Wednesday, October 21, 2015


UP FRONT News   October 10, 2015
"The paper that won't be bought and can't be sold."
Published by Tom Weiss
Andrew Mazzone - Media Representative and Economics Advisor
Steven Gradman - Political Consultant
Allen Smith - Economics Reporter
  The views expressed in UP FRONT News are those of the publisher or of the contributing writer and do not necessarily represent the view of staff.
     In 2010 Congressman Michael McMahon, the Democratic Party Machine candidate seeking re-election and being challenged by Republican Michael Grimm, campaigned heavily in Staten Island's African-American communities, e.g. Stapleton and Tompkinsville to see to it that black voters, most, but certainly not all of whom are enrolled Democrats - get to the polls and vote in a Congressional district that is home to a lot of Republicans. While campaigning for the African-American vote Mr. McMahon made certain not to mention his political behavior when he was in the New York City Council regarding a Council resolution that had been introduced in Council-member Al Vann (D.-Bklyn.) that called for the renaming of several blocks of a street in Bedford-Stuyvesant after the late African-American activist Sonny Carson. A number of neighborhood community organizations in Brooklyn, very appreciative of Mr. Carson's activities in battling drug traffickers and also in the development of Medgar Evers College, had urged the Council to honor him with the street name change.
   Mr. Carson had a history of confrontations that pitted him against white and sometimes Jewish landlords and political interests and his rhetoric used the language of black power and nationalism. He was depicted as anti-white and sometimes as anti-Semitic. He denied the latter accusation.
   In the days and weeks preceding the Council vote, a number of politicians, in particular Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his #1 ally in the Council, Speaker Christine Quinn  (who some years later did some heavy arm-twisting to get the Council to agree to allow Bloomberg to run for a third term) went on an anti-Carson campaign, depicting the late activist as the equivalent of a black Hitler. Among those who most vigorously counter-attacked was then NYC Council member (and now NYS Assembly member) Charles Barron (D.-Bklyn.)
  As I was outside City Hall on my way to attend the Council meeting at which Mr. Vann's resolution was to be debated and voted on I encountered NYC Council member (and now NYS Senator) Tony Avella (D.-Queens). Mr. Avella and I had become quite well acquainted politically when, at my urging, he introduced a NYC Council Resolution which called for the removal of the 2008 Olympic Games from China because of the brutal occupation of Tibet. (That resolution, whose co-sponsors included then NYC Council member and now NYC Public Advocate Letitia James, was killed by Speaker Quinn, an act of de facto political loyalty to her pal, then U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton who, like her husband, places her ties to the corporate China Lobby on a higher priority than human rights in Tibet.) As Mr. Avella was entering City Hall grounds I asked him how he was planning to vote on the Sonny Carson resolution. He said he hadn't decided. He agreed to listen to my views. I told him that, as far as I was concerned, aside from the fact that the Bloomberg/Quinn bombast was way over the top, the issue was one of self-determination and that the communities affected, e.g. Bedford-Stuyvesant, had a right to honor their heroes. I urged him to vote in favor of the resolution.
  I sat in the packed balcony in the City Council Chamber and noted with interest as Council member Barron, chatted, apparently amiably, with then NYC Council member (and now Staten Island Borough President) James Oddo (R.-S.I.). Mr. Avella then went over and had a fairly long chat with Mr. Barron - out of earshot from the balcony.  
   During the debate, the most vigorous support for Mr. Vann's resolution came, not at all surprisingly, from Mr. Barron. Several African-American and Latino council members expressed their opposition to the resolution, generally in moderate language, as did most of the white members. As I recall there was silence when Mr. Avella, one of two non-African-Americans to vote in favor of the resolution the other was Rosie Mendez (D.-Manh.), announced his support..
   Council member McMahon's quite impassioned speech mirrored the denunciations of Carson that had had been voiced several times, with major media coverage, particularly in the tabloids.
   The resolution was defeated - although the vote was much closer than had been anticipated in a Council that Quinn ruled Vladimir Putin-style.
   And inasmuch as the Staten Island Advance is known more for the political news that it suppresses rather than for the sometimes intentionally biased and inaccurate articles it publishes, I wrote some articles in UP FRONT News about McMahon vs. Sonny Carson and made certain to reference that in a talk I gave before a full house congregation at Rev. Dr. Demetrius S. Carolina, Sr.'s largely African-American First Central Baptist Church in Stapleton. It is a fact that numbers of African-Americans understandably boycott the Advance, a paper has has been correctly described by Dr. Carolina as "controlled" and also characterized by the well-known Staten Island African-America political activist Kelvin Alexander as "the most racist paper in New York." I've been dealing with the political reporters and editors at the Advance for years and as far as I am concerned the unstated mission of that multi-billionaire- owned paper is to protect the politically entrenched regardless of party and thereby to cover up political corruption (some of which involves for example NYS Senator Diane Savino (D.-S.I./Bklyn.) her explosive Chief of Staff Robert Cataldo and the Mob). Politically speaking the Staten Island Advance is arguably the most dishonest newspaper in New York. There are plenty of African-Americans who read UP FRONT News. (That is also true in the Jewish community in S.I.)
    As noted in McMahon's re-election campaigning at First Central he somehow made no mention of the Sonny Carson matter.
    Incumbents rarely lose elections in New York. Michael McMahon lost to Grimm in a close vote.
    I doubt very much that many African-Americans voted for Grimm. And I believe that Michael McMahon got far fewer black votes than he and his pals in the Democratic Party machine anticipated.
    It is incredible to me that an election for District Attorney in Staten Island, where Eric Garner was in fact lynched by a member of the New York Police Department, a matter mishandled by the grand jury, is not being addressed in the campaign for District Attorney to replace Dan Donovan, who may very well know that P.O. Daniel Pantaleo lied to the grand jury.
    Michael McMahon has been endorsed by the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, led by Patrick Lynch, who is on record as having praised Pantaleo as a great cop.
    Some weeks ago I visited the campaign office of Republican candidate Joan Illuzzi. Setting politics aside, there is no question that, at least with me, her manners are far better than those of the high-handed McMahon or some of his belligerent (former?) staffers such as Bill Taitt, who has harassed me physically on two occasions.
