Saturday, January 21, 2006


UP FRONT News January 21, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


John Osgood, a top Administrator of the New York Diocese of the Episcopal
Church, has apparently gotten stonewalled in an initial “inquiry”, that he is making in response to my very formal complaint to him of criminal, and apparently neo-fascist, activities are taking place inside St. Mark’s in the Bowery Church in Manhattan’s East Village. This complaint, copies of which will in all likelihood have to go to law enforce- ment officials, has been necessitated by virtue of the fact that both St. Mark’s Pastor Julio Torres and assistant Pastor Frank Morales have failed to address violent and criminal be- havior that continues to take place in the church at meetings of the so called “NY 9/11 Truth” group. E-mails to both church officials, sent in the middle of November, 2005, addressing in particular threats and acts of violence, most of them connected with the presence of neo-fascist Geoffrey Blank in a prominent and promoted position at those meetings, were ignored.

Pastor Torres, who on the nights that the increasingly tense “NY 9/11 Truth” meetings take place, is not present, perhaps has little idea as to what is going on the church he is responsible for. And, at this point, he shows no signs of interest.

“NY 9/11 Truth” is run anti-democratically by, for the most part, two self-appointed, never-elected guys named Nick Levis and Les Jamieson. Mr. Levis would be far better suited for a role as a Dixiecrat in the U.S. Senate in Strom Thurmond’s day considering his oft-displayed skills at filibustering. This guy gets the gold medal for repeating ad nauseum to an anesthetized audience what it already knows. While he has an “anti-Bush” rap memorized, he protects the real nemesis Dick Cheney. He trashes fair play and the First Amendment at meetings, which he for some reason often chairs and at which he promotes the rhetorically “left” neo-fascist agenda of mega-nazi Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. He does that by monopolizing discussion, tolerating violence against dissidents in his presence and by openly promoting other “left” fascists such as now twice thoroughly defeated City Council “candidate” Gerald Kann and, worst of all, the terrorism-friendly psychopath Geoffrey Blank. Blank is the thoroughly revolting narcissist from Rockaway Beach, Queens, who, aside from believing that it is normal to currently share a double bed with his at least outwardly biologically adult younger brother Jason, continues in his attempt, using mostly violence and lies, to hijack the No Police State Coalition, a First Amendment group started some years ago by human rights activist Dennis Griggs. Levis and Jamieson, with Frank Morales’ apparent acquiescence, invited Blank to speak in his totally falsely claimed status as the self appointed “founder” and “president” of the NPSC. Over a period of a year or two, Blank, using the Union Square speakouts started by Mr. Griggs and former NPSC activist Joe Carranza, consistently tried to monopolize the bullhorn and to terrorize those who might see things differently. The most violent of his terrorist acts have been directed against me. In addition to the violence and steady stream of lies, and recurrent acts of sexism, has been Blank’s resort to anti-Semitic slurs, always particularly revolting when coming from the mouth of a Jew. Perhaps, directly or circuitously, Blank has been taking lessons from LaRouche protégé Fred Newman, the self-hating Jew who is the satanic political mentor of super-racist Lenora Fulani. Blank, by the way, talks openly of his association with a group calling itself the “Freedom Socialist Party.” That group’s spokesperson is on record as condoning beheadings of hostages. Perhaps not so surprisingly, even if the report appeared in the New York Post, the FSP is under international surveillance for ties to terrorists. In fact Geoffrey Blank, who persist- ently resorts to violence to achieve his neo-fascist political goals, is a terrorist.

St. Mark’s ignored information that the act of inviting a provably racist and violent man, who falsely claims leadership of an organization, most of whose members want nothing to do with him, is wrong. St. Mark’s has ignored information that, on the evening of Blank’s address, this neo-fascist thug brought with him several associates wielding clubs and bats – for use on me. Gangster-style assaults against political opponents as long been a LaRouche staple. St. Mark’s has ignored information that several other individuals, per- haps with politics similar to Blank’s, have threatened me in the church. One of those threats, i.e. that if I show up at a meeting, the response will be physical, reportedly eman- ated from the classically manipulative Jamieson. Jamieson was apparently instrumental in extending a speaking invitation to major LaRouche ideologue Webster Griffin Tarpley, but tried to suppress the fact of the LaRouche tie.

Lyndon LaRouche happens to be a convicted felon (credit card and mail fraud, which could have gotten him 64 years, but he got out after about five) who believes that he was born to rule the world, that all forms of music except German classical music should be wiped out, who hates African-Americans and Jews but who employs them, and operates in accordance with the principal that it is okay brualitize and murder those he perceives as being in his way. LaRouche, however, is nominally a Democrat.

