Monday, June 18, 2007


UP FRONT News June 14, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

With increasing attention being focused on Communist China’s aiding and abetting the Genocide in Darfur, there is increasing pressure to remove the 2008 Olympic Games from Beijing. In fact I have been referring to the 2008 Games as the Genocide Olympics for some time because China has been perpetrating Genocide directly in Occupied Tibet since 1949, when Mao invaded its previously independent neighbor. Tibet, however, is “The Quiet Genocide.”

The Genocide in Tibet has in fact been covered up by not only China but by a series of U.S. governments, all in support of the corporate profit motive which is in control in “Communist” China. I for one have for years been reporting the facts on a racist Genocide being perpetrated by the light-complexioned Chinese on the ethnically distinct dark-complexioned Tibetans, which, according to the Dalai Lama, has cost the lives of over one million Tibetans. It was while I was employed as a social worker at the New York Association for New Americans (NYANA), a Jewish philanthropy-funded refugee resettlement agency that I met, among others, a nephew of the Dalai Lama and other Tibetan exiles who described the torture and murder-riddled reign of terror that has continued in their country for over a half century.

Among those most guilty of involvement in the coverup is Bill Clinton who, after promising to end “Most Favored Nation” trading status for China, folded to the corporate lobby seeking “free trade” in the profiteering mass market that is China. After Clinton was elected as president in 1992 he personally suppressed documents proving the Genocide that I faxed to him via his secretary Betty M. Currie, with whom I talked by telephone in some depth on several occasions about the Genocide in Tibet. And on the day before Clinton’s first inauguration, January 19, 1993, when I came to Washington to testify before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in opposition to his nomination of Warren Christopher as Secretary of State (Christopher also received and suppressed my documents also in his capacity as Director of the Transition Office) I was arrested at the U.S. Capitol and therefore was prevented from testifying. I was later acquitted at trial.

Also involved in the coverup of the Genocide in Tibet is Hillary Clinton and a host of politicians from both major political parties. And while there are plenty of people who make ritual criticism of China’s “human rights” violations in Tibet and elsewhere, they become silent when the word Genocide is mentioned or when the matter of the Beijing Olympics is mentioned. That silence may soon end.

Presidential candidate Bill Richardson has suggested that the Olympic Games do not belong in a nation that is guilty of aiding Genocide in Darfur. New York City Council- man Tony Avella, a Democrat from Queens who is running for mayor, with whom I have I discussed the Tibet Genocide in some depth, has indicated his readiness to introduce a resolution, citing the Tibet Genocide, that will call for the removal of the 2008 Games from China. That resolution will have the full support of the U.S. Tibet Committee, one of several Tibet advocacy groups here. A resolution along those lines in New York City can be expected to generate similar action in Washington and elsewhere. Indeed, in 2005, a few days after I discussed the issue with U.S. Congressman Anthony D. Weiner (D.-Queens/Bklyn.) then running for mayor, he made a brief but eloquent statement on the oppression of Tibet before the U.S. House of Representatives.
One of the reasons that I refer to what I call “The Quiet Genocide” is because Tibetans tend to be at least outwardly low-key in their protests. Only on March 10 of every year, in commemoration of the bloody suppression of a monk-led uprising in 1959 in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa, do the Tibetans make some noise. Protests such as the recent arrest on Mt. Everest (which lies on the border of Nepal and Occupied Tibet) of several Americans protesting the Beijing Olympics are under-reported in the American media (except for UP FRONT News).
In 1936, after a deal brokered by the racist Avery Brundage, who was the Chairman of the International Olympic Committee at the time, Nazi Germany hosted the Olympics. As the world is aware, Adolf Hitler almost had a seizure in the Olympics Stadium in Berlin as the African-American Jesse Owens left Der Fuehrer’s “Aryan” runners in the dust. Less well known is the fact that Jewish-American track star Marty Glickman was kept out of the Games at Herr Hitler’s insistence. (New York City’s Glickman later became a very famous sportscaster.)
Never again?
China out of Tibet and Olympics out of China!
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UP FRONT News June 18, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

Among the people who most loudly preach free speech, human rights, and peace, are those who deny same to others. Perhaps among the most hypocritical along those lines is the multiple offender and racist demagogue Geoffrey Blank of Rockaway Park, in Queens. Blank, usually sporting his trademark schizoid blend of hippie and nazi appearance with ponytail and full length German officer coats (similar to the garb worn by Col. Klink in “Hogan’s Heroes), became quite notorious over the years, particularly in Union Square Park in Manhattan, for spouting about free speech while threatening others (in particular me) who sought to exercize the same right.

