UP FRONT News November 22, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."
http://www.tomsupfrontnews.blogspot.com/ www.groups.yahoo.com/group/UPFRONTNewsdiscussionforum
By Tom Weiss
In 2005 when I decided to run for the U.S. Senate against the Republicrat Hillary Clinton, among the first people I discussed my decision with was the very progressive Steven Gradman, a political science professor and at the time organizer of the John Edwards meetup in New York City. When I told him of my serious plans to run against Mrs. Clinton, whom I consider to be a dishonest power-and-wealth-obsessed Machiavellian politician with little regard for human rights and who is a de facto apologist for genocide, Professor Gradman smiled and said, "Oh, she's not so bad." And I set out to prove to him that she was and is "so bad." In any event, while Professor Gradman and I may have some issue differences of degree, he did agree to be the volunteer Media Coordinator for my write-in campaign.
(See www.tomweissdemocratforussenate.blogspot.com). He has since been one of my political advisors.
When I recently told him that I am actively opposing Hillary Clinton as a possible Secretary of State and my reasons (as an enemy of human rights with a primary loyalty to profiteering corporations which feed off human deprivation and genocide, e.g. in "Communist" China-occupied Tibet, and as someone who has major problems in telling the truth, e.g. "sniper fire" in the Balkans, she is not qualified to represent the U.S., Professor Gradman again seemed to give her the benefit of his obvious doubts. (Why would he have been for Edwards and then after Edwards dropped out, vigorously for Obama? And for me.) As I personally told Michelle Obama on June 26, 2007 at the Our Children's Foundation in Harlem when she and I met on an unscheduled basis for several minutes, there is a racist Genocide continuing in Tibet and that Bill and Hillary Clinton are directly involved in a cover-up of that Genocide. In the few minutes I had with Ms. Obama, with State Senator Bill Perkins (D-Manh.) standing right next to me, I made brief mention of some genocide statistics (e.g. the 1 million Tibetans dead as a result of the occupation) and the fact of my conversations and fax communications in late 1992 and early 1993 with Bill Clinton's secretary Betty M. Currie, who managed the Transition Office in Little Rock at the time. It was Ms. Currie who asked me to send her my material, which she fax-acknowledged to me on December 11, 1992, and who gave my material personally to Bill Clinton and post-Clinton election Transition Chief and imminent Secretary of State Warren Christopher several times. They buried it.
And then when I was officially invited by U.S. Senator Daniel P. Moynihan to appear at the January 19, 1993 hearings of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on the nomination of Christopher as Secretary of State (which I was opposing in my prepared testimony), Clinton and Christopher arranged to have me arrested in the Committee reception area at the U.S. Capitol. They did not arrest my UP FRONT News assistant.
With my one telephone call from the D.C. Central Block jail, I called my congressman, U.S. Representative Jerrold L. Nadler. At the time I was a loft tenant in Tribeca and Mr. Nadler was doing his apparent best to help me against one of the greediest landlords "since the Book of Genesis", the outwardly devout Ed Koch pal Thomas Berger. Mr. Nadler, a strong pro-Tibet voice in the Congress, was well aware of my Free-Tibet activism and was acquainted with UP FRONT News. Indeed, some years previously I had represented Mr. Nadler at one of the annual March 10 Free Tibet demonstrations.
I spent the night in what one of the obviously psychologically impaired U.S. Capitol cops laughingly referred to as "the worst jail in the country" (as I recall I went hungry rather than eating the bologna sandwich squeezed through the cell bars). The next morning, Inauguration Day, I met my lawyer, an African-American woman with an Angela Davis-style afro, who was looking for me. She said that she was a public defender and that she specialized in constitutional rights. I am unable to recall her name years later but she did a very good job of representing me against the Bill Clinton Administration.
I was released just as Bill Clinton was being inaugurated and, after a meeting with my lawyer, returned to New York. A few days later my lawyer called me and told me that the Clinton Administration was offering me a plea bargain if I agreed to take the blame for being arrested. Since I was behaving lawfully and since Bill Clinton, Warren Christopher, et. al. were breaking the law, I refused.
At a jury trial before Judge Satterfield in July, 1993 I was acquitted. A reporter there told me that the Frankenstein-sized robotic-appearing guy in the courtroom was the #3 man in Christopher's State Department. He must have left unhappy.