Ever four years, he entertains his cult members by running for president – gets mostly ignored and in 2004 gave John Kerry his satanic endorsement. For those who think that Lyndon LaRouche is nothing more ghoul from the past, check out several websites. is the creation of historian and investigative reporter Dennis King, who documents with neo-fascist legacy the emanates from Adolf Hitler, goes directly to LaRouche and plays out contemporarily in New York City through horribles of all races, including Fulani and Newman. LaRouche, holed up in his armed Berchdesgarten-like fortress, known as Ibikus Farm in Loudon County Virginia, is always sensitive to the political winds in near-by Washington, D.C. For years, he has spouted an “anti-Bush and Cheney” “anti-Iraq War” line, but taking care to exempt right wing Democrats such as Hillary Clinton from attack. And at the same time LaRouche, who has, over his life seen fit to collaborate with the KKK, the Nation of Islam (furthering his plans to start a race war), and the CIA, makes nice with Bush/Cheney. What the hell was a convicted felon with known nazi sympathies like LaRouche doing at a White House Correspondents’ Association dinner as reported in The New York Times on May 3, 2005? The guest list of an event sponsored by Newsweek was made of, regardless of ideology, the very well connected: folks like Ben Affleck, Richard Gere, Alan Greenspan, Al Franken, Richard Gere – even Jane Fonda. (For her sake, I just hope Ms. Fonda wasn’t seated at the same table with LaRouche. LaRouche, by the way, according to reports, got off parole, on January 26, 2004. That might mean that his megalomaniac, with ties to Maoists and to the Klan, who is a spiritual descendant of Beelzebub and Hitler, is not being watched with sufficient thoroughness.

At least one other individual is a key player in a scenario that involves an active criminal neo-fascist presence in a very well known Episcopal Church, known for its support of the arts (Poetry Project, Dance Space). Eric Rassi, like Assistant Pastor Frank Morales a part of the squatter community on the Lower East Side, is a LaRouche supporter and recurrently a Blankie (although Blank and Rassi seem to like each other about as much as, for example, Adolf Hitler and Francisco Franco did – those two dictators despised each other). Rassi does not, however, have the right, while being very selective as to revealing his associations with the mega-fascist, to engage in bursts of violence, such as he has on occasion against me. Rassi, not known as having much interest in religion, is a regular however at St. Mark’s sponsored 9/11 events.

I discussed this matter briefly by phone with Su Hadden, a high level official at the Episcopal Church Center, which is the national office. She immediately referred me to the New York Diocese, based at St. John’s Cathedral. My subsequent phone conversation with Margaret Nodine, who works closely with Bishop Frank T. Griswold, led to my phone message and e-mail exchange with John Osgood.

I am hopeful that Mr. Osgood, whose e-mail promises an “inquiry”, does not rely too heavily on verbal communications with, for example, Fr. Torres, which are likely to provide little or no information. And so I’ve sent him much of the full story.

The message is clear. At St. Mark’s in the Bowery, Satan is in the house!

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Wednesday, January 18, 2006


UP FRONT News January 15, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

It is becoming understandable to me and many other human rights activists, why the purportedly-by-her-own-repeated-admissions armed registered nurse Judy Cunningham, a.k.a. Polarski, accepted a kiss in public at Union Square from her erstwhile enemy, the neo-fascist advocate for anti-Jewish terrorism, Geoffrey (“The Jewzi”) Blank. Blank’s mimicking of the “left” fascism and violence of convicted mega-felon Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., and who’s possible direct involvement in the LaRouche cult Geoffrey’s biologically adult baby brother Jason has refused to discuss, have been the subject of recurrent coverage in this newspaper. UP FRONT News coverage, as Public Advocate Betsy (“CIA”) Gotbaum has learned can lead to later coverage in newspapers like Newsday, The New York Times, and even the Staten Island Advance.

Ms. Cunningham, who states that she changed her name from Polarski as a result of her concerns that the KKK, (one of those members, back in the day back in Illinois, she had as a boyfriend – this must be one lonely, and perhaps very racist, woman) was out to get Polish people, recently in an e-mail to No Police State Coalition activist Roman Shusterman, defended LaRouche and referred to LaRouche’s and Blank’s harshest critic, me, as an “idiot.” Fist of all, to be referred to as an “idiot” by a profoundly mentally disturbed person, (who, because of her quite psychotic behavior at a Fernando Ferrer for Mayor campaign event in Queens last October, featuring, aside from Mr. Ferrer, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, has probably truly earned the close attention of the NYPD, the FBI, and perhaps even the Secret Service), is in fact a reaffirmation of my intellectual faculties.

Ms. Cunningham, whose behavior suggests that she harbors fantasies about becoming the Monica Lewinsky to the anarchist community, shows some of the symptoms of being another one of LaRouche’s ideological lemmings, if not an actual member of his de facto satanic cult. She accuses those, such as Mr. Shusterman, who don’t bend to her insane, infantile demands, as drug users and traffickers. LaRouche, whose ties to narco-trafficking right and left wing death squads, arms merchants, and practitioners of genocide, in China, Columbia, of course the U.S. and elsewhere are quite well known to those not in a state of denial, has been hurling such accusations at his opponents for decades. LaRouche, who entertains his cult and others by announcing his candidacies for president as a Democrat, these days rarely criticizes in particular right wing Democrats of the Hillary Clinton variety. Ms. Polarski-Cunningham consistently defends Clinton, an ego-centric Republicrat who is more pro-Iraq War than many Republicans and who is one of the most anti-poor anti-homeless people in the world, based on her record.