  During what was a perhaps 15 minute conversation I had with Ms. Illuzzi and her campaign manager Nick Iacono, I expressed my view that Pantaleo may be getting away with murder and that she should at least consider my suggestion that she urge Pantaleo to come clean with his own statement, which he could do by press release or at a very well guarded press conference - which I would be ready to attend.
   Ms. Illuzzi is a Republican and has lined up the support of Rudolph Giuliani. That will not help her get African-American votes.
   Mike McMahon is definitely going for the African-American vote and very definitely not talking at all about being endorsed by the PBA or his record vis a vis Sonny Carson. I am not voting for Mike McMahon.
   I hope that Joan Illuzzi agrees that justice as not been served in the Eric Garner case, and takes a second look at the videotape and at P.O. Pantaleo.
* * * * * * * 

Thursday, October 15, 2015


UP FRONT News    October 14, 2015
"The paper that won't be bought and can't be sold."
Published by Tom Weiss
Andrew Mazzone - Media Representative and Economics Advisor
Steven Gradman - Political Consutant
Allen Smith - Economics Reporter
  The views expressed in UP FRONT News are those of the publisher or of the contributing writer ansd do no necessarily represent the views of staff.
     When Bernie Sanders announced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for president, some people, perhaps from the ultra-left, suggested that he was nothing more than a stalking horse for Mrs. Clinton and that, should she become the Democratic Party nominee, he would support her. The reality is that there is widespread disaffection with Mrs. Clinton among Democrats, progressive and otherwise, about a political insider with a greedy streak that explains her demands for $300,000 per speaking engagement - plus free hummus -, her and her husband's deep ties to Wall Street, which includes the China Lobby (which profits from China's brutal and illegal occupation of formerly independent Tibet), and her recurrently adversary relationship with the truth.
  What is being referred to not only by Republicans as the "e-mail scandal" is the a manifestation of Mrs. Clinton's penchant for secrecy (which is not synonymous with privacy) and deviousness, both traits she shares with her husband, who has a history of keeping secrets not only from the public but also from his wife.
   For some reason it is necessary to repeat the reality that Hillary Clinton is not trustworthy - a very widespread character trait in politicians, particularly dangerous in presidents and their administrations. (See also Richard Nixon, George W. Bush/Big Dick Cheney, Bill Clinton).
  During the Democratic candidates debate, while Bernie Sanders - who is certainly no longer a fringe candidate, even as he calls himself as small "d" democratic "socialist" - was very impressive as he repeatedly focused on economic inequality and the ripoffs on behalf of the one percent by the big banks, which Mr. Sanders states need to be "broken up." His urging people to ignore Hillary's e-mail mess, however, was ill-advised because, by focusing on a symptom, he was overlooking the basic problem, which is that Hillary Clinton is sneaky - not a quality that we want in a president. The post-debate e-mail I received from Bernie's Campaign Manager Jeff Weaver asserts that Bernie's urging the voters to ignore the e-mail matter generated the largest applause from those at the debate in Las Vegas. Mr. Weaver may have overlooked the likelihood that most of that applause came from supporters of the grateful Mrs. Clinton.
   It was candidate Lincoln Chafee who pulled no punches in reminding the public, citing what he described as the inexcusable Hillary blunder of voting for the U.S. invasion of Iraq, accepting the Big Dick Cheney "weapons of mass destruction" political fiction, and then suggesting (again) that she end her candidacy. Mr. Chafee stated firmly that her vote in favor of the invasion was an indication of Mrs. Clinton's seriously impaired judgement. Her judgement regarding e-mail accounts is no better.   
   I've dealt with Bill and Hillary Clinton very directly primarily on the issue of China and Tibet. Their loyalties to some of the same corporations that Bernie Sanders criticizes so persistently and eloquently is much deeper than any concerns Mrs. Clinton may have about the horrendous human rights situation in Occupied Tibet.
  Being tied to Wall Street can impair one's judgement.
  CNN's Anderson Cooper was sharp in his questions.during the debate. He did however overlook the China issue. To his credit candidate Jim Webb referenced the very real threat of China's belligerence in Asia and the aversion of the Chinese Communist government to human rights.
  In response to a number of phone and e-mailed communications from me, Mr. Sanders had his then U.S. Senate Press Secretary Jeff Frank send me an e-mail on May 21 in which Mr. Sanders calls for "self-determination for the Tibetan people", reported exclusively in UP FRONT News. I hope that from this point on Bernie Sanders spends less time in making nice with Hillary about her e-mails and more time calling for a free Tibet.
 * * * * * * *
c.c. Newsday, NY Times, Daily News
       Congressional Executive Commission on China

Monday, October 12, 2015


UP FRONT News    November 7, 2013  Re-release October 12, 2015
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."

Published by Tom Weiss
Andrew Mazzone - Media Representative and Economics Advisor, UP FRONT News
Steven Gradman - Political Consultant, UP FRONT News
Lehman Weichselbaum - Arts Editor and Reporter, UP FRONT News
  The views expressed in UP FRONT News are those of the publisher or the contributing writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of staff.

   A terrorist is defined as a person who engages in the unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological reasons. What follows is a list of terrorists - none of whom are necessarily screaming "God is great!" in Arabic, or carrying explosive devices in their shoes or underwear or concealed behind heavy jackets in hot weather. There is no evidence suggesting that any of them are members of the Taliban, al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Khmer Rouge,
Shining Path, the KKK or similar organizations. All, however, have actively violated my civil rights by physically attacking me and/or threatening to do so for political reasons.
   Geoffrey Blank. Mr. Blank, a resident of Rockaway Park, Queens, has on numerous occasions threatened me explicitly, on one occasion making non-accidental hostile physical contact with me, often at No Police State Coalition speakouts in Union Square in Manhattan. Blank is a known apostle of the notorious megalomaniacal racist fascist and convicted felon and paranoid conspiracy theorist Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr, a known advocate and practitioner of political violence. Blank is one of the thankfully quite rare nominal Jews who is openly sympathetic to Jew-haters and Holocaust deniers such LaRouche and former Iranian dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. That is why Geoffrey Blank is known to readers of UP FRONT News as "The Jewzi."