Blank tried to hijack a loosely organized network of free speech activists called the No Police State Coalition started after 9/11 by Dennis Griggs, and then, claiming to be its president, monopolizing the bullhorn and with his “anti-Bush” and “anti-War rants the content of which paralleled the message of once again “left” mega-fascist Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Blank, who could be expected to complain if I were to conduct a speakout in front of his home exposing him for the fraud that he is, got himself arrested several times in Union Square for sound device permit violations. A couple of times in his attempt to impersonate a Black Panther, he was charged with other offenses, e.g. resisting arrest. If lying in public were a punishable offense Blank would be lying on a gurney impersonating Timothy McVeigh.

As a result of his multiple arrests (which only address a small portion of the crimes he has committed for which he has not been arrested and tried) he has been tried several times, once before Criminal Court Judge Anthony Ferrara and once before a jury with Judge James D. Gibbons presiding. Ferrara convicted him of criminal contempt. And the jury convicted him of resisting arrest and a sound permit violation.

For Geoffrey Blank to be convicted of these two offenses is politically analogous the convicting George Bush of littering. For one thing, Blank has a list of harassment complaints on file with the NYPD made by me - only a portion of the criminal harassments he has perpetrated against me. Blank has also not been prosecuted for his involvement in a physical assault perpetrated against me on April 7, 2005 by Wan Yun, the cashier at the now closed 61 Cafeteria, Wan Yun often being the recipient of explicit urgings by Blank to throw me out of the deli-restaurant where Blank used to try to run meetings of the aforementioned No Police State Coalition Mao Cultural Revolution-style. Wan Yun smashed me over the head for several minutes with a full soda glass bottle causing a very serious injury. It took some prodding from me but the 6th precinct of the NYPD after a couple of weeks arrested Wan Yun.

From that point on, Robert Morgenthau, quite possibly for political reasons, went very easy on Geoffrey Blank. Matthew Jackson, the Assistant District Attorney assigned to the Wan Yun prosecution, after rendering himself somewhat communication-inaccessible to me, met with me, took the information about the assault and said that, because of the severity of the injury, Wan Yun might be prosecuted as a felon with me as the chief witness for the prosecution. And then, when I attempted to give him some information about Blank’s involvement, Mr. Jackson said, “I don’t need that.” When I asked him how he could determine he didn’t need something the content of which he did not know, he responded with silence and the interview was over.

From that point on, Mr. Jackson became essentially unresponsive. I went over his head to his supervisor William Mahoney. I then received an e-mail from Jackson offering a meeting with Mahoney and him. I consulted my attorney, Jacob J. Goodman, an experienced housing, tax, and criminal lawyer. Mr. Goodman well recalled the very public matter of my having, some years ago, almost been arrested courtesy of the quite paranoid NYC public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum, with whom, via a family member of mine, I’ve been acquainted since 1979. Gotbaum, an elected official with a number of CIA skeletons in her marital closet, had the cops called while I was at her office for my scheduled appointment with her Chief of Staff Scott Coccaro to discuss staff abuse of homeless people in drop-in centers and shelters. Fortunately the police officer called, Sgt. Al Fiore of the NYPD’s Intelligence Division, after interviewing me in the reception area, soon realized that I was no “threat” at all to the very nervous Gotbaum. Sgt. Fiore handled it well and suggesting that I go home and leave Betsy Gotbaum alone, at least for awhile. And al- though as a reporter I’ve been at events where Gotbaum is present, I keep my distance. On one occasion, in 2005 when she was campaigning for re-election on the Lower East Side and I by total coincidence passed one of her poorly attended rallies, from a safe distance I said something audible about Gotbaum and the CIA. Not too many days after that, in a televised campaign debate, Gotbaum refused her opponents’ urgings that she reveal the contents of her appointment book (which included me), claiming that she was being bothered by a “stalker” - (meaning me). I got my side of that defamatory story out via Newsday, the Daily News and The New York Times. The Staten Island Advance used a front page lead to print a story had serious errors and was slanted in favor of Gotbaum.