Ms. Cunningham-Polarski, however, is in certain ways, even more demented than her political godfather LaRouche. For about five years, according to her own description, she has been in a state of self-imposed homelessness, living in her small automobile, which would probably fail an inspection by public health authorities, because, as she puts it, any landlord that rents her a place will receive an immediate communication from the CIA about her, a communication that will result in her eviction. As Jack Paar used to say, “I kid you not!” Indeed, Ms. Cunningham-Polarski’s decomposition at the Ferrer event, when she refused polite requests from first me (I was a Ferrer campaign worker at the time) and then from a York College security official to discontinue handing out one of her written rants at the event, may have earned her the government surveillance attention that she has been fantasizing and writing about. I’m certain that Mssrs. Ferrer, Jackson, and Sharpton were just thrilled upon learning that the out of control woman who had to be escorted from the event room by York College security may have been armed.

Ms. Cunningham-Polarski’s e-mailed rant to Mr. Shusterman also contains a political justification for slavery. That places her in the LaRouche camp firmly since a LaRouche ascendancy to power would enslave just about everyone on earth.

It is not at all surprising that the apparently profoundly socially isolated Cunningham-Polarski is drawn to Union Square and to the Sr. Mark’s in-the-Bowery Church in Manhattan, the latter being the venue for meetings of the increasingly LaRouche-infiltrated “9/11 Truth” organization. Among the sometimes behind the scenes and sometimes being the scene power brokers there is one Eric (“The Red”, or “The Irascible”) Rassi, a quite open LaRouche supporter. Rassi is, like his ideological Fuehrer, both articulate and recurrently violent. I have on several occasions been the target of his explicit threats of violence and he has twice menacingly come after me in Union Square. He was involved with Geoffrey Blank in several of the criminal harassments against me at the former No Police State Coalition meeting venue at 61 Cafeteria in Greenwich Village that culminated in my being viciously assaulted last April by a since arrested and now former employee of that establishment. Rassi, who habitually talks about LaRouche’s “good ideas” (we need to remember that LaRouche’s ideological relative Adolf Hitler had some possibly worthwhile ideas about the German economy back in the 1920’s and 30’s) contaminated the late “Camp Casey”, (a Paul “Zool" Zulkowitz conception at Union Square run, at the behest of Zool and Rassi, by a substance abuser and thief who called himself “Totay”), by using the camp as a newsstand for LaRouche’s written propaganda. The circulating story about a reported knife wielding chase by Rassi against a (presumably former) lady friend is still being checked out.

The “9/11 Truth” effort, under the totally non-elected leadership of Nick Levis, Les Jameson, and assistant St. Mark’s Church Pastor Frank Morales, is rapidly becoming a LaRouche nest. Levis et. al., utilizing the rhetorical attacks on Bush and Cheney that regularly appear these days in LaRouche’s writings, have included in their never voted upon speakers list that fascist obscenity named Geoffrey Blank and more recently the somewhat more academically respectable LaRouche associate Webster Tarpley. Tarpley, a past speaker at LaRouche’s teutonic Schiller institute, has written a book purported to be an unauthorized biography of George Bush the First. Near the front of the book, which was being quietly hawked at a recent 9/11 Truth meeting at St. Mark’s, is a page of endorsers. It reads like a LaRouche laundry list. No wonder that page was left off Tarpley’s website, which includes just about everything else in the book.

Lyndon LaRouche, perhaps the only man in history to collaborate simultaneously with the KKK, white-hating members of The Nation of Islam, and the CIA, has up to now successfully used his well-honed capacity for camouflage by railing against the Republicans. In fact, LaRouche appears to be on quite good collaborative terms with George W. Bush and Big Dick Cheney.

On May 5, 2005, The New York Times’ Campbell Robertson, in the “Boldface” column, (the equivalent in The Times for what in the tabloids is a gossip column) reported that, among the guests at the White House Correspondence dinner, sponsored by Newsweek, were Lyndon LaRouche, Laura Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, Alan Greenspan, and Paul Wolfowitz. Also among the guests, who do not get in without Bush/Cheney approval, were Ben Affleck, Bill Maher, Mary Tyler Moore, Al Franken, Goldie Hawn, Wesley Clark, Jane Fonda, Antonin Scalia, Dennis Hopper, Drew Barrymore, and Barack Obama. UP FRONT News was not invited.

And so, guess who came to dinner? A true American Hitler – certainly recognized by Mrs. Bush, Rumsfeld, Rice, Greenspan, Scalia, and Wolfowitz. And hopefully not by Jane Fonda.


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Monday, January 16, 2006


UP FRONT News January 16, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."

"Terrorism: The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons." American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 3rd Edition, Page 1854.

According to that definition, Geoffrey Blank, the psychopath from Rockaway Beach, Queens, is a terrorist. Mr. Blank, while persistently spouting "leftist" rhetoric, is in fact nothing more than a deeply Satan-influence political thug, masquerading in a variety of disguises. His most public disguise, a sharade that is aided and abetted by a core of neo-fascist "left" infiltrators at, among other places, St. Mark's in the Bowery Church in Manhattan, is as the self-appointed "founder and president" of the No Police State Coali- tion. Geoffrey Blank is as much the president of the NPSC as one of his role models, Saddam Hussein, is the President of Iraq. As a matter of fact the deposed Iraqi dictator has a better claim to his illusions of continuing power, since at least he, in a manner of speaking, held elections. Blank neither "founded" nor became "president" of a group that he has essentially been banished from for a number of reasons.

