Monday, April 14, 2008


UP FRONT News April 10, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."
By Tom Weiss

For some years I have been very critical of in particular Rupert Murdoch's New York Post. My criticism has been not so much for the Post's editorial "conservatism", which reflects Murdoch's outlook, but for its practice of slanting and censoring the news to fit an ideologically very capitalistic and right wing viewpoint. Indeed, I've taken it somewhat personally.

While several major dailies (e.g. Newsday, The New York Times) and other mainstream and "alternative" media reported my Democratic write-in candidacy for the U.S. Senate against Hillary Clinton, Post political editor Gregg Birnbaum made certain that readers would not know that I was a candidate. In that regard the Post also suppressed the facts about the Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet and the very provable reality that Hillary and Bill Clinton have for years been directly involved in the coverup of that genocide.

Among the more interesting stories I read in the past year in The New York Times was one on how Mr. Murdoch, in some collaboration with some of his friends in high places in China made certain that any reporting in connection with Tiananmen Square Massacre anniversaries was sanitized and the coverage of the brutalities of the Chinese Communist against Tibet and against the Falun Gong was marginal. Like the avaricious Hillary Clinton, whom Mr. Murdoch as an individual has been supporting, the Australian media mogul has major financial interests in China, which I have described not only as a slave statge but also as the largest hedge fund in history. As far as I am concerned, because of its totalitarianism, its economic power, the deep racism of its rulers at least since "yellow" supremacist Mao, Communist China is the worst government in the world.

And just as the world's worst government in 1936, Nazi Germany, hosted the Olympic Games in 1936, the profiteers have arranged to give the 2008 Games to fascist China, ruled by a series of governments that have been perpetrating genocide in Tibet for over a half century.

Back to the New York Post. There seemsto be some positive change there, even as Mr. Murdoch, perhaps somewhat less vociferously than earlier, expresses support for Mrs. Clinton, the Post has endorsed Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination. Indeed, the Post's coverage of the serial lying of which Mrs. Clinton is irrefutably guilty has been unsparing. I would imagine if the Empress of Chappaqua looks at the political cartoons in the editorial section, she must turn whiter than she already is - a necessity for someone who lives in an elitist community that I am told by a financially well off but less than satisfied resident is lily-white by design.

Some of the most dramatic and best reporting on the world-wide Tibetan uprising in opposition to the Beijing Olympics has appeared in the Post. It seems that Mr. Murdoch, a man of prodigious business skills, seems to be giving his writers some freedom and that they are exercizing it, a good idea, as the Post's profound coverage of such elevating subjects as Paris Hilton and Britney Spears as well as the New York Knicks (who could easily occupy pages in the sports, crime, and obituary sections) has not generated much in the way of profit.

And now that the Post is starting to show some signs of editorial and journalistic life (its crime reporting has always been very good), it is apparent that the Staten Island Advance is without question the most politically censored and slanted daily paper in New York.

Although I may have been the first to refer in print to that Newhouse owned paper as the Staten Island Retreat, there are a lot of people on Staten Island (I live in the working class community of Stapleton on the north shore) who refer to the paper in the same way.

The main political censors at the Advance appear to be political editor Tom Wrobkeski and daytime news editor Marjorie Hack. Since I've written about Wrobleski ("Wrongleski") before, I will only summarize here. He and I met about my U.S. Senate candidacy early in 2005. He suppressed the news and wilfully refused to return calls and e-mails for months while dutifully writing some puff pieces about Mrs. Clinton and occasionally a Republican Bushie Senate candidate named John Spencer. In suppressing the news of my candidacy Wrobleski also suppressed the facts on the Tibet genocide and Mrs. Clinton's involvement in that coverup. Wrobleksi and the Advance thereby became participants in the coverup, something that should be of considerable interest to organizations such as the New York City-based Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR).

