Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Greening of LaRouche & LaRouche-ing of the Greens

UP FRONT News March 18, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


Perhaps it is fitting that the exposure of “left” neo-fascist Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.-
style infiltration into the Green Party occurs around St. Patrick’s Day. The Green Party, like the also misnomered Independence Party of New York, presents itself as the alter- native to the Democrats and the Republicans. The Greens, like their once LaRouche surrogate Lenora Fulani-dominated occasional allies (e.g. during the front operations that were the Ralph Nader presidential campaigns in New York) in the IPNY, correctly criti-cize the corruption and war that the two parties saddle us with.

And like the IPNY – which waited a long time to depose the LaRouche racist Fulani – the Greens have in fact been infiltrated by a core of hypocritical, subtly racist, violence- prone and often very unstable activists, who serve only to split the left and thereby en-
hance the hard right they denounce so stridently. The neo-fascist infiltrators within the Green Party, at least in New York, include Gerald Kann, Paul Zulkowitz, and, it seems,
the autocratic Howie Hawkins.

Gerald Kann managed - before he was exposed earlier this year in UP FRONT News as a violent neo-fascist (he and his Fulaniite partner from the IPNY, George Tatevosyan, were involved in witnessed physical assault upon me as I arrived, with an official invita- tion from Ralph Nader’s press secretary, at a Nader news conference in Manhattan in April, 2004) - to win a reported 20% of the vote when he ran for the New York City Council in 2001. Following the UFN scoops (check out “It’s Not Greek to Me…” pub- lished on October 3, 2005) his neighbors in Astoria/Long Island City, Queens gave him 8%. Any conceivable anxiety the incumbent Peter Vallone, Jr. may have felt about Kann the insurgent I am certain evaporated when Mr. Vallone read the UFN article, which I brought to his office. Gerald Kann is aptly characterized by another well known NYC Green activist as, at least at times, “totally stupid”, “rash and wrongheaded” and “aggres- sive.” The term “neo-fascist” is, to be sure, more to the point. Gerald Kann, who used to wear his hair styled like his apparent role model Adolf Hitler, and suddenly changed it perhaps in response to my publicly expressed observations, has applied the German Nazi’s tactics well. He campaigns as a “leftist”, spouting about “socialism”, and employs the tactics of intimidation, infiltration, lies, and violence against the small “d” democratic left that the late Austrian corporal developed into an art form. And he is a member of the Green Party. He is a socialist – a national socialist.

Paul Zulkowitz, from one of the “Five Towns” in Nassau County, has over the years been a sometimes ubiquitous presence at “peace” and other “left” events. Like a mosquito in a swamp, he was all over the Nader campaigns, doing the manipulative dirty work or- dered by the LaRouche-ite mega-racist Fulani along her henchladies Cathy Stewart and Cathy Sadell. If a thug was needed, all he needed to do was call on Kann and Tatvosyan, who, when their political careers disintegrate further, might seek employment with Ha- mas or perhaps the Sopranos. Zulkowitz, a smallish fellow, who fancies himself some- thing of a Caucasian Black Panther (check out his Panther-emulating “Green Tea House” in East New York, Brooklyn), was the creator of a LaRouche-infused political circus last fall in Union Square that he called “Camp Casey.” Like LaRouche, Zulkowitz is a gifted rhetorical political parasite, who uses the good names of true heroes to further his cynical ends. Zulkowitz, seeking to capitalize on the understandably increasing fame of Cindy Sheehan, who lost her son thanks to politicians like George W. Bush and Hillary Rodham Clinton, set up “Camp Casey” and, while he was going around town infiltrating things, placed the day-to-day operation of the encampment to a quite satanic character who called himself “Totay.” Within days, the substance-abusing and kleptomaniacal “Totay” had converted what was supposed to be a peace advocacy center into a homeless shelter for himself and his girlfriend and, via Lower East Side frontman Eric Rassi, a propagan-
da outpost for Lyndon LaRouche. Something of an anti-climax took place on September 19, 2005 when, via Zulkowitz’ chicanery, Speaker Cindy Sheehan came within a nano-
second of being arrested in Union Square, as Zulkowitz neglected to advise her that no NYPD sound permit for her speech had been obtained. Zulkowitz smilingly endured the indignity of his own staged arrest, moments after Ms. Sheehan had finished her talk. Later in the day, after Totay lied and said there was a permit, I was also arrested and the next day Totay told me that the arrests were staged.