These reasons include the unauthorized solicitation of donations which wound up in his pocket to be used for such activities as the printing of cult of personality sweatshirts with his picture on them. Most NPSC activists, including true NPSC founder Dennis Griggs, and also, Richie Degen, Roman Shusterman, Mike Filippone, Jason Kapoor and others, referred to Blank's pockets as a "slush fund." Blank is also guilty of more serious human rights violations such as repeated threats and acts of violence, most of them against me. Blank's involvement in a vicious physical assault against me perpetrated by an unstable restaurant employee named Wan Yun last April at the 61 Cafeteria in Greenwich Village, is a part of Blank's history as a home grown terrorist. Blank is also known to push around women. Blank is a classic Adolf Hitler/Joseph Stalin/Mao Zedong/Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.-style practitioner of the politics of the cult of personality. His response to any sort of criticism is a combination of defamatory insults, lies, and threatened and actual violence.
A reported occasional life guard (a frightening prospect for someone who may be drown- ning), Blank circulates Apollo-imitating photos of himself, emerging, Scharzenegger-like out of the surf, his dubious musculature glistening with brine. Geoffrey Blank quite open- ly supports acts of terrorism in the Middle East and elsewhere; and his on the record com- ments about the psychotic Saddam suggest only that Saddam brought health insurance to his people. (Blank neglects to say that one way that Saddam reduced those costs was by killing Iraqis before they became ill.) An early NPSC activist, Joe Carranza, who has much experience in directly observing this Josef Goebbels-type propagandist from Queens, has said that he would "bet the ranch" that Geoffrey Blank would not pass a psychiatric evaluation. Indeed, Sigmund Freud himself would probably go on a cocaine binge to escape. In fact, as far as Blank's purported "presidency" is concerned, the only thing that Blank is president of is his biologically adult baby Brother Jason. And, accord- ing to several visitors to the Blank residence, his sovereignty includes the family double bed which is shared by these two possibly incestuous organisms. Yeesh!

The No Police State Coalition is in fact a network of human rights and First Amendment activists who, for a number of years, have conducted public speakouts at the southern end of Union Square Park in Manhattan. Things got started several years ago, when Dennis Griggs, a well-known Manhattan activist, began bringing a bullhorn to the Park and stim- ulating public participation on topics like the truth about 9/11, homelessness, the similari- ties between George W. Bush and Hillary Rodham Clinton, etc. He was soon joined by, among others, Mr. Carranza, Mr. Shusterman, Mr. Degen, myself and others willing to face recurrent permit-denial harassments, sometimes leading to arrests, from the 13th precinct of the NYPD, whose Inspector McEnroy (sp?) believes that the First Amend- ment only applies to people whose views are similar to his own. Along came Geoffrey Blank, whose behavior soon began to suggest that he was sent on an infiltration mission by the master of "left" infiltration himself, mega-nazi Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Blank would habitually take the bullhorn and launch into Fidel Castro-length tirades, the mes- sage of which was almost identical to the now "left" spewings that you can find in La- Rouche's "The New Federalist" or his Executive Intelligence Review. Anyone who cri- ticized Blank faced a campaign of public insults and sotto voce physical threats. When, to Mr. Blank's utter consternation, the NPSC, voted at a meeting at the 61 Cafeteria to en- dorse my candidacy as a Democrat for the U.S. Senate against Hillary Clinton, Blank, labeling me LaRouche-style as a "wing nut", declared the vote null and void. My res- ponse was to say, "Better a left wing nut than a right wing nut." Blank's politics are almost indistinguishable from those of Adolf Hitler, who, it must be recalled, labeled himself a "socialist" and, perhaps anticipating his spiritual godchild from Queens, tai- lored his appeal to the poor and the working class. Very few folks will perceive Hitler as a true leftist.

Part of Geoffrey Blank's demagoguery involved blatant attempts at provoking police action. Fully aware that, even in the good-cop-bad-cop 13th Precinct, the opportunity for harassment free speakouts existed, Geoffrey would denounce anyone who even suggested calling the NYPD bluff and obtaining a sound device permit. Blank and his baby brother have also been in the habit of resisting even the occasional reasonable and lawful police instructions. I witnessed Jason Blank's pathetic whining when at a rally at another loca- tion, a police officer advised him that it is unlawful to place a sign on a police barricade. The officer quite calmly advised Jason B. that he was free to display his "Defend Geof- frey Blank" sign at the rally but that the sign could not be attached to the barrier. Jason's reaction was as if the nasty man in blue had just taken away his nippled bottle. Geoffrey Blank has been known to turn his recurrent arrests at Union Square into potentially vio- lent confrontations by urging observers to use force against the cops. One of the reported allegations against Blank is that he attempted to wrest a firearm from a cop. Geoffrey is also a coward. He is been known, when he is out of the earshot of uniformed officers, to refer to the police as "pigs." The Black Panthers ought to sue this character for imperson- ating a radical, especially since Blank can be quite obsequious when face to face with a cop.