In August, 2005 the quite psychologically impaired NYC Public Advocate, Betsy Gotbuam - with whom via a family member of mine I've been personally acquainted since 1979 - made a televised reference to me as a "stalker." Ms. Gotbuam did that to cover up the fact that she had some years previously tried to have me arrested at her office when I was there for a scheduled appointment with her Chief of Staff at the time Scott Coccaro in order to discuss staff abuse of homeless people in drop-in centers and shelters. The police official called to execute that arrest, Sgt. Al Fiore, is a good deal more psychologically stable than thee seriously paranoid and CIA-connected Gotbaum and handled the situation properly. He has long since cleared me security-wise. Gotbaum's paranoia flared up once when I happpend to pass by as she was making one of her Hillary Clintonesque campaign appearances before a small group of onlookers on Allen Street on Manhattan's Lower East Side and fired a spontaneos question as to her relationship with the CIA. I did not bring up the matter of her reported adultery against her first (CIA) husband, with the trysts taking place in a mansion owned by a member of my family. Such role models we have and this person wants to be mayor. Lile Eliot Spitzer. Ms. Gotbaum might benefit from some sort of psychological rehab that maybe Amy Winehouse could sing about also. And as far as "stalking" Betsy Gotbaum is concerned, I always make reference to one of my favorite country songs recorded by Dwight Yoakum, "I Ain't That Lonely Yet."

When Gotbaum's slanderous reference to me came out in the Daily News and the Post, I called both papers. The next day I had an interview with the News' Celeste Katz and her story appeared on August 27, 2005. I called the Post and spoke a few times with Carl Campanile but the Post ran nothing. I also called The New York Times and that paper's Jonathan Hicks reported my side on August 27. He also later reported the CIA/Gotbaum connection but, typical of the Times, ignored the fact that the CIA angle was first reported by me in UP FRONT News.

The Daily News and The New York Times were both scooped by Newsday's Dan Janison, whose story was reported in NYC Newsday on August 26 with his story including mention of my U.S. Senate candidacy that had been suppressed for months by Wrobleski at the Advance.

As I recall it was on August 26 that my editorial advisor Willard Whittingham received a call from Wroblekski asking to interview me for an "exclusive." Since the story was already out, his desire for an exclusive was absurd.

In any event we did a telephone interview and on August 27 Wrobleski's story appeared in the Advance with a front page lead. It was a masterpiece of what used to be called yellow journalism. It was factually inaccurate, slanted, error-riddled and, since it was gramatically correct, would not have gotten an "F" in journalism school - it would have received a D minus.

Wrobleski resumed his suppression of the news of my U.S. Senate candidacy until some time after Advance editor Dean Balsamini and I talked over the phone about my campaign article in which I accused the paper of censorship and referred to its political editor as "Wrongleski."

On August 21, 2006 after another telephone interview, a front page piece on my candidacy appeared in the Advance. This one would have received maybe a C+. Wrobleski spent almost the entire article on the technicalities of running as a write-in candidate and devoted about a 1/2 inch to the Genocide issue.

Since then - nothing - although Advance reporter Maura Yates did quote me in a recent piece on my views on one of the rather insufferable ferry preachers, who could have turned Jesus Himself into an agnostic.

The Advance is fully knowledgable about the fact of major politically motivated negligence by State Assemblyman Matthew Titone, a classic machine Democract and wholly owned subsidiary of NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn and her superior Hillary Clinton. Titone may well qualify as the worst legislator in what has correctly been labeled as "the worst state legislature in the country."

The Advance is also among those media outlets suppressing the facts of the Lyndon LaRouche/Lenora Fulani neo-fascist network that is influencing national and local (including Staten Island) politics. That suggests to me the possibility of the notoriously media-infiltrating LaRouche having his people at the Staten Island Advance, as he has had (and may still have) at NBC News and elsewhere (WBAI?).

Staten Island is a beautiful and vibrant county that is run buy a sort of duopoly (Manhattan-controlled white machine Democrats in the very racially diverse north and Republicans to the south). The most independent elected official as far as can tell is the progressive seemingly publicity-aversive State Assembywoman Janele Hyer-Spencer, who in fact has taken it upon herself to do some of the negligent Titone's constituent work (helping me) for him.

Some months ago I was discussing the Advance with one of Staten Island's most prominent and eloquent civil rights leaders. We acknowledged that the Advance does do stories on peace marches, which are generally tightly controlled, cliquish affairs run Lenora Fulani-style by people like the autocratic and sometimes explosive David Jones and his obedient wife Sally. The paper has little choice other than to report racially charged police incidents.

