Thursday, August 31, 2006


UP FRONT News August 28, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

The notion that the 9/11 attacks were, at least in part, an “inside job”, despite increas- ing evidence to that effect, still remains an unacceptable idea to most Americans. Inter- estingly, however, the pro-Bush New York Post recently reported that a Scripps Howard Ohio University poll showed that more than one-third of Americans suspect federal of ficials of involvement. David Day Griffin, a California-based theologian very know- ledgeable about structural engineering, has pretty much proved that the Twin Towers were brought down not by the hijacked planes but rather by “controlled demolition” of explosives previously placed in the buildings. Michael Ruppert, author of the chilling book “Crossing the Rubicon” tells us about Dick Cheney-authorized military exercizes involving numerous simulated hijackings over the northeast early on the morning of 9/11, which created radar confusion and delaying a military response. No wonder Cheney was reported to be in an “undisclosed location.”

Among the most disturbing aspects of the politics of 9/11 is the fact that a so-called “9/11 Truth” organization, holding regular meetings at St. Mark’s in the Bowery Church in Manhattan, has been every bit as hijacked as those planes. The meetings, which, in a manner of speaking, consider a variety of conspiracy theories, are run by a self-appointed leadership centering around Les Jamieson, St. Mark’s Assistant Pastor Frank Morales,
and the very shiftly Nick Levis. These three fellows, aided and abetted by people directly and indirectly associated with the now “left” but very fascist megalomaniac Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., while purporting to seek the truth, are using every rhetorical and trick in the book to filibuster and fragmentize the very real 9/11 truth movement to death. They do so by dominating speaking time so that for example self-appointed “facilitator” Moral- es answers in 4,000 words questions that most people could handle in perhaps 100 words. They do so by making certain to avoid calling on people, such as myself, who ask ques-
tions that make them nervous. And they sometimes use threats – a LaRouche staple.

I knew that the neo-fascist LaRouche had moved in big-time when Jamieson and Co. invited so-called George Bush the First and 9/11 “expert” Webster Tarpley to speak at a meeting. Tarpley is an intellectual and major figure in LaRouche’s Germany-worshiping Schiller Institute. (LaRouche is a quite open believer in what he regards as the superiority of German culture and a less than open admirer of the Austrian German wannabe Adolf Hitler.) Although, as an advocate of free speech., I believe that Tarpley has the right to be heard, I felt strongly that “9/11 Truth” participants had a right to know that Tarpley is a disciple of the nazi LaRouche. Les Jamieson felt that such information should be with- held from the masses and, at the Tarpley-addressed meeting, tried with some force to shut me up when I raised the question.

Investigative journalist and historian Dennis King, author of “The New American Fas- cism”, an unauthorized biography of LaRouche, considers that Leesburg, Virginia-based racist and convicted felon “the most dangerous man in America.” I believe that Mr. King is correct. LaRouche is the most successful implementer of Machiavelli’s and Hitler’s principles of fascism in American history. Among the most important facts to remember is that Hitler developed political camouflage into an art from, often by campaigning and ranting as a leftist, as a “socialist.” He denounced the big business barons and the huge landowners in the name of workers and peasants rights. Using the Spanish Civil war as his laboratory in preparation for World War II, he developed the “fifth column” whereby fascists infiltrated the large and very complex Spanish left, causing major splits and, along with open air support (e.g. Guernica), helped the fascist Francisco Franco become dictator of Spain. (Very interestingly, this was one gamble that ultimately did not pay off for Hitler as the part-Jewish Franco refused Der Fuehrer’s demand in 1941 that Spain enter the War as a German ally. Franco also allowed thousands of Jewish refugees to enter Spain. Franco was a Spanish nationalist who detested Communists and atheists, but he also detested Hitler.)

