Tuesday, July 08, 2008


UP FRONT News June 30, 2008
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."


By Tom Weiss

As many thousands of people are aware, despite minimal coverage by the corporate controlled mainstream and "alternative" media, I ran for the U.S. Senate as a Democratic write-in candidate against Republicrat Hillary Clinton. The chances are that I will never find out how many people actually voted for me, thanks to the NYC and NYC election authorities. Indeed, I learned of several cases in which people were told they could not vote for a write-in candidate. In fact there had been all sorts of difficulties during my entire campaign particularly with ther NYC Board of Elections, which is run 100% by the Democratic and Republican Party machines.

Despite all that, I am absolutely serious in announcing here (even if for example the media mogul billionaire Donald Newhouse owned Staten Island Advance chooses to suppress the news, as it did for months when I ran against Mrs. Clinton), that I am urging all human rights sensitive voters to write my name in for president.

To be sure, I would not make such a decision without tangible support. In fact a number of non-machine political activists have suggested that I consider running for president as a write-in candidate. Among those urging me along those lines has been No Police State Coalition veteran and list-serve co-manager Roman Shusterman. At yesterday's Union Square speakout, musician activist David Peel of Lower East Side and John Lennon fame, spoke about his unhappiness with all announced presidential candidates.

At the post-speakout meeting I said that I was pretty much finished with the now sucking-
up-to-Hillary Barack Obama. I said and that both Ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney are ethically compromised by ties to the LaRouche-ites in and around the Green Party. I repeated the obvious by stating that the militarist reactionary John McCain was out of the question. When I suggested that I was considering acting on Mr. Shusterman's urgings and running for president as a write-in candidate, David Peel announced his support and, with a fellow musician Layne Agee, began to work on a campaign song for me. Mr. Peel, who is known throughout the world (and has not let the fame go to his head), was the de facto musical director for my U.S. Senate campaign. His song, "Tom Weiss for Senator", did not go platinum but was performed at several events.

It is apparent that all the existing presidential candidates fall short when it comes to at least three over-riding issues - genocide, the advance of camouflaged domestic fascism (e.g. Lyndon LaRouche) and, on the bottom line, uncontrolled greed.

Certainly when it comes to greed, there is plenty to talk and write about. For sure the New York Yankees and the $30 million/year part-time worker Alexander Rodriguez will be a campaign issue every bit as New York Stock Exchange predator Richard Grasso will be. The same holds true for a perverted value system that for example holds up the actress Angelina Jolie as some kind of humanitarian role model because she is giving a few African kids much needed new leases on life as she "earns" perhaps $20 million for doing a movies that sexualize and glorify violence.

We are again (still?) in the age of the robber barons, most obscenely typified in New York in particular by the avaricious real estate developers who are largely responsible, along with their (s)elected representatives, for the housing crisis and therefore for homelessness. Donald Trump will be a campaign isse.

As far as I am concerned, while there is plenty of genocide around everywhere, including the U.S., which wages war on the poor and the dark-complexioned, perhaps the most entrenched genocide is that being perpetrated in occupied Tibet by Communist China. Barack Obama and John McCain have remained silent on this issue. And while I have had no contact with the McCain campaign, I've had plenty with the Obama campaign. As readers of UP FRONT News are aware, on June 26, 2007 I discussed the Tibet Genocide for several minutes with Michelle Obama when she and I met at a Harlem campaign event. Indeed, Obama campaign heavy State Senator Bill Perkins was standing right next to me and witnessed the entire conversation. He is fully aware that Mrs. Obama, upon accepting several copies of UP FRONT News as well as some of my Tom Weiss for U.S. Senate campaign literature, assured me that she would give my material directly to her husband.

Since then, none of my communications to various high-level Obama campaign officials has been answered. Among those who have not responded are campaign manager David Plouffe and Obama activist, the actor Jordan Thomas, who was a major factor in Mr. Obama's very well organized effort in New York.

I will not support any candidate who remains silent on the Genocide in Tibet. The silence, similar to the silence in the 1930's about the developing Nazi Holocaust against the Jews, is motivated by the love of money, as "Communist" China is perhpa the most populous profit- eering pool in history. The Clintons make a lot of money in China and, it appears that Obama has interests there also. (John Edwards, the recipient of what I call the $400 "Delilah" haircut, also chose to remain silent on the issue although, as former Edwards for President activist Steven Gradman can verify, Edwards got the necessary Tibet information from me.)

Since there is no chance that I will support a reactionary militarist like John McCain, I don't plan on pushing him on the Tibet issue, although if he speaks out, I'll report it in UP FRONT News.