I told him that the Advance is censored. He went maybe a bit futher and described the Staten Island Advance as "controlled."

At least until the Advance is de-"controlled", readers are better off with UP FRONT News - and in fact with the New York Post.
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UP FRONT News April 7, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."

By Tom Weiss

A near assault against me by Staten Island of Staten Island (PASI) activist David Jones was not my first political confrontation with a guy who, while he is capable of behaving himself inside a church, showed on April 5, that he can totally lose control in a church parking lot.

I do recall that in a brief discussion some months ago at a "First Friday Film" event at the Unitarian Church of Staten Island, he and I talked briefly about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

As many in that church and elsewhere are aware, I am opposed to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands and that I believe the ultimate solution is what is known as the "One State Solution." That would involve the creation of a secular state geographically including what is now Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. All citizens, Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, atheist, et. al. would have full civil rights. The freely elected government of that state would have the responsibility in coordination with the United Nations to resolve the matter of the "right of return" of Palestinian refugees. Indeed it was I who invited my friend the Palestinian-American activist Wael Sharaydeh, who has written a paper on the One State Solution, which at his request I edited, to speak at a meeting of the Social Concerns Committee of the Staten Island Unitarian Church, then chaired by peace and gay rights activist Marjorie Ramos.

In my quite brief conversation with Mr. Jones, I expressed my opposition to the Israeli occupation and also made it clear that I totally oppose the violent rejectionist approach of Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Al Qaeda, and Iran that urges the elimination of Israel pushing the Jews "into the sea" and the violence against Israeli civilians perpetrated by these groups. Mr. Jones, although under better control than he was at the First Central Baptist Church parking lot on April 5, became instantly angry and had some fire in his eyes as he expressed his anger at the Israelis. I did not push the point.

The next time Mr. Jones and I met, some months ago at a meeting at the Staten Island Museum of the group backing Debi Rose for the City Council to which Ms. Rose had invited me, things again became somewhat confrontational. During Ms. Rose's presentation of her platform summary, she made no mention of affordable housing/housing/gentrification/over-development issue, which I consider to be major issues in any political campaign.

When I raised my hand, Mr. Jones, who was "facilitating" (another euphemism sometimes used by people who want to control the agenda by any means necessary) the meeting, said I couldn't speak at that time but not indicating when I could speak. I then made mention of the affordable housing, etc. issue. Jones - adopting a resaonably convincing impersonation of Geoffrey Blank (a one time favorite of Mr. Jones's PASI political ally Mike May, who invited the psychopath Blank to speak at a PASI event on November 12, 2005), the deposed dictator of the No Police State Coalition of which, like a jailed Saddam Hussein in Iraq, Blank still considers himself to be "president" - declared that issue "not on the table."

Fortunately Ms. Rose (who needs to select someone other than Jones to run her meetings, assuming she continues to run for elective office) intervened and let me ask my question. I reminded her that Stapleton and its Homeport, very near my home, are now in the cross-hairs of the mega-developers and gentrifiers favored by people like Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Mayoral wannabe Christine Quinn. In her rather general response, Ms. Rose assured me that the issue would receive her attention.

Since, however, it subsequently took a bunch of unanswered voice mail messages and e-mails before I got an e-mailed reply from Ms. Rose, I am not at all convinced that she will be an anti-gentrification anti-over-development asset in the City Council. And given the rather physically explosive nature of at least one of her key backers, I do not think Ms. Rose should be in the City Council. Should she however shed people like the rather warlike "peace" activist David Jones, she might be a good candidate to replace the really bad State Assemblyman Matthew Titone, who occupies a seat in a body where the ethical standards are lower than those in the City Council.

I have been a member of the First Central Baptist Church, led by Rev. Demetrius S. Carolina, Sr. for several months. Rev. Carolina and I have become friends. I have supported him personally and in UP FRONT News in connection with his efforts with respect to the Jena 6 issue, the police abduction of a black teenager in Staten Island and other issues. I am a regular at his servcies and at his really interesting Bible classes.

Rev. Carolina has been of major assistance and support to me politically in my dealings with the fundamentally inept and negligent Democratic Party machine politician Titone, who is now facing possible criminal charges for his involvement in helping the New York County District Attorney Robert Morgenthau cover up the neo-fascist Geoffrey Blank's involvement in a series of politically motivated violent crimes against me.

