Saturday, January 27, 2007


UP FRONT News January, 26, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


While the mainstream media continue to mega-publicize Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, both of whom are trying to appeal to the now vast anti-War sentiment, my view is that the most committed and electable peace candidate is John Edwards. Mr. Edwards has made it abundantly clear that he regards his vote as a U.S. Senator to authorize the use of military force against Saddam Hussein because of his reported “weapons of mass destruction” as wrong. He should never have believed Bush’s lies. Hillary Clinton, whose approach has been scarcely less militaristic than Dick Cheney’s and John McCain’s, will never admit she was wrong (unless paid in some form to do so). And so she attempts to seduce liberals by criticizing an increasingly politically frail Acting President and calling for a troop “cap.” The suddenly New York Post- "hot” Barack Obama, capitalizing on the fact that he was not a Senator when the original military action authorization vote took place, is saying, with an apparently straight face, that he “would have voted ‘no’.” While Mr. Obama was not in the Senate at the time, he was most certainly very politically prominent and media savvy. He managed to keep his war views quite muted.

While most Democrats are content to pass “non-binding” anti-“surge” resolutions while continuing to fund the Iraq War, John Edwards has called for the immediate withdrawal of 40,000 troops and for Congress to enact a funding cut-off. While that view will not satisfy the folks in ANSWER, The Workers World Party, and the Green Party, etc. that the troops be out perhaps before Valentine’s Day (and, by the way, that the U.S. cut off all aid to Israel), it shows that a Democrat can be a peace candidate. That can be a very potent political statement from a candidate who, although very well off financially, states that his key domestic mission as president will be to eliminate poverty and homelessness in America.

Mrs. Clinton’s approach to eliminating poverty is by eliminating the poor - by whatever means necessary. Her political alliances with poverty generators like Donald Trump and Rupert Murdoch speak volumes (of cash). Obama Barack, rapidly becoming the darling of some anti-Hillary rich, will probably try to catch up to John Edwards when it comes to addressing the reality of the “Two Americas.” The Republicans are not a consideration here as they are in fact the party of war, plunder, repression, and, corruption, definitely, from a certain perspective, the significantly greater of two evils.

But, just as Ralph (“Split the left”) Nader and his Greens did in 2000 and 2004, so-called “peace” candidate the apparently quite full of himself Dennis Kucinich is running as the no-chance-at-all front-man of the Lyndon LaRouche wing of the Democratic Party. The once-again “left” neo-fascist LaRouche - while working via fifth column surrogates in all parties, particularly the Greens - is a registered Democrat, who swears that on his road to total power in America he will take over the Democratic Party. He lives in Loudon Coun- ty, Va., a short helicopter ride from the White House. He believes, just like his role model Adolf Hitler did, in taking power by any means necessary, and most definitely employing “left” and populist, not “conservative” rhetoric. That involves both the electoral process and the criminal process. All Dennis Kucinich, (who, as a “peace” candidate in 2000 was less than asterisk with the voters), can do in 2008 is draw some votes from an electable peace candidate such as Edwards and thereby help a Republicrat like Mrs. Clinton or out-and-out Republicans like McCain, Rudolph Giuliani, or (no matter what he claims to the contrary) presidential wannabe Michael Bloomberg. If Kucinich’s New York effort is anything like his quite Green/Nader-connected run in 2000 it will have the fascistic in- gredient of Kucinich promoter and recurrently out of control autocrat Charlene Barker. Ms. Barker, a “left”-spouting activist who works for one of the most predatory corpora- tions on the planet, ruled the 2004 Kucinich NYC meet-up with a LaRouche/Lenora Fulani-like iron hand. Her closest Kucinich colleague was a Staten Island peace activist named Ellen Jaedicke. Ms. Barker, who viewed dissent from a perspective not unlike that of Augusto Pinochet, responded to a communications breakdown between Ms. Jaedicke and me by, after issuing me a series of commands, throwing a profanity-laced tirade at me over the telephone and throwing me out of the meet-up. Ms. Jaedicke, who may be a peace activist but is also an obedient soldier, agreed that Barker’s action was wrong but was afraid to do anything about it. Indeed Barker’s autocratic behavior mirrored closely the behavior manifested by the LaRouche/Fulani “Green” people who ran the Nader meetups. Not at all surprisingly. Ms. Barker has never responded to my March 5, 2004 e-mail to her asking her about any LaRouche connections.

Sitting a very few feet away from Ms. Barker last fall at a meeting at Local 1199 I at- tended when I was running for the U.S. Senate as a Democratic write-in candidateAgainst Mrs. Clinton, was Charles Lenchner. Mr. Lenchner was one of the people committing physical acts of criminal harassment against me on behalf of a LaRouche ideo- logue by the name of Jonathan Tasini. Charles Lenchner, a camouflaged official of the so-called Progressive Democrats of America, also works for Lyndon LaRouche’s magazine, “Executive Intelligence Review.” As soon as I learned that the serpentine Lenchner had tapewormed his way into the John Edwards campaign, I politically “outed” him. I am glad to say that an experienced New York-based Edwards worker has separated this mole. And so, while the Greens, regardless of grass roots membership, are run by fascists (LaRouche/Fulani, Paul Zulkowitz, Gerald Kann & Co.), and the Republicans are run by Dick Cheney, and Hillary is run by the corporations, and Obama is just running, John Edwards is (relatively speaking at least), aside from being Democratic, also small “d” democratic. Indeed, this may be the first presidential race in some time where domestic “left” neo-fascism becomes a campaign issue - especially since Lyndon LaRouche has ties to Cheney/Bush.