   Karl Rosenstein is also a self-hating Jew and pal of the neo-fascist Geoffrey Blank. Rosenstein who has described himself as an "anarchist Communist" and is said to be a Lower East Side squatter, has threatened me on so many occasions I've lost count. One one occasion as I was entering the sometimes extremist-friendly Theatre 80 on St. Mark's Place in the East Village for a Rev. Billy show and Rosenstein was leaving, he went berserk and assaulted me, bellowing that I had reported him to the FBI. He was wrong. Because his pal Blank had threatened me on multiple occasions while I was a Democratic write-in candidate for the U.S. Senate against then incumbent Hillary Clinton, I made a complaint against Blank to the Federal Election Commission and, at the FEC's urging, subsequently, to the FBI. Any FBI investigation of Blank and LaRouche would soon arrive at the name of Karl Rosenstein.
   Pete Dolack, a pal of Blank and Rosenstein, will also presumably turn up on an FBI data base. Dolack, who, like the late Josef Goebbels, fancies himself a "poet", is in the habit of criminally harassing me at poetry readings by calling the cops to arrest me. Dolack, a pseudo-ultra "leftist", is a member of the dictatorially run pro-China International Action Center/Workers World cult and a supporter of the Communist China, which has been perpetrating a racist genocide in illegally occupied Tibet for over 60 years. Dolack hates me because I am a supporter of a Free Tibet. Dolack and fellow troll Rosenstein give credence to the substance of Randy Newman's satirical musical masterpiece about "Short People." They are political bedbugs.
   David Jones, from Staten Island, parades (charades) as a "peace" activist. For years this explicit threat-spewing Jew-disliker served as the enforcer at Peace Action of Staten Island (PASI), whose (belatedly retired) obedient president was his wife Sally Jones. Some years ago David Jones, a known and quite public Israel-basher, went totally berserk and tried to physically assault me at a PASI event in front of the First Central Baptist Church in Stapleton, Staten Island. His apparently planned attack occured shortly before the arrival of FCBC Pastor Rev. Dr. Demetrius S. Carolina, Sr. Perhaps the most politically disturbing aspect of David Jones is that he continues to be perhaps the closest political associate of City Councilmember Debi Rose, a classic Tammany Hall-style self-interest-obsessed Democratic Party Machine politician, who is in the habit of surrounding herself with political thugs such as David Jones and Antonio Whitaker, who is one of the perps (Ms. Rose is the co-perp) in my NYPD complaint # 2011-001-05817 against them for criminally harassing me at my scheduled meeting with her at 250 Broadway on July 6, 2011. Ms. Rose's attempt to have me arrested although I was behaving completely lawfully as she was covering up evidence that my civil rights had been violated at several government-contracted senior citizens centers is known to the NYC Department of Investigation, which requested my report. Ms. Rose had the incredibly poor taste to have the Jew-disliker and Ahmadinejad defender David Jones with her for her visit to the October 27, 2013 to the legislative breakfast of the Council of Jewish Organizations of Staten Island. If, as Karl Marx prophesied, we are heading for a classless society Debi Rose is right there. She has absolutely no class!
   Mike ("Dismay") May has for years paraded (charaded) as the resident radical of Staten Island. He has been an organizer of events for Peace Action of Staten Island. He had the unbelievably fascistic bad taste to invite the already thoroughly UP FRONT News-exposed Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. apostle Geoffrey Blank to an "anti-War" event in Tappen Park in Stapleton, S.I. some years ago. That necessitated my exercizing my free speech rights to expose the neo-fascist Blank right in front of May and everyone else, including guest speaker civil right lawyer Norman Siegel. May tried to convert the now apparently moribund Occupy Staten Island into a LaRouche-style pseudo ultra-left autocracy - collaborating with the sometimes physically out of control Ugo Duran and Duran's girl friend Julene Garcia, who sent me an e-mail in May, 2012 that was so offensively racist that I only release copies upon e-mailed request. May does not hold his alcohol well, and also,
even during apparent interludes of sobriety, also has a problem in keeping his hands to himself and on one occasion had to be restrained from assaulting me by PASI activist and Vietnam vet, the very physically fit Bill Johnsen.
   Robert Cataldo, the Chief of Staff to NYS Senator Diane Savino, the perp in my NYPD complaint # 2006-120-8244, charitably listed as only "criminal harassment", Robert Cataldo is a nutcase. It was in 2006, when I was homeless and staying in a hotel and my cashed Social Security check had been stolen when I visited NYS Senator Diane Savino's office at 36 Richmond Terrace in Staten Island because I needed an elected official's letter to go to the Commissioner of the U.S. Social Security Administration in order for me to receive an expedited S.S. check. I was given an appointment for the following day with Robert Cataldo, whom I had never met. Because of my political activities, which had been reported in the mainstream and "alternative" media - and intentionally misreported - in New York's worst newspaper, the billionaire Donald Newhouse-owned Staten Island Advance, Cataldo knew who I was.
   I arrived on time to find Ms. Savino's reception area empty. I waited several minutes and, when no one appeared, announced my presence. Within a few seconds, a male (Cataldo) came hurtling out of a rear office bellowing profanities, falsely accusing me of having sexual relations with my mother and threatening me with both violence and arrest. This went on for several minutes and when Cataldo came within a few centimeters of my face in full 100% psychotic mode, I left.
   When I called Savino's office the next day, she picked up the phone. When I reported Cataldo's meltdown - which, had it occurred in public, would have generated a flurry of 911 calls and an NYPD-arranged trip in cuffs to the 120th precinct or an ambulance to the nearest psychiatric ER and a presumably involuntary psychiatric commitment, Ms. Savino's response to my description of Cataldo's breakdown was to say, "Oh, don't worry about Cataldo." Cataldo has since protected himself by seeing to it that I receive no services from Sen. Savino and also the pathetic and obsequious Assemblymember Matthew ("No Saint") Titone, the first "gay wrong" (s)elected state legislator from Staten Island.
   Because I have been boycotted by "The Unholy Trinity" (Rose/Titone/Savino) of North Shore ("NoSho") Staten Island, it has been necessary for me to get constituent services from NYS Assemblymember Joan Millman (D.-Bklyn.) who chairs the Assembly Committee on Aging.
