Sunday, November 26, 2006


UP FRONT News November 24, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

I am not the only person who has come to regard the so-called “9/11 Truth” group at St. Mark’s in the Bowery Church in Manhattan, as “led” by Les Jamieson, as a sham. The non-elected spokesperson and often meeting facilitator Jamieson is, through the use of skillfully crafted “left” and “anti-Bush” rhetoric, covering up the 9/11 coverup. Jamieson is an “inside job” all by himself.

Les Jamieson is, however, by no means by himself. As far as I am concerned, he is only one of a number of pseudo-leftists carrying the message and employing the tactics of the mega-fascist, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. For those who continue to regard LaRouche as little more than a remote crackpot, think again. The convicted felon LaRouche, now in his 80’s and living in his armed Loudon County, Virginia fortress known as Ibikus Farm, has predicted many times that he is destined to rule America. LaRouche, aided and abetted by a loyal cult for followers, considers himself to be #1 of a small elite qualified to rule. LaRouche is the most dedicated and skillful practitioner of the politics of Adolf Hitler around, particularly when it comes to the art of political camouflage. Hitler did not gain political ground by telling the German people that he was going to let the corporations rule, that he was going to invade at least three continents, and that he planned to kill the Jews, among other populations. Hitler campaigned as a “socialist’, denouncing big business and landowners. He consistently outlefted the left, thereby splitting progressives, a necessity for him to take power.

LaRouche, who I believe is making an octogenarian last stab for power, has made major inroads into American politics using surrogates like the African-American racist Lenora Fulani and her self-hating Jewish mentor, “psychotherapist” Fred Newman. Fulani and Newman, aided and abetted by the likes of self-proclaimed peace activists such as the profoundly deceitful Paul Zulkowitz, the criminally inclined Gerald Kann, and the up- state autocrat Howie Hawkins, have essentially taken over the Green Party, particularly in the pivotal state of New York. The Green Party, as millions of Americans are aware, gave us the perhaps well-intentioned (by Ralph Nader) but malevolently conceived) by LaRouche/Fulani/Newman) Nader for President candidacies that have brought us the Cheney/Bush regime.

Les Jamieson gave himself away when he invited LaRouche ideologue Webster Tarpley to speak at a “9/11 Truth” meeting. Having leafed through a copy of a Bush book by Mr. Tarpley, (available at “9/11 Truth”), which lists much of the LaRouche hierarchy, starting with Helga Zepp LaRouche, Lyndon’s wife (Frau Fuehrer), as endorsers, I thought it would be appropriate for all those connected to “9/11 Truth” to be made aware of the LaRouche connection. And so I approached Les Jamieson and said that, while I don’t have any objection to Tarpley’s speaking at “9/11 Truth”, the LaRouche connection should be made known. Jamieson refused, told me not to “worry” about Jamieson, and warned me to keep my mouth shut. That approach never works with me and so I attended the Tarpley talk and, during the Q&A, asked him a question in which I commented on the striking similarity in 9/11 views between him and LaRouche. It was difficult for me to follow Tarpley’s smiling but indirect response because Jamieson came running over to me with another threat.

Les Jamieson, often given to filibustering by making comments in 3,000 words that most others could make in 100, has threatened me on a few occasions. He has angered others in “9/11 Truth” with his arrogant, self-centered “World Can’t Wait” style of running meetings. Indeed, with the often long-winded St. Mark’s Assistant Pastor Frank Morales also running meetings, their speeches sometimes conjure up the wordiness of the late Senator Strom Thurmond, the King of the Filibuster.