And in the United States, the fascist LaRouche is doing much the same thing. For de- cades LaRouche has been seeking to gain power by gaining what he calls “hegemony over the left” by splitting the left, usually by outlefting it. Using local surrogates such as the racists “Dr.” Fred Newman and Lenora Fulani, LaRouche created such political para-
sites as the New Alliance Party to split the left. When, in part because of exposure in UP FRONT News, the NAP died, Fulani and Newman parasited themselves onto various “third party” efforts such as the one generated in the 1990’s by Ross Perot. When Perot got wise to Fulani, she created the Independence Party in New York with her LaRouche-
ite racist self as dictator. She and Newman, using the strategies and tactics of their spirit-
godparents Hitler and LaRouche, created outwardly socially responsible front organiza-
tions such as the Castillo Cultural Center and the All Stars Project and got money from, among others, the Bloomberg Administration. Fulani, using the siren song of “independ-ent” political action, moved in on the Green Party, successfully sucking in Ralph Nader and helping to “elect” Cheney/Bush.

And, all the while as the Cheney/Bush regime sunk into its Iraq War, the LaRouche bunch, led by such locals as Fulani, Greens Paul Zulkowitz and Gerald Kann, upstaters like Green Party New York State boss Howie Hawkins from Syracuse, thugs like George Tatevosyan and complete psychopaths like “9/11 Truth”guest speaker Geoffrey Blank, parasited themselves on the very 9/11 wounded and Iraq-weakened American psyche.

The goal, in classic fascist strategy is to immobilize the left by emulating it and dealing with dissent the way fascists do, with manipulations, threats and sometimes violence. “Left” neo-fascists know full well they make no headway by singing the praises of folks like Hitler or LaRouche. And so they move in on legitimate groups advocating, for exam- ple, Palestinian rights, or (generically speaking) 9/11 truth, and, placing themselves in usually non-elected leadership positions, take over.
And, as has become evident in the rhetoric in connection with the Middle East and in some of the more offensive demagoguery emanating from the Greens, anti-Jewish stuff rises, like scum in a swamp, to the surface.

The aforementioned Dennis King is probably the most knowledgeable source on the generally below the radar LaRouche/Fulani, et. al. threat. His disturbing but very en- lightening website is at Other good sources include, and the writings of such investigative reporters as Chip Berlet and Doug Ireland.

The implications of a LaRouche infiltration into the 9/11 truth movement are scary. Lyndon LaRouche, despite his anti-Bush rhetoric, has high level contacts with Cheney/ Bush. How else would LaRouche have become an invited guest at the 2005 White House Correspondents’ Association dinner as reported in The New York Times? LaRouche is known to have over a lifetime of lies, deceit, violence and criminality, enjoyed associa- tions with the KKK, mobsters, drug traffickers, rabid, Maoists and Nazis. And, consider- ing his recurrent speaking up for terrorist regimes like the ones in charge in Iran (where they torture political dissidents, hang gay people, and call for the destruction of Israel) and China (where they commit Genocide in occupied Tibet), I would not be at all sur- prised if Lyndon LaRouche, like Dick Cheney, was part of the “inside job.”

Visit and
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Saturday, August 19, 2006


UP FRONT News August 12, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

I’ve been to France several times and am among the many millions who think Paris is a beautiful city. I know some very nice French people. Some of those, however, purporting to speak for the French people, such as Daniel Bernard, the French ambassador to Eng- land, need to watch their language, just as Mel Gibson does. At a recent fancy reception in London, Monsieur Bernard reportedly blamed all the world’s current troubles on “That shitty little country, Israel.”

Speaking as the Jewish non-Zionist that I am, his comment, aside from playing major revisionist games with the facts, is particularly tacky coming from the representative of a nation whose governments’ history of screwing the Jews and of putting money before human rights, let alone a military history which perhaps makes some French politicians envious of Israeli successes on the battlefield is distinctive

Although, except when it comes to ethnic humor, I avoid negative ethnic generalizations, Bernard’s revealing blunder (and presumably he had less to drink than Gibson), brings into focus again how the French, from the top levels down, cooperated with the Nazis in getting rid of the Jews. For me it’s quite personal, although it occurred seven years be-
fore I was born. In 1936, Hitler annexed Austria. My very Jewish parents were trapped in Vienna, perhaps the world’s most Nazi-sympathetic city. Within a few days, the Nazis came to their door and threw my father in jail. But, since the Nazis had not yet developed their death camp machinery, it was still possible, with the right papers, for Jews to emi-
grate. Because my mother’s older brother had already emigrated to the U.S., it became somewhat easier. It was still necessary, however, to get several documents, aside from visas and passports. One of the documents had to come from a country other than Ger-
many (Austria no longer existed) or the U.S. My mother described for me her desperate runs through the Nazi patrolled streets of Vienna, visiting embassies and consulates. The French turned her down. And this was well before Hitler’s conquest of France. Very, very fortunately, the Dutch provided the document. My father was released and, after the Nazis stole all their belongings, my parents were allowed to board a train for Oslo, Nor- way, from which city they sailed to Ellis Island and America.