Ms. Millman's legislative aide is Chloe Rivera, who claims to know something about corruption and criminality in the state legislature with her accusations against ex-Assemblymember Vito Lopez that he groped her and her lawsuit against Mr. Lopez and also against Assembly Speaker Sheldon ("Thirty Pieces of") Silver for covering up for Lopez. (There have been major stories, with photographs, on Ms. Rivera's allegations in The New York Times, the NY Post and other media.) Ms. Rivera very politely and quite thoroughly has assisted me on various matters including the butchery of my SNAP (Food Stamp) recertification application by an inept, negligent, rude and presumably grossly overpaid NYC Human Resources Administration bureaucrat named Steven Dickerson. A few weeks ago I had a long meeting with Ms Millman, during which she agreed to continue to assist me and also agreed to send e-mails to Sen. Savino and Assemblymember Titone reminding them that I live in
their districts and of their constituent services responsibilities to me. I suggested that Ms. Millman make certain to send the Savino e-mail not to her Senate office but rather to Savino's personal e-mail addresses, which Ms. Savino had personally given me.
   Ms. Millman proceeded to blow it. Her e-mail, wrongly sent to Savino at her Senate e-mail address was - predictably - hijacked by Cataldo. Cataldo employed the tactic typically used by the corrupt; putting nothing into writing, he called Millman (keeping everything off the written record) and spoke to the evidently now easily intimidated Chloe Rivera, stating that Sen. Savino would not assist me. After I reminded Ms. Millman about Savino's personal e-mail addresses, although I had already provided Millman with those addresses, I received an e-mail from Millman's generally amiable Deputy Chief of Staff Michael Czaczkes requesting that I send Savino's personal e-mail addresses to Millman again. I did.
   That is when Millman began stalling. Ms. Rivera, after having consented to posing for to huge photos and flaunting her anti-Lopez, anti-Silver game-face for The Times and the Post, she had the poor taste to complain when I mentioned her name in an article about the bureaucratic nightmare that is the NYC Human Resources Administration, i.e. HRA (aka in UP FRONT News as the Hopeless Robot Administration). Chloe Rivera seems to exploit a sort of a Lindsey Lohan-style on-off relationship with the media.
   Days went by and the promised followup letter from Millman to Savino to her personal e-mail addresses never materialized. The last time I stopped at Millman's office, a couple of weeks ago, as I approached the door Millman and her Chief of  Staff Ann (sp.?) Strahle literally ran to the door to block my way, and, although I did not enter, made some non-injury causing physical contact with me. Millman, without stating a reason, told me that she will no longer assist me. I left.
   I later received an e-mail from Strahle repeating her refusal to assist me and stating that they had made a report (about what I don't know) about me to the NYPD. That of course necessitates my filing a complaint against Ms. Millman, who got a little too physical protecting her tax- payer-financed office in a high rent heavily gentrified area of Brooklyn.
   And so NYS Assemblymember Joan Millman has evidently folded like a house of cards and allowed herself to be intimated by a terrorist named Robert Cataldo on the loose in the New York State Legislature.
    And so the New York State Legislature continues to deserve its rating by the NYU Brennan Institute of Justice as "the worst state legislature in the country and North Shore Staten Island continues to earn its UP FRONT News rating as the most corrupt political community in New York.
* * * * * * *


UP FRONT News    October 5, 2015                     
"The paper that won't be bought and can't be sold."
Published by Tom Weiss
Andrew Mazzone - Medias Representative and Economics Advisor
Steven Gradman - Political Consultant
Allen Smith - Economics Reporter
    The views expressed in UP FRONT News are those of the publisher or of the contributing writer and do not necessarily represent the views of staff.
   Among the first cover-ups in recorded history was Cain's post-murder "Am I my brother's keeper?" response to God's query as to what happen to Abel.  Lies and cover-ups of course abound in the Bible - both Testaments. History's worst crimes are of course covered up by the perpetrators and those,  e.g. in government and the media, who cover up for them.
  When reports of the mass murders of Jews by the Nazis began trickling out and some reporters showed up in the Third Reich, Hitler was ready and the journalists at the doors of the concentration camps were greeted by smiling Jews, some playing classical music, who said that everything's okay and the Nazis are treating us nicely.
   The fact that Communist China has turned illegally occupied formerly independent Tibet into a virtual concentration camp in which over a million Tibetans have died since the Chinese invasion of 1951 goes essentially unreported in both the mainstream and so-called "alternative" media - although reports of self-immolations by protesting Tibetan monks and various atrocities committed by the Chinese military and police do leak out and make their way into some media.  The Chinese Communist-aided and abetted Khmer Rouge genocide that resulted in the deaths of a 1.7 Cambodians went unreported until Dith Pran and Sydney Shanberg wrote about "The Killing Fields."
   More domestically and less lethally, Richard Nixon's involvement in the Watergate crime was successfully covered up for awhile until a couple of reporters at the Washington Post met "Deep Throat." Bill Cosby has prospered via the cover-up as, no doubt, have oodles of (political and entertainment) celebrities-
   John Gotti benefited from the art of the cover-up to the point where he achieved the status of the "Teflon Don." And while numerous mobsters have wound up with long prison terms, the fact remains that the political mob continues to be protected by at least some of the media. And so we turn to the multi-billionaire Donald Newhouse-owned Staten Island Advance, arguably the most politically corrupt newspaper in New York - and perhaps America.
   My first dealings with the Staten Island Advance, back in the 1980's, were positive. As a resident in a loft in rapidly gentrifying TriBeCa in Lower Manhattan, a neighborhood that was part of what was part of what was then the 17th congressional district that included much of Lower Manhattan and all of Staten Island, I decided to run against machine Democrat Congressman John Murphy, who compiled a record that justified then Village Voice journalist Jack Newfield as headlining his front page article on Murphy, "The Worst Congressman." Murphy had enriched himself through bribery-saturated relationships with a slew of oil barons and dictators such as the Shah of Iran and Anastasio Somoza of Nicaragua. Murphy was in bed with some of the most predatory real estate developers in New York, including some who were busy terrorizing and evicting working class loft tenants (such as myself) from our homes.
  And so when no Democrat wanted to challenge the crook John Murphy in a primary I decided to run. Among the reporters I contacted was Michael Azzara, then the Political Editor of the Staten Island Advance. We did a couple of interviews, which resulted in two articles by Mr. Azzara published in the Advance. The first contained the essentials of my announcement of my candidacy and the second reported my proposal for a possible resolution of the political confrontation between the U.S,. and Ayatollah Khomeini-ruled Iran, who demanded the return of the seriously ill Shah, who was hospitalized here. Presumably had the Shah been returned to Iran he would have suffered the same fate that his government had imposed on dissidents - the gallows. I had suggested that the responsibility for the care the Shah be transferred to the United Nations. My proposal was accurately reported in an Azzara article in the Advance.