When Mrs. Clinton accelerated her candidacy decision-making following the Edwards and Obama announcements, each was asked about Mrs. Clinton. Mr. Obama praised her
(suggesting that he harbors fantasies about being her running mate). When John Edwards was asked about being her running mate he smiled, shook his head, and said that he’s not interested. Definitely a new kind of Democrat.
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Thursday, January 25, 2007


UP FRONT News January 15, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


As recently as a few weeks ago, many progressive readers on UP FRONT News
were reacting to my preliminary early urgings to John Edwards to announce his candida- cy for president with sympathy but with comments like “he doesn’t stand a chance against Hillary Clinton.” They were wrong then and they are more wrong now.

It is true that, in financial comparison to John Edwards, admittedly a wealthy man with some rich friends, Mrs. Clinton is a political version of a multinational conglomerate. Aside from a husband, who, quite aside from his serious human-rights deficient record as president, is a the biggest ATM in the universe, Mrs. Clinton is closely tied to Hollywood, real estate and media wealth, e.g. Barbra Streisand, Donald Trump, and Rupert Murdoch respectively. She is nonetheless, at least in my book, a loser.

While it is axiomatic that money can buy elections, it can also lose them - provided that someone is ready to use his or her wealth for the public good, rather than, as is the case with Hillary Clinton, for the pursuit of power and more wealth at any cost to the public. John Edwards may well be the person who can use his money, and even more important political assets, including the hard to calculate factor of charisma, and beat both Republicrat Clinton in the Democratic primaries and whomever the Republicans nominate, even if for example the Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr./Lenora Fulani- infiltrated Greens try to give it to the Right by running a “split the left” candidate (Nader?, Fulani?)

While, during his keynote address at the “Realizing the Dream” celebration on January 14 at Riverside Church honoring Martin Luther King, Mr. Edwards mentioned no names, he blasted “this president” for the prosecution and escalation of the War in Iraq. Remind- ing an almost full house that Dr. King on April 4, 1965 (exactly three years before he was assassinated) had at Riverside Church first openly opposed the Viet Nam War being prosecuted by his erstwhile political ally in civil rights, President Lyndon Johnson), Mr. Edwards, said that it is once again the time to refuse to remain silent. He got a long standing ovation. When Mr. Edwards, as he has on many occasions, acknowledged that he was wrong when, as a U.S. Senator, he first voted for the war, an anti-War protester in the audience loudly asked him why he voted that way. Whereas, had the question been put that way to the imperious Hillary Clinton, she would have ignored the heckler, Mr. Edwards acknowledged the spontaneous questioner openly but did not supply a detailed answer. In the past Mr. Edwards has said that at the time he believed the reports about Saddam Hussein and weapons of mass destruction. The questioner, Paul Rosen, a comed- ic writer with whom I am a bit acquainted from Union Square, and I met up by coinci- dence after the event. Mr. Rosen told me that, although he is open to the possibility that Mr. Edwards indeed had been misled, he believes that, like most Democrats, he folded to political pressure.

As far as the War is concerned, while Mrs. Clinton pursues her adventures in opportun- ism by criticizing Bush on the War, Mr. Edwards has called for the immediate withdraw- al of 40,000 troops. While ANSWER and some other so-called peace groups may de- nounce Edwards for not demanding that all the troops be out by Valentine’s Day, it seems that, presidentially speaking, he is the peace candidate.

Mr. Edwards, who, as the 2004 Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate, spoke often about ending poverty and homelessness in America, may also be, relatively speaking at least, a redistribute-the-wealth candidate (very much unlike his poverty issue-timid run- ning mate John Kerry).

While Mr. Edwards has spoken eloquently about the Genocide in Darfur and violence elsewhere, I have been pushing him to start talking about what I call the “Quiet Geno- cide”, that continuing in Chinese Communist occupied Tibet. And so I was really glad to hear Mr. Edwards include in his speech an explicit reference to Chinese human rights vi-olations. I am hopeful that China and Tibet become a campaign issue, especially in light of the fact that a story in the Washington Post describes a Human Rights Watch report reveals that human rights conditions in China “deteriorated” in 2006. The report says that this is so despite public relations efforts by the Chinese regime to look good because of the 2008 Olympics, scheduled, despite under-reported protests, for Beijing.

By being in the right place at the right time at the end of the Riverside Church event, I had a chance to very briefly meet Mr. Edwards (again) just outside the Church as he was heading for an SUV. It took him a few seconds, but with a reminder from me, he recalled our previous brief meetings. I thanked him for his comment about China, shook his hand, got his autograph, and he and I went on our respective ways.

During his introduction of Mr. Edwards at the event, Martin Luther King III said that it was in part because of Mr. Edwards’ acceptance of Dr. King’s political agenda of peace and prosperity for all and human rights that Edwards was picked as the keynote speaker. It is not hard for me to see why Hillary Clinton, no doubt to her chagrin, was not picked. Hillary Clinton’s response to Mr. Edwards’ comments on Iraq was to accuse him of running a “negative” campaign. I think Hillary Clinton is starting to sound like a loser.
* * * * * * *


UP FRONT News January 22, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


Some years ago the tennis star Andre Agassi, a multimillionaire, evidently trying to ward off homelessness, did some advertisements for a camera corporation in which the catchphrase was “image is everything.” I always despised that ad because rewarded pro- fiteering and superficiality simultaneously.

And when it comes to politics, the “image is everything” ethic already defines the cam- paign of the princess empress of profiteering, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Mrs. Clinton, no matter how often she criticizes Bush for a War that she helped him begin and sustain, is in fact a Republicrat and, should she win the Democratic nomination, would bring the philosophy of what is described as the “lesser of two evilism” into frightening reality. Mrs. Clinton, no matter what “image” techniques she comes up with to toady up to poor and middle class people and to ethnic minorities, is a candidate of the rich and of the militaristic. She has raised opportunism into an art form to the point where not even her imagistic husband can save her.

