Saturday, January 12, 2008


UP FRONT News January 10, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."

Although some of my friends claim to be atheists, I think their world view might change by experiencing Rev. Demetrius S. Carolina Sr., pastor of the First Central Baptist Church in the Stapleton community on the north shore of Staten Island. The spirit and message of Martin Luther King are alive and well in what is sometimes referred to as New York City's "forgotten borough."

I first met Rev. Carolina almost one year ago at an MLK march and rally in Stapleton, which featured a talk at FCBC by civil rights attorney Norman Siegel. Also present at the church as State Assembly-woman Janele Hyer-Spencer, perhaps the most independent elected official in a borough in which the Democrats are quite tightly controlled by U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton.

Mrs. Clinton and Staten Island politicians such as City Councilman Michael McMahon, State Senator Diane Savino, and State Assemblyman Matthew Titone cannot afford to ignore Rev. Carolina (or, for that matter, UP FRONT News).

I consider myself a Judeo-Christian. My parents, natives of Austria, barely made it out of Hitler's Vienna not too log after Germany took over Austria in the "Anschluss" of 1936. My father's parents, however, did not make it out.

Although I did not have anything approaching formal Jewish education, during my childhood my mother (aside from teaching me about the Dalai Lama and Tibet), had me attend Bible classes run by a professor of classical languages named Dr. Vera Lachmann.

My involvement with faith, however, didn't re-emerge until the 1970's, while I was politically active in human rights issues in Queens when I met Rev. Dr. Timothy P. Mitchell, Pastor of the Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church in Flushing. I was a social worker, union activist, and an elected member of the Community Advisory Board at City-operated Queens Hospital Center, a facility at the time run in a most corrupt fashion by politicians like Mayors Abe Beame and Ed Koch and Borough President Donald Manes. They were among those who, during the legendary "fiscal crisis" of the 1970's (eternally memorialized by the Daily News headline [President Gerald] "Ford to New York: Drop Dead!"), covered up budget cut-caused patient deaths at QHC. I was the guy who, at the cost of my job and as the victim of a bunch of politically motivated violations of my human rights, blew the whistle on the coverup. It took some time before the New York State Health Department substantiated my complaints and I wound up on the front page of the March 1, 1978 issue of the Queens Edition of Newsday as well as covered in a lot of other media.

Rev. Mitchell, no doubt with the anti-poor policy of "planned shrinkage" in mind, referred to the City's practice of cutbacks in essential services, particularly affecting African-Americans, as "genocide."

Although I first became acquainted with Rev. Mitchell through politics, I often attended his services. It was Rev. Mitchell, a close friend and advisor to Dr. King, who in his very inspiring sermons, quite directly introduced me to Jesus. I learned a great deal from Rev. Mitchell and he learned some things from me about Tibet. Indeed, as far as I am aware, Rev.Mitchell may be the first African-American civil rights leader to declare that Communist China has been perpertrating "Genocide" in Tibet.

When, some years ago, I got baptized at Ebenezer (on a morning when the heating pipes for the bath were not working, providing for a chilly dip), Rev. Mitchell took the time to remind those present on that Sunday morning that "Jesus was a Jew." Rev. Mitchell, who is in his seventies, retired last year.

A few months ago, having attended a number of Rev. Carollina's services and worked with him on some civil rights problems in Staten Island - a borough which sometimes lives up to its stereotype as something of a police state - I joined his First Central Baptist Church.

Rev. Carolina has pastored in churches in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York, including Tried Stone Baptist Church in the Bronx. It is not hard to see why his congregations tend to grow in size. His sermons make spiritual and political sense, just like the sermons to be found in particular in the first four books of the New Testament.

Rev. Carolina's ties to the Judeo-Christian heritage are very open. Indeed, in commenting about the fact that the FCBC building used to be a synagogue, he told me that his church has a "Jewish soul." His sermons are full of Old Testament references. His wife Bernice recently did a sermon on the Book of Esther. I suggested that perhaps at a Purim service some time, she might speak at a synagogue. (My former rabbi, the late Harold Swiss of The Little Synagogue, regularly gave talks at a church in Brooklyn.)

