Saturday, April 16, 2016


UP FRONT News       April 16, 2016  
"The paper that won't be bought and can't be sold."
Published by Tom Weiss
Andrew Mazzone - Media Representative and Economics Advisor   
Frank De Luca - Public Relations Consultant
Allen Smith - Economics Reporter and Internet Advisor
  The views expressed in UP FRONT News are those of the publisher or of the contributing writer and do not necessarily represent the views of staff.


It is a political fact that the dramatically popularly rising Bernie Sanders (it is a movement) will do very well in his native city of New York and that there is every likelihood that he will defeat multi-millionaire Northern Westchester resident Republicrat Hillary Clinton in the pivotal April 19 New York Democratic Primary in New York State. Perhaps the only area in heavily pro-Bernie New York City that remains a bastion of Tammany Hall-style Democratic Party Machine support is the North Shore of Staten Island, which is run in a thoroughly corrupt fashion as a political fiefdom by the "Unholy Trinity" of NYS Senator Diane Savino, NYS Assemblyman Matthew ("No Saint") Titone and the historically opportunistic NYC Councilmember Debi Rose, whose long time top political advisor David Jones is a known "Israel Basher" and explosive anti- Semite to boot.  Some years ago the NYU Brennan Institute of Justice rated the corruption-riddled New York State Legislature as "The worst state legislature in the country." That assessment was of course approximately 100% correct. It's only gotten worse - particularly in the     so-called "forgotten borough" of Staten Island, which continues to be victimized by the multi-billionaire (Donald Newhouse)-owned Staten Island Advance, which has a history of political news suppression, self-censorship, biased and libelous reporting (at least about me), and covering up political corruption, particularly in S.I., that exceeds any other paper in New York and perhaps America. Political reporters Tom ("Wrongleski") Wrobleski and Rachel ("Charade") Shapiro are arguably the two most dishonest journalists in New York and perhaps America. Editor in Chief Brian Laline is a de facto news censor and should be doing journalism for the government of North Korea or China or Syria. The one per center wannabe Publisher Caroline Diamond Harrison is a monied entrenched part of the corrupt ruling class of "The People's Republic of Staten Island." She is the "Marie Antoinette of Staten Island."  In early 2005 I announced my Democratic write-in candidacy for the U.S. Senate against then incumbent Hillary ("The Pillory") Clinton. (Visit I decided to run because, just like her phony husband, all her talk about human rights and helping the poor was pure poop.  It was her husband Bill who started criminally harassing me back in 1992 because of my quite public activities for a Free Tibet. Read UP FRONT News article dated August 20, 2015 "How the Clintons Have Covered Up the Genocide in Tibet: The Power of the China Lobby", (online at which contains the details of my telephone and faxed communications about the gruesome Chinese Communist atrocities against, for example, Tibetan nuns and monks to and from Bill Clinton's secretary, Betty M. Currie (who, to her obvious chagrin, later became front page news during the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky reality show). It also details what happened to me when I arrived at the January 19, 1993 hearing in the U.S. Capitol of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations with my invitation from the Committee to attend the hearing on President-elect Bill Clinton's nomination of Warren Christopher to be Secretary of State. The reason Bill Clinton/Warren Christopher and Communications Director George Stephanopoulos had me arrested, by Officer Buck of the U.S. Capitol Police, when I arrived at the Committee room in the U.S. Capitol with my invitation is because all three of them had suppressed the information in the UP FRONT News articles about the that I had, at her request, sent to Ms. Currie and which she gave directly to Bill Clinton/Warren Christopher and George Stephanopoulos several times she gave them several times. The article also reports on my night in custody in Washington D.C.'s Central Cellblock, the excellent representation of me by an African-American Public Defender civil rights lawyer with an Angela Davis hairstyle, whose name I am unable to recall. The Bill Clinton Administration tried to politically and legally bribe me with an offer of a plea bargain, which, fully supported by my lawyer, I refused. The jury trial before Judge Leo Satterfield took place in July, 1993 and it didn't take the jury very long to come up with a verdict of acquittal.  No doubt to Hillary Clinton's major annoyance, while then S.I. Advance Political Editor Wrobleski, with whom I had a long face-to- face interview about my candidacy in early 2005, willfully suppressed the news of my challenge to Mrs. Clinton, Newsday reporter Dan Janison in an article in NYC Newsday published on August 26, 2005 about Hillary Clinton pal the CIA-linked then NYC Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum's paranoid claim that I was "stalking" her, reported my candidacy and my characterization of Mrs. Clinton as a "de facto right winger." (I've never "stalked" anyone and, with reference to the notoriously egotistical Betsy Gotbaum, with whom via my family I've been acquainted since 1979, I can only cite country singer Dwight Yoakum's hit song., "I Ain't That Lonely Yet".)  When in 2006 I was in need of some urgent assistance from a local elected official I connection with a Social Security-related matter when I was homeless (presumably the only homeless candidate for the U.S. Senate in the country) I went to NYS Senator Diane Savino's office one flight up at 36 Richmond Terrace, spoke to a staffer,, explained the problem, and was given an appointment with Robert Cataldo, as I recall for the following day. When I showed up on time, the door two Savino's office was open and I entered into what seemed like an unoccupied office. I waited for maybe two minutes and then announced my presence. Within a nanosecond a man, Robert Cataldo, came barreling out of a rear room like one of the Bulls of Pamplona, bellowing profanities, including an accusation that I was having sexual relations with my mother. He backed me up against a wall and for the next few minutes, literally terrorized me with threats of violence and arrest while spitting at me. After a few minutes I managed to squeeze my way clear and leave. A couple of days later I called and spoke to Savino directly on the phone. Her reaction to my account was to say, "Oh, don't worry about Cataldo." Savino has been protecting and covering up for the lunatic Robert Cataldo ever since.  