Some months ago, during one of our many meetings, Rev. Carolina suggested the possibility of a Social Action Committee at the church. When I offered to serve as the volunteer coordinator, he said "It's yours." My main activities in that regard have been to extend an invitation to Barack Obama to visit FCBC at some point and to liaison with community groups and agencies such as Workforce1.

For months, as Rev. Carolina is aware, I have reached out to various people connected with the S.I. Unitarian Church and PASI. At the time, other than perhaps some awareness of FCBC via the Debi Rose-linked David Jones, whose wife Sally is perhaps the most media-visible PASI person, there was almost no PASI awareness of FCBC and Rev. Carolina. I suggested some PASI response reachout, presumably through me, to the church.

And so it came as a surprise to me when there was an announcement that there would be a PASI event at FCBC. It also turned out that the arrangements, apparently made in Dick Cheney-style secrecy between Sally Jones and an FCBC staffer, Min. Helen Holt-Vasquez (who nearly screwed up appointments at FCBC involving myelf, Rev. Carolina and Assemblyman Titone), created a schedule conflict for the church.

When I discussed this with Rev. Carolina one evening after Bible class, he asked me to try to help and resolve it. Rev. Carolina had made it previously known in an e-mail to me that PASI would be better off going to Borough Hall for more visibility. Nonetheless I received a reschedule assistance request from activist Bill Johnsen, who often participates in PASI events. He told me that Sally Jones was handling the arrangements and, since I was unable to locate her e-mail address and did not have her phone number, it was necessary for Mr. Johnsen, who does not use e-mail, to contact her.

Some days later on a Friday evening, while both Mr. Johnsen and I coincidentally were at the same event at the Everything Goes Bookstore Cafe in Staten Island, I got a call from Ms. Jones who asked me to arrange a rescheduling. I told her that, in my capacity both a member of the FCBC and as its Social Action Coordinator (a volunteer position), I would need an e-mail from her, which she somewhat reluctantly agreed to send.

Upon receipt of her e-mail I so informed Rev. Carolina. The scheduling was, however, apparently left to Min. Vasquez. The event was scheduled for April 5 in the FCBC parking lot. From Ms. Jones, a peace activist who definitely needs to learn the meaning of the words "thank you", there was nothing. A few days before the event I was among a bunch of people who received an announcement from Mary Campbell, the post-Marjorie Ramos Coordinator of the Social Concerns Committee of the Staten Island Unitarian Church.

As far as Min. Vasquez is concerned, I was (again) left out of the loop. Indeed, just before what became a confrontation at the peace event, Larry Beslow, an FCBC member and member of Community Board 1 in S.I. and an apparent Debi Rose supporter, smilingly told me when I told him about Vasquez' pattern of loop-exclusion, "She does that to everyone."

I think that Rev. Carolina is a great minister and a great civil rights leader but that he needs to address the Vasquez problem (and some others) in his church.

Why Ms. Vasquez was present when some weeks ago I did a internet talk show telephone interview in which Rev. Carolina participated, an interview that focused on the "left" menace of the fascists Lyndon H. LaRouche and Lenora Fulani, I am not certain but I had no grounds to object.

The PASI announcement listed as speakers only Rev. Carolina and a PASI favorite, Democratic congressional candidate Stephen Harrison. I've met Mr. Harrison and in fact voted for him when he ran against Cheney's man in New York U.S. Congressman Vito Fossella in 2006. In a year of a Democratic Party landslide in congressional elections, Harrison was decisively defeated by the Republican Fossella.

Harrison certainly has every right to run. (After all Lyndon LaRouche has run for president almost as often as Harold Stassen.) There is however another Democratic candidate, New York City Councilman Dominic Recchia, who happens to be an acquaintance of Rev. Carolina and of me. And so, since the event was open to the public, I contacted Mr. Recchia's campaign office where, based on my conversation with a campaign worker, it was apparent that he had not been notified of the event. They asked me for the information by fax and I later sent Mr. Recchia an e-mail.

On April 5 I got to the church early and learned from a typically sullen Vasquez that Rev. Carolina had an "emergency." When I asked her if he would be present for the event, she hesitated before saying "no."

