Tuesday, March 27, 2007


The September 1-4, 2006 weekend edition of the Newsday-affiliated AM New York newspaper, features the photograph of self-appointed “9/11 Truth leader” Les Jamieson in an apparently insufficiently researched story about a group purporting to get honest answers about alleged government involvement in the 9/11 attacks. Reporter Justin Rocket Silverman, evidently accepting Jamieson ‘s totally spurious claim of being a “leader” of “9/11 Truth” writes about Jamieson’s demand that the governor of New York to “launch independent investigations” of what happened to the Twin Towers. In fact, aside from whatever investigations the governor might initiate with regard to 9/11, Eliot Spitzer and Attorney General Andrew Cuomo really need to investigate Les Jamieson.
Les Jamieson is an ideologue of the convicted felon, political extremist, and deeply racist megalomaniac Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. and, like LaRouche, is a thief to boot.
“9/11 Truth” has its roots in the activities of people like street activist Dennis Griggs, one of the founders of what has come to be known as the No Police State Coalition. It was Mr. Griggs who could often be seen in the months and years that followed 9/11 in Union Square with a bullhorn, claiming that there was high level U.S. government
involvement in the 9/11 attacks and that the government is covering all that up. Mr. Griggs is among those familiar with the work of for example David Ray Griffin, a theologian and engineering researcher who suggests that the Twin Towers were brought down by previously installed explosives in a “controlled demolition.” The fact that security at the WTC had been some years previously transferred to a company owned by George W. Bush’s brother Marvin certainly has heightened suspicions. A book by Michael Ruppert entitled “Crossing the Rubicon” contains information that Vice President Dick Cheney authorized military exercises over the northeast U.S. involving simulated airline hijackings early on the morning of September 11, 2001. All of this has been reported almost nowhere except for UP FRONT News.
Dennis Griggs started running into some trouble not only with the NYPD’s 13th
precinct, which has a peculiar understanding of the First Amendment, but even more
seriously with conspiracy spouting pseudo-leftists like the totalitarian-minded Geoffrey Blank and Joel Meyers. Blank, supported by Meyers, quite literally hijacked the Griggs initiated speakouts in Union Square. Blank monopolized the bullhorn and made threats against those, in particular myself, whose views might not mirror theirs. Blank indeed resorted to violence. Blank’s behavior, from the militant “left” rap, the recurrent jihadist rant, and the resorts to threats and violence immediately raised the specter of LaRouche, who has made a career out of infiltrating the left with his brand of populist-veneer
fascism. Never forget that Adolf Hitler campaigned as a “socialist”, denouncing the
“conservatives.” And since Blank is nominally Jewish, but at the same time a nazi, he earned the UP FRONT News headline title of “The Jewzi.”
Meanwhile Blank/LaRouche associate Les Jamieson was busy literally taking over the so-called “9/11 Truth” meetings at St. Mark’s in-the-Bowery Church in Manhattan’s East Village. Jamieson, who was never elected to be “leader” of anything having to do with 9/11 Truth, was aided in his incremental coup d’etat by some of the pseudo-left
totalitarians in the “World Can’t Wait” cult that comes out of the violence-preaching Maoist bunch known as the Revolutionary Communist Party. Jamieson’s key ally however has been Frank Morales, a corrupt clergyman who sometimes conducts services at St. Mark’s. Morales, who purports to speak for Jesus, is a practitioner of the politically motivated threat (often against me). He is also the subject of widespread reports con- necting him directly to drug trafficking in the squatter community on the Lower East Side. A number of the threats made by the Jamieson/Morales gang, targeting people like No Police State Coalition activist Roman Shusterman and myself, have been reported to law enforcement.
For some time the oily, perpetually squinting Jamieson was protected by other “9/11 Truth” activists including Luke Rudkowski and Tom Foti. Indeed, Rudkowski, who has been compared to Eminem in appearance by Mr. Shusterman, has been among those backing Jamieson’s actions against me.
All that changed when Jamieson ran off with the organization’s money. According to Mr. Foti, the over $5,000 that had accumulated in a “9/11 Truth” account, was with- drawn by Jamieson and deposited in a Jamieson creation known as the Civic Action Committee. While Foti and Rudkowski have complained loudly about what amounts to theft, they haven’t anything meaningful about it, such as making a formal complaint to the New York State Attorney General as I have urged, based on my telephone conversa-
tion with a NYSAG staffer.
The Jamieson/Morales “9/11 Truth” regime had already given itself away when they invited LaRouche-ite fascists such as Geoffrey Blank and later so-called 9/11 “expert”
Webster Tarpley to speak at their meetings. Blank came to the meeting accompanied by a number of his hired brownshirts such as Morales’ squatter associate Carl Rosenstein, a total wacko with a record of drug abuse and violence. I was physically barred. There are photos. Jamieson responded to my question to him about the close ties between La-Rouche and Tarpley, with the following whispered words, “Don’t worry about La- Rouche” and “Keep your mouth shut [about Tarpley and LaRouche].”
People who have run politically afoul of the Hitler-admiring LaRouche have been known to wind up dead. One of the more mainstream media under-reported stories con- cerns the death of a one time LaRouche supporter turned dissenter named Jeremiah Duggan, a young man whose violent death in Europe was first coroner-labeled a
“sui- cide.” That report has been overturned.