Mrs. Clinton’s record of support for the Iraq War is a matter of record and no amount of troop “cap” talk can erase the fact that she has knowingly authorized the continuing de-pletion of our national wealth and our soldiers’ blood for a war that enriches the few, conspicuously including for example Dick Cheney’s Halliburton Corporation. Perhaps the only even remotely positive contribution made to our national political life by the political extremist and once again infiltrator into the left Lyndon H. LaRouche is his reported coining of the term “chicken-hawk” to label George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, two draft dodgers who send others off to fight their wars. Hillary Clinton is a chicken hawk and a hen-hawk.

Hillary Clinton is against the homeless, no matter how many poor neighborhoods she parachutes into during her campaign. Mrs. Clinton’s political friends includes such luxury housing developers as Donald Trump and the Corcoran Group, two of the greed institutions who bear major responsibility for the steadily worsening affordable housing crisis being made worse by bleeding heart rhetoricians such as New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and developer-friendly City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, Quinn being a Clinton backer. A major reason why the quite urgently needed Bringing America Home Act (HR 2879), introduced in 2003 by Congresswoman Julia Carson (D.-Indiana), which is aimed at eliminating homelessness in the U.S., remains in legislative limbo is because Mrs. Clinton hasn’t supported it, although it has been sponsored by a steadily increasing number of Democrats in the House of Representatives. (Some of those representatives, those from New York, are Clinton backers and so she might at some point opportunistically offer some support for such legislation.)

With the possible exception of perhaps potential candidate Rudolph Giuliani, Mrs. Clinton is the worst from the standpoint of human rights. That, however, should be no surprise since her husband as president is among the many who has covered up the continuing Genocide in Chinese Communist occupied Tibet. Why? Money! Mrs. Clinton, like her political pal publisher and media predator Rupert Murdoch, makes a lot of money in China. And it is the China/Tibet issue that helps to make matters between Hillary Clinton and UP FRONT News very personal.

It was UP FRONT News that brought the gruesome facts about the Chinese Genocide in Tibet to Bill Clinton’s direct attention a few political moments after he won election as president in November, 1992. I still have my fax from his secretary Betty M. Currie, with whom I talked at some length several times by telephone from my loft home at the time at 190-A Duane Street in Lower Manhattan to her office at the time in Little Rock. And it was Bill Clinton’s people who had me arrested in the reception area at the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations at the Capitol on January 19, 1993 the day before his first inauguration because I had come, with an invitation, to testify against Clinton’s nomination of Warren Christopher as Secretary of State because Christopher had deep-sixed the material I faxed him about Tibet.

And it is Hillary Clinton who, upon learning of my pro-Tibet activities vis a vis her husband, retaliated directly against me by violating her constituent-service responsibilities by denying me urgently needed assistance with a Social Security matter when I was homeless in Staten Island and had been robbed of my hotel rent money. And it was Hillary Clinton who had her “investigator” Mr. Zimmerman voice an explicit threat against me over the telephone when, after getting no replies to my calls to her constituent services person Yajaira Yepez in the NYC office, I called the Washington office. And it was Hillary Clinton who, in the form of a September 5, 2003 e-mail from Yepez to my brother Jim in upstate New York who did her part for family relations by defaming me.

And it is Hillary Clinton and her pseudo-feminist network, which evidently includes autocratic types like the aforementioned Quinn and her paranoid friend NYC Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum, who think they can intimidate me, which Gotbaum (with whom I have been personally acquainted via a member of my family since 1979) did by trying to have me arrested when I was at her office for a scheduled appointment with her Chief of Staff to discuss staff abuse of homeless people in shelters and drop-in centers. Gotbaum, whose links to the Central Intelligence Agency were first reported in UP FRONT News and then under-reported in some mainstream media, made things much worse during a televised campaign debate in 2005 when she referred to me as a “stalker.” Christine Quinn for her part, who covered up staff abuse of homeless people at the Partnership for the Homeless’ drop-in center “Peter’s Place” on West 23rd Street in the heart of her Council district, took credit for pro-Tibet resolution #802 in 2001 which I did all the lobbying for. That resolution, which waxed eloquent about the very bad things the Chinese Communists are doing to the Tibetans, left out the most important issue, i.e. that, to the deep, deep dismay of Tibetans and other human rights advocates everywhere, the 2008 Olympic Games are scheduled to be played in Beijing. Mrs. Quinn has yet to respond to my January 30, 2006 e-mail to her from me despite my very polite very direct reminders to her. Indeed, Quinn’s autocratic influence extends to the apparently Clinton-docile Councilman from Staten Island, Michael McMahon, who, like Clinton, has refused to assist me with some very problems I’ve experienced with several City agencies and with having been abused at a drop-in center run by Project Hospitality right in his district.

Hillary Clinton is corrupt and unqualified for the presidency! As regards Barack Obama, if he was so against the war before her became a U.S. Senator, he certainly kept his opposition rather muted. If the election were today, I’d be voting for John Edwards.
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Monday, January 15, 2007


UP FRONT News January 7, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."

On January 2, 2007 I sent an e-mail to the list-serves of two groups, both with leftist activists, the No Police State Coalition (NPSC) and the New York Metro Association of Anarchists (NYMAA) expressing some support for the Democratic presidential candidacy of John Edwards and expressing opposition to the Green Party and any possible consideration at least at this time of a reportedly considered presidential candidacy by Ralph Nader.

