Saturday, December 13, 2008


UP FRONT News December 2, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."


By Tom Weiss

During the primary and general elections, there were many progressives who, while fully acknowledging the reality that the Republican Party and its McCain/Palen ticket are reac-tionary to the core, refused to vote for Barack Obama, either in the Democratic primary (where a handful voted for Dennis Kucinich) or in the general election (where a handful voted for Cynthia McKinney and a slightly larger handful voted for Ralph Nader). Those voters as well as the much larger group, while registered to vote, refused to cast ballots.

That population expressed the view that, while Obama and McCain were hardly ideologically identical, the Democrat was nonetheless a little more than a corporate tool, all his populist rhetoric notwithstanding. Nonetheless, in part because of my strong objections to extremist (read Lyndon LaRouche/Lenora Fulani) elements in the Kucinich, Nader and McKinney cam-paigns, and because on certain issues (e.g. labor rights) Obama was more progressive than McCain and because I believed Obama's claims as to his original opposition to the Iraq War, I endorsed Obama in UP FRONT News and, in various public speaking appearances around New York, urged listeners to vote for Obama both in the Democratic primary and in the gen- eral election. Had I gone the "third party" route I would have probably voted for Ms. McKin- ney, whom I have met on several occasions and who supports self-determination for Tibet.

Much of my preference for Obama stemmed directly from my deep political antipathy for Hillary Clinton (as well as for her corrupt and egotistical husband). Monica Lewinsky still
represents (maybe to Bill also) a breath of fresh air. I confess I would probably vote for Hillary Clinton if the alternative for me was to be waterboarded.

In allowing both his arms to be Clinton-twisted into a challah and nominating Hillary Clinton for Secretary of State, President-elect Obama has proven that he is in fact a corporate tool and in fact an apologist for genocide - no matter what Mrs. Clinton and he may say about Darfur.

Bill and Hillary Clinton are up to their proverbial political eyeballs in the coverup of the racist Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet. As a great many people (including the steadily increasing numbers of UP FRONT News readers in New York and beyond) are aware, it was I who brought the facts of the Genocide in Tibet very directly to Bill Clinton very shortly after he was elected in November, 1992. I got the facts to him and to his absolutely awful mega-corporate choice of Secretary of State Warren Christopher via Betty M. Currie, who office managed the Little Rock-based Clinton Transition Team and served as Bill Clinton's secretary. I have plenty of copies of Ms. Currie's December 11, 1992 fax to me acknowledging receipt the materials I faxed to her at her request during my first long telephone conversation with her from my home telephone at the time, 212-334-9847.

Ms. Currie gave multiple copies of my material to Bill Clinton and Warren Christopher.
They buried everything.

The plot thickened considerably when I received a written invitation from the office of U.S. Senator Daniel P. Moynihan (D.-N.Y.) to appear at the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hearings on Bill Clinton's nomination of Christopher to be Secretary of State.
Because of reports that Christopher had been involved in snooping of anti-Viet Nam War activists, the hearing was postponed until January 19, 1993, the day before Bill Clinton's first inauguration.

Within moments of my arrival, with an UP FRONT News assistant, in the Committee reception area at the U.S. Capitol, several U.S. Capitol Police entered the room and arrested me.
With my one (delayed) telephone call, I called my congressman, Jerrold L. Nadler, who already knew me for my free Tibet activism and who was also helping me resist a greedy and politically (Ed Koch)-connected loftlord named Thomas Berger at my then loft home at 190-A Duane Street #5 in the overwhelmingly gentrified neighborhood now known as Tribeca.

I spent the night at what one apparently psychopathic cop laughingly called "the worst jail in the country"; I even refused the possibly toxic bologna sandwich squeezed through the cell bars.

I was released the next day (as Bill Clinton was being inaugurated) and met my public de- fender attorney (whose name I do not recall at this time), an African-American woman with an Angela Davis hairstyle who, as a civil rights specialist, had asked for my case. After my meeting with her I returned to New York.

Some days later the attorney called me and advised me that the Clinton Administration was offering me some kind of plea deal if I agreed to take responsibility for me arrest. Since it was Bill Clinton, Warren Christopher, et. al., who broke the law and violated my civil rights, I said, paraphrased, "No way!."

At a jury trial before Judge Satterfield the following July, I was acquitted. A reporter then ap- proached me and asked me if I knew the large Frankenstein-resembling man observing the trial. I told him that I did not know the man. The reporter told me that he was the #3 man in the State Department.

My free Tibet activities continued and Bill Clinton continued his Tibet Genocide coverup and his perhaps somewhat understandable womanizing.

After Chicago/Little Rock/Chappaqua transplant Hillary Clinton carpetbagged her way into becoming a U.S. Senator, and apparently before she became acquainted with my Tibet dealings with her husband (who over the years has kept many secrets from his wife), she assisted me on one occasion with a Social Security-related problem. Indeed, she sent me as I recall two personal letters assuring me that I could always count on her for assistance.

That turned out to be nothing more than another Clinton lie. In fact, when, while I was home-less and had been robbed, I had a similar Social Security-related emergency, Mrs. Clinton refused to help. In fact, she had an aide, the politically connected (Assemblyman Adam Clayton Powell IV) Yajaria Yepez, send a defamatory and threatening e-mail about me on September 5, 2003 to my evidently easily intimidated younger brother Jim in upstate New York. I and others have copies.