Ralph Nader first spoke out on Tibet at my behest a few years ago. Nonetheless Nader, who is working closely with criminals such as the Green Party Lyndon LaRouche ideologue Gerald Kann, has shown himself to be ethically unqualified to be president. During the 2004 race Nader gladly took the support of the LaRouche-ite racist Lenora Fulani (who, this time around, seems to be distancing herself from Nader "the Nadir"). As Ralph Nader and friends of his such as poet/rocker Patti Smith are well aware, Kann (and his violent Green fascist associate George Tatevosyan) perpetrated a physical assault upon me in April, 2004 to prevent my attending a Nader news conference in Manhattan. The assault was witnessed by No Police State Coalition activists Roman Shusterman and Richie Degen. And when I asked Nader about his Fulani/LaRouche ties at his booksigning a few years ago at the Union Square Barnes & Noble, he became as tight-lipped as (Big Dick) Cheney.

And that leaves former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, a Democrat turned Green from Georgia. Ms. McKinney has made some national headlines with her strong pro-Palestinian oratory. Indeed, some of her remarks were perceived as anti-Semitic by Zionist Jewish people. Indeed it was largely Jewish opposition that contributed to Ms. McKinney's defeat in a Democratic primary some years ago.

My views on the Palestinian/Israeli matter are very similar to those of my Palestinian-Amer-ican friend Wael Sharaydeh, formerly of Staten Island and now living in Cincinnati. He opposes the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land in Gaza and the West Bank. He also opposes the violent rejectionism of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran. He has no sympathy for suicide bomberts. Mr. Sharaydeh has written a paper, which I have edited, calling for the creation of a secular state to include what is now Israel, Gaza and the West Bank. All citizens, regardless of ethnicity or religion, are to have equal rights and a freely elected government would have the responsibility of resolving the "right to return" question affecting displaced Palestinian refugees.

Ms. McKinney also drew some attention when she became the first member of the U.S.
Congress to seriously question the official story as regards 9/11, suggesting that U.S. government officials had foreknowledge of the attacks, i.e. that 9/11 was "an inside job."

Indeed, the second time I met Ms. McKinney directly was several years ago when she presided over a public hearing held at Symphony Space in Manhattan. It was there that I heard people like the researcher Michael Ruppert, the author of "Crossing the Rubicon", a book about the politics of oil that includes data that suggest strongly that Dick Cheney had foreknowledge. As far as I am aware no one has rebutted Ruppert's suggestion regarding reportedly Cheney-authorized simulated airliner hijackings over the northeast U.S. early on the morning of September 11, 2001. The thinking goes that the simulated hijackings generated the radar confusion that enabled the actually hijacked planes to get to their destinations, in particular the World Trade Center.

And as far as I am concerned, Dick Cheney is the closest thing in American history to a soulless fascist to be a (reportedly defective) heartbeat away from the presidency. Anything
is possible with Dick Cheney.

Cynthia McKinney, unfortunately, however, has become one of the darlings of the totally fraudulent "9/11 Truth" group based at St. Mark's in-the-Bowery Church in Manhattan undemocratically led by two LaRouche surrogates named Les Jamieson and Frank Mo-rales with strong Green Party connections. These two autocratic characters (often spouting about the virtues of "free speech") have seen fit to bring veteran LaRouche-ites such as the Schiller Institute's Webster Tarpley in as 9/11 "experts." When I began asking questions about the fifth column-style LaRouche infiltration, Jamieson and Morales responded with harassments and threats. When a young "9/11 Truth" participant named Dan Wallace, who witnessed the harassments against me, did a video-interview with me, and complained to me about having been harassed by LaRouche people, he soon wound up dead of unnnatural causes at his home in Queens. The official report is "drug overdose" and no one in "9/11 Truth" is talking. "9/11 Truth" in the persons of the shifty Jamieson and Morales, is also accused by a now rival conspiracy-oriented group of embezzlement.

A common thread here, as it is in the Nader campaign, is the insidious LaRouche factor and more locally the hopefully politically obsolete spectre of the Queens-based psychopath and crypto-fascist Geoffrey Blank. It was Blank (the guest speaker at a December 4, 2005 "9/11 Truth" event at St. Mark's that nearly burst into violence against me as Blank brought along some of his brownshirts like "squatter" wacko Karl Rosenstein, a guy who has tried to assault me on several occasions), for several months the self-appointed dictator of Union Square, who responded to my decision, backed by the No Police State Coalition, to run for the Senate and against Mrs. Clinton with threats and serious violence.