In my opinion Mr. Edwards, certainly when compared with Republicrat Hillary Clinton and full-fledged Republicans like John McCain, Rudolph Giuliani and Mitt Romney, is far preferable if only because of Mr. Edwards apparent readiness to act to end poverty and homelessness in the U.S. and his strong opposition to the Iraq War. A Green Party campaign by Nader, certainly at this point, could only split progressives and help the war hawk and rich people's "Democrat" Clinton and the Republicans. Under any circumstances the Green Party of New York has for some years
operated essentially as a wing of the so called "independent" politics the racist Lenora Fulani and her ideological mentors, the fascist Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. and "psychotherapist" cult leader Fred Newman. There is plenty more on the LaRouche/Fulani tie in several websites, especially And there is plenty at on the Fulani/LaRouche infiltration into the Greens via operators like Paul Zulkowitz, Gerald Kann, George Tatevosyan and Howie Hawkins, among others. Like the once again "left" LaRouche, the Greens are among a number of groups spouting much radical and populist rhetoric but blending it all with acts of intimidation, often against me, recurrently of a physical nature, as well as blatant attempts at suppressing (my) free speech. A key figure in this kind of "left" fascism has been the pseudo-left demagogue, thug, and criminal Geoffrey Blank, who may not be a Green but sure sounds like one. And, while he may not be a card-carrying member of LaRouche's political cult, he sure sounds like the American Fuhrer wannabe. While Blank is now to the No Police State Coalition what Saddam Hussein is to Shiites and Kurds, Blank still has some of his people in NYMAA.

That seems to explain why the folks with the NPSC, hardly all John Edwards supporters, reacted with calm to my e-mail, while a bunch of the NYMAA people went nuts and have decided to try to censor me, an interesting position from a group that prates about freedom in general and freedom of speech in particular. Some of the NYMAA responses were rationally critical of my pro-Edwards view, understandably expressing suspicion of the Democrats in general. Some differed with my view that, regardless of one's political views, it is a good idea to register to vote, since registration implies no obligation and merely operationalizes a right. There was some positive dialogue arising from my view that perhaps the most potent anarchist movement in modern history has been that in Spain, where street organizing, protest,and electoral politics have all been essential. (The anarchists were almost annihilated in Spain thanks to the de facto combination of Francisco Franco's Hitler and Mussolini-basked Fascists and Stalin's Communists.)

A number of the NYMAA responses were abusive, crude and in one case somewhat threatening. I responded to all. I was then accused of over-extending the list-serve and Aunsubscribed. Among the rationalizations offered is that I had once "attacked" a NYMAA member. That NYMAA person is Ben Maurer. The NYMAA government, in citing my alleged "attack" on Maurer, neglected to take into account that I criticized Maurer in writing only after he had on multiple occasions, in his servility to the autocratic Blank, denounced me publically as a "government agent" at the once Geoffrey Blank-run Union Square speakouts. He also supported Blank's acts of intimidation and violence against me. To call me a government agent is an act of defamation and libel. To associate with Geoffrey Blank is, while constitutionally protected, an act of stupidity and treachery.

As far as I am concerned, Ben Maurer, even the new Lindsey Lohan-style dramatically slimmed down version, is at best a pseudo-leftist and most certainly not an individual with any kind of loyalty to the freedom of expression ethic of anarchists.

Another Blankie in NYMAA is Fran Luck. I believe I first encountered the histrionic Luck years ago at political meetings at the then Rudolph Giuliani-beleaguered Lower East Side radical art collective ABC No Rio. Giulani was hell-bent on evicting the squatter-friendly very "left" oriented ABC No Rio to convert the building into that euphemism known as "affordable housing." In my search for a political solution that would save ABC No Rio and avoid violence, I learned from ABC NO Rio Executive Director Steven Englander, one of Milwaukee's gifts to New York City, that there had been an irregularity in the City Council's handling of the "variance" sought be the Aaffordable housing@ real estate developer. While I suggested accessing the Council, Luck was denouncing me as a "sellout" and urging ABC No Rio activists to throw rocks at Giuliani's police and armor. Luck was looking for a martyred ABC No Rio. I was trying to save the place. Mr. Englander followed my advice and accompanied me on my visit to the City Hall office of then City Council Speaker Peter Vallone, Sr., father of the incumbent Councilman Peter S. Vallone, Jr. of LIC/Astoria, Queens. Fortunately the Councilmember most responsible for the irregularity, Virginia Fields, happened to pass by and I took the opportunity to tell her about the ABC No Rio problem she had created and to introduce Mr. Englander. A few days later Mr.
Englander learned that all eviction and displacement efforts against ABC No Rio were stopped and ABC No Rio has survived. Fran Luck appears at all sort of Lower East Side events. She also appeared along other some of Geoffrey Blank's clique (like the de facto wacko and true stalker "anarchist" Gary Phaneuf) at a Save Geoffrey Blank from Jail micro-mini protest in Union Square some months ago. When Frank Luck and I cross paths, she either bolts in the opposite direction or, as she did at a NYMAA meeting on the Brad Will murder some weeks ago, gets rude. Pseudo-anarchists Ben Maurer, and Fran Luck, among others, including the Green-connected Geoffrey Blank deserve each other.

As far as NYMAA is concerned, its practice of censorship shows that its commitment to the principles of the First Amendment appears to be superficial at best. Indeed the Blank-infected ruling group there is (oxy)moronic.
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UP FRONT News January 9, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

A few weeks ago, as I was returning to Manhattan from church in Queens, I passed through Grand Central Station and, at an animal rights table, saw part of a DVD called “Meet Your Meat.” It consisted of footage of what could be described as concentration camps for animals. It was Auschwitz (without the gas showers), Abu Ghraib and Chinese Communist torture dens for Tibetans and Falun Gong all rolled into one. It brought back a gruesome slaughterhouse scene from a movie by the German filmmaker Rainer Fass- binder I saw years ago. I could only watch the DVD for a few minutes and, while I am not (yet) a vegan or vegetarian, I got upset and angry.

A long description here is not necessary. One image, however, sticks. It was of a live cow, hanging by its tail, with its blood pouring out through a huge human being-inflicted puncture. I decided to do something about animal torture and received, at my request, a donated copy of the DVD.