The Zulkowitz story reached Jerry Springer levels when a few weeks later - during which time the Green Man pretty much disappeared, but let it be known that his severe bi-polarity had struck again and that he was in a state of depression – when he sent out an e-mail announcing that he had decided to end his life by jumping off a certain bridge in Nassau County. Among his stated reasons for that decision was his unhappiness about
the criticism endured – mostly from me – by one of his political heroes, the total psycho- path Geoffrey Blank, a “left”-spewing fascist demagogue from Rockaway Beach, Queens.
Blank, a de facto self-hating Jew of the Fred Newman variety, became notorious for his hijacking of a free speech group, the No Police State Coalition, which for several years has been holding public speakouts in Union Square Park. Blank would engage in Fidel Castro-length tirades about free speech and then try to intimidate others, particularly me, with threats and acts of violence. One of those episodes resulted in a major physical as- sault against me by a thug named Wan Yun at the Greenwich Village restaurant where Blank used to run NPSC meetings Adolf Hitler-style. Geoffrey Blank, who is in fact linked to a group that openly supports the terrorist Musab al-Zarqawi’s hostage behead-
headings, and is under international investigation for links to terrorism, is a fascist, a sexist, a racist, a liar – and one of Paul Zulkowitz’ heroes. As far as Zulkowitz’ “suicide” is concerned, reportedly the police were called and gave the Great Green two choices: involuntary commitment or incarceration. He chose the hospital. Zulkowitz is reportedly at liberty once again and is busy splitting the left, now via the Green “candidacy” of a LaRouche-oriented business man/propagandist Sander Hicks.

Howie Hawkins, from Syracuse, whom I’ve only very briefly met twice, is described by some (ex) Greens as a “Stalinist.” I certainly do recall that he was totally unresponsive to questions raised by me as to his role in the Fulani takeover of the Nader campaigns. My comment along those lines during one of his quite long and strident speeches at a “left” conference yielded only a Rasputin-like glare from Hawkins in my direction. My im-pression, both from reports and from experience, is that this guy is in some ways to the Green Party what Carmine DeSapio was for decades to the Democrats.

Green Party nominal and formal leaders such as Mitchel Cohen and Gloria Mattera have been aware of for example Gerald Kann’s neo-fascist criminality for quite some time.
Green Party official Betty K. Wood is trying to handle it the way Richard Nixon did with Watergate. Mr. Cohen, citing “chaos” in the Green Party of New York State, seems to recognize that something is very wrong but seems reluctant to do much about it. Mr. Cohen also kind of disrespects solidly progressive Democrats like Congressmembers
John Conyers and Cynthia McKinney, as well as Cindy Sheehan, and me, with his de- claration that the Green Party “reps” will not support “any” Democrat for any office.

Unless and until the Greens take appropriate action, at least with respect to the violent Gerald Kann and Paul Zulkowitz, the off-the-wall manipulator who consorts with local Jewish Saddam-ites like Blank, Paul Zulkowitz, the Green Party remains at the very core a criminal sanctuary. Perfect for the likes of Lyndon LaRouche.

Visit: http://www.tomsupfrontnews.blogspot.com/

Sunday, March 12, 2006


UP FRONT News March 11, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."


