"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."
Published by Tom Weiss
Andrew Mazzone - Media Representative and Economics Advisor
Steven Gradman - Political Consultant
Lehman Weichselbaum - Arts Editor and Reporter
The views expressed in UP FRONT News are those of the publisher or of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of staff.
Neo-Georgist political economist Andrew Mazzone, who recently told me that he has become the President of the Henry George School of Social Science in Manhattan "by default", is in a position not unlike that assumed by newly elected President Barack Obama at his first inauguration on January 20, 2009 when he inherited an economy that had been majorly damaged, to a considerable degree by the preceding Cheney-Bush Administration (Big Dick Cheney ran the show, reducing George W. Bush to the role of Acting President) that allowed the banks and major corporations, aided and abetted by, e.g. "Communist China", to pillage the national wealth, with the 99% paying most of the price.
Mr. Mazzone, in assuming the presidency of the HGS, is in charge of an institution that - notwithstanding its presumed dedication to the economically democratic idea of the 19th century anti-monopolist activist-economist Henry George, who came surprisingly close to being elected mayor of New York City in 1886, finishing second behind the Democratic Party Machine candidate but ahead of thid place finisher Theodore Roosevelt - had been run Cheney/Bush style.
While offering the public tuition-free courses on Georgist economics (I've taken two, an excellent one by Mr. Mazzone and previously a so-so one by Billy Fitzgerald, who now serves as the HGS Director of Education.) The road dowhill was partly paved by the previous Director of Education, Cay Hehner, a temperamental fellow whose Teutonic nature even extended to the slanted bangs hairstyle favored by Adolf Hitler (and other fascists such as the very violent pseuedo-ultra-"leftist" Lower East Side squatter Karl Rosenstein) and who enabled an extraordinarily devious character named Scott Baker to use the facilities as a propaganda base for Common Ground-NYC (CGNYC), a grouplet that depicts itself as an advocacy organization promoting the economics of the late Henry George.
I first met Mr. Baker at one of the Friday evening HGS forums, some of which have served as a sounding board and recruiting opportunity for Baker and CGNYC. Because the economics of Mr. George, who advocated a land value tax as a means to stop the massive accumulation of what Mr, Mazzone calls "unearned wealth" into private corporate hands, appealed to me, I joined up with CGNYC. Initially I had no reason to question Mr. Baker's introducing himself as the "president" of CGNYC. At the first meeting I attended in November, 2010 at the home of Rita Rowen, the only other CGNYC officer, when Mr. Baker spoke about some CGNYC legislation introduced but going nowhere in the NYS Assembly and the NYC Council, because I have lots of experience in lobbying and with politicians, I offered my assistance, which was eagerly accepted by Mr. Baker and Ms. Rowen. And when a meeting participant (but not member) Dorothy Pereira announced that NYC Councilmember Tony
Avella (D-Queens) had just accomplished an electoral upset, defeating a veteran Republican and getting elected to the NYS Senate, I let the group know of my political acquaintanceship with the very independent-minded and human rights-oriented Avella, who had, at my urging, introduced a Free Tibet-oriented resolution into the NYC Council (a resolution killed by the autocratcic Council Speaker Christine Quinn). I was asked to assume the legislative responsbilities for CGNYC. At the meeting I suggested that Mr. Avella, an open-minded politician, who would in all likelihood be receptive to the ideas of Henry George, be invited to the next HGS meeting. everyone agreed. I was asked to extend the invitation.
Things soon began to go bad in CGNYC. For reasons that remain locked inside Scott Baker, he proceeded to willfully ignore my suggestionsa regarding requesting an appointment with Mr. Avella and inviting him to a CGNYC meeting in January, 2011, which would be shortly after Mr. Avella assumed office in the NYS Senate. Baker without explanation ignored my advice that he avoid propagandizing in an e-mail requested by Sen. Avella's Chief of Staff to follow the one I had already sent. Ultimately the invitation to Avella fell apart.
