Tuesday, December 03, 2013


UP FRONT News November 7, 2013
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."
Published by Tom Weiss
Andrew Mazzone - Media Representatove and Economics Advisor, UP FRONT News
Steven Gradman - Political Consultant, UP FRONT News
Lehman Weichselbaum - Arts Editor and Reporter, UP FRONT News
www,tomsupfrontnews@yahoo.com tomfreejournalist@gmail.com tomsufn@hotmail.com
The views expressed in UP FRONT News are those of the publisher or the contributing writer and do not necessarily relect the views of staff.
A terrorist is defined as a person who engages in the unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological reasons. What follows is a list of terrorists - none of whom are necessarily screaming "God is great!" in Arabic, or carrying explosive devices in their shoes or underwear or concealed behind heavy jackets in hot weather. There is no evidence suggesting that any of them are members of the Taliban, al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Khmer Rouge,
Shining Path, the KKK or similar organizations. All, however, have actively violated my civil rights by physically attacking me and/or threatening to do so for political reasons.
Geoffrey Blank. Mr. Blank, a resident of Rockaway Park, Queens, has on numerous occasions threatened me explicitly, on one occasion making non-accidental hostile physical contact with me, often at No Police State Coalition speakouts in Union Square in Manhattan. Blank is a known apostle of the notorious megalomaniacal racist fascist and convicted felon and paranoid conspiracy theorist Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr, a known advocate and practitioner of political violence. Blank is one of the thankfully quite rare nominal Jews who is openly sympathetic to Jew-haters and Holocaust deniers such LaRouche and former Iranian dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. That is why Geoffrey Blank is known to readers of UP FRONT News as "The Jewzi."
Karl Rosenstein is also a self-hating Jew and pal of the neo-fascist Geoffrey Blank. Rosenstein who has described himself as an "anarchist Communist" and is said to be a Lower East Side squatter, has threatened me on so many occasions I've lost count. One one occasion as I was entering the sometimes extremist-friendly Theatre 80 on St. Mark's Place in the East Village for a Rev. Billy show and Rosenstein was leaving, he went berserk and assaulted me, bellowing that I had reported him to the FBI. He was wrong. Because his pal Blank had threatened me on multiple occasions while I was a Democratic write-in candidate for the U.S. Senate against then incumbent Hillary Clinton, I made a complaint against Blank to the Federal Election Commission and, at the FEC's urging, subsequently, to the FBI. Any FBI investigation of Blank and LaRouche would soon arrive at the name of Karl Rosenstein.
Pete Dolack, a pal of Blank and Rosenstein, will also presumably turn up on an FBI data base. Dolack, who, like the late Josef Goebbels, fancies himself a "poet", is in the habit of criminally harassing me at poetry readings by calling the cops to arrest me. Dolack, a pseudo-ultra "leftist", is a member of the dictatorially run pro-China International Action Center/Workers World cult and a supporter of the Communist China, which has been perpetrating a racist genocide in illegally occupied Tibet for over 60 years. Dolack hates me because I am a supporter of a Free Tibet. Dolack and fellow troll Rosenstein give credence to the substance of Randy Newman's satirical musical masterpiece about "Short People." They are political bedbugs.
David Jones, from Staten Island, parades (charades) as a "peace" activist. For years this explicit threat-spewing Jew-disliker served as the enforcer at Peace Action of Staten Island (PASI), whose (belatedly retired) obedient president was his wife Sally Jones. Some years ago David Jones, a known and quite public Israel-basher, went totally berserk and tried to physically assault me at a PASI event in front of the First Central Baptist Church in Stapleton, Staten Island. His apparently planned attack occured shortly before the arrival of FCBC Pastor Rev. Dr. Demetrius S. Carolina, Sr. Perhaps the most politically disturbing aspect of David Jones is that he continues to be perhaps the closest political associate of City Councilmember Debi Rose, a classic Tammany Hall-style self-interest-obsessed Democratic Party Machine politician, who is in the habit of surrounding herself with political thugs such as David Jones and Antonio Whitaker, who is one of
the perps (Ms. Rose is the co-perp) in my NYPD complaint # 2011-001-05817 against them for criminally harassing me at my scheduled meeting with her at 250 Broadway on July 6, 2011. Ms. Rose's attempt to have me arrested although I was behaving completely lawfully as she was covering up evidence that my civil rights had been violated at several government-contracted senior citizens centers is known to the NYC Department of Investigation, which requested my report. Ms. Rose had the incredibly poor taste to have the Jew-disliker and Ahmadinejad defender David Jones with her for her visit to the October 27, 2013 to the legislative breakfast of the Council of Jewish Organizations of Staten Island. If, as Karl Marx prophesied, we are heading for a classless society Debi Rose is right there. She has absolutely no class!
Mike ("Dismay") May has for years paraded (charaded) as the resident radical of Staten Island. He has been an organizer of events for Peace Action of Staten Island. He had the unbelievably fascistic bad taste to invite the already thoroughly UP FRONT News-exposed Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. apostle Geoffrey Blank to an "anti-War" event in Tappen Park in Stapleton, S.I. some years ago. That necessiated my exercizing my free speech rights to expose the neo-fascist Blank right in front of May and everyone else, including guest speaker civil right lawyer Norman Siegel. May tried to convert the now apparently moribund Occupy Staten Island into a LaRouche-style pseudo ultra-left autocracy - collaborating with the sometimes physically out of control Ugo Duran and Duran's girl friend Julene Garcia, who sent me an e-mail in May, 2012 that was so offensively racist that I only release copies upon e-mailed request. May does not hold his alcohol well, and also,
even during apparent interludes of sobriety, also has a problem in keeping his hands to himself and on one occasion had to be restrained from assaulting me by PASI activist and Viet Nam vet, the very physically fit Bill Johnsen.