It is a historical fact that, under the German occupation, many French people helped the Germans round up the Jews for deportation and death. Petain and Laval, the compliant French “rulers” helped transform the word “Vichy” into a symbol of collaboration and treason. It is also a historical, if under-reported, fact that France’s opposition to the Cheney/Bush/Clinton invasion of Iraq was motivated by factors other than the love of peace and human rights, and had everything to do with their oil-related deals with Sad- dam Hussein. It is also a historical fact, stretching over centuries, that, like a number of other imperial-minded countries (U.S., China, Germany, Russia, Japan, Spain, et. al.), France has had illusions of world supremacy. Napoleon made a try at it by sometimes invading militarily depleted lands (e.g. 19th century Spain) but got thrashed in Russia.
For some reason the French have for centuries nourished their delusions of military prowess. The Germans treated their “Maginot Line” like soufflé.

While I have major differences with the governments of Israel over many matters as regards Palestine and Lebanon, there is no question in my mind that Israel has the same right to defend itself as any other country, especially against those (Iran, Syria, Hamas, Hezbollah) who are pledged to destroy the country. Apparently Daniel Bernard, perhaps considering some French military history, thinks the Israelis should throw in the towel.
Bernard should just be glad that the French are not fighting the Israelis. It could wind up like the World Cup.

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Saturday, August 05, 2006


UP FRONT News August 5, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


My friend Wael Sharaydeh, is a Palestinian-American who lives and works in Staten Island. I met him about shortly after I moved to Staten Island in the spring of 2005 when he managed a small grocery shop a short distance from the ferry terminal. (He now man- ages a grocery elsewhere in Staten Island.) We soon found something in common, a mu- tual interest and involvement in politics.

Mr. Sharaydeh, some of whose family lives in the occupied West Bank, is unequivocal-
ly opposed to the Zionist belief in a Jewish state, which he believes is inherently racist. Mr. Sharaydeh, however, also believes that Jews, like Palestinians, have very right to live in a land they call Israel that is also known as Palestine. It is his belief, one which (no matter how far-fetched it seems to many) I share, that ultimately a secular state, compris- ing what is now Israel, the West Blank, and Gaza, in which all citizens, regardless of ethnicity or faith, have equal rights, can mean peace there.

Mr. Sharaydeh has written a long essay (which I have edited) on the so-called “One State Solution.” His essay is very critical of the United States for supporting the Israeli occupa-
tion of Palestinian territories and comments at some length on the irony of the victims of Hitler’s Holocaust perpetrating a similar crime against Palestinians. Mr. Sharaydeh, how- ever, most assuredly does not subscribe to the Iran/Syria/Hamas/Hezbollah Islamic-fas-cist fantasy of the destruction of Israel.

There are some peace activists in Israel who support the concept of the secular one state solution but who recognize that generates opposition from right-wing Zionists who inter- pret the Old Testament in a way that implies that God made some people more equal than others. Mr.Sharaydeh is fully aware that the Iran-led “let’s wipe Israel off the face of the earth” bunch, of which Hezbollah is a part, have no use for the one state idea either, ex- cept if that one state had no Jews in it.

At this point, the notion of a secular state consisting of, among others, Jews and Arabs sharing equal rights, is beyond pipe dream, but certainly something to strive for. In the meantime, no matter what some on the neo-fascist Lyndon H. LaRouche-influenced “left” might desire, Israel, like every nation, has the right to defend itself against aggres-
sion. As has often been the case in response to military provocations by for example Ha- mas, Israel has responded to what may described on a scale of ten as level-two (soldier abductions) actions with a level-nine air and ground war. The fact is also that Israel’s re- sponse should be no surprise to Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah, since over the years, particu- larly under Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, has included military excess as an integral part of his foreign policy.