And the very live music at FCBC, clearly showing that without gospel music there would be no rock 'n' roll, is genuine. Rev. Carolina is a very political man, who gets up very early most mornings at his home in south Jersey to commute to his political theory teaching job in Manhattan and then to his church across the Bay. He has led demonstrations against police brutality, while standing firmly in support of people, such as myself, who have been victimized by politically motivated crime. Indeed Rev. Carolina, who is very knowledgeable about the political landscape, has become quite concerned about the kind of domestic fascism exemplified by people like the aging but still very active political extremist Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Indeed I was very glad to have Rev. Carolina contribute some comments on a California-based internet talk show interview I did recently on political subjects including Mr. LaRouche.

As far as I am able to tell, Rev. Carolina is a political progressive - definitely not a "neo-con" - who makes up his own mind as the (holy) spirit quite literally moves him. And so I look forward to following up on his invitation to me to organize and coordinate a First Central Baptist Church Social Action Committee.
(Rev.) Carolina Nice.
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UP FRONT News January 8, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."

Hillary Clinton, the politician that the pundits had been labeling a "sure thing" for the Democratic presidential nomination, is now in the process of being fully exposed as being in fact the antithesis of "change." And so, as the voters - increasing numbers of whom read UP FRONT News - begin to recognize Mrs. Clinton as an essentially narcissistic power-and-wealth-obsessed politician devoid of principle, Mrs. Clinton, in the best Mel Gibson acting tradition, attempts to put an a compassionate and sensitive face. Her recent teary reference in New Hampshire to her "emotions" is a case in point. As The Who once recommended, "Don't Get Fooled Again!"

As I have learned from quite personal experience, Mrs. Clinton in fact cares nothing about others. In my case as her constituent, she was perfectly content to ignore my rather urgents requests for assistance with a Social Security matter when, while I was homeless some years ago and had been robbed of my hotel rent money, I needed an "expedited" Social Security check.

There is a little known provision in the Social Security regulations authorizing the release of an expedited check (one delievered prior to its due date) in case of emergency. Such authorizaion can only be given by the office of the Commissioner of the U.S. Social security Administration, who has offices in Baltimore and Washington. A local or regional official does not have that power. And so, in order for a beneficiary to receive such assistance, a representative must write to the Commissioner's office. Homeless and poor people tend to have such emergencies.

Some years ago in such an emergency situation, Rev. Dr. Timothy P. Mitchell, then Pastor of the Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church in Flushing, Queens, at my request wrote such a letter and, within a very short time, I received my check.

Among my political activities for years has been lobbying politicians at all levels of government to help free the nation of Tibet from the genocidal Chinese Communist occupation of Tibet. Among the people I discussed pro-Tibet legislative resolutions with has been New York State Assemblyman Adam Clayton Powell IV, one of the relatively few African-American politicians expressing support for Tibet. Some years ago, while I was meeting with his Chief of Staff Daniel Serrano on this subject, he asked me about my personal situation which, was to say the least economically precarious. Indeed I was in need of an expedited check. At the time I was not prepared to again ask Rev. Mitchell, who was not in good health, for assistance.

Mr. Serrano, stating that his wife Yajaira Yepez was was a staffer for U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton, offered to help. I immediately agreed and he immediately sent a note to Ms. Yepez. Within a very few days, pursuant to Mrs. Clinton's direct internvention, I got a check. Indeed I subequently received two completely unsolicited letters signed by Mrs. Clinton assuring me that anytime I needed assistance I should feel free to contact her. And, as may be habitually the case with Mrs. Clinton, she lied.

Some years later when I was homeless and, because I was unwilling to put up with staff abuse at homeless drop-in centers like Peter's Place in Chelsea in Manhattan and Project Hospitality in St. George, Staten Island, staying at hotels, I was robbed of my hotel rent money. Although I occasionally borrowed money from friends, I was in need of an expedited Social Security check.

