Sunday, February 26, 2006


UP FRONT News February 25, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."


If the Free Tibet advocacy community - which involves the United States Tibet Community, The international Campaign for Tibet, the Tibetan Youth Congress, some other groups, as well as just about all Tibetan-Americans - believes that the prospects for getting China out of Tibet will be improved depending on, for example, recurrent often eloquent pronouncements by, for example, Richard Gere and Robert Thurmann, and occasionally demonstrations, that community is making a grave error.

Many Tibetans, including His Holiness The Dalai Lama, whom I've met a few times and who is familiar with UP FRONT News, are aware of my support for a Free Tibet. They are aware that I may be the only non-Tibetan to openly accuse the Communist Chinese regime of Genocide in Occupied Tibet. (Tibetans use the word all the time to characterize the Chinese Communist occupation.) They know that, among the reasons I am challenging the opportunistically China-friendly Hillary Clinton (she makes a lot of money in China with sales of her ego-tripping book) for the U.S. Senate as a Democrat is because both she and her husband - despite making nice when the Dalai Lama is in town - have repeatedly sold Tibet down the Yangtze River by cowtowing to the multinational corporations that make zillions in the slave state that is Communist China.

And unless the established Free Tibet community - which, at least in the past, has been run by rich white people - wakes up and starts involving, among others, poor and black people and the politicians who are paid to reporesent us, they can kiss their occupied country good-bye as the Chinese dig in and continue the historical pattern of light-skinned (Chinese) Genocide against the dar-skinned (Tibetans).

From my perspective, the only Tibet-related issue - even if Gere were to make a movie, getting paid the millions he is no doubt accustomed to as an actor, to portray the Dalai Lama with Thurman's daughter Uma playing the part of a beautiful American Buddhist - that will resonate in a way to shake up the Chinese, is an organized grass roots-generated effort to get the 2008 Summer Olympics out of Beijing. Everyone, including the corporations and politicians now prostrating themselves before the Chinese in observance of the money magnet that is the Olympic Games, needs to know that Communist China is a government that is essentially fascist and racist and Genocidal and is in pursuit of power and wealth at any cost. We ought to understand that allowing the 2008 Games to go on in Beijing - or, should that happen despite protests, allowing the U.S. athletes to participate - constitutes a political replay of the 1936 Games, taking place before Adolf Hitler in Berlin. That Olympics became very famous because Hitler had some track dust thrown in his face by African-American runner Jesse Owens, who beat Der Fuehrer's Aryans. A less well known story is that, even as Owens competed, another speedster who happened to be Jewish, Marty Glickman, was not allowed to participate, with the U.S. bowing to Hitler and to the racist International Olympic Committee Chief Avery Brundage. Glickman later became very famous as a sportscaster bringing a New York City accent to the world long before Marv Albert.

Although scores of politicians have criticized the Chinese government for not being nice to the Tibetans, whose land they invaded at the orders of one of the world's most prolific murderers ever, Mao Zedong, none seems to want to take on the Olympic Games issue. Typical of on-again-off-again pseudo-militancy is the apparent position of New York City Council speaker Christine Quinn, i.e. "The Flighty Quinn." In 200, after I had lobbied then City Councilmember Kathryn Freed for a Free Tibet resolution, Ms. Freed and Councilmember Quinn introduced Resolution #802. That resolution eloquently denounced the Communist Chinese government for its racist atrocities in Tibet and demanded that the Chinese government meet with the Dalai Lama and end its abuses. It passed unanimously. And it ha dabout as much of an effect on the Chinese as a request made to Big Dick Cheney for donations to the Society for the Protection of Quails and to the War Resisters League.

When I wrote to Ms. Quinn asking her to introduce another resolution, this one including language that would urge the United States and International Olympic Committees to rescind their decisions to award the 2008 Games to Beijing. I also suggested language that would, in the event that the Games do take place in Genocide City, call upon the U.S. Olympic team to boycott - perhaps having a Freedom games, in Queens, New York City, of course. Ms. Quinn, very busy making the back-door deals in the presumably no longer smoke-filled rooms that enabled her to become speaker, took her good time about responding, perhaps taking Hillary Clinton's almost always corporation-protecting views into account. Quinn belatedly sent me an e-mail saying that she was happy with what she had done. When it comes to Genocide, that just doesn't cut it. That is a cop-out.