Groups like People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Farm Sanctuary, United Action for Animals, and others, of course oppose animal torture, which, judging from the DVD I saw and a great deal of literature, (but less mainstream media coverage), is wide- spread in the meat and dairy industries.

While most human beings oppose genocide, torture and related atrocities, they are widespread, whether somewhat publicized, as in Darfur, or belatedly under the Nazis, or covered up, as is the case in Communist China-occupied Tibet. Like genocide, and des- pite the efforts of animal rights activists, major, literally blood curdling animal torture is covered up.

“Meet Your Meat” should generate some political action. As far as I am concerned, vegan or not, there is absolutely no justification for torturing animals. The subject should be a presidential campaign issue.
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UP FRONT News January 8, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

It is not surprising that in a country that faces the possibility of the mother of all lesser-of-two-evils presidential races (e.g. Hillary Clinton vs. Rudolph Giuliani) in 2008, and recoiling at a slew of corrupt politicians, Republican and Democratic, that invades other nations for oil profits and that allows people like Robert L. Nardelli to literally steal $210 million in getting fired by Home Depot, anarchism might start to look good. Indeed, anarchism might look even better when one considers the fact that so-called third party or “independent” politics have been hopelessly contaminated, at least in politically pivotal New York, by a Green Party that is run by people using the tactics, strategy and the once again “left” ideology of mega-fascist Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. via surrogates like the racist Lenora Fulani, et. al., some of whom are disguised as “anarchists.”

The Lower East Side/East Village area of Manhattan is among the communities with
a relatively high number of people sympathetic to “anarchism” and has therefore not surprisingly for decades been one of the centers of the squatter movement. One of the most recognizeable names among Lower Manhattan squatters is Frank Morales. Morales, with whom I’ve been politically acquainted since the 1990’s, has used his cachet a “radical” and as a street preacher to become Assistant Pastor at the St. Mark’s in-the-Bowery Church in Manhattan. He is seriously misusing that position.

Morales has become one of the self-appointed non-elected de facto leaders of the so-called “9/11 Truth” group based at St. Mark’s. Along with his non-elected co-boss Les Jamieson, he has run “9/11 Truth” meetings with a combination of free speech suppres- sion, threats, lies and subtle message-delivering for none other than the aforementioned LaRouche. When I raised a question about the propriety of withholding from the “9/11 Truth” membership the fact that guest speaker Webster Tarpley is a major LaRouche ideologue, their response was to threaten and harass me. It appears that the failure of St. Mark’s Senior Minister Julio Torres to address my complaints about Morales machine- tions, some of a criminal nature, may have cost Father Torres his job, as he was recently involuntarily “resigned.”

It now emerges that there are some very serious drug related skeletons in the Morales closet, a development with political implications, certainly in Lower Manhattan. One of the few downtown squatter residences to survive Rudolph Giuliani’s real estate indus- try-backed invasion of the squats was the one housing Morales and some of his reportedly drug-ridden friends. Giuliani’s very well publicized raids on the squats of East 13th street, guns and all, left a number of squatters homeless. The story is that the most vulnerable included squatters, such as “John the Communist”, who resisted the drug trafficking operation run by Frank Morales. According to reports, compliance was enforced by threats, some perpetrated by druggies such as the recurrently knife-wielding Lower East Side resident wacko Carl Rosenstein, who has several times tried to assault me. It was Rosenstein who came to a “9/11 Truth” meeting at St. Mark’s with his friend guest speaker and psychopathic demagogue Geoffrey Blank with a club concealed in his pants leg - for use on me. “John the Communist”, according to a sympathizer, was more of a grass roots share-the-wealth-and-free-speech small “d” democratic anarchist than a “Communist” and ultimately left New York City for his own safety.

Among the Morales-connected clique was, and apparently remains, self-proclaimed “anarchist” Fran Luck, with whom I’ve crossed paths all too often. Fran Luck, some of whose antics at community meetings draw eye rolls even from very expression-tolerant New Yorkers, is the person who almost killed ABC No Rio, a well known radical and squatter-friendly art collective on the Lower East Side. To summarize, squatter-hating Giuliani planned to evict ABC No Rio from its space at 156 Rivington Street so that the building could be “developed” into the euphemism known as “affordable housing.” A developer with reported connections to real estate interests in Communist China was found. The compliant City Council granted the developer a “variance” to convert the Building. And Fran Luck, at meetings I (and Frank Morales) attended at ABC No Rio, called for armed revolt against the Giuliani police regime. Luck was among those suggesting a defense based on revolutionary rhetoric and throwing rocks at Giuliani’s ar- mored police - no kidding! And when I learned from ABC No Rio Executive Director Steve Englander that there had been a politically motivated procedural irregularity in the City Council’s awarding of the variance, I suggested that we contact Peter Vallone, Sr., then the very powerful Council Speaker. Luck denounced me as a sellout. Mr. Englander took my advice and accompanied me to City Hall where we met with an aide to Mr. Vallone. Fortuitously, while we were there who should pass by but then Councilmember Virginia Fields, the real estate-compliant Committee Chairperson responsible for the irregularity. I took the opportunity to tell her of her ABC No Rio mistake and its possible consequences. I told her of my conversation with Mr. Vallone’s office and introduced Steve Englander. A few days later Mr. Englander told me about a call that he received from the NYC Department of Housing, Preservation and Development (HPD) advising him that the City’s eviction efforts against ABC No Rio had been stopped and that ABC No Rio could stay. With “anarchists” like Fran Luck you don’t need enemies like Ru-
dolph Giuliani.

