Thursday, February 11, 2016


UP FRONT News       February 2, 2016 
"The paper that won't be bought and can't be sold."
Published by Tom Weiss
Andrew Mazzone - Media Representative and Economics Advisor
Frank De Luca - Public Relations Consultant
Allen Smith - Economics Reporter
Steven Gradman - Internet Advisor
  The views expressed in UP FRONT News are those of the publisher or of the contributing writer and do not necessarily represent the views of staff.

     As was being made very clear in in Rev. Agnes McBeth's Wednesday evening Bible classes that I've attended at St. Philips Baptist Church in the economically fragile neighborhood Port Richmond, Staten Island, the Church a perhaps ten minute walk from Rabbi Gerald Sussman's Temple Emanu-el, Rabbi Jesus got Himself into big political trouble with his peaceful but very confrontational challenge to the Roman rulers and some of the Jewish leaders known as the Pharisees, who were oppressing and ripping off the "99 percenters" in Jerusalem and beyond, who were thereby literally capitalizing on a rigged tax structure. Jesus's reported "miracles" scared the rulers, who could not comprehend that a human being possessed such powers. The Romans and their friends among the Pharisees were not about to tolerate Jesus's exercising what we now refer to in America as the First Amendment-guaranteed rights of free speech and assembly, such as His denouncing at least some of the Pharisees as "hypocrites", that speech reported in Matthew 23, which should be required reading also in the synagogues today.
 And so, with the overt and covert collaboration of the Romans and some politically connected Jewish Pharisees, Rabbi Jesus was betrayed by an associate, arrested, hauled before a kangaroo court, convicted of telling the truth and, with the support of demagoguery-receptive mob, lynched. And that has led historically to the racist notion - brought to its lowest point perhaps by Hitler and the Nazis, that was at least rhetorically supported by demagogues like the late Hugo Chavez and other anti-Semites such as the KKK - that "The Jews killed Christ."
  Rabbi Sussman, a key figure in the expanding Building Bridges interfaith coalition in S.I., reminds us that it was a few of the politically entrenched Pharisees who helped the Roman dictatorship in its silencing of the man who is described by "Rev. Agnes" (as she prefers to be known at Church) and me in political terms as a Jewish revolutionary.
  The is no human behavior that Rabbi Jesus disliked more than dishonesty and corruption. Political/economic dictatorships thrive on corruption and on the "silence of the lambs" that sustain corruption lead to massive - and sometimes genocidal - attacks on people's human rights such as took place under Nazism in Chancellor Hitler's Third Reich and is taking place now under President Xi's Chinese Communism in Tibet - not at all coincidentally in a formerly independent country led by a Buddhist pacifist monk with a Judeo-Christian (i.e. Moses/Isaiah/Jesus) message, that, during what Christian theologian Elizabeth Clare Prophet refers to as "The Missing Years", was Jesus's home for some time.
  As Hitler and the Nazis tightened their power, with the aid of Jews and others who remained silent, a Protestant Minister, Martin Niemöller, said and wrote, "When they came for the unions, I was silent; when they came for the communists I was silent; when they came for the Jews I was silent. And when they came for me there was no one to speak for me." (Niemöller was arrested by the Nazis but survived.)
  Although the colony I refer to as "The People's Republic of Staten Island" is hardly Nazi Germany, when it comes to political corruption, Staten Island, - where the notion of high level Mafia political influence is not a stereotype - is a cesspool. I know of no other borough in New York City or a county in New York State with a state senator whose Chief of Staff is a criminal and an episodically thoroughly psychotic man and an identified mafioso. The Senator is Diane Savino and the mobster - who has terrorized me and reportedly at least one other victim - is Robert Cataldo. I know of no religious leaders outside of Staten Island who remain silent about the likes of their pals Savino and Cataldo. I have not heard a word of protest from Rev. Dr. Tony Baker of the already referenced St. Philips Baptist Church in S.I.. And perhaps Rev. Agnes's husband St. Philips Deacon John McBeth would like to explain his history of harassing and trying to silence me. Some contemporary Pharisees are "Christian."
  I know of no other borough in New York City or a county in New York State with a City Council member whose top political advisor is an "Israel basher"/attempted Tom Weiss basher and a de facto anti-Semite. The City Council member is Debi Rose and the anti-Semite is David Jones.
  I know of no other borough with a (gay) (s)elected official, who, at least in his dealings with me, lies habitually and who in 2014 at a standing room only candidates forum at the Transit Workers Union Hall in Great Kills, S.I. as he began his speech, made a (joking?) reference to having a sexual relationship with Robert Cataldo. I am for full gay rights - but not with a same sex partner who is a mobster. The politician is NYS Assemblyman Matthew Titone.