Over the years, I have spoken to probably thousands of Tibetans, such as activist-leader Kunga Thinley, fund-raiser Nawang Choepel, and store owner Sonam Zoksang. I've also spoken at length with high-level representatives of the Dalai Lama's exile government in New York. The notion of a 2008 Olympics in China is unanimously regarded as, at the very least, an insult to the Tibetan people.

That being the case, it is the task of the Tibetans to crawl out of what for decades has been something of a political shell (a Beastie Boys of David Bowie fundraising concert gets needed money and brief media, but little else) and join UP FRONT News in getting into at least the neighborhoods of New York City and into at the very least the calculating political head of, among others, Christine Quinn. Important political and media things often start in New York City - which, as home to the world's greatest melting pot, i.e. the borough of Queens, has a significant, albeit quiet Tibetan-American community. Today New York City, soon the Tibetan infused city of Ithica, N.Y., and on across the U.S. to very Tibet sensitive Colorado and California and of course the International Olympic Committee home-town of Geneva, Switzerland. And one day, back to Lhasa, the capital of Occupied Tibet.

During last year's Mayoral election, in my view the most unequivocally human rights-oriented candidate was U.S. congressman Anthony D. Weiner, (D.-Queens/Bklyn.) When we met, during his campaign, I brought up the subject of Tibet. I asked him, if based on available information, he would agree that the Chinese Communists are committing genocide in Tibet. Immediately stating that, although Jewish (and an observant one at that), he is not of the view that the only Holocaust was Hitler's against the Jews, he agreed that the term "Genocide" applies to the Tibetan case. On April 6, 2005, a few days after our conversation, Mr. Weiner, not at all coincidentally, gave a speech on the subject before the U.S. House of Representatives. His closing words were as follows. "We must help the Dalai Lama and the people of Tibet in their quest to live free from oppression. We must all work towards a peaceful resolution to this situation so that not one more Tibetan is carried off by the night." Very poetic - and very true!



Sunday, February 19, 2006


UP FRONT News Feb. 17, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

The International Action Center is a purportedly “left” New York City-based organiza- tion, that was founded late in the last millennium by former U.S. Attorney General Ram- sey Clark. I know Mr. Clark perhaps somewhat better than many other activists since, in 1978, he took me on as a client when I was up against a stacked legal and political deck in my battle with Ed Koch’s New York City, which had fired, jailed, and psychiatrically harassed me Soviet-style for my having blown the whistle on budget cut-caused patient deaths and racist psychiatric abuse of patients City-operated Queens Hospital Center.

I had in fact exposed de facto incremental genocide and econocide, for which people like Koch, Bill and Hillary Clinton and George W. Bush, among others, have been res- ponsible for decades, and so the stakes were very heavy. Mr. Clark, whom I one day quite desperately called at his listed Manhattan phone telephone number, knowing me only from that call, invited me to his home and spent over two hours giving me legal advice (at the time, I was still, in a manner of speaking, being “represented” by my Union, Victor Gotbaum’s very management-and-Koch-compliant District Council 37) and serving me tea laced with cactus honey from his hometown in Uvalde, Texas. At a later point following my having gone through the motions of exhausting the stacked deck known as the civil service grievance system, Mr. Clark, after a careful review of the case, told me, paraphrased, “What the City of New York has done to you is completely unconstitutional and violative of your rights. So, I’ll take your case.” Sizing up the reality the my case was going to be decided by a Supreme Court judge who was the brother of Koch pal Percy Sutton, Mr. Clark said, “Don’t expect to win.” I didn’t. And, since it would have required my going into the federal courts, a probably prolonged and potentially expensive process, I went no further – legally.