Attorney Goodman, citing the Gotbaum matter, urged me not to accept any appointment with the District Attorney’s office unless I receive a written guarantee that I would not be
arrested. ADA Jackson, in an e-mail, refused to provide such a guarantee. I never heard from him again. My calls and e-mails to top level Morgenthau officials such as James Kindler went unanswered. My calls, e-mails and a fax to Mayor Bloomberg yielded stonewalling and a verbal suggestion that I go to the NYC Department of Investigation. I contacted the NYCDOI and was told to submit a letter but that I could not know the identity of the individual who would get it. Who investigates the investigators?

Sgt. Fiore, who, like the FBI, now knows lots about Geoffrey Blank, assisted me in arranging a meeting at City Hall with Bloomberg aide Katie Hart on a number of matters including the apparent coverup at Robert Morgenthau’s office. Ms. Hart, working for a seemingly Teflon mayor, was little help and Sgt. Fiore offered to check into the DA matter in my behalf, to which Ms. Hart was agreeable. Some weeks later Sgt. Fiore told me that the case against Wan Yun had been, without a known explanation, “sealed and closed.” Several lawyers, including a very prominent civil rights attorney, urged me to try to get answers from the DA. Despite several calls and e-mails from me, from Morgenthau’s people came only a Cheneyesque silence.

John Feinblatt is the New York City Criminal Justice Coordinator. Since the apparent failure to prosecute Wan Yun is a miscarriage of justice, I called his office and spoke to his Assistant, Melissa Ballard. She advised me to send an e-mail, which I did on February 13, 2007. It took another few calls and an e-mail from another attorney before I got a response from Deputy Criminal Justice Coordinator Scott Sigal acknowledging my com- plaint against Mr. Morgenthau’s office and referring me back to the NYC Department of Investigation. Armed with a referral letter, I contacted NYCDOI again and discussed the matter briefly over the telephone with special counsel Kim Berger. She has since received a very detailed e-mail from me about how Robert Morgenthau is letting Geoffrey Blank off very easy.

Over the months I’d been in contact with Christian Browne, the ADA “prosecuting” Blank for his Union Square games. Mr. Browne showed little interest in the fact of Blank’s other crimes, as described above. Of greater concern is the fact that the DA showed little interest in my factual information linking Blank to terrorism and to the convicted felon and mega-fascist, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

I do not ordinarily regard The New York Post as a news source. Every once in awhile,
however, that paper publishes an interesting story. On December 26, 2005 reporter Niles Lathem did a story headlined “Harlem radicals probed”, about the so-called Freedom Socialist Party. The article reported that the FSP is under international investigation for ties to Musab al-Zarqawi-style terrorism in Iraq. Indeed the article quotes FSP spokes- person Stephen Durham as condoning Zarqawi’s hostage beheadings. What the Post had no way of reporting is the fact that Geoffrey Blank is directly connected to that group. Blank, along with Lynn Stewart, was a featured speaker at the FSP on November 12, 2005, presumably one of the speaking engagements on the FSP-sponsored speaking “tour” that Blank used to brag about.

I am told that, following Blank’s conviction by a jury, at the sentencing by Judge James D. Gibbons, DA Browne asked the judge to give the defendant a bit of jail time. Judge Gibbons, acting like a jurist on the take, however, gave the psychopathic demagogue Blank no jail time. According to a report by observer Roman Shusterman, Blank was compared by Gibbons to Winston Churchill. (In my letter of complaint to Administrative Judge Juanita Bing Newton, I suggested that, had Judge Gibbons presided over the trial of convicted sexual predator Peter Braunstein, he might have compared that defendant to FDR.

Judge Gibbons also ignored the content of a pre-sentencing e-mail I sent him about Geoffrey Blank and openly disparaged both Mr. Shusterman and me in open court.