My belief is that the dictators who run things in Iran and Syria, among some other places in the Islamic world, have been fully aware that for example a Hezbollah soldier abduct- tion would lead to war. I believe also that the Iranian leader means it when he says, re-
Peatedly, that Israel must be destroyed. It is apparent also that there are some, like Osama bin Laden and the religious extremists in Iran, who want war because they feel that Allah has guaranteed them victory over the “infidels.” Infidels, by way, include, (aside from the all too obvious Jews), Christians, Buddhists and just about anyone else who doesn’t see religious things their way. A similar view, from an atheist perspective, is also held by those in charge in Communist China. It is not just a handful who believe in a surprisingly sexually blissful eternity, with 72 virgins for each suicide bombing martyr.

Although George W. Bush’s motives are by definition suspect, he made a rare good point when he graphically suggested that the prospects for at least an absence of overt war would be better if Iran and Syria put the clamps on the Jew-hating Nasrallah and his rather Nazi-sounding colleagues in Hezbollah. I also find myself in rare agreement with Hillary Clinton, who has been quite clear as to Israel’s right of self-defense. The Lyndon LaRouche/Lenora Fulani candidate, Green Party boss Howie Hawkins, is taking a pro-Iranian line (just like LaRouche by the way). And the increasingly robotic Democrat Jonathan Tasini, who is grateful for the Iraq War, (otherwise he would have almost nothing else to talk about), has hopped on the Hezbollah-is-okay noisy bandwagon.

The notion that Hezbollah, even though the organization provides important social serv- ices to Arabs displaced by Israel, is some kind of do-gooder group, like the Henry Street Settlement, a notion promoted by the deeply anti-Israel-biased LaRouche-oriented “left”, is a fiction. No Police State Coalition list-serve manager, Roman Shusterman, who is sup- porting my Democratic write-in candidacy for the U.S. Senate, has urged that, even as the fighting continues while a cease fire is sought, the U.S. should focus on using our considerable resources to rescue civilians on both sides. And since both sides do not want to continue to be justifiably accused of killing civilians, I would hope that for example Israel will hold its fire while we come to the rescue of the Lebanese. And Hezbollah needs to do the same as we help civilians in Haifa.

And, as far as the future is concerned, there is reality to be faced by both sides. The Jews are not clearing out. Neither are the Arabs. And so, as Wael Sharaydeh suggests, both sides may as well stop fantasizing about it.

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Thursday, August 03, 2006


FOR U.S. SENATE August 2, 2006


Because of a series of politically motivated criminal harassments against me, perpetrat- ed by Democratic “candidate” Jonathan Tasini and his associates, who include Tracey Denton, an official of Democracy for New York City (DFNYC), and by members and supporters of the deeply Lenora Fulani/Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.- infiltrated Green Party of New York , I have filed formal complaints against them with, among several others agencies, the Federal Election Commission and the FBI. Indeed, when I first called the FEC in Washington several weeks ago and described the unfair campaign practices per- petrated against me, I was instructed by FEC staff to not only file formal complaints with the FEC but also with the NYC and NYS Boards of Election and with criminal authori- ties. All this has now been done.

Because the threats and other harassments constitute politically motivated violations of my civil rights, federal crimes are involved. The formal complaint submitted in writing to the FBI was only done with the very explicit approval of an NYPD official knowledge-able about criminal and political matters.

At various DFNYC and Democratic club meetings to which I have been invited as a candidate I have been verbally abused and explicitly threatened on several occasions. The threats have been made by people like the reportedly very hot-headed Robert Gins- berg, a lawyer and Upper West Side Democratic District Leader and by Michael Farrin of the CODA Club. Ms. Denton, who has from the outset in increasingly blatant collaboration with the Senate-unqualified Tasini, tried to sabotage my candidacy, in an e-mail threat- ened me with arrest at a DFNYC “endorsement” meeting last June 20. At Tasini’s behest, Denton had my name removed from the endorsement ballot although, despite Denton’s delaying tactics over a period of months, I was officially recognized as a candidate by the DFNYC, which is the local branch of Democracy for America, a political action group led by Howard Dean. Ms. Denton and her DFNYC boss Lewis Cohen have not respond- ed to several protest e-mails they have received from me, and Tom Weiss for U.S. Senate volunteers Steven Gradman and Roman Shusterman. I have made Howard Dean aware of the problem both by telephone to his office as Chairman of the Democratic National Committee and via e-mail directly to him. He is also in receipt of e-mails from Mr. Grad- man and Mr. Shusterman. Dr. Dean has been urged to nullify the rigged endorsement vote and to start the DFNYC endorsement process from the beginning.

