Thursday, July 26, 2007


UP FRONT News July 26, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

"The paper that can't be sold and can't be sold."

As is the case with many people, I originally became supportive of John Edwards’ presidential aspirations because of his readiness to give prominence to the issue of poverty in America. Indeed, when he ran for the presidency in 2004, when I was homeless and staying at a drop-in center called Peter’s Place in Manhattan, Edwards’ people were immediately responsive to my invitation to participate in a candidates’ debate at Peter’s Place. Mr. Edwards was represented by campaign staffer Terrance Tolbert and John Kerry was represented by his sister Peggy Kerry. Edwards’ representative won hands down. I also thought that the Democratic ticket would have done better against the Bush ticket if it had been Edwards/Kerry instead of Kerry/Edwards.

I was among those who urged Mr. Edward to run again for the 2008 nomination. Indeed, I told him so personally on a couple of occasions, as well as in UP FRONT News and by e-mail. For several years I have been a participant in the NYC Edwards meet-up led by political science professor Steven Gradman. Mr. Gradman is a true humanitarian and progressive and I was glad to have him serve as the volunteer Media Coordinator for my Democratic write-in candidacy for the U.S. Senate against Hillary Clinton.

As Mr. Gradman, who has very direct links to Mr. Edwards and his campaign, is fully aware, I have for months been attempting to get the recurrently human rights eloquent Edwards to say something about in particular the Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet and the very related issue of opposition to the 2008 Olympics scheduled to be played in Beijing. While Mr. Edwards has been among those who is very vocal about the Genocide in Darfur, he, like so many others, becomes mute on the Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet. I have been in direct telephone e-mail contact on this issue with Mr. Edwards via his campaign manager David Bonior, and high-level staffers including Matthew Nelson and Andy Solari. Another campaign big shot, the Working Families Party-connected Peter Hatch, whom I met at a Edwards talk in Manhattan belatedly sent me an evasive response to my e-mail.

What I have received is little more than evasive delaying tactics primarily from Mr. Solari. Solari asked me to e-mail him some information about Tibet so that he can give it to unnamed “appropriate parties.” In fact I have already e-mailed plenty of information and there is more information online at and, as the Edwards campaign is fully aware. Additionally, as I have informed Mr. Solari, much of the information if not online. I have no intention of sending it by regular mail and so I have suggested a meeting. Since the issue is Genocide, while I would prefer to meet in New York, where the campaign has staff, I even offered to travel – at the Edwards campaign’s expense – to North Carolina where the campaign is headquartered. Mr. Gradman told me that it was not likely that the campaign would foot the bill. My reply included a reference to the famous $400 Edwards haircut. John Edwards’ attempt to parlay populist rhetoric with the lifestyle of the rich and famous is a failure. Jay Leno’s writers were correct as was revealed in a “Tonight Show” monologue some months ago when, commenting upon the multimillion dollar Edwards estate, Mr. Leno asked, “is this ‘the other America’ that Edwards is talking about?” No amount of rationalization can explain away Edwards’ willingness to take huge salary to work for a hedge fund, which is one of capitalism’s most predatory creations.

Some months ago, Mr. Gradman showed me an Edwards campaign e-mail announcing that one Charles Lenchner was working in the Edwards campaign. Mr. Gradman brought that fact to my attention because Lenchner is guilty of several criminal harassments against me perpetrated when he worked for so-called Senate “candidate” Jonathan Tasini. Mr. Gradman became even more interested in Lenchner when some months ago I showed him proof of Lenchner’s direct association with the mega-fascist and convicted felon Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., via LaRouche’s magazine, the Executive Intelligence Review. Of course, since LaRouche is the closest thing to a well-disguised Hitler in existence, I immediately informed the Edwards campaign, from David Bonior on down, by telephone and e-mail. No response.

A candidate who is unwilling to speak out on a Genocide of which he has been made fully aware, who is unwilling to remove a fascist in his campaign, and who does not respond to e-mails, while continuing to ask me for money, is not qualified to be president.

Hillary Clinton of course, with her financial interests in China, will continue to be a participant in the coverup of the Genocide in Tibet. I think that Hillary Clinton is hopelessly corrupt and is attempting to become the Empress of the United States. I’ve said and written before that, unless the Republicans nominate, say, David Duke for president, there is no way I would vote for Hillary Clinton. Joe Biden has expressed a high regard for her, which shows me that he is not a good judge of character, rendering him very similar to George Bush. Barack Obama, who has gotten some information about Tibet and UP FRONT News from me via his wife Michelle, with whom I spent a few minutes at a recent fundraiser in Harlem, maybe from my perspective too close to the Wall Street and real estate developer crowd. Mike Gravel’s chances are not better than mine and it seems that Dennis Kucinich’s are not much better than Gravel’s.

With regard to Bill Richardson, any candidate that takes on China and the 2008 Olympics in connection with China’s involvement in the Genocide in Darfur, as did Mr. Richardson in a candidate’s debate, becomes interesting to me. I am hopeful that Tibet and UP FRONT News will be of interest to him.


UP FRONT News July 21, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

The last time Cindy Sheehan spoke in Union Square in Manhattan, on September 19, 2005, the event resulted in a near riot – thanks to self appointed peace activist, Paul (“Zool”) Zulkowitz of the Green Party.