Subsequently, as U.S. Senator, Mrs. Clinton, presumably not yet aware of my Tibet work, on one occasion assisted me with an emergency Social Security-related problem and then sent me two signed letters assuring me that I could count on her anytime for assistance. She lied.
I continued with my very visible Free Tibet work, writing many articles in UP FRONT News, which is widely read by Tibetans (presumably including the Dalai Lama, whom I have met on several occasions) and throughout the political community in New York and beyond. My efforts vis a vis Tibet and other issues (e.g. blowing the whistle on the coverup of budget cut-caused patient deaths at City-operated Queens Hospital Center in 1977-78, tenants rights, as producer of performing arts events, etc.) have been covered in other print and broadcast media (e.g. Newsday, The New York Times, the Daily News. New York Post, Queens Tribune, Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin, Downtown Express, Downtown Magazine, WBAI, and some college and internet media, et. al.)
And so, once Hillary Clinton became aware of my Tibet work in particular, she broke her promise of assistance. When in 2003, while I was homeless, a process initiated by the avaricious Thomas Berger, I ran into an emergency Social Security-related situation. Not only did Mrs. Clinton, presumably in violation of her mandated responsibilties as my Senator, refuse to assist me, she came at me with defamation and several threats, one in the from of a September 5, 2003 e-mail from a very politically connected (Assemblyman Adam Clayton Powell IV) staffer named Yajaira Yepez to my apparently easily politically intimidated younger brother Jim in very rural upstate New York.
Bill and Hillary Clinton, who have made planeloads of money in China, are directly involved in the coverup of what may be the world's longest running genocide by occupation, in Tibet. I refer to it as both "The Quiet Genocide" and "The Himalayan Holocaust." And, like in the 1930's as Adolf Hitler was developing his efforts at killing all the Jews, the media has kept largely silent. (The Nazi-related silience generated a very belated apology from New York Times publisher Arthur Ochs Sulzberger.)
I live in Staten Island, home to what may be the most politically censored newspaper in New York, the billionaire Donald Newhouse-owned Staten Island Advance. Political reporting at the Advance is tightly controlled by an apparently human rights-ignorant political editor named Tom Wrobleski, who is essentially a mouthpiece for the political-corporate establishment. When I ran for the U.S. Senate aganst Mrs. Clinton, Wrobleski sat on the story for
months and then allowed his paper to get scooped by Newsday's Dan Janison, which on August 26, 2005 reported the related story of my acquaintance NYC Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum's televised paranoid fantasies about being "stalked" by me. The Advance, via Wrobleski, badly misreported the whole thing on August 27, leaving out quotation marks, reporting falsehoods as facts, etc., in order to protect Gotbaum, Clinton and the political establishment in machine-controlled Staten Island. The Daily News (mentioning my "Free Tibet" t-shirt) and The New York Times, also reported that story on August 27 far more accurately than Wrobleski.
After I very publicly accused Wrobleski (labeling him "Wrongleski") of censorship and slanted reporting, he was directed to write a story on my Senate campaign which appeared on the front page of the Advance on August 21, 2006. He spent most of the article writing about the technicalities of write-in voting and near the end mentioned my claim that Mrs. Clinton had ignored my reports on the Genocide in Tibet. Since that time, not a syllable about Tibet. Indeed during my recent write-in campaign for the U.S. Congress my campaign Communications Coordinator Frank De Luca told me that, during a long telephone conversation he had with Wrobleski, the Advance man told him that he didn't "care" what I said about Tibet and Hillary Clinton. Wrobleski should be heading Donald Newhouse's Beijing Bureau.
Unless Barack Obama in an act of compassion is secretly considering nominating purported Russia specialist Sarah Palin to be Secretary of State, I cannot imagne a worse choice than Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is untrustworthy, a reality that has been convincingly demonstrated on multiple occasions, the "sniper fire" episode being a case in point. In fact her husband is at least as untrustworthy. The Clintons not only lie to the American people but, as the Monica Lewinsky (and perhaps the very unsolved Vincent Foster "sui-cide" case) make clear, they lie to each other. As Hollywood mogul David Geffen once put it, "[The Clintons] lie with such ease."
Lying in international relations can have the most devastating consequences. Lying precipitates wars, Adolf Hitler and his "Big Lie" and Cheney/Bush's "weapons of mass destruction" being cases in point.