New York City Councilman Charles Baron (D.-Bklyn.) for all his political missteps e.g. honoring the vicious, sadistic dictator of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, at the City Council, associating with the Jew-hating racist Brenda ("The Black Panzer") Stokely - was courageous and correct in not voting to confirm Christine Quinn as Speaker. Mr. Barron, an experienced and successful community activist (I worked with him back in the 1990's when he was a leader of an East New York-based coalition that stopped George Pataki from perpetrating an act of environmental racism by installing privately crony-owned recycling plant in a mostly black neighborhood in Brooklyn), said that, regardless of any legislative merits Quinn might possess, her (s)election was the product of back room dealing by Democratic political bosses, mostly from Queens.

Ms. Quinn, not entirely surprisingly to me, is already playing the game of the economic imperialists, such as Hillary Clinton, Big Dick Cheney, and Michael Bloomberg, who rule for their own benefit, not that of the people whom they are supposed to represent. Ms. Quinn came to political power by way of her activism in gay and tenants rights issues, absolutely central in the Chelsea and Greenwich Village neighborhoods which form the heart of her Council district. While Ms. Quinn spoke out loudly in the West Side Stadium Bloomberg/Bush blunder, that took a modest amount of political courage since about 99.9% of her constituents said about the Stadium, "No way!" I attended and testified at the December 16, 2005 Stadium hearing at the Jacob Javits Center. Ms. Quinn was quite eloquent and said what was expected. The most convincing elected official, however, was U.S. Congressman (and at the time Mayoral candidate) Anthony D. Weiner (D.-Queens/Bklyn.) who went against the "outer borough" machine political grain and explained that there was no way to justify the construction of a Jets Stadium in Manhattan.

As things turn out, the "liberal" Christine Quinn has something very much in common with another, surely less liberal, politician, Big Dick Cheney. She has a pattern, when faced between making a possibly politically risky choice between right and wrong, she clams up and remains silent. She has done it for months in the face of evidence that she has had for many months that there is widespread and covered up staff abuse of homeless people in drop-in centers (one of them, "Peter's Place", a.k.a. "Auschwitz Lite" is in the heart of her district) and shelters in New York City.

And now Christine Quinn chooses to remain silent about Genocide - in Tibet. In 2001, probably pestered somewhat by her Council colleague at the time, Kathryn Freed, whom I had lobbied on the Tibet matter, Ms. Quinn introduced Resolution #802 which denounced the Communist Chinese regime for its brutal and racist atrocities in Occupied Tibet. The resolution passed unanimously - and was of course completely ignored by the Chinese and of course by the China friendly Blinton (Bush/Clinton) Administration. Indeed, following its passage, Quinn lost interest so rapidly that hardly any Tibetans in New York City know of its existence. They all learned about it from UP FRONT News.

Perhaps intentionally, the Resolution made no mention of the one aspect of the Chinese Genocide in Tibet issue that can resonate politically - from New York City, to Washington, to Geneva, and to Beijing - to meaningfully challenge the blood-Red fascists, who, with American help, run things in China. That aspect is the disturbing reality that, again as a result of backroom dealing, the 2008 Summer Olympic Games are scheduled to be played in Beijing. That de facto mega, mega, mega-bucks decision, part of a deal awarding the 1996 Games to Sydney Australia, the 2000 Games most understandably to Athens, involved United States of America, a powerful influence at the corporate extension known as the International Olympic Committee.

Giving the Olympic Games to a nation whose government, having finished off its Genocide by Khmer Rouge proxy in Cambodia, is into its second half century of Genocide in Occupied Tibet, is the moral and political equivalent to the International Olympic Committee's decision in that last millennium to have the 1936 Games in Hitler's Germany. The biggest confrontation for Der Fuehrer came as he experienced African-American runner Jesse Owens leaving the Nazi Aryans in the dust. (Hitler did manage to get the less blustery racists in the Olympic community to deny the Jewish track star Marty Glickman the right to compete.)