Mr. Zulkowitz, essentially an agent of pseudo-left neo-fascists such as the notorious
ous racist Lenora Fulani and her political godfathers Fred Newman and convicted felon Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., had invited Ms. Sheehan to speak at his “Camp Casey” operation in Union Square. Ms. Sheehan had little if any way of knowing that, under the Zulkowitz Administration, “Camp Casey” had become an outpost for political thugs like the demagogue Geoffrey Blank, whose use of the term “socialism” is ideologically comparable to Adolf Hitler’s. The day-to-day operation of “Camp Casey” was given to a boozer who called himself “Totay”, who morphed the encampment into a de facto homeless shelter and speakeasy for himself and his girl friend while sustaining his habits by helping himself to the donation jar. I’m sure Ms. Sheehan would have been thrilled to learn that “Camp Casey” became a place to post and distribute the literature of the megalomaniac LaRouche, one of the few people in history, as revealed by his unauthorized biographer Dennis King (see to have simultaneously collaborated with
the Elijah Muhammad wing of the Black Muslims and the KKK. Since being released from a federal penitentiary some years ago after doing major time for credit card and mail fraud, LaRouche has been busy trying achieve what he calls “hegemony over the left.” He does this via surrogates such as Fulani and Zulkowitz, among many others, by outlefting progressives and parasiting onto various movements such as those for peace, tenants rights, and civil liberties. “Camp Casey” was such an operation.

Paul Zulkowitz has over the years played a major role in the ultimately very divisive Ralph Nader presidential candidacies that have, just as LaRouche planned, helped give us eight years of Cheney/Bush. As a past supporter of Ralph Nader’s ideas suggesting eco-nomic democracy I was involved in his NYC meetups, which as it turned out were little more than front groups for Fulani, autocratically run by Fulaniites like Zulkowitz, Gerald Kann, Cathy Sadell and Sadell’s thug of a husband George Tatevosyan – who collaborated with Kann in a witnessed physical assault on me to prevent my attending a Nader news conference in Manhattan in April, 2004.

In order to hold an event in a City park involving an amplified sound device, it is necessary for the organizer to obtain, in addition to a Park’s Department permit, a sound device permit from the NYPD. Union Square had become a major permit battleground thanks in part to the NYPD’s 13 precinct, run by an apparent Bush fan named Inspector McEnroy and the demagogue Blank, whose idea of free speech was to monopolize a bullhorn with egomaniacal pseudo-left rants and threaten those (e.g.) me who disagreed with him. Paul Zulkowitz lied to a bunch of people, most certainly including myself in his claims that he had the required permit for the Sheehan event. His occasionally sober assistant Totay consistently refused my requests to see the permit.

And so, on September 19, 2005 as Ms. Sheehan, introduced by Zulkowitz, was speaking before several hundred people in Union Square, a contingent from the 13th precinct showed up. The cops allowed Ms. Sheehan to finish her talk and immediately busted Zulkowitz, a smallish white man with serious delusions of being a Black Panther. Still under the impression that there had been a permit I was arrested later the same day at the same spot. The next day I spoke to Totay, who immediately admitted that there had been no permit and that Zulkowitz had staged his own arrest. The manipulator Zulkowitz quite apparently had hoped to engineer the arrest of Ms. Sheehan and himself, thereby catapulting him into media covered heroism. On this occasion, the 13th precinct, by allowing Ms. Sheehan to speak and then busting Zulkowitz, played it smart politically.

I wrote about the scam in widely circulated articles in UP FRONT News, where I had already exposed Geoffrey Blank for the neo-fascist that he is. A few weeks later an activist known to both Zulkowitz and myself told me that “Zool”, citing my criticism of him and Blank, had sent e-mails to his friends announcing his planned suicide, reportedly to be accomplished by jumping off a certain bridge in Nassau County. When the local po- lice got to his door they offered him a choice between incarceration and involuntary psychiatric commitment. He chose the hospital.

Quite apparently he was prematurely discharged as I learned from a mutual acquaintance that, upon his release, he was planning to shoot me with a 357 Magnum in his possession. It should be no surprise that, like LaRouche, and Blank, Paul Zulkowitz is a watched man at all levels of law enforcement. As far as I am concerned, since the definition of “terrorist” is a person who uses intimidation and violence for political ends, all three are terrorists.

Paul Zulkowitz, using his enticing “zooltheart&politics” e-mail, has circulated his invitation to attend Ms. Sheehan’s next appearance in Union Square, scheduled for Friday, July 27.

I’ve met and talked with Cindy Sheehan several times, first when I was running against Hillary Clinton for the U.S. Senate as a Democratic write-in candidate. She knows UP FRONT News. I think she is correct in calling for an immediate troop withdrawal from Iraq. I think she is wrong in calling for the impeachment of George W. Bush, which is about as likely to happen, as I’ve suggested elsewhere, as the Tampa Bay Devil Rays winning the American League pennant. Even worse would be a miracle whereby Bush is removed from office before the end of his term, a development which make Big Dick Cheney president, a prospect that would transform virtual fascism into the real thing.

Cindy Sheehan needs to wake up and if necessary Impeach Paul Zulkowitz.
* * * * * * *

Saturday, July 14, 2007


UP FRONT News July 3, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

Michael Moore inevitably gets very strong reactions to his documentaries about vices such as violence and greed. I haven’t yet seen “Sicko” but several media and more personal accounts to me suggest that the film, while trying to make Castro’s Cuba look good, pretty much accuses the U.S. health care industry of capital offenses. As far as I am concerned, with respect to the U.S. Mr. Moore is right. People in need of health care suffer and die in the U.S. as a direct result of insurance company and provider greed. Health care is a human right and, since it is survival related, should never denied to anyone for lack of ability to pay. As far as I am aware, members of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives have taxpayer-financed health insurance that covers everything. The same principle should apply to everyone else.