Among the “9/11 Truth” participants who witnessed some of the threats against me was a young man named Dan Wallace. On two occasions, as I was physically barred from “9/11 Truth” meetings, I was video-interviewed outside St. Mark’s by Mr. Wallace. Upon my mention of the LaRouche angle Mr. Wallace told me of having been repeatedly
harassed by LaRouche people. A couple weeks after those interviews Dan Wallace
was found dead in his bed in Queens. The NYPD report suggests a “drug overdose.”
Inquiries directed at “9/11 Truth” about what happened have yielded silence and in one case an e-mailed threat to me by a Jamieson/Morales/Blank pal named Rodney Lewis.
According to the NYPD, Mr. Wallace apparently died of a drug-overdose. To me and an increasing number of others, some of who have heard me being interviewed on the Tampa-based Vyzygoth’s “Grassy Knoll” talk show, Dan Wallace’s death is suspicious.
Lyndon LaRouche, a follower of Satan, who continues to predict that one day he will rule America, is a master of deceit and violence. Polonium politics?
AM New York reporter Justin Rocket Silverman and his editors need to do this story again, even if it becomes “rocket” science.

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Tuesday, March 20, 2007


UP FRONT News March 14, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.” www.tomsupfrontnews.blogspot.com

Tracy Denton is a political official of Democracy for New York City (DFNYC), which is the local affiliate of Democracy for America, the national political action committee founded by Howard Dean. Deaniac Denton is also something of a fascist.
On February 27, 2005, I announced that I was running as a Democrat for the U.S. Senate against the incumbent Republicrat Hillary Clinton. Some weeks later, having developed an all-volunteer campaign organization, I contacted DFNYC to arrange for the organization’s posting of my candidacy on its website and to arrange for me to speak at the group’s link-ups. I was referred to Tracy Denton. While I continued to receive piles of Denton’s propaganda e-mails, I received no reply to my recurrent e-mails to her. The lame excuse provided by a DFNYC worker named Heather was that Ms. Denton was in Europe. (As I understand it Denton was doing her part for world liberation by hanging out at the Winter Olympics and then socializing in the Netherlands. My reply was that I was unaware that the Netherlands did not have the internet.
Among the people who became part of my campaign was Steven Gradman, a political science professor at Touro College and the long time organizer of the John Edwards NYC meet-up. Mr. Gradman, a progressive and well-known activist in the Democratic Party and a member of DFNYC, was the Communications Coordinator for my campaign. Mr. Gradman introduced me to DFNYC Finance Director Lewis Cohen, Ms. Denton’s
immediate boss. At a fairly polite confrontation at a DFNYC meeting at the Pioneer Bar in Lower Manhattan, Ms. Lewis heard my complaints about Ms. Denton and had my name posted on the DFNYC website. By that time, Ms. Denton had already become the de facto publicist for Jonathan Tasini, who announced his “candidacy” many months after I did. I had already had a few run-ins with Tasini, one of whose aides, a character named Charles Lenchner (about whom there is much more to come), actually shoved me at a public anti-War meeting at which I wanted to speak.
It was Denton’s job to arrange for speaking spots for all Senate candidates at the DFNYC link-ups in the five boroughs. Denton, most reluctantly, arranged for one, in Bayside, Queens. I took care of all the rest. In the coming weeks and months I became the target of a series of Tasini-generated threats and intimidations, several of which in- volved Charles Lenchner and also Tracy Denton. Indeed, Mr. Gradman invited me to two DFNYC-connected meetings at which, to his amazement, I was threatened by Tasini sup- porters. Since I had also been threatened by a number of people connected to the Lenora Fulani and Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.-infiltrated Green Party, and by a politically moti- vated pseudo-left neo-fascist with actual terrorist links named Geoffrey Blank, I took the proper steps in reporting matters to local and federal law enforcement, where interest inevitably picks up as soon as one mentions the name of the federally convicted felon LaRouche.
On June 20, DFNYC held its U.S. Senate endorsement meeting. Denton’s e-mail an- nounced Hillary Clinton and Jonathan Tasini as the candidates. In reply to my e-mail she sent me an e-mail threatening me with arrest at the meeting. I, and several supporters, arrived at the Light Restaurant in midtown Manhattan (DFNYC appeals almost exlusive- ly to a monied “liberal” crowd) just as Mr. Cohen arrived. He assured me that there will be no arrest and that I could speak as a candidate. When Denton arrived she could be ob- served in a quite high decibel whispered argument with Cohen. While Mr. Cohen kept his promise about no arrest and my speaking, he did nothing about the fact that Denton and Tasini had arranged to remove my name from the endorsement ballot. As far as I am con- cerned, Denton’s threat to have me arrested is a criminal act since I was breaking no law and simply exercising my constitutional rights. Her name, like that of one of her apparent political role model LaRouche, is with law enforcement.