Since I received a personal “Dear Tom” invitation from the DFA to attend Jim Dean’s
(Howard’s brother) August 1 appearance at an anti-Walmart meeting in the Bronx, I paid a visit, arriving at the Church of Our Lady Refuge at the meeting was winding up. The DFA Tour bus was parked in front of the church and several people outside told me that Jim Dean was inside. When I got inside I was told that Mr. Dean had left the building but was still in the area. The person I was directed to in his immediate absence was Tracey Denton. As soon as she saw me she moved in the opposite direction faster than a down- hill bicycle racer in the Tour de France on steroids. Outside the building she stopped and stood still as, after introducing myself to a large group of onlookers I told her in absolute-
ly no uncertain terms - and without a threat – that I had gone to the FBI and that her and Tasini’s threats had to stop. There were plenty of witnesses as Denton assumed her best Dick Cheney pose. Before I left, I gave a pile of campaign literature and UP FRONT News articles focusing on the Tasini and Green Party harassments, (which, as we shall see, are not unrelated to each other) through the open driver’s side window of the tour bus to a Dean aide named Buffie (sp.?), who assured me that, at my request, she would give the documents directly to Jim Dean.

The LaRouche/Fulani (visit such websites,,
and the writings of investigative journalists Chip Berlet and Doug Ireland for much in- formation on the Fulani link to the mega-nazi and convicted felon LaRouche) controlled Green Party and its hangers on, like the neo-fascist psychopath Geoffrey Blank, have been committing violent crimes against me for many months. Directly involved are Green Party members Paul (“Zool”) Zulkowitz, at one time politically very close to the gullible Ralph Nader and Gerald (“Cannot”) Kann, a thug who has lost decisively twice as a pathetic Green Party candidate for the City Council in LIC-Astoria, Queens. Indeed, Kann and a Fulaniite thug named George Tatevosyan collaborated on an April, 2004 witnessed physical assault on me to prevent my attending a Manhattan Ralph Nader news conference to which the then Green Party Presidential candidate had invited me. Zulko-
owitz is the smallish character with an ego as large and warm as Siberia, who, as a phony “peace” activist, caused a near riot in Union Square on September 19, 2005 when he lied to everyone about having a required NYPD sound device permit for Cindy Sheehan’s speech there. Zulkowitz is the Geoffrey Blank and Fulani associate who responded to my UP FRONT News criticism of him by first threatening suicide (thereby getting himself involuntarily committed to a psychiatric facility in Long Island) and then, upon his ap- parently premature release, making an explicit death threat against me.

Law enforcement is particularly interested in anything involving LaRouche, the cur- rently “left”-spewing de facto Hitler admirer and disciple who is correctly described by Dennis King as “the most dangerous man in America.” Checking the aforementioned websites can be a chilling but nonetheless very valuable and educational experience. All we need to remember is that Adolf Hitler came to power on a strategy involving advoca- cy of “socialism”, out-lefting and thereby splitting the left, intimidation, and anti-Semi-tism. Fulani is a flaming Jew-hater and the Green Party is promoting her racist agenda. The very autocratic Green Party boss in New York is its so-called Senatorial “candidate” from Syracuse, Howie Hawkins (described by one former Green as a “Stalinist”). The Green Party, at least in New York, is poison.

