Trouble is back
UP FRONT News April 30, 2006
Published by Tom Weiss Editorial Advisor: Willard Whitingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”
As a former medical and psychiatric social worker, I remain aware that inpatient hospi- tal unit, medical and psychiatric, in the interests of maintaining third party insurer pay- ments, encourage expeditious discharges. (Insurers often refuse to pay for long hospital stays.) It is apparent that, in the case of the not too log ago involuntarily committed Paul Zulkowitz, his subsequent discharge from the Long Island asylum where he had been taken by the police after he threatened suicide in defense of, among others, the neo-fascist Geoffrey Blank, may have been premature.
This at least politically demented guy, presumably still a somewhat influential member of the “split the left” Green Party of New York, upon his release almost immediately
upon his release tried to derail my Democratic Party U.S. Senate candidacy against Hillary Clinton by trying suck his friend Ralph Nader into becoming a carpetbagger to run for the Senate in New York. That trial balloon, like the ill-fated Nazi blimp,
The Hindenburg, crashed after a few e-mails from me to some sane Greens and,
via a somewhat personal connection, to Mr. Nader.
Zulkowitz’s next move was to help orchestrate the move by “Unfortunate Son” Brooklyn publisher-yuppie Sander Hicks to stop running as a Green for the governorship and to run for the Senate. Their technique is to do anything to split the left, which, in me, has the only challenger to Hillary Clinton who can at least make her sweat.
Zulkowitz, known throughout the sea of internal conflict known as the peace movement in New York as “Zool”, became quite notorious last year when he created a de facto Lyn- don LaRouche outpost in Union Square in Manhattan by parasiting onto the political
Energy galvanized by Cindy Sheehan and called it “Camp Casey.” Ms. Sheehan, when she agreed to speak in Union Square last September 19, was of course unaware that “Camp Casey” had become, among other very bad things, a de facto shelter for Zulko-
witz’ assistant, the kleptomaniacal boozer who called himself “Totay” and Totay’s
lady friend. The “other very bad things” included the fact that Camp Casey became a hangout for such “left” spouting violence-prone camouflaged LaRouche-style infiltrators like two time City Council loser Gerald Kann and total loser Geoffrey (“The Jewzi”) Blank, a purported descendant of the Hebrews who sings the praises of Saddam Hussein and a Dead Sea of other Jew haters. Zulkowitz was the orchestrater of a classic LaRouche style “create-an-incident” ploy when he willfully withheld from Ms. Sheehan and just about everyone else the fact that he had not gotten a required NYPD sound device permit. This of course required the collaboration of serial offender Blank (lots more than sound permit matters, for which Blank is a literal poster child with the NYPD), who would not even ask for a permit for his nauseating rants in Union Square, then call the cops “pigs” when the men in blue were out of earshot, and then try to convert his recurrent arrests into Maoist events.
And so, as Ms. Sheehan was speaking, a sizeable contingent from the 13th precinct showed up. In what must have been a political decision from higher up, the cops allowed Ms. Sheehan to complete her talk and then immediately arrested Zulkowitz, a small white guy, whose attempted imitation of a Black Panther being oppressed by the police was unconvincing. Indeed, believing Zulkowitz’ and Totay’s lie asserting that there was a police permit, I was arrested later the same day. The following day during one of his interludes of apparent sobriety, Totay admitted to me that there was no permit and that Zulkowitz’ arrest was staged. My guess is that Zulkowitz and his LaRouche-ite tacticians were hoping for an arrest of Ms. Sheehan, a development that would have been front page news in a lot of places.
It was my reporting of this neo-fascist scheme in UP FRONT News that, according to a very reliable informant, who saw Zulkowitz’ e-mailed suicide note, that served as mo-
tivation behind Zool’s decision to end it all by jumping off a certain bridge in Nassau County. (One of the recipients of his e-mailed suicide note apparently called the cops who went to the Zulkowitz residence and gave him a choice of psychiatric commitment or incarceration. Evidently, all of Zulkowitz’ revolutionary militancy quickly evaporated and he chose the hospital.
About six weeks ago, Zulkowitz, once again, using a tried and true LaRouche tactic, the death threat, came after me. I learned, one again from a reliable source, that Zulkowitz had made it known that he is in the possession of a Magnum 357 with which he intends to shoot me. And, since the informant is a politically experienced person not given to mak-
Ing practical jokes, when he unsmilingly repeated Zulkowitz’ threat, I reported it to the NYPD. Like his psychopathic neo-fascist ally Blank, Paul Zulkowitz, is rapidly becom-
ing an argument of unwarranted surveillance.
Zulkowitz, in many ways as persistent as the indefatigable Adolf Hitler (although, if you’ve heard the cliché-dependent Zulkowitz, you’ds have to admit that Hitler was a far better speaker) is, like “the Night of the Living Dead”, back with “Camp Casey.” And once again Totay, attractively garbed in warm spring weather wearing bulky winter attire so that he resembles as suicide bomber (he should not travel to for example Tel Aviv and, similarly garbed, walk into a pizza place there - it would be too obvious) is in charge.
On two occasions, once at the end of the massive United for Peace and Justice Festival on April 29 and again on April 30 in Union Square, upon seeing me, Totay, hurling curses and threats, in his somewhat staggering way, charged at me. Totay now joins
potential inmates as a NYPD person of interest.
