UP FRONT News January 12, 2016
"The paper that won't be bought and can't be sold."
Published by Tom WeissMedia Representative and Economics Advisor - Andrew Mazzone
Internet Advisor - Steven Gradman
Economics Reporter - Allen Smith
The views expressed in UP FRONT News are those of the publisher or of the contributing writer and do not necessarily represent the views of staff.
A terrorist is defined as a person who uses threats and/or intimidation and/or physical attacks against another person or persons.As far as I am aware, "terrorist" Robert Cataldo, the "perp" in NYPD Complaint # 2006-120-8244 made by me, with the assistance of an honest police officer, Sgt. Det. Al Fiore, is still ripping off taxpayer dollars drawing an obscenely extravagant salary as the Chief of Staff to New York State Senator Diane Savino (D.-S.I./Bklyn.)
The details of the frightening attack on me perpetrated against me by an overtly psychotic Robert Cataldo some years ago at my scheduled appointment with him on an urgent matter warranting Senator Savino's immediate intervention when I was homeless are known to probably thousands of UP FRONT News readers. They include a slew of (s)elected officials, such as NYS Senator Andrew Lanza (R.-S.I. and head of the Senate Committee on Ethics); NYS Assembly member Nicole Malliotakis (R.-S.I./Bklyn), who made the serious political mistake of allowing her name to appear with the toxic name of criminal Cataldo on an email about a community event; NYS Assembly members Staten Island raised Donna Lupardo (D.-Binghamton); Charles Barron (D.-Bklyn.) and Michael Cusick;and NYC Council members Alan Maisel (D.-Bklyn.), Laurie Cumbo (D.-Bklyn.) and Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito (D.-Manh.); and NYS Senators Andrea Stewart-Cousins (D-Westchester) and Tony Avella (D-.Queens), among others.
Among the community leaders fully aware of the facts of Robert Cataldo's status as a de facto "terrorist" are Diane Savino's close pal Rev. Dr. Tony Baker of St. Philips (no apostrophe) Baptist Church in S.I.; Rabbi Gerald Sussman of Temple Emanu-el, S.I., a few blocks south of St. Philips in Port Richmond, S.I.; Rev. Dr. Demetrius S. Carolina, Sr. and Rev. Daryl D. Moore of the First Central Baptist Church in S.I.; St. Philips Deacon John ("'Praise the Lord' but remain silent about the corruption") McBeth, who is also a member of the largely African-American Staten Island Political Action Club (SIPAC); Sheree Goode, Interim SIPAC leader; a number of the religious leaders comprising the interfaith coalition called "Building Bridges" of S.I.; Staten Island Democratic Association (SIDA) officials such as New York State Senate serial wannabe Gary Carsel and professional "liberal" government (works for Assemblyman puppet Matthew Titone) bureaucrat Roy Moskowitz; Ed Josey, the President of the Staten Island branch of the NAACP, which sometimes functions as a branch of the probably incurably corrupt and largely Hillary Clinton-connected Staten Island Democratic Party Machine; and the Staten Island Chapter of the New York Urban League.
Because Robert Cataldo - who was fully aware that, despite the fact of my homelessness, I was a Democratic write-in candidate for the U.S. Senate against China Lobby-friendly and Tibet-ignoring Senator Hillary Clinton - in anticipation of my scheduled arrival for my appointment with him, took care to empty Ms. Savino's district office of all other staff. He did not want any witnesses. That is Mob Stuff!
And so when, some months ago Democratic Party leader Mendy Mirocznik, who is also the respected President of the Council of Jewish Organizations of Staten Island (COJOSI), took me aside at a cultural event at the Jewish Community Council of S.I. to tell me privately that Robert Cataldo had committed a similar crime against another victim and added the words that "Robert Cataldo is a member of the Sicilian Mob", I was not surprised. Mr. Mirocznik - who was unfortunately defeated by the Mob-friendly hack and serial (harassments against me) offender and "Deacon" John McBeth pal John Mancuso in a NYC Council Democratic primary in 2012 - is not an impulsive man. Mr. Mirocznik knew that, in "outing" a mobster, he was speaking to a well-known political activist and journalist. He also knew (and knows) that, unlike the multibillionaire Donald Newhouse-owned Staten Island Advance - arguably New York's most politically corrupt newspaper, which has been pleasing the local mobsters and covering up political corruption in S.I. for decades - as the publisher of UP FRONT News I fully exercise my First Amendment rights and print the truth. Mr. Mirocznik did not request anonymity as the source of the Senator Diane
DistrictSavino/Robert Cataldo/Mob connection.