And so, despite the fact that Mr. Clark founded and has his name on the logo of an or- ganization that has evolved into a full-fledged “left” neo-fascist criminal operation, I still respect the man who has declared that every human being charged with a crime has the right to the best defense. I have already advised Mr. Clark of two incidents, the most re- cent taking place on December 15 at the IAC office in room 206 at 39 West 14th Street in Manhattan, in which I have been physically abused by IAC thugs. It is apparent that Mr. Clark, who appears rarely at the IAC office, is not aware that the First Amendment is not operative at the IAC, which, when it comes to the Bill of Rights, applies the same prin- cipals as its Genocide-generating Maoist role models in Beijing. Since another meeting I had planned to attend didn’t happen on February 15, my political colleague Roman Shusterman and I went to the IAC, which was hosting a meeting essentially promoting the current government of Iran. When we got there, to a darkened room, a video depicting the purportedly idyllic existence of women in today’s Iran was on. That was followed by a female speaker whose message was essentially the same. The next speaker was Ardeshir Ommani, the founder of the American-Iranian Friendship Society. He gave a long talk on his experiences in Iran from childhood in fighting American imperialism and as part of the labor movement there.

The first question in the immediately following Q&A was posed by Mr. Shusterman, who inquired about a reported protest strike in Iran and its relationship to the matter of Kurdish nationalism. As Mr. Ommani was about to respond, the moderator suggested that they would take a bunch of questions first and answer them in a bunch. I suggested that the question was important and that it warranted a separate answer. The moderator relent- ed and Mr. Ommani responded - sort of. He said that the strike was precipitated by the imprisonment of a labor leader. As soon as he went somewhat off- track by referring to CIA connections to the American labor movement, I asked him why the labor leader was in jail in the first place, since, according to the speaker, that was what led to the strike. I also asked him to identify the jailed leader by name. At that point, audience member Jessie Bailey, at least in the past a supporter of sister racists and Lyndon H. LaRouche surrogates Lenora Fulani and Brenda Stokely, turned around and ordered me to let the speaker answer. I replied that I was merely asking for a clarification and that I did not need her to tell me how to ask my question. At that point, she turned around again and told me, in a voice possibly audible in Queens, to “shut up!” I responded in kind - firmly. Within a few seconds a beefy character, later identified as “Arturo”, came up behind me and violently pushed me. Less than politely, I told him to keep his hands off me. At that point an apparent non-dieter later identified as Jessie Lakaya (sp?), placed his big self about one centimeter from me, between me and my belongings, and said to me, spreading his hands, like a vulture might spread its wings, “You’ll have to leave.” Mr. Shusterman, who had anticipated the possibility of harassment by the IAC, made ready to go while I, impersonating a macho man, told the sea lion-shaped Lakaya to move back and let me get to my things. Wisely, he did. As I got my stuff to get ready to go into the much less polluted air on West 14th Street, one of the IAC lemmings, citing my “Free Tibet” T-shirt, called me a “fascist.”

I first encountered the definitely Maoist and Beijing-connected IAC in 1994 at the invitation of, as it turned to be, the very autocratic poet Veronica Golos (openly fascist poet Ezra Pound would have loved her), who came to a downtown poetry event I was at and asked folks to help out in a planned IAC demonstration against Newt Gingirch’s “Contract With America.” Within a matter of a few days, it started to become apparent that the IAC was a group that functioned according to the principles of dictatorship and utilized the ethics of Machiavelli. Aside from squelching any dissent from their program, they stole the labor of at least one activist (from India) who is probably still owed hun- dreds of dollars for the silk screen shirts she made for them. She left in tears of rage. In the days preceding my total awareness of what this group was about, and still somewhat taken in by Veronica Golos’ rhetoric, I arranged for her to be interviewed by my poet-journalist friend/colleague Ellen Aug-Lytle, who at the time was writing the literature column for the then still published Downtown Magazine. While Ms. Aug-Lytle did not leave in tears, she certainly became uncharacteristically angry at Golos’ persistent demands to dictate what would go into the article. I had been pushed around there once previously some years ago when, following the IAC hijacking of the “Poetry Calendar”, a (now defunct, thanks to the IAC) foundation supported monthly booklet listing poetry events city-wide, I had to go to the Calendar’s office, in the IAC space, to pick up a Calendar and leave a note about a poetry event I was producing. I was there for a few minutes, as always garbed in my Free Tibet finery, when two guys came up, put their hands on me and, voicing a series of explicit physical threats, escorted me from the premises.