  Among those who remain silent is Roy Moskowitz, best described as a professional and - at least outwardly- religious "liberal", who is guilty of ripping off the taxpayers by drawing a salary as a member of Titone's staff. Moskowitz is an official in the Democratic Party Machine Club called the Staten Island Democratic Association - which should make Niccolo Machiavelli an honorary member.
  Also a SIDA official is NYS Senate wannabe Gary Carsel. He knows everything about the wacko Mafioso Robert Cataldo and the anti-Semite David Jones in the Democratic Party house and has remained politically catatonic. As far as I can tell, if Gary Carsel were hiding a Jew in his attic from the Nazis and an SS man came to his door asking him if he had any Jews at home - Gary might say, "Please go upstairs- but don't mention my name."
  The Pharisees of Staten Island.

Friday, February 05, 2016


UP FRONT News       February 2, 2016 
"The paper that won't be bought and can't be sold."
Published by Tom Weiss
Andrew Mazzone - Media Representative and Economics Advisor
Frank De Luca - Public Relations Consultant
Allen Smith - Economics Reporter
Steven Gradman - Internet Advisor
  The views expressed in UP FRONT News are those of the publisher or of the contributing writer and do not necessarily represent the views of staff.
   If very possibly next president Bernie Sanders is serious about reigning in the fascistic and noxious power of the billionaires who are corrupting what is left of American democracy, he needs to give special attention to the moguls who own the media.
  The level of political corruption in "The People's Republic of Staten Island" is staggering. What is also staggering is that the facts of political corruption in Staten Is;ad are consistent and willfully suppressed by the so-called "paper of record" in "the forgotten borough," the Staten Island Advance the"flagship" paper owned by the multi-billionaire Donald Newhouse,a member of a mogul family that in charge of the Conde-Nast empire and a bunch of publications including the Newark Star-Ledger and Vanity Fair. The family's influence extends into the academic world at the Newhouse School of Journalism at Syracuse University.
  From the standpoint of political coverage and basic journalistic ethics, of all the Newhouse family publications, the Staten Island Advance, located in "The media capital of the world", is the absolute worst. Advance political reporters blatantly lie in print and consistently cover up political crime and corruption. And it has reached the point where the S.I. Advance is knowingly protecting an explosive and at least episodically psychotic identified powerful mobster named Robert Cataldo, the Chief of Staff to the very powerful Andrew Cuomo pal New York State Senator Diane Savino (D.-S.I./Bklyn.), who has been fully aware for years as to the details of wacko Cataldo's frightening act of terrorism against me during my scheduled appointment with him in Savino's district office in S.I. on an urgent matter warranting her intervention when I was homeless.
 The coverup at the SI. Advance began years ago when I both spoke by phone to, and exchanged emails with, then Advance political reporter Judith Randall. During my long telephone conversation with her she expressed intense interest. Not too many days later she sent me an email warning me never to contact her again.  
  As thousands of people know, prior to my appointment with Robert Cataldo, although he and I had never met, he was well aware that, despite my status as a homeless person, I was in fact a Democratic write-in candidate for the U.S. Senate against then incumbent Hillary Clinton, whom I was opposing because of her total silence about the racist and genocidal Chinese Communist occupation of formerly independent Tibet, her ties to the corporate China Lobby and her lack of interest in legislatively helping the poor and those we know include in "the 99%." My candidacy had been reported in Newsday, several college newspapers and radio stations in NYC, the suburbs and upstate, on the nationally seen INN World Report, the Manhattan Neighborhood Network, a New York Times Political blog and elsewhere and of course in my widely circulated UP FRONT News and in my campaign blog at
 The entire Hillary Clinton/NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn-controlled Democratic Party in Staten Island was aware of my direct encounters with Bill Clinton an his Administration, which had suppressed the documents, including several UP FRONT News articles about the Chinese Communist atrocities against nuns and others in Tibet, that I had gotten to Mr. Clinton directly through his secretary Betty M. Currie (who late came to unwanted notoriety during the Monica Lewinsky/Bill Clinton Reality Show).
  Thousands of people know that when I arrived at NYS Senator Savino's office in St. George, S.I. for my scheduled appointment with Robert Cataldo that the door was open and that I entered into an apparently empty office. Thousands of people, including news reporters and many government officials, know that, after I waited for a few minutes and then announced my presence, Robert Cataldo came charging out of a rear room like one of the wild Bulls of Pamplona and for the next several minutes literally terrorized me by backing me up against a wall, threatening me with violence and arrest, spitting at me and bellowing the accusation that I had sexual relations with my mother. I did manage to escape physically intact. Everyone knows that when I reported this by phone to Ms. Savino her response was to tell me, "Oh, don't worry about Cataldo. And everyone knows that Senator Savino, a slew of elected officials and "religious" leaders such as Savino's pal Rev. Dr. Tony Baker of St. Philips Baptist Church in S.I. and his deacon, Democratic Party Machine man John McBeth have been protecting the thug Cataldo ever since.
  And everyone knows that the Mob commits its crimes without witnesses!