I have talked with Ms. Quinn about the Olympic matter on a number of occasions and, strongly supported by many in New York's Tibetan community, have formally asked that she introduce another support-Tibet resolution, this one calling for a removal of the 2008 Games from Beijing, or, if that is not feasible, calling upon the United States Olympic Team to boycott any Games in Brejing. She's has my most recent e-mail on the subject since January 30. And at this point, Ms. Quinn is handling the matter precisely the way Cheney handled the matter of dealing with the public on a matter involving his not being able to kill an innocent quail. Silence.

Ms. Quinn needs to understand that, as several hundred Tibetan New Yorkers, making an uncharacteristic and most welcome amount of noise on March 10 in Union Square Park, the United Nations and in front of the really ugly Chinese Mission on the way to West 42nd Street., made very clear, that the issue is Genocide and it is Genocide by a light (Chinese)race against a dark (Tibetan) race.

There is reason to believe that - no matter what the corrupt Maoists in the Workers World Party and its front groups like the International Action Center and the phony "peace" group known as "ANSWER", might suggest about their godless God - the Chinese Communist legacy of regimes is possibly the worst in history. The truth about Mao Zedong, quite aside from very credible reports as to his carnal interests in very young girls, is that he and the governments he spawned are responsible for more deaths than any other government(s) in history.

And among the people who are getting the worst of it are the pacifist, deeply religious Tibetans, whose religiosity stems from awfully powerful historical reality that they are the true Jesus people on this earth. You see, as many, many UP FRONT News readers are already aware, there is proof - no matter what, for example, Catholics may say or write that Jesus, during the "missing years", in which there is no Biblical accounting for His whereabouts or activities, he was in what is now Tibet. And, again no matter, again for example, Catholics may believe, Jesus "celibacy" is anyone's guess. My "guess", regardless of what the capitalists behind "The DaVinci Code" might suggest (unless Mary Magdalene traveled with Him to Tibet) is that, while in Tibet, He fell in love and had children, among whose descendants are the Dalai Lamas and the Tibetans.
And, getting to the spiritual bottom of things, that explains why Satan - well represented by Chinese Communism, aided and abetted by American capitalism - is still trying to kill the politically resurrected Jesus.
In the world of international politics, there may be no more direct confrontation between pure good and pure evil. The Tibetans are good. The Chinese Communists are evil. And Christine Quinn, like Big Dick Cheney, remains silent.

Email: Tomsupfrontnews@yahoo.com

Visit: www.tomsupfrontnews.blogspot.com

Sunday, March 05, 2006


UP FRONT News March 4, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

"The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold."


There are reasons why the New York State Legislature has been labeled the worst in the United States. Two of these reasons, very closely politically related, are named State Senator Diane Savino (D.-S.I.) and her Chief of Staff, Robert Cataldo. While Ms. Savino, who should probably be impeached, during her one direct conversation with me, last winter over the phone, seemed mild-mannered, the same cannot be said for the appar- ently episodically psychotic Cataldo, a civil servant hired gun who is still working for the quite corrupt Savino.

Last winter, as I was nearing the end of a prolonged period of recurrent homelessness, I found myself with no money at all because I had been robbed of my hotel rent money, derived from my Social Security check. Under the Social Security law, in the event of an emergency, it is possible, with a letter from a community leader or an elected official, sent to the Commissioner of the U.S. Social Security Administration, in Baltimore and Washington, D.C. – not to a regional office – for a beneficiary to receive an expedited check. Indeed, in similar situations in preceding years, I had received such assistance, the
first time by virtue of a letter written by my minister, the Rev. D. Timothy P. Mitchell, the Pastor of the Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church in Flushing, Queens. On a second occasion, utilizing the connection of New York State Assemblyman Adam Clayton Powwell IV’s Chief of Staff Daniel Serrano, through whom I had obtained Mr. Powell’s written support for a Free Tibet resolution in the Assembly, who, upon learning of my emergency, had volunteered the information about his very close connection to U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton. That connection is Mr. Serrano’s wife Yajaira Yepez. I readily accepted Mr. Serrano’s unsolicited offer to quickly send an e-mail to his wife at Clinton’s Manhattan office. Within a day Ms. Yepez had generated a fax to the Social Security Ad- ministration and a check was released.