The U.S., theoretically still a beacon of freedom to billions (although 16 years of Clinton/ Bush have diminished America substantially in the eyes of the world's people, thereby feeding the fires of hatred and terrorism), should not be represented by a corporation-loyal power addict with an ingrained aversion for the truth and who has little regard for human rights.
And no matter how polite the Dalai Lama chooses to be (his overly conciliatory pronoucements regarding mythical "autonomy" for Tibet and with regard to the widely protested Beijing Olympics have angered more than a few Tibetans, who certainly regard His Holiness as their political and spiritual leader, but recognize, as does the Dalai Lama himself, that he is not infallible) Tibetans have every reason to regard the China-doll Hillary Clinton as bad news.
I am glad to see the rising opposition to Clinton as Secretary of State among in particular progressive African-Americans, most of whom pretty much understandably shut out Ralph Nader and gave negligible support to former U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney (both Nader and McKinney, as reported pretty much exlusively in UP FRONT News, are tarred with the Green Party and "independent" Lenora Fulani/Lyndon LaRouche crypto-fascist split-the-left brush) and supported Barack Obama (as did I).
Many African-Americans, however, remain at best marginally aware of the racist nature of the Chinese Communist occupation of Tibet. Tibetans are a relatively dark-complexioned people, ethnically distinct from the light-complexioned Chinese. I have learned from a very reliable source, who is a close friend of the Dalai Lama, that the Tibetan language is a derivative of Aramaic, and that the Hebrew factor is part of the evidence suggesting that Jesus, during His approximately 18 year absence from the Bible, spent some major time in what it now Tibet. That may well explain at least some of the spiritual mystique about the Dalai Lama successions as well as the reality that, while there are presumably some sinful Tibetans, Tibet is perhaps the only pacifist "nation" on earth.
Among the African-American civil rights leaders who have spoken out on Tibet are two of my friends, both readers of UP FRONT News. They are Rev. Timothy P. Mitchell, a close associate of Martin Luther King and the now retired pastor of the Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church in Flushing, Queens, and Rev. Demetrius Carolina, the not at all retired pastor of the First Central Baptist Church in Staten Island. It was in 1992 and 1993 that I gave Rev. Mitchell lots of information about Tibet. And it was in an article about Rev. Mitchell I wrote for the (no longer published) Downtown Magazine that he declared the Communist Chinese to be guilty of "genocide"in Tibet. UP FRONT News reader Rev. Carolina and I have talked about Tibet on several occasions. He made it a point at a Sunday service before the usual full house to denounce the Chinese Communists for perpetrating "genocide" in Tibet.
Perhaps the most outspoken and legislatively concrete politician on this issue at least recently has been New York City Councilman Tony Avella (D.-Queens), a strong human and animal rights advocate, who has stood up to the Clinton-attached Mayor Michael Bloomberg/City Council Speaker Christine Quinn regime on many issues, including Sonny Carson, a morally unjustifiable salary increase for City Councilmembers and a number of Bloomberg aides, tenants rights/gentrification/overdevelopment, and the third term Roman Emperor complex.
At my initiative, in coordination with a Free Tibet group, Mr. Avella earlier this year introduced Resolution #1299, which cited the Genocide in Tibet and called for the removal of the 2008 Olympic Games from Beijing. That resolution as expected was buried by Clinton indentured servant Quinn.
Although Tony Avella is going for politically higher ground as a candidate for Mayor, and is presumably not a candidate for Secretary of State, there is no question in mind that, from the standpoint of human rights and integrity, he is far more qualified than Hillary Clinton.
Other politicians (all UP FRONT News-knowledgeable) who have spoken out on Tibet include the aforementioned Jerrold Nadler (who had to swallow very hard in order to perfunctorily at the outset "support" Mrs. Clinton in her abrasive and revealing campaign for the presidency), U.S. Congressman Anthony Weiner (D.-Queens/Brooklyn), also a candidate for mayor, and U.S. Congressman John Conyers, (D-.Michigan) hopefully the most powerful African-American in the congress over the rent-protected Clinton mouthpiece Charles Rangel.
If President-elect Barack Obama tries to ram Hillary Clinton down the American throat, he will be selling us out and giving us chump "change."