Mr. Baker, who had been so impressed with my legislative and political credentials and my initial lobbying efforts for CGNYC that he awarded me a complimentary membership in CGNYC, thereby saving me the membership fee (helpful to me because I am low income), rather abruptly became openly hostile. After he asked me to serve on the so-called T-Shirt committee which was to create a CGUSA T-shirt featuring the silkscreened image of Henry George and I had arranged for the no-charge services of a friend who happened to be a professional textile designer, he excluded me from the key T-shirt Committee meeting at the HGS.
That action brought the quite popular HGS personality Yanni Czelig, who had attended some CGNYC events but did not join CGNYC, into the fray. Mr. Czelig sent a strongly worded e-mail to Baker accusing him of "mismanaging" the T-shirt committee matter. Baker, apparently harboring the delusion that I sought the presidency of CGNYC, sent me an e-mail stating that I had been "de-certified' as a CGNYC member. His letter claimed that the "decertification" had the "blessing" of CGUSA, the national organization of which CGNYC is the local chapter.
And so I called CGUSA President Nadine Stone at her home near Chicago. She told me that she had no knowledge whatsoever of Baker's "decertification" of me.
Baker then proceeded to establish what amounted to a fascistic dictatorship in CGNYC by withholding copies of the CGUSA Constitution from all members and non-members. Why? Because the Constitution establishes procedures for the election of Chapter officers. In fact, it soon emerged that Scott Baker had never been elected as president and that, sort of like a transition among Czars, he had been appointed and anointed president by Rita Rowen. That is why I refer to her as "Lovely Rita, Baker's Maid", with apologies to Paul McCartney and the Beatles.
Baker then unleashed a campaign of defamation against me and, using non-CGNYC member Cay Hehner as the sergeant-at-arms, literally threatened me with arrest at a CGNYC meeting when I sought to raise a question regarding his "presidency." A Baker ally named Ron Rubin, at a post-HGS Forum at a nearby restaurant, where Hehner habitually got himself intoxicated on a presumably pricey red wine, bellowed an abusive tantrum at me that has the restaurant staff standing open-mouthed.
It became necessary for me to expose Baker in an UP FRONT News article headlined, "By George..." and informing the public of Scott Baker becoming a carrier of the "Hosni Mubarak Syndrome" affecting dictators who don't know when their time is up.
And at the June, 2011 CGNYC meeting at the Vanderbilt Y in midtown Manhattan, Baker had Yanni Czelig and me "banned", by manipulating mid-level Y and security staff. When, a few days after the banning, I called and spoke to the Vanderbilt Y CEO Ms. Harvey, she told me that the banning had been done without her knowledge and that she would never have authorized any such action. She also told me that Baker and CGYNC are no longer welcome at the Vanderbilt Y. They're banned.
The minutes of that meeting revealed that, with then HGS president Dan Krysten in attendance, Baker announced that he had been "re-elected" as CGNYC presdident. Not even Adolf Hitler could pull off a re-election if he had never been elected in the first place.
Scott Baker in sometimes open and sometimes secret collaboration had arranged for the misuse of 501 C-3 ("charity") tax exempt HGS by 501 C-4 advocacy political group. As far as I am aware, that's a no-no.
Indeed I've recently learned that the current HGS Director of Education, Baker pal Billy Fitzgerald revealed that the HGS has a tax exemption as a "religious" organization. In my correspondences with the NYS Education Department - which to date has been unable to locate an NYSED license for the HGS - I've suggested that the HGS is about as "religious" as the Tea Party. (The previous HGS Director of Education, the bombastic boozer Hehner, was fired not too long after he was spotted long after HGS closing hours bringing onto the premises an - at least outwardly - female guest, who, as far as is known, was not there for a course in Georgist economics.
I have also asked the appropriate authorities to thoroughly investigate two on HGS premises thefts of my personal property, in both cases involving federal documents. The principle suspect is (still?) HGS employee James Patterson, who has made at least one rather explicit threat of physical violence against me in response to my questions regarding the disappearance of my belongings.
On January 6, 2012 HGS President Dan Kryston died of a cancer that had rapidly weakened him to the point where he was unable to effectively deal with, among other matters, the machinations of Scott Baker and Cay Hehner.