When the problem recurred by virtue of the robbery, following a verbal (by phone) warning to me from the same local official who had received Ms. Yepez’ fax the first time around, that another request would be denied, I called and left a message for Ms. Jepez. The message was not returned. And neither were several others, on which both return e-mail and phone numbers were left. As readers of UP FRONT News are aware, my last call went to Clinton’s D.C. office. The man who answered the phone, identifying himself as "Democratic Party Investigator" Zimmerman, after telling that Mrs. Clinton had personally told him to take any calls from me, and after reciting to me the political dossier that surveillance-obsessed Senator had kept on me, warned me never to call again. That threat will, in good time, be reported as a crime to all the appropriate law enforcement authorities.

I ended up first wasting my time requesting the assistance of State Assemblyman John Lavelle, whose staff consisting of Dorothy Crimmins and Chief of Staff Keith Pascanda-Rola, mishandled the matter so totally that, had either of them been on that quail hunt in Texas, hundreds of innocent Houstonians would have been sprayed with buckshot.

My last resort was State Senator Savino, whose office I called, at which point I was given an immediate appointment. I met with Savino staffer Tanya Jones-Sullivan. I explained the situation and stressed that any letter must be sent, by e-mail or fax, to the Commissioner of the U.S. Social Security Administration, who has offices and fax numbers in Baltimore and Washington, numbers which I provided to Jones-Sullivan. What I got was an e-mail from Savino stating that she "…spoke to the Social Security Administration" which told her that I "do not qualify" for the hardship payment. I called and Savino happened to answer the phone. I reminded her that the communication had to go to the Commissioner and asked her to whom she had spoken. She refused to answer. Her written offer to have "someone’ at the SSA talk to my landlord was the equivalent of of offering me a soup kitchen in Baghdad. My "landlord" was the drug, violence, and prostitution infested Den of Iniquity a 10 minute walk from her office, known as the Hotel Richmond, run by a sleazebag named Kanti Patel, who would drop me into New York Bay if I was a penny short of my rent for .01 seconds.

A day or so later I returned to Ms. Savino’s Richmond Terrace office, where I was "greeted" by a linebacker-shaped guy who identified himself as Robert Cataldo, Chief of Staff. He asked me why I was there. I told him that that Social Security matter was not re- solved and that the emergency persisted. Mr. Cataldo’s response, almost verbatim exple- pletive non-deleted, was, "Get the fuck out of here or I’ll have you arrested!" As he got out of his seat and moved very menacingly in my direction, I left a bit more quickly.

In a very poorly written article by S.I. Advance reporter Tom ("Wrongleski") Wrobleski, that appeared in that sorry paper on August 27, 2005 in which Wrobleski intentionally blew the story of Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum’s public defamation of me as a "stalk- er", Ms. Savino is quoted as stating, about me, "’He was very hard to defuse when he went off on a rant…Is he dangerous? I don’t know. Is he scary? Without a doubt."'

That comment, aside, from subjecting Ms. Savino to possible legal action for defama- famation of character, will bring about criminal charges stemming from at the very least the very serious anger management problem in her office. When it comes to "rants", she better check out Robert Cataldo. Whether she wants to believe it or not, she’s got a Saddam Hussein personality as her Chief of Staff. And as far as her comment about me be- ing "scary" is concerned, most people, with little to hide politically and ethically, do not find me "scary." It is obvious, however, that Diane Savino - very much like Hillary Clin- ton, a politician with enough skeletons in her closet to supply eons of Halloween parties - is scared!

And, among many, many, many others, State Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno, Minor-ity Leader David A. Paterson, State Senator Martin Connor, and State Senator Eric T. Shneiderman know all about it. And so do the Republicans!
* * * * * * *

Email: Tomsupfrontnews@yahoo.com
Please visit: www.tomsupfrontnews.blogspot.com