I recently discussed this with Obama campaign organizer Jordan Thomas. I was involved in some of the early Obama meetups in New York (when Mrs. Clinton was considered a shoo-in by the talking heads and others). I soon saw that the steadily increasingly well-organized and attended meetups were driven at least in part by the perhaps largely tacit awareness that Hillary Clinton was bad news. UP FRONT News circulation, throughout the Obama campaign, up to and including Michelle Obama, increased substantially. I handed out a great number of UP FRONT News business cards.
Brooklynite Jordan Thomas, a filmmaker originally from the Riverdale area of the Bronx, has done major organizing work for Mr. Obama, some of which was reported in a February 4, 2008 article by Diane Cardwell in the New York Times.
I have asked Mr. Thomas to assist me in accessing the currently not very open Obama network and have sent him an e-mail with the details of the Hillary Clinton chicanery. With some assistance from a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit corporation known as the Center for the Study of the Presidency, I've gotten some e-mail access information for the Obama Transition Team.
I have asked the NYPD to help me access the information from my Bill Clinton/Warren Christopher-engineered arrest and and the subsequent trial. I have sent an e-mail to Congressman Nadler about all this, based on the reality that a progressive veteran Democratic congressman from New York City with lots of seniority should have no difficulty in getting this information directly to Barack Obama and to the Transition Team.
Staten Island human rights activist Bill Johnsen, agreeing that Hillary Clinton is a bad choice for Secretary of State, yesterday asked me to identify better choices. Bill Moyers comes to mind. More realistically Bill Richardson, who has had to deal sometimes confrontationally with North Korean (something that China-doll Clinton would be ill-suited for), who, to Bill Clinton's rage, endorsed Obama, would be better. It is also true that perhaps the most important endorsement that Obama got, the endorsement that ended it for McCain/Palin, was that given by Cheney/Bush victim former Secretary of State (and Bronxite) Colin Powell. I am not partial to the idea of military people in diplomatic roles, but a thoroughly deBush-ized Powell would be far less likely to start a war than let's-bomb-Iran-and-let's-abandon-Tibet and-make-more-money-in-China Hillary Clinton.
Chump "change."
* * * * * * *
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."
http://www.tomsupfrontnews.blogspot.com/ www.groups.yahoo.com/group/UPFRONTNewsdiscussionforum
By Tom Weiss
In 2005 when I decided to run for the U.S. Senate against the Republicrat Hillary Clinton, among the first people I discussed my decision with was the very progressive Steven Gradman, a political science professor and at the time organizer of the John Edwards meetup in New York City. When I told him of my serious plans to run against Mrs. Clinton, whom I consider to be a dishonest power-and-wealth-obsessed Machiavellian politician with little regard for human rights and who is a de facto apologist for genocide, Professor Gradman smiled and said, "Oh, she's not so bad." And I set out to prove to him that she was and is "so bad." In any event, while Professor Gradman and I may have some issue differences of degree, he did agree to be the volunteer Media Coordinator for my write-in campaign.
(See www.tomweissdemocratforussenate.blogspot.com). He has since been one of my political advisors.
When I recently told him that I am actively opposing Hillary Clinton as a possible Secretary of State and my reasons (as an enemy of human rights with a primary loyalty to profiteering corporations which feed off human deprivation and genocide, e.g. in "Communist" China-occupied Tibet, and as someone who has major problems in telling the truth, e.g. "sniper fire" in the Balkans, she is not qualified to represent the U.S., Professor Gradman again seemed to give her the benefit of his obvious doubts. (Why would he have been for Edwards and then after Edwards dropped out, vigorously for Obama? And for me.) As I personally told Michelle Obama on June 26, 2007 at the Our Children's Foundation in Harlem when she and I met on an unscheduled basis for several minutes, there is a racist Genocide continuing in Tibet and that Bill and Hillary Clinton are directly involved in a cover-up of that Genocide. In the few minutes I had with Ms. Obama, with State Senator Bill Perkins (D-Manh.) standing right next to me, I made brief mention of some genocide statistics (e.g. the 1 million Tibetans dead as a result of the occupation) and the fact of my conversations and fax communications in late 1992 and early 1993 with Bill Clinton's secretary Betty M. Currie, who managed the Transition Office in Little Rock at the time. It was Ms. Currie who asked me to send her my material, which she fax-acknowledged to me on December 11, 1992, and who gave my material personally to Bill Clinton and post-Clinton election Transition Chief and imminent Secretary of State Warren Christopher several times. They buried it.