It was with considerable interest that I examined an article in the September 1, 2006 issue of LaRouche’s magazine, Executive Intelligence Review. The EIR correspondent- interviewer ) of a Hamas and Hezbollah-sympathetic Israeli named Uri Avneri is none other than Charles Lenchner, identified as a (past?) supporter of Dennis Kucinich and the New York State Coordinator of the Progressive Democrats of America, similar in
“liberal” ideology but Machiavellian tactics to Denton’s DFNYC. Lyndon LaRouche is a dedicated totalitarian who is the closest reincarnation of Adolf Hitler in America. Like Hitler, he comes on as a radical, even as a “socialist.” He hurls insults at “conservatives.” He believes in the superiority of German culture, that only classical music is worth listening to and that rock ‘n’ roll, country, jazz, and other genres of music should be destroyed. He hurls insults at conservatives. Only total LaRouche loyalists work for him. Charles Lenchner is a fascist and so apparently is Tasini collaborator Tracy Denton.
LaRouche’s name openly mentioned yields almost universal comments reflecting
revulsion among those who know about him. LaRouche, who runs one of the most tightly controlled cults in history, works through surrogates, many of them talking the talk of the left. They include, directly or logistically indirectly, people like Fulani, “psychotherapist” Fred Newman, Paul Zulkowitz and Gerald Kann of the Greens, a thug named George Tatevosyan, Webster Tarpley, Les Jamieson (of the so-called “9/11 Truth”), Geoffrey Blank, Jonathan Tasini, and quite apparently Tracey Denton and Charles Lenchner.
LaRouche is a registered Democrat. And so it is not entirely surprising that Lenchner’s name should appear on a list of campaign workers for presidential candidate John Ed- wards. I have advised Mr. Edwards, through his top staff that he has a LaRouchie in his midst. A LaRouche-ite, as distinct from a LaRouchie (such as the LaRouche-employed Lenchner), is someone who may or may not be a part of the LaRouche cult structure but does his work. In Tracy Denton, Howard Dean has a LaRouche-ite in the Democratic Party midst.
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UP FRONT News March 19, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.” www.tomsupfrontnews.blogspot.com
People involved in fundraising, such as me, try to avail ourselves of the services of the Foundation Center, a “non-profit” organization with possibly the largest database and library on foundations and charities, and other funding sources in the world. It is ironic that an organization which exists for the purpose of helping the rich help the poor
engages in economic discrimination.
The Foundation Center library has about 17 computers available to the public, which, aside from enabling users to access the large data providing information on funding sources, until several weeks ago provided internet access, essential to fundraisers. Highly paid non-profit corporation-retained fundraisers have relatively little need for the
Foundation Center’s internet access services, since they can simply go to their laptops and other computers. Volunteer fundraisers, such as me, who work for economically marginal groups, have considerable need for both the data base and the internet.
While much of the Foundation Center’s staff, which also conducts fundraising education classes, has been supportive to the lower economic echelons of fundraisers, some admin- istrators at this very tightly run ship have other priorities. Apparently unhappy about the fact that their computers are sometimes used by individuals not directly for standard fundraising, the bosses had technicians some weeks ago summarily terminate internet service to the public. Those needing the internet were directed to go to a branch of the New York Public Library. And so anyone using both the Foundation Center’s database and the internet was expected to use two separate locations (although a few libraries in NYC have Foundation Center database access). Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Maureen Mackey and New York Library Director Charlotte Dion,
apparently not sufficiently sensitive to at least some of the economic realities of life in New York City, did not take into account the fact that many of the New York libraries are already overloaded when it comes to public demand for computer time. They seem more in touch with the wealthy part of the fundraising community which has easy 24-7 computer access.
I am told that I am not the only person who has complained about what is an economic-
ally discriminatory policy. And so, after expressing my concerns to several of the pleas-
sant front desk librarians (who obviously do not make policy), on January 24, 2007, I sent an e-mail to Ms. Dion, explaining the negative effects of the policy and urging that it be rescinded.
After what I was told was a delay that might have been related to Ms. Dion’s absence.
Sometime ago, I visited the Foundation Center, and left a couple of messages. No reply. No respect.
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UP FRONT News March 9, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.” www.tomsupfrontnews.blogspot.com
It is axiomatic that, in order to gain and keep dictatorial power, oppressors rely on the work of those within resistance movements who co-opt from within. Among the most oppressed people in the world are the Tibetans who live under Chinese Communist imperialist rule. Tibetans exiles in the U.S. have been among those who have protested Chinese oppression, which started with Mao’s invasion in 1949, with the conquest completed in 1959. 1959 is also the year that Tibetans, led by the some of monks who make up a large percentage of what is correctly described as “the most religious country in the world,” rose up and were crushed by Communist bullets and club, a precursor to what took place 30 years later in Tiananmen Square.
On March 10 Tibetan exiles and some supporters demonstrate in New York City and elsewhere. I have been involved as an advocate and as a writer in the Tibet liberation movement since 1989, when I was employed as a social worker at the New York Associ- ation for New Americans (NYANA), a refugee resettlement agency responsible for helping Tibetan exiles who come to New York. Although my clients were for the most part Jewish refugees from what was then the Soviet Union, I got to know some of the Tibetans there including Takla, a nephew of the Dalai Lama. From Takla and others, such as the visiting lecturer “Kuno”, from whom I learned that the Chinese occupation is
genocidal in nature. Since the term “genocide” makes people uneasy, I was harassed by NYANA administration when I used the word in publicity for a fundraising concert I produced for the Tibetan Resettlement Project at NYU. The concert, by the way, which featured the Dalai Lama’s favorite rock ‘n’ roll band, the Dharma Bums and world
famous flutist Nawang Khechog, was a success.