Geoffrey Blank is well known to law enforcement and to the criminal courts. As if his insatiable narcissism needed a boost, he was the subject of a rather gentle but nonethe- less somewhat revealing piece in The New York Times on February 22, 2005, which des- cribed his Britney Spears-evoking theatrics in front of Criminal Court Judge Anthony Ferrara. Ferrara subsequently convicted Blank of contempt and sentenced him to com- munity service. This judge in fact let Blank off easy because he should have had Blank do his community service to humanity by relocating him to Uranus. But perhaps the judge was concerned that baby brother Jason would be left unsupervised at home all alone in the double bed.

Geoffrey Blank is scheduled to be in Criminal Court again on January 24 facing a num- number of charges, in which convictions could land him in prison for up to four years. Blank has been twisting compliant arms for speaking engagements at which he presents himself as a fighter for free speech. That is comparable to Adolf Hitler lecturing on the Talmud. Several weeks ago, after Blank had convinced the respected New York Community Church in Manhattan to have him speak there, I introduced the senior minister there, Rev. Bruce Southworth, to UP FRONT News, including an article, dated June 14, 2005, headlined "The Jewzi (Jewish Nazi): Geoffrey Blank", focusing on the obscene anti-Semitism of this self-hating Jew. A few days later blank was disinvited.

Blank has since found at least two other citadels of de facto Satanism. And one of them is a church. St. Mark's in the Bowery Church, an Episcopal house of worship, has long been recognized for its left wing activism as well as its deep involvement in the arts. The Poetry Project, which for over 30 years has been hosting its by now near legendary New Year's Day Poetry Marathons (which include music, dance, comedy, etc.), is based there. The very charismatic Rev. Billy, a potent antidote to both the Christian right and to psycho-consumerism, does great shows there.

St. Mark's, however, has also became the host setting for a group, purportedly seeking the truth about 9/11, which has become a nest of LaRouche-style propaganda and in fact physical threats and violence. The Senior Pastor there, Rev. Julio Torres, has been made aware of the problem and, to my knowledge, has done nothing. The Assistant Pastor, squatter-activist Frank Morales, has been at best hesitant in his responses to open physi-cal threats made against me and the presence of club and bat-wielding thugs providing "security" for neo-fascist Geoffrey Blank when he spoke there on December 4, 2005.
The 9/11 group, headed by non-elected leaders such as the filibusterer Nick Levis and the double-talking Les Jamieson, saw fit to have a major LaRouche figure, Webster Griffin Tarpley, speak there, but concealing the LaRouche connection from the public. Needless to say, The Episcopal Center in New York City is now on the UP FRONT News circula- tion list. And since I belong to several other churches (I was baptized by civil rights lea- der and Martin Luther King associate, Rev. Dr. Timothy P. Mitchell at his Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church in Flushing, Queens, several years ago) and a synagogue, there will be wide distribution of the news of "left" neo-fascism at St. Mark's throughout the religious community.

When Blank got booted from the New York Community Church, he latched onto some- thing else that oozes "left" neo-fascism and terrorism. That group is the Harlem-based "Freedom Socialist Party." The one time I called them on the phone to inquite about a November 12, 2005 Blank appearance, the guy answering the phone, after learning that it was me from UP FRONT News, slammed the phone down.

Now, while The New York Post is hardly my usual news source, every once in awhile, I manage to pick it up for free and absorb an interesting tidbit. A couple of weeks ago, Post reporter Niles Lathem wrote a story headlined, "Harlem Radicals Probed." It is about the Freedom Socialist Party, but did not include a report that the FSP is planning to finance a Geoffrey Blank speaking tour. (They might want to schedule a stop for him at Bitburg (sp?), Germany, a Nazi soldiers burial ground that Reagan had the poor taste to visit.)
The story did include the information that the FSP "...has drawn scrutiny from interna- tional terrorism investigators for joining in a fund-raising drive for 'global resistance' in Iraq." It is the closing paragraph of the story that carries the grisly punch. FSP spokes- person and former New York State Assembly candidate "[Stephen] Durham said that he is 'in solidarity with the Iraqi resistance politically', and added that he cannot condemn the brutal tactics, including hostage beheadings and car-bomb attacks, employed by terrorists like Abu Musab al-Zarqawi." Or, presumably, the neo-fascist criminal acts of Geoffrey Blank.
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Saturday, January 14, 2006


UP FRONT News January 14, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

While over the years, I’ve had my differences with Rev. Al Sharpton, I found the report earlier to day that he is considering another run for the presidency gratifying. Should Rev. Sharpton indeed mount a campaign for the Democratic nomination, such a development would pretty much reduce Republicrat Hillary Clinton’s aspirations along those lines to Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.-level delusions of grandeur.

Rev. Sharpton’s past candidacies, e.g. for the U.S. Senate and for the New York City mayoralty, as well as the presidency, all suffered from problems which, to an important degree, were of his own doing. Over the years Rev. Sharpton’s convincing and passionate populist, empower-and-enrich-the-poor rhetoric has been undermined by his, at least in the past, willingness to collaborate with reactionaries and also to spend money in ways that suggest self-glorification.