No matter what sort of rhetoric emanates from Jamieson, who seems to know the language of conspiracy quite well (as do most LaRouche followers, whether or not they have a direct association with his cult), he is hindering the search for the truth about 9/11. Among his techniques is, while consistently trying to stifle and suppress certain others, e.g. me, propagandizing about theories that only attract attention because they are so off the wall, like “Those weren’t really planes, they were birds.” I happen to be quite convinced that, not only is there much to be said for the “controlled demolition” theory, but that in particular Dick Cheney’s role needs to be more thoroughly investigated than it has been. Jamieson, in his own well-camouflaged way, is doing what he can to let Cheney off the hook, no matter how many insults he hurls at George W. Bush. Jamieson has a political agenda which closely parallels that of the Fulani-controlled Green Party, which by the way had none other than Webster Tarpley as the keynote speaker at its New York State convention earlier this year. And, since I am a member of St. Mark’s Church, and one who does not like to have his rights violated in the church (or anywhere else for that matter), I have informed the top executives at the Episcopal Church and the Diocese that there is an apparent LaRouche encampment in their midst. They also know about the events of December 4, 2005 when the neo-fascist thug Geoffrey Blank spoke there accompanied by some of his club-armed brownshirts.

Perhaps it is a pattern for some of those who admire dictators to emulate the hairstyles of their role models. Gerald Kann, the neo-fascist from Astoria/Long Island City, who lost twice as an on-the-ballot Green Party candidate for the City Council, used to wear his hair Hitler-style, leading to some commentary in UP FRONT News. Soon thereafter, Kann canned his Adolf top. In that regard, a disillusioned “9/11 Truth” meeting regular recently noted that Jamieson has a Julius Caesar haircut. Another Shakespearean tragedy.
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Saturday, November 18, 2006


UP FRONT News November 18, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


Among the reasons why so many people don’t vote and why some turn to anarchism for relief is because of the egotism and the corruption that goes with it of so many in po- litics. The Cheney/Bush crowd are nauseatingly obvious. Less obvious are people like the apparent Hillary Clinton lapdog, New York City Council Speaker, Christine Quinn. Ms. Quinn, who got started as a gay rights and tenants right advocate, has, with the accumu- lation of power, morphed into a secretive friend to mega developers, who seeks publicity and credit for the work of others, and who is perfectly willing to join her de facto political boss Hillary Clinton in continuing the coverup of the over half century old Genocide in Chinese Communist Occupied Tibet, - which happens to be a local as well as national and international issue. Ms. Quinn is also greedy, having rammed through a compliant Council a totally unjustified large raise for herself and her part-time Council colleagues declaring the rush job vote to be “not unethical.”

Working class New York City neighborhoods, including the Lower East Side; Green-
which Village; Stapleton, Staten Island; and the South Bronx are being handed over to mega developers – while Bloomberg and Quinn talk condescendingly about helping the homeless. Indeed, Quinn and her political pals Michael Bloomberg and Betsy (CIA) Got- baum, are all guilty of covering up systemic staff abuse of homeless people in shelters and drop-in centers, something I know about from personal experience. (Desmond Ames, Vincent Richards, and Ciara McElroy of the Partnership for the Homeless’ Peter’s Place.)

As regards Genocide. During the latter part of the last millennium and the early years for the current one, I’ve been lobbying the government at all levels to do everything possible to help to free Tibet from the Genocide imposed by Communist China. One of the elected officials who listened was (former) City Councilmember Kathryn Freed, since, when I lived in Tribeca, I was her constituent. In 2001 publicity hound Councilmember Quinn, who had previously not been terribly receptive to my lobbying on just about anything, and Freed, introduced Resolution #802, which, certainly using information provided by me, quite eloquently denounced the Chinese for their atrocities in Tibet. The resolution passed unanimously – and had zero effect.

Among the reasons that the U.S. and Chinese governments ignored the resolution is
because it said nothing about the one aspect of the Tibet-China issue that packs a po- litical punch here, the decisions of the International and U.S. Olympic Committees to award the 2008 Olympic Games to Beijing. All of my e-mails, except one (in which Ms. Quinn expressed satisfaction over her work on this issue) have gone unanswered. That includes the one, dated January, 30 2006 sent to her via her Chief of Staff Chuck Meara.

Those e-mails call for another resolution urging the International and U.S. Olympic Committees to rescind their decisions to award the 2008 Games to Beijing, and, failing that, urging the U.S. team to boycott any games held in China. We do not need a replay of the 1936 Olympics, which took place in Hitler’s Berlin!