Working quite closely with some activists in the Tibetan-American Youth Congress and the United States Tibet Committee, I lobbied elected officials on behalf of the victims. Perhaps the most concrete, but very partial, result was that in 2001 the New York City Council unanimously passed Resolution #802, which denounced the Chinese for their human rights violations in Tibet. That resolution for which City Councilmember and now Speaker Christine Quinn took credit, made no mention of the one aspect of the Tibetan issue that impacts on Americans politically, opposition to the decision by the Interna- tional and U.S. Olympic Committee to award the 2008 Olympic Games to Beijing. To award the corporate cash machine that is the Olympic Games to a nation whose govern- ment practices genocide is very much like the decision to give the 1936 Games to Hitler’s Germany. Millions are of course familiar with Adolf Hitler almost having a seizure in the Berlin Olympic Stadium as he watched African-American Jesse Owens leave his Aryan runners in the German dust. (A relatively unpublicized part of that story was that in the deal brokered by the racist head of the International Olympic Committee, Avery Brun- dage, Hitler’s demand that another speedy American track start, Marty Glickman, from New York City, would not be permitted to run. Glickman later became very famous as a very NYC-accented sportscaster.)
I’ve met the Dalai Lama face to face on a few brief occasions, perhaps the most com- ling a couple of years ago when he spoke at the Hilton Hotel in Manhattan at a luncheon honoring torture victims. It was at that event that I had a chance to ask him about what many Tibetans (often in whispers) call the “Genocide” in their land. The Dalai Lama, (already familiar with UP FRONT News), who had to get to the airport for a flight to Germany, was being rushed to an exit by Secret Service. He stopped in his tracks and, his often smiling face turned angry, pointed at me and, diplomatically avoiding the term
“genocide” while on American soil, said “You should go there, you should go there!” before talking in mixed English and Tibetan about the atrocities there. And then he was gone. (I did have a chance to see him for a few seconds before he left as he was being escorted to a limo from his hotel for the ride to Kennedy Airport. I used the opportunity to announce that he would soon need all his well-known “compassion” as he was about to face the Van Wyck Expressway, which got a laugh.)
In 1992-1993, I managed to get the information about the Tibetan Genocide to Bill Clinton via telephone conversations with and faxes to his secretary Betty M. Currie, even before he was inaugurated. Clinton and his corporate China lobby-friendly bunch includ- ing soon to become Secretary of State Warren Christopher and Communications Director George Stephanopoulos, all of whom got my documents and suppressed them. I did
however manage to get an invitation from a sympathetic Senate staffer to submit my testimony opposing Christopher before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, which on January 19, 1993, one day before Clinton’s first inauguration, was holding a hearing on Clinton’s nomination of Christopher. Christopher responded by having me arrested as I arrived. I turned down the Clinton administration’s offer of a plea bargain, went to trial, listened to the arresting cops perjure themselves, and was acquitted.
While I got plenty of support from many of the Tibetans I know in New York, I have gotten nothing but indifference and sometimes hostility from some that make up the co- opted government that rules and compromises the resistance movement here. The reality
is that the Tibetan resistance network is one of the most gentrified political movements I have ever seen. It is dominated, at least in public, by a small number of wealthy Tibet ad- vocates such as “Buddhist” multi-millionaire actor Richard Gere. I still recall the pro- longed delaying from Gere when I invited him to participate in or endorse the NYANA fundraiser I produced. On another occasion when, via his office, I sought a letter for some congressional lobbying, I got no response to my repeated communications until I dropped a hint about disclosing some reliable information about him that could make Britney Spears blush. Then I got a letter. Robert Thurmann, the founder or Tibet House and Professor of Tibetology at Columbia University, Uma’s father, speaks quite eloquently about Tibet but does not respond to political communications from me. That, however, may be understandable from someone employed by an educational institution which does some oppressing of its own. Some of those who attend the annual March 10 demonstra-
tions belong to a group called Students for a Free Tibet. While I am certain that the stu-
dents, including a number from NYU, another university with a dubious history when is comes to expansionism, are sincere, I certainly cannot say the same for SFT activist
Lhadon (pronounced “Laden”). Lhadon, who has never acknowledged a communication from me, was the person to whom I was directed by an official at the Office of Tibet a few years ago to secure a press pass to review the movie “Cry of the Snow Lion” about the Chinese brutal suppression of Tibetan freedom fighters. When I got to Lhadon’s SFT office an East 14th Street, she greeted me with a refusal and an order to leave. When I didn’t move fast enough she summoned a fellow almost as big as a Tibetan yak to make a
threat. I left and got my press pass elsewhere and also arranged for the director of the film
to be interviewed on the national satellite and cable INN World Report.
It is clear that there is some serious unhappiness among Tibetan activists with the quality of the leadership. It is a leadership that has consistently rejected offers of meaningful political help in generating support to have the 2008 Olympics removed from China. It is a leadership that seems to be afraid to criticize in particular Hillary Clinton, who could be a poster girl for the China Lobby. Indeed, in a story covered by The New York Times and UP FRONT News, Mrs. Clinton, with George Bush’s help interceded with the Chinese ambassador on behalf of her benefactors at the upstate New York Corning Corporation, which wanted a lowering of Chinese tariffs which were interfering with their sales of fiber optics products in that slave state.