Perhaps, once again presumably in the past, his worst political mistake has been to associate with African-American neo-fascist Lenora Fulani, a de facto surrogate for mega-nazi LaRouche and the political god-child of the sociopathic psychotherapist Fred Newman. It was LaRouche and Newman who collaborated back in the 1970’s, at City College and elsewhere in New York City, to create the “left” neo-fascist fifth column organization known as the New Alliance Party. The NAP, an anti-Semitic cult headed by self-hating Jew Newman, contaminated American and local politics for decades by con-
sistently splitting progressive initiatives and thereby helping the right wing, which has power in both the Republican and Democratic parties. In 1981, while the NAP was sporting buttons that said “Dump Koch”, their abrasive and racist demagoguery in sup- port of, for example, leftist Frank Barbaro brought about his landslide defeat by the right-wing Koch.

The NAP committed a long overdue and gratifying public suicide in the 1990’s, closing up shop while LaRouche, Newman, Fulani and their lemmings moved in on the the Perot created “Reform” party and then, when Perot and others realized that there were fascists in his house, moved on to take over the so-called Independence Party of New York State. Even politicians as presumably sophisticated as Charles Schumer and Michael Bloom- berg got sucked in by in particular Fulani’s public relations gimmickry and generated financial support for her fronts such as the All-Star Project. Newman has for years been insinuating his sympathy for Jew-haters and pedophiles through his Castillo Center in Greenwich Village, which is nothing more than a cultural smokescreen for his wretched “social therapy” clinics which have been a major cause of schizophrenia, depression, and corruption in various cities.

All of this is very relevant to a Sharpton candidacy in part because of his past history of ignoring warnings that the blackness of Fulani’s complexion is no guarantee that, her de facto ideolological loyalty to a full-fledged nazi like LaRouche would not result in a genocide against African-Americans and Jews should any of them gain meaningful power. If Rev. Sharpton or anyone else has any doubts about the very current and present La LaRouche menace, all they need to do is, aside from reading my blogs*, check several websites. They include;, and websites for writers such as Chip Berlet. Investigative reporter and historian Dennis King has labeled LaRouche “the most dangerous man in America.” I agree.

For those who regard LaRouche and his ideological spawnings as crackpots from the past, they need to be aware that his neo-fascist infiltration into contemporary politics has had a direct affect and has helped to bring about the distastrous reign of Bush/Cheney/ Halliburton/Hillary Clinton et. al. with all its violence, racism and poverty. The “left” in- filtration of a series of presidential candidacies by the extraordinarily politically gullible Ralph Nader helped bring about not only two terms of George W. Bush but also the vir- tual elimination of Mr. Nader as a voice for economic democracy. The infiltration was done in classic LaRouche camouflage style through the “third party” route, i.e. the Green party and the Independence Party. The Greens were in fact hijacked by a bunch of “left’ rapping neo-fascists and fellow travelers such as Gerald Kann of Queens and Paul “Zool” Zulkowitz while the Independence Party was, until recently, under the complete dictatorship of Fulani and her indentured servants such as Cathy Sadell, Cathy Stewart and the very violent George Tatevosyan. Tatevosyan and Kann were involved in an April, 2004 physical assault upon me as I arrived for a Nader press conference in Manhattan, bearing a written invitation from his press secretary Kevin Zeese. It is axiomatic that where LaRouche, Fulani and Newman tread, violence follows.

When it comes to neo-fascist “left” violence, perhaps the most obscene local example is the case of psychopath and apparent terrorist Geoffrey blank, a resident of Rockaway Beach, Queens. It was not until a series of articles in this newspaper showed Blank to be a LaRouche ideologue, and perhaps actual cult-member, and reported on his repeated criminal harassments against me, which include his involvement in a major physical at- tack upon me, that the public illusion of Blank as a left wing progressive was exposed as a neo-fascist hoax. Geoffrey Blank, who is closely connected to a terrorism-supporting group calling itself the Freedom Socialist Party, which has its offices in Harlem, made his coup d’etat-style move by attempting to hijack a free speech group known as the No Po- lice State Coalition, a network of human rights activists which holds public speakouts at Union Square Park in Manhattan.

In case the illusion persists that fascism is somehow a disease of the past, citizens should consider the evident infiltration of LaRouche ideologues into the broadening movement to get to the complete truth about 9/11. Much of the battle to get to the bot- tom of what many, including myself, believe to have been an “inside job”, involving high level government officials, not to speak of their neo-fascist allies, is taking place in a group known as 9/11 Truth Org, which has public meetings on Sunday evenings at St. Mark’s-in-the-Bowery Church in Manhattan. The fact that LaRouche supporters such as 9/11 Truth org activists Eric Rassi are involved in decision-making and that the speaker’s
list has included the local fascist Geoffrey Blank and LaRouche associate Webster Tarp- ley should wake people up.

Lyndon H. LaRouche, believed to be a Democrat, and quite possibly a tactical supporter of the right wing Democrat Hillary Clinton, has made it known many times in his writ- ings and oratory that he intends to become the dictator of the United States. Using the “inside-outside” or “two roads” theory of fascist access to power, which involves the si- multaneous use of legal (e.g. electoral, etc. and extra-legal (e.g. political violence, etc.) LaRouche, who is in his 70’s, has by no means given up. And for those who are more into for example rock ‘n’ roll than politics, it should be of interest that LaRouche believes that the only form of music worth preserving is classical music, for the most part Ger- manic. I’ve got no problem with, for example, Beethoven. A world, however, without John Coltrane, the Rolling Stones, the Staple Singers, Johnny Cash, Marty Stuart, and Tito Puente, among many others, would be deeply deprived.