An administrative power vaccuum followed and, when I was referred to next in command Gil Herman, he passed the buck into the ether by telling me that he didn't want to get involved.
I continued to maintain regular contact with Mr. Mazzone, who, aside from his responsibilities as a senior HGS faculty member, was member of the HGS Board of Trustees. Not even Mr. Mazzone was able to explain the decision of the Board to appoint as HGS president the octogenarian Irving Starer of Suffolk County, whose appearances at the HGS have been rare indeed.
Because the very status of the HGS had become endangered, with questions of tax fraud, on premises criminalities, collaboration with a self-appointed CGNYC dictator Scott ("The Faker") Baker - an agent skilled at the use of Fifth Column-type tactics originally developed by Adolf Hitler and used more contemporarily by pseudo-progressive populism-spoiuting crypto-fascists such as Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. and a LaRouche-ite pal of Hehner's named Eric ("The Irascible") Rassi (a close assocaiate of the aforementioned Karl Rosenstein) and the self-appointed "president of an organization that was in fact giving poor Henry George a bad named - it was necessary for me to access Irving Starer directly.
Starer was elusive. It was only with the assistance of Mr. Mazzone that I got a phone number to reach Starer. I called that number (his residence) and the phone was answered by his wife. He was not at home at the time and so I gave summarized the reason for my call and gave her my phone and e-mail contact information. She assured me that her husband would get back to me. I'm glad I didn't hold my breath.
When I called again some weeks later, to his presumed chagrin Irving Starer picked up the phone. Several times he attempted to pass the buck to Andrew Mazzone and each time I had to remind him that Mr. Mazzone is already aware of everything and has been openly supportive of my efforts at initiating government investigations, which, given the theft of my federal government documents, could involve the FBI.
When I asked for Starer's e-mail address so that I could submit the facts to him formally he became as secretive as Big Dick Cheney and told me to send my e-mail to him c/o the HGS. In light of staff-perpetrated criminality against me, I refused that absurd offer.
In any event, Mr. Mazzone arranged to have me send the letter addressed to Irving Starer sent to Mr. Mazzone's e-mail address. That letter sent in August, 2012 was tthen printed out by Mr. Mazzone and hand delivered by Starer by FedEx to Starer's home in Long Island.
Mr, Starer has responded by raiding the HGS Treasury, which is in the form of a fund held and operated by the Schalkenbach Foundation, to retain a presumably very pricey law firm that advertises itself as specializing in defending corporations accused of tax crimes.
The law firm got in touch with me to advise me that the firm will be investigating all my complaints against the HGS and CGNYC/USA. And, ignorng the fact that I am an HGS student in good standing and that Mr. Mazzone has made it very clear cthat I am alwauys welcome to attend his really good classes, they also sent me a thinly veiled threat that maybe I shouldn't attend classes there. And so Starer is having HGS investigate itself. It reeks of conflict of interest.
Mr. Mazzone and I by the way have been lobbying the NYS legislature to introduce a bill to create and fund as commission or task force to study the applicability of the land-value tax to the existing political economy. Sen. Avella, at his request, has received Andy Mazzone's detailed plan, contaniing the relevant arithmetic. I am developong a similar proposal for a federal commission/task force to be submitted to the U.S. Congress. Anyone interested in helping out should contact Mr. Mazzone and or me by e-mail.
Scott Baker has announced that he is speaking at the HGS on November 22. And so a self-appointed "president", doubling as a "Georgist' Fifth Columnist, gifted at assassinating the truth will pontificate on the anniversary of the assissination of an elected president. Lovely!