The Tibetan resistance movement is spinning its wheels and, no matter how militant the rhetoric in its propaganda, will make negligible progress towards liberation without the support of Americans, such as African-Americans, who know something about oppress- sion. It is ironic that a movement on behalf of Tibetans, who are definitely, “people of
color” (Tibetans are much darker complexioned and ethnically, culturally, and linguisti- cally distinct from the Chinese), is led by handful of Tibetan exiles and a bunch of well- to-do white folks: The gentrification of a liberation movement.
At least one respected Tibetan-American activist who has requested anonymity, using the adjective “stupid”, is emphatic in expressing the view that the de facto Tibetan
American resistance ruling group is ignoring the negative influence of profit and position related motives. I agree.
As long as the resistance movement is co-opted, the Chinese Communists and their international corporate clients have little to worry about. It’s time to “shift Geres.”
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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Geffen Is Right - Hillary Clinton Lies

UP FRONT News March 2, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.” www.tomsupfrontnews.blogspot.com
Hillary Clinton freaked out somewhat recently after Hollywood mogul David Geffen, a one-time Clinton supporter who is now backing Barack Obama, called her and her hus- band liars. The reason she became politically enraged and demanded a retraction via Mr. Obama is because Mr. Geffen’s characterization of the Clintons is 100% accurate.
I.F. Stone, the (at least to me) - legendary late free lance investigative reporter, voiced an axiom when he said, “Politicians lie.” Geffen took things a step further when he
commented, perhaps even in some lingering awe, that the Clintons lie with “such ease.” I agree. Mrs. Clinton, as is typical of people who do not tell the truth, finds it almost impossible to admit error. Hence, in her effort to seduce the anti-War left in the Demo-
cratic Party into believing that she is for peace, she (unlike for example John Edwards) refuses to admit that her vote to authorize military action against Iraq was wrong and blames George W. Bush for her vote. Totally hypocritically, Mrs. Clinton has blasted the Bush Administration for its response to the Katrina disaster. To me that is somewhat analogous to Francisco Franco calling Benito Mussolini as Fascist. True, but so what? The fact is that Bill Clinton, in refusing to provide the urgent needed federal dollars to buttress the vulnerable levees in New Orleans, is as responsible for the death and des-
truction there as is Bush. Hillary Clinton evokes for me a number of clichés including the ones about people in glass houses and pots calling kettles black.
Hillary Clinton’s rhetoric is laden with populist and human rights vocabulary. The fact is that Mrs. Clinton is totally beholden to the predator corporate lobby made up of such
institutions as real estate carnivore Donald Trump, the super conservative Corning Cor-
poration, (which has financially benefited from her ties to the Genocide practicing
government of Communist China, the main Genocide now into its second half century in Occupied Tibet), and media magnate Rupert Murdoch, who makes millions in the slave state known as China. Mrs. Clinton, many of whose luxury housing-obsessed developer pals are largely responsible for the affordable housing crisis and therefore for homeless-ness, has stood with the Bush Administration and the real estate industry in opposing the Bringing America Home Act, a major piece of affordable housing legislation languishing in the Congress.
And Hillary Clinton, who has known about me since her husband became president, has dealt with me by denying me constituent services when I was homeless, communicating a threat against me, and by sending a libelous letter about me to my brother. Newt Ging- rich, with whom I disagree about almost everything, recently said that the Clintons fight dirty. He, like David Geffen, is 100% correct.
For months, in apparent awe of the legendary Clinton cash machine and the slickness,
much of the media has suggested that the Democratic nomination was hers. Indeed, in her typically empress-impersonating manner, she came to the same conclusion. As far as I am concerned, Mrs. Clinton is a liar who is in fact a well-disguised member of the “right wing conspiracy” that she rails about when sucking up to liberals. While American voters have often let ourselves by sucked in by such people (Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton being among the most dishonest) I think Hillary Clinton is characterologically a loser, but a loser who could win.
And since the Republicans offer the corruption (Bernard Kerik)-tainted autocrat
Rudolph Guiliani, warkhawk John McCain, and the Utah/Massachusetts transplant Mitt Romney, all of whom represent corporate America over everything else, whether or not the corrupt Hillary Clinton is able to purchase the presidency may be up to Barack Obama and John Edwards.
While I was among the first to publicly urge John Edwards to run for president and
have been a long time participant in Mr. Edwards’ New York City meet-ups, I don’t know if Edwards has what it takes. Edwards is very eloquent on the issue of poverty and on the Iraq War, although he thinks a final American troop withdrawal should be com-pleted as far away as 18 months from now. He talks about Genocide, but only in Darfur. Mr. Edwards, with whom I’ve spoken directly briefly and with whose top level staff I have communicated in detail, is fully aware of the fact of Genocide in Tibet. And, while at his Martin Luther King Memorial event speech on January 14 at the Riverside Church in Manhattan he mentioned human rights concerns about China, he has remained silent about Tibet and about the rising opposition to the awarding of the 2008 Olympic Games to Beijing. Explicit assurances to me weeks ago from his One America Committee staffer Matthew Nelson that Mr. Edwards would issue a statement on the Genocide in Tibet and
and the China Olympics have proven to be empty. Mr. Edwards also seems to take the work of New York City volunteers for granted. Edwards recurrently comes to New York City to look for money and to meet with mainstream media. His most dedicated NYC workers find out about that in the Daily News. And, while I do not doubt the accuracy of Mr. Edwards’ references to the “two Americas”, I also recall a reference to Mr. Edwards
on the Tonight Show. Citing Mr. Edwards’ residence on a $6 million estate in North Carolina, Jay Leno asked if that is one of the “Americas” the candidate is talking about. Still, if it came to a choice between Clinton and Edwards, I’d vote for Edwards in the proverbial heartbeat.