I hope, however, that perhaps Mr. Moore will do a documentary on the entertainment industry, perhaps focusing on film. While the health industry goes to great public relations and political lengths to depict itself as compassionate while risking people’s lives to further enrich itself, the film industry is replete with actors ands actresses making obscene amounts of money often portraying common folk and human rights heroes. How vicarious can one get? For an awful lot of money Charlize Theron depicts an exploited working class woman up north and then, for even more money, she gets paid to wear royalty priced jewelry at elite fashion conscious events for a diamond magnate. (That kind of thing by the way is an example of what writer Ted Rourke refers to as the Fashion Industrial Complex, see Angelina Jolie is one of the highest paid actresses in the world meaning that she gets in the neighborhood of $20 million for a movie. The image, however, is of a bleeding heart who (after claiming she would never, ever do such a thing ran off with Brad Pitt) rescues selected African children from poverty, an enterprise already made famous by Madonna. Considering the totally unjustifiable pay rates for movie stars (it does take talent to act well; it also takes talent to teach well and nursing is a very hard job) Jolie, like Madonna, is a very, very, very material girl.

The entertainment industry as a whole is among the most conspicuous and yet accepted perpetrators of greed there is. And a lot of the greediest claim to be Christians (although role model Madonna reportedly swears by Kabbalah). Jesus, however, is reported as suggesting that a rich person has no more likelihood of bigger reward than a camel does in seeking to get through the eye of a needle. The quotation about the love of money being the roots of evil is also attributed to Him.

While I am honestly happy for the children selected by Ms. Jolie and Madonna for adoption, it is also a fact that megastar salaries for movie stars and athletes ($27 million a year for Alex Rodriguez for a part-time job?) could feed and house a great many starving people. Mr. Moore might take a look at the entire bloated film industry, and suggest a massive drop in star salaries. Such a documentary might lead to a movement to democratize movie admission prices. He could call it “Flicko.”
* * * * * * *


UP FRONT News July 6, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

Daily News reporter Frank Lombardi is correct in his assertion that the confrontation between City Council Speaker Christine Quinn and Councilman Charles Barron over “Sonny Abubadika Carson Avenue” and, consequently Barron staffer Viola Plummer, has a lot to do with campaign politics. Mr. Barron - who is a Democrat, an elected official and a black militant – is running for Brooklyn Borough President. As a matter of fact, at a Juneteenth celebration at City Hall, he made it known that he expects to win in 2009 and to be re-elected in 2013 and then to run for mayor in 2017. Indeed, Mr. Barron was a mayoral candidate for a number of months in 2005. He discontinued the race because the money wasn’t there.

Money should be no problem for Ms. Quinn, who plans to run for Mayor in 2009. Her expected opponents in the Democratic primary include City Councilman Tony Avella (D.-Queens), U.S. Congressman Anthony D. Weiner (D.-Queens/Bklyn.), City Comptrol- ler William Thompson, and Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrion. My guess is that Michael Bloomberg, now freed from partisan constraints, would endorse Quinn.

Mr. Avella, the only non-hispanic white Councilmember to vote against Quinn in favor of the Sonny Carson street name change amendment, is quoted in the News article as stating that “Barron is planning to black voters, while Quinn is playing to white voters.”

It is interesting that reporter Lombardi spoke in particular to Avella, with whom I am acquainted. I first met Tony Avella some months ago when I came to the Council to testify against Intro 458, Quinn’s Bloomberg-backed bill whereby the Council substantially raised its own salary, and that of a bunch of Bloomberg aides in a town where, according to the mayor’s admission, some City workers need food stamps to feed themselves and families. The most vigorous Council opponent of Quinn’s money grab was Mr. Avella. It is not hard for me to forget Quinn’s icy stare at me. She certainly has her reasons. And I’m sure she will be thrilled to know that very shortly before the City Council Carson vote I spoke to Mr. Avella who was still undecided and urged him to vote in favor of the name change because it was a matter of community self-determination and because there were lots of streets still named after slave owners.

Christine Quinn does not like me because I do not like her political boss, Hillary Clinton. I do not like Hillary Clinton because she is a phony whose record shows that she is a militarist, anti-poor, pro-corporate, and that she refuses to assist constituents (e.g. me) for political reasons. Those political reasons are directly related to her and her husband Bill’s involvement in the coverup of the Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet - which, as a candidate for the U.S. Senate against Mrs. Clinton and as a journalist I’ve done a lot to expose. China is one of the many places that enrich the cash cow that is the Clinton mar- riage and machine. I have the paperwork to prove it, especially my fax on Tibet from Bill Clinton’s secretary Betty M. Currie. Making things worse is the fact that I have written extensively about Mrs. Clinton’s alliance with right wing media predator Rupert Murdoch, who is very close to the Communist Chinese regime and whose newspapers censor out Tibet coverage.

Back to Quinn. In 2001, after prolonged lobbying by for the most part me with former City Councilwoman Kathryn Freed, Quinn introduced Resolution #802 which quite eloquently denounced Communist China for its actions in Tibet. The resolution, however, did not mention the only aspect of the Tibet Genocide/China situation that might have some political impact, i.e. opposition to the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Many people recall that in 1936 the Olympics also took place in a nation that perpetrated Genocide. That Olympics in Berlin, known as the Hitler Olympics, was even more famous because of African-American track star Jesse Owens beating the “Aryans” for several gold medals. Resolution 802 passed and, without language calling for the removal of the 2008 Olym- pics from China, had absolutely no impact.

