. Why? Because it made no mention of the Olympics.

In the following years I made several approaches to Ms. Quinn urging her to introduce another resolution, this one calling for the removal of the 2008 Olympics from China. Indeed on January 30, 2006, after she became Speaker (through a classic Democratic machine backroom deal involving "outer borough" bosses) I sent her an e-mail via her Chief of Staff Chuck Meara. She never answered and she never will. Christine Quinn is a wholly owned subsidiary of the corporate cash cow Hillary Clinton (Bill is a cash bull) for whom China is nothing more than another investment opportunity.

Having gotten recurrent encouragement from Tibetans such as activist Namgyal Khorko for taking action to get the Olympics out if China, I approached a relatively new political acquaintance of mine, City Councilman Tony Avella (D.-Queens), a man who has demonstrated his readiness to stand up to Quinn in defense of honesty in government and tenants rights, two areas in which she (like the Clintons) is very weak, her rhetoric notwithstanding. As far as I am concerned, the Clintons and their underlings, like for example Quinn and my really negligent and dishonest state assemblyman Matthew Titone (D.-Staten Island), are are the embodiments of political duplicity.

The same holds true of Lhadon Tethong.

Some years ago "Cry of the Snow Lion", a dramatic film documentary of the 1959 uprising, was being shown at a Greenwich Village theatre. I went to the Office of Tibet to inquire about obtaining a press pass. I was referred to the SFT office on East 14th Street. When I got there I was "greeted" by Ms. Tethong. To say she was only rude in her refusal to give me a press pass would be to let her off easy. Within a moment of her refusal she had summoned a man almost as big as a Tibetan yak. As Ms. Tethong, threatening me with arrest, ordered me from the room, the yakman approached me in a distinctly menacing way, spewing some profanities in English.

As I made my way toward the door, another gentleman who witnessed the incident told me to wait downstairs for him. After a few minutes the gentleman (whose name I do not recall) emerged. He made some very negative references to Ms.Tethong, suggesting that I am not the only person experiencing serious difficulties with her. He also helped me get the press pass. Indeed, not only did I review this gripping film, which shows the Chinese Communists for the fascists they are, I arranged for the filmmaker to be interviewed on the INN World Report, a nationally broadcast news program (seen here on the Manhattan Neighborhood Network) on which I have been a guest on several occasions. INN President Lenny Charles, like UP FRONT News, covers the stories that the mainstream media (typified in perhaps the worst way by the heavily censored establishment-obsequeous Staten Island Advance) suppresses.

At last year's March 10 demonstration in Union Square, although a number of Tibetans urged me to go to the Lhadon-controlled microphone and speak. Although Lhadon looked over at me with some visible fear in her eyes, I confined myself to some out loud urgings regarding getting the Olympics out of China. After the very predictable Columbia University Professor Robert Thurmann yammered something about being nice to your oppressors, Lhadon suggested that Tibetans should demonstrate at the Beijing Olympics. A move like that would result in instantaneous arrest as well as the likely detainment of any reporter witnesses. It is important to remember that "Communist" China is a full-fledged fascist state.

At my behest and with the support of the U.S. Tibet Committee of whose Board of Directors Namgyal Khrorko is a member, Councilman Avella has committed himself to introducing a resolution citing the Tibet occupation and calling for the removal of the 2008 Olympics from China. I suggested that it might be a good idea for Mr. Avella to address the rally. The USTC and the overall "March 10 Organizing Committee", which includes several groups, among them Tethong's rather gentrified pretty much lily-white SFT, agreed. Mr. Avella agreed to my request that I introduce him at the rally. And while the USTC has agreed and while organziing committee chair of the Tibetan Youth Congress of New York and New Jersey has told me he has no objection, I have been advised that I will not be permitted to introduce him.

For sure this is not a mere personality conflict, although the possibility of Ms. Tethong and I becoming friends is about as likely as an UP FRONT News endorsment of Hillary Clinton or mayoral wannabe Quinn. Ms. Tethong in her consistent efforts at sabotaging me and my efforts at getting the Olympics out of China is in effect helping the Chinese. She is a fifth columnist and, as far as I am concerned, qualifies as the Vidkun Quisling of the Tibetan liberation movement.

I am told that, Richard Gere may speak. Mr. Gere, with whom I have dealt when I was with NYANA and who preferred to treat me as an anonymity me in his correspondence, is a self- proclaimed "Buddhist", who, as an increasing number of Tibetans are becoming aware, is facing a huge Hollywood-style embarassment in a matter widely circulating in the New York and California undergrounds and sneaking its way up media-wise. While followers of Tibetan Buddhism are not all vegetarians, the Dalai Lama is known as a deep respecter of life and a abhors any cruelty to animals. I am certain that the Dalai Lama would be upset to learn of any harm coming to an creature as meek as a gerbil.

In any event, as far as the presumbly sincere Councilman Avella is concerned, since it is apparent that there are some power brokers in the Tibetan community that are in fact hostile to getting the Olympics out of China, he should consider slowing down his resolution efforts until the Tibetans get their act together - which, as far as I am concerned, means disempowering Lhadon Tethong. I don't know about the somewhat bombastic Thurmann, but his employer, Columbia University, is a mega-corporation and a part of the military industrial/ real estate/educational complex, (much like NYU, where SFT is active), has a very dubious record when it comes to human rights.

It is also important to note that thanks to people like the community-insensitive Lhadon, the free Tibet movement has almost no involvement of African-Americans, a major irony in light of the not very well known fact that the Tibetans are a dark-complexioned people being genocided by the light-complexioned Chinese.

And since I belong to the large mostly African-American First Central Baptist Church in Staten Island led by my friend civil rights leader Rev. Demetrius Carolina, the African-American community will learn the truth about how the Tibetans are being sold out by (at least) one of their own.
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