As far as I am concerned Christine Quinn as an elected official does not have the right to pick and choose which e-mails to answer – especially when the issue is Genocide.
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UP FRONT News November 10, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


Among the features of all political systems, democratic and dictatorial, is that good people work for not so good employers. While it is a reality that the government of New York City is corrupt, many people who collect paychecks from the City of New York are honorable. I used to work for the New York City Health & Hospitals Corporation, one of the most corrupt agencies around. Indeed I lost my job because of my blowing the whis- tle on budget cut-caused patient deaths and racist psychiatric abuse at the HHC-operated Queens Hospital Center. Michael Bloomberg, once of most secretive politicians there is, is involved in a cover-up of a major foulup in health care I received in April, 2005 at Bellevue Medical Center following surgery I received for an injury I suffered in a neo-fascist assault upon me. The U.S. government is led, after a fashion, by a corrupt group that includes Big Dick Cheney, George W. Bush and Hillary Clinton. That hardly makes all Postal workers corrupt.

The same is true of the media. While both “left” (e.g. WBAI, Village Voice, Indypend- ent) and “right” (New York Post, et. al.) media censor the news to fit their self-interest, there are honest reporters almost everywhere - the Post being a possible exception since Rupert Murdoch’s journalistic principles are totally unethical. As far as I am aware, Brad Will was an honest reporter, unfortunately working for a newspaper, the Indypendent, that is guilty of censorship and slanted reporting.

I am hopeful that Mr. Will’s supporters, who most certainly include me, live up to his spirit and work and play fair. The murder of Mr. Will needs to be of course thoroughly investigated since those who murdered him worked for a government with close ties to the rulers of the U.S. I only hope that pseudo-leftists like the theatrical and dishonest self-proclaimed “anarchist” Fran Luck do not exploit his name and convert this tragedy into a hard “Luck” story.
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UP FRONT News November 8, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

Perhaps the most politically narcissistic piece of New York City legislation introduced in a long time, Intro. 458, was the subject of an intentionally poorly publicized hearing yesterday before the Government Operations Committee of the New York City Council. The “Intro.”, or bill, introduced by, among others, Council Speaker Christine Quinn (D.- Manh.) and Committee Chairman Simcha Felder (D.-Bklyn.), would allow the City Council to substantially raise its own comfortable salaries for what is in fact a part-time job, one often done negligently by various members. The bill, supported by Mayor Mi- chael Bloomberg, would also raise his salary and that of a bunch of other high level mayoral and Council staffers.

I found out about the hearing while reading yesterday’s Daily News as I was heading for Manhattan on the Staten Island ferry. I do not for one second believe that the scheduling of the hearing, with a minimum of public notice, for the day after a major election was an accident. Indeed, Committee Chairman Felder stated to the Daily News that he didn’t expect much of the public to come and testify. Indeed, he was right, as I was one of a very few who turned out. There is no question in my mind that, among other politicians not at all happy to see me there was Ms. Quinn, who, as far as I am concerned, is one of the negligent ones. My testimony makes specific reference to a still unanswered e-mail I sent to her, via her Chief of Staff, on January 30, 2006. That e-mail, citing her past sponsorship in 2001 of Intro. 802, denouncing Communist China for its atrocities in Tibet, urged that she introduce another resolution urging the International and U.S. Olympic Committees to rescind the decision to award the 2008 Olympic Games to Beijing and urging a boycott by the U.S. Olympic team if necessary. In fact, Ms. Quinn, a veritable combination of Charles Schumer and Hillary Clinton when it comes to taking public credit for the work of others, only introduced Intro. 802 after much lobbying by me, par- ticularly with her then colleague former City Councilmember Kathryn Freed.