And then when I was officially invited by U.S. Senator Daniel P. Moynihan to appear at the January 19, 1993 hearings of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on the nomination of Christopher as Secretary of State (which I was opposing in my prepared testimony), Clinton and Christopher arranged to have me arrested in the Committee reception area at the U.S. Capitol. They did not arrest my UP FRONT News assistant.
With my one telephone call from the D.C. Central Block jail, I called my congressman, U.S. Representative Jerrold L. Nadler. At the time I was a loft tenant in Tribeca and Mr. Nadler was doing his apparent best to help me against one of the greediest landlords "since the Book of Genesis", the outwardly devout Ed Koch pal Thomas Berger. Mr. Nadler, a strong pro-Tibet voice in the Congress, was well aware of my Free-Tibet activism and was acquainted with UP FRONT News. Indeed, some years previously I had represented Mr. Nadler at one of the annual March 10 Free Tibet demonstrations.
I spent the night in what one of the obviously psychologically impaired U.S. Capitol cops laughingly referred to as "the worst jail in the country" (as I recall I went hungry rather than eating the bologna sandwich squeezed through the cell bars). The next morning, Inauguration Day, I met my lawyer, an African-American woman with an Angela Davis-style afro, who was looking for me. She said that she was a public defender and that she specialized in constitutional rights. I am unable to recall her name years later but she did a very good job of representing me against the Bill Clinton Administration.
I was released just as Bill Clinton was being inaugurated and, after a meeting with my lawyer, returned to New York. A few days later my lawyer called me and told me that the Clinton Administration was offering me a plea bargain if I agreed to take the blame for being arrested. Since I was behaving lawfully and since Bill Clinton, Warren Christopher, et. al. were breaking the law, I refused.
At a jury trial before Judge Satterfield in July, 1993 I was acquitted. A reporter there told me that the Frankenstein-sized robotic-appearing guy in the courtroom was the #3 man in Christopher's State Department. He must have left unhappy.
Subsequently, as U.S. Senator, Mrs. Clinton, presumably not yet aware of my Tibet work, on one occasion assisted me with an emergency Social Security-related problem and then sent me two signed letters assuring me that I could count on her anytime for assistance. She lied.
I continued with my very visible Free Tibet work, writing many articles in UP FRONT News, which is widely read by Tibetans (presumably including the Dalai Lama, whom I have met on several occasions) and throughout the political community in New York and beyond. My efforts vis a vis Tibet and other issues (e.g. blowing the whistle on the coverup of budget cut-caused patient deaths at City-operated Queens Hospital Center in 1977-78, tenants rights, as producer of performing arts events, etc.) have been covered in other print and broadcast media (e.g. Newsday, The New York Times, the Daily News. New York Post, Queens Tribune, Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin, Downtown Express, Downtown Magazine, WBAI, and some college and internet media, et. al.)
And so, once Hillary Clinton became aware of my Tibet work in particular, she broke her promise of assistance. When in 2003, while I was homeless, a process initiated by the avaricious Thomas Berger, I ran into an emergency Social Security-related situation. Not only did Mrs. Clinton, presumably in violation of her mandated responsibilties as my Senator, refuse to assist me, she came at me with defamation and several threats, one in the from of a September 5, 2003 e-mail from a very politically connected (Assemblyman Adam Clayton Powell IV) staffer named Yajaira Yepez to my apparently easily politically intimidated younger brother Jim in very rural upstate New York.
Bill and Hillary Clinton, who have made planeloads of money in China, are directly involved in the coverup of what may be the world's longest running genocide by occupation, in Tibet. I refer to it as both "The Quiet Genocide" and "The Himalayan Holocaust." And, like in the 1930's as Adolf Hitler was developing his efforts at killing all the Jews, the media has kept largely silent. (The Nazi-related silience generated a very belated apology from New York Times publisher Arthur Ochs Sulzberger.)