  When NYC Councilmember Mary Codd a progressive Staten Islander, with whom I was acquainted, decided to challenge Murphy, I dropped out and supported her. In fact my UP FRONT News endorsement of Mrs. Codd and my campaign literature exposing Murphy's ties to the loftlords got Mrs. Codd a great many votes in the Manhattan part of the district where she had been relatively unknown. John Murphy ultimately lost to Republican Guy Molinari. And after Murphy got caught on videotape accepting a suitcase full of cash from a fake sheik in an FBI sting operation in a Kennedy Airport area motel room, he was arrested, indicted, tried and convicted and imprisoned in the very famous "Abscam" case.      
  Since Michael Azzara left his position as Political Editor of the Staten Island Advance the quality of political journalism there has plummeted.
  My move to Staten Island in 2004 occurred when I was homeless, having some years previously become a victim of one of John Murphy's (and Ed Koch's) loftlord pals, Thomas Berger, who purchased 190-A Duane Street in TriBeCa and, within days of buying the building (at a bargain price), ordered me to vacate. I said "no", which began what became a 16 year battle in the courts and the streets as Berger (an Orthodox Jew, from Forest Hills, by the way) literally terrorized me with some violence and by seeing to it that there was no heat or water in the building for 51/2 years. Berger, for whom The Ten Commandments did not apply during business hours, absolutely hated me in part because I exposed him in UP FRONT News as "The Greed Merchant of TriBeCa" and for my activities in pestering legislators to pass a bill extending rent "stabilization" to loft tenants. Berger, the founder of the loftlord organization called the Association of Commercial Property Owners (ACPO), was quite open in his view that any kind of rent protection for loft tenants was Bolshevism. With help help from a corrupt judge Berger succeeded in evicting me for the crime of allowing someone to play a flute at a poetry reading in my home. As Jack Paar used to say, "I kid you not."
  My homelessness notwithstanding, I decided to become perhaps the first homeless person to run for the U.S. Senate when early in 2005 I decided to challenge Hillary Clinton as a Democratic write-in candidate. I made that decision for several reasons. 1.) Both she and he husband were (and are) directly involved in the political cover-up of the ongoing Chinese Communist genocide in illegally occupied formerly independent Tibet. 2.) Mrs. Clinton had refused to serve as a sponsor of the Bringing America Home Act, a major peace of legislation to address the problem of homelessness in America that had been introduced in the House by U.S. Representative Julia Carson (D.-Indiana). 3.) On a more personal level, although Mrs. Clinton had once assisted me on a Social Security matter, when a similar problem recurred, she not only refused to assist me but had a staffer inform me that she had placed me under surveillance, which she followed up by having a staffer send a nasty e-mail about me to my brother in upstate New York. Quite evidently Mrs. Clinton had become aware of my very direct contact with her husband on the Tibet matter, which led to his involvement in my being arrested in the U.S. Capitol on the day before Bill Clinton's first inauguration when I arrived with my invitation to attend the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Committee January 19, 1993 hearing on Bill Clinton's nomination of Warren Christopher to be Secretary of State. Christopher was among those who had received my documents on the atrocities in Tibet and had suppressed them.
  As an announced candidate for the U.S. Senate, I called the Staten Island Advance and was immediately instructed to call Political Editor Tom Wrobleski, the Political Editor. He interviewed me in his Borough Hall office for over an hour. I answered all his questions and gave him copies of articles about me from The New York Times, Newsday (front page), The Daily News, the New York Post, the Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin, The New York Press, the Queens Tribune, Our Town and other media. I gave him the names and contact information for a number of people, some quite prominent, who could comment on my political and arts-related activities. At the end of the interview I asked him about coverage. Wrobleski's reply became the first of his evasions, which soon evolved into lies. He said, "Let's see how your campaign goes." He asked me to stay in touch with him by phone and e-mail. I did, as did my Press Representative at the time, Frank Deluca. I've said and written, if the International Olympics Committee were to include not answering calls and e-mails as an Olympic sport Tom Wrobleski would be a sure gold medal winner.
   Wrobleski 's first call to me occurred in August, 2005 when three newspapers, NYC Newsday, the Daily News, and The New York Times, did stories on the political blowout between then NYC Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum (a corrupt and paranoid politician with whom, via my family I've been acquainted since 1979) and me after Ms. Gotbaum defamed me during a televised campaign debate by suggesting that I was "stalking" her. Ms Gotbaum's bizarre fantasies along those lines apparently arose when I occasionally showed up as a journalist at events at which she appeared. Ms. Gotbaum did not like being around me as a journalist because I knew about her certainly potentially politically very embarassing secrets, such as her failed marriage to a CIA agent and her related adulteries. Wrobleski, having been scooped by Newsday (Dan Janison was the first to report the story, published in the NYC edition on August 26, 2005, in which he also reported my candidacy for the U.S. Senate against Hillary Clinton), nonetheless asked me for an "exclusive", a request I of course turned down because I had already spoken to other reporters. Wrobleski interviewed me over the phone. His story - which had a front page lead in the Advance, which appeared after Newsday, the Daily News and The New York Times had hit the streets throughout New York City and beyond - was journalistic pollution, as it was riddled with errors and carried a headline that was blatantly defamatory. If Tom Wrobleski went to journalism school, his professors let him off easy.
  Wrobleski then returned to non-reporting of my Senate campaign. I replied by writing a series of articles in UP FRONT News and in my Senate campaign blog at documenting Wrobleski's dishonesties as Tom "Wrongleski." During a subsequent telephone conversation I had with Advance Editor Dean Balsamini, I suggested that he log onto my online articles about Wrobleski. He did and immediately bellowed into the phone, "You trashed my reporter!!, You trashed my reporter!!!!!" I told him that my critical reporting on Wrobleski would continue until Wrobleski started doing the job for which he is being paid, which is to report the news, not to censor it. A few days later I got a call from Wrobleski, who then did a telephone interview with me on my campaign for the Senate. His article was published on the front page of the Advance on August 21, 2006 (more than 1 1/2 years after face-to-face interview with him) under the headline "With the stroke of a pencil vote for anyone." I imagine that in journalism school Wrobleski might have escaped with a "C." Most of the article is devoted to a description of the the technicalities of running as a write-in candidate. Near the very end he reports my assertion that Hillary Clinton is negligent when it comes to the poor and that she is silent on the genocide in Tibet.