The threats against me have come from a range of pseudo-"left" activists. When a La-Rouche-oriented character named Jonathan Tasini decided to run for the U.S. Senate (against me, not against Mrs. Clinton, as he claimed), his people, such as the directly La-Rouche-connected Charles Lenchner (of the Progressive Democrats for America), tried to have me arrested at campaign events. Also involved in such threats was a fraud out of the Howard Dean for President circus named Tracy Denton from Dean's Democracy for New York City. Denton threatened to have me arrested at the June, 2006 DFNYC Senate endorsement meeting. Ms. Denton is a fixture in most "liberal" Democratic campaigns, e.g. Norman Siegel's runs for NYC Public Advocate. As I have told Mr. Siegel, having Tracy Denton in one's campaign is a sure road to snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. My guess is that Denton would respond to any questions as to ties with the convicted felon LaRouche (a Democrat) with silence, sort of like Geoffrey Blank.

When Cynthia McKinney came to New York to give a speech about her presidentail candidacy at Baruch College last November 28, I attended. Before her speech, at the reception I had the chance to talk directly with Ms. McKinney for about ten minutes. She smiled warmly when I reminded her that we had first met some years ago when she was still a congressperson and she attended a human rights awards ceremony at St. John's Cathedral in Manhattan. At the time she was standing a few feet from the Dalai Lama of Tibet, an award recipient.

I told Ms. McKinney my views on Tibet (I am in favor of independence for Tibet and I am opposed to the Beijing Olympics). She told me that she is in favor of "self-determination" for Tibet. And so on that issue she is well ahead of Obama, McCain and probably Nader, who has been critical of China, but, at least as far as I am aware, has not called for Tibetan inde- pendence.

I spoke for several minutes about my deep concerns regarding the clear infiltration into the Greens by LaRouche-ite fascists like Gerald Kann (who was at the McKinney event) and Fulani. Indeed, when I expressed my view that, considering the ethnic makeup of the Green Party, it should be re-named the White Party, she smiled and suggested that I ask her about that during the post-speech Q&A. I did and she replied that the racial matter was of concern to her. She did acknowledge being acquainted with Kann and having discussed her candidacy with Lenora Fulani. She seemed to have little awareness of Fulani's anti-Jewish outbursts and Fulani's collaboration with people like Michael Bloomberg, who would not have been elected mayor in 2001 had it not been for Fulani's giving him the Independence Party ballot line in 2001. Bloomberg later arranged for her front organization "The All-Stars Project" and her political partner, the "social therapy" cult leader and Jewish racist Fred Newman and his Castillo Center, to get tax breaks in exchange.

Since our November meeting I've sent Ms. McKinney several e-mails, including one with a very complimentary UP FRONT News article about her candidacy. No reply. Some weeks ago I called her friend Dr. Donald H. Smith, one of the organizers of the Baruch College event. After a friendly e-mail exchange between Dr. Smith and me, he contacted Ms. McKinney in my behalf. She replied, apologizing for not having sent me any e-mails and asking me to submit some questions to her for reply. My May 21, 2008 e-mail, sent to Ms. McKinney directly and c.c.'d to Dr. Smith, which asks for her views on the Beijing Olympics, which contains as an attachment my earlier e-mail to Dr. Smith about the LaRouche-ite mess that is the Green Party (at least in New York), has, despite some followups, has yielded only silence.

It is my understanding that, perhaps to outflank non-Green Party member Nader, Ms. Mc-Kinney has joined the Green Party. Mistake!

It appears that, despite Cynthia McKinney's consistently populist and progressive rhetoric, she is unwilling to separate herself from the "left" spouting neo-fascists all around her. She is not qualified to be president.

As I've suggested several times at Union Square speakouts and elsewhere, there is one characteristic that all the other presidential candidates share, regardess of ideology. That characteristic is keeping political secrets (e.g. ties to LaRouche) and, in varying degrees, an unwillingness to speak the truth. I say "varying" because, when it comes to outright lying, Hillary Clinton gets the gold medal. If someone were to ask Mrs. Clinton if she had ever made any threats against me, assuming she would take the question, she would have to deny it. And since she has made two threats against me - one in the form of a defamatory e-mail about me from a high-level Clinton staffer to my apparently easily intimated younger brother Jim in upstate New York - she would be lying. Mrs. Clinton is more of a cowardly political sniper than, as she has claimed, a target of "sniper fire" in Bosnia. And now that Mrs. Clinton and Barack Obama appear to be jumping into at what is at least a queen-sized political bed together, he is subject to an worsening of that highly contagious politically transmitted disease.

And as I said, John McCain and Ralph Nader, regardless of the contrasts in their respective rhetorics, are unqualified.

Vote for me.
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