The IAC, is a “left”-spewing Maoist organization that is friendly to terrorism, locally and internationally. Among those associated with thuggishly run operation, that Ramsey Clark evidently has little day-to-day knowledge of, are “Pistol” Pete Dolack, a rodent-like wannabe poet and apologist for any “left” genocide on earth, who once tried to have me arrested at a poetry reading. This character some years ago, on an absolutely frigid December day, choreographed what he depicted as an effort to expose the KKK in Staten Island, but was actually an attempt to provoke a race war in Clove Lake Park. Among his political friends, all in some way involved with the amorphous IAC, is a Staten Islander Gary Phaneuf, who is a testament to the validity of Darwin’s theory of evolution since, in a number of ways, he represents the transitional stage between ape and man. This is a “left” spewing person, whose traditional response to dissent is to clench his fist and to bellow threats. The as yet not fully substantiated story is that, some years ago, the NYPD on the Staten Island Ferry had, in less than gentle fashion, popped Phaneuf into a psychiat- ric facility after he responded very, very inappropriately, to a female German-speaking passenger’s objections to his loud rants about Adolf Hitler. And no discussion of “left” neo-fascism is complete without reference to one of the few Jewish small “n” Nazis around, Geoffrey Blank, an increasingly open apologist for at least certain kind of terrorism, such as that practiced by al-Zarqawi and, (still) somewhat less lethally, by Geoffrey Blank himself. Blank’s 30+ year old baby brother Jason recently wondered out loud, “Why does everyone hate my brother?” I imagine that Hitler’s imaginary brother may have had the same concerns.

The IAC is one of a number of sometimes loosely and sometimes not so loosely con- nected Beijing-oriented groups, including the Workers World Party, the Revolutionary Communist Party,“World Can’t Wait”, and the reportedly under “surveillance” pro al-Qaeda “Freedom Socialist Party.” The IAC spawns, like cockroaches, an array of front organizations, like the very warlike “peace” group known as ANSWER, and its twin the “Troops Out Now Coalition.” The International Action Center, disguising its true totalitarian motives with anti-Bush rhetoric, regardless of its Ramsey Clark-related conception, has evolved into a center of pro-genocide, anti-Jewish, terrorism-condoning, free speech(except for itself)-hating version of former Haitian dictator Francois Duvalier’s “ton ton macoutes.” I am hoping that Ramsey Clark, a great human rights activist, either cleans house at the IAC or separates himself from the group entirely - even though they apparently regard Saddam Hussein, Mr. Clark’s most notorious current client, and a former one, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. as role models.

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006


UP FRONT News Feb. 11, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

As reported in UP FRONT News, the neo-fascist “left”, led by folks like mega-nazi and convicted felon Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr, violent class war Maoist groups like “World Can’t Wait” and local neo-fascists like Geoffrey Blank, Judy Cunningham and Pete Dolack, by blindly calling for the impeachment of George W. Bush is setting the fire for a Dick Cheney presidency. According to a knowledgeable – and very anti-Bush – political scientist – the U.S. Constitution prohibits the simultaneous impeachment of the president and vice-president. If – as is most unlikely to happened, even if the recurrently psychotic Geoffrey Blank demands it – Bush goes down, Cheney becomes president.

There is plenty of evidence to suggest that, while George W. Bush is a corrupt, reactionary, petroleum-baptized, anti-poor liar, who is, by his “faith-based” politics, giving Jesus a bad name, Dick Cheney is significantly worse and is in fact a true American fascist. Indeed, big Dick Cheney is very much like a guy whose camouflage politics has him denouncing Bush and Cheney. I am, of course, referring to Lyndon LaRouche.