I live in Staten Island, home to what may be the most politically censored newspaper in New York, the billionaire Donald Newhouse-owned Staten Island Advance. Political reporting at the Advance is tightly controlled by an apparently human rights-ignorant political editor named Tom Wrobleski, who is essentially a mouthpiece for the political-corporate establishment. When I ran for the U.S. Senate aganst Mrs. Clinton, Wrobleski sat on the story for
months and then allowed his paper to get scooped by Newsday's Dan Janison, which on August 26, 2005 reported the related story of my acquaintance NYC Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum's televised paranoid fantasies about being "stalked" by me. The Advance, via Wrobleski, badly misreported the whole thing on August 27, leaving out quotation marks, reporting falsehoods as facts, etc., in order to protect Gotbaum, Clinton and the political establishment in machine-controlled Staten Island. The Daily News (mentioning my "Free Tibet" t-shirt) and The New York Times, also reported that story on August 27 far more accurately than Wrobleski.
After I very publicly accused Wrobleski (labeling him "Wrongleski") of censorship and slanted reporting, he was directed to write a story on my Senate campaign which appeared on the front page of the Advance on August 21, 2006. He spent most of the article writing about the technicalities of write-in voting and near the end mentioned my claim that Mrs. Clinton had ignored my reports on the Genocide in Tibet. Since that time, not a syllable about Tibet. Indeed during my recent write-in campaign for the U.S. Congress my campaign Communications Coordinator Frank De Luca told me that, during a long telephone conversation he had with Wrobleski, the Advance man told him that he didn't "care" what I said about Tibet and Hillary Clinton. Wrobleski should be heading Donald Newhouse's Beijing Bureau.
Unless Barack Obama in an act of compassion is secretly considering nominating purported Russia specialist Sarah Palin to be Secretary of State, I cannot imagne a worse choice than Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is untrustworthy, a reality that has been convincingly demonstrated on multiple occasions, the "sniper fire" episode being a case in point. In fact her husband is at least as untrustworthy. The Clintons not only lie to the American people but, as the Monica Lewinsky (and perhaps the very unsolved Vincent Foster "sui-cide" case) make clear, they lie to each other. As Hollywood mogul David Geffen once put it, "[The Clintons] lie with such ease."
Lying in international relations can have the most devastating consequences. Lying precipitates wars, Adolf Hitler and his "Big Lie" and Cheney/Bush's "weapons of mass destruction" being cases in point.
The U.S., theoretically still a beacon of freedom to billions (although 16 years of Clinton/ Bush have diminished America substantially in the eyes of the world's people, thereby feeding the fires of hatred and terrorism), should not be represented by a corporation-loyal power addict with an ingrained aversion for the truth and who has little regard for human rights.
And no matter how polite the Dalai Lama chooses to be (his overly conciliatory pronoucements regarding mythical "autonomy" for Tibet and with regard to the widely protested Beijing Olympics have angered more than a few Tibetans, who certainly regard His Holiness as their political and spiritual leader, but recognize, as does the Dalai Lama himself, that he is not infallible) Tibetans have every reason to regard the China-doll Hillary Clinton as bad news.
I am glad to see the rising opposition to Clinton as Secretary of State among in particular progressive African-Americans, most of whom pretty much understandably shut out Ralph Nader and gave negligible support to former U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney (both Nader and McKinney, as reported pretty much exlusively in UP FRONT News, are tarred with the Green Party and "independent" Lenora Fulani/Lyndon LaRouche crypto-fascist split-the-left brush) and supported Barack Obama (as did I).
Many African-Americans, however, remain at best marginally aware of the racist nature of the Chinese Communist occupation of Tibet. Tibetans are a relatively dark-complexioned people, ethnically distinct from the light-complexioned Chinese. I have learned from a very reliable source, who is a close friend of the Dalai Lama, that the Tibetan language is a derivative of Aramaic, and that the Hebrew factor is part of the evidence suggesting that Jesus, during His approximately 18 year absence from the Bible, spent some major time in what it now Tibet. That may well explain at least some of the spiritual mystique about the Dalai Lama successions as well as the reality that, while there are presumably some sinful Tibetans, Tibet is perhaps the only pacifist "nation" on earth.