And the FBI is very interested in Geoffrey Blank a man with a direct political and finan- cial connection to the Freedom Socialist Party which, to my knowledge, has no rebuttal to the report (see N.Y. Post story December 26, 2005 by reporter Niles Lathem, headlined “Harlem Radicals Probed”) that it is under international investigation for ties to terrorism in Iraq. And, since FSP spokesperson, a Blankie named Stephen Durham is on record as condoning Musab al-Zarqawi’s hostage beheadings, there’s probably much to investigate and probably prosecute.

The connection between the Tasinis and the LaRouche Greens appears to be in the per- son of Ted Auerbach, a member of the Democratic Club CODA and an associate of Blank, Zulkowitz, et. al. (LaRouche, who lives in a fortified compound in Loudon County, Va., is in fact a registered Democrat.) Auerbach, a perpetually sour-faced non-descript man residing in the East Village, has harassed me both with Blank’s boys in Union Square and at a CODA meeting. One report has him being seen at a LaRouche table in Manhattan.

These threats etc. will in no way stop my Democratic write-in candidacy for the U.S Senate, which will continue through the September 12 Democratic primary and the November 7 general election. Although Hillary Clinton is clearly more qualified than both the corrupt Tasini and the fascistic Hawkins, she remains a militarist whose loyal- ties are to the corporations. At this point it appears that my main area of agreement with Mrs. Clinton is in her support of the right of all nations, including Israel, to defend them- selves. Tasini and Hawkins view, almost identical, suggest that Iran, Syria, and Hezbol- lah is just fine. Like I said before, Hillary Clinto is the second best candidate for the U.S. Senate. Please write my name in on September 12 and November 7.

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UP FRONT News July 30, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

What is the very recently opened and civilized but hopefully not in danger of be-
coming trendy “Home Sweet Home”, bar and soon gallery and performance space in Lower Manhattan, was, several months ago, almost politically aborted.

As a journalist, political candidate, and human rights activists. I have taken a great in-
terest in the intense community preservation, anti-gentrification struggles happening on the Lower East Side. While developers are seeing to gentrify, displace, and profit ev-
erywhere (Yankee Stadium in the Bronx, NASCAR Raceway in S.I. and over-develop-development battles in Queens and Brooklyn), Lower Manhattan may well be “Ground zero” in these true grassroots class wars. I’ve written often about a group called LOCO, (Ludlow Orchard Community Organization), created by the musician activist Rebecca Moore, resisting, among related evils, bar proliferation on the LES. Residents of the Lud- low Street area have every reason to object to the de facto tsunami of bar and nightclub
proliferation there. Ludlow Street seems to be a magnet for get-rich-quick bar and club profiteers catering to an often get drunk-nauseous-and-noisy-quick-and-screw-the resi-
dents clientele from elsewhere, who have helped this working class community morph into a blend of Times Square and, even without casinos, Las Vegas.

A major reason for this kind of profit-driven invasion has been the historic practice of the developer-friendly New York State Liquor Authority to grant liquor licenses the way spectators offer cups of water to participants in the New York City Marathon. And Lower Manhattan’s Community Planning Board 3, appointed by rhetorically “liberal” but devel-
oper paid-for politicians, said, in effect, “no problem.” Along came activists like the truly indigenous activists Ms. Moore and Norfolk Street Block Association President Susan Howard and, soon joined by other Lower Manhattan organizations, CPB 3 was forced to change its ways.

And so, on one evening several months ago, the Board, perhaps overcompensating and
seeking to placate folks like the no-nonsense Ms. Moore and others, turned everything down. On that evening, a Scandinavian-looking woman stood there in near tears. I learned during our brief conversation that her application for a liquor license for her planned bistro, perhaps to be named Kerouac Jack’s, had been turned down by a hack at the Board after about 8 ½ seconds of discussion. To make a fairly long very political story shorter, it soon became apparent that the almost tearful blonde lady, Kristin Vincent, had not planning another drink-‘til-you-drop joint in the heart of the LES strip, but rather a literature and arts-oriented bistro, which would be devoid of loud music and loud peo-
ple. Although some initial objections were voiced, I decided to contact a politician who probably knows as much about Community Planning Board politics as anyone, the about to take office Borough President-elect Scott Stringer. As a former aide to veteran U.S. Congressman Jerrold Nadler and as a State Assemblyman, Scott Stringer had shown a somewhat comforting (to me) readiness to stand up to both developers (who have plenty of rhetoric- al “liberals” - City Council Speaker Christine Quinn being a case in point - , in their legislative pockets) and bureaucratic hacks, many of who sit on Community Planning Boards. I called Mr. Stringer and sent him a detailed e-mail on what appeared to be a totally unjustified liquor license denial by CPB 3. At the next CPB 3 meeting, sur-
prise! It was learned that the Board had reconsidered and the application was approved.