There is every reason to believe that, just as is the case with much activity on what is called the “left”, that what is becoming (perhaps somewhat ironically) organizationally- based “anarchism” is seriously compromised by politically motivated criminality with the free speech suppression that always accompanies corruption. Indeed in recent days, following my sending out a January 2, 2007 e-mail to the list-serve of the New York Metro Association of Anarchists (NYMAA) expressing some support for (at least relatively) progressive Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards and expressing opposition to the LaRouche/Fulani-influenced Greens and a possible Green candidacy by Ralph Nader, I received something of a flood of e-mailed responses, some of them abu- sive. When I responded by e-mail I was accused of over-burdening their list-serve and “unsubscribed”, NYMAA’s word for censored. Among the crimes I was accused of hav- ing committed was to have “attacked” NYMAA member Ben Maurer. Indeed, after Geof-frey Blank toadie Maurer publicly libeled me as a “government agent” on several occa- sions at the formerly Geoffrey Blank dictatorship-run No Police State Coalition Union Square speakouts, I replied by e-mail and in UP FRONT News. NYMAA didn’t like that. Also involved were some of the thought-control people connected to the Northeastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists (NEFAC). NEFAC is a group whose view is that elections are useless but that after their from-the-streets insurrection leads to “Anarchist-Communist” system in America some folks will just have to be repressed. Just what Americas needs, a left wing Big Dick Cheney.

What passes for the “left”, certainly in New York, is in bad shaped indeed. While there are many truly progressive activists around, many of whom are involved in the peace movement, in anti-gentrification, and civil rights battles, much of the left is stuck in too well paid academia and much has been co-opted and fractured by those who talk left but are working for the other side. Even in the squats.
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UP FRONT News January 15, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

Mega-fascist, Hitler-emulator, and convicted felon, and declared enemy of rock’n roll Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., is rarely on the front pages of the mainstream media these days. He should be, because his well camouflaged totalitarian and racist agenda has for years been strongly influencing American, and therefore world, politics. Indeed, were it not for LaRouche, we probably would not have the war-poverty-and-crime-generating Cheney/ Bush Administration.

It is common knowledge, no matter how one manipulates the arithmetic of the 2000 presidential election, that the Green Party candidacy of Ralph Nader threw that race to the Republicans. What is less well known is that the Green Party agenda was set by the racists Lenora Fulani and Fred Newman, both fully infected and knowing carriers of the quite contagious LaRouche politically carcinogenic fascist virus. Lenora Fulani is the African-American pseudo-populist who blames Jews en masse for the murders of people of color. Few self-respecting African-Americans, including many who have learned the truth about Fulani from UP FRONT News, will have anything politically to do with Lenora Fulani. Newman, a classic self-hating Jew, is a “psychotherapist”, founder and leader of the “social therapy” cult, in which it is okay to sleep with your therapist (especially if it’s Newman) and it is an acceptable part of therapy to become a soldier in one of Newman’s LaRouche-style front groups, such as the now deceased New Alliance Party. It was LaRouche and Newman who, as faculty colleagues at the City University of New York back in the 1970’s, created the New Alliance Party, the voice of “left” neo-fascism in New York. While it is said that LaRouche and Newman have not gotten along well for some time (neither did Hitler and Mussolini for that matter, it’s tough to get along when both have to be #1), there is no question that they are central to a very much alive de facto crypto-fascist conspiracy in America. For more on LaRouche/Fulani/Newman check out the work of in particular investigative journalist Dennis King, author of the very unauthorized biography of LaRouche, entitled “The New American Fascism.” He is at

What Mr. King has not covered in much detail is the fact that, among LaRouche’s poli- tical vehicles is the Green Party. In recent years, particularly as Fulani’s racism has be- come more apparent to the members of the Fulani-created Independence Party of New York (which has endorsed Michael Bloomberg twice), resulting in a IPNY coup remov-ing her from power, she has moved in on the Greens. Having been, for a time, a political supporter of Mr. Nader because of the Clintonization of the Democrats, I have seen the Green Party become a dictatorial outpost of the LaRouche empire through the deep infiltration by Lenora Fulani. That infiltration has been reported in some detail in UP FRONT News, on television and the internet on “Conversations With Harold Channer” on which I was a guest. Some details also emerged during a recent hour long interview I did on Vy- zygoth’s Grassy Knoll, an internet and radio talk show broadcast out of Tampa, Fla.

The Green Party conspirators include so-called “peace” activist and anarchist wannabe Paul (“Zool”) Zulkowitz. Fulani pal Zulkowitz played a major role in the Nader cam- paigns but perhaps did not let Mr. Nader know about his Machiavellian and criminal ac- tivities, some of which have been perpetrated against me. In 2005 Zulkowitz willfully tried to make front page news by an attempted orchestration of an arrest of Cindy Sheehan at his so-called “Camp Casey” in Union Square. He did this by inviting Ms. Sheehan to speak at “Camp Casey” but withholding from her and everyone else the fact that he did not have the required NYPD sound device permit for his rally. Indeed, Zulkowitz, and his handpicked drunk of an assistant “Totay” openly lied to me and others, stating they had the permit. The police arrived in force, let Ms. Sheehan complete her talk and arrested Zulkowitz, almost precipitating a riot. The next day (after I got arrested also) Totay admitted that the whole thing had been a set-up and that the arrests were planned. I wrote some stories about Zulkowitz and other Green ne’er-do-wells such as the phony practi-
tioner of thug politics and City Councilman wannabe Gerald Kann in UP FRONT News. I also had written a lot of stories on Zulkowitz’ political pal the psychopath Geoffrey Blank, the wannabe Hitler of Union Square, a habitual practitioner of the LaRouche strategy of blending pseudo-left demogoguery and political violence (often against me). Zulkowitz reacted to this exposure by sending e-mails to his friends announcing his planned suicide, to be accomplished by jumping off a certain bridge in Nassau County. Saner heads prevailed, the police were called and, arriving at the Zulkowitz residence, gave Zool a choice of incarceration or commitment to a psychiatric facility. He chose the hospital. Quite apparently he was discharged prematurely because not too long after his release, he let it be known that he planned to shoot me with a Magnum 757 in his possession. And that is only one of the reasons why LaRouche-ites Zulkowitz, Kann, Fulani, George Tatevosyan and one Charles Lenchner (attempting to infiltrate the John Edwards for President campaign) are known the NYPD and the FBI.