I have e-mailed, called, faxed and spoken directly to Christine Quinn on multiple oc- casions over the last several years urging a City Council resolution that opposes the Beijing Olympics. Quinn, doing a very good impersonation of Dick Cheney, will not respond.

Christine Quinn is in fact an autocrat in the Hillary Clinton tradition. And in that tradition she spouts populist and pro-tenant rhetoric while working to help the mega-developers and to keep people in line. The main reason she opposed the West Side Stadium plan is because, since almost all her Chelsea constituents were against it, she had no choice. But when it came to giving away millions in tax dollars and destroying two City parks in the South Bronx so that George Steinbrenner could build a luxury box-saturated new Yankee Stadium, she folded like a lapsed alcoholic.

I’ve met Viola Plummer on a number of occasions and I was near her when she made the “assassination of his ass” comment about Councilman Leroy Comrie. There are rumors, which I can’t substantiate, that Mr. Comrie had reneged on a promise to vote in favor of the Carson amendment. In the Democratic Party machine operation that is the election of a City Council Speaker, which Quinn won Carmine DeSapio-style, Comrie was for awhile a candidate but threw in the towel and supported her. The only dissenter, in the Council vote to coronate Quinn as Speaker, as in the Yankee Stadium case, was Charles Barron. I have found Ms. Plummer to be polite and indeed on one occasion helpful to me in a political situation. I do not think she is violent. I also think there may be something of another double standard here when one takes into account the professional wrestling-style steroid-like macho exchanges between for example Governor Eliot Spitzer and State Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno.

While Tony Avella may be right in suggesting that Charles Barron is playing to black voters, it is very likely that Barron and Avella will need votes from every ethnic group to win since it is likely that the real estate industry and mayoral candidate Christine Quinn will help a more obedient candidate for the Brooklyn Borough Presidency. And if Christine Quinn is counting on the white vote, she should not count on me. At this point I do not know a great deal about Carrion (who voted for the new Stadium) and Thompson. Mr. Weiner is very pro-labor, is not popular with real estate developers or with Walmart’s but, as far as I am aware, is being a good soldier and supporting Hillary Clinton in her attempt at purchasing the Democratic presidential nomination Clinton. Tony Avella is certainly far more qualified to be mayor than is Quinn.
* * * * * * *


UP FRONT News July 11, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

This is the first of what is likely to be an ongoing series on (for the most part political) phonies.

It is apparent to millions that, even if there are many who do not want to admit it, that phonies have a great deal of power, the Cheney/Bush Administration being a blatantly obvious case in point. It is at the point where it becomes increasingly easy in certain cases to figure out the truth of a political situation. Whatever the Cheney/Bush version is, its opposite is likely to be at least close to the truth. Dick Cheney is an inveterate liar which, considering the power realities in Washington, gives Bush little incentive to tell the truth, even if he were so inclined, which he is not. Dick Cheney is America’s Rasputin.

Among the many reasons I have for some years been urging the impeachment of Cheney rather than Bush (an idea started here and now being picked up elsewhere). For some time, as Bush has disintegrated largely because of the Iraq War, political phonies on the pseudo-left (in some ways as dangerous as Cheney on the right) have been calling for the impeachment of the president. One of the most conspicuous “left” phonies in that regard for a time was U.S., Senate “candidate” Jonathan Tasini. Tasini and other “impeach Bush” propagandists such as “World Can’t Wait”, many in the Green Party and the always present-by-proxy-and-infiltration political extremist and convicted felon Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. conveniently chose to ignore the fact that if Bush is removed by impeachment Cheney becomes president. Congressional law prohibits the simultaneous impeachment of the president and vice-president. A Cheney presidency could lead to the end of elections and a dramatic increase in the numbers of political prisoners in the U.S., possibly including some Democratic Party elected officials. Dick Cheney is very, very hostile to the Bill of Rights. Sort of like Lyndon LaRouche and Geoffrey Blank.

Phonyism is essential in politics in which all too often people advance by virtue of what they appear to be rather than what they are. To me perhaps the clearest example of that is Hillary Clinton. Mrs. Clinton, with her massive public relations-directed cash offensive, is able to present herself as progressive, tolerant, and compassionate when she is in fact the opposite. Mrs. Clinton is obsessed by power and wealth, devoid of principle, and an individual for whom the truth is a commodity to be bought and sold. She is as dependable as a hedge fund. She has a militaristic “my way or the highway” approach to politics that helped Bush start the Iraq War. She is supported by those she helps the most, conspicuously including big real estate developers such as Donald Trump and the Corcoran Group and other obscenely rich or just obscene (Paris Hilton) people. Mrs. Clinton is perhaps the only person who, when in front of certain audiences, calls herself a liberal, while raking in campaign money from right wing media imperialist Rupert Murdoch. Like her pal Murdoch she makes a lot of money in the Genocide factory known as Communist China. Her popularity in the small, often softspoken but very politically aware Tibetan-American community is sinking like Bush’s is everywhere. That’s because many Tibetans, perhaps politically prophetically somewhat ahead of other Americans (and many of whom read UP FRONT News) understand that Hillary Clinton is a phony. Indeed, Tibetans retain a quiet anger that Bill Clinton as president abandoned the Tibetan human rights cause by playing ball with China on trade matters and, to satisfy Communist Chinese rulers’ sensitivities, refusing to see the Dalai Lama in the White House.When in Harlem, Mrs. Clinton tries to sound like a blend of Martin Luther King and 50 Cent (it doesn’t work) while she lives in a community that is singularly lily-white – by design. Hillary Clinton is a phony.