A terrorist, according to the dictionary, is someone who uses threats, intimidation and violence for political ends. Geoffrey Blank is a terrorist. Somewhat simplified, a fascist is someone who believes in the supremacy of a dictatorial ruler and who, regardless of his or her rhetoric, is opposed the freedom of speech, press, expression etc. Lyndon LaRouche and Lenora Fulani (about whose ties with them Blank will not talk), Fulani having helped Michael Bloomberg win two elections), are fascists. Geoffrey Blank is a fascist.
No wonder he is getting protected by the government.
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Tuesday, June 05, 2007


UP FRONT News May 31, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

City Councilmembers Al Vann and Charles Barron, both from Brooklyn were under no illusions as to the outcome of the City Council vote on Mr. Vann’s amendment on restoring Sonny Abubadika Carson’s name to the list of street name changes to be approved by the Council. Mr. Carson’s name had been removed from the list at the behest of primarily City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, vociferously supported by Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Ms. Quinn said that the black nationalist Carson, who died in 2002, was “divisive.”
She cited in particular his role in what became something of a black boycott of Korean owned delicatessens and Carson’s claim that he was “anti-white.” As far as the Korean matter is concerned, I recall that there had been complaints in the black community that various groceries were playing games with prices on welfare days and that there had been anti-black slurs made by some Korean deli people. I do not recall the substance of Mr. Carson’s statements at the time. I do know, however, that one of the great peacemakers between Korean-Americans and African-Americans has been Rev. Timothy P. Mitchell, the soon to retire Pastor of the Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church in Korean-American and very diverse Flushing, Queens. Rev. Mitchell’s views on political matters are very close to Charles Barron’s.

I’m told that Mr. Carson’s “anti-white” statement came in response to a reporter’s
question as to whether he was anti-Semitic. Mr. Carson’s response, as described to me that, citing his own Semitic roots, he was certainly not anti-Semitic and that it would be more accurate to consider him anti-white. That comment reminds me now of my recent somewhat playful dialogue with my good friend, Willard Whittingham, who is African-American. He and I talk about a lot of inter-ethnic stuff and one day he in mock anger said to me, “You’re not white, you’re Jewish!” Now that I think of it some more, he makes a very good point. I’m quite sure that those very early slaves in Egypt were Jewish and black. (In fact since I am part Spanish Sephardic, I’m even somewhat darker complexion-wise with people sometimes taking me for Hispanic.) While there has been plenty of black-on-black oppression, the historical reality is that racism tends to be inflicted by the light-skinned on the dark-skinned. A very related but very, very under-reported fact is that the continuing Chinese Communist Genocide in Occupied Tibet is the racism of the light-complexioned Chinese against the ethnically and culturally distinct and much darker-complexioned Tibetans.

Back to Brooklyn and the City Council. I am also increasingly aware that there is a ra-
cial double standard at work here. It is a widely known historical fact that Thomas Jef-
ferson was a slave-owner and that he was an adulterer who indulged in sex with at least one very young black female. (Consensual? I doubt it.) I am not aware of any effort in the City Council to change the name of Jefferson High School or similarly named streets, parks, etc. Councilman Barron also told me that the “Gates”, whose name would be dropped from the several block segment of the Brooklyn street to be named after Mr. Carson, was a slave-owner, too.

Mr. Barron, acting in his capacity as an elected official, on Memorial Day, “officially”
named George Gershwin Park on his district as “Sonny Abubadika Carson Park”, quite
openly defying Ms. Quinn, and/or the Parks Department to take down the new sign.

I’ve dealt with Christine Quinn. She is a Hillary Clinton-style autocrat. She regards any challenge to what she sees as her imperial authority as sedition. I used to be her constitu-ent as a homeless person staying at a drop-in center called Peter’s Place in the heart of her Chelsea district. She is guilty of covering up staff abuse of homeless people there.

Christine Quinn is a political opportunist. After I for several years lobbied former City Councilmember Kathryn Freed for a pro-Tibet resolution, in 2001 Quinn took the credit by introducing the eloquent but critically incomplete Resolution #802 which denounced the Chinese for their atrocities but said nothing about the money issue, which is opposing the corporate cash cow that is the 2008 Beijing Olympics. On that she remains silent like her boss Hillary Clinton who, like Rupert Murdoch, makes a lot of money in China.

Christine Quinn has successfully used the gay rights issues (I am totally for gay rights and against any form of sexism) as a Trojan horse to curry favor with liberals. She has a slick populist rap that has some believing she is an advocate of tenants rights. In fact she and her pal Bloomberg are a developer’s dream. Gentrification and over-development are rampant under what I call the Quinnberg Administration. I think that, especially with her Sonny Carson maneuver, which has made this New York summer hotter, Christine is divisive.