Among the African-American civil rights leaders who have spoken out on Tibet are two of my friends, both readers of UP FRONT News. They are Rev. Timothy P. Mitchell, a close associate of Martin Luther King and the now retired pastor of the Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church in Flushing, Queens, and Rev. Demetrius Carolina, the not at all retired pastor of the First Central Baptist Church in Staten Island. It was in 1992 and 1993 that I gave Rev. Mitchell lots of information about Tibet. And it was in an article about Rev. Mitchell I wrote for the (no longer published) Downtown Magazine that he declared the Communist Chinese to be guilty of "genocide"in Tibet. UP FRONT News reader Rev. Carolina and I have talked about Tibet on several occasions. He made it a point at a Sunday service before the usual full house to denounce the Chinese Communists for perpetrating "genocide" in Tibet.
Perhaps the most outspoken and legislatively concrete politician on this issue at least recently has been New York City Councilman Tony Avella (D.-Queens), a strong human and animal rights advocate, who has stood up to the Clinton-attached Mayor Michael Bloomberg/City Council Speaker Christine Quinn regime on many issues, including Sonny Carson, a morally unjustifiable salary increase for City Councilmembers and a number of Bloomberg aides, tenants rights/gentrification/overdevelopment, and the third term Roman Emperor complex.
At my initiative, in coordination with a Free Tibet group, Mr. Avella earlier this year introduced Resolution #1299, which cited the Genocide in Tibet and called for the removal of the 2008 Olympic Games from Beijing. That resolution as expected was buried by Clinton indentured servant Quinn.
Although Tony Avella is going for politically higher ground as a candidate for Mayor, and is presumably not a candidate for Secretary of State, there is no question in mind that, from the standpoint of human rights and integrity, he is far more qualified than Hillary Clinton.
Other politicians (all UP FRONT News-knowledgeable) who have spoken out on Tibet include the aforementioned Jerrold Nadler (who had to swallow very hard in order to perfunctorily at the outset "support" Mrs. Clinton in her abrasive and revealing campaign for the presidency), U.S. Congressman Anthony Weiner (D.-Queens/Brooklyn), also a candidate for mayor, and U.S. Congressman John Conyers, (D-.Michigan) hopefully the most powerful African-American in the congress over the rent-protected Clinton mouthpiece Charles Rangel.
If President-elect Barack Obama tries to ram Hillary Clinton down the American throat, he will be selling us out and giving us chump "change."
I recently discussed this with Obama campaign organizer Jordan Thomas. I was involved in some of the early Obama meetups in New York (when Mrs. Clinton was considered a shoo-in by the talking heads and others). I soon saw that the steadily increasingly well-organized and attended meetups were driven at least in part by the perhaps largely tacit awareness that Hillary Clinton was bad news. UP FRONT News circulation, throughout the Obama campaign, up to and including Michelle Obama, increased substantially. I handed out a great number of UP FRONT News business cards.
Brooklynite Jordan Thomas, a filmmaker originally from the Riverdale area of the Bronx, has done major organizing work for Mr. Obama, some of which was reported in a February 4, 2008 article by Diane Cardwell in the New York Times.
I have asked Mr. Thomas to assist me in accessing the currently not very open Obama network and have sent him an e-mail with the details of the Hillary Clinton chicanery. With some assistance from a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit corporation known as the Center for the Study of the Presidency, I've gotten some e-mail access information for the Obama Transition Team.
I have asked the NYPD to help me access the information from my Bill Clinton/Warren Christopher-engineered arrest and and the subsequent trial. I have sent an e-mail to Congressman Nadler about all this, based on the reality that a progressive veteran Democratic congressman from New York City with lots of seniority should have no difficulty in getting this information directly to Barack Obama and to the Transition Team.
Staten Island human rights activist Bill Johnsen, agreeing that Hillary Clinton is a bad choice for Secretary of State, yesterday asked me to identify better choices. Bill Moyers comes to mind. More realistically Bill Richardson, who has had to deal sometimes confrontationally with North Korean (something that China-doll Clinton would be ill-suited for), who, to Bill Clinton's rage, endorsed Obama, would be better. It is also true that perhaps the most important endorsement that Obama got, the endorsement that ended it for McCain/Palin, was that given by Cheney/Bush victim former Secretary of State (and Bronxite) Colin Powell. I am not partial to the idea of military people in diplomatic roles, but a thoroughly deBush-ized Powell would be far less likely to start a war than let's-bomb-Iran-and-let's-abandon-Tibet and-make-more-money-in-China Hillary Clinton.
Chump "change."
* * * * * * *