I also spoke to John Lawrence, the president of PASI, who clearly had also been kept out of the scheduling loop and he apologized to me. When I approached Ms. Jones and very politely asked her about the non-invitation to Mr. Recchia at first she only smiled but did not respond. As some other PASI people were setting up for what, except for the anti-War signs, could have been a New York Jet tailgate party, I asked her again, suggesting that, in the interests of fairness, all candidates should have been invited. She then tugged me on my arm and explained that Mr. Recchia had not been "involved" in the anti-War movement and that he had failed to respond to a questionaire they had sent him. My response was that, certainly in light of Mr. Recchia's candidacy (as far as I am aware Mr. Recchia is a progressive Democrat) he should have been invited. I also expressed my view that Mr. Recchia, who chairs the City Council Committee on Cultural Affairs, Libraries & International Intergroup Relations that is considering Councilman Tony Avella's Tom Weiss-initiated Resolution #1299 that cites the Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet and calls for the removal of the 2008 Olympic Games from China, has a better chance of unseating the reactionary Fossella.

By the way, should Fossella manage to purchase another term, State Assemblywoman Janele Hyer-Spencer - who has more integrity in her pinky that Titone has in his entire being - has expressed to me the intention of running in 2010.

As I was discussing the scheduling and selective speaker games with several FCBC people and other acquaintances, churchperson Marilyn Averett began tugging away at me as she has on a number of occasions. Ms. Averett, a regular at Rev. Carolina's often exuberant services, from which one can hear the rock 'n' roll-infused gospel in the Stapleton streets, seems to regard herself as Rev. Carolina's self-appointed bodyguard. On several occasions, to the annoyance of not only myself but also some others at the church, she has physically tried to sort of block my way to Rev. Carolina. I've been going to (mostly African-American) churches for decades (I am a member of the Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church in Flushing Queens pastored for many years by Rev. Martin Luther King's friend Rev. Timothy P. Mitchell) and I know how to behave with ministers - as well as rabbis and Buddhist monks such as the Dalai Lama of Tibet. Ms. Averett apparently also doesn't seem to think that Rev. Carolina knows his limits. Rev. Carolina, like Rev. Mitchell, whom I got to know personally, is a very direct man and knows his limits. I don't think he needs Min. Vasquez and/or Ms. Averett to protect him from me. David Jones, however, is another matter entirely.

Ms. Averett, who ironically placed herself in the role of a surrogate Jewish mother with incessant warnings to me to behave, then took it upon herself to show me a copy of the speaker's list (a Geoffrey Blank-style controlled roster) and told me that I would not be speaking. By that time, I had already concluded that the entire event was a farce and decided to stay on Wright St., outside the parking lot in First Amedment-protected territory. Since Rev. Carolina had made it clear to me in previous e-mails that FBCB was in no way
involved in the selection of speakers, Averett was exceeding her authority.

I told Ms. Averett that, in my view, PASI had disrespected FCBC and I planned to report as much in UP FRONT News. Ms. Averett not only apparently considers herself to be the Vice-Pastor, she apparently regards herself as a U.S. Supreme Court Justice and announced to me that I could not mention the church in my newspaper. That is a Geoffrey Blank/Lenora Fulani/Lyndon LaRouche/Dick Cheney interpretation of the U.S. Constitution. I told her that I would print what saw fit.

At that point the aforementioned Larry Beslow exploded and began issuing warnings that soon took on the tone of threats. When he became quite verbally abusive, as my friend Roman Shusterman of the No Police State Coalition arrived, I backed away. I told Beslow that just because he is a member of the Community Board, he had no right to be abusive and to threaten me. He continued and so I made a comment critical of Michael Bloomberg, who in fact controls the Community Boards, which in most cases have done little to stop the rampant overdevelopment and gentrification in working class neighborhoods throughout New York. Read UP FRONT News at and my coverage of the battles on the Lower East Side (Manhattan Community Board 3) and the efforts of people like musician/activist Rebecca Moore and tenants right activist Monte Schapiro to save their neighborhood from crane accidents and the related depradations of Trump, Extell/Carlyle, Benjamin Shaoul, Bloomberg, Quinn & Co.