LaRouche, true fascist that he is, like Adolf Hitler, works very differently from “conser- vatives.” Conservatives denounce progressives and leftists. LaRouche, and the Greens, disguise themselves as progressives and promote an agenda of outlefting the left, thereby creating disunity and thereby enhancing the conservative right. The conservative right (e.g. Bush) leads to war, poverty, and crime, precisely the conditions that fascism feeds on, Hitler and the Weimar Republic in Germany being the classic case in point. Hitler campaigned as a “socialist.” It is not at all surprising that the Green Party ruling group,
Led in New York by Fulani and upstate boss Howie Hawkins, promotes a slanted and seriously factually flawed approach to any problems involving Jewish people. Israeli attacks on Lebanese civilians during the Hezbollah/Israel War were denounced - cor-rectly I believe. Hamas blowing up Israeli weddings or buses of Israeli schoolchildren,However, generates silence. It also generates Green supporters such as the racist Ann Roos, who sports pro-suicide bomber signs at so-called “Palestinian Rights” demonstrations featuring blatant Holocaust deniers like the neo-nazi Andy Kellerman. LaRouche has also moved in on the so- called “9/11 Truth” movement via such LaRouche surro- gate Greenies as the writer Webster Tarpley, “World Can’t Wait” mouthpiece and Urantia cult member Les Jamieson; squatter/“minister” Frank Morales, and petite capitalist/publicity stuntman Sander Hicks.

LaRouche, who lives with his wife Helga Zepp-LaRouche in Hitler-like near-isolation
at his fortress-estate known as Ibikus Farm in Loudon County, Virginia, a conveniently short helicopter ride from the White House, however, is a registered Democrat and has run for the presidency as a Democrat many times. (While American voters have been known to get sucked in - the Clinton/Bush presidencies being cases in point, LaRouche’s vote totals are inversely proportional to the magnitude of his delusions.) In his newspaper, The New Federalist, he has let it be known that he intends to take over the Democratic Party. That process is underway.

Charles Lenchner works for LaRouche’s magazine, Executive Intelligence Review. On August 17, 2005 Lenchner served as the moderator of a conference call interviewing Uri Avneri, a man viewed by many in the Israeli peace movement as sympathetic to groups such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and their leaders in Iran and Syria. The text of the interview appears in the EIR of September 1, 2006. The concern here is not Mr. Avneri’s views; it is Charles Lenchner’s involvement with LaRouche.

This is a big concern because of Lenchner’s infiltrations into the Democratic Party. He is identified in EIR as the New York State Coordinator of the Progressive Democrats of America and as a former assistant to the national campaign manager of the 2004 Dennis Kucinich for President campaign (which was controlled by a LaRouche style autocrat named Charlene Barker, a self-proclaimed leftist who works for the predatory mega- corporation Ernst & Young.) Lenchner was also a top aide to the U.S. Senate pseudo-candidate, Jonathan Tasini. As thousands of people were already aware, I had announced my Democratic candidacy for the Senate against Hillary Clinton months previously. And, since Lenchner physically pushed me because, as a candidate, I wanted I wanted to speak briefly at a public meeting at which Tasini spoke, he is guilty of criminal harassment and violating my civil rights and is therefore known to the NYPD and the FBI. Lenchner al- so harassed me at another meeting while I was a running for the Senate. (For more information, see

A couple of days ago I received a copy of an e-mail announcing that Charles Lenchner is the Captain of the Upper Manhattan for One America group, a part of the John Edwards for President campaign. Lenchner also harassed me at another meeting while I was running for the Senate. (See Charles
Lenchner’s yarmulke does not fool me, just as Fred Newman does not fool me, just as Paul Zulkowitz does not fool me. I hope it does not fool John Edwards.
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Saturday, January 06, 2007


UP FRONT News January 4, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


I’ve attended the Poetry Marathons at St. Mark’s in-the-Bowery Church in Manhattan for several years and have always found these poetry, music, and comedy and theatre performance events to be really distinctive, even for New York City. This year was no exception. There were 164 scheduled performance acts, of which I can only review a few.

Patti Smith, who performs at the Marathons regularly, sang a quiet song about some Lebanese victims of the recent war between Israel and Hezbollah. Ms. Smith, with whom I’ve spoken briefly a few times, about poetry, Tibet and Ralph Nader, is, as far as I can tell, a really fine poet-singer and a dedicated human rights activist. She and I both like the Dalai Lama. Keith Roach, who has over the years emcee’d poetry events at the Nuyorican Poets Café and in the now closed News Room in the Bronx, read an Iraq-related piece and later told me that, while he is against capital punishment (as am I), he feels that fairness would have earned George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld, who helped give us Saddam Hussein, spots on the gallows. Steve Cannon the founder and Executive Director of the home-based performance space art gallery “A Gathering of the Tribes”, in his dark glasses very much resembling the also blond artist Ray Charles, accompanies himself on the piano while reciting a short poem about a sometimes “tattered”reality. Philip Glass played a beautiful piano piece with a lot of arpeggios that had me thinking Beethoven. Citizen Reno is a very political comedienne and quite famous, especially in the American underground. She is very funny and dead serious, her performance being a case in point. This true New Yorker confessed that during a recent trip to Los Angeles, she found the most spontaneous group to be the police. She also reminded American that the suddenly beloved Gerald Ford gave us Cheney and Rumsfeld. Indeed, I have been wondering why Mr. Ford insisted that the release of his anti-Iraq War statement be done posthumously. St. Mark’s performer Eliot Sharp is a guitar virtuoso and is now journalistically acquainted with UP FRONT News hero Marty Stewart, who brought rock ‘n’ roll to the music of his friend and for a time father-in-law Johnny Cash. Definitely a high point for me, and I suspect for others, was the performance by musician-activist Rebecca Moore. Ms. Moore, also now a regular at the Marathons, played her song “Bruise Lee”, a bittersweet blues-infused balled about hope and disappointment that with her piano accompaniment and vocal range, had me thinking of Nina Simone. At the time there was a full house, which remained totally silent – until Ms. Moore finished. A real, authentic talent.