Ms. Quinn is hardly the only member of the Council who ignores e-mails that make her uncomfortable. (Tibet makes everyone uncomfortable because the issue is Genocide be- ing perpetrated by U.S. corporation-friendly Communist China.) My calls and an e-mail to my Councilmember, Michael McMahon on important constituent matters have gone unanswered - and not because he is so busy. I don’t know how good McMahon’s Council attendance is but one witness cited the fact that the average attendance among Council members is at 80% of meetings. I’d like the job where I can take one out of every five days off and get paid for it - and then rip the taxpayers off for a raise. Councilmembers Diana Reyna and Lewis Fidler (both D.- Bklyn.) have thus far been unable to handle my inquiries regarding who has responsibility for oversight of the corrupt and incompetent New York City Board of Elections, chaired by a hack named John Ravitz, who also doesn’t answer e-mails - at least from me. (An interesting sidelight to the hearing was seeing Mr. Fidler, somewhat resembling King Henry VIII, seated throne-like in a chair at the highest altitude, literally looking down on everyone else. A Fidler near the roof.)

The Council, almost as a whole, is guilty of fundamentally mishandling the Yankee Sta- dium matter, ignoring rising community opposition in the South Bronx, to award preda- tor George Steinbrenner a new stadium, filled with luxury boxes, presumably for folks like Donald Trump, while destroying two legendary parks. The right thing to do would be to consider landmarking the existing Stadium where the overpaid Yankees can lose with the same panache as they will in a new stadium.

The Council is to vote on Intro. 458, which contains the salary hike recommendations submitted by Bloomberg’s 2006 Advisory Commission for the Review of Compensation Levels of Elected Officials. The Commission is made up of rich people, including its Chairman, Tom A. Bernstein, President and Co-Founder of Chelsea Piers. Its members are G.G. Michelson, Chair of the Helena Rubenstein Foundation and Chair Emeritus of the Board of Trustees of Columbia University; and Stephanie Palmer, Executive Director of the New York City Mission. None of the above is anywhere near eligibility for food stamps or Section 8.

At the hearing Ms. Quinn bleated about the fact that Councilmember haven’t received a raise in seven years. She said less about the “lulus” (extra payments to Committee chairs) which the rest of us pay for. It took one of the public witnesses to remind us that the City Councilmembers are part-time workers. This, by the way, places them into a category not unlike (albeit at a lesser salary) George Steinbrenner’s Alexander Rodriguez, who still can’t perform in the clutch while “earning” almost $27 million annually for a part-time job.

Before the hearing started I chatted for awhile with City Councilmember Helen Sears, (D.-Queens), a very strong advocate of health care rights for the poor. She somewhat hes- itantly acknowledged that, at least at the time, she was in support of the Intro. but told me that one Councilmember is opposed. She smilingly, however, wouldn’t reveal the identity.

The good guy is Tony Avella, (D.-Queens), not a Committee member but who testified at the hearing. Mr. Avella’s press release states as follows, “I am flabbergasted that the Commission has suggested a 25% increase of $22,500 for Council Members, effective immediately upon approval by the City Council. Most New Yorkers would be thrilled to receive the present salary of $90,000 for what is basically a part-time job.” Mr. Avella, who chairs the very important Zoning Committee, backs up his words by refusing to ex- cept his lulu. After the meeting, I told Mr. Avella that he was a breath of fresh air.

In my testimony, aside from mentioning Ms. Quinn/Tibet, McMahon, Reyna, Fidler, and Yankee Stadium, I asked Ms. Quinn and the others if they could imagine how a homeless person might feel about their desire for more even money than they take now.
Several Councilmembers, including Mr. Avella and Alan Gerson (D.-Manh. (who told me that I had “spoken well”), agreed with me that more public Committee hearings should be held before this matter is voted on.

The argument that is brought up, ad nauseum, by people like Quinn and Bloomberg, is that you have to pay very high salaries in order to attract good help these days. B.S.! At that level, what you end up attracting is not the best but only the greediest. In my testi- mony I quoted a Lower East Side community activist who is known to be both eloquent and to the point. Rebecca Moore, the founder and president of the Ludlow Orchard Com- munity Organization (LOCO) fighting gentrification and bar proliferation on the Lower East Side, once said at a hearing involving a potential real estate grab that it is time for takers to “give back.” I agree.
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UP FRONT News November 10, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


Some weeks ago I attended a meeting of the staff of “Indykids”, the pediatric division of the “Indypendent, a newspaper that falsely claims to be independent. The editors there were complaining about the decision of the Queensborough Public Library to refuse to place “Indykids” in its many branches. I asked the editors what was the stated reason for the refusal and editor Amanda Vender told me that the library views “Indykids” as “slanted.” Since I believe in freedom of the press, I offered to help and asked that Indy- kids send me an e-mail about the matter with copies of any correspondence with the library. I never heard from Indykids again. And now that I have had a chance to read the paper, and have been more than familiar with editorial practices at the Indypendent, I have to conclude that the library’s assessment that Indykis is “slanted” is 100% correct.