* * * * * * *
MeFor forwarding --- On Mon, 11/18/13, Tom Weiss wrote: From: Tom Weiss Subject: SCOTT BAKER VS. HENRY GEORGE - & THE HENRY GEORGE SCHOOL To: andr
MeFor forwarding --- On Mon, 11/18/13, Tom Weiss wrote: From: Tom Weiss Subject: SCOTT BAKER VS. HENRY GEORGE - & THE HENRY GEORGE SCHOOL To: andr
MeNov. 22, 2013 To Rick Ulfik - President, We, the World: I should have sent you this earlier but, inasmuch as you were not on my Henry George School-related e-mail loop, I overlooked you. In light of y
MeNov. 22, 2013 To Rick Ulfik - President, We, the World: I should have sent you this earlier but, inasmuch as you were not on my Henry George School-related e-mail loop, I overlooked you. In light of y
Published by Tom Weiss
Andrew Mazzone - Media Representative and Economics Advisor
Steven Gradman - Political Consultant
Lehman Weichselbaum - Arts Editor and Reporter
The views expressed in UP FRONT News are those of the publisher or of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of staff.
Neo-Georgist political economist Andrew Mazzone, who recently told me that he has become the President of the Henry George School of Social Science in Manhattan "by default", is in a position not unlike that assumed by newly elected President Barack Obama at his first inauguration on January 20, 2009 when he inherited an economy that had been majorly damaged, to a considerable degree by the preceding Cheney-Bush Administration (Big Dick Cheney ran the show, reducing George W. Bush to the role of Acting President) that allowed the banks and major corporations, aided and abetted by, e.g. "Communist China", to pillage the national wealth, with the 99% paying most of the price.
Mr. Mazzone, in assuming the presidency of the HGS, is in charge of an institution that - notwithstanding its presumed dedication to the economically democratic idea of the 19th century anti-monopolist activist-economist Henry George, who came surprisingly close to being elected mayor of New York City in 1886, finishing second behind the Democratic Party Machine candidate but ahead of thid place finisher Theodore Roosevelt - had been run Cheney/Bush style.
While offering the public tuition-free courses on Georgist economics (I've taken two, an excellent one by Mr. Mazzone and previously a so-so one by Billy Fitzgerald, who now serves as the HGS Director of Education.) The road dowhill was partly paved by the previous Director of Education, Cay Hehner, a temperamental fellow whose Teutonic nature even extended to the slanted bangs hairstyle favored by Adolf Hitler (and other fascists such as the very violent pseuedo-ultra-"leftist" Lower East Side squatter Karl Rosenstein) and who enabled an extraordinarily devious character named Scott Baker to use the facilities as a propaganda base for Common Ground-NYC (CGNYC), a grouplet that depicts itself as an advocacy organization promoting the economics of the late Henry George.
I first met Mr. Baker at one of the Friday evening HGS forums, some of which have served as a sounding board and recruiting opportunity for Baker and CGNYC. Because the economics of Mr. George, who advocated a land value tax as a means to stop the massive accumulation of what Mr, Mazzone calls "unearned wealth" into private corporate hands, appealed to me, I joined up with CGNYC. Initially I had no reason to question Mr. Baker's introducing himself as the "president" of CGNYC. At the first meeting I attended in November, 2010 at the home of Rita Rowen, the only other CGNYC officer, when Mr. Baker spoke about some CGNYC legislation introduced but going nowhere in the NYS Assembly and the NYC Council, because I have lots of experience in lobbying and with politicians, I offered my assistance, which was eagerly accepted by Mr. Baker and Ms. Rowen. And when a meeting participant (but not member) Dorothy Pereira announced that NYC Councilmember Tony
Avella (D-Queens) had just accomplished an electoral upset, defeating a veteran Republican and getting elected to the NYS Senate, I let the group know of my political acquaintanceship with the very independent-minded and human rights-oriented Avella, who had, at my urging, introduced a Free Tibet-oriented resolution into the NYC Council (a resolution killed by the autocratcic Council Speaker Christine Quinn). I was asked to assume the legislative responsbilities for CGNYC. At the meeting I suggested that Mr. Avella, an open-minded politician, who would in all likelihood be receptive to the ideas of Henry George, be invited to the next HGS meeting. everyone agreed. I was asked to extend the invitation.
