UP FRONT News May 21, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.” http://www.tomsupfrontnews.blogspot.com/
Several decades too late The New York Times a few years ago apologized for having in the 1930’s and 1940’s suppressed stories about the Nazi Genocide against the Jews. When it comes to the suppression of news about a Genocide, The Times is doing it again.
While The Times, like many other papers, reports on the Genocide in Darfur (China gets a lot of oil from the Sudan), the Grey Lady is almost completely silent about the “Quiet Genocide” being perpetrated by Communist China in Occupied Tibet.
The New York Times cannot plead ignorance. The paper, like many others in the main-
stream media, especially China-profiteering Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post, is guilty of censorship and news management.
Getting the attention of The New York Times on a political story is not easy. The Times is, before anything else, a profit-motivated corporation. Despite that fact, I have myself been covered in The Times on a couple of occasions. On May 6, 1990 I was the subject of a very god story in the Sunday Times by veteran reporter Ron Alexander (who used to do the Metropolitan Diary) about “Up Front Muse” performing arts events in my loft home at the time (a story also covered in the Daily News, the Post, and other media). On August 28, 2005 political reporter Jonathan Hicks reported my rebuttal to NYC Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum defamatory reference to me as a “stalker.” He also followed up on the story, first reported in UP FRONT News, of Gotbaum’s links to the CIA. On June 28, 2006 Times political reporter Patrick Healy very briefly reported my candidacy for the U.S. Senate against Hillary Clinton.
While campaigning for the Senate, one of my issues was the continuing cover-up of the now over ½ century old Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet and Bill and Hillary Clinton’s involvement in that cover-up. At a meting of the Clearwater environmental group one evening, activist Jonathan Rubin read some of my campaign literature about Tibet and offered to be of help with The Times. He volunteered the fact that Elizabeth Rubin, a high level writer for the New York Times Magazine, is his sister. I gave him a pile of UP FRONT News and other material about Tibet and all my contact information to give to Ms. Rubin. I told him about my past coverage in The Times and about my other contacts with that paper. (Times columnist, Bob Herbert, whom I have met on a few occasions and to whom I sometimes send e-mails, once covered a big story I broke about budget cut-caused patient deaths at City-operated Queens Hospital Center in 1978 when he was a reporter for the Daily News. I’m also somewhat acquainted wit another Times editor whom I met some years ago at an East Village trivia bar contest, who tried to interest some of the bigger shots at the paper in the Tibet Genocide story.) Mr. Rubin told me that, as far as he is aware, his sister’s area of coverage was not Tibet but more toward the Middle East. I said that I certainly wasn’t necessarily expecting her to do a story but that I hoped that at her rather high level at The Times she could help me with access.
As it turns out, despite Jonathan Rubin’s repeated and apparently sincere efforts with his sister, her response has been “That’s not my department” and to refuse to disclose her e-mail address or any other contact information to me (despite my explicit assurances of confidentiality). That is how cover-ups operate. As far as I as concerned, regardless of what happens at The New York Times or any other media (who, presumably in consider-ation of economic interests in China, suppress the Genocide in Tibet story). Elizabeth Rubin, presumably motivated by nothing more than self-interest, is guilty of unethical conduct.
The New York Times never learns.
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Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.” http://www.tomsupfrontnews.blogspot.com/
Several decades too late The New York Times a few years ago apologized for having in the 1930’s and 1940’s suppressed stories about the Nazi Genocide against the Jews. When it comes to the suppression of news about a Genocide, The Times is doing it again.
While The Times, like many other papers, reports on the Genocide in Darfur (China gets a lot of oil from the Sudan), the Grey Lady is almost completely silent about the “Quiet Genocide” being perpetrated by Communist China in Occupied Tibet.
The New York Times cannot plead ignorance. The paper, like many others in the main-
stream media, especially China-profiteering Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post, is guilty of censorship and news management.
Getting the attention of The New York Times on a political story is not easy. The Times is, before anything else, a profit-motivated corporation. Despite that fact, I have myself been covered in The Times on a couple of occasions. On May 6, 1990 I was the subject of a very god story in the Sunday Times by veteran reporter Ron Alexander (who used to do the Metropolitan Diary) about “Up Front Muse” performing arts events in my loft home at the time (a story also covered in the Daily News, the Post, and other media). On August 28, 2005 political reporter Jonathan Hicks reported my rebuttal to NYC Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum defamatory reference to me as a “stalker.” He also followed up on the story, first reported in UP FRONT News, of Gotbaum’s links to the CIA. On June 28, 2006 Times political reporter Patrick Healy very briefly reported my candidacy for the U.S. Senate against Hillary Clinton.
While campaigning for the Senate, one of my issues was the continuing cover-up of the now over ½ century old Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet and Bill and Hillary Clinton’s involvement in that cover-up. At a meting of the Clearwater environmental group one evening, activist Jonathan Rubin read some of my campaign literature about Tibet and offered to be of help with The Times. He volunteered the fact that Elizabeth Rubin, a high level writer for the New York Times Magazine, is his sister. I gave him a pile of UP FRONT News and other material about Tibet and all my contact information to give to Ms. Rubin. I told him about my past coverage in The Times and about my other contacts with that paper. (Times columnist, Bob Herbert, whom I have met on a few occasions and to whom I sometimes send e-mails, once covered a big story I broke about budget cut-caused patient deaths at City-operated Queens Hospital Center in 1978 when he was a reporter for the Daily News. I’m also somewhat acquainted wit another Times editor whom I met some years ago at an East Village trivia bar contest, who tried to interest some of the bigger shots at the paper in the Tibet Genocide story.) Mr. Rubin told me that, as far as he is aware, his sister’s area of coverage was not Tibet but more toward the Middle East. I said that I certainly wasn’t necessarily expecting her to do a story but that I hoped that at her rather high level at The Times she could help me with access.
As it turns out, despite Jonathan Rubin’s repeated and apparently sincere efforts with his sister, her response has been “That’s not my department” and to refuse to disclose her e-mail address or any other contact information to me (despite my explicit assurances of confidentiality). That is how cover-ups operate. As far as I as concerned, regardless of what happens at The New York Times or any other media (who, presumably in consider-ation of economic interests in China, suppress the Genocide in Tibet story). Elizabeth Rubin, presumably motivated by nothing more than self-interest, is guilty of unethical conduct.
The New York Times never learns.
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