All the necessary law enforcement agencies, including the office of the Staten Island District Attorney, the NYPD Police Commissioner, the U.S. Department of Justice (Loretta Lynch) and the FBI have the facts - from me..
Robert Cataldo is a very dangerous psychopathic lunatic and belongs in jail or in a facility for the criminally insane. As a de facto "terrorist", he might be better off on an Island other than Staten Island; perhaps the island of Cuba, which still has accommodations at Guantanamo.
I am one of a number of people experiencing voter remorse - a result of my having voted for Debi Rose in the 2009 election for the New York City Council.
The first solid warning to me that Debi Rose is a political phony came during my conversation with then NYC Council member Charles Barron, who is now a member of the NYS Assembly (D.-Bklyn.) Although during my conversation with Mr. Barron at the 2010 convention of the NYS Freedom Party, Mr. Barron did not use the word "phony" to describe Debi Rose, what he did say to me was that it would be unwise for me to accept as truthful any rhetoric by Ms. Rose suggesting that she is independent of the Democratic Party machine. Mr. Barron was approximately 100% correct. The Freedom Party selected Mr. Barron as its candidate for governor in 2010; I endorsed him in UP FRONT News and did some media work in his campaign. Mr. Barron is a solid antidote to the fake "leftists" of the Lyndon LaRouche-ite extremist-tainted Green Party, which, with its Nader/Nadir, intentionally helped the Cheney/Bush ticket steal the 2000 election.
Debi Rose has for years willfully butchered all constituent matters that I have brought to her attention, including serious violations of my rights at several NYC-contracted senior citizens centers. Debi Rose has been shooting her mouth off about the police killing of Eric Garner. She has, however, remained stone silent the several violations of my civil rights by police officers at that same 120th precinct. And, as far as I am aware I am the only journalist to report information that police office Daniel Pantaleo, the guy (probably, like Robert Cataldo, a psychopath), who literally lynched Eric Garner, lied to the grand jury. Debi Rose's silence on that matter involves her directly in the massive political coverup of the murder in Tompkinsville, Staten Island.
Debi Rose's 2009 campaign manager and closest political advisor was (is?) David Jones. There are reasons why David Jones is known throughout the Jewish community, at least in Staten Island, as "The Israel basher." As a honcho in the deceptively named grouplet calling itself Peace Action of Staten Island (PASI) David Jones has consistently blamed Israel for just about everything except presumably some of the car accidents on Hylan Blvd and the extortionist tolls on the Verrazano Narrows Bridge. Ms. Rose is fully aware that David Jones has threatened me on multiple occasions with physical violence and that at a candidates forum in the south parking lot of First Central Baptist Church in S.I. some years ago he went berserk and tried to assault me as he was bellowing accusations that I was having sexual relations with my late mother.
David Jones is also under indictment for grand larceny in connection with his financial shenanigan during Ms. Rose's 2009 campaign for the City Council.
Among those who are aware that Debi Rose is profoundly negligent in the constituent service responsibilities for which he is being (over)paid and that, in her continued protection of the inescapably anti-Semitic David Jones she may well herself be an anti-Semite (no matter how often she tries to sweet-talk the sometime sweet-talk-susceptible Rabbi Sussman).
I don't usually bother calling the Staten Island Advance (aka "The Staten Island Retreat"). Calling the Staten Island Advance - which pays Tom ("Wrongleski")Wrobleski and Rachel Shapiro to be what are in fact the two worst political reporters in America to lie to the public - is the equivalent of a Jew in 1939 Nazi Germany calling Josef Goebbels's Volkischer Beobachter to expose Nazi persecution of even one Jew.
Newsday, which has done some good reporting on me over the years, the Daily News, and the NY Post have the facts.
Most of the corruption-related reporting on the New York State Legislature and the New York City Council focuses on the other four boroughs.
It is not surprising that Staten Island, the borough with the most corrupt mainstream newspaper in New York is the most politically corrupt borough in New York City.
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