Wait ‘til next year.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


UP FRONT News December 24, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


People who don’t express gratitude for help offered at their request are merely are at least rude. People to respond to offered help with negativism, hostility and abuse, are, aside from being rude, just bad.

I first met Alfredo Feliciano last summer during a save-the-urban-gardens street concert tour of the Lower East Side by the activist political preacher Rev. Billy. Feliciano stood in the “Children’s Magical Garden” on Stanton and Norfolk Street and plaintively and quite convincingly spoke to the group about saving the Garden from a developer who planned to use the space for housing. Since I am almost innately distrustful of real estate developers and very pro-garden I spoke at some length privately with Mr. Feliciano after Rev. Billy and the crowd left. Feliciano told me that the Garden, which had been started years ago and maintained by his late wife Carmen, was being threatened by a developer named Serge Hoyda. Mr. Feliciano said that he had no address or telephone number for Mr. Hoyda. Offering support, I suggested thart he consider contacting in particular Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, a powerful elected official who has shown himself to be less tied to the real estate lobby than many of his political colleagues, no matter how “liberal.” I asked Mr. Feliciano if he was acquainted with the nearby Ludlow Orchard Community Organization (LOCO) or its founder, the very effective and dedicated community activist and musician Rebecca Moore. He said he had never heard of either LOCO or Ms. Moore. I gave him the LOCO website address and told him I’d be in touch with Mr. Stringer and Ms.Ms. Moore about him and the Garden. I kept my promise and since that time, Ms. Moore and I have been among those who, aside from other save-the-Garden efforts, have testified in support at Community board #3 hearings.

And from Feliciano - who likes to use the nickname “Indio” (not to be in any way confused with the well known activist “Indio”, a Staten Islander and homeless rights activist and publisher of “Street News”) - there has been nothing but negativism, rudeness, and recently an explicit threat against me just out of the earshot of Ms. Moore at a recent Lower East Side Town Hall meeting chaired by Mr. Stringer. Feliciano, while never following up with Mr. Stringer, has quite apparently in some fashion followed up with Ms. Moore. At the Town Hall, when I noted to Ms. Moore, seated next to the never-look-me-in the-eyes Feliciano, that for some reason he never says hello despite all my help to him, the suddenly animated “Indio” jumped out of his seat and ordered me to stay away from what he described as his garden. I replied firmly that I will go anywhere I want to. A few moments later, after I had separated myself from him and Ms. Moore, he came over to me and asked me to “step outside.” I refused. A few moments later, her made the same offer for me to a friend of mine, only this time making an explicit threat of violence, not suited for quotation in this family newspaper. That is known under the law as criminal harass- ment and has been treated as such.

Alfredo, whose Garden was hardly ever open during hot sunny summer weekdays and week- ends (although I did see rodents in the Garden behind the locked fence with no sign announcing hours of operation), as far as I am able to tell, has no real interest in saving the Garden. Why would he consistently ignore and then disrespect someone trying to help him? Possibly money and politics. Considering the realities of capitalism on the Lower East Side, The Children’s Garden has considerable cash value, a factor which can be a factor in any “protest.”

Alfredo Feliciano is directly connected to one of the governments that operates on the Lower East Side. That government, which uses political and religious infiltration as some of its tactics, is a creation of in particular Frank Morales, a squatter who is also the Assistant Pastor of St. Mark’s in-the-Bowery Church and a self-appointed leader of the so-called “9/11 Truth” group based at the church.

The fact that “9/11 Truth”, under the dictatorial, non-elected rule of Morales and a junta led by cultist Les Jamieson, is helping to bring the pseudo-left politics of the megalomaniac Lyndon LaRouche to NYC, is being reported primarily in this newspaper, although stories are appearing elsewhere in the media. The intimidations I’ve experienced there at the hands of Morales, Jamieson et. al are not at all unlike the Feliciano style. Indeed, a couple of weeks ago one of Morales’ friends at “9/11 Truth” responded to my support of another “9/11 Truth” participant’s call for democratization by lunging at me with an invitation to “step outside.”

Minister Morales, while preaching Jesus’ Word, is the subject of reports that he has run a drug ring out of the squats and that squatters who wouldn’t go along have found themselves evicted. The flute player at St. Mark’s services is the ill-mannered Feliciano. To be sure, things are changing politically at St. Mark’s. I happen to be a member of that church, having been admitted many months ago at a vespers service by Senior Minister Julio Torres. Fr. Torres, however, apparently did not act on my complaints against Morales and a major complaint by several people
about the December 4, 2005 guest speaker appearance of the violent criminal Geoffrey Blank.

a “9/11 Truth” meeting, an event that almost exploded into Blank-caused violence against me. And so, not too long after I sent some e-mails to Katharine Jefferts Schori, the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church and to Mark Sisk, the Bishop of the New York Diocese, Fr. Torres resigned involuntarily. As for the St. Mark’s future of the intimidator wannabes Frank Morales and Alfredo Feliciano, we’ll see.

As for the Children’s Magical Garden, I agree with Rebecca Moore that it should be saved, even from a developer who throws out the euphemism known as “affordable housing.” I also believe that, regardless of Alfredo Feliciano’s melodramatic invocation of his late wife’s name, the Garden’s chances of survival are being willfully endangered by his behavior and probably by his associations.
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