At a recent meeting of a progressive human rights-oriented group known as Politics for a Human Community, Bertram Miller, the group’s founder, spoke about some relevant American political history. While most people, of course, will recall Richard M. Nixon’s very involuntary resignation from the presidency when it became obvious that he would be convicted of Watergate-related high crimes by the U.S. Senate. Fewer people recall the prior resignation of Nixon’s first Vice-President, Spiro M. Agnew, a bottom-feeder who got nailed for tax fraud.

Mr. Miller also pointed out that Cheney in particular is highly indictable for high crimes at least with respect to his direct involvement in the criminal “outing” of CIA agent Valerie Plame, whose husband was throwing sand into Cheney’s Iraq invasion plans. There is every reason for federal prosecutors to start looking into evidence that Dick Cheney knew about the planned 9/11 attack before it occurred and that he helped it happen. That is known as treason. At least some of the evidence appears in a book, “Crossing the Rubicon” by Michael Ruppert and in UP FRONT News.

UP FRONT News calls for the impeachment of Big Dick Cheney – first!
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UP FRONT News Feb. 10, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."

During the 1920's and 1930's when political activist Adolf Hitler, applying his fascist strategy of "two roads" or "inside-outside" politics, i.e. the simultaneous utilization of "legal", democratic tactics (e.g. running for office, calling for free speech) and extra-legal (terrorizing opponents, regular resort to lying) means for attaining power in a democratic setting, he called himself a "socialist' and tailored his revolutionary message to the poor, of whom there were millions in Post World War I Germany. Fully and correctly realizing that you do not win elections by praising the rich, he rhetorically blasted the corporate and landowning heavies, rather few of whom, by the way, were Jews. At the same time, while at times ordering his followers to collaborate with the Communists in organizing rent strikes in the slums of Berlin, he choreographed campaigns of murder against the Reds and, in so doing, fueled the fires of the splitting of the left, while accepting all sorts of help from right-wingers around the world who saw him as the only bulwark against Bolshevism, which, like Nazism, was a historical outgrowth of World War I.

The most dedicated and skillful American practitioner of the fascist politics of Hitler and, somewhat earlier, Benito Mussolini (the partly Jewish and yet very Catholic Fran- scisco Franco, however, was a very different kind of fascist), is Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. LaRouche, is the New Hampshire-born and Lynn, Massachusetts-raised megalomaniac and convicted federal felon who hungrily eyes a violent takeover of the White House from his armed fortress known as Ibikus Farm, located a short helicopter ride from Wash-ington in Loudon County, Virginia. LaRouche is notorious for his sudden and dramatic shifts from the extreme "right" to the extreme "left", all of them geared at bringing him to total power over the U.S. and thereby the universe. LaRouche is quite explicit about his belief that he was born to rule over everything. Although, in order to remain relevant, LaRouche uses anti-Hitler rhetoric, he is a known worshiper of many things German. He is pretty much sworn to the notion that all firms of music other than classical should be wiped out. Rock 'n' roll, gospel, jazz, country, and all ethnic musics, under LaRouche are to be abolished. And I won't, in this article, go into his views on matters such as, (aside from rock 'n' roll, sex and drugs).

LaRouche entertains the delusions of his very much alive cult of followers by, using his apparent status as a registered Democrat to repeatedly run for President, usually singing the praises of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. (Had FDR actually met this lunatic, he would have bolted out his wheelchair, grabbed Eleanor, and called the cops)

LaRouche is the seemingly remote Rasputin who has inflicted upon us racists like self-hating African-American Lenora Fulani and the self-hating Jewish psycho-psychothera-pist and reported pedophilia advocate "Dr." Fred Newman , with the latter two neo-fascists using the "left" rap to the hilt. Mega-racist Fulani, however, blew it big-time when she labeled Jews en masses as the murderers of people of color. Like her spiritual godfather, Hitler, who went to his suicide preaching hatred of the Jews, Fulani would not retract her racist fulmination. Although the gullible Michael Bloomberg has pretty much jettisoned her, and although she has been deposed from her seat of power in the Inde- pendence Party of New York, she is still around. And so of course the absolutely ghoul- ish head of the Castillo Center (for "the arts") in Greenwich Village, Newman.