Barack Obama, however, seems to me at this point to be a much bigger threat to Mrs. Clinton’s quest for imperial power. As the wife of the so-called “First Black President”, she has taken the African-American vote for granted. While I was running against her as a Democratic write-in candidate for the U.S. Senate, (visit
www.tomweissdemocratforussenate.blogspot.com) I did point out that this ultra-vicari-
carious Black militant lives in a lily-white community that, according to at least one
resident there has a local power structure that aims to keep Chappaqua that way. As far as I am concerned, Mrs. Clinton’s visits to black neighborhoods are the political equivalent of air raids which drop propaganda leaflets for on-ground populations.
I’ve only met Barack Obama once, very briefly when (as did Edwards) he came to NYC to campaign for Democratic mayoral candidate Fernando Ferrer. We shook hands and he smiled knowingly when I mentioned the name of Rev. Timothy P. Mitchell, Pastor of the overwhelmingly African-American Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church in Flushing, Queens, of which I am a baptized member. There are few African-American political leaders who do not know Rev. Mitchell, a contemporary and long time friend and close associate of Martin Luther King.
As regards Hillary Clinton, if I were a Republican, I would hope that she becomes the Democratic nominee. As I’ve suggested I’ve talked with out-and-out leftists who would sooner vote for a conservative like John McCain who at least seems to say what he means, than for an opportunist like Hillary Clinton who cannot be believed on anything.
A Clinton/Giuliani race is suggestive of a morality contest between Britney Spears and Paris Hilton and would really create the concept of a “choice” between the equivalent of two evils.
I regard Mrs. Clinton as a profoundly narcissistic, dishonest, anti-poor, anti-peace
opportunist whose assumption to the presidency would bring about more crime, war and poverty. I hope she finishes no better than third in the primaries.
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Hypocracy of the Rich: Greed Is Not Good

UP FRONT News March 6, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.” http://www.tomsupfrontnews.blogspot.com/
While people like Donald Trump and Richard Grasso blatantly promote the notion the “greed is good”, others in the mega-rich glass engage in sophisticated humanitarian image building while continuing to profit off of most of the world’s much, much less privileged billions. Cash magnet pseudo-bleeding heart Hillary Clinton is only an exam- ple.
Rock ‘n’ roll aristocrat Bono, while certainly doing much to publicize the reality of world poverty, is gifted at avoiding tax heavy governments. (Sort of like professional tennis stars moving to Monaco.) One of the for-profit companies that promote Bono’s philanthropic work reportedly spends far more on advertising its products than it donates to his anti-AIDS campaign. I doubt that I would be able to afford a ticket to one of his concerts. Hollywood is a testament to this kind of hypocrisy. Angelina Jolie thinks nothing of adopting African babies, attending a social forum in Europe conducted by the very well-fed, and making about $20 million to act in a movie. Charlize Theron became famous by making a movie about a working girl and then about a serial killer and now demands and gets thousands of dollars to wear the jewelry of a diamond magnate. Hilary Swank was reportedly paid $100,000 to wear Chopard’s diamond earrings at the 2005 Globe Awards. Since the supply and distribution of money is controlled by the rich who control the governments, is there any wonder why poverty and starvation exist on a mass basis?
All of this, especially when practiced by people who tend to speak respectfully and sometimes reverently about for example Jesus, brings up His reported comment compar- ing a rich person’s chances at entering heaven with that of a camel trying to pass through the eye of a needle.
The public relations flacks who are paid to rationalize the outrageous salaries paid to for example business and government executives consistently put forth the notion that you have to pay a lot to get quality executives, a sort of aristocratic version of the line that “It’s so hard to get good help these days.” That notion is garbage. Some of the most ex-ravagantly paid people (Enron) have run their companies into the ground. And while government salaries are generally significantly lower than those at comparable power levels in the private sector, it is clear, judging from the abysmal quality of governance,
that the taxpayers are being badly ripped off.
While the rich-getting-richer-at-the-expense-of-just-about-everyone-else is a world-wide phenomenon, New York City is in many ways the capital of greed. New York City is, in a manner of speaking, governed by a business executive who purchased his office by privatizing election financing and, in order to get a second line on the ballot, cutting
a deal with a racist named Lenora Fulani. (Bloomberg, running as a Republican in Demo-
cratic New York City, purchased the Independence Party line at the time owned by the neo-fascist Fulani, and has since rewarded her with taxpayers’money.) Under the real estate developer-friendly Bloomberg regime neighborhoods, with the Lower East Side of Manhattan being a conspicuous example, are being luxurized at the expense of working class people. While Bloomberg over-reached himself by trying to ram the Jets Stadium down the throats of the citizens, he got away with it in the South Bronx where two le-
gendary City parks and an iconic ballpark known as The House that Ruth Built and Stein- brenner Tore Down, are being sacrificed to give the Yankee owner a luxury box-heavy new Yankee Stadium. The Mayor, as conscious of his philanthropic image as is Angelina Jolie, deals with the affordable housing homelessness crisis housing with crumbs and by rewarding cash cow non-profits contracts to run drop-in center-shelters which do not lack for covered-up staff abuse of the homeless. And while the Mayor acknowledges that some City workers’ salaries are so inadequate that they must rely on Food Stamps, he and his pal City Council Speaker Christine Quinn (a key player in the Clinton machine here) ram through a huge salary increase for City Councilmembers (a part-time job) and high level mayoral aides.
