Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Squatter Rights and Wrongs

UP FRONT News January 8, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


It is not surprising that in a country that faces the possibility of the mother of all lesser-of-two-evils presidential races (e.g. Hillary Clinton vs. Rudolph Giuliani) in 2008, and recoiling at a slew of corrupt politicians, Republican and Democratic, that invades other nations for oil profits and that allows people like Robert L. Nardelli to literally steal $210 million in getting fired by Home Depot, anarchism might start to look good. Indeed, anarchism might look even better when one considers the fact that so-called third party or “independent” politics have been hopelessly contaminated, at least in politically pivotal New York, by a Green Party that is run by people using the tactics, strategy and the once again “left” ideology of mega-fascist Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. via surrogates like the racist Lenora Fulani, et. al., some of whom are disguised as “anarchists.”
The Lower East Side/East Village area of Manhattan is among the communities with
a relatively high number of people sympathetic to “anarchism” and has therefore not sur-
prisingly for decades been one of the centers of the squatter movement. One of the most recognizable names among Lower Manhattan squatters is Frank Morales. Morales, with whom I’ve been politically acquainted since the 1990’s, has used his cachet a “radical”
and as a street preacher to become Assistant Pastor at the St. Mark’s in-the-Bowery Church in Manhattan. He is seriously misusing that position.
Morales has become one of the self-appointed non-elected de facto leaders of the so-called “9/11 Truth” group based at St. Mark’s. Along with his non-elected co-boss Les Jamieson, he has run “9/11 Truth” meetings with a combination of free speech suppres- sion, threats, lies and subtle message-delivering for none other than the aforementioned LaRouche. When I raised a question about the propriety of withholding from the “9/11 Truth” membership the fact that guest speaker Webster Tarpley is a major LaRouche ideologue, their response was to threaten and harass me. It appears that the failure of St. Mark’s Senior Minister Julio Torres to address my complaints about Morales machine- tions, some of a criminal nature, may have cost Father Torres his job, as he was recently involuntarily “resigned.”
It now emerges that there are some very serious drug related skeletons in the Morales closet, a development with political implications, certainly in Lower Manhattan. One
of the few downtown squatter residences to survive Rudolph Giuliani’s real estate
industry-backed invasion of the squats was the one housing Morales and some of his reportedly drug-ridden friends. Giuliani’s very well publicized raids on the squats of East 13th street, guns and all, left a number of squatters homeless. The story is that the most vulnerable included squatters, such as “John the Communist”, who resisted the drug trafficking operation run by Frank Morales. According to reports, compliance was enforced by threats, some perpetrated by druggies such as the recurrently knife-wielding Lower East Side resident wacko Carl Rosenstein, who has several times tried to assault me. It was Rosenstein who came to a “9/11 Truth” meeting at St. Mark’s with his friend guest speaker and psychopathic demagogue Geoffrey Blank with a club concealed in his pants leg - for use on me. “John the Communist”, according to a sympathizer, was more of a grass roots share-the-wealth-and-free-speech small “d” democratic anarchist than a “Communist” and ultimately left New York City for his own safety.
Among the Morales-connected clique was, and apparently remains, self-proclaimed “anarchist” Fran Luck, with whom I’ve crossed paths all too often. Fran Luck, some of whose antics at community meetings draw eye rolls even from very expression-tolerant
New Yorkers, is the person who almost killed ABC No Rio, a well known radical and squatter-friendly art collective on the Lower East Side. To summarize, squatter-hating Giuliani planned to evict ABC No Rio from its space at 156 Rivington Street so that the building could be “developed” into the euphemism known as “affordable housing.” A developer with reported connections to real estate interests in Communist China was found. The compliant City Council granted the developer a “variance” to convert the
Building. And Fran Luck, at meetings I (and Frank Morales) attended at ABC No Rio, called for armed revolt against the Giuliani police regime. Luck was among those
suggesting a defense based on revolutionary rhetoric and throwing rocks at Giuliani’s
armored police - no kidding! And when I learned from ABC No Rio Executive Director Steve Englander that there had been a politically motivated procedural irregularity in the City Council’s awarding of the variance, I suggested that we contact Peter Vallone, Sr., then the very powerful Council Speaker. Luck denounced me as a sellout. Mr. Englander took my advice and accompanied me to City Hall where we met with an aide to Mr. Vallone. Fortuitously, while we were there who should pass by but then Councilmember Virginia Fields, the real estate-compliant Committee Chairperson responsible for the irregularity. I took the opportunity to tell her of her ABC No Rio mistake and its possible consequences. I told her of my conversation with Mr. Vallone’s office and introduced Steve Englander. A few days later Mr. Englander told me about a call that he received from the NYC Department of Housing, Preservation and Development (HPD) advising him that the City’s eviction efforts against ABC No Rio had been stopped and that ABC No Rio could stay. With “anarchists” like Fran Luck you don’t need enemies like Rudolph Giuliani.
There is every reason to believe that, just as is the case with much activity on what is called the “left”, that what is becoming (perhaps somewhat ironically) organizationally-based “anarchism” is seriously compromised by politically motivated criminality with the free speech suppression that always accompanies corruption. Indeed in recent days, following my sending out a January 2, 2007 e-mail to the list-serve of the New York Metro Association of Anarchists (NYMAA) expressing some support for (at least relatively) progressive Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards and expressing opposition to the LaRouche/Fulani-influenced Greens and a possible Green candidacy by Ralph Nader, I received something of a flood of e-mailed responses, some of them abu- sive. When I responded by e-mail I was accused of over-burdening their list-serve and
“unsubscribed”, NYMAA’s word for censored. Among the crimes I was accused of having committed was to have “attacked” NYMAA member Ben Maurer. Indeed, after Geoffrey Blank toadie Maurer publicly libeled me as a “government agent” on several occa- sions at the formerly Geoffrey Blank dictatorship-run No Police State Coalition Union Square speakouts, I replied by email and in UP FRONT News. NYMAA didn’t like that. Also involved were some of the thought-control people connected to the Northeastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists (NEFAC). NEFAC is a group whose view is that elections are useless but that after their from-the-streets insurrection leads to “Anarchist-Communist” system in America some folks will just have to be repressed. Just what Americas needs, a left wing Big Dick Cheney.
What passes for the “left”, certainly in New York, is in bad shaped indeed. While there are many truly progressive activists around, many of whom are involved in the peace movement, in anti-gentrification, and civil rights battles, much of the left is stuck in too well paid academia and much has been co-opted and fractured by those who talk left but are working for the other side. Even in the squats.
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UP FRONT News February 20, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”


