UP FRONT News February 12, 201
"The paper that won't be bought and can't be sold."
Published by Tom Weiss
Andrew Mazzone - Media Representative and Economics Advisor
Steven Gradman - Political Consultant
The views expressed in UP FRONT News are those of the publisher or of
the contributing writer and do not necessarily represent the views of
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --
Tom Wrobleski, until recently the Political Editor of the
multibillionaire Newhouse family-owned Staten Island Advance, where he
compiled a record of political news suppression, self-censorship, biased
and untruthful reporting and protecting the politically entrenched, is
now the "Opinion Commentator" for a newspaper that has been
understandably described by African-American Pastor Rev. Dr. Demetrius
S. Carolina, Sr. of the First Central Baptist Chuirch in Stapleton,
S.I. as a "controlled" newspaper, and by African-American political
activist Kelvin Alexander as "The most racist paper in New York." I can
see why.
Wrobleski probably should be on the campaign
staff of likely Republican candidate for Congress Daniel Donovan, the
Staten Island District Attorney, who is attempting to keep secret the
proceedings of the grand jury that left P.O. Daniel Pantaleo of the hook
(at least temporaily).
I am one of many people who have seen the videotape, which records what may be the first actual lynching in New York City.
In a column headlined "Indictment shows grand jury system works",
Wrobleski, citing the Brooklyn grand jury's indictment of P.O. Peter
Liang in the killing of Akai Gurley, gives a clean bill of health to the
entire grand jury system and its secrecy. In a moment of lucidity
Wrobleski correctly states that the circumstances of the police killings
of Eric Garner and Akai Gurley or not the same. He correctly
anticipates, in a typically condescending fashion, that Erica
Garner, Rev. Al Sharpton, et. al. will continue to protest the Staten
Island's grand jury's decision not to indict Pantaleo. In contrast to
the killing of Mr. Gurley in a darkened hallway in a NYC
housing project, Wrobleski writes that "Garner was resisting arrest at
the time of his confrontation with Pantaleo." He adds that, "Police were
sweeping the area in response to complaints about criminal behavior in
the neighborhood" and that "It was not Garner's first encounter with law
As is often the case with a journalist who is
experienced in covering things up to protect what Karl Marx would call
"the ruling class" (which, salaries aside, certainly often includes the
police), what is important is what Wrobleski did not include in his
apologia for Donovan and the grand jury, such as the unanswered question
of whether Eric Garner was selling "loosies" at the time of the police
I live in rapidly gentrifying North Shore (re-named
in UP FRONT News as "NoSho") and I know Tompkinsville Park quite well
as I've personally on several occasions rescued a very public homeless
woman named Colleen Poyerd, who has literally lived in that Park at
times and been subject to some physical and sexual aggressiveness by
the some of the males there who may belong to a group I call "Alcoholics
Synonymous." The cops from the 120th precinct, - who have been known to
protect political criminals such as Robert Cataldo, the Chief of Staff
to NYS Senator Diane Savino, who literally terrorized me some years ago
at my scheduled appointment with him in connection with an emergency
situation when I was homeless - could easily fill their arrest quotas by
locking up some of the more violent drunks who populate the park. Why
did they go after Eric Garner? Did they see him selling a "loosie?" Why,
with a small battallion of cops there, was it necessary to apply a
chokekhold, regardless of the nomenclature euphemism ("seat belt
maneuver?') Pantaleo used to, at leat temporarily, escape justice?
Tom Wrobleski, who arguably warrants the UP FRONT News designation of
"New York's (America's?) worst journalist", is among the reporters at
the Advance (also known to UP FRONT News readers as "The Staten
Island Retreat"), such as Rachel Shapiro, who have been pushing Governor
Andrew Cuomo to hurriedly schedule the special election to fill the
seat left vacant by the resigned Michael Grimm - a corrupt politician
protected by Wrobleski until The NY Times broke the story on illegal
campaign contributions finding their way into Grimm's possession via
some Orthodox rabbis in Brooklyn.
The Advance (and Republican)
push to rush the scheduling of the special election clearly motivated
to help likely Republican candidate Donovan and to rush the Machine
Democrats to pick another civil rights-ignorant hack as they did in
selecting Domenic Recchia, with his mob pal(s) and horrible human rights
record while in the NYC Council and was exposed as such in the Daily
News and my UP FRONT News, leading many African-Americans and other
progressives to boycott the election, resulting in Recchia getting
trounced by Grimm - who had been endorsed by the Advance anyway.
I've sent Governor Cuomo an e-mail via Paul Duffy, his Richmond County
(Staten Island) representative, urging the governor to take all the time
he is legally allowed to set the date for the election. Any constituent
matters can presumably be addressed by U.S. Senators Kirsten Gillibrand
and Charles Schumer.
What the "ruling class" house organ S.I. Advance does not want is a (presumably Democratic) candidate,
not a product of the Party Machine, who will make the police killing of
Eric Garner and the whitewash by the grand jury and a host of other
human rights issued (e.g. taxation that discriminates against the poor,
gentrification in "NoSho", political corruption in Staten Island and
beyond, the corporation-fueled Chinese Communist Genocide in formerly
indepedenrt and illegallly occupioed Tibet) into major campaign issues.
Erica Garner
Hon. Kirsten Gillibrand - U.S. Senate
Hon. Andrew Cuomo - Governor
Hon. Eric Adams - Kings County District Attorney and Kelvin Alexander
The 99%
Kiwana Rich - Reporter, Staten Island Advance
The Banner Newspaper - College of Staten Island
Alex S. Vitale - Brooklyn College
Select Media
UP FRONT News February 12, 2015
"The paper that won't be bought and can't be sold."