To me among the most conspicuous “camels” who will at some point experience diffi-
culty facing the eye of the needle is Alex Rodriguez, the obscenely over-paid New York Yankee who gets paid about $27 million dollars a “year” (a “year” in baseball is about seven months) working perhaps (if the game goes into extra innings) 5 hours a day, with much of that time sitting in a dugout - perhaps spitting out sunflower seeds. With a salary like that the notoriously unreliable when it comes to clutch hitting Rodriguez should nev-
er commit an error and hit at least .500. And the problem is not only that Rodriguez makes that kind of money for playing a game but that he is a “greed is good” role model.
But not in heaven!
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Protecting the Political Establishment in S.I.

UP FRONT News February 16, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.” www.tomsupfrontnews.blogspot.com
A few months ago, while I was running as a Democratic write-in candidate for the U.S. Senate against Hillary Clinton, I met a gentleman on the Ferry and we talked some
politics. I recall that he was definitely of a liberal persuasion and that he did not much care for Mrs. Clinton and was glad to learn that someone, a Staten Islander no less, was running against her. I asked him what he thought of the Staten Island Advance, a daily that is read almost exclusively on the Island. He smiled and said, more or less verbatim, “Oh, you mean the retreat?” I laughed because I had several times used the same characterization for a newspaper that, while it has a liberal sometimes environmentally sensitive veneer, basically serves to protect the establishment in power, be it Democratic or Republican.
The Staten Island Advance is among the many newspapers that are guilty of both slanted news reporting and censorship. The Advance in that regard is nowhere near as bad as for example The New York Post, which is perhaps the most blatant example of yellow journalism combined with soft-core porn in the U.S. Its political reporting and editorial pages, often almost indistinguishable from one another, are neo-con Social Darwinism macho propaganda. The paper thrives on blatantly pro-right wing slanted re- porting (and non-reporting) along with ghoulish sensationalism of violent crime and is suffused with the ethic of “greed is good.” It is totally hypocritical in its moralistic con- cerns about “pervs” in light of its cheesecake slightly Playboy-style photography. It re- gards Paris Hilton as a more important story than Genocide. The New York Post is per- haps the worst paper in America. Owner Rupert Murdoch, a financial backer of Hillary Clinton, is an example of the morally corrosive energy of the profit motive run rampant.
The Advance’s political editor is Tom Wrobleski, who could qualify for a gold medal when it comes to not responding to calls or e-mails and to recurrently delayed and slant- ed reporting. Not too long after on February 27, 2005 I announced that I was running against Mrs. Clinton, I called the Advance where an editor referred me to Mr. Wrobleski for coverage. Wrobleski immediately gave me an interview and we spent about an hour in his Borough Hall office. As regards coverage, all he would say is “let’s see how your
campaign develops.” From that point on, despite my frequent releases sent to him, his awareness that I had a network of volunteers and supporters, and that I was talking and writing about Mrs. Clinton’s status as a militaristic anti-poor opportunist involved in the cover-up of the Communist Chinese Genocide in Tibet, Wrobleski did not respond and wrote nothing. He showed no interest in my reports of staff abuse of homeless people at the Project Hospitality drop-in center for homeless people, where I had stayed, a very short walk from his office. I went over his head and complained to his superior, News Editor Dean Balsamini, to whom I have a great deal of my campaign literature and UP FRONT News copies at the Advance at its not easy to get to office in Fingerboard Road.
On August 26, 2005 New York City Newsday, a Queens/Long Island-oriented paper that doesn’t usually cover Staten Island, reported my U.S. Senate candidacy as part of its story about Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum’s performance in a televised campaign debate in which she referred to me as a “stalker.” Gotbaum, with whom, via a family member of mine, I’ve been acquainted since 1979, had once tried to have me arrested at her office when I was there for a scheduled appointment with Scott Coccaro, her Chief of Staff to discuss staff abuse of homeless people in drop-in centers and shelters. Fortunate- ly the police officer summoned immediately recognized that Gotbaum’s claim of being
“threatened” was garbage and handled the situation appropriately. He suggested that I
leave and stay away from Gotbaum for awhile. I am hereby urging all New Yorkers, at least electorally, to forever stay away from Betsy Gotbaum, one of New York’s most corrupt officials. It seems that among her reasons for trying to intimidate me - aside from the fact that the “non-profits” that profit from homelessness and curry favor with politi- cians such as Gotbaum (and thereby get away with abusing some of their clients) - is be-
cause she was nervous about people learning that she is quite deeply linked to the CIA.
