Why Gentile Was Crushed by a Right Wing Republican
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2:27 PM (10 hours ago)
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May 13, 2015 To Jerry Young - President, National Baptist Convention: My strong impression of St. Philips Baptist Church, Staten Island Deacon John McBeth is that, his Jesus-related pontifications in the Church and elsewhere notwithstanding, John McBeth sees himself as at politically (and, it seems, "religiously"), infallible and thereforf exempt from having to apologize for wrongdoing. Redemption, and what the Jewish people call "atonement", do not apply to John McBeth, at least in his mind.
John McBeth is also given to being "religious" at political events such as at demonstrations protesting the police-inflicted death of Eric Garner, at which Mr. McBeth sometimes offers the closing prayer. On March 22 John McBeth led a demonstration ostensibly to protest the Garner killing but which was actually a voter registration rally geared at registering people to vote for his favorite candidate, Democratic Party Machine politician Vincent Gentile, an opportunistic fellow who in fact remained silent about the coverup of the facts of the Garner killing until I announced my candidacy for Congres in the May 5 special election, in which I made it clear that the Eric Garner case was a major campaign issue. In fact at the March 22 demonstration John McBeth acted as a de facto dictator, permitting all candidates at the demonstration except me to speak.
That was only one of several acts of political discrimination that John McBeth perpetrated against me starting in February, 2015, when I announced my candidacy for Congress in the May 5 special election. If you are in fact throughly investigating everything in the matter that I've brought to your attention, I'd suggest that you send an e-mail to John McBeth (sinypcrx@aol.com) asking that he send you copies of all the e-mails between him on the one hand and me and my campaign staff on the other. At your request I and my Campaign Director Andrew Mazzone will forward to you copies of our correspondences to Church Pastor Rev. Dr. Tony Baker, regarding my speaking about my candidacy berfore the congregation, none of which generated a response.
Inasmuch as this matter is likely to become a legal (and very likely a media) issue I would urge you to conduct your communications with John McBeth and St. Philips Baptist Church, S.I by e-mail. John McBeth's off the record verbal communications are unreliable and contain falsehoods.
The fact is that John McBeth's disrespects, acts of political discrimination against me, at least one threat, and general arrogance toward me communicated are many.
As you might imagine, this situation has been difficult for his wife, St. Philips Baptist Church, S.I. Assistant Pastor Rev. Agnes McBeth. In fact, although Rev. McBeth has said to me that, even as she teaches about "The Politics of Jesus" (using sections of a book by that name by Obery Hendricks) in her Bible class, which I hope to resume attending when this matter is resolved, she doesn't much care for political campaigns, she has tried to be helpful vis a vis John McBeth and me. She agreed to accept c.c.'s of my e-mails to John McBeth. I followed her advice regarding the best way to approach John McBeth to arrange a meeting. He sabotaged everything! She several times tried to arrange meeting between me and a member of my campaign staff with John McBeth, her efforts being rejected by John McBeth. In fact, she tried to help arrange a meeting for me and my Deputy Campaign Director Steven Gradman with John McBeth to take place at St. Philips after the Palm Sundayservice. In fact Mr. Gradman traveled from his home in Manhattan to the Church only to learn that John McBeth would not meet with us. It was of course necessary for me to respond to that insult, my reponse witnessed by some Churchmembers and by John McBeth's family, including as I recall at least one of the McBeth's three children, who are certainly far more polite and respectful to me than their father is. And I of course am always friendly and respectful to the children. (John McBeth has forfeited my respect!) And, outside the Church after the Palm Sunday service, when John McBeth approached me in what I very understandably took to be a very aggressive manner it was necessary for me to very audibly tell him several times to stay away from me.