Not too long after I first saw the Indypendent, as a journalist I attended a couple of their open meetings. At one of those meetings, I spoke with Indypendent editor John Tarleton about a story warranting coverage and offered to do a story. The article was about the under-reported Bringing America Home Act, a major piece of legislation buried by the real estate friendly right wing in the U.S. Congress. Enactment of this bill, which is prob-ably impossible without serious media attention, could end homelessness in the U.S. over a period of years. I wrote my piece, gave to Mr. Tarleton and never heard from him again. Some weeks later I visited the Indypendent and saw the rather dour John f. Kerry lookalike Tarleton. His response to my inquiry about the story was, “We don’t print press releases.” Tarleton really should work for the New York Post.

Since early 2005 the Indypendent was aware of my candidacy as a small “d” and capi- tal “D” Democratic leftist for the U.S. Senate, challenging the Republicrat Hillary Clin- ton. The Indypendent, like another censored newspaper, “People’s World” published by the Communist Party of the USA, printed not a syllable about my candidacy, a candidacy which was reported in, aside from front page coverage in the Staten Island Advance, Newsday, the New York Press, The New York Times, The New York Press, The Queens Ledger, The Knight News (Queens College), Pipe Dream (Binghamton University), The Independent (SUNY Purchase) and presumably elsewhere in the print media. I also ap- peared as a candidate on the nationally broadcast INN World Report, seen locally on the Manhattan Neighborhood Network, The Conversations With Harold Channer Show on MNN, and the radio stations at Binghamton U. and SUNY Purchase. On one occasion, citing Indypendent coverage of other “anti-Hillary” candidates, (both of whom have links to the currently “left” but always fascist Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., who is an expert at infiltrating the media), I asked Tarleton about reporting on my candidacy. He made what, if printed, would be a libelous and defamatory comment about my mental health. That, by the way, was the same approach taken some years ago by the right wing Democratic Mayor Ed Koch when he sought to silence my blowing the whistle on his cover-up of budget cut-caused patient deaths at City operated Queens Hospital Center. That has been the same approach, utilized habitually by LaRouche, against those who differ with him and by political lunatics (who get fawning coverage in places like the Indypendent and WBAI) like the violent, psychopathic terrorism-connected demagogue Geoffrey Blank.

The Indypendent and Indykids are rags. A recent issue of Indykids reports on the poli- tical situation in Nepal. It writes about oppression by King Gyanendra. It refers to the “communists, who control 80 percent of the countryside” and who “are still concerned about foreign interference in Nepal and the people’s rights to education, healthcare and jobs.” At the bottom of the report next to an asterisk, it states “*Communists are people who believe in creating a society where all resources are shared equally by the people.” Yeah! And Mao Zedong, whose genocidal and murderous politics drives the Maoists in Nepal, is the tooth fairy. The Indypendent, while presumably correct in its characteriza- tion of the autocratic royalty of Nepal, says nothing about the fact that Nepal’s Maoists have murdered thousands of innocent people, among with some guilty ones. The Indy- pendent joins the New York Post and some other major media in its censorship of the fact of the over half century of Genocide in Chinese Communist occupied Tibet, not to spake of the Bringing America Home Act.

I saw Tarleton again yesterday, handing out his rag after a very overly long speech (with no Q&A) by the egotistical Amy Goodman, who trumpets much of her stuff through the heavily censored WBAI. I told him that I was doing a story on him and his rags. His mouth hung open.
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UP FRONT News November 15, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


Under the pro-development and gentrification agenda of the Michael Bloomberg re-
gime, working class communities throughout New York City are endangered. While that is true in threatened neighborhoods such as Stapleton, Staten Island and the South Bronx, when it comes to over-development and gentrification, Ground Zero is the Lower East Side of Manhattan.