Taking into account, however, the reality of local "left"-spouting neo-fascists such as the racist from Rockaway, Geoffrey Blank and the Maoist-types who run things at the Workers World Party and its front organization on 14th Street in Manhattan, the Interna- tional Action Center, and its spawnings such as the warlike "peace" cult ANSWER, and a weird outfit calling itself "World Can't Wait", it is obvious LaRouche, now in his 70's, is hard at work in his life-long effort at become dictator – very, very soon.

The strategy focuses on splitting the left, e.g. by sometimes violently attacking true small "d" progressives such as myself, and supporting initiatves that can only bring civil war and chaos to America and the world. While these neo-fascist "leftists" rail against Bush and the Right, every move they make helps the most dangerous right-wingers of all, who include Dick Cheney and Hillary Clinton, no matter what these two Machiavel- lians may say in public about each other.

The reportedly Revolutionary Communist Party (a neo-fascist very "left" group that preaches violent class war)-connected "World Can't Wait" bunch are running around the country calling for the impeachment or resignation of George W. Bush. Since I happen to be of the view that Bush and both Clintons, by virtue of their political actions, which have cost many people their lives, belong in jail, the notion of a Bush impeachment and conviction or resignation doesn't sound to bad. Until one realizes that if Bush leaves of- fice during his term, under the U.S. Constitution, the sitting Vice-President, assumes power.

The view here is that, while George W. Bush (like Bill Clinton) is in the running for worst president in history, Cheney is worse. In an article in The New York Times on February 9, 2006, on plans for the Berlin real estate once occupied by the offices of the Ges- tapo, Andreas Nachama, the director of the Topography of Terror Foundation is quoted as referring to " 150 days, from January to June, 1933, a democracy was turned into a totalitarian dictatorship in that short time to subordinate all of the institutions of the state to its purpose." Cowboy/oil-man George W. Bush, in the receding days and nights of his lame duck presidency, no matter how hard he tries, does not have what it takes to estab- lish a dictatorship in a country where even conservatives like to shoot their mouths off. Dick Cheney, however, the architect of the War on Iraq and the War on America, is, however something different. Dick Cheney, an ice cold practitioner of econocide and genocide, has the intelligence, the money, and the deep neo-fascist contacts, including the essential one with Lyndon H. LaRouche, to pull it off. The de facto alliance between Cheney and LaRouche becomes apparent when one considers the fact of LaRouche's presence as a guest of the White House at a White House Correspondents' Associa-
tion dinner last spring (New York Times, May 3, 2005).

I have on several occasions raised the question of the Cheney factor with representa- tives of "World Can't Wait." The first time the WCW (that's not World ChampionshipWrestling) guy simply avoided the questions by babbling about a spontaneous uprising accompanying a Bush resignation. The second, a phony named Osage, ruled my question out of order.

The neo-fascist "left" is populated by a whole bunch of Marxist-sounding demagogues and operatives. They include the notorious and repulsive Geoffrey Blank, who, much like one of his role models Saddam Hussein, considers himself the "president" something. Others are out-of-control attention getters like Ben (The Be-buttoned Bay Ridge Basket Case) Maurer, Judy (a.k.a. the Pengiun, a.k.a. The Arsenal) Cunningham, and Gary (the Missng Link) Phaneuf, a conspicuous and violent loony from Staten Island). There is also a wannabe poet named Pete Dolack, a rodent-like character who is a testament to the oc- casional accuracy of rock 'n' roller Randy Newman's satirical references as to the untrust- worthiness of "Short People." Dolack, who some years ago played a significant role in setting up a Revolutionary Communist Party-like confrontation with white racists on a frigid winter day in Staten Island, once actually tried to have my arrested at a poetry read- ing. Dolack is closely affiliated to Maoists like another "poet" Veronica Golos, an author- thoritarian type from the Workers World Party/International Action Center/ANSWER fifth column. And everyone needs to keep an eye out for anything involving a group with the "left" name of the Freedom Socialist Party. This group, reportedly under internation- tional surveillance because of its open support of terrorist actions such as hostage behead- ings, is the new base of financial and other support for fascist Geoffrey Blank.

