UP FRONT News Exclusive! Tibet Becomes a Presidential Campaign Issue
UP FRONT News July 13, 2015
Published by Tom Weiss
Andrew Mazzone - Media Representative
Steven Gradman - Political Consultant
The view expressed in UP FRONT News are those of the published or of the contributing writer and do not necessarily represent the views of staff.
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In response to my calls and e-mails and my recent visit to U.S. Senator Bernard Sanders office in Washington asking for his views on my proposal for a Congressional resolution acknowledging the nationhood of formerly independent Tibet and calling for the withdrawal of all foreign (i.e. Chinese) military and police personnel, Mr. Sanders's Press Secretary Jeff Frank has sent me an e-mail from the Senator. "Tibet was a proud and independent country from 1913 to 1951 and I strongly believe that China must respect the self-determination of the Tibetan people . As a result of China's policies, it is estimated that 1.2 million Tibetans have died since 1951." (A Tibetan historian with whom I am acquainted and who is a regular reader of UP FRONT News, has told me that the nation now known as Tibet has actually existed as an independent political entity as far back as 127 B.C.)
What is not historically debatable is the fact that Tibet is a nation, and that the Tibetans are NOT Chinese. Their language is not Chinese and is in fact derived from Aramaic and Sanskrit, the Aramaic presumably going way back to the time that, according to Christian religious historian Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Jesus lived in what is now Tibet during what Ms. Prophet calls "The Lost Years of Jesus", a time period in which His activities are not reported in the Bible.
The Tibetans are a dark-complexioned people, with some Tibetans literally ebony-hued, while the Chinese are light-complexioned. And so, the Chinese Communists, most of whom are light-complexioned ethnic Hans, are guilty of perpetrating another in a long historical series of light on dark-skinned racist genocides - much like the Europeans committed in Africa and the Americas, the "Aryan" Nazis committed against the Jews, and American white man against the native Americans and African-Americans.
Among the most consistently vocal elected officials on the issue of human rights violations committed by Communist China is U.S. Representative Chris Smith, (R.-N.J.), the leading House member of the Congressional Executive Commission on China CECC). The leading Senate member of the CECC is U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, (R.-Fla.) a presidential candidate who has yet to respond to my communications about Tibet. The Staff Director of the CECC is Chris Smith appointee Paul Protic, who certainly qualifies as an American expert on Tibet. I've met with Mr. Protic in three occasions in Washington over the years to discuss my proposal, which he has passed along to Congressman Smith. The response has been supportive and cautionary, as Mr. Protic has made it clear that, given President Obama's statements that Tibet is "part" of China, his administration may not look kindly on a resolution that recognizes the nationhood of Tibet.
The historical reality is, however, that President Obama, his Harvard credentials notwithstanding, is wrong on that issue, a point made very clearly by the many Tibetans at the annual March 10 Tibetan Liberation Day rallies, who hold protest signs that read "Tibet is NOT part of China!"
The Dalai Lama continues to propose that Chinese leaders meet with him to discuss what he calls "The Middle Way", whereby Tibet would have full autonomy to conduct its affairs. The dictators of China have consistently denounced the Dalai Lama and rejected his proposal by asserting that Tibet is already a "Autonomous Region." That assertion is of course a lie. Tibet today is about as "autonomous" as was, say, Austria following the 1938 "Anschluss" whereby Hitler's Nazis annexed Austria into Germany.
China is a totalitarian dictatorship and there is no such thing as "autonomy" in a totalitarian state. I hope that His Holiness comes to recognize that fact.
I've been dealing with Bill and Hillary Clinton on the Tibet issue since 1992 when, after Bill was elected in November, 1992 but before he was inaugurated on January 20, 1993, during the month of December 1992 I spoke at length by telephone with Bill Clinton's Secretary Betty M. Currie (who later received unwanted notoriety during the /Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky reality show), who served as office manager for President-elect Bill Clinton's Transition Office in Little Rock, Ark. I gave her a great deal of information about the Chinese Communist atrocities in Tibet and asked her to get my information to Mr. Clinton. She asked me to fax her some of my UP FRONT News articles; I agreed, with the understanding that she would send me a faxed acknowledgement of receipt. On December 11, 1992 I faxed Ms. Currie a pile of UP FRONT News articles and some other documents. At 16:38 military time (4:38 PM) I got her faxed acknowledgement reading, "Mr. Tom Weiss, This is to acknowledge receipt of your fax on Tibet." During my several subsequent telephone conversations with Ms. Currie she told me that she had given copies to Transition Team Chief (and imminent Secretary of State) Warren Christopher, and to Clinton's Communications Director George Stephanopoulos and to President-elect Bil Clinton. She assured me that I would get a response, probably from Warren Christopher. Despite several follow-up up calls from me, which included a conversation with Mr. Stephanopoulos's secretary Amanda, I got nothing.
Bill Clinton and company buried everything. Why? To protect the profit-prerogatives of their pals in the mega-China Lobby
And when I received an invitation from the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations to attend the January 19, 1993 Committee hearing on Mr. Clinton's nomination of Mr. Christopher to be Secretary of State, I decided to attend. When I arrived with my invitation in the Committee reception area in the U.S. Capitol I was arrested. My one allowed phone call was made to my Congressman at the time, Jerrold Nadler (D.N.Y.) I spent the night in jail at D.C, Central Block. The next morning I met my Public Defender lawyer, an African-American lady with an Angela Davis hairstyle and whose name I am unable to recall. She did a superb job and, after I rejected the Clinton Administration's offer of a plea bargain I went to trial in July, 1993 in a D.C. courtroom presided over by Judge Leo Satterfield. The U.S. Capitol Police testified for the prosecution and I testified for myself. It took the 12 member jury about two hours to acquit me. Bolting from the courtroom shortly after the acquittal verdict was read was a large man later identified to me by a reporter as the #3 man in President Clinton's State Department.
My encounters over the years since with Hillary Clinton, none of them face-to-face, have been consistent with Bill Clinton's de facto effort to intimidate me in service of his direct involvement in a political cover-up of a the de facto Chinese Communist genocide in Tibet. On a couple of occasions I needed Senator Hillary Clinton's assistance on Social Security matters. The first time around she was helpful. The second time, she refused me any assistance and one of her staffers informed me that she had placed me under surveillance, a step she followed up with a nasty e-mail to my brother. As far as I am concerned Hillary Clinton is not only secretive (e.g. e-mail wise), she is also somewhat paranoid, not a personality characteristic we want in a president, Paranoid leaders habitually generate massive human rights abuses and sometimes start wars.
U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton not at all surprisingly ignored my offer to debate her when in 2005 I decided to run against her for the U.S. Senate as a Democratic write-in candidate, my candidacy being reported in Newsday; The NY Times; The New York Observer; The Knight News (Queens College); the Conversations with Harold Channer Radio Show; college radio programs at Binghamton University and SUNY Purchase; the INN World Report; and, belatedly and reluctantly, in a front page article in the Staten Island Advance. For more on my campaign please visit www. tomweissdemocratforussenate. blogspot.com.
As far as I am aware, from Hilary Clinton regarding the issue of a Free Tibet, dead silence. And I am not aware of any China Lobby corporations deciding to disinvest in China because of the Genocide in Tibet. What a coincidence!
c.c. U.S. Senator Bernard Sanders
Paul Protic - Staff Director, Congressional Executive Commission on China
Hon. Jerrold Nadler, U.S. Congress
Hon, Elizabeth Warren, U.S. Senate
His Holiness, the Dalai Lama of Tibet (to be sent by forwarding)
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