Although he is quite Caucasian, City Councilmember Tony Avella qualifies as the very dark horse announced candidate for New York City Mayor. Mr. Avella, who represents the 19th Council district in Queens, including Bayside, Whitestone, and parts of Flush- ing, among other neighborhoods, is running for mayor at least in part because he sees New York’s neighborhoods menaced by gentrification and over-development. He is not happy with Michael Bloomberg, the incumbent or City Council Speaker Christine (Lulu”) Quinn, the wannabe.
I first met Tony Avella when I went to City Hall to testify against the exorbitant and unwarranted salary hike for City Councilmembers and high level mayoral aides that was rammed through the Council by what I call the Quinnberg Administration. While a few of Mr. Avella’s Council colleagues expressed some opposition, Mr. Avella was the most militant on this issue, indeed taking it to the point where he refused to accept the increase and also his “lulu”, an extra bunch of money for being a committee chairperson. Chris-
tine Quinn is a Hillarycrat who rhetorically spouts for the poor while enriching herself
and the real estate industry. Like Mrs. Clinton, Quinn spouts human rights, but when it comes to standing up for the Chinese Communist-oppressed Tibetans by opposing the corporation enriching 2008 Beijing Olympics, she becomes mute.
When Mr. Avella and I chatted at the hearing (with Quinn giving me little more than an
icy stare), I learned that he is the Chairman of the Council Committee on Zoning & Fran-
chises. Aside from thanking him for his opposition to Quinn’s Intro 458 (the salary hike in the midst of NYC poverty ripoff) I immediately brought up the subject of the politicaly fueled gentrification and over-development particularly - but hardly exclusively - on
the Lower East Side of Manhattan, a neighborhood that is sort of a Ground Zero in the developer vs. community wars. The once working class (albeit problem-ridden) Lower East Side, thanks to the proliferation of luxury hotels, condominiums, and luxury rentals is starting to look like parts of corporation-heavy White Plains or Long Island. The developer-pushed Bloomberg “rezoning plan” put forth by the Mayor’s City Planning people would if implemented extend the corporatization of the neighborhood and has generated strong protests from people like Rebecca Moore, founder of the Ludlow Orchard Community Organization (LOCO) and the less vocal but information-laden Rob Hollander of the Lower East Side Residents for Responsible Development, among many others, including members of pivotal Community Board 3. Mr. Avella and I also talked some about over-development threats in Staten Island. The threat is certainly very real in Brooklyn (e.g. Ratner) the Bronx (e.g. Steinbrenner) and Queens (e.g. hotelization/
condominiumization in Long Island City).
Mr. Avella, who previous to our contact had not been very familiar with the intensity of the LES situation, has made it clear not only that his Committee will examine any rezon- ing proposal very carefully but that he is ready to meet with community people. While Mr. Avella is, of course, sensitive to geographical and district realities, that in no way ap- pears to limit his responsibilities as a Committee Chairperson. I am certain that he is also aware of the power of Christine Quinn with Manhattan elected officials.
I learned that Mr. Avella is an announced candidate fore Mayor in a very small reference in a newspaper article on another issue. It is apparent that, unlike Quinn, whose propa-
ganda appears regularly in the Rupert Murdoch-owned and de facto Hillary-happy New
York Post, Avella’s mayoral candidacy is relatively media-ignored.
Mr. Avella, who in a separate meeting in a Bayside pizza place told me about his
campaign, citing the over-development crisis as a central part of his concern, states that, in part because easily manipulated term “affordable”, developers receiving tax breaks are profiting while “…people are being priced out of their own neighborhoods.”
I think as Mayor he might even consider asking Councilmembers to donate those raises to some causes better than themselves. Mr. Avella was interested to learn that, in another issue covered up by Bloomberg and Quinn, homeless people in shelters and drop-in
centers are subject to staff abuse, some of the worst having taken place at “Peter’s Place” (where I stayed) in the heart of Quinn’s Chelsea district.
It is possible that the largest number of Tibetans in New York City live in Queens, which, at least as I see it, is the world’s greatest melting pot. Christine Quinn, several
years after taking credit for a pro-Tibet resolution (#802) in 2001 which I did the lobbying for (but which did not mention the critical Olympic Games matter) has refused to put the Olympic Games matter into another resolution and has ignored my January 30, 2006 e-mail to her via her Chief of Staff, Chuck Meara. My informal survey suggests that most of the quiet but visible Tibetan community in New York City is based in Queens.
Tony Avella is now considering introducing such a resolution. At least two of his Coun- cil colleagues from Queens, both Democrats, Helen Sears (Jackson Heights) and Melinda Katz (Forest Hills), have expressed some interest but seem more beholden to Ms. Quinn than is the evidently very independent Avella.
The developer-enamored New York Post is among the mainstream media serving as
Christine Quinn’s publicity organ. Tony Avella is thus a very dark horse. And so, back in 1991, was Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton.
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Thursday, February 08, 2007