Among the major focuses of LaRouche-style "left" infiltration is the Green Party. Using her former position of dictatorial power in the Independence Party, the racist Lenora Fu-lani, collaborating with such Greens as upstate Party boss Howie Hawkins (denounced by a number of privately dissenting Greens as a "Stalinist"), took de facto control of several Green Party-sponsored presidential candidacies by the extraordinarily politically gullible Ralph Nader. Closely involved in that hijacking were neo-fascist Gerald Kann of Astoria and his violent pal George Tatevosyan, both of whom were involved in a physical assault against me a few feet from a Ralph Nader news conference in Manhattan in April, 2004. It appears that "left" neo-fascist Greens have arranged for the very dubious U.S. Senate "candidacy" of a fugitive from the Green Party, said to be a saxophone player from New Paltz. From the LaRouche standpoint, they'll do anything, to stop someone, in this case me, who, although a very long shot, has a real chance at unseating the imperialist Hillary Clinton.

The "World Can't Wait?" I personally "can't wait" until these neo-fascists are thoroughly exposed.
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Monday, February 13, 2006


UP FRONT News Feb. 10, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."

It is not possible for me to write about all the 100+ performers at the 32nd Annual Marathon Reading, last January 1, sponsored by the Poetry Project at St. Mark's in-the-Bowery Church in Manhattan, which actually features, aside from poets, musicians, actors, and satirists. Once again, Anselm Berrigan and his colleagues at the Poetry Project, did what, to my knowledge, no big-time producer as ever done, i.e. to put on a 12 hour show that was interesting every step of the way. (Could you imagine sitting through 12 hours of, for example, "American Idol.?" That would be bringing torture from Abu Ghraib to prime time.

Among the performers who made a very strong impression on me is singer/song- writer/poet Lo Galluccio, who traveled with her band, consisting of guitarist Will DiMar- tino and Lou Rossi, from Boston to appear. They performed a haunting piece called "Grand Failed Experiment", about "psychic/supernatural voices from a statue of the Hindu deity Ganesha, the elephant-headed God." I've exchanged some e-mail corres- pondence with Ms. Galluccio, and, despite the reference to "voices", I would urge any psychiatrists who happen to read this article not to jump to conclusions – something the psychiatric profession is notable for. Lo Galluccio, a political lady, and apparently a new UP FRONT News-introduced fan of the great Johnny Cash-related country gospel Native American rights rocker Marty Stuart, seems to function on a very spiritual level.

And so, of course, does the L.O.C.O.- (Ludlow Orchard Community Organization) founder, singer/songwriter Rebecca Moore, whose contribution, in which she accompan- ied herself Iris Dement-style on the piano, was a song, "Conscientious Objection." Per- haps unintentionally, Ms. Moore acknowledged Johnny Cash by including what she des- cribed as her "best shirt" in her all-black performance finery. But she is leaving it to lis- teners to interpret her at least politically titled song.

Patti Smith, although coming to fame as an often harsh punk rocker, is a very powerful folk singer and poet, who, like Lo Galluccio, has something special going with Hindus, like, for example, Mahatma Gandhi, he of the statue in Union Square Park. And, courtesy of some brief face-to-face and e-mailed contacts, Ms. Smith makes known her eloquent poetry on, for example, the Dalai Lama of Tibet and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