Things soon began to go bad in CGNYC. For reasons that remain locked inside Scott Baker, he proceeded to willfully ignore my suggestionsa regarding requesting an appointment with Mr. Avella and inviting him to a CGNYC meeting in January, 2011, which would be shortly after Mr. Avella assumed office in the NYS Senate. Baker without explanation ignored my advice that he avoid propagandizing in an e-mail requested by Sen. Avella's Chief of Staff to follow the one I had already sent. Ultimately the invitation to Avella fell apart.
Mr. Baker, who had been so impressed with my legislative and political credentials and my initial lobbying efforts for CGNYC that he awarded me a complimentary membership in CGNYC, thereby saving me the membership fee (helpful to me because I am low income), rather abruptly became openly hostile. After he asked me to serve on the so-called T-Shirt committee which was to create a CGUSA T-shirt featuring the silkscreened image of Henry George and I had arranged for the no-charge services of a friend who happened to be a professional textile designer, he excluded me from the key T-shirt Committee meeting at the HGS.
That action brought the quite popular HGS personality Yanni Czelig, who had attended some CGNYC events but did not join CGNYC, into the fray. Mr. Czelig sent a strongly worded e-mail to Baker accusing him of "mismanaging" the T-shirt committee matter. Baker, apparently harboring the delusion that I sought the presidency of CGNYC, sent me an e-mail stating that I had been "de-certified' as a CGNYC member. His letter claimed that the "decertification" had the "blessing" of CGUSA, the national organization of which CGNYC is the local chapter.
And so I called CGUSA President Nadine Stone at her home near Chicago. She told me that she had no knowledge whatsoever of Baker's "decertification" of me.
Baker then proceeded to establish what amounted to a fascistic dictatorship in CGNYC by withholding copies of the CGUSA Constitution from all members and non-members. Why? Because the Constitution establishes procedures for the election of Chapter officers. In fact, it soon emerged that Scott Baker had never been elected as president and that, sort of like a transition among Czars, he had been appointed and anointed president by Rita Rowen. That is why I refer to her as "Lovely Rita, Baker's Maid", with apologies to Paul McCartney and the Beatles.
Baker then unleashed a campaign of defamation against me and, using non-CGNYC member Cay Hehner as the sergeant-at-arms, literally threatened me with arrest at a CGNYC meeting when I sought to raise a question regarding his "presidency." A Baker ally named Ron Rubin, at a post-HGS Forum at a nearby restaurant, where Hehner habitually got himself intoxicated on a presumably pricey red wine, bellowed an abusive tantrum at me that has the restaurant staff standing open-mouthed.
It became necessary for me to expose Baker in an UP FRONT News article headlined, "By George..." and informing the public of Scott Baker becoming a carrier of the "Hosni Mubarak Syndrome" affecting dictators who don't know when their time is up.
And at the June, 2011 CGNYC meeting at the Vanderbilt Y in midtown Manhattan, Baker had Yanni Czelig and me "banned", by manipulating mid-level Y and security staff. When, a few days after the banning, I called and spoke to the Vanderbilt Y CEO Ms. Harvey, she told me that the banning had been done without her knowledge and that she would never have authorized any such action. She also told me that Baker and CGYNC are no longer welcome at the Vanderbilt Y. They're banned.
The minutes of that meeting revealed that, with then HGS president Dan Krysten in attendance, Baker announced that he had been "re-elected" as CGNYC presdident. Not even Adolf Hitler could pull off a re-election if he had never been elected in the first place.
Scott Baker in sometimes open and sometimes secret collaboration had arranged for the misuse of 501 C-3 ("charity") tax exempt HGS by 501 C-4 advocacy political group. As far as I am aware, that's a no-no.
Indeed I've recently learned that the current HGS Director of Education, Baker pal Billy Fitzgerald revealed that the HGS has a tax exemption as a "religious" organization. In my correspondences with the NYS Education Department - which to date has been unable to locate an NYSED license for the HGS - I've suggested that the HGS is about as "religious" as the Tea Party. (The previous HGS Director of Education, the bombastic boozer Hehner, was fired not too long after he was spotted long after HGS closing hours bringing onto the premises an - at least outwardly - female guest, who, as far as is known, was not there for a course in Georgist economics.