When I made the comment about Bloomberg, Baptist Beslow went Ballisitic waving his arms and saying something like he would "Bloomberg" me. I don't think Beslow was implying that he was going to give me one of the mayor's myriad PIN numbers.

As I backed away, David Jones, eyeing me like Satan, could be seen advancing menacingly in my direction as I crossed to the north side of Wright Street, where Mr. Shusterman was. Ms. Averett, finally doing something positive, had to restrain Mr. Jones.

As I told Roman of my plans to make a polce complaint, who should show up on the corner of Wright St. and Van Duzer St. but a NYPD vehicle from the 120th precinct. I asked Ms. Averett if she had called he cups and she, with the guiltiest look I've seen since Paris Hilton was on her way to jail and faux redemption, said she had. She may have been correct in calling the cops but since it was Larry Beslow and David Jones who committed the offenses she was directing her complaint against the wrong person. The police handled matters far better than did Ms. Averett and for certain Min. Vasquez. Before I left I made certain that they were made aware of the identities of those making criminal threats against me.

It is clear that the phonies in PASI are interested in parasiting their way into FCBC and that they have some help from a person, Min. Vasquez, who has been consistently hostile to me (in ways that Rev. Carolina doesn't even know yet) and that they are trying to seprate me from my church.

I have made this matter known to, among others (e.g. at Community Board 1 and to Staten Island Borough President James Molinaro), Rev. Dr. Tony Baker, Sr., Pastor of the St. Phil-lips Baptist Church in the Port Richmond neighborhood of Staten Island. Rev. Baker, a close friend of Rev. Carolina, is a candidate for the New York City Council and, as far as I am able to determine, much more qualified than Ms. Rose. (With someone like David Jones as her Chief of Staff, the citizens of the north shore of Staten Island could find ourselves losing the anti-gentrification battles and with a Chief of Staff who acts like another legendary Chief of Staff, "Scooter" Libby, who used to run things for Dick Cheney.)

If Vasquez, Jones and some other want to run me out of FCBC, as they are clearly attempting to do, that is a problem that Rev. Carolina, who arrived at the peace rally after I left, will have to resolve.

The problems presented by Beslow and Jones however will be addressed in UP FRONT News and perhaps by law enforcement.
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UP FRONT News April 10, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."


By Tom Weiss

It seems that perhaps the only politician who is ready to most honestly confront the issue of the Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet and the consequent opposition to the Beijing Olympics honestly is not even running for president. That politician is New York City Councilman Tony Avella (D.-Queens) who is running for mayor of New York City.

It is Mr. Avella, who was first contacted on this over-riding issue by me, who has introduced New York City Council Resolution #1299, which cites the Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet and calls for the removal of the 2008 Olympics from China. Mr. Avella understands the limitations of a City Council resolution and has made it clear that any Olympics played in China should be boycotted by the United States - and hopefully every other nation.

Acting President George W. Bush has certainly been more diplomatically respectful of the Dalai Lama that his predecessor. Bill Clinton saw fit to invite Monica Lewinsky, who represented no government that I am aware of, to spend some time in the Oval Office. His Holiness the Dalai Lama, however, was "Gored" and received by Bill Clinton in the Vice-President's office.

Anything that Hillary Clinton says about China and Tibet is to be treated with a a grain of fertilizer because it emanates from the mouth of an unprincipled opportunist who essentially lies for a living. Bill (and probably Hillary) Clinton have been quite fully aware of the nature and extent of the Nazi-style Chinese Communist Genocide since November, 1992 when, after he was elected, I personally brought the facts to his attention. I think that his secretary Betty M. Currie will remember several telephone conversations with me from my home phone at the time at my loft home at 190-A Duane St. in Manhattan at 212-334-9847 to her at the "Transition Office" in Little Rock. I gave her the facts, she got upset at my accounts of, among other atrocities, sexual tortures of Tibetan nuns and she asked me to send the material to President-elect Clinton and to Transition Chief Warren Christopher and to Communications Director George Stepanopoulos by fax to her. Ms. Currie, who unlike her employer at the time, was honest, kept her promise and gave my material (UP FRONT News articles, etc.) to Clinton, et. al. and sent me a faxed acknowledgement from her fax at 501-399-7197 on December 11 at 16:38 military time. Multiple copies are in my "J'accuse" files and in the hands of some friends.