The politics
Published by Tom Weiss Editorial Advisor: Willard Whitingham
“The paper that can’t be bought and can’t be sold.”
As a former medical and psychiatric social worker, I remain aware that inpatient hospi- tal unit, medical and psychiatric, in the interests of maintaining third party insurer pay- ments, encourage expeditious discharges. (Insurers often refuse to pay for long hospital stays.) It is apparent that, in the case of the not too log ago involuntarily committed Paul Zulkowitz, his subsequent discharge from the Long Island asylum where he had been taken by the police after he threatened suicide in defense of, among others, the neo-fascist Geoffrey Blank, may have been premature.
This at least politically demented guy, presumably still a somewhat influential member of the “split the left” Green Party of New York, upon his release almost immediately
upon his release tried to derail my Democratic Party U.S. Senate candidacy against Hillary Clinton by trying suck his friend Ralph Nader into becoming a carpetbagger to run for the Senate in New York. That trial balloon, like the ill-fated Nazi blimp,
The Hindenburg, crashed after a few e-mails from me to some sane Greens and,
via a somewhat personal connection, to Mr. Nader.
Zulkowitz’s next move was to help orchestrate the move by “Unfortunate Son” Brooklyn publisher-yuppie Sander Hicks to stop running as a Green for the governorship and to run for the Senate. Their technique is to do anything to split the left, which, in me, has the only challenger to Hillary Clinton who can at least make her sweat.
Zulkowitz, known throughout the sea of internal conflict known as the peace movement in New York as “Zool”, became quite notorious last year when he created a de facto Lyn- don LaRouche outpost in Union Square in Manhattan by parasiting onto the political
Energy galvanized by Cindy Sheehan and called it “Camp Casey.” Ms. Sheehan, when she agreed to speak in Union Square last September 19, was of course unaware that “Camp Casey” had become, among other very bad things, a de facto shelter for Zulko-
witz’ assistant, the kleptomaniacal boozer who called himself “Totay” and Totay’s
lady friend. The “other very bad things” included the fact that Camp Casey became a hangout for such “left” spouting violence-prone camouflaged LaRouche-style infiltrators like two time City Council loser Gerald Kann and total loser Geoffrey (“The Jewzi”) Blank, a purported descendant of the Hebrews who sings the praises of Saddam Hussein and a Dead Sea of other Jew haters. Zulkowitz was the orchestrater of a classic LaRouche style “create-an-incident” ploy when he willfully withheld from Ms. Sheehan and just about everyone else the fact that he had not gotten a required NYPD sound device permit. This of course required the collaboration of serial offender Blank (lots more than sound permit matters, for which Blank is a literal poster child with the NYPD), who would not even ask for a permit for his nauseating rants in Union Square, then call the cops “pigs” when the men in blue were out of earshot, and then try to convert his recurrent arrests into Maoist events.
And so, as Ms. Sheehan was speaking, a sizeable contingent from the 13th precinct showed up. In what must have been a political decision from higher up, the cops allowed Ms. Sheehan to complete her talk and then immediately arrested Zulkowitz, a small white guy, whose attempted imitation of a Black Panther being oppressed by the police was unconvincing. Indeed, believing Zulkowitz’ and Totay’s lie asserting that there was a police permit, I was arrested later the same day. The following day during one of his interludes of apparent sobriety, Totay admitted to me that there was no permit and that Zulkowitz’ arrest was staged. My guess is that Zulkowitz and his LaRouche-ite tacticians were hoping for an arrest of Ms. Sheehan, a development that would have been front page news in a lot of places.
It was my reporting of this neo-fascist scheme in UP FRONT News that, according to a very reliable informant, who saw Zulkowitz’ e-mailed suicide note, that served as mo-
tivation behind Zool’s decision to end it all by jumping off a certain bridge in Nassau County. (One of the recipients of his e-mailed suicide note apparently called the cops who went to the Zulkowitz residence and gave him a choice of psychiatric commitment or incarceration. Evidently, all of Zulkowitz’ revolutionary militancy quickly evaporated and he chose the hospital.
About six weeks ago, Zulkowitz, once again, using a tried and true LaRouche tactic, the death threat, came after me. I learned, one again from a reliable source, that Zulkowitz had made it known that he is in the possession of a Magnum 357 with which he intends to shoot me. And, since the informant is a politically experienced person not given to mak-
Ing practical jokes, when he unsmilingly repeated Zulkowitz’ threat, I reported it to the NYPD. Like his psychopathic neo-fascist ally Blank, Paul Zulkowitz, is rapidly becom-
ing an argument of unwarranted surveillance.
Zulkowitz, in many ways as persistent as the indefatigable Adolf Hitler (although, if you’ve heard the cliché-dependent Zulkowitz, you’ds have to admit that Hitler was a far better speaker) is, like “the Night of the Living Dead”, back with “Camp Casey.” And once again Totay, attractively garbed in warm spring weather wearing bulky winter attire so that he resembles as suicide bomber (he should not travel to for example Tel Aviv and, similarly garbed, walk into a pizza place there - it would be too obvious) is in charge.
On two occasions, once at the end of the massive United for Peace and Justice Festival on April 29 and again on April 30 in Union Square, upon seeing me, Totay, hurling curses and threats, in his somewhat staggering way, charged at me. Totay now joins
potential inmates as a NYPD person of interest.
The politics