Wednesday, December 31, 2008


UP FRONT News December 19, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold.

By Tom Weiss

The problem is not Caroline Kennedy (although I can think of many people, such as New York City Councilman Tony Avella, political science professor Steven Gradman, and myself, who are more qualified for the U.S. Senate than Ms. Kennedy). The problem is the fact that Hillary Clinton's ascension to the position of Secretary of State is being treated as a "done deal."

Especially taking into account her wandering husband's mega-money ties to financiers, criminals and dictators, Hillary Clinton is a living, breathing conflict of interest. The fact that both Clintons are directly involved in the coverup of the Chinese Communist Genocide in Tibet exemplifies the reality of the conflict of interest. The Clintons are a major political voice for the mega-corporate China Lobby, (for which the Stalinist-Maoist Joel Meyers is also a voice).

In fact as readers of UP FRONT News at are aware, I discussed in particular the Tibet Genocide and the Clintons' involvement in the coverup directly with Michelle Obama when she and I met on June 27, 2007 at a campaign event at the Our Children's Foundation in Harlem.

At this point, it appears that the coverup also includes Barack Obama, which raises the question as to what investments he may have in the hedge fund known as the People's Republic of China.

I have been asked by the Executive Editor of The New York Times to send my material on this matter to Dean Baquet, Chief of The Times' Washington Bureau. I spoke by telephone to Mr. Baquet's assistant Ashley, who later e-mailed me an acknowledgement that Baquet had received my correspondence. Hearing nothing in reply UP FRONT News Communications Director Frank De Luca and I called The Times' Washington Bureau and had a chance to talk for several minutes with Mr. Baquet, who, after I described my earlier correspondence with an update, expressed clear interest and asked me to re-send my material.

The Times has an unfortunate history when it comes to reporting on Genocide, having willfully suppressed very credible reports n the 1930's and 1940's about the developing Nazi Holocaust against the Jews. Bill Clinton's record (e.g. the Rwanda Genocide) is just as bad.

At this point only one politician has gone on record with me as being ready to investigate all this. That official is New York State Senator Bill Perkins, a major player in the Obama campaign and the man standing right next to me during my June 26, 2007 conversation with Michelle Obama.

Potentially on the spot is U.S. Congressman Jerrold L. Nadler, my former congressman and a reader of UP FRONT News, who knows plenty about the Tibet Genocide. He also knows plenty about Bill Clinton's criminal retaliatory actions against me on January 19, 1993 (the day before Bill Clinton's first inauguration) when he and Warren Christopher had me arrested at the U.S. Capitol when I was there with an invitation to appear at the U.S. Senate Committe on Foreign Relations after Clinton had suppressed the documents I had gotten to him and Christopher via Bill Clinton's secretary Betty M. Currie. I and others have copies of her fax to me acknowledging receipt of my material on Tibet. It was Jerry Nadler whom I called from jail and who presumably helped me get released and presumably helped to obtain for me a very good public defender lawyer, who represented me at the July, 1993 trial where at a jury trial before Judge Satterfield I was acquitted.

I have been in telephone contact with Gov. David Paterson via several high level aides and I expect to be sending him the facts on Hillary Clinton by e-mail very soon. Under any circumstances, assuming that the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations does a rush job and approves Obama's nomination of Mrs. Clinton to be Secretary of State, as the facts about her become known, her tenure may be abbreviated. And then, if Caroline Kennedy is already a U.S. Senator, Hillary Clinton will be out of a job. Sort of like Bernie Madoff.
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