The LES, rapidly going the feed-the-rich way of the once working class neighborhoods
now called Soho and Tribeca, is a becoming a weird blend of Times Square/ Las Vegas (the strip being the bar-proliferated Ludlow Street) and a suburban-style land of luxury condominiums and hotels. For years the George Pataki-controlled New York State Liquor Authority, rationalizing away the “500 foot rule”, handed out liquor licenses like metro- cards, ignoring the protests of community residents tired of intoxicated suburbanites re-lieving themselves on neighborhood blocks at 4:00 AM. One of those community residents, musician Rebecca Moore, who backs up her protests with action, created the Ludlow Orchard Community Organization, ominously acronymed LOCO. Ms. Moore, along with other LES indigenous groups, testified (as I did) at Community Board and State legislative hearings and got some results. Much to the dismay of the nightlife lobby, seemingly made up of profiteers who live in quieter neighborhoods elsewhere, the State, Liquor Authority, which now has a New York City resident as one of its members, imposed a moratorium on the issuance of new liquor licenses in much of the LES. The nightlife lobby, pleading an impending economic collapse of Western Civilization, is hoping that the moratorium expires before the State legislature enacts a law that will effectively put and end to the kind of bar proliferation that Michael Bloomberg would not tolerate on his block on East 79th Street, between 5th and Madison Avenues. There is every reason to believe that the political confrontation between greed (real estate/nightlife lobby) and community need in Albany and City Hall will be intense. Indeed, I speak from experience as an activist in what were known as the loft wars. Indeed, the LES community doesn’t merely have to keep an eye on the obvious real estate lobby but also on those who, rhetorically feigning tenants rights, etc., become the enemy within.

The Lower East Side is also the target of a Bloomberg-style “rezoning” plan put forth by Bloomberg’s developer friendly Department of City Planning. The public relations efforts by the DCP at recent public meetings of Community Board #3, have yielded widespread community opposition to the DCP plans, which, from my perspective, are nothing more than incremental gentrification, which will benefit the bar lobby, the devel- opers and expansionist institutions like NYU. The DCP, while offering to place some limits on wannabe skyscraper-condominium developers, is playing games with its use of the term “affordable”, when it comes to housing. It allows for a development “corridor” and will encourage the construction of totally unneeded “sliver” (tall, anorexic looking buildings that don’t take up scarce horizontal space) projects. New York City needs luxury housing a lot less than it needs housing for the poor and homeless. It’s a bad deal for the Lower East Side.

Also targeting the Lower East Side is the increasingly notorious Extell Development Company, which is buying up residential properties in a neighborhood with perhaps this country’s largest population of anarchists. Carlyle is directly connected to the Carlyle Group, of Bush, Oil, and Osama bin Laden fame. In an e-mail to a friend, I recently suggested that perhaps the outgoing George, W. Bush Administration will qualify for “affordable housing” in the LES. Dick Cheney hanging out in Tompkins Square Park! Or at the Halliburton Bar & Grill. Or Osama’s Oasis.

A number of students at NYU attended a recent CB3 meeting and announced their group called Students Creating Radical Change, which is offering to fight gentrification. They understand that their enormous tuition expenses are going to an institution that, at least in its otherwise highly regarded Dental Clinic, has a record of economically abusing the homeless - at least this one. After a dishonest and incompetent office staffer at the clinic fouled up on a third party reimbursement matter, leaving me unable to afford treat- ment, the clinic responded by covering up and throwing me out. My complaint to the New York State Health Department was substantiated and NYU continued to play games. Perhaps it is NYU President John Sexton’s awareness, from my calls and e-mails to him, that I am prepared to go to the Attorney General and other law enforcement people that induced him to approve an NYU letter promising to pay for all my treatment at a dentist of my choice. My impression is that NYU is an institution that, regardless of its merits as an educational institution, in other areas tends to do the right thing only when it has no choice. Like many universities, conspicuously the community-antagonistic Columbia, NYU is a part of the permanent government. For example, the Chair Emeritus of the Board of Trustees of Columbia, G.G. Michelson, was among those who sat on a Bloom- berg appointed Commission that has recommended 25% salary increases for all City Councilmembers and a host of other highly paid public officials, a ripoff for which City Council Speaker Christine Quinn is largely responsible. And the Washington Square News, the NYU student newspaper, reported some time ago that Dr. Sexton was involved in some away in enabling the booted New York Stock Exchange boss Richard Grasso to parachute away with $150 million.