UP FRONT News February 7, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

Amid rising opposition to the corrupt and Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.-linked self-ap- pointed, non-elected leadership of the so-called “9/11 Truth” group based at Mark’s in-the-Bowery Church in Manhattan, a young man named Dan Wallace took a particular interest in questions raised by me and a steadily increasing number of others, including No Police State Coalition activists such as Roman Shusterman and Mike Filippone. Oth- ers expressing opposition to the dictatorial “9/11 Truth” rule exercized by Les Jamieson and (still?) St. Mark’s Assistant Pastor Frank Morales include blogger researcher Nico Haupt and activist-violinist Cary Zachmanoglou.

Dan Wallace was among those who witnessed several explicit threats made against me by Morales, Jamieson and their henchpeople, who include a number of people connected to the Lenora Fulani/LaRouche-infiltrated Green Party. Mr. Wallace’s interest increased to the point where - on a couple of occasions when I, accompanied by Mr. Shusterman and Mr. Filippone, were physically prevented from attending “9/11 Truth” meetings, - he did video interviews with Mr. Shusterman and myself. The “9/11 Truth” ruling group was already uneasy because of a very revealing telephone interview I had done on the Tampa, Fla.-based Vyzygoth’s Grassy Knoll radio and internet talk show.

About two weeks or so after doing these interviews, with “9/11 Truth” honcho Luke Rudkowski and some of his “World Can’t Wait” cult friends standing Tony Soprano-like nearby, Dan Wallace was found dead in his bed.

A series of weepy e-mails soon emanated from “9/11 Truth” announcing funeral ser- vies for Wallace at 87-13 87th Street on Woodhaven, Queens. The name and the tele- phone number of the funeral home were not provided, so I got them on my own. Servic- es, (which, in anticipation of some harassment by “9/11 Truth” thugs, I did not attend) were held at the T. Walsh & Son Funeral Home at the above address. Since Mr. Wal- lace, a man perhaps in his twenties, had, to my knowledge, no known health problems, I have been among those who are very curious as to the cause of death. No information has been forthcoming from Wallace’s “friends” at “9/11 Truth.” The only response to some concerns expressed by me and others on the list-serve of the No Police State Coalition (at was in the form of a thinly veiled threat e-mailed to me by Rodney Lewis, a Frank Morales flunky and a supporter of the thoroughly UP FRONT News-exposed neo-fascist and terrorism-linked demagogue Geoffrey Blank and Frank Morales flunky. (Lewis is also an admirer of the fascistic President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has called for the destruction of Israel and whose government hangs gay people.)

Politically motivated criminal harassments against me, such as those perpetrated by LaRouche surrogates including Lewis, Blank, Morales, Jamieson, Paul Zulkowitz, Carl Rosenstein, Harvey Newman, Gerald Kann, George Tatevosyan, Tracey Denton, Charles Lenchner, et. al., are all referred to law enforcement, local and federal.

Deaths from non-natural causes in New York City, which include suicides, are automatically autopsied by the Medical Examiner. The LaRouche biography includes suspicious deaths of those who stray from this Hitler-admiring megalomaniac’s dictates. As far as I am aware the death of a once LaRouche-connected young man named Jeremiah
Duggan, who was run over by a car in Europe, remains unsolved.

This is a case for the NYPD and the FBI!
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