Hillary Clinton’s agenda in New York City is pretty much executed by one of the field marshals in her army, New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn. Like Mrs. Clinton, Quinn is able to present herself as a “progressive”, especially with the de facto political advantage in NYC of being gay. Quinn, who became Speaker via a classic Democratic Party machine backroom deal involving “outer “borough” political bosses, has
proven to be an ally of Mayor Bloomberg and the developers who are threatening New York City’s remaining working class neighborhoods with over-development and gentrification. In a City with a lot of poor people, many of whom are homeless, where some City workers are on food stamps, she rammed through large salary increase for herself and the Council and a bunch of Bloomberg aides. In 2001 in recognition of my persistent lobbying on Tibet, she took credit for Resolution #802 denouncing the Chinese for their genocidal occupation of Tibet. She has refused, however, to even answer my e-mails, calls and visits urging a resolution calling for the removal of the 2008 Olympics from China. Why? The Olympics is money. Hillary is money. Get it?

Christine Quinn wants to be mayor about as much as Hillary Clinton wants to be the first empress of America. It is not surprising that most of the publicity regarding Quinn’s mayoral ambitions have appeared in Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post. It is also not at all surprising that Murdoch mouthpieces like Post journalist Andrea Peyser are supporting Quinn in the Speaker’s quite autocratic and I believe very racially insensitive decision to prevent the City Council from approving a several block street name change in Bedford-Stuyvesant honoring black nationalist activist Sonny Carson. As far as Quinn is concerned Carson is unacceptable, but the slaveowner Gates after whom the avenue is currently named is okay. Quinn’s idea of self-determination is that she is the “self” who “determines.” Christine Quinn has no business teaching etiquette to Carson supporter Councilman Charles Barron’s staffer Viola Plummer. The 2009 City elections should be very interesting. One of the mayoral candidates is City Councilman Tony Avella (D.-Queens) who opposes Quinn on salary hikes, over-development and quite evidently has more backbone on Tibetan human rights than the Speaker. Another likely candidate is U.S. Congressman Anthony D. Weiner (D.-Queens/Bklyn.) who helped keep Walmart’s out of Queens, is very pro-labor, and is on the record (after speaking with me, see his speech before the House of Representatives in April 6, 2005) as opposing the Chinese occupation of Tibet. Weiner is a very good debater. Quinn is all talk. One very well known civil rights activists says she is “two-faced.” In other words, a phony. And, since Mr. Barron is running what is likely to be a formidable race for the Brooklyn Borough Presidency, Christine Quinn is going to need every vote she can get in Chelsea - and presumably from NYC’s Republicans.

The phonies on the right tend to be more obvious than those on the left because of the latters’ use of populist rhetoric. The Communists are quite good at that. As I recall Stalin was the leader of a “workers’ state” but a lot of those workers wound up imprisoned or dead at his hands. As I recall the Communist Party of the USA backed up Stalin pretty much every every step of his murderous and imperialistic way. Indeed, Stalin still has his apologists such as the fire-hydrant-resembling Joel Meyers and the recurrent apocalyptic ranter Bill Depperman, who can be seen sometimes in Union Square orating about the Garden of Eden that is Cuba – to absolutely no one.

A contemporary Communist phony is Dan Margolis, a reporter for the CPUSA house organ known as The People’s Weekly World. I first met Margolis when we were introduced in Union Square by No Police State Coalition activist Roman Shusterman; Mr. Shusterman, who had previous been connected to the Communists, felt that my candidacy for the U.S. Senate against Hillary Clinton would be something for Margolis to cover. Not only did Margolis not show any interest, as I later learned he withheld the fact of my candidacy from his editors. That is known as censorship. And so the People’s Weekly World, at least with respect to my Senate candidacy, was outreported by Newsday, The Staten Island Advance, The New York Times, The New York Press, The Knight News (Queens College) and a bunch of other media.

Margolis can sometimes be seen at peace and other “left” demonstrations. His coverage of political events, from the standpoint of objectivity, can be compared to journalism under Murdoch or Josef Goebbels, who ran the “Volkischer Beobachter” (People’s Observer) widely read in Germany and Austria from 1933 until 1945. Margolis fancies himself a tribune of the oppressed but is fine with the fact that members of the working class in for example North Korea sometimes often get tortured and sometimes starve to death under the dictatorship of a psychopath. Margolis and the Communists are among the reasons why I have come to distrust the use of the word “People’s.” It was popular with Hitler and with Mao. Dan Margolis is a phony.

While it will be the Democrats vs. the Republicans (and maybe some “independents”) it’s best not to support the phonies.
* * * * * * *

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


UP FRONT News June 27, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

The New York Times is read by more people than is UP FRONT News. And so I am glad that The Times, in a very important front page article on June 26, is now reporting on Rupert Murdoch’s collaboration with the Chinese Communist regime in news censorship. On May 14, 2006 in a UFN story headlined “The Worst Newspaper in New York, The New York Post: ‘Perv’ Press. Anti-Christ Journalism, Rupert & Hillary: Axis of Greed,” I reported some of the details of how New York Post political editor Gregg Birnbaum suppressed the articles suppressed the articles and documents I got ho him about the Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet. Birnbaum – and later Murdoch, who has received a number of e-mails and telephone messages from me – got those materials in connection with my U.S. Senate campaign against Hillary Clinton, who, along with her husband, are involved in the coverup of the Genocide in Tibet.