In case Rev. Sharpton anticipates little LaRouche-generated opposition, he might con- consider the likelihood of a Fulani-generated ambush that appears to be underway. At a recent meeting on Palestinian rights at an Upper West Side church, Rev. Sharpton’s name came up several times in a most negative way. Rev. Sharpton, reportedly not too long af- ter 9/11, through Jewish intermediaries, made contact with Jonathan Pollard, an Ameri- can convicted of spying for Israel and sent away forever. According to the report, Sharp- ton was, aside from perhaps hoping to generate support for a reduction in Pollard’s sen- tence, trying to in some way coordinate help to victims of both 9/11 terrrorism here and in Israel. The accusation, as explained to me by a very anti-Sharpton writer at the meeting is that Al Sharpton is consorting with right-wing Zionists to enhance his political pros- pects. While attendance at a meeting does not necessarily mean support, it is noteworthy to report that a well-received speaker said to applause that all Israelis are her enemies. It was only after she perhaps remembered matters of taste that she qualified her open sup- support of terrorist bombings in Israel with a passing reference to “innocents.” It is also noteworthy that among those present was super Jew- hater Brenda Stokely. The full story of Stokely’s outrageous behavior towards her Jewish clients when she was my colleague as a social worker at the New York Association for New Americans (NYANA), can read on my UP FRONT News blog. The story, dated October 28, 2005 is headlined, “Brenda Stokely: The Black Panzer.” Stokely, a purveyor of Lenora (“Jews are the murderers of people of color”) Fulani-style racism, is a very public figure at events involving, for example, the Katrina disaster and Palestinian rights. She has – hopefully in the past – been associated with Brooklyn City Councilman Charles Barron. Another quite recog- nizeable figure at the very modestly attended meeting was none other than the “Jewzi” himself, Geoffrey Blank. When these folks get together, violence follows.

Although the evidence at this point is not “hard”, I have every reason to believe that a major player in the assassinations of, among other victims, Martin Luther King and Mal- colm X is none other than Lyndon H. LaRouche himself. For evidence, start checking out the aforementioned Dennis King, whose mountain of information on LaRouche includes the facts of LaRouche’s collaboration with, among others, the KKK, the Nation of Islam, and the CIA.

Presidential candidate or not, Rev. Sharpton needs to be very careful.

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UP FRONT News January 14, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

New York City Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum apparently had her (CIA-connected?) second husband, former labor boss Victor Gotbaum, contact their favorite paper, Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post, and suggest that she is thinking of running for mayor in 2009. With that quasi announcement, likely mayoral candidate U.S. Congressman Anthony D. Weiner (D.-Bklyn./Queens) has just seen his chances for the Democratic nomination sky- rocket.

Should the next mayoral race, through some sort of satanic intervention, feature the candidacies of, let’s say, Republican Dick Cheney (forced, following his resignation from the Vice-Presidency, to move to the East Village) and Democrat Gotbaum, I’d vote for just about any other third, fourth, or fifth party candidate. The provably paranoid and corrupt Betsy Gotbaum is as qualified to be Mayor as is, say, Clarence Norman or maybe the libel-spewing Geoffrey Blank.

I’ve been acquainted, via a family member of mine, with Betsy Gotbaum since 1979, when she and I first met at a family funeral. I learned then that Ms. Gotbaum had already for years been sort of a part of the family because of her very close friendship with my cousin, Kathy, on my mother’s side. From 1979 until 2001, although Ms. Gotbaum’s name would come up occasionally in family conversations, there was no direct contact between Gotbaum and me. We became re-acquainted in 2001 when she was one of the participants at a Public Advocate candidates forum in the West Village. After the forum, which included candidate Norman Siegel, I went over to Ms. Gotbaum and re-introduced myself. With a quite exuberant burst of surprise, Ms. Gotbaum exclaimed, “Tom, you’re Tom!” and then went on for a few moments about how we hadn’t seen each other in years, etc. etc. We chatted about some family stuff and a little about politics (I had asked a question of all candidates about what they would to do stop staff abuse of homeless people in shelters and drop-in centers) and then, giving me a business card to which she added several personal phone numbers for her, she suggested that I call her “any time”, indicating that the best way to reach her would be at her office as Director of the Museum of Natural History.

A couple of weeks later, still hopeful that her rhetoric about the homeless at the forum might generate some action to stop staff abuses of the homeless at places like the drop-in center known as Peter’s Place (operated by the quite corrupt “not for profit” politically-connected corporation known as the Partnership for the Homeless), meant something, I tried to reach her at the Museum. My calls generated nothing more than a series of hostile telephone receptions and a security guard’s threat to have me arrested.