A couple of hours before the Council vote as I was waiting on Broadway outside City Hall I saw City Councilman Tony Avella, with whom, as a journalist and activist, I am Acquainted. After he and I talked about a possible City Council resolution calling for the removal of the 2008 Olympics from China because of the Genocides in Tibet (and maybe Darfur, where China is playing a Genocide abetting role), I asked Mr. Avella how he was planning to vote on the Carson issue. He said he was not sure. I asked him if I could tell him my view and he said “yes.” I told him that, while I would not vouch for Mr. Carson’s diplomatic gifts, his contributions to the quality of life (fighting drugs and gang violence, helping to start Medgar Evers College) are a matter of record. I also brought up the slave-owning histories of Jefferson and Gates. I said that Sonny Carson is a self-determination issue.

Aside from Rosie Mendez (from Lower Manhattan), and John Liu (from Flushing) Mr. Avella (from northern Queens), was the only non-African-American Councilmember to vote in favor of Mr. Vann’s amendment. Since I give (and take) credit where credit is due, I told Mr. Barron about my efforts with Mr. Avella. About a half hour after the vote, which in the Pyrrhic sense was “won” by Ms. Quinn, Mr. Barron brought Mr. Avella out to the crowd of Carson supporters who were in front of City Hall making plans. Mr. Barron thanked me and introduced Mr. Avella, congratulating him for his courageous vote.

Christine Quinn wants to be mayor about as much as her role model, Hillary Clinton wants to be president of the United States of America. It’s a good thing that among those running for mayor is Tony Avella.
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UP FRONT News May 29, 2007
Published by Tom Weiss
Editorial Advisor: Willard Whittingham

“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”

With the occasional WBAI posterboy neo-fascist Geoffrey Blank as a conspicuous ex- ample, it is a reality that some of the most rhetorically vocal proponents of free speech are in fact hostile to the First Amendment and are in fact most interested in free speech for themselves and their political friends.

Amy Goodman, the host of “Democracy Now” broadcast on WBAI and elsewhere, who sees herself as the savior of a corporate controlled media, is another case in point. For one thing, someone who gets paid a six figure salary reportedly many times over $100,000 a year, qualifies in some ways as what self-described anarchist Richie Degen somewhat loosely characterizes as a “trust fund radical.”

Amy Goodman is a frequent speaker at anti-War and other left-attracting events. As far as I am aware she is among those who criticize Israel for its occupation of Palestinian lands but has difficulty identifying the anti-Semitism of some of Israel’s sworn enemies such as Iran, Hezbollah - and presumably the local Holocaust denier/neo-nazi, City em- ployee Andy Kellerman, often seen on Saturday afternoons along the traffic island next to Union Square, parasiting onto the Palestinian rights movement.

Amy Goodman is among a bunch of newspeople who, although fully aware of my De- mocratic write-in candidacy for the U.S. Senate against Hillary Clinton, chose to suppress that news, even as my candidacy was reported in Newsday, The Staten Island Advance, The New York Times, The New York Press, The INN World Report, Conversations With Harold Channer and elsewhere in the print and broadcast media. As I recall most of the “anti-Hillary” coverage at WBAI focused on a fraud named Jonathan Tasini, at least one of whose top aides is directly connected to the mega-fascist Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

An appearance by “free speech” advocate Goodman is not entirely unlike a speech by George Bush at least in terms of Q&A with the audience. Some months ago I attended an Amy Goodman talk at Judson Memorial Church in Manhattan. The anti-Iraq War content of her very lengthy talk revealed nothing new. Considering the number of times that, in her speech, she patted herself on the back I am surprised that she didn’t sustain an elbow fracture. Although a number of people sitting near me in the audience managed to catch up on their sleep I stayed awake, hoping for a Q&A. As soon as she was done, having fallen short in her attempt at topping Fidel Castro for length of oratory, she picked up her papers and walked off the stage to sign copies of one of her books and make some more money. I went over to her, re-introduced myself and asked her why she didn’t allow for a Q&A. She did not answer.
Democracy Later.
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