The fact is that both Rupert Murdoch and Hillary Clinton, classic profiteers, make big money in China, much of which is a slave state and which has a regime that practices Genocide in Tibet and aids Genocide in Darfur. Rupert Murdoch, who prides himself on his “conservatism”, (he is a neo-con) is a supporter of Hillary Clinton. It was not too long after Clinton and Murdoch, in a non-aggression pact (that, from the ethical standpoint, compares with the 1939 deal between Germany and the Soviet Union), that Murdoch made it known that he is raising money for her presidential run. As I recall the Clinton-Murdoch deal was first reported in the Observer and perhaps second by UP FRONT News and later in Newsday, The New York Times and elsewhere.

As far as I am concerned, that deal alone should disqualify her form the presidency. It shows Mrs. Clinton, as a recurrently populism and peace-spouting opportunist, is, as an increasing number of Americans suspect, all about power and money and that she is willing to when possible purchase and if not possible walk, march, or ride over anyone who tries to get in her way. Again sort of like Murdoch.

Rupert Murdoch is the profit motive run amok. His journalism, typified by the New York Post, is a blending of scraping-the-bottom-of-the-barrel- soft core porn, moralistic preaching against “pervs”, violence, and right wing slanted news and censored news reporting. Its real estate pages are incitements to over-development and gentrification. Without a sports section, hardly anyone would read it – although I am quite sure that Hillary Clinton generally enjoys it.

I can say from personal political experience that, just as Hollywood mogul David Geffen suggested some months ago, that Hillary Clinton and her husband are dishonest people – again like Murdoch, a guy who preaches press freedom and helps to suppress human rights in places like Tibet and New York City.

Rupert Murdoch, in his attempt to take over the Wall Street Journal (a case of a crude, fascistically oriented profiteer sucking in some more genteel capitalists), to go along with his violence long and news-slanting Fox Network, is going for world media domination. China is the biggest market in the world.

Like the pact between the late German and Soviet leaders, Hillary and Rupert may be an alliance of convenience. That alliance was followed only a few weeks later by the start of World War II.

Hillary Clinton is not trustworthy. She is also a militarist. She should not be president.

Monday, July 02, 2007


UP FRONT News June 29, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought an can’t be sold.”

Some months ago a respected peace and gay rights activist in Staten Island urged pro- gressives, such as those who attend services at the Staten Island Unitarian Church, to vote for Democratic New York State Assembly candidate Matthew Titone, who is now one of a few openly gay elected officials in New York. Although I am not gay, I am for gay rights - including marriage. I would not vote for a Republican under any circumstances, except perhaps under torture. The Greens, quite heavily infiltrated by Independence Party persona non grata and Lyndon LaRouche ideologue/racist Lenora Fulani, are no factor in Staten Island. And so, like a good registered Democrat, I voted for Matthew Titone. Indeed on my way to Manhattan after voting I told him so when we shook hands at the St. George terminal at the ferry. I also told him that if he won I would need his help as my Assemblyman because of a number of very serious constituent issues involving several agencies, all of them involving major violations of my human rights Mr. Titone, acknowledged knowing of me from news accounts, smiled, and said okay.

Based on what is now several months of non-response and delaying tactics by Mr. Titone, he was less than truthful at the time. Matthew Titone, you see, is a part of a Democratic Party machine in Staten Island, very tightly controlled by among others Hillary Clinton, City Council Speaker Christine Quinn and quite conspicuously the mega-ambi- tious NYC Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum, with whom, via a family member of mine, I have been acquainted since 1979. It is by no means a political stretch to suggest that, even as they have their respective power ambitions on their respective minds, Clinton, Quinn and Gotbaum do not like me at all.

Hillary Clinton has known about me since possibly as early as 1993 when, at the obvious behest of incoming President Bill Clinton & Co., I was arrested at the U.S. Capitol on January 19, 1993, the day before his first inauguration when I came to testify before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in opposition to Clinton’s choice of Warren Christopher as Secretary of Tibet. Why? Because Christopher and Clinton, among others, had suppressed the documents I had gotten to them via Clinton secretary Betty M. Currie about the Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet. Clinton was in the process of totally folding to the corporate lobby, which wanted unfettered trade with and investment opportunities in China. She also knew that for a brief period I was a candidate for the U.S. Senate in 1993 as reported in the Gannett owned Binghamton Press & Sun Bulletin in an article which emphasized the Tibet Genocide issue.

Some years ago, after Hillary Clinton became Senator, on one occasion when, via a political connection involving Daniel Serrano, the Chief of Staff of State Assemblyman Adam Clayton Powell IV, I got access to a Clinton staffer named Yajaira Yepez, who happened to be his wife, I got some urgently needed assistance from Mrs. Clinton in obtaining an expedited Social Security check. On a subsequent occasion when I was homeless and had been robbed of my rent hotel rent money and again needed her help in getting an expedited check, Mrs. Clinton’s office refused to return calls. Mrs. Clinton personally took steps to have me placed under surveillance and had an investigator named Zimmerman make an explicit threat to me over the phone. That was followed by a threatening letter about me faxed by Jepez to my brother.