 Some months ago Tom Wrobleski left his position as Political Editor to become "Opinion Commentator." He remains as pompous, politically clueless and hypocritical as ever.
  He has been succeeded in his former role by Rachel Shapiro - who, based on my experience with her, may be worse than Wrobleski. Her one reference to me in the Advance last April when she covered a candidates forum in which I participate as a write-in candidate for congress in the May 5, 2015 special election in the 11th congressional distinct contained a major lie about me.
  Several protest letters received by Advance Editor-in-Chief  Brian Laline were not published.
  Back in 2006 when I was homeless and in an emergency situation warranting  the intervention of a local elected official I was given an appointment with Robert Cataldo, the Chief of Staff to New York State Senator Diane Savino (D.-S.I., Bklyn.)  I had never met Cataldo, who, however, certainly knew about my political activities (e.g. my challenge to Mrs. Clinton). When I got to Ms. Savino's district office one flight up at 36 Richmond Terrace, a short distance from the St. George, S.I. Ferry Terminal, for my scheduled appointment with Cataldo the door was open and I entered what appeared to be an unoccupied office. After a few minutes I announced my presence. At that point Cataldo came barreling out of a rear office, screaming threats and insults, including an accusation that I was having sexual relations with my mother and then backed me up against a wall and for several minutes literally terrorized me. I managed to squeeze my way out and left the office, When I subsequently spoke to Savino by phone, in response to my telling her what had occurred she said, "Oh, don't worry about Cataldo."
   It was only with the personal assistance of Sgt. Det.  Al Fiore, then with the NYPD's Intelligence Division, that I was able to file my criminal complaint against Robert Cataldo. The NYPD complaint is # 2006-120-8244. Because Robert Cataldo committed a major violation of my Constitutionally guaranteed civil rights it has been necessary to for me file a complaint also with the U.S. Department of Justice Loretta Lynch).
  A few months ago during a face-to-face conversation I had with Mendy Mirocznik, a top official in the Staten Island Democratic Party, who is also the President of the Council of Jewish Organizations of Staten Island, he told me that Robert Cataldo had similarly terrorized another victim and added the information that "Robert Cataldo is a member of the Sicilian Mob." That information has led me to file a formal complaint against Robert Cataldo and Diane Savino with the FBI.
  The Staten Island Advance has been knowledgeable about Cataldo attack on me for years inasmuch as I reported it to several reporters there including Advance journalist Judy Randall (no longer with the paper) l and the rest of the political staff. Ms. Randall responded with an e-mailed personal insult at me. From the rest: dead silence.
   Diane Savino has been protecting this explosive and dangerous mobster for years. The matter is well known to some of her political friends such as Rev. Dr. Tony Baker of the largely African-American St. Philips Baptist Church in S.I. (of which I am a member) and his very politically connected and quite authoritarian deacon John McBeth. Indeed at a meeting between me and Ms. Savino several months ago at St. Philips arranged at my request by Dr. Baker, Savino blatantly lied about the entire episode. The presumably Catholic Savino thereby becomes the spiritual and political opposite of Pope Francis and his Biblical and historical predecessors, including Moses and Jesus, both whom whom certainly obeyed the teachings of the Ninth Commandment, which expressly prohibits bearing false witness against others. Politicians such as Diane Savino and pal, her ethically challenged colleague NYS Assemblymember Matthew Titone (another product of the corrupt Staten Island Democratic Party Machine) lie.  Savino however really pushes the envelope by lying in a house of worship in the presence of the Pastor. Dr. Baker during my conversation with him before he schedukled the meeting with Savino, in which I filled him in on everything, smiled when I mentioned Robert Cataldo and revealed that he had served as the minister for Cataldo's marriage. Pressumably, Robert Cataldo's behavior was less psychotic on that occasion. Hopefully Senator Savino leaves office no later than December 31, 2016, but if she manages to hoodwink the public into getting re(s)elected, it would inappropriate for her to take an oath (mis)using the Bible. Perhaps she can use the Staten Island Advance instead.
  In his capacity as my Press Representative when I was running for the U.S. Senate against Hillary Clinton, the aforementioned Frank Deluca had the unpleasant experience of talking by telephone on several occasions with Tom Wrobleski. Deluca, an experienced public relations professional, is a rather even-tempered sort. He was, however, unable to conceal his anger and frustration after several phone conversations with Wrobleski - who seemed incapable of giving a straight answer.
  Among Deluca's friends in the mainstream media is Keith Kelly, who writes the "Media Ink" column in the unabashedly right wing Rupert Murdoch-owned New York Post. Over the years the Post had always suppressed political my information embarrassing to some of its corrupt political heroes such as Ed Koch, who went after me when I exposed budget cut-caused patient deaths at NYC operated Queens Hospital Center in 1977-78 (a story reported accurately in Newsday's front page article on me published on in its Queens edition March 1, 1978); the Post also buried my exposure of Betsy Gotbaum regarding her bizarre "stalker" fantasies about me, accurately reported in NYC Newsday, the Daily News and The New York Times). (The former New York Post jazz columnist Chip Deffaa, whom I met when he and I were both guests to the Joe Franklin Show, did write an article published in the New York Post about the political controversy regarding performance events I was hosting in my former home, a loft in TriBeCa.)
  Keith Kelly apparently sees himself as a sort of media conscience and free press advocate, as he consistently berates and mocks that the local newspapers that are less right wing than the Post. That includes The New York Times and the Daily News and Newsday. Mr. Deluca agreed with me that, inasmuch as Tom Wrobeski was being journalistically unethical and violating the essence of press freedom and was engaging in news suppression, Keith Kelly might be interested in doing as story on my struggles with Tom Wrobleski at the Advance., And so at one of my regular meetings with Frank Deluca he called Keith Kelly at the Post. After some personal chit-chat between the two of them, Mr. Deluca told him my candidacy for the U.S. Senate against Hillary Clinton, of his work as my Press Representative and in some detail about the problems with Tom Wrobleski and the Staten Island Advance. Mr. Kelly agreed to speak with me directly.