The place, located in the basement of 131 Chrystie Street, is now called “Home Sweet Home.” Part owner Ms. Vincent (a native of Los Angeles, who is not Scandinavian but rather of Lithuanian ancestry) told me that the name was chosen both in acknowledge
ment of a song by Motley Crue but also because of the atmosphere hoped for. The bistro is the work of Ms. Vincent and her two friends and part owners Long Island-raised Sandy Sisco (definitely not Scandinavian and for sure Italian) and native New Yorker Nadia Koch.

For now Home Sweet Home is open Thursday through Saturday nights. There is usually a deejay. There is, however, also a partially CD-filled juke box, which I like because it has some pure rock ‘n’ roll such as “Gimme Shelter” and “Sweet Home Alabama.” Ms. Vincent has assured me that, at my request, there will be some of my musical idol Marty Stuart’s music installed and hopefully the very under the New York radar Iris Dement.
I am also putting together a list for at least one compilation CD and so the Home Sweet Home juke box will have some very pure rock ‘n’ roll. The décor is fairly described as eclectic. It’s a very nice room. And there is security.

When Home Sweet Home goes full time, aside from art exhibits, there will be low volume performance events – definitely including poetry.

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UP FRONT News July 30, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

The Mideast chronic and intensifying crisis in the Middle East is not only causing
intolerable pain to uncounted number of innocent Arabs and Jews, among others in Leba- non, Israel, and the occupied Palestinian territories, it is also bringing the domestic Jew- haters further out in the open, most particularly in an around Union Square in Manhattan.

Union Square, for an unpleasantly prolonged period of several months, served as the de
facto platform for the increasingly notorious at least nominally Jewish Jew-hater and “left” neo-fascist Geoffrey Blank. Since UP FRONT News has done a series of in-depth exposes of this psychopathic, terrorism-linked de facto Lyndon H. LaRouche ideologue,
(and getting to truths that The New York Times missed in its February 22, 2005 story on Blank), there is little need to go into detail here. Suffice it to say that Blank, awaiting trial for a number of offenses far more serious than sound device permit violations, is under serious investigation by law enforcement at all levels of government, most certainly in-
cluding the FBI. This is because Blank is guilty of a number of politically motivated criminal violations of my civil rights and is guilty of taking money from an organization, leftishly calling itself the Freedom Socialist Party, that is being internationally investigat-
ed for ties to terrorism in Iraq. Indeed, the FSP’s spokesperson, Stephen Durham, has not to my knowledge denied the accuracy of his comment, quoted in a December 26, 2005 article reporting the investigation by Niles Lathem in the New York Post, condoning Mu-
usab al-Zarqawi’s hostage beheadings. Any continuing association that the habitual liar Blank claims with the No Police State Coalition, whose Union Square speakouts Blank hijacked for a time, is sewage, WBAI please take note.