A series of telephone messages I left for Yajaira Yepez went unanswered. My last call to Mrs. Clinton's Washington office was picked up by a receptionist. After I identified myself, she put me on hold. The next person to come to the telephone was a man identifying himself as "Mr. Zimmerman, investigator for the Democratic Party." The first thing he said to me was that Mrs. Clinton had personally instructed him to take any calls from me. The next 10 minutes of so were spent with him referring to an apparent surveillance-based computerized dossier on me and reading my protest and activism-filled political history back to me. Indeed, he even made mention of the fact that I had been arrested in 1977 at Queens Hospital Center where I was involved in blowing the whistle on an Ed Koch Administration coverup of budget cut-caused patient deaths at that City-operated facility. Mr. Zimmerman wound up the conversa-tion with a rather explicit threat of consequences should I ever call Mrs. Clinton's office again. And then on September 5, 2003 Yahaira Yepez sent an e-mail to my brother Jim in upstate New York, who, at my request, had contacted her about the Social Security matter. Aside from the fact that the letter contains a slew of falsehoods about me, it contains an explcit threat and states " NOT share this e-mail with Thomas."

Although my brother, a high school teacher in upstate New York, is a secretive type, and talks more "left" than he acts, I was able, with the assistance of my cousin Kathy Perutz, extract a copy of the Yepez (read Clinton) e-mail from Jim. My cousin, a well known writer, is also quite knowledgeable politically. Indeed for many years since her childhood she had been the closest of friends with New York City Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum. Unfortunately mayoral wannabe Gotbaum is one of the most secretive, corrupt, and paranoid elected officials there is. It was some years ago when I asked Mrs. Gotbaum to investigate staff abuise of homeless people in shelters and drop-in centers that she attempted to have me arrested when I was at her office for a scheduled appointment with her Chief of Staff. That explains why during her re-election campaign in 2005 she refused to disclose the contents of her appointment schedule and why during a televised campaign debate she rationalized that refusal by claiming that she was being victimized by a homeless "stalker." Since Mrs. Gotbaum, with whom I have been acquainted via my cousin, since 1979, had once used that libelous label in connection with me in a communication with one of her election opponents Norman Siegel, when I read her "stalker" reference in the papers, I replied. My side of the story first appeared in the August 26, 2005 issue of New York City Newsday. Then City Hall reporter Dan Janison not only reported the truth about the "stalker libel" but included mention of the fact that I was running for the U.S. Senate against Hillary Clinton. My side of the story was also reported on August 27 in the Daily News and The New York Times. Both papers reported the story, first disclosed in UP FRONT News of Mrs. Gotbaum's marital links to the CIA. The Gotbaum and Clinton friendly Staten Island Advance's Tom Wrobleski did a pro-Gotbaum slanted story that appeared on August 27.

When I discussed all this with my lawyer Jacob J. Goodman (who has since passed away), he in his concise assessment of Betsy Gotbaum said one word, "Paranoid." The same holds true for Hillary Clinton. We have been ruled by a succession of paranoid, self-involved politicians on all levels of government. Paranoid people are notoriously psychologically incapable of distinguishing imagine threats from real ones. And so they respond by putting people under surveillance and executing threats and other human rights violations. People like that are perfectly ready to let a homeless person freeze to death, if they pereive it as necessary. There is a long list of such people, they include at the bottom of the barrel level, the neo-fascist Geoffrey Blank. Further up are Betsy Gotbaum and a host of other politicians afraid to stand up to empress wannabes like Hillary Clinton.

Her lachrymose performance in New Hampshire are the tears of a crocodile. No matter what she may say, and no matter what Bill Clinton may say about his shrew of a wife, Hillary Clinton is not a good person and she is unqualified to be president of the United States.
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UP FRONT News January 7, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."

Perhaps very mindful of the very real possibility that voters may elect an African-American with some populist credentials as presiden,. billionaire Michael Bloomberg, masquerading as an "independent", continues to huddle with various establishment Repubicans and Democrats to talk about a "third party" run for the presidency.

This takes us back to 1992 and 1996, when another mega-billionaire named Ross Perot ran as an "independent" and did little more than help elect Bill Clinton by drawing conservative voters away from the Republicans, George Bush I in 1992 and Bob Dole in 1996. Bill Clinton, who masqueraded as a progressive and as the first "black" president, will be remembered by African-Americans as the man who helped worsen the homeless crisis by withdrawing the safety net from many thousands of poor people with his so-called "welfare reform." He will also be remembered by millions of Africans for ignoring the Rwanda Genocide. He is also to be remembered for his involvement (like that of his shrew of a wife) for covering up the Genocide of the "black" people of Asia, the dark-complexioned Tibetans being genocided by the light-skinned Chinese Communists.