Until a couple of days ago I refrained from identifying John McBeth in my UP FRONT News coverage of the campaign. My responsibility as an investigative free lance journalist is to report the news - accurately. That is particularly necessary in Staten Island because the so-called "paper of record" in S.I. is the monopolistic multibillionaire Donald Newhouse-owned Staten Island Advance, has a history of political news suppression and biased reporting. In fact,the prominent African-American pastor and civil right leader Rev. Dr. Demetrius S. Carolina, Sr. of the First Central Baptist Church in S.I. once told me that he considers the Staten Island Advance to be a "controlled" paper. The well-known S.I. African-American political activist Kelvin Alexander has told me that he considers the Advance to be "the most racist paper in New York." They're both correct! And it is no surprise to me that many African-Americans simply do not buy or read the S.I. Advance. The Advance has covered up political criminality (e.g. against me), local politically connected anti-Semitsm (involving "Israel basher" and now indicted grand larcenist David Jones, a pal of John McBeth), all sorts of political corruption in S.I., all the facts on the Eric Garner case, which consider to be a de facto lynching of an innocent man, etc.
A great many people in Staten Isand and beyond are aware of my activities as an activist and journalist to bring to an end the
illegal and genocidal occupation of formerly independent Tibet by Communist China. The Dalai Lama of Tibet, U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D.-Mass), U.S. Congressmmember Jerrold Nadler (D.-N.Y.) and Chris Smith (R.-N.J.) NYS Senator Tony Avella (D.-Queens), Dr. Cornel West, Rev. Dr. Tony Baker, Rev. Agnes McBeth, Rev. Dr. Demetrius S. Carolina, Sr., and Rabbi Gerald and Boni Sussman (Temple Emanu-el in S.I., a short distance from St. Philips Baptist Church) are only a few of the many people who gets their facts on this racist oppression from UP FRONT News, another story suppressed by the S.I. Advance on an Island which is home to the world reknowned Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Arts. Unlike his wife, John McBeth has shown me he couldn't care less
I have become personally acquainted with Eric Garner's daughter, Erica, who, at my invitation last January, spoke at a the Bowery Poetry Club-based U.S. Department of Arts and Culture/UP FRONT News "People's State of the Union Story Circle" last January and she knows my views on that issue and gets UP FRONT News.
As far as I am concerned the two top political reporters at the S.I. Advance, Tom Wrobleski and Rachel Shapiro, who do not mind libeling others, e.g. me, qualify as the two worst journalists in New York - and perhaps America.
And that is among the reasons why my reporting in UP FRONT News is very important as a means to counteract the local media monopoloy of the S.I Advance.
The reality is that, as a candidate for Congress, I was the only candidate who spoke and wrote about all the facts of the Eric Garner case, including information that Police Officer Daniel Pantaleo, the cop whose chokehold caused the death of Eric Garner, lied to the Staten Island grand jury that wound up not indicting Pantaleo, who has since enjoyed the protection of now ex-Staten Island District Attorney Dan Donovan, whose well-financed Republican machine enabled him to win the May 5 election.
My UP FRONT News article, headlined "Why Vincent Gentile Was Crushed by a Right Wing Republican. The Eric Garner Grand Jury Coverup Factor. The John Mancuso Factor. Tom Wrobleski Blows It Again at 'The Staten Island Retreat'", attached here gives the facts of why the fundamentally ethically compromised machine Democrat Vincent Gentile lost by alandslide. One can't win an election, no matter how "liberal" the candidate tries to appear, if the candidate has mob-impersonators and worse (a continuing probem in not entirely stereotyped Staten Island), in his campaign organization.
And some of those "Sopranos"-types are John McBeth's pals.
And by politically discriminating against me as a legitimate U.S. Federal Elections Commission-registered candidate who spoke (and continues to speak) the truth about the Eric Garner case, John McBeth in fact only helped the right wing Republican Dan Donovan who is majorly involved in the coverup of the facts of the police killing of Eric Garner..
And the full story, including the facts on John McBeth, at this point, are only reported in UP FRONT News - John McBeth's silence notwithstanding. Tom Weiss
c.c. Andrew Mazzone, Steven Gradman, Allen Smith
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