  For the next fifteen minutes or so, I gave Keith Kelly a detailed history not only of my campaign and previous political work but of the very difficult dealings with Wrobleski and the Advance. Mr. Kelly asked me some questions, which I answered, and then told me that he was interested in covering that issue in his column and asked me to provide a "a little more" information.
 As it became apparent that the Staten Island Advance was covering up the story of Diane Savino's protecting her thug criminal of a Chief of Staff, Robert Cataldo I sent Mr. Kelly several e-mails No response.
 After I learned from Mendy Mirocznik, what I had suspected all along, i.e. that Robert Cataldo is a mobster, and discussed the matter in detail with a number of advisors, in particular of course my current Press Representative Andrew Mazzone - who, while not a public relations professional, is media savvy and knows a good political story when he sees one - I sent a copy of one of my UP FRONT News exposes to Mr. Kelly. No reply.
  And so, although Frank Deluca and I had been in only infrequent contact for some years, I contacted him again to talk about the Staten Island Advance censoring the news and our conversations with Keith Kelly at the New York Post.
When I last contacted Mr. Deluca he was working in a public relations capacity for a medical group in upstate New York with at least one very famous political patient. It took several calls and e-mails from me - and a call from Mr. Mazzone - before Mr. Deluca responded with an e-mail and suggested that we meet for coffee and talk about all this.
   For several weeks however, Mr. Deluca has not responded to multiple messages and e-mails asking him to suggest a date and time  for us to meet. 
 It is pretty much axiomatic that when a reporter does not respond to communications from another reporter on a sensitive political matter - such as a protected mobster working for a powerful politician - it has little or nothing to do with being "too busy." It is journalistic covering up.
   I don't know if Keith Kelly and/or Frank Deluca are seeing political podiatrists. If so, is the diagnosis "cold feet?"
   A few years ago I had a quite detailed conversation about the Advance with Rev. Dr. Demetrius S. Carolina, Sr., Pastor of the largely African-American First Central Baptist Church in Stapleton, S.I, where I've attended many services. Dr. Carolina is an important civil rights leader. He is a political scientist and on the faculty at several colleges in New Jersey. While, he does not live in Staten Island, he knows its politics well. He is close to Debi Rose, the first African-American from S.I. to be elected to the NYC Council. His comment to me about the Advance was shorter than his eloquent sermons, including one which which, at my urging, he denounced Communist China for its "genocide" in Tibet. Dr. Carolina said "The Staten Island Advance is a controlled newspaper." I agree.
  There are those who say that the Advance is a "Republican" paper. That is less than fully accurate, although the paper saw fit to endorse an already indicted congressman, Michael Grimm, and in fact had protected Grimm until The New York Times exposed some of Grimm's campaign contribution games.
   The Advance is in the business of protecting the politically entrenched, regardless of Party. And if that means protecting a Democratic politician, in this case Senator Diane Savino, who is protecting her mobster Chief of Staff, so be it.
  Some years ago during a conversation with Staten Island African-American political activist Kelvin Alexander (who had experienced some journalistic abuse by the Advance) I had at a Sonny Carson-related protest in Brooklyn organized by then NYC Councilmember, and now New York State Senator, Charles Barron Mr. Alexander quite emphatically said to me, "The Staten Island Advance is the most racist paper in New York." Some of the African-Americans I've spoken tin Staten Island, including UP FRONT News readers, have told me that they will not read the Staten Island Advance. Given the recurrently corrupt reporting by Tom Wrobleski and Rachel Shapiro and the de facto censorship of letters to Editor-in-Chief Brian Laline and the apparent one-percenter mentality of publisher Caroline Diamond Harrison, I cannot disagree with Kelvin Alexander's assessment.
   On October 3 the lead story in on the front page of the Advance was by Wrobeski, in which he nearly fractures his arm by patting himself on the back with his criticism of a neighbor who left a note on his car which was parked in front of her home in Stapleton. The accompanying article is by an Advance shill named Claire Regan, lauding Wrobleski as a "voice for the voiceless." Gimme a break! As far as I am aware the lady who complained about Wrobleski's car apparently misunderstands the facts about on street parking.
  And Tom Wrobleski remains one of the absolute worst reporters in New York and perhaps America.
  Rabbi Gerald Sussman, of Temple Emanu-el in Port Richmond, S.I., a true humanitarian and also an important civil rights leader in S.I., and a regular reader of UP FRONT News, subscribes to the New York Times and, for some reason, to the Staten Island Advance - a paper whose "religion" reporter Maura Grunlund, once told me over the phone that she was "too busy" to check out a story on political anti-Semitism in S.I. The Rabbi's wife, the very outspoken Bonnie Sussman, is an officer in a New York City foundation called Kulanu ( that that is deeply involved with Jewish communities in Africa, Central and South America, and Asia. Indeed it was at a service some years ago at the Temple that I met the guest speaker, a representative of the estimated 500,000 Jews living in Zimbabwe.
 The Sussmans and others in the Jewish community in Staten Island understand that it is not a good idea to rely on the Staten Island Advance for honest political coverage. The Rabbi - who does not avoid political issues in his sermons - told me that, when it comes to politics the Advance reports "nothing" and perhaps considers a story about a cat caught in a tree as a major expose. Perhaps almost as big as a neighbor parking in front of Tom Wrobleski's house.
   There are reasons why the Staten Island Advance qualifies as The Staten Island Retreat.
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UP FRONT News   October 10, 2015
"The paper that won't be bought and can't be sold."
Published by Tom Weiss
Andrew Mazzone - Media Representative and Economics Advisor
Steven Gradman - Political Consultant
Allen Smith - Economics Reporter
  The views expressed in UP FRONT News are those of the publisher or of the contributing writer and do not necessarily represent the view of staff.