There is another, perhaps more sinister, tie between the so-called "independent" maneuvers of Ross Perot and Michael Bloomberg. They both involved the racist Lenora Fulani, a de facto ideological surrogate for the mega-fascist and convicted felon Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. (For more on the Fulani/LaRouche tie, visit and

Lenora Fulani came to prominence during the 1980's courtesy of her mentor the "psychotherapist" cult- leader "Dr." Fred Newman. (The "psycho" part is correct.) It was Newman, closely collaborating with his at the time City College faculty colleague LaRouche, who created the pseudo-left fascist political party known as the New Alliance Party. Fulani's efforts as the NAP's candidate for elective office went nowhere, thanks in part to media exposure by, among others, UP FRONT News. And while the NAP is mercifully deceased, Fulani continues to parade as an "independent", parasiting herself in various "left" networks as well as some efforts (e.g. Bloomberg) more openly part of the ruling class.

Fulani and her people, consistently espousing a radical "left" message, have embedded themselves in the Green Party, the peace movement (and Cindy Sheehan), the tenant movement and groups such as the so-called "9/11 Truth" and "World Can't Wait." In classic fifth-column style infiltration tactics (first developed in Germany and later in Spain by Adolf Hitler), Fulani/LaRouche-ites such as Paul ("Zool") Zulkwitz, Gerald ("Can't") Kann, George Tatevosyan, Charles Lenchner, and Les Jamiesion have infiltrated the left, ranging from the Green-run Ralph Nader candidacies to the Democratic Dennis Kucinich and even the John Edwards campaigns.

It is always useful to remember that Adolf Hitler campaigned as a capitalism-denouncing "socialist."
Among the less subtle and more overtly obnoxious and pychopathic "left" infiltrators has been a Queens-based demagogue named Geoffrey Blank, who for a time literally hijacked a leaderless free speech group called the No Police State Coalition known for holding speakouts in Union Square in Manhattan. Blank, blending leftist "anti-Bush" rhetoric, doing a quite convincing impersonation of Saddam Hussein and declaring himself the "president" of the NPSC, nauseated Union Square onlookers with his demagoguery and dealt with dissenters such as myself by employing threats and violence. In this he was aided by sychophants like the Maoist/Stalinist mouthpiece Joel Meyers and others. Blank, whose younger brother Jason once responded to an inquirty about a Blank/LaRouche link by saying, "I'd rather not answer that question", was brought down largely by a series of exposes in UP FRONT News. He is now said to be studying sociology at Brooklyn College. He would learn more about himself if he majored in psychopathology.

Michael Bloomberg would not be mayor of new York City were it not for the help he got from the racist Fulani. Fulani created the Independence Party of New York as an offshoot of Ross Perot's "Reform Party." Since she was the de facto dictator of the IPNY, she was able to decide to give Bloomberg the Party's ballot line in the mayoral election in 2001. Bloomberg was running as a Republican in overwhelm- ingly Democratic New York City. The Democratic candidate was the ethically challenged Mark Green. It was the votes that Bloomberg got on the IPNY line that enabled him to defeat Green in a very close election. Indeed, in 2005 Fulani did it again, although Bloomberg beat Democratic candidate Fernando Ferrer by a larger margin than was the case against Green in 2001.

Bloomberg has rewarded Fulani through the tax breaks her front organization known as the All Stars Project has gotten courtesy of the Bloomberg-controlled Industrial Development Agency.
To be sure, while the power-avaricious and real estate over-development-obsessed Bloomberg has been content to accept critical political help as described from a neo-fascist, he has managed to distance himself somewhat from the woman who is on record as describing Jews en masse as "the murderers of people of color." Such a comment, however, should not be surprising coming from someone who was taught by a self-hating Jew like Fred Newman, who once described Jews as "the stormtroopers of decadent capitalism."

In recent presidential elections "independent" Ralph Nader reached his nadir by playing ball with the LaRouche/Fulaniites who took control of the Green Party. Had Nader become president, he might well have given Fulani a high level position in his administration.
Should Bloomberg manage to purchase the presidency, what will he owe Lenora Fulani, Lyndon LaRouche and the fascists?
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