  Everyone knows that the corrupted 120th precinct refused to take my complaint against Cataldo and that it was therefore necessary for me to request the assistance of Sgt. Detective Al Fiore, then with the NYPD's Intelligence Unit, who had assisted me on a number of politically sensitive law enforcement matters such as dealing with the (CIA-linked) NYC Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum's bizarre and paranoid publicized fantasy that I was "stalking" her.
 And everyone knows that, several months ago during a conversation I had at an event at Jewish Community Council in S.I with Democratic Party official Mendy Mirocznik, who is also the President of the Council of Jewish Organizations of S.I., Mr. Mirocznik, with whom I had previously discussed the Cataldo incident in detail, told me that Cataldo had committed as similar crime against another victim. And everyone knows that Mr. Mirocznik told me, verbatim, that "Robert Cataldo is a member of the Sicilian Mob." And everyone knows that Mendy Mirocznik knows right from wrong and that he has made it clear to me that he is comfortable with being identified in UP FRONT News as the source for the politically gruesome facts about Mafioso Robert Cataldo.
  For years the Political Editor at the S.I. Advance was Michael Azzara, Sr. a good reporter who wrote several articles about me late in the last millennium when I was briefly a candidate for Congress against the perhaps the worst Machine Democrat of all, the late John ("Absam") Murphy.
  The quality of the political journalism at the Staten Island Advance nosedived dramatically when the very wealthy and aristocratically-minded Publisher Caroline Diamond Harrison, very connected to the Newhouse family, made Tom Wrobleski the Political Editor. For well over a year Wrobleski suppressed the news of my 2005-06 Democratic candidacy for the U.S. Senate against Hillary Clinton. Indeed it was only after I wrote a series of articles exposing him as "Tom Wrongleski" after he lied about me in his article about the Betsy Gotbaum  vs. Tom Weiss "stalker" war, (which was properly reported in NYC Newsday, the Daily News and The NY Times) that (former) Advance Editor Dean Balsamini, now with the NY Post, got very upset about my exposure of Wrobleski, which resulted into Wrobleski's interviewing me over the phone and writing an article about my candidacy which was published on the front page of the Advance on August 21, 2006 under the headline "With the stroke of a pencil vote for anyone." Wrobleski's article does report  my assertion regarding Hillary Clinton's silence on the Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet.
  And that makes Tom Wrobleski maybe the only journalist anywhere to report a genocide and not follow up the story.
  Wrobleski has since been moved horizontally at the Advance and is now the "Senior Opinion Commentator", breaking earthshaking stories such as his front page denunciation of a woman who complained about his parking his car in front of her home - obviously a much bigger story than Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet or the Staten Island Mobster in the New York State Senate.
  The main political reporter at the Advance is now Rachel Shapiro. It's not easy to be worse than Tom Wrobleski but Rachel Shapiro is giving it a good try. In her one reference to me while I was a candidate for Congress in the special election in the11th congressional district and the only candidate talking about the political coverup of the police lynching of Eric Garner and the political coverup of the Chinese Communist lynching of the nation of Tibet, in her article about a candidates forum in which I participated at the Fort Hamilton Senior Center in Brooklyn of which I am a member, she belittled my support for a Free Tibet and lied when she wrote that I had "threatened" the forum moderator and others there.
   Rabbi Gerald Sussman of Temple Emanu-el in S.I., the Council of Jewish Organizations of S.I. and who is a major figure in the S.I. interfaith network "Building Bridges", wrote a protest letter to S.I. Advance Editor In Chief of Brian Laline. Laline also got letters of protest from UP FRONT News UP FRONT News staffers, Allen Smith,(who attended the forum), Andrew Mazzone, and Steven Gradman. None of the letters were published.
   As I've already reported, Rev. Dr. Demetrius S. Carolina, Sr. of the largely African-American First Central Baptist Church in Stapleton, S.I., has told me that the Advance is a "controlled" paper. He's correct. Among the controlling influences is the Mafia!
   African-American political activist Kelvin Alexander has told me that he regards the S.I. Advance as "the most racist newspaper in New York." I cannot disagree and I've spoken to a number of African-Americans who acknowledge that they boycott the Staten Island Advance.
   Rabbi Sussman, who is more the diplomat than the fiery orator, also has an understandably low opinion of the political reporting at the Advance and has said to me that the Advance would consider an article about a cat caught in a tree as a major political expose.
   I've spoken by phone with Donald Newhouse, who is in receipt of several emails from me. No response.
   One online article I read that favorably references UP FRONT News, has described Donald Newhouse as "crazy." I don't know about that. My impression is that Donald Newhouse is something of a journalistic robot. His Staten Island Advance, aka "The Staten Island Retreat", is a bottom of the journalistic rag!
  The Staten Island Advance is hardly the only paper in owned by a multi-billionaire. It most certainly is the most corrupt.