Bill Clinton, who was in the process of folding to the corporate China Lobby on his earlier promise to withdraw Most Favored Nation trading status from China, buried everything. Indeed he and his people went further and came after me personally. When I was invited to attend the January 19, 1993 (the day before Clinton's first inauguration) hearing before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on Clinton's nomination of Christopher as Secretary of State, they had me arrested at the U.S. Capitol in the reception area at the Committee hearing room. Clinton's crooks tried to get me to accept a plea bargain; I refused and in July, 1993 I was acquitted in a jury trial.

Mrs. Clinton, who is up to her eyeballs in the coverup of the Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet (the Clintons, like their corporate allies, make tons of money in the slave state that is "Communist" China), has also come after me in the form of explicit threats. There have been two threats, the first by by phone (via investigator "Mr. Zimmerman" and the second via a September 5, 2003 e-mail from a corrupt Clinton staffer named Yajaira Yepez, wife of (still?) Assemblyman Adam Clayton Powell IV Chief of Staff Daniel Serrano, to my brother Jim in upstate New York. Jim is much more easily intimidated than I am and has refused to disclose the nature of some communications he had with Mrs. Clinton in connection with a Social Security-related emergency I was experiencing when I was homeless some years ago.

And so for Hillary Clinton to suggest that George Bush should not attend the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympics is analagous to a hypothetical suggestion that he not attend a social gathering of the genocidal Janjaweed in Darfur. Mrs. Clinton, when asked by Robin Roberts of ABC's (cover-upper Stephanopoulos' employer) Good Morning America, whether stronger opposition to the Olympics should be expressed, said "no." All Hillary Clinton is doing is what this ultimate hypocrite has done all along, which is to put her insatiable need for ill-gotten wealth and power ahead of human rights. In consideration of Timo-thy I Chapter 6 Verse 10, the one that reminds as that it is tjhe love of the money that is at the root of evil, it is very reasonable to suggest that Hillary would be among the money hangers in the temple and that Jesus would have thrown her out, along with Big Dick Cheney, Lyndon LaRouche, Michael Bloomberg, Donald Trump, et. al. Although I am certain that, in connection with Mrs. Clinton, even if the necessary weaponry had been available at the time Jesus would not have resorted to sniper fire. Hillary Clinton is a liar and an intimidator and should probably be impeached.

Barack Obama has been aware of the Tibet Genocide details from me for a shorter period, presumably not too long after June 26, 2007 when, in the presence of New York State Sena- tor Bill Perkins (D.-Manh., I discused the matter directly for several minutes with Sen. Obama's wife Michelle at a campaign event at the Our Children's Foundation at 527 West 125th Street in Harlem. My strong impression is that Mrs. Obama has a level of integrity that significantly exceeds that of the abysmal Mrs. Clinton. (A similar comparison applies to the men of their respective houses.) I therefore feel that Mrs. Obama was being truthful when she assured me that she would give the UP FRONT News and other literature (e.g. about my Democratic write-in candidacy for the U.S. Senate against Mrs. Clinton) she accepted from me to her husband and that they would discuss the Tibet and Olympic Games issue.

Since then, none of my e-mails, sent to various high-level Obama campaign staffers, have been answered.

Obama is now on record as seconding Mrs. Clinton's suggestion to Bush that he not attend to opening ceremony. That is not what I call leadership.

Since I am convinced that a successful effort by the machiavellian Clinton at hijacking the Democratic nomination could only help the Republicans and Ralph Nader and his Lyndon H. LaRouche/Lenora-Fulani "Green" backers, I am supporting Obama for the Democratic Party nomination.

Should Obama not speak out far more strongly on the Tibet Genocide, I will not vote for him in November.

As far as I am aware the only presidential candidate on record as supporting self-determination for Tibet is Atlanta, Georgia-based former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. If Obama continues to play cute on the Tibet issue and Ms. McKinney is able to get rid of some of the Green Party parasites (e.g. the psychopathic Gerald Kann) who have tried to leech onto her, I'd probably vote for her.

Olympics out of China! China out of Tibet!
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