     In 2010 Congressman Michael McMahon, the Democratic Parrt Machine candidate seeking re-election and being challenged by Republican Michael Grimm, campaigned heavily in Staten Island's African-American communities, e.g. Stapleton and Tompkinsville to see to it that black voters, most, but certainly not all of whom are enrolled Democrats - get to the polls and vote in a Congressional district that is home to a lot of Republicans. While campaigning for the African-American vote Mr. McMahon made certain not to mention his political behavior when he was in the New York City Council regarding a Council resolution that had been introduced in Councilmember Al Vann (D.-Bklyn.) that called for the renaming of several blocks of a street in Bedford-Stuyvesant after the late African-American activist Sonny Carson. A number of neighborhood community organizations in Brooklyn, very appreciative of Mr. Carson's activities in battling drug traffickers and also in the development of Medgar-Evers College, had urged the Council to honor him with the street name change.
   Mr. Carson had a history of confrontations that pitted him against white and sometimes Jewish landlords and political interests and his rhetoric used the language of black power and nationalism. He was depicted as anti-white and sometimes as anti-Semitic. He denied the latter accusation.
   In the days and weeks preceding the Council vote, a number of politicians, in particular Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his #1 ally in the Council, Speaker Christine Quinn  (who some years later did some heavy arm-twisting to get the Council to agree to allow Bloomberg to run for a third term) went on an anti-Carson campaign, depicting the late activist as the equivalent of a black Hitler. Among those who most vigorously counter-attacked was then NYC Councilmember (and now NYS Assemblymember) Charles Barron (D.-Bklyn.)
  As I was outside City Hall on my way to attend the Council meeting at which Mr. Vann's resolution was to be debated and voted on I encountered NYC Councilmember (and now NYS Senator) Tony Avella (D.-Queens). Mr. Avella and I had become quite well acquainted politically when, at my urging, he introduced a NYC Council Resolution which called for the removal of the 2008 Olympic Games from China because of the brutal occupation of Tibet. (That resolution, whose co-sponsors included then NYC Councilmember and now NYC Public Advocate Letita James, was killed by Speaker Quinn, an act of de facto political loyalty to her pal, then U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton who, like her husband, places her ties to the corporate China Lobby on a higher priority than human rights in Tibet.) As Mr. Avella was entering City Hall grounds I asked him how he was planning to vote on the Sonny Carson resolution. He said he hadn't decided. He agreed to listen to my views. I told him that, as far as I was concerned, aside from the fact that the Bloomberg/Quinn bombast was way over the top, the issue was one of self-determination and that the communities affected, e.g. Bedford-Stuyvesant, had a right to honor their heroes. I urged him to vote in favor of the resolution.
  I sat in the packed balcony in the City Council Chamber and noted with interest as Councilmember Barron, chatted, apparently amiably, with then NYC Councilmember (and now Staten Island Borough President) James Oddo (R.-S.I.). Mr. Avella then went over and had a fairly long chat with Mr. Barron - out of earshot from the balcony.  
   During the debate, the most vigorous support for Mr. Vann's resolution came, not at all surprisingly, from Mr. Barron. Several African-American and Latino councilmembers expressed their opposition to the resolution, generally in moderate language, as did most of the white members. As I recall there was silence when Mr. Avella, one of two non-African-Americans to vote in favor of the resolution the other was Rosie Mendez (D.-Manh.), announced his support..
   Councilmember McMahon's quite impassioned speech mirrored the denunciations of Carson that had had been voiced several times, with major media coverage, particularly in the tabloids.
   The resolution was defeated - although the vote was much closer than had been anticipated in a Council that Quinn ruled Vladimir Putin-style.
   And inasmuch as the Staten Island Advance is known more for the political news that it suppresses rather than for the sometimes intentionally biased and inaccurate articles it publishes, I wrote some articles in UP FRONT News about McMahon vs. Sonny Carson and made certain to reference that in a talk I gave before a full house congregation at Rev. Dr. Demetrius S. Carolina, Sr.'s largely African-American First Central Baptist Church in Stapleton. It is a fact that numbers of African-Americans understandably boycott the Advance, a paper has has been correctly described by Dr. Carolina as "controlled" and also characterized by the well-known Staten Island African-America political activist Kelvin Alexander as "the most racist paper in New York." I've been dealing with the political reporters and editors at the Advance for years and as far as I am concerned the unstated mission of that multi-billionaire- owned paper is to protect the politically entrenched regardless of party and thereby to cover up political corruption (some of which involves for example NYS Senator Diane Savino (D.-S.I./Bklyn.) her explosive Chief of Staff Robert Cataldo and the Mob). Politically speaking the Staten Island Advance is arguably the most dishonest newspaper in New York. There are plenty of African-Americans who read UP FRONT News. (That is also true in the Jewish community in S.I.)
    As noted in McMahon's re-election campaigning at First Central he somehow made no mention of the Sonny Carson matter.
    Incumbents rarely lose elections in New York. Michael McMahon lost to Grimm in a close vote.
    I doubt very much that many African-Americans voted for Grimm. And I believe that Michael McMahon got far fewer black votes than he and his pals in the Democratic Party machine anticipated.
    It is incredible to me that an election for District Attorney in Staten Island, where Eric Garner was in fact lynched by a member of the New York Police Department, a matter mishandled by the grand jury, is not being addressed in the campaign for District Attorney to replace Dan Donovan, who may very well know that P.O. Daniel Pantaleo lied to the grand jury.
    Michael McMahon has been endorsed by the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, led by Patrick Lynch, who is on record as having praised Pantaleo as a great cop.
    Some weeks ago I visited the campaign office of Republican candidate Joan Illuzzi. Setting politics aside, there is no question that, at least with me, her manners are far better than those of the high-handed McMahon or some of his belligerent (former?) staffers such as Bill Taitt, who has harassed me physically on two occasions.
  During what was a perhaps 15 minute conversation I had with Ms. Illuzzi and her campaign manager Nick Iacono, I expressed my view that Pantaleo may be getting away with murder and that she should at least consider my suggestion that she urge Pantaleo to come clean with his own statement, which he could do by press release or at a very well guarded press conference - which I would be ready to attend.
   Ms. Illuzzi is a Republican and has lined up the support of Rudolph Giuliani. That will not help her get African-American votes.
   Mike McMahon is definitely going for the African-American vote and very definitely not talking at all about being endorsed by the PBA or his record vis-a-vis Sonny Carson. I am not voting for Mike McMahon.
   I hope that Joan Illuzzi agrees that justice as not been served in the Eric Garner case, and takes a second look at the videotape and at P.O. Pantaleo.
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c.c. Erica Garner 
      Joan Illuzzi
      Nick Iacono