I then went for assistance to my State Assemblyman John Lavelle, a Democrat. His staffers, Dorothy Crimmins and then Keith Pascandarola, mishandled everything by first accessing the wrong Social Security official and the failing to follow up on a letter, as required by law, sent to the Commissioner of the U.S. Social Security Administration. I then got an appointment with Robert Cataldo, the Chief of Staff for my State Senator, Democrat Diane Savino. When I came for the appointment at her district office at 36 Richmond Terrace, only Cataldo was there. He burst out of his chair and, approaching me in a menacing way, bellowed, “Get the f—k out of here or I’ll have you arrested!” Shortly thereafter I spoke to Savino on the phone. She said, “Don’t worry about Cataldo – and then totally mishandled the Social Security matter. I have since filed a criminal complaint against Robert Cataldo.

It was because I have come to regard Hillary Clinton as a power and wealth-obsessed
phony who, aside from profiting (China) from Genocide (Tibet) has a legislative record that brands her as a militarist and enemy of in particular the poor, that I decided t run against her for the U.S. Senate.

This is where Betsy Gotbaum comes in. Gotbaum, an ambitious politician with CIA
skeletons in her closet, very uneasy that my cousin was for years her closest friend and that I do investigative reporting, once tried to have me arrested at her office when I was there for a scheduled appointment to discuss staff abuse of homeless people in drop-in centers. The police officer she called, obviously in better mental shape than Gotbaum, handled the situation well, and, after asking me a few questions, suggested that I go home and leave Gotbaum alone for awhile. I most certainly did.

Gotbaum, a politician every bit as secretive as Dick Cheney, once claimed to civil rights
attorney and Public Advocate candidate Norman Siegel in 2001 that I was “stalking” her. She made that same reference in the 2005 Public Advocate race when she refused to reveal the contents of her appointment book (which had my name in it). This time, since she made the comment during a televised debate, it made the news and so did I when my response (I never stalked anyone in my life and that the CIA-linked Gotbaum is a liar and/or delusional) was reported in a variety of ways in NYC Newsday, The Daily News, The New York Times and, very conspicuously and inaccurately, by Tom Wrobleski in the Staten Island Advance. You see Tom Wrobleski, the political editor of the Advance had for months suppressed the news about my Senate campaign against Clinton. The Gotbaum vs. Weiss matter, already reported by NYC Newsday, which also reported my Senate candidacy, forced him to write about me and he did a very slanted job. And when Wrobleski continued to not report my campaign, I went over his head to News Editor Dean Balsamini who had Wrobleski do a story on my campaign which appeared on the front page of the Advance on August 21, 2006.

And so, after Matthew Titone became my assemblyman, replacing Lavelle, who died of a stroke, I called his office and left several messages on his voice mail in Staten Island and Albany. None were returned. One day the phone was picked up and answered by none other than Keith Pascandarola. He said he was not yet “set up” and asked me to contact him again the following week and we could arrange an appointment. He lied.

Since that time, there have been unanswered calls and e-mails from, aside from myself, my political advisor Steven Gradman. On one bright spring weekday afternoon, when I was on Forest Avenue, I went over to Mr. Titone’s district office there to find it locked with not even a posting of office hours. Jessica Loeser, a staffer for Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, (and whose husband Stu is Mayor Bloomberg’s chief media spokesperson), spoke to Pascandarola, who then responded to me and said that I could only access him by e-mail. Mr. Titone is fully aware that the matters, all of which I have discussed with my attorney who says that the matters require the intervention of elected officials, cannot be dealt with by e-mails and require a meeting. Sgt. Fiore, who has officially cleared me as a security risk, e-mailed and called Titone urging a meeting at which he said he would be present and was rebuffed.

Some weeks ago I met at length with newly elected State Assemblywoman Janele Hyer- Spencer, a Democrat who represents the district adjacent to mine. While one of her staff members seems to be a bit anxious about me, Ms. Hyer-Spencer handled my visit with calm and agreed at my request to “call Matt” and urge him to meet with me. On June 28
she informed me that Mr. Titone is willing to meet with me and that he suggests that the meeting take place at the 120th precinct.

I have replied via Ms. Hyer-Spencer, asking her to let Titone know that I prefer civilian settings and that any meeting taking place in either a police precinct or his district office would, as my lawyer insists, have to be preceded by a written guarantee that I will not be harassed or arrested.

A few weeks ago at an event renaming Linden Park in Brooklyn after Sonny Carson, I met civil rights activist Kelvin Alexander, who has run for elective office in Staten Island. He is Deputy Chief of Staff for State Senator Eric L. Adams (D.-Bklyn.) He said that the Staten Island Advance is the “most racist” paper in New York. (Considering Wrobleski’s slanted reporting and his often serving as a mouthpieice for the very white ruling group in Staten Island, Republican and Democratic, Mr. Alexander has a point. My vote, however, for racist journalism goes to Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post). I asked Mr. Alexander about the other Democratic politicians. About Savino he made a disparag- ing facial gesture. About City Councilman Michael McMahon (a true Clinton/Quinn machine politician who, citing my criticism of Quinn, sent me an arrogant and angry e-mail refusing to assist me) he expressed open contempt. About Hyer-Spencer, he said, “She’s a nice lady.” She will need that if she is serious about her plans to run against Republican Congressman Vito Fossella. (Ms. Hyer-Spencer told me she would not run until 2010. One peace activist I spoke to, no doubt aware that Fossella is Dick Cheney’s man in New York, expressed dismay at Hyer-Spencer’s apparent willingness to give Fossella possibly two more years in office.) About Matthew Titone Kelvin Alexander had no comment.