The City Council is ruled by the increasingly developer and Hillary Clinton-friendly mayoral wannabe Quinn, whose opposition to the West Side Stadium was hardly an act of bravery since almost all her constituents wanted no part of Bloomberg’s plan. When the battleground became the perhaps somewhat less well organized and definitely less monied South Bronx, Quinn folded to George Steinbrenner like a house of cards, despite rising community opposition to a new luxury box-filled Yankee Stadium where the obscenely overpaid Yanks can also lose.

Bloomberg, Quinn & Co. are guilty of economic imperialism even if they try to cover their tracks with food stamp and anti-smoking campaigns and holiday visits to homeless shelters. But this is the Lower East Side.
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UP FRONT News November 18, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold."


Neo-nazis do not march through New York City’s streets in brown shirts, sporting swastika armbands and shouting “Kill the Jews.” Indeed investigative reporter Dennis King once correctly characterized the mega-fascist Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. and his followers as “nazis without swastikas.” In New York City the neo-nazis are quite pres- sent and can be found for example parading as Palestinian rights activists running their stuff on a traffic island next to Union Square in Manhattan. Because of the regular flare-ups between for example the not very well disguised neo-nazi Andy Kellerman and Judeo-Christian people, such as myself, I call the place the “Gaza Strip.”

Kellerman, a recurrently tantrum-spewing Jew hater and one of the leaders of this col- lection of phonies (Palestinians are notable for the absence), in a sport of conversation he hadcwoith me some months ago said formerly that the Holocaust never happened. He ig- nored my references to mountains of documentation proving that Kellerman role model Adolf Hitler and his bunch killed about 6 million Jews, along with millions of other eth- nic groups, such as the gypsies. I got Kellerman’s surname from a friend after this nazi on repeated occasions refused to identify himself as anything other than “Andy.” Once, when I took his picture, he responded with a threat and by chasing me across the “Gaza Strip.” According to reports, this fascist is employed by the City of New York and gets paid to do a job that, also according to reports, involves his recurrently harassing street vendors. A racist checking on vendor licenses, many of which are owned ethnic minori- ties, is not a good idea. This is a New York Post story waiting to happen.

Joining Kellerman in his Saturday late afternoon attempts to recreate Hitler’s Nuremberg rallies are evident racists like the Jew-bating and, (judging from some of the signs she wears) suicide bomber-condoning Ann Roos. There is a so-called “woman in black”, Agnes (Taylor?) who turns whiter than a KKK sheet when she sees me. Also a regular is self proclaimed Islamist Bob Nash, who is a little tougher to figure but who has terrible manners in his protection of the nazis with him. Nash, an activist with the now strongly LaRouche infiltrated and influenced Green Party, is a very politically involved person quite knowledgeable about some of the local psychopathic pseudo-leftists like Paul Zul- kowitz (he of the “Camp Casey” hoax in 2005 and of the death threat), Gerald Kann (he of the attack on me a few feet from a Ralph Nader news conference in 2004) and the completely off the wall terrorist-connected Geoffrey Blank. Nash, apparently on some level an environmentalist as he travels by bicycle, doesn’t talk to me any more. He quali- fies however if not as a neo-nazi as something of a very on-the-edge phony since he re- cently responded to my truthful commentary about Kellerman with a gesture suggesting that he needed a men’s room quickly and then by calling the cops.
Heil Andy!
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UP FRONT News November 7, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


A “rag” in the media is a paper with questionable journalistic standards, e.g. with regard to censorship and slanted reporting. The New York Post is a “rag.” Such media, however, is not only found on the Rupert Murdoch “right.” Less overtly right wing papers such as The New York Times and The Daily News also practice censorship
and manage the news. I know from personal experience. In the coming months UP FRONT News will publish the “Rag” Time series, focusing mainly on the New York media, print and broadcast.