At least one of her reported two husbands was a CIA agent. My view is that if Ms. Got- baum has a thing for spies, that’s her choice. It is not her choice to withhold that from the public. And so, when, following her aforementioned harassment and slander against me, I learned of Gotbaum’s CIA tie from a highly reliable source, I printed reported it in UP FRONT News. The Times, et. al. got to the story later.
Within a few political moments of the appearance of the Newsday story, and after I met with Daily News reporter Celeste Katz (who did a fairly decent story on August 27) and communicated with Times reporter Jonathan Hicks, who reported is in that newspaper on August 27, I got a call from Wrobleski requesting an “exclusive.” Since Newsday got there first, Wrobleski’s notion of an “exclusive” was a fantasy. In any event, we did a long interview over the phone and his story with a front page lead appeared in the Ad- vance on August 27. It was filled with errors and omitted quotation marks and tried to make Gotbaum look good (an unenviable task) and me, to use a defamatory quote from State Senator Diane Savino, look “scary.” Savino, like her boss Hillary Clinton, some years previously when I was homeless, had screwed me over when I needed emergency assistance in obtaining an expedited Social Security check. It is wild speculation to suggest that Savino and Gotbaum, among a number of other well-connected Democratic “liberals”, like the soon-to-be-mentioned-again Christine Quinn, are political pals, all under Mrs. Clinton’s very watchful eye(s). I complained about the slanted and in places blatantly factually incorrect Wrobleski article to several editors and I was assured of an article containing corrections. It never happened. One editor-columnist told me to write a letter to the editor. I wrote two. She told me that they would not be published but when I asked why she was silent.
Quite belatedly as my Senate campaign was drawing some media attention elsewhere, Dean Balsamini decided to have Wrobleski write a story. On August 21, 2006 a front page piece appeared in the Advance focusing much more on the technicalities of my run- ning as a write-in candidate than on the issues I was emphasizing such as Genocide, the
Iraq War and the assault on the poor, and the spuriousness of other belated “candidates” such as Jonathan Tasini and Green Party boss Howie Hawkins.
A major figure of the very entrenched mostly Democratic Party machine that runs the North Shore of Staten Island, which includes the borough’s least affluent areas such as Stapleton, where I live, is City Councilman Michael E. McMahon. My first calls and e-mails to him requesting a meeting with regard to some very serious constituent matters
involving problems with, aside from the New York City Department of Homeless Services, Project Hospitality, the NYC Health & Hospitals Corporation, and the New York County District Attorney, were ignored. I finally met McMahon several weeks ago at a community meeting at Seaview Hospital featuring City Council Speaker Quinn. Ms. Quinn does not like me. Aside from her having covered up staff abuse of homeless peo- ple at Peter’s Place, a drop-in center in the hear of her district, where I had stayed for a very long time, she has refused to answer my calls and e-mails regarding my proposed
New York City-relevant City Council resolution calling for the U.S. and International
Olympic Committees to pull the 2008 Olympics from Beijing because of the Genocide in Tibet. Indeed, after prolonged lobbying by me some years previously, Ms. Quinn intro- duced Resolution #802 in 2001, which denounced the Chinese for their actions in Tibet.
It passed unanimously - and had zero effect the Chinese and U.S. governments. Why? Because it made no mention of the money issue, which is the corporate playground also known as the Olympics.
When I met McMahon at Seaview, during a break following a Q&A when I reminded Ms. Quinn about the still unanswered January 30, 2006 Tibet/Olympics resolution e-mail I sent to her via her Chief of Staff Chuck Meara and then asking Quinn a heavy question about gentrification-aiding tax giveaways (e.g.. 421-A) she is weak on (not reported in the Swiss Cheese Advance), I briefly told him of my need for his help. He smiled, shook
my hand, and said, “Sure, just call my office.” I not only called; I wrote another e-mail. McMahon’s angry e-mailed reply was, citing his anger at my UP FRONT News criti- cism of Ms. Quinn, to refuse to assist me, advising me to do what I had already done in a not yet legal matter, which is to see an attorney. A subsequent call to an aide led nowhere and a more recent e-mail relating to the Section 8 situation, which affects me, have been ignored.
As far as I am concerned, at the very least Councilman McMahon is refusing to do what, aside from legislating, he is paid to do, which is to assist his constituents. The same hold true for Diane Savino, who apparently “scares” easily. And Michael Bloomberg, who knows all about this, is uninterested. The only other elected official relevant here is that of the State Assemblyman, a seat now vacant with the recent death of John Lavelle.
My recent and extensive telephone conversations with and e-mails to Dean Balsamini and his colleague Marjorie Hack have yielded repeated indications of interest in a politi- cal story that involves significant human rights violations against as Staten Islander, local corruption, the cover-up of a Genocide that even Wrobleski mentioned in his two stories on me, etc., etc. Indeed, Balsamini, after offering to call m y attorney, failed to follow up. All he was able to do was to call Michael McMahon and ask him about me. According to Balsamini, all McMahon would say is “I took his calls.” Dean Balsamini, after explicitly stating to me that he would talk to Wrobleski or perhaps another Advance writer about covering all this, finally said, “I think I’ll pass.”
It is no wonder that, aside from the fact that, unlike for example UP FRONT News, the quite geographically somewhat inner-directed Advance is almost never seen or read out- side of Staten Island, many of those who buy that paper do so for the advertising. Once again, when it comes to covering the news The Advance is in retreat.
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