Perhaps with Blank’s “left” and “anti-Bush” and simultaneously anti-Jewish spewings in mind, various Jew-haters have gravitated towards Union Square, in “support” of de-
monstrators for Palestinian rights that often gather there. The Jew-haters, as distinct from those who understandably protest Israeli oppression of Palestinians, are, despite their ef-
forts at camouflage, not hard to find. They are almost invariably Holocaust deniers and
minimizers. Andy Kellerman, a government worker who reportedly gives street vendors
a hard time, often appears there and, between anti-Bush and anti-Israel harangues of sometimes Geoffrey Blank verbosity, claims that there is absolutely no proof that the Nazis murdered millions of Jews. Similar claims have been articulated verbally and on-line by a Columbine-Goth-style-garbed fellow named Joe Jordan, who has given himself the nickname of “God.” This guy is on record as characterizing Jewish suffering under the Nazis as “modicum.” There are a bunch of others with similar views, more than a few of them closely associated with the Green Party of New York, which has become essen-
tially a front group for the racist “left” neo-fascism of Lenora Fulani, her psychothera-
pist” mentor Fred Newman and their political godfather LaRouche. Among the architects of that takeover, which involved the Bush-electing Ralph Nader Green Party presidential
candidacies, has been New York Green Party boss, the “Stalinist” from Syracuse, Howie Hawkins, who is now, in classic LaRouche fashion, splitting the left with his egotistical “candidacy” for the U.S. Senate. LaRouche’s, Fulani’s and Hawkins’ lemmings in this takeover include Greens like the seriously disturbed Paul (“Death Threat”) Zulkowitz, and the thug from Long Island City, Gerald Kann, a two time total loser as a City Council candidate. There are associates like George Tatevosyan, who with Kann participated in a witnessed physical assault upon me in April, 2004 to prevent my attendance at a Man-
hattan Nader news conference to which the candidate had invited me. And then there are apparent registered Democrats like Geoffrey Blank associate Ted Auerbach, who has ha-
rassed me both in Union Square and at a Democratic club meeting, with the club harass-
ment directly connected with the increasingly dubious Senate “candidacy” of a very phony politician-wannabe named Jonathan Tasini. For further information on the still only marginally known Fulani/Newman/Fulani/LaRouche links, visit, aside from my blogs, websites such as,, and the writings of investigative reporters such as Chip Berlet and Doug Ireland.

With the eruption of the War in Lebanon, the aforementioned Jew-haters and sometimes
Jew-bashers and others have collected at Union Square and other demonstrations carrying suicide bombing-justifying posters, such as one sported by a usually quiet but sometimes tantrum-spewing Jew-disliker named Ann Roos. A Union Square Saturday afternoon
“Palestinian rights” protester identified as Agnes Taylor’s misspelled poster said that Ha-
mas and Hezbollah are not terrorist organizations. When an Israeli shell kills Lebanese or Palestinians, they are full of righteous indignation. When Hamas suicide bombers, with Islamist fascist delusions of 72 virgins, blow up Jewish weddings or buses of Israeli schoolchildren, they remain silent (and perhaps secretly gratified).

These characters know full well that the dictators of Syria and Iran knew full well that
any military incursions (e.g. the soldier abductions) into Israel would elicit a very heavy, indeed excessive response. Ariel Sharon made the excessive response an essential part of his foreign policy. LaRouche, interviewed recently on Iranian government radio and sup-
porting Iran, knows it and so do Fulani, Blank, Kann and all the local neo-fascists. I be-
lieve LaRouche, Fulani, Hawkins, Blank, et. also know that the leadership in Iran and Syria actively foster the “wipe Israel off the face of the earth” Hitlerite delusional fanta-
sy as well as the psychotic jihadist mindset suggesting that Jews and Christians are among the infidels who must die and who can be defeated in a world war. And, there are many in the Genocide-generating government of Communist China who, from an atheist perspective, have the same delusion, at least about America. Hitler was wrong and Israel, in several wars with Arab states, has shown that, especially with strong U.S. military aid, has shown that it can take on and defeat several invaders at once. And the rulers in China,
who will over a period of time, be increasingly widely exposed for the Genocide in Occu-
pied Tibet, will also learn that, even as they further evolve from so-called “Communism” via capitalism, into fascism, that they can’t win either.

The politics here are intense. While I would prefer a non-Zionist state encompassing what is now Israel, Gaza and the West Blank in which Jews, Palestinians and others would have equal rights, I fully support the right of any nation, Israel included, to defend itself. And, while, as a U.S. Senate Democratic write-in candidate myself, I oppose much of what Hillary Clinton apparently stands for, e.g. the war in Iraq and relatively unfet-
tered corporate power, she and I agree on Israel’s right to exist and to defend itself. The opportunistic Tasini, who apparently stays up nights coming up with ways to suck up to the “left” in a desperate search for political affection, is on record as criticizing Israel while, like LaRouche and his local Jew haters, remaining silent about those peace-loving harmless hippies form Hezbollah.

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