There was only one performance while, not without some artistic merit, left much to be desired from the standpoint of taste. I don't really the names of the performers, and while I don't have any problem with people's sexual preferences (although I draw a firm line when it comes to pedophilia, incest, and bestiality) there was one lesbian ensemble that came across – to me at least – as a bunch of gynecologists having had much too much pot and liquor, hanging out late at night discussing their day's work.
When in 1977 I moved to the neighborhood that is now Tribeca, a no cover charge multi-level nightclub known as Garris' used to feature the Joy Ryder/Avis Davis Band. Once husband Avis (lead guitar) and wife Joy (vocals), they are no longer together. It didn't take but a minute, when I heard Joy Ryder's name mentioned by a musician per- forming at The Muddy Cup, in Staten Island, for me to recall a singer, who while not at all derivative, certainly evokes both Bessie Smith and Janis Joplin. Joy Ryder, who des- cribes herself as possessing a "honey and whiskey voice", is a blues-belter who, as she points out in her mini-autobiography, (the content of which could form the storyline for an opera, perhaps starring a diva from La Scala or possibly the operatic band Queen) is very lucky to be alive, after an aneurism-created brush with death. She and her band, the NY Rhythm All Stars (Jon Spector, Everett Boyd, Dave Dawson, and Danny Ray), per- formed recently at CBGB's Gallery. She is putting together a CD which, I hope, includes "In the Pines" (a mournful blues dialogue written by Leadbelly), "Sally Go 'round the Roses" (originally recorded in the last millennium by the Jaynettes, and her original, "Minnesota Strip", about girls from the Midwest who wind up abused in New York City.

And speaking of The Muddy Cup, in my home borough of Staten Island, this coffee house/beer/wine nightclub in Stapleton, features much live music and poetry. Tuesday evening poetry open mikes, emceed by poet Jack Friedman (sp?), whose subjects range from anti-war to anti-depressants, are, (as distinct from some "hip" Manhattan venues), very democratically run. And, for example, local poet Pia Garber's future probably, at some point in time, will include the St. Mark's Marathon.
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UP FRONT News Feb. 11, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

Country/gospel rocker Marty Stuart, still, despite his long overdue national exposure on Conan O’Brien, remains far less well known than his relative and close friend Johnny Cash, for whom he served as lead guitarist (and, for a time, son-in-law) for years. Although I’ve only seen a man that many regard as, at the very least, a string instrument prodigy (he demonstrated his virtuosity as a rock ‘n’ roll mandolinist on the O’Brien show to spontaneous audience cheers) once live, I still remember that performance in March, 1993 at the Westbury Music Fair in Long Island. It became immediately memorable for me because, during his long pause between appearing on stage with his band and starting to play, I went up to him (no Madison Square Garden-like barriers at Westbury) and gave him an UP FRONT News article I had written about him. He took it, looked at me, said “Thank you” , and then, as soon as got to my seat in a matter of a few moments, began to play. The song that sticks with me best was his rendition of a quite eerie rock ‘n’ roll ballad, “The Veil”, about love and murder in which he accompanied himself on the acoustic guitar.

Mr. Stuart has an extensive discography with a number of his CD’s available in major record stores in the “country” section. No church should be without his “Souls’ Chapel” all-gospel album. Until the release of his CD “Badlands”, I was unaware of Johnny Cash’s and Stuart’s involvement in the struggle for survival of in particular the genocided Lakota Indians of South Dakota. The Badlands are the lands of Wounded Knee, Little Big Horn, and General Custer’s fate. It is, as Stuart points out in pure rock ‘n’ roll, the land of broken promises – e.g. by Bill Clinton. Below are the lyrics to the title cut.

“Badlands”, by Marty Stuart
Somewhere between the warning and the dying,
Just beyond the thunder of the gun.
The bones of thirsty ghosts are sad and crying.
Believing their redemption day has come and gone.

It’s a bitter pair of dice, this dust of Eden.
Lost and lonely kingdom of the plains.
Well, God looked down and saw a world of sufferin’,
And then cried out, “I’m gonna give this place a name!”
Badlands, badlands, badlands, badlands!

Well, it’s a church without a steeple.
But in the heart of its people,
Good will come again to the Badlands.


It’s a wilderness that lies
In a broken promised land.
Where the devil and his soldiers
Hang around like next of kin.

But the shadows have eyes,
And I hear voices in the wind.
Tellin’ me the second comin’ of the red man
Is closer than it’s ever been.
Badlands, badlands, badlands, badlands.

Well, it’s a church without a steeple,
But in the heart of its people,
Good will come to the Badlands.

Badlands, badlands, badlands, badlands.


Badlands, badlands, badlands, badlands.
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