Published by Tom Weiss
Andrew Mazzone - Media Representative and Economics Advisor
Steven Gradman - Political Consultant
The views expressed in UP FRONT News are those of the publisher or of
the contributing writer and do not necessarily represent the views of
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --TOM WROBLESKI AND THE STATEN ISLAND ADVANCE VS. ERIC GARNER FAMILY
Tom Wrobleski, until recently the Political Editor of the
multibillionaire Newhouse family-owned Staten Island Advance, where he
compiled a record of political news suppression, self-censorship, biased
and untruthful reporting and protecting the politically entrenched, is
now the "Opinion Commentator" for a newspaper that has been
understandably described by African-American Pastor Rev. Dr. Demetrius
S. Carolina, Sr. of the First Central Baptist Chuirch in Stapleton,
S.I. as a "controlled" newspaper, and by African-American political
activist Kelvin Alexander as "The most racist paper in New York." I can
see why.
Wrobleski probably should be on the campaign
staff of likely Republican candidate for Congress Daniel Donovan, the
Staten Island District Attorney, who is attempting to keep secret the
proceedings of the grand jury that left P.O. Daniel Pantaleo of the hook
(at least temporaily).
I am one of many people who have seen the videotape, which records what may be the first actual lynching in New York City.
In a column headlined "Indictment shows grand jury system works",
Wrobleski, citing the Brooklyn grand jury's indictment of P.O. Peter
Liang in the killing of Akai Gurley, gives a clean bill of health to the
entire grand jury system and its secrecy. In a moment of lucidity
Wrobleski correctly states that the circumstances of the police killings
of Eric Garner and Akai Gurley or not the same. He correctly
anticipates, in a typically condescending fashion, that Erica
Garner, Rev. Al Sharpton, et. al. will continue to protest the Staten
Island's grand jury's decision not to indict Pantaleo. In contrast to
the killing of Mr. Gurley in a darkened hallway in a NYC
housing project, Wrobleski writes that "Garner was resisting arrest at
the time of his confrontation with Pantaleo." He adds that, "Police were
sweeping the area in response to complaints about criminal behavior in
the neighborhood" and that "It was not Garner's first encounter with law
As is often the case with a journalist who is
experienced in covering things up to protect what Karl Marx would call
"the ruling class" (which, salaries aside, certainly often includes the
police), what is important is what Wrobleski did not include in his
apologia for Donovan and the grand jury, such as the unanswered question
of whether Eric Garner was selling "loosies" at the time of the police
I live in rapidly gentrifying North Shore (re-named
in UP FRONT News as "NoSho") and I know Tompkinsville Park quite well
as I've personally on several occasions rescued a very public homeless
woman named Colleen Poyerd, who has literally lived in that Park at
times and been subject to some physical and sexual aggressiveness by
the some of the males there who may belong to a group I call "Alcoholics
Synonymous." The cops from the 120th precinct, - who have been known to
protect political criminals such as Robert Cataldo, the Chief of Staff
to NYS Senator Diane Savino, who literally terrorized me some years ago
at my scheduled appointment with him in connection with an emergency
situation when I was homeless - could easily fill their arrest quotas by
locking up some of the more violent drunks who populate the park. Why
did they go after Eric Garner? Did they see him selling a "loosie?" Why,
with a small battallion of cops there, was it necessary to apply a
chokekhold, regardless of the nomenclature euphemism ("seat belt
maneuver?') Pantaleo used to, at leat temporarily, escape justice?
Tom Wrobleski, who arguably warrants the UP FRONT News designation of
"New York's (America's?) worst journalist", is among the reporters at
the Advance (also known to UP FRONT News readers as "The Staten
Island Retreat"), such as Rachel Shapiro, who have been pushing Governor
Andrew Cuomo to hurriedly schedule the special election to fill the
seat left vacant by the resigned Michael Grimm - a corrupt politician
protected by Wrobleski until The NY Times broke the story on illegal
campaign contributions finding their way into Grimm's possession via
some Orthodox rabbis in Brooklyn.
The Advance (and Republican)
push to rush the scheduling of the special election clearly motivated
to help likely Republican candidate Donovan and to rush the Machine
Democrats to pick another civil rights-ignorant hack as they did in
selecting Domenic Recchia, with his mob pal(s) and horrible human rights
record while in the NYC Council and was exposed as such in the Daily
News and my UP FRONT News, leading many African-Americans and other
progressives to boycott the election, resulting in Recchia getting
trounced by Grimm - who had been endorsed by the Advance anyway.
I've sent Governor Cuomo an e-mail via Paul Duffy, his Richmond County
(Staten Island) representative, urging the governor to take all the time
he is legally allowed to set the date for the election. Any constituent
matters can presumably be addressed by U.S. Senators Kirsten Gillibrand
and Charles Schumer.
What the "ruling class" house organ S.I. Advance does not want is a (presumably Democratic) candidate,
not a product of the Party Machine, who will make the police killing of
Eric Garner and the whitewash by the grand jury and a host of other
human rights issued (e.g. taxation that discriminates against the poor,
gentrification in "NoSho", political corruption in Staten Island and
beyond, the corporation-fueled Chinese Communist Genocide in formerly
indepedenrt and illegallly occupioed Tibet) into major campaign issues.
Erica Garner
Hon. Kirsten Gillibrand - U.S. Senate
Hon. Andrew Cuomo - Governor
Hon. Eric Adams - Kings County District Attorney and Kelvin Alexander
The 99%
Kiwana Rich - Reporter, Staten Island Advance
The Banner Newspaper - College of Staten Island
Alex S. Vitale - Brooklyn College
Select Media
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