Robert Cataldo, the Chief of Staff to NYS Senator Diane Savino, the perp in my NYPD complaint # 2006-120-8244, charitably listed as only "criminal harassment", Robert Cataldo is a nutcase. It was in 2006, when I was homeless and staying in a hotel and my cashed Social Security check had been stolen when I visited NYS Senator Diane Savino's office at 36 Richmond Terrace in Staten Island because I needed an elected official's letter to go to the Commissioner of the U.S. Social Security Administration in order for me to receive an expedited S.S. check. I was given an appointment for the following day with Robert Cataldo, whom I had never met. Because of my political activities, which had been reported in the mainstream and "alternative" media - and intentionallly misreported - in New York's worst newspaper, the billionaire Donald Newhouse-owned Staten Island Advance, Cataldo knew who I was.
I arrived on time to find Ms. Savino's reception area empty. I waited several minutes and, when no one appeared, announced my presence. Within a few seconds, a male (Cataldo) came hurtling out of a rear office bellowing profanities, falsely accusing me of having sexual relations with my mother and threatening me with both violence and arrest. This went on for several minutes and when Cataldo came within a few centimeters of my face in full 100% psychotic mode, I left.
When I called Savino's office the next day, she picked up the phone. When I reported Cataldo's meltdown - which, had it occurred in public, would have generated a flurry of 911 calls and an NYPD-arranged trip in cuffs to the 120th precinct or an ambulance to the nearest psychiatric ER and a presumably involuntary psychiatric commitment, Ms. Savino's response to my description of Cataldo's breakdown was to say, "Oh, don't worry about Cataldo." Cataldo has since protected himself by seeing to it that I receive no services from Sen. Savino and also the pathetic and obsequeous Assemblymember Matthew ("No Saint") Titone, the first "gay wrong" (s)elected state legislator from Staten Island.
Because I have been boycotted by "The Unholy Trinity" (Rose/Titone/Savino) of North Shore ("NoSho") Staten Island, it has been necessary for me to get constituent services from NYS Assemblymember Joan Millman (D.-Bklyn.) who chairs the Assembly Committee on Aging.
Ms. Millman's legislative aide is Chloe Rivera, who claims to know something about corruption and criminality in the state legislature with her accusations against ex-Assemblymember Vito Lopez that he groped her and her lawsuit against Mr. Lopez and also against Assembly Speaker Sheldon ("Thirty Pieces of") Silver for covering up for Lopez. (There have been major stories, with photographs, on Ms. Rivera's allegations in The New York Times, the NY Post and other media.) Ms. Rivera very politely and quite thoroughy has assisted me on various matters including the butchery of my SNAP (Food Stamp) recertification application by an inept, negligent, rude and presumably grossly overpaid NYC Human Resources Administration bureaucrat named Steven Dickerson. A few weeks ago I had a long meeting with Ms Millman, during which she agreed to continue to assist me and also agreed to send e-mails to Sen. savino and Assemblymember Titone reminding them that I live in
their districts
and of their constituent services responsibilities to me. I suggested that Ms. Millman make certain to send the Savino e-mail not to her Senate offoce but rather to Savino's personal e-mail addresses, which Ms. Savino had personally given me.
Ms. Millman proceeded to blow it. Her e-mail, wrongly sent to Savino at her Senate e-mail address was - predictably - hijacked by Cataldo. Cataldo employed the tactic typically used by the corrupt; putting nothing into writing, he called Millman (keeping everything off the written record) and spoke to the evidently now easily intimidated Chloe Rivera, stating that Sen. Savino would not assist me. After I reminded Ms. Millman about Savino's personal e-mail addresses, although I had already provided Millman with those addresses, I received an e-mail from Millman's generally amiable Deputy Chief of Staff Michael Czaczkes requesting that I send Savino's personal e-mail addresses to Millman again. I did.
That is when Millman began stalling. Ms. Rivera, after having consented to posing for to huge photos and flaunting her anti-Lopez, anti-Silver game-face for The Times and the Post, she had the poor taste to complain when I mentioned her name in an article about the bureaucratic nightmare that is the NYC Human Resources Administration, i.e. HRA (aka in UP FRONT News as the Hopeless Robot Administration). Chloe Rivera seems to exploit a sort of a Lindsey Lohan-style on-off relationship with the media.
Days went by and the promised followup letter from Millman to Savino to her personal e-mail addresses never materialized. The last time I stopped at Millman's office, a couple of weeks ago, as I approached the door Millman and her Chief of Staff Ann (sp.?) Strahle literally ran to the door to block my way, and, although I did not enter, made some non-injury causing physical contact with me. Millman, without stating a reason, told me that she will no longer assist me. I left.
I later received an e-mail from Strahle repeating her refusal to assist me and stating that they had made a report (about what I don't know) about me to the NYPD. That of course necessitates my filing a complaint against Ms. Millman, who got a llittle too physical protecting her tax- payer-financed office in a high rent heavily gentrified area of Brooklyn.
And so NYS Assemblymember Joan Millman has evidently folded like a house of cards and allowed herself to be intimated by a terrorist named Robert Cataldo on the loose in the New York State Legislature.
And so the New York State Legislature continues to deserve its rating by the NYU Brennan Institute of Justice as "the worst state legislature in the country and North Shore Staten Island continues to earn its UP FRONT News rating as the most corrupt political community in New York.
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