Unexpectedly Ms. Gotbaum called me one evening at a hotel I was staying at, stating that she was just about to leave for a vacation in the Dominican Republic but that I should call her after she returned. In light of the earlier hostility and her apparent lack of interest in the homeless abuse matter, I had decided to support Mr. Siegel. My work for Mr. Siegel was interrupted when one day at his campaign office on West 72nd Street, he asked to speak with me personally and told me that he had gotten a call from the Got- baum campaign and had been told that I was “stalking” her. I told Mr. Siegel of my family tie to her and of my effort to contacts her about the homeless, explaining that in no way had I “stalked” her. Mr. Siegel accepted my account, smiled and we dropped the subject.

Gotbaum won a fairly close run-off against Mr. Siegel - whose rise to second place run-off status was helped by an UP FRONT News* expose on another candidate former City Councilmember (and now Judge) Kathryn Freed and became Public Advocate. I called her office and was soon given an appointment with her Chief of Staff Scott Coccaro. In- deed, as I arrived for the appointment at the Municipal Building, Ms. Gotbaum, on her way out, waved and said, “Hi, Tom.”

I waited for about 45 minutes past the scheduled appointment time. On several occa- ions a receptionist told me that Mr. Coccaro was delayed and would soon meet with me. And then two gentlemen emerged and introduced themselves as police officers. They ex- plained that they were from the “Intell” Unit of the NYPD and had been called by the Gotbaum office because I had allegedly made a “threat” against Linda Gibbs, the Com- missioner of the New York City Department of Homeless Services. I told the officers that nothing of the sort had ever happened and explained that I had been publicly very criti- cal of Ms. Gibbs, who had ignored and covered up evidence of staff abuse of homeless people in shelters and drop-in centers that had been brought to her attention by me through various administrative and journalistic channels. The officers were most cordial and, after asking me a few questions about myself, suggested that I leave and not contact Ms. Gotbaum for at least a few days. I didn’t – ever!

During the 2005 Democratic primary for Public advocate, during a televised campaign debate, candidates Siegel and Andrew Rasiej openly challenged the secretive Gotbaum to reveal the contents of her appointment book since no one really knew what she was doing to earn her substantial Public Advocate salary. She refused, explaining that she was scared to, because she was being bothered by a homeless “stalker.” When I saw that ref- erence in several tabloid articles about the debate, realizing that she was referring to me, I called the Daily News and spoke to City Hall reporter Celesto Katz. Within a very few minutes, Ms. Katz understood that I was the alleged “stalker” Gotbaum had referred to. About two hours later Ms. Katz, a Daily News photographer and I were meeting at my favorite Tribeca tavern, and, while I was nursing a ginger ale, did an interview, the result of which appeared in a Daily News article on August 27, 2005. The News in fact was “scooped” by the New York City Newsday’s City Hall reporter Dan Janison, whose brief but quite thorough story appeared in that newspaper on August 26. That article, by the way, contained the quite important piece of political news of my candidacy as a Demo- crat for the U.S. senate seat still occupied by Hillary Clinton. The New York Times, using my telephone message to reporter Jonathan Hicks, ran a story on August 27. UP FRONT News editorial advisor Willard Whittingham received a call from Staten Island Advance reporter Tom Wrobleski asking for an “exclusive” with me. I spoke to Wrobles- ki on the phone. Not only, in light of the Newsday “scoop”, could he not get an exclusive, his story in the Advance on August 27, was a testament to censored and defamatory re- porting. I now know why in Staten Island, many people read the Advance but few appear to respect it. It seems to be a Republicrat paper dressed up in environmental rhetoric.

Among the reasons why Betsy Gotbaum is so insecure about the cousin of her former friend Kathy, is because the Gotbaum closet cannot accept any more items because it is already fully skeleton-occupied. You see, Betsy Gotbaum apparently has chosen to be- lieve that it would be of no interest to the people of New York that a high elected public official has deep historical marital links to the CIA. At least the first of Ms. Gotbuam’s two husbands was a CIA agent. This fact was first reported in UP FRONT News, and subsequently (accurately) reported in the New York Times and (inaccurately) reported by Wrobleski in the Staten Island Advance. The New York Post, of course, despite my re- ceiving an e-mail from that paper’s Carl Campanile, killed the story. The Village Voice, one of the most censored papers in America, remained voiceless.

The Post, considering its prurient interests, might at some point become curious about a report that the first marriage went down the tubes in a sea of Gotbaum adultery, with the trysts recurrently taking place at a Long Island mansion owned by the wealthy side of my family. At the time this story emerged I was aware that only Ms. Gotbaum’s first husband was a CIA guy. I have learned from two sources, at least one of them credible, (the other one is “left” neo-fascist Maoist Joel Meyers), that Victor Gotbaum also worked (works?) for the CIA, having done some espionage time in Turkey.

Gotbaum sought to secretly atone for her defamation of me by having a spokesperson come to the phone to the phone when UP FRONT News editorial Advisor Willard Whit- tingham, who has known me for about ten years, called her to complain about her “stalk-er” comment. According to Mr. Whtttingham, Ms. Gotbaum retracted her allegation. Now she needs to do that on television and in the newspapers.

The people of this City have always had the right to know if their elected officials are spies and/or are married to spies.

Betsy Gotbaum is not fit to be Mayor – or, for that matter, Public Advocate.
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