I have also asked the appropriate authorities to thoroughly investigate two on HGS premises thefts of my personal property, in both cases involving federal documents. The principle suspect is (still?) HGS employee James Patterson, who has made at least one rather explicit threat of physical violence against me in response to my questions regarding the disappearance of my belongings.
On January 6, 2012 HGS President Dan Kryston died of a cancer that had rapidly weakened him to the point where he was unable to effectively deal with, among other matters, the machinations of Scott Baker and Cay Hehner.
An administrative power vaccuum followed and, when I was referred to next in command Gil Herman, he passed the buck into the ether by telling me that he didn't want to get involved.
I continued to maintain regular contact with Mr. Mazzone, who, aside from his responsibilities as a senior HGS faculty member, was member of the HGS Board of Trustees. Not even Mr. Mazzone was able to explain the decision of the Board to appoint as HGS president the octogenarian Irving Starer of Suffolk County, whose appearances at the HGS have been rare indeed.
Because the very status of the HGS had become endangered, with questions of tax fraud, on premises criminalities, collaboration with a self-appointed CGNYC dictator Scott ("The Faker") Baker - an agent skilled at the use of Fifth Column-type tactics originally developed by Adolf Hitler and used more contemporarily by pseudo-progressive populism-spoiuting crypto-fascists such as Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. and a LaRouche-ite pal of Hehner's named Eric ("The Irascible") Rassi (a close assocaiate of the aforementioned Karl Rosenstein) and the self-appointed "president of an organization that was in fact giving poor Henry George a bad named - it was necessary for me to access Irving Starer directly.
Starer was elusive. It was only with the assistance of Mr. Mazzone that I got a phone number to reach Starer. I called that number (his residence) and the phone was answered by his wife. He was not at home at the time and so I gave summarized the reason for my call and gave her my phone and e-mail contact information. She assured me that her husband would get back to me. I'm glad I didn't hold my breath.
When I called again some weeks later, to his presumed chagrin Irving Starer picked up the phone. Several times he attempted to pass the buck to Andrew Mazzone and each time I had to remind him that Mr. Mazzone is already aware of everything and has been openly supportive of my efforts at initiating government investigations, which, given the theft of my federal government documents, could involve the FBI.
When I asked for Starer's e-mail address so that I could submit the facts to him formally he became as secretive as Big Dick Cheney and told me to send my e-mail to him c/o the HGS. In light of staff-perpetrated criminality against me, I refused that absurd offer.
In any event, Mr. Mazzone arranged to have me send the letter addressed to Irving Starer sent to Mr. Mazzone's e-mail address. That letter sent in August, 2012 was tthen printed out by Mr. Mazzone and hand delivered by Starer by FedEx to Starer's home in Long Island.
Mr, Starer has responded by raiding the HGS Treasury, which is in the form of a fund held and operated by the Schalkenbach Foundation, to retain a presumably very pricey law firm that advertises itself as specializing in defending corporations accused of tax crimes.
The law firm got in touch with me to advise me that the firm will be investigating all my complaints against the HGS and CGNYC/USA. And, ignorng the fact that I am an HGS student in good standing and that Mr. Mazzone has made it very clear cthat I am alwauys welcome to attend his really good classes, they also sent me a thinly veiled threat that maybe I shouldn't attend classes there. And so Starer is having HGS investigate itself. It reeks of conflict of interest.
Mr. Mazzone and I by the way have been lobbying the NYS legislature to introduce a bill to create and fund as commission or task force to study the applicability of the land-value tax to the existing political economy. Sen. Avella, at his request, has received Andy Mazzone's detailed plan, contaniing the relevant arithmetic. I am developong a similar proposal for a federal commission/task force to be submitted to the U.S. Congress. Anyone interested in helping out should contact Mr. Mazzone and or me by e-mail.
Scott Baker has announced that he is speaking at the HGS on November 22. And so a self-appointed "president", doubling as a "Georgist' Fifth Columnist, gifted at assassinating the truth will pontificate on the anniversary of the assissination of an elected president. Lovely!
* * * * * * *
Nov 21
Nov 21
Nov 22
Nov 22
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