Robert Cataldo, fully aware that I was a candidate for the U.S. Senate against Savino's close pal Hillary, planned his act of terrorism against me and, to assure that his criminal act would not be witnessed, emptied the office of all staff before my scheduled arrival. That's Mafia stuff! And when the politically controlled 120th precinct refused to take my complaint against Cataldo, I called an honest cop, Sgt. Detective Al Fiore, then with the NYPD's Intelligence Unit, who had helped me when the paranoid Gotbaum once tried to have me arrested. Sgt. Fiore traveled from his office in Brooklyn and met me in S.I and filed my complaint for me. The complaint #2006-120-8244 is signed by him and also, coincidentally by another police officer surnamed "Fiore."   Quite a number of months ago I had a meeting at the Jewish Community Council of Staten Island with Mendy Mirocznik, who is a leading Staten Island Democratic Party official and also the respected and influential President of the Council of Jewish Organizations of Staten Island. Mr. Mirocznik, speaking to me very privately, told me that Robert Cataldo had committed a similar crime against another victim. He then paused and told me, verbatim, "Robert Cataldo is a member of the Sicilian Mob."     I am not surprised.  And at the request of the U.S. Department of Justice (Loretta Lynch) and the FBI, I've sent them detailed reports on everything. A detailed report from me has also been emailed to NYPD Commissioner William Bratton and to Robert Bocchino, Commanding Officer of the much improved 120th precinct, and to the very professional 120th precinct Detective Quania Rios, who would presumably by involved in arresting Robert Cataldo, presumably in coordination with the FBI.  Perhaps Diane Savino's closest friend in the African-American clergy is Rev. Dr. Tony Baker, Pastor of the St. Philips (no apostrophe) Church in Port Richmond, S.I., a few blocks north of Rabbi Gerald Sussman's Temple Emanu-el. Last year when Rabbi Sussman, with whom I've been very well personally, religiously and politically acquainted for years, was hesitant about arranging a meeting for us with Savino, at least to discuss some constituent and legislative matters, as a member of St. Philips, I asked Dr. Baker to set up a meeting with Savino. He agreed. During the preparatory discussion in Dr. Baker's Church office I told him that in the meeting with Savino, I would not bring up the Cataldo matter. My mention of Cataldo's name brought a thin smile to Dr. Baker's face as he told me that he had conducted Cataldo's marriage - to a woman who, as I later learned from Assistant Pastor Rev. Agnes McBeth, is Egyptian - leading me to hypothesize that Robert Cataldo is not only Mafioso but also a Pharoah-(wannabe).  Within moments of Savino's arrival at the meeting, she lied by referencing the Cataldo incident and blaming me for everything. As the at least outwardly very "religious" Rev. Baker knows, "bearing false witness" is expressly prohibited by the Ninth of The Ten Commandments. Savino really pushed the Biblical envelope by trashing that Commandment in house of worship.  But that's what "mobbed up" politicians do. Last year I again enraged the corrupt Democratic Party machine in S.I. by announcing my write-in candidacy for Congress in a special election to replace the convicted and resigned U.S. Congressman Michael Grimm. The Democratic Machine candidate NYC Councilman Vincent Gentile had refused to answer my UP FRONT News questions regarding his position on the political coverup of the police lynching of Eric Garner, about other police misconducts (e.g. against me) at the 120th precinct and about the Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet. Within a few political moments of my announcing my candidacy, it was St. Philips Deacon John McBeth (Agnes's husband) who declared political war on me with what became a series of blatant disrespects to me, to my UP FRONT News staffer Steven Gradman, and open acts of political discrimination and harassment bordering on the criminal. Mr. McBeth, a member of the largely African-American Debi Rose-connected Staten Island Political Action Club (SIPAC), repeatedly lied to and about me.  Rev, Baker failure to reply to an email sent him by my Campaign Manager Andrew Mazzone suggesting a meeting only made things worse. At the very least John McBeth's manners (when unobserved) are atrocious and stand in dramatic contrast to the politeness of SIPAC "Interim Leader" Sheree Goode.  Dr. Baker is retired military man. Evidently he still operates by military rules. Between "Praise the Lord" exclamations and mega- volume sermons, when faced with an uppity political activist, in this case me, he makes threats, calls the cops and mot recently literally physically attacked me in the Church with absolutely no provocation from me at the March 23 Easter Week Holy Thursday even memorializing Jesus's betrayal by Judas and His arrest. Moments later I was physically attacked by an NFL-physiqued Church official who used a four letter word in English (not in Biblical Hebrew or Greek) sometimes appearing in the Village Voice but nowhere in the Bible. When it comes to me Hillary Clinton calls the shots with her close pal Diane Savino. Savino's hired intimidator is Mafioso Robert Cataldo. Their hired Church is St. Philips Baptist Church in "The Peoples' Republic of Staten Island."  I always thought that the Mob-liked Churches were for the most part Roman Catholic.  That is most certainly not the case in Staten Island. St. Philips is "mobbed up." "Praise the Lord" - and pass the corruption.    There is a small park named Veterans Park outside St. Philips, where the "religious" political hatchetman "Deacon" John McBeth literally chased me on Palm Sunday, 2015. Maybe they should ask the NYC Council to rename it Gesthemane.   UP FRONT News reader Bernie Sanders replied to my emails and calls about Tibet with a May 21, 2015 email which calls for "Self-determination for the Tibetan people."    A vote for Bernie is a vote against Genocide and against the Mob. Bernie Sanders for President!