Interestingly those who often yowl most persistently about free speech and a free press are print and broadcast media on the so called “left.” Classic examples are WBAI radio,The Village Voice and the misnomered Indypendent.

I first learned of censorship at “listener-sponsored” WBAI somewhat vicariously late in the last millennium. Over the years I’ve been on several WBAI programs (“Casual Labor”, “Listener Action”, and late Fred Geobald’s “Light Show”) as a guest in the 1970’s and 1980’s. During the 1980’s a lady, Ms. T., a guest at an event at my home, who had been very active at WBAI, asked me if I was aware of the “purges” at the station. While I was somewhat knowledgeable about political infighting at WBAI and at the fund-source Pacifica Foundation, I had never heard the term “purges” used previously. Ms. T. proceeded to describe a scenario in which episodically decisions were reached by the powers-that-be or powers-that-were whereby various people, including employees, volunteers, and program guests were to be separated from the station.

Indeed, I ran headlong into a purge during the so-called “Listener Action for Housing and Homelessness” Christmas season events culminating in a Manhattan demonstration During the 1980’s. This operation was run by a WBAI talk show host named Paul GorMan, who was also a public relations big shot at St. John’s Cathedral. Gorman, who refused to answer questions from participants about management of monies raised from the public during “Listener Action” and about opening the door to Lenora Fulani and her then New Alliance Party neo-fascists, had me physically barred from the station.

My second experience with WBAI games took place when I helped a gifted and very underground, but also very temperamental, musician named Bob Musial get onto one
of WBAI veteran Bob Fass’ shows with me as a co-guest. Fass made certain that I would not be able to say one word on the air. Someone got to the politically controlling Fass be- tween the invitation to me and the program date.

For some months at least in the not too distant past, Mr. Fass has used WBAI as a
Propaganda mouthpiece for Geoffrey Blank, a neo-fascist masquerading as a free speech advocate. Geoffrey Blank, thoroughly exposed in UP FRONT News and facing some likely negative coverage in some mainstream media, is the now multiply convicted criminally inclined psychopathic demagogue who, over a period of time, almost succeeded in politically hijacking a free speech group known as the No Police State Coalition. To summarize (the details are on the internet at Blank moved in on a group started by activists such as Dennis Griggs and Richie Degen, and literally, while spouting “left” and sometimes jihad-type rhetoric and calling for “free speech”, with threats, violence and embezzlement, tried to intimidate others, conspicuously me, at speakouts in Union Square Park in Manhattan. Blank is also, as first reported in UP FRONT News, directly tied to a group, calling itself the Freedom Socialist Party” that, according to an unrebutted article in the December 26, 2005 New York Post (even that paper can sometimes get a story right), is under international investigation for links to terrorism in Iraq. Indeed, to my knowledge, FSP spokesperson and Blank buddy Stephen Durham has never disavowed his quoted condoning of Zarqawi’s hostage beheadings. But then, Blank used to regale nauseated observers in Union Square with his praises of Saddam Hussein. WBAI, which most certainly knows UP FRONT News, knowingly kept a neo-fascist on the air, while, in another act of censorship, not mentioning one syllable about the fact - as reported in quite a bit of other media - of my candidacy for the U.S. Senate. After receiving several e-mails from me, WBAI executives downgraded Blank somewhat.

WBAI has lost some good people, such as Robert Knight, because of politics. It has failed to cover many major stories, such as the continuing Genocide in Tibet, such as the continuing influence of for example the fascist chameleon (and apparent Blank role model) Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. in American politics, particularly with the racist Lenora Fulani via the Green and Independence Parties.

If we have to depend on WBAI to protect our civil liberties we are in bad shape indeed. No wonder some leftists - not including me - have resorted to listening to right wing radio.
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