Saturday, February 02, 2008


UP FRONT News February 1, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."

As far as I am concerned as small "d" and capital "D" Democratic progressive, the greatest de facto electoral danger from the standpoint of human rights, domestic and international emanates from Republicrat Hillary Clinton. There are reasons why out-and-out leftists that I have talked to have told me they would sooner vote for a conservative Republican like John McCain than Mrs. Clinton. Why? Because, even recognizing that McCain is wrong on just about every issue, especially the War in Iraq, at least he appears to say what he means. Those potential "left" McCain voters might reconsider in light of the likelihood that President McCain would make Giulani Attorney General, a step that would help convert the virtual fascism of George Bush to actual fascism."

I have dealt with Mrs. Clinton quite directly as an activist/constituent whom she has threatened and placed under surveillance. (You should all read the e-mail that one of her staffers sent to my brother after she denied me urgently needed constituent assistance with a Social Security matter when I was homeless some years ago.)

My constituent experiences with this arrogant and deceitful politician were, however, not the main motivation for my decision to run against her as a Democratic write-in candidate for the U.S. Senate. (See

I decided to run against her because she is in fact an opportunistic Republicrat who is essentially a corporate cash cow. (Her recurrently wandering husband is a corporate cash bull.)

Mrs. Clinton's poll-driven gymnastics with regard to the Iraq War mean nothing coming from a political team that has been aptly described by their former supporters Hollywood powerhouse David Geffen as made up of a couple who "lie with such ease."

Mrs. Clinton shares a political bed with the most predatory corporate moguls around. Among those who raise money for her are Donald Trump, the Corcoran Group and Rupert Murdoch. (The fact that his New York Post has endorsed Obama means little since few people read the Post for anything other than sex, crime and sports, and Britney Spears coverage anyway.)

And Mrs. Clinton, like a host of other politicians, is involved in the continuing coverup of the racist Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet. There are still many people unaware that the the dark-complexioned Tibetans are ethnically, lingustically and culturally distinct from
their light-skinned oppressors. Communist China is little more than a massive hedge fund from which international corporate capitalism profits mightily. And one of the largest profit generators is the planned 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. Many people are unaware that the preparation for the Games has generated a tsunami of mega-development that has led to the displacement of 2 million people. I have made that fact known in a recent Obama endorsing editiorial sent to a number of tenants rights activists in New York.

As do many progressives, I have some reservations about Barack Obama, who has not yet said anything publicly about the Tibet and Olympic Games issue (which some months ago I discussed directly with his wife Michelle as State Senator Bill Perkins, who witnessed the conversation, is well aware.

As far as I am concerned, should Barack Obama turn out to be another Al Gore or John Kerry, there is always the possibility of supporting someone like former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who has said she plans to seek the Green Party nomination for the presidency. I've met her and advised her that, before she goes too far with the Greens, she check to see whether that rather ethnically white party has rid itself of the Lyndon LaRouche/Lenora Fulani infiltration. For more on that visit and

At thus point the only person that can stop Republicrat Hillary is Barack Obama. As a democratic Democrat I intend to vote for him on February 5.
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