One thing about Matthew Titone is apparent. Like many politicians (some, e.g. Clin- ton/Quinn/Gotbaum, with plenty to hide) when it comes to dealing with me, he feels insecure.
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Sunday, July 01, 2007


UP FRONT News June 18, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


In a recent story headlined “Clintons sell off controversial holdings”, Newsday reported that the happy couple “cashed out between $5 million and $25 million from a blind trust that included more then $100,000 in Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation.” According to Newsday, holdings that the Clintons find it embarassing to hold onto include, Wal-Mart ($115,00-$300,000), Pfizer ($100,000-$250,000), defense contractor Raytheon ($100,000-$250,000), United Healthcare ($100,000-$250,000), Hong Kong and China Gas Ltd. ($15,000-$50,000), and Anadarko Petroleum ($250,000-$500,000). The story also reports that Bill Clinton “earned” $10.2 million from speeches in 2006 and $5.8 million in 2007. The story does not mention the enormous amount of political and financial support she gets from the real estate moguls (e.g. Donald Trump, Corcoran Group) whose luxury housing profiteering constitute one of the principal engines causing homelessnesss.

These are some of the reasons I will never for Hillary Clinton. She and her recurrently wandering husband constitute both the symbol and the substance of greed and dishonesty that go a long way to explaining why America is not a democracy. Hillary Clinton, one of the greatest political cash cows (her husband is a cash bull) in history, is literally trying to further privatize the presidency, Bush-style, by purchasing the office.

And that is why Hillary Clinton spends such an enormous amount of rhetorical energy depicting herself as a populist concerned about poor and middle class people. She is in fact and enemy of the poor and middle class who sees human rights as a commodity reserved for herself and her pals - once again Bush-style.

Even if Hillary Clinton tries to present herself as an anti-War pacifist, the fact is that no amount of opportunistic anti-War posturing will negate the fact that she is a militarist with a “my way or the highway” approach to both politics. She is among those who didn’t feel it was important enough to read all the available information suggesting that there was no need to invade Iraq. She is among those who are in record as suggesting that maybe an invasion of Iran wouldn’t be such a bad idea. And she is among the many politicians who, no matter what she may say about Darfur, is an apologist for Genocide such as the one being perpetrated by Communist China in Occupied Tibet. After all Hillary Clinton, like her pal, right wing media predator Murdoch, makes a lot of money in China.

And when it comes to providing constituent services, here is the story. When I was homeless some years ago I was in need of an expedited Social Security Check, which requires the beneficiary’s representative submitting a request to the Commissioner of the U.S. Social Security Administration. Senator Clinton, whom I was able to access quite directly via a connection involving Daniel Serrano, the Chief of Staff for NYS Assemblyman Adam Clayton Powell IV, the husband of Clinton staffer Yajaira Yepez, helped me a get a check in a matter of days. A few years later, I was in a similar situation, in need of an expedited check because my hotel rent money had been stolen. By this time, however, Mrs. Clinton had become fully aware of my criticism of her husband (deeply involved in the coverup of the Genocide in Tibet, having suppressed the documents I got to him via his secretary Betty M. Currie) as regards his China policy. Not only did her office refuse to return my calls, she personally had me investigated (by a Mr. Zimmerman, to whom I spoke on the phone and who verbalized an explicit threat against me) but she had Ms. Jepez fax an insulting and defamatory letter about me to my brother on September 5, 2003 at 4:14 PM. Mrs. Clinton is in fact something of a fascist.

And, speaking of fascism, it is not hard for me to recall Mrs. Clinton’s ritualistic claims of a “right wing conspiracy” against her when the at the time anti-Clinton New York Post (a “newspaper” now under Clinton supporter Murdoch much more editorially friendly) reported an anti-Semitic outburst by her against the Jewish campaign manager whom she blamed for an early electoral defeat suffered by her husband in Arkansas.

As far as I am concerned, her closest Democratic rivals, Barack Obama and John Edwards (perhaps seeing themselves as her running mates if Mrs. Clinton purchases the Democratic presidential nomination) are treating her with kid gloves. The strongest criticism seems to come from two of the candidates with the least amount of money, Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel. Joe Biden thinks she’s okay. Bill Richardson has suggested that the 2008 Olympics do not belong in a nation that aids and abets Genocide in Darfur. I hope he takes Clinton on about China’s Genocide in Tibet.

Former U.S. Representative Cynthia McKinney, understandably increasingly disillusioned with the Democratic Party, has suggested that she might run for president as the candidate of the Green Party. For one thing a possible McKinney Green candidacy suggests that Ralph Nader, who too long ignored the fact that the pseudo-left Greens have been deeply infiltrated by fascists and Jew haters associated with the racist Lenora Fulani and Fulani’s ideological godfather, the convicted felon and megalomaniac Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., has decided to disengage from the Greens. He and I have spoken and he reads UP FRONT News.

I’ve met Cynthia McKinney briefly on two occasions. The first was some years ago at St. John’s Cathedral in Manhattan when she was present at a ceremony honoring among others the Dalai Lama of Tibet and the President of Costa Rica for their human rights efforts. I told her a little bit about the horrors of life in Occupied Tibet and she replied by expressing her support for the Dalai Lama. I briefly met Ms. McKinney again at Symphony Space in Manhattan at a hearing on 9/11. Ms. McKinney believes that 9/11 was at least in part an inside job. I think she is probably right. Ms. McKinney, however, will soon find out that the Green Party is an inside job, too.
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