Senator Clinton also had an "investigator" named "Mr. Zimmerman" - who told me that Mrs. Clinton had personally instructed him to speak to me on the phone - verbalize an explicit threat against me after revealing that Mrs. Clinton had me under surveillance. (A paranoid person as Secretary of State?)

Any vetting of Mrs. Clinton and her husband has to include a thorough investigation of all this by law enforcement, including the NYPD and presumably the FBI. I am making certain that law enforcement has all the facts regarding criminal behavior involving Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Unless Barack Obama had picked perhaps Sarah Palin or Donald Rumsfeld as Secretary of State, it is hard to see how he could have made a worse choice.

The Clintons are both proven liars. As I have said and written previously, they not only lie to
Americans and to the rest of the world, they lie to each other.

John McCain repeatedly said that Barack Obama is not ready to be president. Taking into consideration the nomination of Hillary Clinton and the inner circle status of corporate power
players such as former (Bill Clinton) Treausury Secretary Robert Rubin (whose "welfare reform" ripped up the safety net and worsenened the homelessness crisis) McCain's assessment appears to have been correct.

Barack Obama needs to have a conversation about me with his wife Michelle, who should have little difficulty in remembering my Tibet and Hillary Clinton-related conversation with her at the Our Children's Foundation in Harlem on June 26, 2007 with major Obama supporter State Senator Bill Perkins (D.-Manh.) standing right next to me. Mrs. Obama listened to my perhaps three minute account, accepted my articles (including some on my write-in candidacy for the U.S. Senate against Mrs. Clinton,, and assured me that she would give them to her husband.

I have received some e-mails from African-American groups opposing Mrs. Clinton as Sec- retary of State. Following his receipt from me of a copy of my UP FRONT News article head- lined "Hillary Clinton Is Unfit to Be Secretary of State. The Clintons' Involvement in the Coverup of the Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet. The Clintons' Retaliations Against Me. My Tibet Conversation with Michelle Obama. The Tibet Genocide Is Racist. Time for Congressman Nadler to Tell the Facts to Obama" and a copy of my e-mail to Obama Transition Team Co-chair John Podesta and colleagues, Senator Perkins replied to me with an assurace that he will "look into this."

I live in Staten Island, where the number of UP FRONT News readers is increasing daily. That is a very good thing politically because until recently there has been something of a de facto media monopoly occupied by the very politically tightly controlled Staten Island Advance. The political editor at that paper is Tom Wrobleski, who sat on the story of my U.S. Senate candidacy against Hillary Clinton for months (and then got scooped by Newsday), and who sees his role as protecting the political establishment, regardless of party. Wrobleski once told one of my UP FRONT News representatives that he did not "care" what I said about the Genocide in Tibet and Hillary Clinton. Perhaps Mrs. Clinton will consider the taciturn Wrobleski (who covered up for the belatedly disgraced Vito Fossella for years until the "family values" Staten Island
Congressman was arrested on a DUI in Virginia as he was swerving to his lover's house) to be one of her press aides, wherever she winds up.

Much of Staten Island is ruled by a Hillary Clinton-run political machine consisting of a
lily-white group of politicians including State Assemblyman Matthew Titone, State Senator Diane Savino, outgoing City Councilman and Clintonite Michael McMahon and the increasingly machine-docile Assemblywoman Janele Hyer-Spencer. Now that Mr. McMahon has been "elected" to the congress in a NYC Board of Elections-mismanaged election (I ran as a write-in candidate and, when it comes to write-in procedures and practices, the NYCBOE is apparently in violation of federally guaranteed voting rights) there is much competition to fill his City Council seat. I am acquainted with two African-American candidates: College of Staten Island teacher and activist Debi Rose, and Rev. Tony Baker, Pastor of the St. Phillips Baptist Church. Since the City Council addresses international issues, including Tibet - the major Free Tibet voice there is Councilman Tony Avella, (D.-Queens) - their views on the Tibet Genocide Coverup/Clinton matter are important. Ms. Rose has let me know that she is not happy about Obama's choice of Mrs. Clinton to be Secretary of State. Rev. Baker - who is disturbingly close to the aforementioned S.I. political machine, especially the ethically challenged and seriously negligent Titone and Titone's political mother superior City Council Speaker Christine Quinn - has been silent as far as I am aware.

State Senator Perkins, after receiving an e-mailed copy of my UP FRONT News article
"Hillary Clinton Is Unfit to Be Secretary of State. The Clintons' Direct Involvement in the Coverup of the Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet. The Clintons' Retaliations Against Me. The Tibet Genocide Is Racist. Time for Congressman nadler to Tell the Facts to Obama" and a copy of my e-mail to Obama Transition Team Co-chairperson John Podesta and his colleagues, thanked me in his reply and assured me that he "will look into this."

Aside from myself, the most outspoken and politically potent voice on the Tibet issue in Staten Island has been Rev. Demetrius Carolina, Pastor of the also steadily increasing in size First Central Baptist Church, of which I am a member. Rev. Carolina, who is also a college political science teacher and a regular UP FRONT News reader, is one of the relatively few African-Americans to denounce Communist China for the Genocide in Tibet.

Hillary Clinton has reportedly expressed an interest in speaking at First Central. I hope that
any Clinton appearance at the church will happen after she no longer holds any political office and after she comes clean about Tibet - and about me.

I think perhaps Councilman Avella and/or Senator Perkins would be better choices.
In any event, Hillary Clinton is a corporation-loyal enemy of human rights (including mine), an apologist for genocide and is fundamentally unqualified to be Secretary of State.
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